The BBC’s Phil Mackie brings us some blatant propaganda, lies if you prefer, all the way from Bucharest in Romania. (08:12)
He manages to combine two of the BBC’s favourite Bête Noires, immigration control and one of Murdoch’s papers, The Sun, in a ‘report’ that was more a ‘Dan Brown-like’ invention of the truth than reality.
His report is from one angle only as his Tweets demonstrate:
The Romanian Foreign Ministry has told me some of the language being used in the UK about its citizens is "close to being racist"
— Phil Mackie (@philmackie) December 31, 2013
The editor of a daily newspaper in #Bucharest asked me why the British press says #Romanians are "beggars and thieves"
— Phil Mackie (@philmackie) December 31, 2013
And any reason why Mackie should retweet this?:
Migration: politics of fear – 'dangerous to play with popular emotions on a matter of important national policy'
— Oana Romocea (@OanaRomocea) December 31, 2013
Mackie’s intention is purely to try and rubbish the Sun’s story. He has decided that the bus the Sun reports as heading UK wards is not going anywhere near the UK, Romanians do not want to go to the UK and any way, the tickets in the photos are fakes.
He claims….’It’s not an international bus is it?’ and states…’There are no buses coming to the UK this week‘….and goes onto to say that ‘No one will come unless they have a job in the UK already.’….all based on the evidence of a Romanian car mechanic Mackie has roped in to interview.
However the Sun makes clear the bus, and others like it are a special charter….it also quotes quite clearly from the travellers what they intend to do and how they intend to make money.
Mackie and his ‘witness’ dismiss this….but even the presenter in the studio, Chris Warburton, doesn’t hold with Mackie’s stance…..stating that the Sun has quoted the people directly.
Where is the bus going? Not a clue really…but it does say ‘Inter….’ on the door behind the man with the camouflage jacket…‘International’ perhaps? Maybe ‘Internal’? Still…unlikely the Sun staged the whole thing as the BBC are suggesting.
Mackie is happy to go along with the ‘racist’ label being applied to reports like the Sun’s…despite the fact that there is plenty of evidence that it is based upon the truth…a truth that the BBC doesn’t seek out……it ignores the bad and promotes the idea that immigration is beneficial……but just how much crime is imported?
If these reports are so wrong why is it that British police have travelled to Romania and Romanian police come here?
Romanian police to go on patrol in Britain to help Scotland Yard tackle Eastern European crime wave by swapping intelligence data
UK cops visit Romania to warn migrants ‘don’t come to Britain if you cannot work’
Once again the BBC is playing the race card in the immigration debate….trying to shut down that very debate in fact.
For a very short moment in time there was a grown up narrative about immigration…..the BBC even had David Goodhart from Demos in to discuss his book which revealed the perils of mass immigration.
That’s all over.
The BBC has reverted to type and is out to counter the myths, lies and xenophobic prejudice that is really driving the calls to limit immigration… they see it.
The BBC must have jumped for joy when Vince Cable, the most treacherous and untrustworthy politician this side of Nick Clegg, made outrageous references to Enoch Powell and the Jews when talking about Cameron and immigration.
The Observer/Guardian of course is on board…it instigated an interview with the President of Bulgaria in which he denounced Cameron’s policy:
Bulgaria issues fierce rebuke to David Cameron over migrants
The BBC naturally tag teamed with the Guardian and gave this interview plenty of coverage.
The BBC has now gone one better and engineered its own interview with Romanian diplomats:
The Romanian foreign ministry has dismissed talk in the British media of an “invasion” when work restrictions are lifted on Wednesday.
“The UK for now is not even the preferred destination for Romanians,” said spokeswoman Brandusa Predescu.
Ms Predescu told the BBC some of the media coverage had bordered on racist and there had been an “outright campaign” against Romanians and Bulgarians.
“There isn’t going to be an invasion of Romanians as of two days’ time. Not all Romanians, young and old, are going to get on a plane.
“We don’t have estimates, you don’t have estimates. The UK will [not be] and is not the preferred destination of Romanians.”
No discussion from the BBC as to whether it is ‘racist’ to want to limit immigration…it seems to be just taken as a given here….and as for ‘no estimates’…..well migration watch suggests 50,000 per year….and as the BBC admitted in a previous article…migration watch were pretty accurate in estimating migration from Eastern Europe.
The BBC here admits….’Campaigners for tighter laws have said 50,000 Romanians and Bulgarians a year for the first five years could come to the UK.’
Note how that is worded…’Campaigners for tighter laws‘…on immigration….different to the usual ‘pressure group’ they normally label Migration Watch….clearly intended though to mean the figures are untrustworthy as from a group with a vested interest, supposedly.
