‘The BBC’s director general Tony Hall said: “These payments were from another era and we are putting a stop to them.”
Another era? Last bloody year’ – BBC website news report (without irony).
Money no object for those who can take advantage of the billions sloshing in from the licence fee. Jail for those who can’t pay and the BBC doesn’t even fund the court costs of the hundreds of thousands of cases it starts every year.
* Labour Party’s Purnell: Hall’s first big appointment for left-hand man Purnell, to ensure BBC continues in its politically ‘leftist’ direction.
‘Daily Mail’:
“Former Labour minister lands £300,000 BBC job: James Purnell faces accusations of bias.” (Feb 2013).
The general incompetence in the public sector. Its lack of care for the consumer as opposed to the producer. The bottomless greed of middle class public sector workers. The way in which the Labour Party is bought and paid for by the public sector unions. You are about as likely to hear this being discussed on the BBC as James Naughtie (or any other of the identikit Leftists on PM] telling a right of centre MP “when we get back into government”.
I have been listening to this driving back home all day. The BBC is way past the time it could have been reformed. This is the reality. It will never happen. These pay offs are beyond belief. The turnover of a good size business.
The only answer is to privatize it. Some of it will fetch money and be a real asset to the country. Even the executives, if they get real, will earn out of it and the public will no longer feel ripped off.
The nation will be better off as the tax returns to the people.
It is almost the last state behemoth and it really is long past time it went.
Even a child can see the business model stinks and the executives have no real idea how to run it.
As for the Trust. What is it really for?
The BBC Trust is supposed to safeguard the interests of Licencepayers, but instead it safeguards the interests of Beeboid fat-cats and their ‘leftist’ political propaganda output.
“For the key to the BBC’s instinctive bias against public spending cuts, look no further than its own staggering generosity to the charmed circle of its employees. (And no prizes for guessing who has to pick up the bills.)
“In a devastating report, the National Audit Office reveals that in the eight years to last December, 7,500 Corporation staff walked off with severance payments of a blistering £369million.
“Purely as a favour between friends, almost a quarter were paid more than their already over-generous entitlement. And inevitably, recipients signed gagging orders to prevent us from knowing where our money went.
“Individual pay-offs take the breath away: £949,000 for deputy director-general Mark Byford… £680,400 for chief operating officer Caroline Thomson, to sugar the pill of being passed over for the top job…
“Or take George Entwistle, the D-G who lasted only 54 days. He received £470,300 – double his entitlement, courtesy of BBC Trust chairman Chris Patten (always generous with other people’s money).”
As I have said before, every week or two there is a new revelation of the corruption, profligacy and arrogance of the rotten BBC. Can it possibly sink any lower?
“Woolwich: Lee Rigby Funeral In Next Two Weeks
Drummer Lee Rigby’s funeral will be held in Bury, which has strong links with his regiment, Sky sources say.”
Even more explosive evidence at the Zimmerman trial today. The chief investigator vindicated Zimmerman’s case – and his integrity – to the Nth degree, time after time.
Even some of the leftie commentators on US TV are saying that the prosecution case is looking very weak.
A pound to a penny the BBC will continue its “radio silence” – there is still now’t on the US page of its website.
popeyeMar 28, 17:18 Midweek 26th March 2025 SpecSavers on Classic FM (I won’t listen to or watch the BBC) joining the “woke” advertising parade. A cockney-sounding guy…
popeyeMar 28, 17:15 Midweek 26th March 2025 But we still use steel, it’s just produced elsewhere, probably with lower environmental standards, so there is absolutely NO effect…
popeyeMar 28, 17:09 Midweek 26th March 2025 Zephir, my sister thought LOL was Lots of Love. Unfortunately when I mailed her (in Oz) that Mum had died…
ZephirMar 28, 16:55 Midweek 26th March 2025 I have just heard the guy who invented predictive text has died. His funnel is tomato.
Fedup2Mar 28, 16:47 Midweek 26th March 2025 I looked up how much a querty keyboard was going to cost once … I thought IMHO was a North…
MarkyMarkMar 28, 16:34 Midweek 26th March 2025 2015…. “She said: “They felt they were fearless and untouchable. They laughed and said they would never be punished. “The…
ZephirMar 28, 15:47 Midweek 26th March 2025 Appropos of nothing, or maybe because it’s Friday: I told my old mum that WTF means: “Wow, that’s fantastic” Her…
Fedup2Mar 28, 15:47 Midweek 26th March 2025 Was quite an achievement for the Marxists to release some vermin early who murdered on the same day …
ZephirMar 28, 15:42 Midweek 26th March 2025 It’s one rule for them… I wonder what would happen if Laurence Fox tried that on Wimmin’s Hour ? I…
moggiemooMar 28, 15:29 Midweek 26th March 2025 Leave the inmates in the jail and just add the MPs and Lords.
