. A commenter on B-BBC, Thomas, aka Grumpy Troll, has got a result from BBC Newswatch regarding the now more widely known BBC omission of coverage concerning Iran’s condemned-to-death rape victim (please check out the horrific details if you haven’t yet heard about it properly- we’re not talking about something in doubt here)
I notice that Mr Jolly (the BBC Newswatch man who responded) tries to excuse it by saying the story broke over the weekend, and then says effectively that failure to cover a story initially is reason enough for ignoring it permanently. Another interpretation is that the Beeb ignores stories that are presented to it by the online rabble (stories, in other words, that the Beeb are late to, ignorant of and culpable for omitting from their coverage).
It’s preposterous. Whatever happened to ‘the public interest’- or even a young girl’s? The coverage cited by the Newswatch man is just one instance of BBC coverage, five months back, reliant on one of their beloved transnationals, Amnesty, who voice ‘growing concern’. The rest (following links) tends to be generalised, infrequent, involving criticism mostly by proxy – and they turn up their nose at a specific example!
The Beeb’s Newswatch response:
I don’t think we have covered this story and to be honest, there’s no one reason why that’s the case. For one thing it became known on a weekend, and might not not have got picked up as quickly as it might have done during the week. Also, try as we might, it is impossible to cover every story, and we try to avoid running items simply because they have already been covered widely elsewhere.
To be fair, this particular story seems to have been covered largely on blogs and specialists websites, so may never have made it into mainstream media. However, the fact it isn’t running shouldn’t be seen as an act of censorship – we have covered the issue of Iran’s human rights in the past:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world…ast/ 4184598.stmI hope that goes some way to answering your question. I’ll pass your
e-mail on to our Middle East editor so he can check what the latest
situation is.Kind regards,
Ian Jolly
‘In the past’- oh, ok, we only bother with Iran as a kind of academic, history exercise. It’s not like their business is news or anything. And it was the weekend- the three billions of public money just couldn’t cover that
Thomas’s initial comment:
—–Original Message—–
Sent: 24 January 2006 16:06
To: News General Feedback
Subject: Feedback [NewsWatch]…
COMMENTS: I am writing to ask why the story of a 17-year-old Iranian girl sentenced to death by hanging for having caused the death of one of her three rapists has seemingly not been covered by BBC News, at least not on the BBC News website.
(Story reported at the following URL:
http://www.faithfreedom.org/Anno…601081013.htm.)I would appreciate an answer and do excuse myself should the story have been covered and missed by my searches.
(This blog mentioned the Iranian girl’s case via links to other sites- here and here, the latter post going back to Jan 11th, just a week after the sentence was handed out.)
Sir Ian Blair is supposedly in that job because the governing regime thought he was media-savvy. Wonder when he will show some of these purported skills.
He is employed to deal with Crime and makes a very poor job of it in a very dangerous city – the newspapers are there to sell pictures and heartfelt stories to boost sales.
They are commercial and venal; he is a public servant and barely competent.
The Metropolitan Police seems to be a byword for “institutionalised incompetence”
I almost drove off the road yesterday while listening to the Beeb’s world service.
They brought out George Joffe to analyse the election results and he said that Hamas might become more pragmatic and it’s not impossible for a terrorist (oh sorry, militant) organisation to get involved in politics. As an example he mentioned Hezbollah in Lebanon – I almost threw up. He used a group which launches regular rocket attacks on a neighbouring country as an example of succesful co-optation!!
Googled the chap today and came up with this gem:”And it has to be said that Israel is as much to blame for the hostility that confronts it as are those who are hostile to it.” Of course, for people like him it’s Israel which is the problem.
What a plonker, no wonder the beeb turned to him for an analysis.
They get worse every day
No problem using the M or I words here.
I wonder if I should ask the BBC if it plans to reproduce the 12 cartoons of Mohammed so we Infidels can form our own judgment?
Does anyone know if the BBC has done so already or are they acting like the good dhimmis we know them to be?
