. A commenter on B-BBC, Thomas, aka Grumpy Troll, has got a result from BBC Newswatch regarding the now more widely known BBC omission of coverage concerning Iran’s condemned-to-death rape victim (please check out the horrific details if you haven’t yet heard about it properly- we’re not talking about something in doubt here)
I notice that Mr Jolly (the BBC Newswatch man who responded) tries to excuse it by saying the story broke over the weekend, and then says effectively that failure to cover a story initially is reason enough for ignoring it permanently. Another interpretation is that the Beeb ignores stories that are presented to it by the online rabble (stories, in other words, that the Beeb are late to, ignorant of and culpable for omitting from their coverage).
It’s preposterous. Whatever happened to ‘the public interest’- or even a young girl’s? The coverage cited by the Newswatch man is just one instance of BBC coverage, five months back, reliant on one of their beloved transnationals, Amnesty, who voice ‘growing concern’. The rest (following links) tends to be generalised, infrequent, involving criticism mostly by proxy – and they turn up their nose at a specific example!
The Beeb’s Newswatch response:
I don’t think we have covered this story and to be honest, there’s no one reason why that’s the case. For one thing it became known on a weekend, and might not not have got picked up as quickly as it might have done during the week. Also, try as we might, it is impossible to cover every story, and we try to avoid running items simply because they have already been covered widely elsewhere.
To be fair, this particular story seems to have been covered largely on blogs and specialists websites, so may never have made it into mainstream media. However, the fact it isn’t running shouldn’t be seen as an act of censorship – we have covered the issue of Iran’s human rights in the past:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world…ast/ 4184598.stmI hope that goes some way to answering your question. I’ll pass your
e-mail on to our Middle East editor so he can check what the latest
situation is.Kind regards,
Ian Jolly
‘In the past’- oh, ok, we only bother with Iran as a kind of academic, history exercise. It’s not like their business is news or anything. And it was the weekend- the three billions of public money just couldn’t cover that
Thomas’s initial comment:
—–Original Message—–
Sent: 24 January 2006 16:06
To: News General Feedback
Subject: Feedback [NewsWatch]…
COMMENTS: I am writing to ask why the story of a 17-year-old Iranian girl sentenced to death by hanging for having caused the death of one of her three rapists has seemingly not been covered by BBC News, at least not on the BBC News website.
(Story reported at the following URL:
http://www.faithfreedom.org/Anno…601081013.htm.)I would appreciate an answer and do excuse myself should the story have been covered and missed by my searches.
(This blog mentioned the Iranian girl’s case via links to other sites- here and here, the latter post going back to Jan 11th, just a week after the sentence was handed out.)
Hi. Since I’m the one who stirred up this particular hornet’s nest, and for what it’s worth, I’ll give my thoughts:
Beeboids don’t see themselves as purveyors of truth. They see themselves as educators.
(If you don’t grasp that, essential, difference between true journalism and what the BBC are doing, then you’re either stupid or you’re a socialist. But I repeat myself.) The point is that the BBC institutionally oppose military action against Iran. Hence, any story that might make their readers/listeners/viewers think the daisy-cutter solution to theocracy wasn’t the correct one must be suppressed. For our own good, you know. Because we’re children. And Nanny Knows Best.
Meanwhile, somewhere in Iran this evening, a young woman sits in a condemned cell, terrified and abandoned by the world. The BBC, meanwhile, are quite content that although they’ve helped out in other such cases, the need to restrain U.S. hegemony means we children must be spared the truth about Nazanin. (Leyla Mafi, the retarded girl forced into prostitution by her parents, survived to endure ‘only’ 100 lashes because the MSM picked up her story and embarrassed the Mullahs.) But. Still. Doesn’t Nazanin realise that our liberal masters know what’s best?
(And as for you, Cockney, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. Day-in, day-out, you defend the leftist media, but, really, this time you’re idiocy is contributing to an innocent woman’s death. Have you no shame?)
