If the American expat can be sarcy, so can I. Or am I just being mean in seeing this as both prurient and irrelevant? Against Islam, indeed. Like, duh! Surely they’re just trawling for Google hits with titles like ‘Malaysian Naked Squats Condemned’. Ooh er missus. Now we know the secret of those millions of daily hits… Or, er, maybe I am…
Oh well, at least they’re not guilty of ingrained witlessness like Fox News. (thanks comments- yes, I puked too)
Actually, Mr Mosey seems a bit of a prat for another reason entirely (aside from his absurd generalisation that the entire elite of the British media – C4, Paxman, the entire BBC blah blah … anyone he missed out?… can be said to be anti-herd- dummy, they are the herd, of course they are. It’s all so Greg Dyke). At the moment where I am it’s -13 degrees and dropping* (outside, I can assure you I’m nice and cosy with my slippers on in here. No pajamas though), while Mr Mosey, playing to disgruntled of Tunbridge Wells, is suggesting that talk of a cold winter was nonsense (I speak as a Grantham boy, so Mr Mosey’s anecdote roused some thoughts from me). Well, for a slice off the coast of Europe, maybe (fantastic and delicious slice though it is). For much of Central-Eastern Europe the scenery’s been like something from Dr Zhivago, with occasional thaws just to bring home the general frozenness abounding.
*weather figures courtesy of ever-changing BBConline weather, with commonsense added.
Rapid Update: It’s all clear to me now: the Malaysia story must be part of what Tessa Jowell calls a “strong and distinctive schedule” (justifying a strong and distinctive tax). Can’t wait for the documentary…
After all the BBC hubris about left wing tinpot election wins in South America, a couple that go the ‘right’ way….
Poland committed to Iraq role
“Plans to withdraw the troops by the end of this month had been made by the previous government.
But the new conservative Law and Justice government recently reversed that decision.”
Who knows, maybe these guys will muck in as well……
Conservative vow to change Canada
Simon: My comment wasn’t meant to be “amusing”. I’ve got no problems with gays having most rights straight people do but I beg to differ. Gay couples can’t conceive children and I’m sure you know that I meant exactly that. Marriage has forever been defined by the bible (at least in our culture) and it’s meant to be between a man and a woman. Furthermore I don’t think it’s healthy if children have same sex parents. You can give me all the crap that is usually spewed out by the progressives but children need a dad and a mum, not two dads, not two mums and no single parents either. Traditional families are becoming more and more scarce and that’s one of the main reasons why our societies go down the drain if you ask me.
Archduke posted the following comment.
Please see the following e-mail exchange (the original message is under the reply).
Anyone hear PM tonight ? Surprisingly they went on about something called “extraordinary rendition” and they never once used that favoured BBC prefix “alleged” or even the word “allegation”.
Now so often does the BBC use the adjective “alleged” in quite inappropriate circumstances such as when a girl is raped and murdered in Thailand and DNA evidence + confession links the perpetrators; that one might have thought the newspaper cuttings presented by Dick Marty to the Council of Europe could have been said to be somewhat less than “alleged” and more like “fantasised”
If that unfortunate girl had been sentenced to death by an Israeli court it would have been all over the front page of the BBC website like a rash. Ian Jolly’s explanation is just mendacious evasion.
or, of course, the United States. Msrs Frei and Webb would wet themselves in excitement at such a reporting opportunity.
But the racist left ‘expect more’ from Israel and America, than they do from the ‘brown Arabs’.
Matt Frei joined the BBC in 1986 shortly after leaving university. His first job was in the German Section of BBC World Service before he moved to English Language Current Affairs from 1987 to 1988.
Matt Frei was born on 26 November 1963 in Essen Germany. He went to school in Germany until his family moved to London when he was 10-years-old.
He read History and Spanish at Oxford University, graduating in 1986. He is married with three children.
Actually, Ian Jolly’s reply appears to be pretty honest: reading between the lines, he appears to be saying that they missed the story because it broke at a weekend and, actually, it was not a particularly important piece in the grand scheme of affairs.
What is more worrying is the mainstream media’s lack of interest in stories which are really rather significant.
“Actually, Ian Jolly’s reply appears to be pretty honest”
Honest, maybe but inadequate. As mentioned above, the US and Israel wouldn’t be left alone like this.
Bearing in mind the feeding frenzy that accompanied the execution of a quadruple murderer in Governor Terminator’s state, the BBC’s sidelining of this distressing Iranian story is pathetic.