“the paper and the cartoonist had received threats”
they have received DEATH threats.
Not even trying to be even handed. Possibly the worst BBC article ever (and an attack on the Canadians for electing those nasty Conservatives).
The day the BBC closes cannot come too soon.
Here’s a quote “It has already played the role of Florence Nightingale, nursing the treaty back from the brink of oblivion.
Is Canada’s newly elected Conservative Party now preparing to don the mantle of Darth Vader and emasculate the protocol to the point of impotence? “
P.S. There’s a country on the graph called “Lativia” shureley shome mishtake?
The whole thing is unbelievable.
I have saved the page to see how it is changed.
from that Joffe link above (and what an utter twat he is):
“But in reality there is no Islamist project, unified, co-ordinated and dedicated to the destruction of the West or of Israel”
Bin Laden: death to america and the jews
Iranian president: death to america and the jews
Qutb (Egyptian, 1950s, inspiration to Bin Laden): death to america and the jews
Hamas: death to america and the jews
Abu Hamza: death to america and the jews
Hezbollah: death to america and the jews
need i go on?
“P.S. There’s a country on the graph called “Lativia” shureley shome mishtake?”
the graph is ridiculous – note how the “best performing” are all in eastern europe.
they have all had major economic contractions (with negative gdp growth for years) since the fall of communism. some are doing ok now (like estonia, latvia) , but its taken them years to recover.
article – with graph at the bottom:
Do you agree there’s ZERO attempt at balance in that article? It’s pure unadulterated gaia-world government worship of the most despotic kind.
On the cartoons – a bounty has been offered for the deaths of the cartoonists:
Also a story over at the “Brussels journal” (via dhimmi watch) about a group of muslims touring the middle east to drum up more cartoon outrage. In order to do so they manufactured more cartoons, of a more offensive nature.
“…Meanwhile, the Danish tabloid Extra Bladet got hold of a 43-page report that Danish Muslim leaders and imams, on a tour of the Islamic world are handing out to their contacts to “explain” how offensive the cartoons are. The report contains 15 pictures instead of 12. The first of the three additional pictures, which are of dismal quality, shows Muhammad as a pedophile deamon [see it here], the second shows the prophet with a pigsnout [here] and the third depicts a praying Muslim being raped by a dog [here]. Apparently, the 12 original pictures were not deemed bad enough to convince other Muslims that Muslims in Denmark are the victims of a campaign of religious hatred. ”
rob – i agree. the “darth vadar” reference is highly unprofessional.
Oh and if only they knew…
is it just me, or do you get the feeling that we really are dealing with a rather large group of nutcases who have lost all sense of rationality?
George Joffe
Seems to have a lot of association with North Africa – guess he is “BBC-approved”
Sir Ian Blair’s comments re: Holly and Jessica are most out of line.
Those two families have consistently suffered due to the likes of the Sun, pushed via the government who used the murder of these 2 girls as a smoke screen when the govt was under pressure.
And Ian Blair cant even see it.
I hope that family is ok today, and i would hope someone from the govt quietly calls them up and says sorry, and that they will ensure that there is minimal press coverage.
Imagine as a parent going to the shops seeing your daughter splashed all over the front pages again and again.
The torment they must be feeling is terrible.
So i’d ask for some humility here. Leave the families alone.
From the Canadian Kyoto article (right at the bottom naturally):
“Currently emissions are about 25% above 1990 levels.”
So the Liberal Party did f*ck all about complying with Kyoto.
On the website today…
Australia celebrates national day
Shouldn’t that be captialised as ‘National Day’? Or is the concept too racist to promote?
“More than 1,000 extra police are on duty to prevent a repeat of the clashes between young white men and those of Middle Eastern appearance in December.”
No comment required….
“Ahead of the celebrations there were reports of a planned protest by a far-right group on North Cronulla Beach…” which didn’t happen. Oooh, this is breaking 24×7 news at it’s best. A report of something which someone thought might happen but didn’t.