“apparent lack of corruption ”
every biography and historical book I have read about the Nazis make it abundantly clear that Hitler was NOT a corrupt person. Goering yes, Himmler , maybe – but Hitler – definitely not. so , this lack of “corruption” angle just doesnt wash for me.
so the beebs focus on Hamas being “not corrupt”, ignores the ideological appeal of Hamas – its Nazism, albeit a Muslim version.
its as clear as day to me anyway that a genocidal Nazi party has taken power in Palestine.
but the impression the beeb gives is that they are just a bunch of social workers, with a bit of a “militant” problem.
“ignores the ideological appeal of Hamas ” – just like the clarify , i mean appealing to the Palestinians who voted for them, not myself…
You what?? I’ve completely agreed with those accusing the BBC of hypocrisy by refusing to make a scene over child execution, or even investigate and report on the case because it happens to be Iranian rather than American.
My point was that the case doesn’t appear to be fully reported anywhere. We know that the women herself claimed that she acted in self defence against attepted rape. We don’t know whether that was accepted by the judge or was in any way independently confirmed or denied (if we do show me). Somewhere around the chinese whisper blog circuit it appears to have been accepted as unquestionable truth – you’ve just decalred she’s ‘innocent’.
Now we all know from the Bulger case and many others that the right wing (and indeed most other reasonable people) don’t believe that individuals who happen to be under 18 should bear no responsibility for their actions, so are the facts of the case rather than the story of the accused and the Iran bashing angle not of any importance whatsoever?
I appreciate that in this case there should be one hell of an outcry notwithstanding but don’t accuse me of being accessory to murder on the basis of unsubstantiated rumour. And show me where I’ve defended the leftist media per se rather than what I consider to be unjustifiable attacks on it. If you don’t want a civilised debate stay off the comments pages.
the original source of the story is Etemaad, an iranian state run newspaper. this was picked up by iranfocus.com
amnesty have picked up on it as well (i would assume they would have checked out the story?)
ok. more on nazanin that i dug up
german site:
has contact details for a mullah in iran at the bottom.
iranian blog:
(judging by the farsi/persian script, he’s possibly an iranian exile)
NCR (iranian resistance group):
fundementally the story originates from that Iranian newspaper – so if the Beeb could translate it and plonk it on their middle east news site, it would clarify the situation.
Metropolitan Police chief Sir Ian Blair has accused the media of “institutional racism” in its reporting of murders.
The head of London’s police said murders in minority communities appeared “not to interest the mainstream media”.
He highlighted the difference in coverage of the recent murders of white lawyer Tom ap Rhys Pryce and Asian builders’ merchant Balbir Matharu.
Huuhhhhhhhh? White murdered by black or brown get bugger all coverage compared with the other way around! What IS Blair up to? And what a load of ruhbarb!
Archduke – before I’m accused of helping kill kids again I’ll stress that this is a relatively minor point, but it could be far more important in other contexts.
If you read the iranfocus story the detail you get is…
Nazanin, who was 17 years old at the time of the incident, said that after the three men started to throw stones at them, the two girls’ boyfriends quickly escaped on their motorbikes leaving the pair helpless.
She described how the three men pushed her and her 16-year-old niece Somayeh onto the ground and tried to rape them, and said that she took out a knife from her pocket and stabbed one of the men in the hand.
As the girls tried to escape, the men once again attacked them, and at this point, Nazanin said, she stabbed one of the men in the chest. The teenage girl, however, broke down in tears in court as she explained that she had no intention of killing the man but was merely defending herself and her younger niece from rape, the report said.
…point was that nowhere does it say that the court accepted this version of events and sentenced her to death anyway. Ian Huntly testified that the Soham murders were an accident but I don’t recall many blogs accepting this as the absolute truth.
I suspect Amnesty are more concerned with the concept of hanging kids (or people who were kids at the time of their alledged crime) than the specific details.
