Dezi will later quote this colleague of his who is pretending to be David Brims as being the real one. I’ve noticed he keeps quoting odd things supposedly said by people on this site – I assume most are false flag and work in the same pffice as Dezi himself.
They seem to have got their knickers in a twist about losing £725million of forced taxation and are looking around for anybody to blame (except themselves).
First of all I don’t think the maths add up. £750 million is 5 million households of £145 each. Or just under a fifth of the 26 million households in Britain where an occupant is over 75. That seems a tad high to me, and bear in mind that a lot of people over 75 live in care homes as they get older.
This is simply the BBC lying to gain sympathy for an increase in the licence tax, on top of the demand for an increase in the tax for the iplayer, or any broadband connection if they can get away with it.
They really are a conniving bunch of leftards, who have been living it up large on our cash for far too long. If this Conservative government does not find the cajones to sort them out then we must all post them some without delay. Available from your Halal supplier and all good stockists.
T for Troll,
No doubt when you watched Stars in their eyes you never realised they were copies of famous people, rather than the originals. If you saw Father Jack’s impression of Elvis no doubt you assumed it was the real one.
You would have been great at the Stork vs. Butter challenge. “No I can’t tell the difference”.
Any intelligent person can tell when the real person on here writes and when there is a Beeboid racist attempt to steal identity.
Not BBC bias but another old favourite around here. The Wright Stuff@C5 were discussing government plans to phase out grants in favour of loans for ‘poorer’ university students.
Yasmin Imaliar Brown chirped in, ‘This is so important, when my own son went,,,’ here she hesitated, stumbled a bit. To me, like someone who realises she has misspoke, then carried on, ‘ Er, when we fell on hard times, it was a godsend, couldn’t go without it, etc, etc.’
Call me an old cynic (I am) but I find it quite hard to imagine Yasmin going within a mile of hard times, except as a stick to beat non-labour governments with, of course.
I should add, I don’t know how poor one has to be to qualify for a grant nor much about her personal circumstances at the time. It was her own hesitation and bluster that makes me think the little tinker was claiming for stuff she wasn’t entitled to.
she is aregular guest on this show and the anti Tory bile coming out of her mouth is just sickening. Everything in the world is the fault of Tories and men and I mean everything. She is in good company as Matthew Wright is another labour loving champagne socialist living in primrose hill. Richard Desmond was on the show on Tuesday and she was frothing at the mouth as he is a ukip supporter and owner of adult channels. It’s on catchup tv if you want to watch just don’t kick the tv screen in. She is one rude nasty piece of work
She is a charlatan…..feigning learning…..she is the epitome of the person who ‘bites the hand that feeds it’, her lousy family, racist Indian middle-class creeps, who, she admits, treated their african servants[slaves] like dirt in Uganda. Amin should have exterminated the lot of them, parasites on the Ugandan people. She makes no secret of her loathing for white, British males, saying they should be wiped out. A horrible, evil witch who i wish every ill upon….remember her gloating at the 3000 plus deaths on 9/11?….
Weirdly, you may think, but I feel her and her ilk should be put on tv and given freedom to express their thoughts at every opportunity, that way, instead of the subtle”bbbc message way of doing things, people could quickly get a grasp of what these individuals really feel for the white British population. I know that this might make me unpopular , but with the liebour ,and the lefties dumbing down of the education system, people in general just dont seem to get it. Although I do feel that given the truth straight out, the people who have been dumbed down by the pathetic education system would quickly see sense.
I presume this is Yasmin Alibhai Brown we are speaking off. This is the Yasmin that was gloating, like the majority of Muslims in Britain and the world, that America had been taught a lesson.
Well, who is learning a lesson now. Muslims should have given a little thought that America does not take kindly to an attack on its soil. When it happens, It will ponder what best to do, then will come a devastating response.
And so it has been. Iraq has been destroyed. Its infrastructure gone with wind. So its unified boundaries, internal and external. The country, such as it is, is ransacked with civil war on religious and ethnic grouinds. There is no end to this war, which has killed a million at the least, uprooted millions, and will continue to do so for decades. It will also fracture surrounding Arab nations that were gloating at America’s discomfiture on 9/11. Iraq was chosen, as it is at the geographic heart of the Arab world, for precisely this reason. And BTW, America is not yet done with the ME. It still has business to settle with Iran over its Embassy hostages. America, like Britain, has a long memory.
So Yasmin Ali, how does it feel now? Are you still gloating over 9/11. Would you like your fellow Muslims to give another lesson to the USA. Think it over carefully though. So far, America’s response has been calculated & measured. It might not be next time. It will be instructive though how they will react to another 9/11.
Yasmin Ali has no allegiance to Britain, only to her death cult of Islam. She has no business in Britain, she is a 5th columnist in the media to sow dissenstion in our midst. She and her family should be sent to a Muslim country, where they belong. Not to Uganda or India, both of which have enough problems with Muslims.
When she was kicked out of Uganda, why did she not go to some Islamic sh1tole instead of us. She didn’t come for the weather. She came for our freedom, our welfare, our health system, our education system. Always ready with the race or sexism card when she is starting to lose the argument. Certainly bites the hand that fed her and her sproggs.
Earlier this week we had the Conservatives out-smarting the BBC with the announcement that the BBC will have to fund the TV Licence for the over-75s.
It would now appear that the BBC were out-smarted again with the budget and in particular the annoucement of a minimum wage of £9 per hr by 2020. Indeed, the BBC seemed a bit stunned yesterday.
I guess it was predictable but today the BBC have been crying into the benefits bowl and doing their best to push the victims’ meme.
Watch the film at the bottom of the news article in the link.
Apart from the one woman in the film, are there any Welsh people still left in Wales?.
Listen from 1.001.00> Seriously??. So if people don’t get their benefits, they’re going to start breaking into peoples’ homes!!.
I genuinely believe in help for those who genuinely need it but we live in a social climate where you earn more from producing babies than actually working.
I had thought that the Tories were going to enact a range of measures which would have reduced the power of the BBC. These included:
1. Stopping the payment by the government to the BBC for over 75’s LF ( BBC Tax)
2. Decriminalising not paying the BBC Tax
3. Insisting that the BBC had to run I Player as a subscription service
4. Moving governance of the BBC to Ofcom
5. Reviewing the size and scope of BBC output and adjusting the BBC Tax accordingly.
All this seemed good news by in effect reducing the BBC income by perhaps £1 billion, forcing it to at least dip a toe in the world of subscription service, cutting down the range of services that the BBC provided with a comensurate reduction in the BBC Tax and forcing it to be overseen by an outside body .
But now all these good things seem to be draining away. We are now told that the BBC can decide not to allow some over 75’s to avoid paying the BBC tax. Decriminalisation is now looking to be off the table. It is far from clear if I Player will be a subscription service or whether we will have to pay universal siupplement to the BBC Tax whether we use I Player or not. The BBC are claiming that the size and scope of the BBC and the BBC Tax are fixed and that they have been given inflation proofing. Only the move to Ofcom governance seems to be intact.
Why have the Tories allowed the over mighty BBBC to continue to dominate broadcasting in this country and to force us to pay them for new ways of distributing their leftist propaganda ?
The BBC argument of forcing us all to pay their BBC Tax is that we all benefit from a universal service paid for by all and available to all. This argument held good until the advent of subscription technology 20 years ago. The corporation should not be allowed to hide behind it any longer. If , as the BBC repeatedly says they are loved by everyone and are terrific value for money , then everyone will subscribe and the price people pay for the service will remain at its present level. Of course the BBC fears that people will not wish to take their leftist PC garbage and their empire will fall as competitors provide offerings that people prefer to pay for once there is an even playing field and no state funding available to the corporation.
Why are the Tories allowing the leftist state funded BBC to continue to dominate the industry on such an anti competitive basis? Why are they allowing the BBC to further undermine democracy in this country by stifling debate and plurality by only ever giving us a the liberal left view??
Will no one rid us of the loathsome monster of the BBC?
Anyone seriously expecting Green Dave to tackle the BBC was deluded. The man is a vapid ponce, a middle of the road no mark without a political thought or principle.
Why have the Tories failed to reign in the BBC?
Once the BBC was a servant of the state, although it possessed independence from state control. Now think of the BBC as a state within a state, which the leading political parties actually serve.
As a state, it determines its own political standpoint, undertakes political reforms, pursues its own foreign policy; it raises taxes and has the power to increase them, and punish in the courts those who fail to pay these taxes. It is an undemocratic state, whose leaders enjoy privileges and rewards that are not shared by the populace. The politicians who serve it – Labour and Tory – have no powers against it.
From this perspective Whittingdale’s inability or unwillingness to decriminalise non payment of the BBC tax or to scale back its insatiable demand for money and power is understandable.
So a Millipeed /SNP govt would of provided,what you want ,an increase in the TV tax . this is a long game , technology will eventually make the BBC irrelevant , & without income .
John Whittingdale’s plan is to fund the BBC from your council tax ( TV licence, like poll tax, unfair to the poor he says) .So then ,whether you watch the BBC or not (but only if you pay council tax) you will be forced to fund it
With out even the pretence of answerability to licence payers the BBC will become SWP/TV, the station its always wanted to be and it will still cost you more – but now on the rates-some conservative government you voted in
Lefties seem to think that once on benefits, one must always remain on benefits. OK, I know labour’s benefits rules were designed to add as many people as possible to the benefits system to create a massive labour voting “client state”. Surely there must be some realisation that an answer to restricting benefits is to … get a job? or re-train to get a better job?
If you do not have enough money, it is not up to the state to steal ever more money from productive people to help you out. It is up to you to get off your ass and improve your own income.
Prime example in this Street stole £27,000 by pretending they weren’t a couple. Between them they have 4 children that I know of she is just about to have another.
First there was a long item about how the evil Tories were slashing benefits for disabled people, presented with plenty of unhappy looking wheelchair users but no counter argument that I could see, except for a little bit of balance at the end when they asked Laurence Llewelyn Bowen (!) what he thought.
After that there was a piece presented by a friendly Muslim about Ramadan and how great it is.
They’re not even attempting to disguise their agenda anymore.
“…presented with plenty of unhappy looking wheelchair users but no counter argument that I could see…”
“The Government says closing the fund will simplify the system and eliminate costly duplication. It says the funding transfer means Councils will have enough money for their local communities… Oxfordshire County Council wouldn’t comment…”
Perhaps the reason why you didn’t hear a more credible “counter argument” is simply because there isn’t one.
Help for the disabled, help for the elderly in need of care has been cut into the bone by this government. One day soon you might find this out for yourself, and you will wonder how come the BBC said nothing.
Help for the disabled, help for the elderly in need of care has been cut into the bone by this government.
My disabled brother lives in a bungalow with 2 other disabled people where he gets 24/7 care. He has two foreign holidays a year plus a Center Parcs type hol in the UK. He has a new car every 3 years as does one of the other residents (yes, that’s 2 cars between 3 of them).
That’s ‘cut to the bone’ is it dez? What world do you live in?
PS Still waiting for your apology, you apology for a man…
To be honest, that is the quality of life that I want genuinely disabled people to have. We’d be able to afford it, as a nation, if it wasn’t for all the free loading scum that feign a disability to avoid working.