Actually Ian Barnes while I agree with your sentiments I think the media had one very good effect.
The Chief Constable of Cambridgeshire was on holiday abroad when they disappeared, the plods were incompetent saying they had been spirited away/abroad – the media coverage made The Home Office put Met officers in charge to sort things out – had it happened earlier….who knows ?
re: danish cartoon rage
dont show them this either:
@ rick
i dont doubt the coverage at the time.
i’m referring to the coverage way after the event at key intervals when the Blair Govt was under serious pressure. If you do some searching online, which believe me isnt too difficult, you can find some very ‘convenient’ coverage.
As they are kings of jumping on band wagons, and smokes and mirrors, dont discount anything.
I’d say, the political motivations behind the current govt must be the most dark and sinister in history.
They make African dictators look like pussycats…
I think the Soham coverage should be dropped now. Period.
As I said Ian – I agree with your sentiments
Did the journalist who wrote this do ANY research? Did they just rehash some MelonPeace press releases together and took it as gospel?
If you are basing the future on BBC info, you are making an expensive mistkae.
“Hydrogen, meanwhile, is touted as the great climate-friendly hope.
But hydrogen is just a carrier of energy. It must be created, for example by using electricity to split water molecules, in which case replacing petrol-driven cars with hydrogen vehicles would vastly increase the global demand for electricity. ”
obviously the author is so brain dead that he’s never heard of a FUEL CELL.
Balancing the balance – a good long post about the ‘subtle’ contra-balancing aspects of BBC propaganda bureau and their pro-Islam slant that Rob Read would like.
What is really unbelievable about Kyoto is this.
Kyoto specifies two ways by which a country can achieve its emissions target. The first is organic reduction of the emissions you produce. The second is via three mechanisms: emissions trading, JI, and CDM. Emissions trading is business-to-business. JI and CDM stand for ‘Joint Initiative’ and ‘Clean Development Mechanism’, and are government-to-government.
JI and CDM are means by which one country can invest in another, and claim the emission saving against its own target. So, for example, if a French company re-fired a power station from oil to gas in Britain, this generates an emissions credit which France can sell.
The main difference between JI and CDM is that JI is an arrangement between countries which have an emissions cap, while CDM is an arrangement between a capped and an uncapped country. So in the example above, if France refired a power station in Britain it would get a JI credit, and if it refired one in Algeria, it would be theoretically eligible for a CDM credit. Algeria, like the majority of Kyoto signatories, has no emissions cap.
I say ‘theoretically’ advisedly because there’s a disastrous catch, as there always is when socialists get together and emote about something and then pass a stupid law. The catch is as follows. You can only get a CDM credit if the emissions reduction is deemed by a UN enforcement quango to be incremental. What’s the definition of incremental? Well, broadly it’s one which wouldn’t have arisen if you hadn’t done business as usual.
Can you see where this leads? If I want to refire a power station in Algeria, the economics have to make sense. If they make sense, figures the UN quango, I’d have done it anyway…so there’s no incremental emissions reduction…so no CDM credit!
In short, the only project that definitely qualifies for CDM is one which loses money. You definitely wouldn’t do that, so your project is demonstrably incremental, but of course who’s going to back a loser?
You’re now entirely reliant for a return on the value of the emissions credits your project will generate. But you can’t price them because nobody knows how valuable they’ll be.
The real kicker is that because Russia is sitting on all the spare credits, that nice Mr. Putin can bail out the EU with his credits – then welsh on Kyoto after it collapses, as it definitely will, in total failure and recrimination. And that will mean the value of all those credits the CDM project owners were counting on falls through the floor.
And this is why there have been guess how many Kyoto CDM projects so far, since 1997, worldwide? Answer: eleven. Eleven projects to save the world. Because you’re really relying for a return on Mr Putin. And who wants to do that? Almost nobody, of course.