Can someone tell me why this govt doesnt fully fund the RAF?
And then decides to send 4000 men to the lions den, without proper kit?
There is no excuse this time.
Why dont the Govt lease another 4 C17 Globemasters from the USA?
And a Jumbo 747 or 2?
true cockney. we dont know how the court came to its judgement. so it would be useful if somebody at the bbc got off their arse and got that Etemaad newspaper report translated and published.
Hamas ‘secures stunning victory’
‘stunning’ of course not attributed to anyone in particular, it’s the BBC view. Trebles all round!
As a general rule of thumb, I like to say that the louder leftists shriek, the less justification there is for what they’re shrieking about. Thankyou for confirming this, Cockney:
This, on the first page of a Google search on ‘Nazanin’ (Chinese readers, please check your government-sponsored firewalls). There are, of course, two ways to write this one up for western ears:
First, truthfully: Nazanin accidentally killed a gang-rapist who was part of the Mullah-judge’s Islamonazi-faction (la-la-la, let’s all grow beards down to our knees, nuke Israel, rape at will). Judge gets even with Nazanin by sentencing her to death. Happy Mullahs! Happy BBC! Happy Cockney? Well, no. Perhaps the thought of innocent 18-year-old girls choking slowly to death doesn’t make you smile … But if the alternative was another Iraq? Hmm. Then that’s more of a puzzle, isn’t it, Cock? (Or can I call you Dick?) Dead girl or hegemony? Mullahs or McChimpyBushHitler? Damn, but that must be the kind of thing that keep people like you up at night.
Second, slyly, connivingly, leftishly: Show us the proof. [VRWC: here you go. Proof.] No. I want more proof. Maybe Nazanin’s a sort of Islamic Tookie. Maybe she gets her jollies stabbing guys right, left and centre. Hell, anything could be true. Let’s shoehorn the Bulger killing in here to appease you dumb right-wingers. Yeah. Maybe Nazanin’s some kind of baby-murderer. Who knows? Huh? No one, that’s who. Because the BBC haven’t reported on the story, and, hence, I don’t know what to think. Duhhh. Help me out John Simpson? Duhhh. Jim Muir? Duhhh. Anyone?
Myself, I tend to run with the assumption that evil police states are, well, evil. And as for you? Well, if you need someone to prove the truth of this, then why the hell don’t you just move to Iran and feel the oppression firsthand? Dick.
For a different view on the Hamas election victory see
As David Horowitz puts it: “The Palestinian elections registered one irrefutable fact: the Palestinians are the first people in human history to embrace terror and genocide as a way of life.”
“Man jailed for Iraq revenge plot”
Cant find the “I” word anywhere…
RottyPup: You deserve your name! Thanks for hitting hard.
Archduke – I wonder if someone in BBC Monitoring might have done so (translate the piece) – that newspaper, incidently, appears to be directly supervised by the religious authorities in Iran) ? (In fact, it would be rather odd if they haven’t.) I suspect the issue is not lack of translation but rather, something whch will come as no surprise to anyone here, journalistic priorities.
the Palestinians are the first people in human history to embrace terror and genocide as a way of life
If only that were true. I realise he is being polemical, but he should still know better. (This statement is in no sense to be read as an apologia for HAMAS< but rather a reminder of the existence of any number of other people in human history who have embraced terror and genocidea s a way of life - most to a far greater extent that the Palestinians have to date.)
As for the murder of Mr Balbir Matharu, if the murderers turn out to be white the BBC will be all over it like a rash, they’ll have 100 people in Stratford before you can say ‘license fee’. If they aren’t white, I suspect the BBC’s unspoken rule about not reporting (or barely reporting) murders by ethnic minorities is being followed.
Any truth in the rumour (started by me) that the BBC is going to replace the excellent Radio 4 theme (who would have thought it possible to combine “Greensleeves” with “What shall we do with the drunken sailor”?) with a Muslim call to prayer? The BBC will claim it is more ‘relevant’ to modern UK society.