Of course there is no mention from the BBC of just how self serving these comments are from the Bulgarians and the Romanians…just how beneficial it must be for their countries and their exchequers to offload their unemployed, their workshy and their criminals upon Britain and other European countries.
Here is an example of the BBC massaging the truth in this article dated 16th December 2013:
The Romanian Ambassador, Dr Ion Jinga, has said: “A very tiny minority of Romanians have chosen Britain as their work destination.”
According to the Office for National Statistics, in July 2012 there were 94,000 people who were born in Romania and 47,000 people who were born in Bulgaria resident in the UK.
Why did the BBC choose a figure from 2012 and not these up to date figures from 2013?:
Romanian and Bulgarian workers in UK increase by 26%
The number of Romanians and Bulgarians working in the UK has risen by more than a quarter in three months, official figures show.
The Office for National Statistics said 141,000 were employed during the period from April to June, an increase of almost 26% on the 112,000 in the previous three months, and up 35% on the same time last year.
Not as if the BBC didn’t know the figures as it reported them in August.
Could it be that they are inconveniently large and give the lie to the claim that few Romanians and Bulgarians want to come here?
The BBC has kicked over the traces and is back on its hobby horse defending immigration and presenting immigrants as the poor, huddled masses seeking sanctuary from a cruel world…..all to be paid for by you….whilst the BBC employees live it up in their rarified bubble unaffected by mass immigration, their jobs safe, their homes in leafy suburbs, their kids looked after by cheap East European nannies who can watch over the cheap East European plumber who has taken the job of the local man.
I’m surprised that the BBC/Guardian axis hasn’t picked up on these “racists” doing the “quenelle’…
Oh wait, no I’m not…..It’s their people…
Probably think it’s the macarena de nos jours.
WTF is this?
An inverted Nazi salute….Popular with Muslims all over the planet…..And of course those that now claim not to belong to the religion of peace…..Barak Hussein for instance…….
Is it a black remake of “Weekend At Bernie’s” with Bernie stage left ?
quick bit of mathematics: 27000 in 5 years = 5400/year, 5400 is about 2% of the 300,000 Met figure.
If the 2012 stats are true there are 101,000 Romanian-born people were resident in the UK so apart from a massive 5% of the entire Romanian population being arrested it is also 2% of arrests from 0.1% of the population.
Or it could be that a small number of criminals are responsible for a very large number of crimes – there were a pair of Roma gang masters convicted a couple of years ago who were responsible for something like 1/3 of all petty crime on London transport
A pair convicted – they weren’t committing that huge number of crimes by themselves.
And I don’t suppose their equal opportunity employers. Bottom line ,if thy weren’t here ,tube crime would be 30% lower. Regardless of percentage directly involved
Time will tell. Those on the Right will be proved correct and the guff and hot air from the Left will be shown for what it truly is: utter lies, mud slinging and Marxist collusion. This country will be flooded and will continue to be so for years thanks to the post-war Marxist ideology that the EU is predicated on . With this socialist agenda in mind, I’m sure a few extra corks will be popping in the BBC offices, tonight, as they perceive their Marxist utopia to being one step closer.
Didn’t i hear somewhere yesterday that Spain is to be exempted from this joyous outpouring of erm … Diversity? By Europhillia central?
So glad … Dave showed them who s boss
The BBCs meme , collected from the Guardian columnists has to keep shifting . Thus it runs as ; they won’t want to come here , they have no plans to come here , only the highly skilled want to come here , they are more likely to work in the NHS than use it , only a few are criminals most want to “contribute to society” ( why here and not in their home countries is never asked ) and so the excuses run on until one “expert” says they are already here . No need to worry . Why they should be here already – an illegal thing to be – is also never asked .
The BBC — massaging the facts because they think everyone else isn’t as clever as them .
I’m sure they could find some Romanian journalists who could write Marxist crap for a tenth of the cost of Alan Rusbridger and his team. The BBC likewise, perhaps minimum wage Bulgarian newsreaders? How about a Roma weathergirl? Or are their jobs not capable of beong done by migrants, only those of “little people”?
The BBC already employ plenty of people who can barely speak English, I am sure some of the better educated Romanians could do the job at a fraction of the price. Some of them might even be willing to live in Salford rather than have us pay to fly their arses up to Manchester and back every day.
Perhaps they intend to replace the English rather than the Normans?
If you ever had the great good fortune to fly Tarom before the Iron Curtain came down, the hot mamma on the right of the picture will bring back some unforgettable memories.