The much ‘feared’ assessments had zero impact on my brother’s disability claims. Any assessor would take one look at him and realise he has serious lifelong disabilities. A quick chat would dispel the doubts of even the most cynical – he’s desperate for a job to be ‘normal’. Unfortunately, good ideas like this one get destroyed by the ‘caring’ Labour party and the BBC:
ironically.just got
back from my holiday in Greece tonight,great country,great people,shame there run by a bunch of dangerous far leftists,but that aside,question time tonight,best of the year so far and it was a pretty drab year for that programme,go for it girl, go for it girl,and boy did louise bours of ukip go for it,she was fantastic,the true voice of the silent majority in this country.yes she was feisty,but also very calm and polite,but that is what we need in this country is no nonsense true working class politicians like louise bours who says what we all think whether the political establishment zombies like it or not,3 cheers for louise bours, a fantastic young lady who has a great future in british politics in this country,maybe, even a future leader as well.
mrs.zoid often despairs at the young uns coming in to nursing who know how to operate state of the art tech and administer drugs but who don’t have an inkling about basic patient care, treating sick people with care and dignity…and offering the same to their families…
So the ‘hard-left, communist, Marxist’ (pick anyone from three, it’s a must prefix) Tsipras caused the Greek economy to take on debt equivalent to 180% of GDP, caused 26% unemployment and nearly 60% youth unemployment…in 6 months.
Crikey. I never knew that. I thought it was caused by the last 15 years of criminals running the show since 2000. You know, those gangsters who got into bed with Goldman Sachs to ensure the debt was hidden. But I was, of course, wrong, Tsipras caused it.
And the reluctance of the Greek people to pay their taxes whilst borrowing loads of cheap German money to buy shiny new 4 X 4s might just have had something to do with it.
I believe Jefferson led America’s first war against the Moslems – the Barbary Wars – in response to demands for taxes paid to Moslem pirates. It was during these wars that the US Marines were formed. Hence the line in the Marine’s Hymn about the ‘shores of Tripoli’. The marines were nicknamed ‘leathernecks’ because of the leather collars they wore which kept their heads high on the parade ground and prevented the moslems doing what they traditionally do to the heads of infidels.
It is worth checking out Jefferson and the Barbary Wars to shed light on exactly how long the US has been at loggerheads with Islam, and to see the extent to which the current POTUS has betrayed the US. Or we can believe what the left tell us about the harmony with Islam that was disrupted by BushnBlair and the grab for oil..
The BBC needs pressure put on it to stop promoting Moslem ideas and people using British tax payers money. This is totally unacceptable when the vast majority of the population is not Moslem . Why should Moslem propaganda be subsidised by the British public ???. Protest is essential to try and bring this to the attention of sensible people.
Quite agree. In fact why is any money being spent on any non-Christian bodies. Should any Muslim immigrants get any benefits since they all intend to destroy the state?
I can’t believe it’s got 8 likes unless that is a group of Dezi’s colleagues at the BBC. If it’s possible to trace their IPs then they should be prosecuted for unadulterated racism.
Sorry Demon, I admit to having clicked the ‘like’ button for the nonentity’s comment above made under your name. I wouldn’t agree with the comment but was lured in by the ‘Quite agree’ for Lynette’s comment above and finger moved before eyes had read. My fault really, should be more careful!
BBC Covered Up Muslim Anti-Semitism by Translating “Jews” as “Israelis”
This isn’t the first time this has happened.
In the Islamic tradition, Jews are one of the more contemptible groups around. While apologists for Islamic terrorism like to distinguish between Islamic anti-Semitism rooted in the Koran and Muslim violence against Jews today as a response to Israel, there is no distinction. They are all tied together by animus toward the “Yahud”. The Jews of the 18th century were still viewed as enemies of Islam who plotted to dominate Muslims… just as they are today.
But it’s more convenient for BBC hit pieces like “Children of Gaza” to hide the truth through mistranslation.
Well I have 2 bumble bee nests ,one in a hole in the lawn ,( English type bumble bees) , the other under an eve , European white tailed bumble bees , that like nesting above ground . They are all breeding well, despite what the BBC are saying .
“The poor are going to be worse of after the budget” say welfare groups breakfast drag on a Cock and bull representative aka CAB. I hope CAB aren’t as completely useless in every case like they were when I attempted to get advice.
The CAB are undercutting bids for contracts from competing charities on the basis that advice can be put on the CAB website or given by volunteers. Existing staff are having their jobs made so unpalatable that either unfair dismissal or constructive dismissal are a real possibility. Nothing to do with the BBC, know, but so very close to home, I remain angry.
My observation is the BBC’s continued refusal to recognise the nation of England. They had a piece about an electric airplane which is to fly the 22 miles across the Channel from France to ‘the UK’, not France to England which of course is the case.
If they prefer to use UK why do they not use ‘Europe’ rather than France?
I would bet a lot of money that if the flight had, for example been from Norway to Scotland, they would have said so, they would not have dared to use ‘UK’ instead of Scotland.
Oh dear I wonder what Roger Harrabin & co will make of this? I suppose it will be ‘climate change’ rather than ‘global warming’ if we enter a new mini Ice Age… Where is all that warm CO2 when you need it?
We’ll probably be told that it is driving some kind of ‘halocline’ mixing that is currently absorbing all the ‘missing’ energy ‘for now’, but will suddenly go into reverse and kill us all.
NASA has been re-tasked to find the mythical tribe of “moderate Muslims”. A spacecraft is now approaching Pluto. They will be looking for any “unnatural” explosions.
Letter whizzed off to the local regional paper as perfect counter to two syndicated “could” climate change scare stories today on declining bee living space as we warm and rising sea levels.
BBC Radio Manchester News this morning tells me of someone I’ve never heard of called Caleb Shaffer who’s made a film (memo to the BBC: this is not news) about a refugee. Apparently, he worked with refugee charities where he met an African who was subject to racism (in other words, we’re all racists). Here’s something I found about the arsehole, if you can force yourself to read it.
Later Caleb met a man fighting deportation back to his country where he feared assassination. The director was guarded about the details of this. (Didn’t make it up did you?)
He met this man’s friends, family and neighbours and saw they had ‘a strong sense of community’, contrasting sharply with the ‘rising UKIP and BNP support and the right wing view of immigration’.
See what he did there? Anyway, why is it that our sense of community is there to be ridiculed yet an Africans sense of community is there to be lauded?
There’s more lefty right-on drivel if you can stand it. This guy is perfect BBC material. Expect to hear more from him.
The BBC is currently running with a story about smoking causing schizophrenia – it is absolute unscientific nonsense but they don’t seem to be willing to challenge it because it is part of the usual “denormalisation” process.
And they wonder why we distrust them.
Original here
If you have an undiagnosed propensity to develop schizophrenia there is a high probability that it will be triggered by smoking cannabis. But for too many academics (and the BBC) cannabis can’t be bad for you, so they switch the problem to tobacco – and demand more funding.
The brain damage may not be immediately apparent. Psycho-geriatric units are getting more and more elderly patients presenting with problems caused by drug taking in their youth. But I douby you’ll see anything about this on the BBC unless the NHS gets really short of money.
I heard that crap on the BBC. Totally unchallenged. No real analysis – e.g. what proportion of current/former drug addicts/alcoholics are also smokers? What about soldiers with post traumatic stress? Prisoners that have been raised in abusive homes? There are certain sections of society that are known to smoke in greater number than others. Have these variables been accounted for?
If brains were shit, the BBC wouldn’t have a sniff.
OT, but a generic question about blogging/forums/modding as it seems the practice of name hijacking is still prevalent (it was my understanding this was being looked at/addressed) for any more skilled in this area.
Clearly pre-modding solves lost ills, but even the BBC does not have this everywhere and certainly not with staff twitter posts, RTs and those from elsewhere associated with these, plus of course what appears on FaceBook.
What are the limitations on associations with words and deeds by employees, authorised users and either ‘abusers’ or ‘false flags’ with ‘discredit’ imposed on a site.
It covers deeds as well as words. And then there is a numbers game. Is one Saville as an employee enough to see the BBC shut down? Or add a Harris? Or Hall? On words, what does a Jasmine or Boyle count for? Or some guy on BBC World News threatening death on a rival tribe?
Can a single false flag ‘discredit’ an uncensored site under free speech when actual staff misbehaviour can be dismissed in association with a uniquely, but very funded state medium, for instance?
Evey decent person look out. The BBC fascists are choosing us one by one to try to make out we are racists. Then the disgusting Dezi quotes them as if it really is us. I’m sure he knows which of his colleagues are doing this. I believe they chose me this time because I pointed this out earlier.
Be assured, if a comment with my name on is racist then it’s Dezi, Scotty or one of their Beeboid fascist colleagues. It shows we’ve got the buggers rattled.
If they spoof me I know where they live , & they won`t live there any more , Parkhurst will be their new home . I am a …. Operative of ** * & Licenced To Kill !
Just put this up on the Guardian, which is causing a stir. There is an interesting, and I think balanced range of views from contributors around BBC Bias.
“LOL – name two socialists in any senior position at the BBC.”
LOL – name any senior position at the BBC where they are not socialists.
from ‘Fraser48’ on that comment thread.. “I’m not in the least bothered what people think about the BBC, that’s up to them, but it would be nice if they were able to understand the difference between fact and opinion.”
Unfortunately he was commenting on the commentors, not the BBC News department.
Here’s John Humprhys taking part in an Intelligence Square debate last year on the motion:
Between You and I the English Language is Going to the Dogs
At 11:14 min in:
“I’d like to say the BBC….communicates always unambiguously, always clearly. I’ll give you a few little examples….Rather more seriously, there was an appalling, atrocious assault by a gang of men on a shopping centre in Kenya in Nairobi….We went to great lengths to describe these men as gunmen, extreme Islamists, whatever…We didn’t use the word ‘terrorists’ for a number of days. Now what those men did, was they murdered children in front of their mothers, mothers in front of their children. They murdered people for the express purpose of creating terror. Now if that is not the definition of a terrorist, I’m damned if I know what is.
“My point is, if we shy away from words we feel might cause a bit of offence….if we try to find euphemisms then it’s a dangerous road to go down. We’re not exactly where Orwell was but we’re taking those tiny little baby steps towards that unhealthy state of affairs.”
Well, you could have knocked me down with a feather. Later on, at 1:01:00 in, a member of the audience threw the following gauntlet down:
“I’d like to ask John Humphrys if he could share with us his understanding of the word ‘impartial.’ And if it happens to be the same as the one we all read in the dictionary, could he explain to us how the left-leaning language that is increasingly coming out of the BBC is consistent with its charter obligation to be impartial – in other words is the BBC or the language going to the dogs.”
Humphrys answers later on at 1:10:55 in:
“I think the member of the audience knows precisely what impartiality is….this notion that is festering away in his mind” [a bit rough there] “is that the BBC is partial. First of all the BBC is not monolithic therefore it is not impartial.” [Unconscious slip there] “There are those who work for it who take one view and there are those ….who take another view.” [Yes, probably one centrist view to three hundred lefty views. And he omits to mention that it’s almost always the lefty view that gets through the editorial process.]
“…All I can tell you sir is that I’ve been doing this job on the Today programme for 27 years…and I have been accused by all of them of being unfair to all of them. And I hope that continues because…I know, it’s a rather crude and clumsy way of measuring impartiality isn’t it” [Too true] “but if one moment you’re being attacked by the Labour Party …” [then he goes waffling on about one Jonathan Aitken going to jail, at which point he lost me as I’ve no idea what he was talking about, and then he says that it’s all politics.]
So, having made an extraordinary admission in his opening address, he goes and stuffs it up. Still, I have an idea he is one of the more balanced BBC people. But my learned colleagues on this site would know better than I – or me, since my exposure to Today has been quite limited.
The audience reaction to Humphrys was as revealing as his statements. You could have heard the proverbial pin drop when he was criticising the BBC’s steady drift to Orwellian ineptitude. But his defence of his own “impartiality” was met with a response that varied from titters of approval to outright support.