Or perhaps it will be some godawful ‘fusion’ of ‘ethnic’ music.
We can only wait, and tremble.
“Hamas ‘secures stunning victory’
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world…ast/ 4650788.stm
‘stunning’ of course not attributed to anyone in particular, it’s the BBC view. Trebles all round!”
i came close to getting physically sick when i saw that headline.
its now changed – “hamas sweeps to election victory”
despite the editing its still there in all its glory in google news:
“stunning” my arse. its an effing disaster.
Met chief accuses media of ‘institutional racism’
And of course he’s not wrong because although for instance the story about the asian man dragged to his death by two car stereo theives made the Guardian, London Evening Standard and Mirror and of course the BBC website, it was hardly front page news although the locals carried it more prominently.
The race of the culprits has not been established.
Which is a point worth noting as, in searching for links to the other cases mentioned it’s amazing how many relatively unreported murders of ethnic minority individuals one comes across. And what stands out is how often the suspect or accused is also described as being from a minority or not specified at all which can be significant.
Of course plug “murder Eltham” or “murder Huyton” into a search engine and you find hundreds, no thousands of prominent stories.
So returning to Blair’s accusation – yes, he’s probably right – the media is biased. It would probably not like to bring to our attention the number of murders committed by minority individuals even on other minorities and particularly not on whites unless they’re …. well to be honest the sort of people that journalists might find themselves at a dinner party with.
Oh and the Trident murder on page 97?
Do us a favour Blair, papers like to print news.
Sorry, looks like dave T has already covered this while I was Googling. Shows how many links I had to follow though. If I tried to post them all I’d be needing a new right click button
“which direction now for hamas”?
hmm… let me guess:
Sharia law for starters
Eliminate Fatah
Abolish futher elections
Import arms like crazy
Kill more Jews
pretty straightforward to me. but no, it’s all too “complicated” for the bbc.
“The next few days and weeks will show whether Hamas can demonstrate the maturity needed to deal with a uniquely complex political situation.”
i dont know whether to laugh or cry.
i dont know whether to laugh or cry.”
The BBC’s description of Hamas is quite quaint:
“[Hamas] does not recognise the State of Israel”.
Of course Hamas recognises the State of Israel – it wants to destroy it!
But one has to be phlegmatic about these things. Plus ca change and all that.
All that has happened is that The Front of People’s Jihad has been defeated by The People’s Front of Jihad.
the Palestinians are the first people in human history to embrace terror and genocide as a way of life
If only that were true. I realise he is being polemical, but he should still know better. (This statement is in no sense to be read as an apologia for HAMAS< but rather a reminder of the existence of any number of other people in human history who have embraced terror and genocidea s a way of life - most to a far greater extent that the Palestinians have to date.) Venichka | 26.01.06 - 5:49 pm | # I'd agree with that, but I'm not sure if another society has embraced nihilism as a way of life to the extent of the Palestinians.
“I’d agree with that, but I’m not sure if another society has embraced nihilism as a way of life to the extent of the Palestinians.”
quite frankly, i can only see this heading in one direction. and its not pretty.
Can’t say African
voice of america – on the hamas victory
it seems fairly balanced. here’s some quotes:
“For Israelis it seemed like a nightmare come true. ”
“For Palestinian officials and Fatah party members there is an overwhelming sense of shock. ”
“Hamas’s rise to power is being widely described as a political earthquake with everyone feeling the tremors.”
“But there was broad consensus across the political spectrum [in israel] that there could be no relations with Hamas, which is widely considered a terrorist group.”
note the words used – nightmare, shock, terrorist, earthquake – these, rightly , convey the sense and sheer scale of whats happened. it’s not like some election in a Parish Council.. a bunch of neo-Nazi terrorist racist thugs just got elected in palestine. lets be 100 per cent clear about that.
however the bbc are saying
“although some Israelis see the Hamas victory as an opportunity for peace”
some israelis – what, like 2 or 3 of them?