“Bearing in mind the feeding frenzy that accompanied the execution of a quadruple murderer in Governor Terminator’s state, the BBC’s sidelining of this distressing Iranian story is pathetic.”
if ever there was a “campaigning” news item, its that Iranian girl’s story.
instead , we get the Tookie lovefest.
it’s worse than pathetic – its utterly disgusting.
Yes but the EU and the bien pensants have an agenda and link up with the anti-execution lobbies in the USA – much of the BBC is merely providing a platform for interest groups – sometimes it seems a bit like Wayne’s World with its open access to liberal lobby groups.
In Iran the BBc comes to a modus vivendi of issues they will not raise so they can stay and report what the regime finds palatable – isn’t this what CNN did in Saddam’s Iraq, or what Star TV does in China, or MSN ? Or what they used to do/still do in Beijing or Moscow.
Putin would not be busy handing out dog-leashes if he did not find reporters willing to wear them
Biased-BBC’s earlier posting…
Obsessing on Death Row: Scott Callahan has put together a detailed post that’s right up this blog’s street. He compares the BBC’s approach to the death penalty in the US and China- and finds a stark contrast.
The contrast between the US and Iran is even starker.
“Panel approves Bush court nominee”
Odd that this is not front page.
Would it be if he was not approved?
Ray Nagin’s “chocolate city” comment relegated, anti-Iraq war message promoted
DFH, is that the “genuinely heroic” Mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin, according to the BBC’s LA condo correspondent Matt Frei?
They’ve used the “it happened on a weekend” excuse many times before. Remember that awful mealy-mouthed BBC woman who tried to explain why they covered the white-on-black racist murder so extensively while completely ignoring several black-on-white racist murders that happened in roughly the same time frame? She used the “it happened on a weekend excuse” for one of those cases too. How pathetic.
Like that is any kind of excuse for a “news” outlet with a 3 billion dollar annual budget. They can’t find a full staff willing to work weekends for the kind of money they pay? Yeah right.
The Beeb’s disgraceful, considering especially, as posted above, their cover-up of this horrible Iranian case in contrast with the Tookie lovefest.
DFH, is that the “genuinely heroic” Mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin, according to the BBC’s LA condo correspondent Matt Frei?
I believe it is, TAoL.
DFH, is that the “genuinely heroic” Mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin, according to the BBC’s LA condo correspondent Matt Frei?
I believe it is, TAoL.
It was Matt Wells who dubbed Nagin as “genuinely heroic”
Thank you, Michael Gill. All these Matts – so much guff.
O/T. There was also a Matt Wells (of the Gaunad) who wrote an absurd puff-piece for the lamentable Victoria Derbyshire a couple of years ago.
Are there Matt Wells clones out there?
I’ve got no problems with gays having most rights straight people do but I beg to differ. Gay couples can’t conceive children and I’m sure you know that I meant exactly that.
I know that’s what you meant, it’s just not what I think the commentor meant. I’m sure she’s aware of the biological situation. By “having” children I assume she means raising children (and “having” in the terms of bearing children in the case of lesbian couples).
Marriage has forever been defined by the bible (at least in our culture) and it’s meant to be between a man and a woman.
How “marriage” is defined by the church is a theological question and I’m happy for it to stay that way. If the church only wants men and women to enter into the bond of marriage that’s fine with me. However as I couldn’d give a flying fig for religion of any kind, I think that the the recognition of a marriage or partnership in law (for tax, inheritance and social security purposes) should not be bound by this particular constraint.
Furthermore I don’t think it’s healthy if children have same sex parents. You can give me all the crap that is usually spewed out by the progressives…
Don’t worry, I agree with you up to a point. I think the preferable situation to raise children is with a mother and father.
…but children need a dad and a mum, not two dads, not two mums and no single parents (gasp – the horror) either.
OK – like I say, I think it is best for children to have a mother and father but I am not going to stop same sex couples from raising children or single parents cue thunderclap fram having children either. I know you are not suggesting this but it obviously rubs you up the wrong way a lot more than it does me.
Traditional families are becoming more and more scarce
Are they? If this is the case then maybe it’s the incidence of divorce that is a main contributor to this rather than those millions of children being raised by same sex couples or those whores of single mothers?
and that’s one of the main reasons why our societies go down the drain if you ask me.
Guess I’m just fiddling while Rome burns then I just don’t lose sleep over this obvious slide into the gutter.