However, audience reaction to the questioner was mixed. I found that fascinating.
Could it be that the BBC doesn’t have the widespread approval it imagines it has?
Yes, but I found it really interesting that Humphrys was prepared at least to begin to identify the BBC’s pandering to Islamic terrorists by refusing to identify them as such.
Pity that his later comments proved that he has no idea that such bias is endemic among the left in general and the left-wing BBC in particular.
He means offence of the liberal left. No one at the BBC cares if they offend anyone not from the liberal left or ethnics. Indeed they are only too pleased if they offend the centre right and often do so deliberately.
The poor bees aren’t coping with climate change:
Got to love this quote from the article,
‘ “These species are at serious and immediate risk, for rapid human induced climate change,” said lead author Prof Jeremy Kerr from the University of Ottawa. ‘
Would that be the rapid change that has seen no rise in temps for the last 20 years? You can’t get much more rapid than that. A curious journalist might be expected to seize on that sort of comment and ask for clarification and supporting evidence. However, that would require some knowledge of the scientific method and a desire to establish the facts. Matt McGrath wrote the article so let’s see what qualifies him to spook us with climate scare stories:
I read that as saying he is eminently qualified to write about something he has absolutely no knowledge of. This is something he shares with most of his climate activist colleagues in the BBC’s ‘Science’ dept.
I have noticed recently the growing number of people here who are saying that inappropriate posts are being put here in their names, and ‘troll alert’ regularly crops up.
Might I suggest that an idea would be to get an avatar like ‘wot I have’ ( shades of Eric and Ernie sorry ) .
I think this would do away with said problems.
It’s something I suggested a while back. It’s not foolproof but would require the imposter to take time to do. For those not in the know, visit Gravatar and tie in an image to the email you use to post here. Even if someone copies your image the image info will have a different address to the real person, should anyone be unsure and wish to check.
I hope that whatever system is eventually put in place here will show who has liked any given post as well.
A minor aberration I’m sure. Looking forward to seeing and hearing it front and centre on all BBC bulletins for the next 7 days as it most assuredly would have been had the skin colours been reversed.
Here’s the spokesman from Kentucky Fried Chicken trying to sound concerned after the incident:
“Our security guards stepped in to break-up the altercation in the restaurant, which unfortunately then continued outside. We are extremely sorry for what happened to the customer and we have been in contact with him to explain how we are investigating the matter.
“Since the incident, we have met with the police along with our security partners and as a result we have updated our policy so that our security personnel are better equipped to deal with cases where there is deemed a risk to an individual outside the restaurant.”
He says nothing, of course, about the victim of the attack being pushed out of the restaurant by the ‘security’ staff. He should work as a spin artist for the BBC.
I’ve eaten KFC. Made me sick – as does the cowardly inaction of its ‘security’ in this case.
It reinforces the fact that the BBC is upheld largely by the civil service elite who share ‘top public jobs’ and eventually get knighted (for World Service) services that none of us would recognise as being charitable dispense with having patriotic serviceor values to the country. One of Osbourns recent quotes was that the BBC should be less ‘imperial’ which is overly ‘polite’ to a fringe terrorist group within the civil-service that favors Islam over Christianity, ECHR over UK sovereign law, UK Tax avoidence (the BBC does NOT declare all its income, this cannot be a coincidence). The BBC will protect its share of Top jobs for the elite which shares the ‘One World’ liberal dream or/and Marxist EU utopia. The beast lives on it seems. But for how long can it pretend to be ‘independent’ when it is clearly a Cancer growth that feeds on the public purse.
I never thought that the Cameron clique had any intention of attacking the BBC. It is as much part of the liberal elite as is the BBC. Hive the lot of them and by nature hostile to real freedom and the interests of the people and the nation.
Cameron will need the BBC to get his referendum result .
12 to one on it is a stay in the EU stitch up.
Did I REALLY hear Justin Webb say that psychosis and schizophrenia(who knows the difference eh?) are due to smoking?
This mornings Today show rally took the biscuits…
Yup-it`s not the industrial scale skunk that`s causing the problems-it`s the mixed in baccy.
Apparently nutters and crims smoke-so it can`t be free will, and whilst we await the neuroscience to absolve anybody of anything but voting UKIP-it`s got to be the tobacco that causes it all.
Justin rather thought that all those working class chappies that smoked Wills Whiffs and the like were undiagnosed schizos-and nobody cared enough to diagnose them as they went to the mines, played football raised families and went to war.
Just so wee Justin could pipe up on notional radio to diagnose the Woodbine Willies fifty years later.
Funnily enough he chooses not to see any schizoid psychotic or criminal tendencies among those Religion of Peaceniks-who clog up the nations prisons, fill up the BBC showrooms of privilege.
But I do.
Still-I CAN see a connection between Leftard idiocy and smoking-in the pipe mechanism as used by Messrs Attlee, Benn and Wilson.
That`ll be approved Lefty inhalation though-rolling your own by Du Cane Road W11 would have to be a common and coarse shag up that makes you vote Tory.
The BBC and the Institute of Psychiatry?…one and the same these days.
“Allah Akbar everybody-allah akbar!”
Statement from Rod Liddle (former BBC R4 editor) on the BBC (taken from The Spectator)
“The corporation’s coverage of the asylum seekers floating around the Med has been unashamedly biased in favour of the policy of diverting as much manpower and money as possible to rescuing them, regardless of the wider consequences. It was biased and almost hilariously gullible about the Arab Spring uprisings which have brought so much more democracy and freedom to the world , inshallah. it is biased in its news reports of eastern European people coming here for work, regardless again of the consequences for indigenous people. it treats with hostility and contempt any individual or organisation who might dare to suggest that diversity is anything other than a bloody good thing. Its attacks on UKIP during the election – no other party warranted such treatment, remember- were an utter disgrace and, I would suggest, in breach of its charter. There was not even a genuflection towards even-handedness. The line was simple; these bastards are racist, and we’re going to nail them.”
Yes, I recall that BBC propagandists were jumping up and down like excited schoolchildren as the Arab Spring began.
Even though the BBC had previously grovelled before Gadaffi on a ‘Have Your Say’ programme years earlier, calling him ‘Brother Leader’ as he liked to be called by his subjects, the bold and noble revolutionaries who rallied against Gadaffi were suddenly BBC favourites, though favoured from well to the rear of the fighting. I recall one bewildered anchor back in London trying to make sense of what the BBC correspondent was telling her. She couldn’t of course, because he was cowering so far from the action that he had no idea what the hell was going on.
Even when these heirs to Guevara hunted Gadaffi down and sodomised and murdered him in the street, the BBC turned its blissfully oblivious face away.
After all, such minor unpleasantness mustn’t be allowed to compromise the revolution, comrades, and is best forgotten.
Found myself in a traffic jam, listening to “Last Word” earlier.
Some dead copper was smeared with possibly having “roughed up” suspects when he worked..oh, if only he`d been a bit less Regan, bit more Barraclough-well Moaty and Bellfield may not have happened.
Some fashionable lady nomark from the Wapping Theatre of the Absurd got the full onion though-what a titan, did nowt about the great train Robbers-but provided velveteen cut purses for femistas from Virago, and dug deep into the body politic to give us Penny Red and Vanessa Redgrave.
The Wise Wound indeed!
And no smearing of the TRUE great departed-would be disrespectful.
Only the BBC dare to insult and puff up as THEY see fit-not a normal working person exists there anymore to even WONDER about how trivial, stupid and condescending ; that their output now is.
When Roger Bolton began on why the BBC needs more license money-and an incentive to euthanise the post-75 parasites they`ll soon be snuffing out…the traffic began to move, praise Buddy!
Worra chuggers sick bucket is “our BBC”!
God Bless you Stanley(Steve) Moore-if only you`d sponged off us all from Brazil and recorded with Steve Jones and Malcolm McLaren though eh?
Reported today TIMES: The BBC demanded £2,000 from LBC radio to share a live news feed from this weeks memorial service of the July 7 Bombings held at St Paul’s Cathedral in London. Reported in todays’s THE TIMES, which went on to state that when LBC asked for a live radio feed to air – the BBC suddenly demanded £2,000 in restitution to its sensibilities. So LBC did not broadcast the event ‘live’ as it should have been. No doubt the BBC was bust airing a live News feed to the BBC Asian network but NO. The BBC was preparing a ‘low-key’ report event, so we would forget that the Terrorist event ever took place. That is why the BBC demanded money from other broadcasters. No doubt the BBC wanted everything hush-hush to avoid giving ‘offence’ to its deaf multicultural Islamic listeners who along with Charlie Hebdo massacre see this as proof of their campaign of Terrorism is succeeding and will go ‘unreported’ if the BBC has any option. The BBC can be relied upon to create Muslim victims of any Islamic atrocity. We know why.
Let us not forget that the BBC did not report on the desecration of the 7/7 memorial by Romanian refugees earlier in the week and had to be removed. That is not ‘news’ for the BBC to report it seems.
sorry, for some reason I read that as “eyes incapable of receiving live bBC transmissions, you are liable to pay the tax.”. Hence my 50% post – blind people are forced to pay half.
The BBC were disseminating their usual hate propaganda against older ethnic British on The Now Show this evening, implying that older Britons are greedy and have everything their own way and poliiicians kow tow to the older age group..
No other group, certainly no ethnic minority, homosexuals, or even women, would be turned into figures of hate in this way.
Apparently the politicians pander to the old because they vote.
Well if that were the case there would be no same-sex ‘marriage’, no mass immigration and no EU membership.
The stated intention of the government is that people should aspire to improve their situation, i.e. get a job, get a better job. For a pensioner that isn’t an option.
What the smart ‘whippersnappers’ of the Now Show haven’t twigged is that: a) we all hope to grow old; b)some of the (voting?) young respect their parents/grandparents.
That is another of those ‘lefty’ contradictions, it is acceptable to wish that the ‘old’ die off taking their supposed ‘phobias’ with them, yet the Indian-subcontinent ‘Briton’ is praised for their supposed care and respect for their elderly, (not that they are after the free TV licence you understand!).
And how they love the smug expression “male, pale and stale” – everyday sexism at the BBC.
Brings to mind Sir Tim Hunt, Nobel scientist, forced to resign for a “sexist” joke – i.e. sacked for being an old, white bloke.
Regarding an earlier post and the beating up of a Tory MP’s son by a gang of black girls/women.
Listening to Five Live this morning and nope, there is no mention of it.
They’ve covered the lowering of the Confederate flag in South Carolina (hooray)……..and how right wing groups are threatening to disrupt Srebrenica commemorations (boo to the nasty right wingers)………..and a sneering piece about Norfolk folk who are blockading fields to stop gypsies taking over (nasty locals, peaceful travellers)………..but no, no mention of the blacks attacking the white man.
If they can just keep it out of the news for a few years, then the racism will stop and then society will evolve into Utopia. Honest. That’s how it works…
The proliferation of more and more new BBC outlets seems rather at odds with the wailing about cutbacks. Still, in this case, it seems it has been kept nicely ‘in the family’ again, so some savings there.
David Cameron and John Whittingdale must be thrilled at the response to the deal they have gifted Lord Hall Hall, Danny Cohen, and many other market rate talents…
‘Mistaken Identity’ – It’s one of those code phrases in the sub-language used by Police and Liberal Media that quietly tells licence payers that this is in fact a black postcode gang getting up to a bit of the old ultraviolence on the streets of our vibrant capital. Was the victim really an innocent passerby or hardened gun-toting hoodlum? – we will probably never be told. Don’t expect much media follow up.