“BBC’s Jon Leyne in Jerusalem says there is no doubt that the Hamas showing has transformed the Palestinian political arena. ”
oh – “transformed”… so , a bunch of genocidal fascists just gained control. that’s err.. “transformed”
“But correspondents say Hamas seems unprepared for its own victory, and has not prepared itself to step neatly into government and assume immediate responsibility.”
aaah diddums. poor old hamas. feel some pity for them.
“Can’t say African
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/healt…lth/ 4649984.stm”
today program, jan 3rd – interview (realaudio):
“The think tank Civitas has published a pamphlet arguing that political correctness is stifling freedom of speech. We talk to Anthony Browne, who wrote the article, and columnist Yasmin Alibhai Brown who writes for the Independent.”
utter disgrace how that Mr Browne chap was shouted down. he barely got a word in.
OT: I am moved to speak in defense of Cockney in the face of RottyPup’s rabid attack in the comments above. Apologies if this seems patronising.
I despise Leftism because it represents a retreat from reason on matters with emotional connotations.
When I begin reading a comments thread on this site, I know in advance that I am going to agree with 96% of what is said without any effort of reason whatsoever. I am aware that I am guilty of the very thing I despise: a retreat from reason. The trouble is, reason is hard work; unreason is relaxing and entertaining.
However, I also tend to agree with much of what Cockney says, but only after a moment’s thought. This is the invaluable service that Cockney provides to this blog.
If you read a statement that you instinctively disagree with, ask yourself the following questions: which of my assumptions does this statement challenge? How confident am I in my position? What motivated the writer to write that statement? What motivates me to draw the conclusions that I do? Are my assumptions falsifiable? If so, what would it take to change my mind on this issue?
Cockney is just about the only poster here who challenges me in the above way. His perfectly reasonable comments in this thread have prompted other contributors to check their facts in a way that they clearly had not done beforehand, and we are all the wiser for their labours and his.
Long may he continue to post.
RottyPup: nice blog, shame about the above comments. No treats for you today. Also, you seem to have got the impression that Cockney is some kind of cartoon Socialist, which any foo’ can see he clearly is not.
The BBC’s description of Hamas is quite quaint:
“[Hamas] does not recognise the State of Israel”.
Adolf Hitler did not recognise the State of Poland, nor the State of Czechoslovakia…………………..he dismembered both and plunged the world into the abyss
I am rather pleased by the ‘stunning’ win by Hamas. The veil which covered the true nature of the ‘Palestinian’ aspirations,particularly the destruction of Israel with its implicit Holocaust PartII, has been removed. It is to be hoped that the EU will stop funding these people, and that the games being played by leftist Israeli academics will cease when it becomes evident that they would only be participating in their own destruction.
Israel must secure its borders and this should include whatever territories are necessary to do so.
£3bn/yr and they cannot afford an atlas!
Check out the sidebar of this page and see where El Salvador has been moved to (5):
OT – The institutionally racist BBC in action.
Man jailed for Iraq revenge plot
‘Men’ of certain occupations really are dangerous, so the BBC inform us. We know to be wary of ‘plumbers’. Here’s a new one to add to the list – ‘market traders’.
No ‘I’ word here, move along now….
I say “beware the bearded man/plumber/market trader”.
Infact, the more I think about this, the more angry I get. This is another example of British born islamic/muslim nutcases in our midst carrying our terrorist attacks…. but no-one dare mention the I or M words……what gives?
What a f**king ugly bastard!
rick – because the bbc doesnt have any idea of what an “enemy” is.
sorry – i should have referred that to “ritter”..
oii – biased bbc -any chance of setting up a proper forum , rather than haloscan?
just a thought.