Pilots being unable to find Heathrow. Stewardesses like our proud sex kitten here with hair in colours not found in nature, and make up applied by a plasterer. Pilots who couldn’t find Bucharest, their own ruddy capital, and thus landed in Hungary to ask for directions. Inflight meal consisting of 1 piece dry brown bread, 1 wilted lettuce leaf, 2 small pickled onions.
If only they were coming by their own airline instead of by bus then there’d be no fear of them actually turning up here.
The only positive aspect I can see to this is that when the trouble begins (and it will) even those who habitually keep their eyes tightly closed in the face of the BBC’s ceaseless propaganda, will be forced to confront the truth: that the BBC is the enemy within.
Romanian Foreign Minister: “How dare those British types use racist language about our citizens. We’ve issued thousands of passports in the last month and we can assure you that they’re all beneficial to society. Not ours, obviously.”
The Romanian foreign minister may huff and puff in public, in private he must be splitting his sides with laughter. The people on this bus all look like Roma to me, I am sure he won’t be shedding any tears to see them go, but we might be when they arrive. Long live diversity!
“Benefits migrants will rush to Britain to be £13,000 better off.”
“Britain is facing a flood of migrants who live in other EU states because our benefits are ‘difficult to resist’, experts are warning.”
Page 1, ‘Daily Express’-
“Benefits Britain here we come! Fears as migrant flood begins.
“Britain will today be hit by the first wave of Romanian and Bulgarian migrants keen to take advantage of our generous taxpayer-funded benefits.”
In BBC land the fact that you are speaking the truth is no protection against charges of ‘racism’.
If you reveal a ‘negative’ about foreigners then in their rule book you are ‘racist’, only the positive half of the truth is acceptable.
Of course that does not apply to the ethnic British, or, bizarrely, the French, the constant butt of racist ‘humour’ and stereotyping.
It doesn’t matter how many come to the UK, the BBC will not show the correct numbers but will either not report the figures or will reduce them. I read somewhere, I think it was The Guardian where it was claimed that all Romanians who want to work here are already here. What they failed to mention was all those who don’t want to work here but still want to come.
Reported on R4 this morning; the number of Bulgaria to UK plane tickets sold has dropped from last year, as though the Roma will be travelling here by air. No mention of the change in number of coach tickets.
“Sold out! Flights and buses full as Romanians and Bulgarians head for the UK.
“One airline has even doubled number of flights to meet demand.
“Some one-way tickets are selling for up to £3,000 each.
“Buses leaving Bulgarian capital of Sofia until January 9 are fully booked.”
Read more:
“Romanians top UK crime list…before they’ve even arrived”
Beeboids could be described as the enabling colonisers of their own country, except that they don’t seem to regard Britain as their country, but as a place for unlimited mass immigration.
Orwell long ago pointed out the curious way in which the English socialist intellectual loves all countries except his own, which he despises.
So did W.S. Gilbert back in 1885 :
“There’s the idiot, who praises, with enthusiastic tone,
All centuries but this, and every country, but his own.”
(The Mikado)
One of the reasons that the Romanian population is getting upset by this debate is indeed racism. They object on ‘racist’ grounds to being grouped together with the Roma – something that has to happen in the UK media if these stories are to be reported at all without nuclear-war level hysteria from the left. The BBC is OK with grouping the Roma with Romanians as this is a core element of their theology – aftter all they consistently describes people who arrived in the UK three days ago as being as british as roast beef.
The Romaian population is not the same as the Roma, – apparently the Romanians do not like the Roma and think that they are a sinister criminal underclass. Strangely this is an opinion held everywhere in Europe where the Roma are endemic.
The debate here is a proxy one that the BBC wishes to control. The British population – what remains of it – is thoroughly pissed off at the Labour policy of open door immigration and are aware that it cannot be discussed openly for reasons of PC orthodoxy. We know that the policy was deliberate and that it was imposed without the conscent of the electorate. Additionally it is obvious that no one can say openly that they would rather not have any Roma arriving because some of them are out and out thieves. Similarly no one can complain about the general point that the third world element flooding into the UK generally are poorly educated and have very little financial or social capital. They bring nothing but debt and social issues with them.
The BBC refuses to debate the core issue – it will talk of Eastern Europesn immigration – i.e. well educatedPoles and refuse to counternance looking at the costs and benefits (if any) of the third world colonisation of London
Agree; the one time they do report Roma accurately is only as a cover when there are other more BBC-favoured ethnics involved.
” Keith Vaz personally welcomes Bulgarian and Romanian migrants to the UK”
Personally welcomed ? As in come round for tea ?
More like welcome to the NHS and benefits , you already get tax credit here without paying tax .
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