Another example of this strange new Police/Media patois – by the way it’s a mix of Common Purpose Diversity Training Speak and Greg Dyke-John Birt Human Story Telling – is ‘he was a promising footballer’
Just in case you don’t think we are having the wool drawn over our eyes – this story is big in London at the moment…
‘…beaten up and left unconscious in a vicious attack by a “girl gang” in Leicester Square… in the queue of KFC in a clash with three women which spilled out onto the pavement.’
Search BBC News on line for the victim’s name – Tom Borwick – and you get…. links to about a dozen stories about the town of Berwick
Oh by the way, ‘KFC’ is another item in this odd secret language – it means: place where black people congregate and fight
‘Friends and family are saying “this may have been a case of mistaken indentity”..” Does that mean if they killed the right person it would be ok then ?
A previous post up said that Question Time was a good one this week.
Still watching it-but I think it`s awful!
All that`s wrong with a load of public sector liberals and grievance seeking minorities and agitators for an audience-and the sanctimony of the likes of Dimbleby and Umuma, with an SNP wallah on the panel in sunny Sheffield.
Utter crap-one or two quips from Louise Bours, but shouted down at most turns.
What a Godawful programme this is-why the hell is it STILL being run?
Didn`t we vote for the exact opposite of Umuna and Dimbleby on May 7th?…so why the hell are they STILL gabbling on, as if we`d voted for it?
“A leading Northern Ireland Muslim who praised Islamic State is set to be called as the main prosecution witness against a Christian preacher charged … with making “offensive” remarks about Islam”
Sheesh! … is it a Sharia court?, is George up next week for declaring Israel free zones? is that not … “offensive”
I couldn t find the BBC page concerning this, yet again, another Islamic terror supporter, overlooked by the BBC.
The complaint, that was upheld, was hidden in the ‘entertainment’ sections. It appears that Google is no longer indexing the page – possibly due to her requesting it’s removal?
2pm news headlines on radio 4 tells me that those charity monkeys that hound the old into donations are to be reined in by Camerons government.
Because what they do is -and I think I heard this right-“illegal and probably immoral”.
It`s the “probably immoral” line that struck me-since when would being “probably immoral” be a crime to the likes of Carleton Greene. Grade and Thompson?
Thought Mary Whitehouse and her “Moral Rearmament Crusade” was the very antithesis of everything we`ve been told in all those documentaries on BBC4.
God died in 1965 did He not?…so “Morality” died with Him…surely?
Always good to hear the BBC and Harmans Labour Party blurt on about morality-they`ve scotched that very notion now for years-and NOW they appeal to the rest of us to consider “immorality” as a cause that requires a Bryant or an Oaten to sort out for us.
Shameless scumbags or what?
How odd it is when British holidaymakers not going to a country where terrorism is now a fact of life is construed as ‘giving in’. – the constant BBC refrain over Tunisia.
Nothing to do with common sense then. Mass tourism is a recent thing but wars and terrorism are age old, So Tunisia is off the holiday list. That is what happens in a country where the rule of law has never been exactly a fact of life.
Now what caused the situation is best not gone into but any nation that allows itself to become the home to beliefs and persons inimicable to it is asking for trouble.
Liberalism does not get this at all and look now at the this England of ours and reflect.
A liberal would rather risk anything than be thought to making a stand for reality and the traditions of his country let alone actually make a value judgement about other cultures.
They are insane.
Quite frankly, how dare the Tunisian government moan about this decision? They failed to protect their guests. Why are we obliged to travel to a dangerous country, just to ‘prove’ that ISIS are ‘not winning’.
ISIS quite clearly are winning the hearts and minds of a huge number of muslims.
More banal, PC horseshit trying to force a one-sided sexism agenda into nothing stories while ignoring the institutional sexism that exists towards men in our legal system. Disgusting, parasitic dross.
There are various issues that are highlighted with the following story concerning the BBC.
1. What they consider to be quality programming serving our society and supported by the licence fee payer.
2. They employ a woman with the title of a ‘social mobility executive’.
3. This same woman puts her own son as a presenter of a programme that she headed.
4. Judging by the pathetic and offensive humour used by her son we can easily recognise the typical left wing mindset prevalent there.
5. The son used part of the programme to promote the record shop run by his brother, her other son.
6. The BBC response: A source described it as ‘product placement’, but a BBC spokesman said the suggestion was ‘utter nonsense’. The spokesman said: ‘Any suggestion that this is product placement is utter nonsense. The film is consistent with our editorial guidelines.’ 🙄
7. The rest you can judge for yourselves.
*BBC Raw was launched to develop new talent and engage young viewers
*Host Ciaran Varley, 28, tells viewers to smoke cannabis because ‘it’s cool’
*His mother, Cheryl, is BBC’s ‘social mobility executive’ and head of Raw
*MPs have called for an investigation into the programme’s material
You recall those school book maths questions, Freddy had 13 apples, the train was going west at 60 miles an hour…?
try this
The BBC sports website says Women’s Tennis, the Lawn Tennis Associaton says Ladies Tennis – that’s from the horse’s mouth and no Clare Balding jokes please. Now our Ore Oduba presenting Wimbledon for the news channel (I think that’s his name, I would check but I’ve mislaid my copy of The Voice) well he goes and calls them Girls – twice. What time will the Twitter storm begin?
It’s all about the terminologly isn’t it BBC – just ask John Humphrys how they wouldn’t let him say Terrorists in case there was a chance of offending someone – offending who, we ask?
Now get used to the word Bosniaks – brand new minted BBC speak for the people of Bosnia. That’s them over there chucking the rocks at the Serb leader during the solemn commemorations of the inter-communial massacre during their civil war over there- forgive and forget and all that as Basil Fawlty used to say of the Germans. BBC says The Thing Is: they want the Serbs to admit it was Genocide – and they won’t , so there you have it. According to the BBC it’s not that these guys hate oneanother – it’s all about a word. Yeah. Perhaps the lawyers warn it would admit something and open the door to compo – who knows? I reckon they hate oneanother.
The BBC feels most sorry for the Tunisian hotel staff. You have to hand it to our national broadcaster they were supporting the Tunisian tourist industry right out of the blocks in that story.
Having got used to the BBC term: Iss- larm, for Islam, that thing Moslems love, and I have. I must admit our Orla Guerin threw us curve ball this evening from Tunis as she broke convention and spoke to some British victims of something and introduced us to the English county of : Ess-sex
Simple ask old Orla how much time she actually speaks in the land of her employers, then ask her how much time she spends outside London. I bet the answer to the first is ‘ not a lot’ and the second is ‘ never’ . No wonder they have problems talking to the audience , they have never met them or know anything about them. The bbc, employing foreigners with your money to talk down to you. You stupid English proles.
Meanwhile a Saturday night in. Am I watching BBc? Casualty followed by John Bishop I think not. In fact all the BBc channels have something on I don’t want to watch Instead we are watching the dreadful fast and furious 5 yes it’s as bad as I thought. I’m off to the kitchen to cook something.
Anyone for Climate Change? This has just been reported in today’s (Saturday) Telegraph that whacks the BBC Climate predictions into the long grass. But with BBC usual spin we’ll get a new ‘cooling crises’ as a ‘bonus’ ball even though the previous data has been found to be FIDDLED to make it match the prediction of Global warming ‘experts’ at the BBC (sic) with CO2 predictions now in serious doubt…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 16:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Loved this bit: “”As I understand it today, the BBC has only made one payment to the programme maker to…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news TTK Won’t give MPs a vote on military action in Ukraine – come on – let’s get this…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Come on come on – there’s got to be a council out there ‘banning shrove Tuesday ‘ because it clashes…
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
GMar 4, 14:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We’ve got to follow the ‘old’ Japan and now China, buy the stuff and reverse engineer it. The US won’t…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘I lost trust’ in Gaza film, says BBC boss Tim Davie ……………………………… BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast BBC Radio…
Clare Balding tennis expert, ” Did you know it’s World UFO day ? ” Pat Cash ” No I didn’t.”
I wish she would FO.
In the words of Mrs T (or not),
“UFO if you want..”
****Troll Alert****
Dezi will later quote this colleague of his who is pretending to be David Brims as being the real one. I’ve noticed he keeps quoting odd things supposedly said by people on this site – I assume most are false flag and work in the same pffice as Dezi himself.
Person at 7.56am, not me.
Person at 7.56am, not a person.
Or to paraphrase Star Trek, it’s a person, Jim, but not as we know it.
Report to David Vance.
This site is getting popular and informative enough for it to be noticed by Trolls, particularly lefty pnes.
The site needs proper logn and password.
They seem to have got their knickers in a twist about losing £725million of forced taxation and are looking around for anybody to blame (except themselves).
First of all I don’t think the maths add up. £750 million is 5 million households of £145 each. Or just under a fifth of the 26 million households in Britain where an occupant is over 75. That seems a tad high to me, and bear in mind that a lot of people over 75 live in care homes as they get older.
This is simply the BBC lying to gain sympathy for an increase in the licence tax, on top of the demand for an increase in the tax for the iplayer, or any broadband connection if they can get away with it.
They really are a conniving bunch of leftards, who have been living it up large on our cash for far too long. If this Conservative government does not find the cajones to sort them out then we must all post them some without delay. Available from your Halal supplier and all good stockists.
The BBC has probably been billing the government directly for every single living 75 year old – 2 licences per married couple, etc.
Why do “the left” always try to imitate other people? Are they that insecure in their beliefs?
Well, imitation is the finest form of flattery, as they say…
And it is a pretty spot on imitation.
T for Troll,
No doubt when you watched Stars in their eyes you never realised they were copies of famous people, rather than the originals. If you saw Father Jack’s impression of Elvis no doubt you assumed it was the real one.
You would have been great at the Stork vs. Butter challenge. “No I can’t tell the difference”.
Any intelligent person can tell when the real person on here writes and when there is a Beeboid racist attempt to steal identity.
I shall deny this at 1046,
Are there any right wing members of the BBC?
There are plenty of left wing members from reading their CVs.
Does the absence of right wing members therefore indicate left wing bias by the BBC?
I think it does.
Not BBC bias but another old favourite around here. The Wright Stuff@C5 were discussing government plans to phase out grants in favour of loans for ‘poorer’ university students.
Yasmin Imaliar Brown chirped in, ‘This is so important, when my own son went,,,’ here she hesitated, stumbled a bit. To me, like someone who realises she has misspoke, then carried on, ‘ Er, when we fell on hard times, it was a godsend, couldn’t go without it, etc, etc.’
Call me an old cynic (I am) but I find it quite hard to imagine Yasmin going within a mile of hard times, except as a stick to beat non-labour governments with, of course.
I should add, I don’t know how poor one has to be to qualify for a grant nor much about her personal circumstances at the time. It was her own hesitation and bluster that makes me think the little tinker was claiming for stuff she wasn’t entitled to.
she is aregular guest on this show and the anti Tory bile coming out of her mouth is just sickening. Everything in the world is the fault of Tories and men and I mean everything. She is in good company as Matthew Wright is another labour loving champagne socialist living in primrose hill. Richard Desmond was on the show on Tuesday and she was frothing at the mouth as he is a ukip supporter and owner of adult channels. It’s on catchup tv if you want to watch just don’t kick the tv screen in. She is one rude nasty piece of work
Now we can see why she, her family and fellow muslims were kicked out of Uganda. They make trouble wherever they go.
She is a charlatan…..feigning learning…..she is the epitome of the person who ‘bites the hand that feeds it’, her lousy family, racist Indian middle-class creeps, who, she admits, treated their african servants[slaves] like dirt in Uganda. Amin should have exterminated the lot of them, parasites on the Ugandan people. She makes no secret of her loathing for white, British males, saying they should be wiped out. A horrible, evil witch who i wish every ill upon….remember her gloating at the 3000 plus deaths on 9/11?….