“This is another example of British born islamic/muslim nutcases”
There is nothing in this report to suggest he was a Muslim, an Islamist or anything like that.
There could be two reasons for this:
1) He is a Quaker.
2) The BBC does not want us, the viewers, to make a connection between his belief-system and his crimes. Islam and jihad have nothing to do with this story. Nothing to see. Move along now, children.
At least he didn’t discriminate – a squaddie, a Jew and a Hindu. He only needed a Buddhist for a full house.
“Which is a point worth noting as, in searching for links to the other cases mentioned it’s amazing how many relatively unreported murders of ethnic minority individuals one comes across.”
I noticed this when I lived in London. There were murder cases in the local newspapers that were spectacular and bloody enough to have made the national news, except that they did not because they involved formerly Sri Lankan people murdering each other. As far as the mainstream media is concerned, it is not news when ethnic minorities murder each other or even riot – provided it is a small-scale riot – because that is to be expected.
I lived in Harlesden for a few months. There are three links to Harlesden on the BBC’s news website. One of them has a quote from someone who says:
“We have a problem currently that began in May 1999 when we had someone shot here at Bridge Park and within six months seven people had been killed in the area.”
The report mentions further deaths. Harlesden is tiny, you can walk through it in twenty minutes. But of these seven or eight murders in such a tiny spot there is no mention on the BBC’s news website; and if the archives only go back to 2000, there is no follow-up, nothing. One of the stories is itself a follow-up to the unreported murder of a man called Kavian Francis-Hopwood, killed as recently as 2003.
These people are of no use to the BBC because they cannot be used to attack the legacy of Thatcherism or right-wingers or anything that the BBC does not agree with. The MP for that area is Paul Boateng who is a Labour MP and given Harlesden’s racial makeup it is unlikely that the crimes involved white people. The BBC pretends to be their friend but it is a lie.
The BBC is doubly-hobbled because of its ideology; it is not useful to run stories about people from ethnic minorities murdering each other, because the BBC’s writers only care about ethnic minorities insofar as they can be used to attack right-wing anti-immigration people and enemies of multiculturaism. When ethnic minorities kill each other the BBC is only interested if the story can be used to illustrate how Thatcherite social policy has driven these people into the kind of poverty and despair that could be solved in Britain was to be a true social democracy with State Wonder-Scheme A and State Wonder-Scheme B.
And I have to defend this Cockney chap. He comes across as a skeptic, which is a good thing, and his points are well-made. If the story he mentons is ambiguous we have to ask ourselves how this can be so, given that we are blessed with such an expensive and professional government news service.
“I have to defend this Cockney chap. He comes across as a skeptic, which is a good thing, and his points are well-made.”
i concur. although i also think that rottweiller puppy’s demolition of him was also valid. such is free speech and democracy – and boy am i glad we can still do that.
” If the story he mentons is ambiguous we have to ask ourselves how this can be so, given that we are blessed with such an expensive and professional government news service.”
because it chooses what is “important” or not i.e. – its biased.
I’m not Cockneys biggest fan, but the earlier remark was a bit below the belt IMHO.
As for the poor Iranian girl……if only she had been a whale, the BBC might have taken some notice.
And don’t forget that Radio 5 have been busy giving New Labour spinners air time to tell us how Galloway is not fit to be an MP, but Una King is.
Further to Ashley’s
“These people are of no use to the BBC because they cannot be used to attack the legacy of Thatcherism or right-wingers or anything that the BBC does not agree with.”
If only that were so. Unfortunately my research showed that the right wing press were just as remiss in covering ethnic on ethnic murder as the left. In fact more so because as far as I could ascertain the Guardian or the BBC were all to often the only ones to mention cerain stories, at least on a national level.
Rod Liddle wrote an article for the Spectator entitled “the Politics of Pleasantville” (unfortunately hiding behind a subscription now) that described an arc of London from Ealing in the west through Notting Hill and Hampstead to Islington & Crouch End in the east. These are the trendy London ‘villages’ much beloved by the affluent and aspiring and where most journalists and broadcasers either live or aspire to.