BBC Latest news (not braking news this time). “nelson mandela critical but stable. no change in his condition”
please BBC, let us know when he’s dead but until then, please STFU about nelson manbloodydela
Why did this even make BBC headline news ? Apart from the obvious of course!
Hi thoughtful,
i wonder why the BBC isnt reporting this as a “hate crime”. oh right the suspect is black and only whitey commits hate crimes
The BBC economical with the truth again…..Who would have thought?
Neat segue on the BBC1 6pm News – going from the report on the BBC executive pay offs to the possibility of MPs accepting a 10% pay rise
‘The BBC’s director general Tony Hall said: “These payments were from another era and we are putting a stop to them.”
Another era? Last bloody year’ – BBC website news report (without irony).
Money no object for those who can take advantage of the billions sloshing in from the licence fee. Jail for those who can’t pay and the BBC doesn’t even fund the court costs of the hundreds of thousands of cases it starts every year.
“James Purnell*: ‘BBC report is embarrassing’ – video”
* Labour Party’s Purnell: Hall’s first big appointment for left-hand man Purnell, to ensure BBC continues in its politically ‘leftist’ direction.
‘Daily Mail’:
“Former Labour minister lands £300,000 BBC job: James Purnell faces accusations of bias.” (Feb 2013).
The general incompetence in the public sector. Its lack of care for the consumer as opposed to the producer. The bottomless greed of middle class public sector workers. The way in which the Labour Party is bought and paid for by the public sector unions. You are about as likely to hear this being discussed on the BBC as James Naughtie (or any other of the identikit Leftists on PM] telling a right of centre MP “when we get back into government”.
I have been listening to this driving back home all day. The BBC is way past the time it could have been reformed. This is the reality. It will never happen. These pay offs are beyond belief. The turnover of a good size business.
The only answer is to privatize it. Some of it will fetch money and be a real asset to the country. Even the executives, if they get real, will earn out of it and the public will no longer feel ripped off.
The nation will be better off as the tax returns to the people.
It is almost the last state behemoth and it really is long past time it went.
Even a child can see the business model stinks and the executives have no real idea how to run it.
As for the Trust. What is it really for?
The BBC Trust is supposed to safeguard the interests of Licencepayers, but instead it safeguards the interests of Beeboid fat-cats and their ‘leftist’ political propaganda output.
‘Daily Mail’ Comment:-
“BBC’s attitude to our cash reveals so much”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“For the key to the BBC’s instinctive bias against public spending cuts, look no further than its own staggering generosity to the charmed circle of its employees. (And no prizes for guessing who has to pick up the bills.)
“In a devastating report, the National Audit Office reveals that in the eight years to last December, 7,500 Corporation staff walked off with severance payments of a blistering £369million.
“Purely as a favour between friends, almost a quarter were paid more than their already over-generous entitlement. And inevitably, recipients signed gagging orders to prevent us from knowing where our money went.
“Individual pay-offs take the breath away: £949,000 for deputy director-general Mark Byford… £680,400 for chief operating officer Caroline Thomson, to sugar the pill of being passed over for the top job…
“Or take George Entwistle, the D-G who lasted only 54 days. He received £470,300 – double his entitlement, courtesy of BBC Trust chairman Chris Patten (always generous with other people’s money).”
As I have said before, every week or two there is a new revelation of the corruption, profligacy and arrogance of the rotten BBC. Can it possibly sink any lower?
Not for BBC-NUJ to report?:-
“Woolwich: Lee Rigby Funeral In Next Two Weeks
Drummer Lee Rigby’s funeral will be held in Bury, which has strong links with his regiment, Sky sources say.”
Even more explosive evidence at the Zimmerman trial today. The chief investigator vindicated Zimmerman’s case – and his integrity – to the Nth degree, time after time.
Even some of the leftie commentators on US TV are saying that the prosecution case is looking very weak.
A pound to a penny the BBC will continue its “radio silence” – there is still now’t on the US page of its website.