Weirdly, you may think, but I feel her and her ilk should be put on tv and given freedom to express their thoughts at every opportunity, that way, instead of the subtle”bbbc message way of doing things, people could quickly get a grasp of what these individuals really feel for the white British population. I know that this might make me unpopular , but with the liebour ,and the lefties dumbing down of the education system, people in general just dont seem to get it. Although I do feel that given the truth straight out, the people who have been dumbed down by the pathetic education system would quickly see sense.
I presume this is Yasmin Alibhai Brown we are speaking off. This is the Yasmin that was gloating, like the majority of Muslims in Britain and the world, that America had been taught a lesson.
Well, who is learning a lesson now. Muslims should have given a little thought that America does not take kindly to an attack on its soil. When it happens, It will ponder what best to do, then will come a devastating response.
And so it has been. Iraq has been destroyed. Its infrastructure gone with wind. So its unified boundaries, internal and external. The country, such as it is, is ransacked with civil war on religious and ethnic grouinds. There is no end to this war, which has killed a million at the least, uprooted millions, and will continue to do so for decades. It will also fracture surrounding Arab nations that were gloating at America’s discomfiture on 9/11. Iraq was chosen, as it is at the geographic heart of the Arab world, for precisely this reason. And BTW, America is not yet done with the ME. It still has business to settle with Iran over its Embassy hostages. America, like Britain, has a long memory.
So Yasmin Ali, how does it feel now? Are you still gloating over 9/11. Would you like your fellow Muslims to give another lesson to the USA. Think it over carefully though. So far, America’s response has been calculated & measured. It might not be next time. It will be instructive though how they will react to another 9/11.
Yasmin Ali has no allegiance to Britain, only to her death cult of Islam. She has no business in Britain, she is a 5th columnist in the media to sow dissenstion in our midst. She and her family should be sent to a Muslim country, where they belong. Not to Uganda or India, both of which have enough problems with Muslims.
When she was kicked out of Uganda, why did she not go to some Islamic sh1tole instead of us. She didn’t come for the weather. She came for our freedom, our welfare, our health system, our education system. Always ready with the race or sexism card when she is starting to lose the argument. Certainly bites the hand that fed her and her sproggs.
‘the wright stuff’ is every bit as vom-inducing as victoria darbyshire (what little i’ve seen)…
matthew is a posh, faux-chummy lefty who never gives a proper hearing to anyone whose views disagree with his own…
…the germans have a word, ‘backpfeifengesicht’ which describes matthew perfectly…
Earlier this week we had the Conservatives out-smarting the BBC with the announcement that the BBC will have to fund the TV Licence for the over-75s.
It would now appear that the BBC were out-smarted again with the budget and in particular the annoucement of a minimum wage of £9 per hr by 2020. Indeed, the BBC seemed a bit stunned yesterday.
I guess it was predictable but today the BBC have been crying into the benefits bowl and doing their best to push the victims’ meme.
Watch the film at the bottom of the news article in the link.
Apart from the one woman in the film, are there any Welsh people still left in Wales?.
Listen from 1.001.00> Seriously??. So if people don’t get their benefits, they’re going to start breaking into peoples’ homes!!.
I genuinely believe in help for those who genuinely need it but we live in a social climate where you earn more from producing babies than actually working.
Viva La Left!!.
I had thought that the Tories were going to enact a range of measures which would have reduced the power of the BBC. These included:
1. Stopping the payment by the government to the BBC for over 75’s LF ( BBC Tax)
2. Decriminalising not paying the BBC Tax
3. Insisting that the BBC had to run I Player as a subscription service
4. Moving governance of the BBC to Ofcom
5. Reviewing the size and scope of BBC output and adjusting the BBC Tax accordingly.
All this seemed good news by in effect reducing the BBC income by perhaps £1 billion, forcing it to at least dip a toe in the world of subscription service, cutting down the range of services that the BBC provided with a comensurate reduction in the BBC Tax and forcing it to be overseen by an outside body .
But now all these good things seem to be draining away. We are now told that the BBC can decide not to allow some over 75’s to avoid paying the BBC tax. Decriminalisation is now looking to be off the table. It is far from clear if I Player will be a subscription service or whether we will have to pay universal siupplement to the BBC Tax whether we use I Player or not. The BBC are claiming that the size and scope of the BBC and the BBC Tax are fixed and that they have been given inflation proofing. Only the move to Ofcom governance seems to be intact.
Why have the Tories allowed the over mighty BBBC to continue to dominate broadcasting in this country and to force us to pay them for new ways of distributing their leftist propaganda ?
The BBC argument of forcing us all to pay their BBC Tax is that we all benefit from a universal service paid for by all and available to all. This argument held good until the advent of subscription technology 20 years ago. The corporation should not be allowed to hide behind it any longer. If , as the BBC repeatedly says they are loved by everyone and are terrific value for money , then everyone will subscribe and the price people pay for the service will remain at its present level. Of course the BBC fears that people will not wish to take their leftist PC garbage and their empire will fall as competitors provide offerings that people prefer to pay for once there is an even playing field and no state funding available to the corporation.
Why are the Tories allowing the leftist state funded BBC to continue to dominate the industry on such an anti competitive basis? Why are they allowing the BBC to further undermine democracy in this country by stifling debate and plurality by only ever giving us a the liberal left view??
Will no one rid us of the loathsome monster of the BBC?
Anyone seriously expecting Green Dave to tackle the BBC was deluded. The man is a vapid ponce, a middle of the road no mark without a political thought or principle.
Why have the Tories failed to reign in the BBC?
Once the BBC was a servant of the state, although it possessed independence from state control. Now think of the BBC as a state within a state, which the leading political parties actually serve.
As a state, it determines its own political standpoint, undertakes political reforms, pursues its own foreign policy; it raises taxes and has the power to increase them, and punish in the courts those who fail to pay these taxes. It is an undemocratic state, whose leaders enjoy privileges and rewards that are not shared by the populace. The politicians who serve it – Labour and Tory – have no powers against it.
From this perspective Whittingdale’s inability or unwillingness to decriminalise non payment of the BBC tax or to scale back its insatiable demand for money and power is understandable.
Cameron’s a CINO.
Cameron needs the BBC’s campaigning power to guarantee a win in the EU referendum he’ll have to call in 2017
So a Millipeed /SNP govt would of provided,what you want ,an increase in the TV tax . this is a long game , technology will eventually make the BBC irrelevant , & without income .
John Whittingdale’s plan is to fund the BBC from your council tax ( TV licence, like poll tax, unfair to the poor he says) .So then ,whether you watch the BBC or not (but only if you pay council tax) you will be forced to fund it
With out even the pretence of answerability to licence payers the BBC will become SWP/TV, the station its always wanted to be and it will still cost you more – but now on the rates-some conservative government you voted in
Lefties seem to think that once on benefits, one must always remain on benefits. OK, I know labour’s benefits rules were designed to add as many people as possible to the benefits system to create a massive labour voting “client state”. Surely there must be some realisation that an answer to restricting benefits is to … get a job? or re-train to get a better job?
If you do not have enough money, it is not up to the state to steal ever more money from productive people to help you out. It is up to you to get off your ass and improve your own income.
Prime example in this Street stole £27,000 by pretending they weren’t a couple. Between them they have 4 children that I know of she is just about to have another.
Th voting client bas was not just created from thois in the country but Labour im oprted milliosns of RoPers for the same purpose.
This act is not just gerrymandering but treason on a grand scale. It would be like importing millions of Nazis to Britain while WWII was ongoing.
Did anyone see The One Show today?
First there was a long item about how the evil Tories were slashing benefits for disabled people, presented with plenty of unhappy looking wheelchair users but no counter argument that I could see, except for a little bit of balance at the end when they asked Laurence Llewelyn Bowen (!) what he thought.
After that there was a piece presented by a friendly Muslim about Ramadan and how great it is.
They’re not even attempting to disguise their agenda anymore.
“…presented with plenty of unhappy looking wheelchair users but no counter argument that I could see…”
“The Government says closing the fund will simplify the system and eliminate costly duplication. It says the funding transfer means Councils will have enough money for their local communities… Oxfordshire County Council wouldn’t comment…”
Perhaps the reason why you didn’t hear a more credible “counter argument” is simply because there isn’t one.
Help for the disabled, help for the elderly in need of care has been cut into the bone by this government. One day soon you might find this out for yourself, and you will wonder how come the BBC said nothing.
Of course there is a counter argument, you blithering imbecile! What about the government that proposed the change?
The degree to which you will torture logic to defend the BBC’s overt support for Leftism is a wonder to behold.
Help for the disabled, help for the elderly in need of care has been cut into the bone by this government.
My disabled brother lives in a bungalow with 2 other disabled people where he gets 24/7 care. He has two foreign holidays a year plus a Center Parcs type hol in the UK. He has a new car every 3 years as does one of the other residents (yes, that’s 2 cars between 3 of them).
That’s ‘cut to the bone’ is it dez? What world do you live in?
PS Still waiting for your apology, you apology for a man…
johnnythefish, You’ll be lucky, Dez wont even tell us why he ‘blogs’ on this site.
it’s ‘cos he’s Dez-perate for attention once his carers have gone home.
To be honest, that is the quality of life that I want genuinely disabled people to have. We’d be able to afford it, as a nation, if it wasn’t for all the free loading scum that feign a disability to avoid working.
The much ‘feared’ assessments had zero impact on my brother’s disability claims. Any assessor would take one look at him and realise he has serious lifelong disabilities. A quick chat would dispel the doubts of even the most cynical – he’s desperate for a job to be ‘normal’. Unfortunately, good ideas like this one get destroyed by the ‘caring’ Labour party and the BBC:
ironically.just got
back from my holiday in Greece tonight,great country,great people,shame there run by a bunch of dangerous far leftists,but that aside,question time tonight,best of the year so far and it was a pretty drab year for that programme,go for it girl, go for it girl,and boy did louise bours of ukip go for it,she was fantastic,the true voice of the silent majority in this country.yes she was feisty,but also very calm and polite,but that is what we need in this country is no nonsense true working class politicians like louise bours who says what we all think whether the political establishment zombies like it or not,3 cheers for louise bours, a fantastic young lady who has a great future in british politics in this country,maybe, even a future leader as well.
Nursing was never a degree course – you cannot teach compassion in a lecture hall, in fact you can’t teach it at all.
Maybe this is part of the problem in hospitals where patients are left to feel vulnerable and unloved.
mrs.zoid often despairs at the young uns coming in to nursing who know how to operate state of the art tech and administer drugs but who don’t have an inkling about basic patient care, treating sick people with care and dignity…and offering the same to their families…
So the ‘hard-left, communist, Marxist’ (pick anyone from three, it’s a must prefix) Tsipras caused the Greek economy to take on debt equivalent to 180% of GDP, caused 26% unemployment and nearly 60% youth unemployment…in 6 months.
Crikey. I never knew that. I thought it was caused by the last 15 years of criminals running the show since 2000. You know, those gangsters who got into bed with Goldman Sachs to ensure the debt was hidden. But I was, of course, wrong, Tsipras caused it.
And the reluctance of the Greek people to pay their taxes whilst borrowing loads of cheap German money to buy shiny new 4 X 4s might just have had something to do with it.
Feckless and reckless, they have no excuses.
Yes,but the Greeks keep electing leftists.
“To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.”
Thomas Jefferson
No further comment necessary other thsn reminding people that Jefferson was considered quite a radical in his day.