Most of them are immigrants in the sense that they’re not Londoners. They come from Cheshire and Dumfries and Wiltshire and went to provincial universities where they graduated in journalism and media studies. They love our cosmopolitan city. It brings them their Albanian cleaner and their Czeck nanny. Their Polish plumber and their Turkish gardner. They pay them cash ‘off the books’ despite their belief in the fairness of redistributive taxation. After all, they can count on their Indian accountant to squirrel enough away for that house in the Dordogne. That’s the wonder of multiculturalism.
They abhor America and Americans althought their quick to take advantage of a weekend in New York and holiday in California or Florida as happily as Tuscany or Kenya.
And don’t kid yourself that I’m describing the staff of the Guardian. The Mail employs exactly the same people. Just because we see the odd right wing editorial or column doesn’t make the reporters who fill the news pages devout Tories. I know a couple of them and take it from me they’re not. Their world view is not far different from Polly Toynbee.
So they have little incentive to burst the happy multiculti bubble. Few of them have any experience of the other London ‘villages’ like Harlsden or Tottenham.
If your total experience of the third world is a Persian restaurant in the Edgware Road you’d hardly like to upset the owner by dissing Iran.
Here’s a gem from the Pali election (D)HYS:
“…The concept of freedom does not belong only to westerners of which I am one.
Colin McAuley, Amherstview, Ontario, Canada”
Isn’t it, Colin? Isn’t it???
Allan@Aberdeen | 26.01.06 – 10:14 pm
The Palestinian position is no longer ‘covert’ it is unquestionably overt, as is now the supporters for this evil group and that includes the BBC.
This stuff just got serious, really serious and so have the repercussions and consequences for their support.
Intelligent, articulate, and ‘polite’ just the kind of prick the b-bbc bubble requires for ‘questioning’ opinions and actually discussing a topic in depth.
Sir Ian Blair…………..Utter Wanker! No apology for language used.
Me…………….. Opinionated …….I also complain in writing to the socialist propaganda machine formerly known as the beeb…Do you?
I can not help but feel that when the Berlin wall came down Communism arrrived in the UK. The present Government under Communist Cow Comrade Cherie from Crosby reinforces this opinion, oh and the BBC tells the same story. Have you ever noticed how many John Prescott replica stories are told on the BBC? I did not pass my 11 plus so NOBODY MUST GO TO GRAMMAR SCHOOL, sssh until Tony Blair’s children have finished their education you idiot, be quiet not yet with that one, oh dear do you think anyone heard us?
Doctor Whingeing Breid
Tony Blair considers himself a thespian – his troupe has since 1997 acted out the script of Orwell’s “Animal Farm” and frequently dipped into the script for “1984” – no doubt it will start auditions soon for Huxley’s “Brave New World”.
Just look at how many members of the New Labour Apparatchiki have flirted with or been affiliated with Marxism and then see why the New Left Order throughout Europe brings the totalitarian urge for thought control and direction to its highest peak since May 1945.
Now I bet the BBC BUsiness News won’t mention this archtiectural contract to build a car city in China: –
The contractor in Hamburg is the Firm of Albert Speer & Partner.
I really think I would have chosen a different name for my firm if my father had spent years in Spandau
Just on the BBC…
“Metropolitan Police Chief Sir Ian Blair has apologised to the parents of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman for comments he made about the Soham murders.
Sir Ian Blair told the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) on Thursday that “almost nobody” could understand why it had become such a big story.
He called the media institutionally racist in its coverage of murders.”
Blair actually has my sympathy but perhaps not in a way he would like as I for one cannot understand why the murder of Steven Lawrence became such a big story IN RELATION TO OTHER STORIES OF A SIMILAR NATURE i.e. racist murders.