I don’t know much about Jefferson, but every quote I’ve read, I’ve agreed with.
I believe Jefferson led America’s first war against the Moslems – the Barbary Wars – in response to demands for taxes paid to Moslem pirates. It was during these wars that the US Marines were formed. Hence the line in the Marine’s Hymn about the ‘shores of Tripoli’. The marines were nicknamed ‘leathernecks’ because of the leather collars they wore which kept their heads high on the parade ground and prevented the moslems doing what they traditionally do to the heads of infidels.
It is worth checking out Jefferson and the Barbary Wars to shed light on exactly how long the US has been at loggerheads with Islam, and to see the extent to which the current POTUS has betrayed the US. Or we can believe what the left tell us about the harmony with Islam that was disrupted by BushnBlair and the grab for oil..
“In matters of principle, stand like a rock.” T.J.
The BBC needs pressure put on it to stop promoting Moslem ideas and people using British tax payers money. This is totally unacceptable when the vast majority of the population is not Moslem . Why should Moslem propaganda be subsidised by the British public ???. Protest is essential to try and bring this to the attention of sensible people.
Quite agree. In fact why is any money being spent on any non-Christian bodies. Should any Muslim immigrants get any benefits since they all intend to destroy the state?
That is not me – it’s a BBC troll. Alan, David – it is time to sort out these fascists.
I can’t believe it’s got 8 likes unless that is a group of Dezi’s colleagues at the BBC. If it’s possible to trace their IPs then they should be prosecuted for unadulterated racism.
Sorry Demon, I admit to having clicked the ‘like’ button for the nonentity’s comment above made under your name. I wouldn’t agree with the comment but was lured in by the ‘Quite agree’ for Lynette’s comment above and finger moved before eyes had read. My fault really, should be more careful!
I’ve often clicked like on the wrong ones, maybe I’ve mis-read or clicked like half way down.
I also clicked on it before reading it properly. I will try to avoid such action – comes from going through the thread too quickly
DV did say that this impersonation was being addressed. I hope it’s soon.
BBC Covered Up Muslim Anti-Semitism by Translating “Jews” as “Israelis”
This isn’t the first time this has happened.
In the Islamic tradition, Jews are one of the more contemptible groups around. While apologists for Islamic terrorism like to distinguish between Islamic anti-Semitism rooted in the Koran and Muslim violence against Jews today as a response to Israel, there is no distinction. They are all tied together by animus toward the “Yahud”. The Jews of the 18th century were still viewed as enemies of Islam who plotted to dominate Muslims… just as they are today.
But it’s more convenient for BBC hit pieces like “Children of Gaza” to hide the truth through mistranslation.
BBc breakfast. Climate change is effecting bumble bees.
“…BBc breakfast. Climate change is affecting bumble bees.”
Yep. That old meme has been wearily doing the rounds for decades now.
Well I have 2 bumble bee nests ,one in a hole in the lawn ,( English type bumble bees) , the other under an eve , European white tailed bumble bees , that like nesting above ground . They are all breeding well, despite what the BBC are saying .
“…..Climate change is affecting dimblebums..” Was that what was said.
“The poor are going to be worse of after the budget” say welfare groups breakfast drag on a Cock and bull representative aka CAB. I hope CAB aren’t as completely useless in every case like they were when I attempted to get advice.
The CAB are undercutting bids for contracts from competing charities on the basis that advice can be put on the CAB website or given by volunteers. Existing staff are having their jobs made so unpalatable that either unfair dismissal or constructive dismissal are a real possibility. Nothing to do with the BBC, know, but so very close to home, I remain angry.
My observation is the BBC’s continued refusal to recognise the nation of England. They had a piece about an electric airplane which is to fly the 22 miles across the Channel from France to ‘the UK’, not France to England which of course is the case.
If they prefer to use UK why do they not use ‘Europe’ rather than France?
I would bet a lot of money that if the flight had, for example been from Norway to Scotland, they would have said so, they would not have dared to use ‘UK’ instead of Scotland.
Oh dear I wonder what Roger Harrabin & co will make of this? I suppose it will be ‘climate change’ rather than ‘global warming’ if we enter a new mini Ice Age… Where is all that warm CO2 when you need it?
“…Where is all that warm CO2 when you need it?
Warmists insist it’s all hiding in the oceans. Nobody’s found it yet, though. Not even NASA.
We’ll probably be told that it is driving some kind of ‘halocline’ mixing that is currently absorbing all the ‘missing’ energy ‘for now’, but will suddenly go into reverse and kill us all.
NASA has been re-tasked to find the mythical tribe of “moderate Muslims”. A spacecraft is now approaching Pluto. They will be looking for any “unnatural” explosions.
Thanks for the link.
Letter whizzed off to the local regional paper as perfect counter to two syndicated “could” climate change scare stories today on declining bee living space as we warm and rising sea levels.
BBC Radio Manchester News this morning tells me of someone I’ve never heard of called Caleb Shaffer who’s made a film (memo to the BBC: this is not news) about a refugee. Apparently, he worked with refugee charities where he met an African who was subject to racism (in other words, we’re all racists). Here’s something I found about the arsehole, if you can force yourself to read it.
Here’s a few gems:
Later Caleb met a man fighting deportation back to his country where he feared assassination. The director was guarded about the details of this. (Didn’t make it up did you?)
He met this man’s friends, family and neighbours and saw they had ‘a strong sense of community’, contrasting sharply with the ‘rising UKIP and BNP support and the right wing view of immigration’.
See what he did there? Anyway, why is it that our sense of community is there to be ridiculed yet an Africans sense of community is there to be lauded?
There’s more lefty right-on drivel if you can stand it. This guy is perfect BBC material. Expect to hear more from him.
The BBC is currently running with a story about smoking causing schizophrenia – it is absolute unscientific nonsense but they don’t seem to be willing to challenge it because it is part of the usual “denormalisation” process.
And they wonder why we distrust them.
Original here
If you have an undiagnosed propensity to develop schizophrenia there is a high probability that it will be triggered by smoking cannabis. But for too many academics (and the BBC) cannabis can’t be bad for you, so they switch the problem to tobacco – and demand more funding.
The brain damage may not be immediately apparent. Psycho-geriatric units are getting more and more elderly patients presenting with problems caused by drug taking in their youth. But I douby you’ll see anything about this on the BBC unless the NHS gets really short of money.
I heard that crap on the BBC. Totally unchallenged. No real analysis – e.g. what proportion of current/former drug addicts/alcoholics are also smokers? What about soldiers with post traumatic stress? Prisoners that have been raised in abusive homes? There are certain sections of society that are known to smoke in greater number than others. Have these variables been accounted for?
If brains were shit, the BBC wouldn’t have a sniff.
OT, but a generic question about blogging/forums/modding as it seems the practice of name hijacking is still prevalent (it was my understanding this was being looked at/addressed) for any more skilled in this area.
Clearly pre-modding solves lost ills, but even the BBC does not have this everywhere and certainly not with staff twitter posts, RTs and those from elsewhere associated with these, plus of course what appears on FaceBook.
What are the limitations on associations with words and deeds by employees, authorised users and either ‘abusers’ or ‘false flags’ with ‘discredit’ imposed on a site.
It covers deeds as well as words. And then there is a numbers game. Is one Saville as an employee enough to see the BBC shut down? Or add a Harris? Or Hall? On words, what does a Jasmine or Boyle count for? Or some guy on BBC World News threatening death on a rival tribe?
Can a single false flag ‘discredit’ an uncensored site under free speech when actual staff misbehaviour can be dismissed in association with a uniquely, but very funded state medium, for instance?
User accounts would prevent name hijacking. Maybe everybody not registered could post as ‘guest’? No need for pre-moderation.
Evey decent person look out. The BBC fascists are choosing us one by one to try to make out we are racists. Then the disgusting Dezi quotes them as if it really is us. I’m sure he knows which of his colleagues are doing this. I believe they chose me this time because I pointed this out earlier.
Be assured, if a comment with my name on is racist then it’s Dezi, Scotty or one of their Beeboid fascist colleagues. It shows we’ve got the buggers rattled.
Can’t the site be modified such that each person posting has to have a unique name?
If they spoof me I know where they live , & they won`t live there any more , Parkhurst will be their new home . I am a …. Operative of ** * & Licenced To Kill !
Just put this up on the Guardian, which is causing a stir. There is an interesting, and I think balanced range of views from contributors around BBC Bias.
“LOL – name two socialists in any senior position at the BBC.”
LOL – name any senior position at the BBC where they are not socialists.
from ‘Fraser48’ on that comment thread..
“I’m not in the least bothered what people think about the BBC, that’s up to them, but it would be nice if they were able to understand the difference between fact and opinion.”
Unfortunately he was commenting on the commentors, not the BBC News department.
According to the Office of National Statistics their mid-2014 estimate of the UK population gives a total of 12,915 of age 75 and over.
With a licence fee of £145 that is a grand total of a maximum of £1.9M. Where on earth does the BBC get its £750M from?
Are these free-loading oldies sheltering 400 households each?
question time was good last night for a change.
Here’s John Humprhys taking part in an Intelligence Square debate last year on the motion:
Between You and I the English Language is Going to the Dogs
At 11:14 min in:
“I’d like to say the BBC….communicates always unambiguously, always clearly. I’ll give you a few little examples….Rather more seriously, there was an appalling, atrocious assault by a gang of men on a shopping centre in Kenya in Nairobi….We went to great lengths to describe these men as gunmen, extreme Islamists, whatever…We didn’t use the word ‘terrorists’ for a number of days. Now what those men did, was they murdered children in front of their mothers, mothers in front of their children. They murdered people for the express purpose of creating terror. Now if that is not the definition of a terrorist, I’m damned if I know what is.
“My point is, if we shy away from words we feel might cause a bit of offence….if we try to find euphemisms then it’s a dangerous road to go down. We’re not exactly where Orwell was but we’re taking those tiny little baby steps towards that unhealthy state of affairs.”
Well, you could have knocked me down with a feather. Later on, at 1:01:00 in, a member of the audience threw the following gauntlet down:
“I’d like to ask John Humphrys if he could share with us his understanding of the word ‘impartial.’ And if it happens to be the same as the one we all read in the dictionary, could he explain to us how the left-leaning language that is increasingly coming out of the BBC is consistent with its charter obligation to be impartial – in other words is the BBC or the language going to the dogs.”
Humphrys answers later on at 1:10:55 in:
“I think the member of the audience knows precisely what impartiality is….this notion that is festering away in his mind” [a bit rough there] “is that the BBC is partial. First of all the BBC is not monolithic therefore it is not impartial.” [Unconscious slip there] “There are those who work for it who take one view and there are those ….who take another view.” [Yes, probably one centrist view to three hundred lefty views. And he omits to mention that it’s almost always the lefty view that gets through the editorial process.]
“…All I can tell you sir is that I’ve been doing this job on the Today programme for 27 years…and I have been accused by all of them of being unfair to all of them. And I hope that continues because…I know, it’s a rather crude and clumsy way of measuring impartiality isn’t it” [Too true] “but if one moment you’re being attacked by the Labour Party …” [then he goes waffling on about one Jonathan Aitken going to jail, at which point he lost me as I’ve no idea what he was talking about, and then he says that it’s all politics.]
So, having made an extraordinary admission in his opening address, he goes and stuffs it up. Still, I have an idea he is one of the more balanced BBC people. But my learned colleagues on this site would know better than I – or me, since my exposure to Today has been quite limited.
The audience reaction to Humphrys was as revealing as his statements. You could have heard the proverbial pin drop when he was criticising the BBC’s steady drift to Orwellian ineptitude. But his defence of his own “impartiality” was met with a response that varied from titters of approval to outright support.
However, audience reaction to the questioner was mixed. I found that fascinating.
Could it be that the BBC doesn’t have the widespread approval it imagines it has?
“My point is, if we shy away from words we feel might cause a bit of offence….then it’s a dangerous road to go down”
That terrible fear of offence, the scurge of the metropolitan left-liberal elite.
Yes, but I found it really interesting that Humphrys was prepared at least to begin to identify the BBC’s pandering to Islamic terrorists by refusing to identify them as such.
Pity that his later comments proved that he has no idea that such bias is endemic among the left in general and the left-wing BBC in particular.
He means offence of the liberal left. No one at the BBC cares if they offend anyone not from the liberal left or ethnics. Indeed they are only too pleased if they offend the centre right and often do so deliberately.
Well, it is Friday.
The poor bees aren’t coping with climate change:
Got to love this quote from the article,
‘ “These species are at serious and immediate risk, for rapid human induced climate change,” said lead author Prof Jeremy Kerr from the University of Ottawa. ‘
Would that be the rapid change that has seen no rise in temps for the last 20 years? You can’t get much more rapid than that. A curious journalist might be expected to seize on that sort of comment and ask for clarification and supporting evidence. However, that would require some knowledge of the scientific method and a desire to establish the facts. Matt McGrath wrote the article so let’s see what qualifies him to spook us with climate scare stories:
I read that as saying he is eminently qualified to write about something he has absolutely no knowledge of. This is something he shares with most of his climate activist colleagues in the BBC’s ‘Science’ dept.
I have noticed recently the growing number of people here who are saying that inappropriate posts are being put here in their names, and ‘troll alert’ regularly crops up.
Might I suggest that an idea would be to get an avatar like ‘wot I have’ ( shades of Eric and Ernie sorry ) .
I think this would do away with said problems.
It’s something I suggested a while back. It’s not foolproof but would require the imposter to take time to do. For those not in the know, visit Gravatar and tie in an image to the email you use to post here. Even if someone copies your image the image info will have a different address to the real person, should anyone be unsure and wish to check.
I hope that whatever system is eventually put in place here will show who has liked any given post as well.
Hey, it works!!
This is a test that failed.
Test 2
Thanks Roland, I eventually managed it. This used to be my avatar on the old Biased BBC setup.
As soon as I can find a suitable image with a passing resemblance to myself then I will get an avatar.
try 2
Test 1
Not BBC, but UKMediaWatch catches Jon Snow channelling Jon Donnison.
Story featured in Telegraph. Son of Tory MP beaten unconscious by gang of black girls.
BBC News page all over it…………..erm…………..
A minor aberration I’m sure. Looking forward to seeing and hearing it front and centre on all BBC bulletins for the next 7 days as it most assuredly would have been had the skin colours been reversed.
Plus, of course, the subtext running throughout the BBC’s coverage that it was (nonsense phrase warning!) a ‘hate crime’.
Here’s the spokesman from Kentucky Fried Chicken trying to sound concerned after the incident:
“Our security guards stepped in to break-up the altercation in the restaurant, which unfortunately then continued outside. We are extremely sorry for what happened to the customer and we have been in contact with him to explain how we are investigating the matter.
“Since the incident, we have met with the police along with our security partners and as a result we have updated our policy so that our security personnel are better equipped to deal with cases where there is deemed a risk to an individual outside the restaurant.”
He says nothing, of course, about the victim of the attack being pushed out of the restaurant by the ‘security’ staff. He should work as a spin artist for the BBC.
I’ve eaten KFC. Made me sick – as does the cowardly inaction of its ‘security’ in this case.
KFC = Halal
Halal Meat=
Animal Cruelty
Funds Terrorism
Sacrificed To A Pagan Moon God
Aids Islamization
Muslim Job Creation Scheme At The Expense Of British Workers
An interesting commentary on the true situation regarding recent changes to the BBC’s income from one of The Register’s sharpest minds:
If the author is right, it confirms Biased BBC readers’ fears that the chances of the Government tackling the BBC’s bloat and bias are precisely zero.
It reinforces the fact that the BBC is upheld largely by the civil service elite who share ‘top public jobs’ and eventually get knighted (for World Service) services that none of us would recognise as being charitable dispense with having patriotic serviceor values to the country. One of Osbourns recent quotes was that the BBC should be less ‘imperial’ which is overly ‘polite’ to a fringe terrorist group within the civil-service that favors Islam over Christianity, ECHR over UK sovereign law, UK Tax avoidence (the BBC does NOT declare all its income, this cannot be a coincidence). The BBC will protect its share of Top jobs for the elite which shares the ‘One World’ liberal dream or/and Marxist EU utopia. The beast lives on it seems. But for how long can it pretend to be ‘independent’ when it is clearly a Cancer growth that feeds on the public purse.
I never thought that the Cameron clique had any intention of attacking the BBC. It is as much part of the liberal elite as is the BBC. Hive the lot of them and by nature hostile to real freedom and the interests of the people and the nation.
Cameron will need the BBC to get his referendum result .
12 to one on it is a stay in the EU stitch up.
Did I REALLY hear Justin Webb say that psychosis and schizophrenia(who knows the difference eh?) are due to smoking?
This mornings Today show rally took the biscuits…
Yup-it`s not the industrial scale skunk that`s causing the problems-it`s the mixed in baccy.
Apparently nutters and crims smoke-so it can`t be free will, and whilst we await the neuroscience to absolve anybody of anything but voting UKIP-it`s got to be the tobacco that causes it all.
Justin rather thought that all those working class chappies that smoked Wills Whiffs and the like were undiagnosed schizos-and nobody cared enough to diagnose them as they went to the mines, played football raised families and went to war.
Just so wee Justin could pipe up on notional radio to diagnose the Woodbine Willies fifty years later.
Funnily enough he chooses not to see any schizoid psychotic or criminal tendencies among those Religion of Peaceniks-who clog up the nations prisons, fill up the BBC showrooms of privilege.
But I do.
Still-I CAN see a connection between Leftard idiocy and smoking-in the pipe mechanism as used by Messrs Attlee, Benn and Wilson.
That`ll be approved Lefty inhalation though-rolling your own by Du Cane Road W11 would have to be a common and coarse shag up that makes you vote Tory.
The BBC and the Institute of Psychiatry?…one and the same these days.
“Allah Akbar everybody-allah akbar!”
Statement from Rod Liddle (former BBC R4 editor) on the BBC (taken from The Spectator)
“The corporation’s coverage of the asylum seekers floating around the Med has been unashamedly biased in favour of the policy of diverting as much manpower and money as possible to rescuing them, regardless of the wider consequences. It was biased and almost hilariously gullible about the Arab Spring uprisings which have brought so much more democracy and freedom to the world , inshallah. it is biased in its news reports of eastern European people coming here for work, regardless again of the consequences for indigenous people. it treats with hostility and contempt any individual or organisation who might dare to suggest that diversity is anything other than a bloody good thing. Its attacks on UKIP during the election – no other party warranted such treatment, remember- were an utter disgrace and, I would suggest, in breach of its charter. There was not even a genuflection towards even-handedness. The line was simple; these bastards are racist, and we’re going to nail them.”
Yes, I recall that BBC propagandists were jumping up and down like excited schoolchildren as the Arab Spring began.
Even though the BBC had previously grovelled before Gadaffi on a ‘Have Your Say’ programme years earlier, calling him ‘Brother Leader’ as he liked to be called by his subjects, the bold and noble revolutionaries who rallied against Gadaffi were suddenly BBC favourites, though favoured from well to the rear of the fighting. I recall one bewildered anchor back in London trying to make sense of what the BBC correspondent was telling her. She couldn’t of course, because he was cowering so far from the action that he had no idea what the hell was going on.
Even when these heirs to Guevara hunted Gadaffi down and sodomised and murdered him in the street, the BBC turned its blissfully oblivious face away.
After all, such minor unpleasantness mustn’t be allowed to compromise the revolution, comrades, and is best forgotten.
Found myself in a traffic jam, listening to “Last Word” earlier.
Some dead copper was smeared with possibly having “roughed up” suspects when he worked..oh, if only he`d been a bit less Regan, bit more Barraclough-well Moaty and Bellfield may not have happened.
Some fashionable lady nomark from the Wapping Theatre of the Absurd got the full onion though-what a titan, did nowt about the great train Robbers-but provided velveteen cut purses for femistas from Virago, and dug deep into the body politic to give us Penny Red and Vanessa Redgrave.
The Wise Wound indeed!
And no smearing of the TRUE great departed-would be disrespectful.
Only the BBC dare to insult and puff up as THEY see fit-not a normal working person exists there anymore to even WONDER about how trivial, stupid and condescending ; that their output now is.
When Roger Bolton began on why the BBC needs more license money-and an incentive to euthanise the post-75 parasites they`ll soon be snuffing out…the traffic began to move, praise Buddy!
Worra chuggers sick bucket is “our BBC”!
God Bless you Stanley(Steve) Moore-if only you`d sponged off us all from Brazil and recorded with Steve Jones and Malcolm McLaren though eh?
Reported today TIMES: The BBC demanded £2,000 from LBC radio to share a live news feed from this weeks memorial service of the July 7 Bombings held at St Paul’s Cathedral in London. Reported in todays’s THE TIMES, which went on to state that when LBC asked for a live radio feed to air – the BBC suddenly demanded £2,000 in restitution to its sensibilities. So LBC did not broadcast the event ‘live’ as it should have been. No doubt the BBC was bust airing a live News feed to the BBC Asian network but NO. The BBC was preparing a ‘low-key’ report event, so we would forget that the Terrorist event ever took place. That is why the BBC demanded money from other broadcasters. No doubt the BBC wanted everything hush-hush to avoid giving ‘offence’ to its deaf multicultural Islamic listeners who along with Charlie Hebdo massacre see this as proof of their campaign of Terrorism is succeeding and will go ‘unreported’ if the BBC has any option. The BBC can be relied upon to create Muslim victims of any Islamic atrocity. We know why.
Let us not forget that the BBC did not report on the desecration of the 7/7 memorial by Romanian refugees earlier in the week and had to be removed. That is not ‘news’ for the BBC to report it seems.
In future, if I was to choose not to include the BBC in my media bundle, could I be exempt the Telly Tax?
Would it be technically possible to do this?
If I choose not to have SKY, I’m not charged for it.
If you have eyes capable of receiving live bBC transmissions, you are liable to pay the tax.
But only half the fee. They’re so ‘progressive’.
sorry, for some reason I read that as “eyes incapable of receiving live bBC transmissions, you are liable to pay the tax.”. Hence my 50% post – blind people are forced to pay half.
The BBC were disseminating their usual hate propaganda against older ethnic British on The Now Show this evening, implying that older Britons are greedy and have everything their own way and poliiicians kow tow to the older age group..
No other group, certainly no ethnic minority, homosexuals, or even women, would be turned into figures of hate in this way.
Apparently the politicians pander to the old because they vote.
Well if that were the case there would be no same-sex ‘marriage’, no mass immigration and no EU membership.
The stated intention of the government is that people should aspire to improve their situation, i.e. get a job, get a better job. For a pensioner that isn’t an option.
What the smart ‘whippersnappers’ of the Now Show haven’t twigged is that: a) we all hope to grow old; b)some of the (voting?) young respect their parents/grandparents.
That is another of those ‘lefty’ contradictions, it is acceptable to wish that the ‘old’ die off taking their supposed ‘phobias’ with them, yet the Indian-subcontinent ‘Briton’ is praised for their supposed care and respect for their elderly, (not that they are after the free TV licence you understand!).
And how they love the smug expression “male, pale and stale” – everyday sexism at the BBC.
Brings to mind Sir Tim Hunt, Nobel scientist, forced to resign for a “sexist” joke – i.e. sacked for being an old, white bloke.
Newsnight at the “Manchester International Festival” – priceless !
If only….
Nice find from BBCWatch: Doucet on Gaza coverage last year vs Yemen coverage this year:
“Different …….access, safety, etc
No broadband, clean water, electricity, flush toilets, room service, air conditioning, top restaurants, IDF, etc
Regarding an earlier post and the beating up of a Tory MP’s son by a gang of black girls/women.
Listening to Five Live this morning and nope, there is no mention of it.
They’ve covered the lowering of the Confederate flag in South Carolina (hooray)……..and how right wing groups are threatening to disrupt Srebrenica commemorations (boo to the nasty right wingers)………..and a sneering piece about Norfolk folk who are blockading fields to stop gypsies taking over (nasty locals, peaceful travellers)………..but no, no mention of the blacks attacking the white man.
Strange that, no?
‘Community cohesion’ is their motto. Best not to rock the boat.
‘They’ know better.
If they can just keep it out of the news for a few years, then the racism will stop and then society will evolve into Utopia. Honest. That’s how it works…
The proliferation of more and more new BBC outlets seems rather at odds with the wailing about cutbacks. Still, in this case, it seems it has been kept nicely ‘in the family’ again, so some savings there.
David Cameron and John Whittingdale must be thrilled at the response to the deal they have gifted Lord Hall Hall, Danny Cohen, and many other market rate talents…
Directors of Values and Better were unavailable for comment, said several BBC spokespeople, as the don’t exist. Yet. Give it time.
BBC : ‘Friends and family are saying “this may have been a case of mistaken indentiy”..’
No news quiz points are to be awarded to the audience for guessing this BBC headline will be connected to a London ethnic gang killing.
‘Mistaken Identity’ – It’s one of those code phrases in the sub-language used by Police and Liberal Media that quietly tells licence payers that this is in fact a black postcode gang getting up to a bit of the old ultraviolence on the streets of our vibrant capital. Was the victim really an innocent passerby or hardened gun-toting hoodlum? – we will probably never be told. Don’t expect much media follow up.
Another example of this strange new Police/Media patois – by the way it’s a mix of Common Purpose Diversity Training Speak and Greg Dyke-John Birt Human Story Telling – is ‘he was a promising footballer’
Just in case you don’t think we are having the wool drawn over our eyes – this story is big in London at the moment…
‘…beaten up and left unconscious in a vicious attack by a “girl gang” in Leicester Square… in the queue of KFC in a clash with three women which spilled out onto the pavement.’
Search BBC News on line for the victim’s name – Tom Borwick – and you get…. links to about a dozen stories about the town of Berwick
Oh by the way, ‘KFC’ is another item in this odd secret language – it means: place where black people congregate and fight
Another quote from the media that always pisses me off “He/She was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
He was. He was in London. At any time.
‘Friends and family are saying “this may have been a case of mistaken indentity”..” Does that mean if they killed the right person it would be ok then ?
Jared Taylor on black crime.
A previous post up said that Question Time was a good one this week.
Still watching it-but I think it`s awful!
All that`s wrong with a load of public sector liberals and grievance seeking minorities and agitators for an audience-and the sanctimony of the likes of Dimbleby and Umuma, with an SNP wallah on the panel in sunny Sheffield.
Utter crap-one or two quips from Louise Bours, but shouted down at most turns.
What a Godawful programme this is-why the hell is it STILL being run?
Didn`t we vote for the exact opposite of Umuna and Dimbleby on May 7th?…so why the hell are they STILL gabbling on, as if we`d voted for it?
QT floor director – *Always zoom in on the hijab*
Remember BBCs fatty Nolan double-teaming with G Allahway, over a Pastor in Ireland over an Islam remark?
BBC News.
“A leading Northern Ireland Muslim who praised Islamic State is set to be called as the main prosecution witness against a Christian preacher charged … with making “offensive” remarks about Islam”
Sheesh! … is it a Sharia court?, is George up next week for declaring Israel free zones? is that not … “offensive”
I couldn t find the BBC page concerning this, yet again, another Islamic terror supporter, overlooked by the BBC.
And Bradford is now a Galloway-frei zone!
God Bless Israel-may God stuff Galloway up the Khaba Pass..cockney rhyming slang meets Islamic bull!
UK: 100 Muslim hate preachers a year lecture at universities, with 20 of their students convicted of terrorism
Fanatics given a platform to spread hatred of the West despite ministers promise of crackdown.
Jihadwatch has even an more damning comparison
er … BBC- Ireland news? … maybe their just a little late?
You’ll probably find it filed under ‘entertainment’ like this old gem:
The complaint, that was upheld, was hidden in the ‘entertainment’ sections. It appears that Google is no longer indexing the page – possibly due to her requesting it’s removal?
2pm news headlines on radio 4 tells me that those charity monkeys that hound the old into donations are to be reined in by Camerons government.
Because what they do is -and I think I heard this right-“illegal and probably immoral”.
It`s the “probably immoral” line that struck me-since when would being “probably immoral” be a crime to the likes of Carleton Greene. Grade and Thompson?
Thought Mary Whitehouse and her “Moral Rearmament Crusade” was the very antithesis of everything we`ve been told in all those documentaries on BBC4.
God died in 1965 did He not?…so “Morality” died with Him…surely?
Always good to hear the BBC and Harmans Labour Party blurt on about morality-they`ve scotched that very notion now for years-and NOW they appeal to the rest of us to consider “immorality” as a cause that requires a Bryant or an Oaten to sort out for us.
Shameless scumbags or what?
How odd it is when British holidaymakers not going to a country where terrorism is now a fact of life is construed as ‘giving in’. – the constant BBC refrain over Tunisia.
Nothing to do with common sense then. Mass tourism is a recent thing but wars and terrorism are age old, So Tunisia is off the holiday list. That is what happens in a country where the rule of law has never been exactly a fact of life.
Now what caused the situation is best not gone into but any nation that allows itself to become the home to beliefs and persons inimicable to it is asking for trouble.
Liberalism does not get this at all and look now at the this England of ours and reflect.
A liberal would rather risk anything than be thought to making a stand for reality and the traditions of his country let alone actually make a value judgement about other cultures.
They are insane.
Quite frankly, how dare the Tunisian government moan about this decision? They failed to protect their guests. Why are we obliged to travel to a dangerous country, just to ‘prove’ that ISIS are ‘not winning’.
ISIS quite clearly are winning the hearts and minds of a huge number of muslims.
More banal, PC horseshit trying to force a one-sided sexism agenda into nothing stories while ignoring the institutional sexism that exists towards men in our legal system. Disgusting, parasitic dross.
There are various issues that are highlighted with the following story concerning the BBC.
1. What they consider to be quality programming serving our society and supported by the licence fee payer.
2. They employ a woman with the title of a ‘social mobility executive’.
3. This same woman puts her own son as a presenter of a programme that she headed.
4. Judging by the pathetic and offensive humour used by her son we can easily recognise the typical left wing mindset prevalent there.
5. The son used part of the programme to promote the record shop run by his brother, her other son.
6. The BBC response: A source described it as ‘product placement’, but a BBC spokesman said the suggestion was ‘utter nonsense’. The spokesman said: ‘Any suggestion that this is product placement is utter nonsense. The film is consistent with our editorial guidelines.’ 🙄
7. The rest you can judge for yourselves.
Welcome to modern Britain and its national broadcaster, aided and abetted by our ‘f**king idiot Cameron’ and the rest of our government.
Fury over BBC youth channel that mocks the Queen, calls David Cameron a ‘f****** idiot’ and promotes drug abuse
*BBC Raw was launched to develop new talent and engage young viewers
*Host Ciaran Varley, 28, tells viewers to smoke cannabis because ‘it’s cool’
*His mother, Cheryl, is BBC’s ‘social mobility executive’ and head of Raw
*MPs have called for an investigation into the programme’s material
There is a superb article by George Igler at – don’t think he’ll be a guest on Toady anytime soon.
You’ve heard it all now
You recall those school book maths questions, Freddy had 13 apples, the train was going west at 60 miles an hour…?
try this
The BBC sports website says Women’s Tennis, the Lawn Tennis Associaton says Ladies Tennis – that’s from the horse’s mouth and no Clare Balding jokes please. Now our Ore Oduba presenting Wimbledon for the news channel (I think that’s his name, I would check but I’ve mislaid my copy of The Voice) well he goes and calls them Girls – twice. What time will the Twitter storm begin?
It’s all about the terminologly isn’t it BBC – just ask John Humphrys how they wouldn’t let him say Terrorists in case there was a chance of offending someone – offending who, we ask?
Now get used to the word Bosniaks – brand new minted BBC speak for the people of Bosnia. That’s them over there chucking the rocks at the Serb leader during the solemn commemorations of the inter-communial massacre during their civil war over there- forgive and forget and all that as Basil Fawlty used to say of the Germans. BBC says The Thing Is: they want the Serbs to admit it was Genocide – and they won’t , so there you have it. According to the BBC it’s not that these guys hate oneanother – it’s all about a word. Yeah. Perhaps the lawyers warn it would admit something and open the door to compo – who knows? I reckon they hate oneanother.
The BBC feels most sorry for the Tunisian hotel staff. You have to hand it to our national broadcaster they were supporting the Tunisian tourist industry right out of the blocks in that story.
Having got used to the BBC term: Iss- larm, for Islam, that thing Moslems love, and I have. I must admit our Orla Guerin threw us curve ball this evening from Tunis as she broke convention and spoke to some British victims of something and introduced us to the English county of : Ess-sex
‘Ess-sex’ a clear case of honeymoon holiday iterruptus
Simple ask old Orla how much time she actually speaks in the land of her employers, then ask her how much time she spends outside London. I bet the answer to the first is ‘ not a lot’ and the second is ‘ never’ . No wonder they have problems talking to the audience , they have never met them or know anything about them. The bbc, employing foreigners with your money to talk down to you. You stupid English proles.
Impartial tweet from Newsnight’s economics correspondent:
You don’t suppose he’s a fan of the euro, do you?
Meanwhile a Saturday night in. Am I watching BBc? Casualty followed by John Bishop I think not. In fact all the BBc channels have something on I don’t want to watch Instead we are watching the dreadful fast and furious 5 yes it’s as bad as I thought. I’m off to the kitchen to cook something.
The Met Office intended to provide a ‘warm-up’ act for the BBC prior to the UN/Obama
climate conferencefarce in Nov/Dec. Rotten tomatoes anyone?I see that Duncan Weldon BBC Newsnight’s economics correspondent is being as impartial as ever on the subject of the Euro tonight.
“Duncan Weldon @DuncanWeldon
This plan is completely insane.
adam seven @a7_FIN_SWE
Finnish media reports that Germany, Holland, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Slovakia and Slovenia want “temporary” #Grexit”
It seems that the BBC will resort to any method to discredit those who do anything to challenge the Euro!
In BBC Land the Euro is perfect…..
Anyone for Climate Change? This has just been reported in today’s (Saturday) Telegraph that whacks the BBC Climate predictions into the long grass. But with BBC usual spin we’ll get a new ‘cooling crises’ as a ‘bonus’ ball even though the previous data has been found to be FIDDLED to make it match the prediction of Global warming ‘experts’ at the BBC (sic) with CO2 predictions now in serious doubt…