That in a nutshell is why Kyoto is definitely, categorically, absolutely irreversibly doomed to abject and hilarious failure. It is the archetypal slow train crash. That is the story al-BBC should be telling about Kyoto, not this lefty fifth-form 5hit about those nasty Conservatives in Canada having the temerity to win an election.
RE: http://thestudyofrevenge.blogspot.com/
Thanks, I now fear for the safety of David MacCallum and other invisible men everywhere.
much obliged for your explanation camp commandant.
as far as i can see, the right-wing in America is pushing the alternative energy agenda – new energy technology (such as fuel cells or nuclear fusion) – as a means dealing with pollution.
there’s also a strategic interest – the Yanks really dont like buying oil from Islamic states. So, the geopoltical push on America to get off its oil habit is already there – Kyoto or not.
the_camp_commandant – excellent article, thanks.
As I don’t trust the BBC. Is there anything missing from this report?
i dunno rob. whats missing?
did the bbc report this?
an indian in saudia arabia puthan veettil had an altercation with a saudia national in dammam in which the saudia lost an eye.
a saudia court insisted the indian must have his eye gouged out by a doctor unless the saudia victim issues a pardon.this he has refused to do.
as far as i know the december 2005 court decision has yet to be carried out.
seems pretty horrendous stuff to me but the bbc does not want to know.
free india – here’s a clue:
when the iran nuke thing broke, rather than asking the israelis for an interview , the bbc wheeled out the saudi.
Well the Saudis did finance the Pakistanis
The sneering-looking bearded Bill Thompson on how Google in China is spiffing:
His arguments are (a) it’s not that important, really, (b) every country censors the internet all over the world and so it’s wrong to pick on Google, (c) the overt censorship in China is actually more acceptable than the covert censorship in the US and the UK and finally (d) Google will transform China for the better.
I am sceptical of these points. Particularly the last one. He states that government controls of internet access in Cuba and Iran are “obvious and oppressive”, which is quite harsh coming from the BBC.
I want to stress that there’s nothing wrong with being sneering-looking or bearded. I’m just saying’.
What is MelonPeace? Somebody buy that domain now. I picture an NGO with the tagline “For MELONS and PEACE and against GEORGE BUSH because MONKEYS eat BANANAS and not MELONS. BANANAS resemble GUNS equals WAR. The BANANA is EVIL. It shoots SEEDS which create NEW LIFE to POISON the EARTH as once it WAS. The MELON is GOOD. GO FORTH AND EAT MELONS.”
summary of what Jeremy Bowen said on the One o’clock news about the Hamas victory:
its all Israel’s fault
Obviously, if Abraham had not left the Chaldees none of this would have happened; if Moses had not returned from Egypt……….I mean just how far do they want to trace the causation of Hamas being elected because Fatah had grown so corrupt on EU and US aid budgets being used to buy tribal support for Arafat’s factions ?
Jeremy Bowen , reporting from Berlin, January 1933:
If we hadn’t imposed German reparation payments after WW1 , the Nazi party wouldnt have been elected. So, its all our fault.
Ashley Pomeroy
MelonPeace = Green Peace.
A melon has a thin green outside, but is red to the core.
Galloway is my MP and I’ve managed to arrange an appointment to dicuss the state of the public lifts in my block of flats.
I’m planning on winding the shister up and recording what he’s got to say.
Any line of questioning that you think I should take? I’m leaving in 5 minutes, so be quick.
Tell him he looks nice in red lycra.
Super – for weeks we have been bombarded by assertions the CIA is snatching people and whisking them off in flying saucers. The Germans were getting really steamed about El-Masri and his trip from Macedonia to Afghanistan……………well………
Now seems he was a member of some group called El-Tawhid and his brother is some happy-go-lucky Muslim cleric in this merry band of salvationists
“As I don’t trust the BBC. Is there anything missing from this report?
“The Old Bailey heard between 15 and 20 men, armed with baseball bats, golf clubs and iron bars arrived at Bounds Green Tube station on 19 January last year. Largely Romanian, they had recruited some locals to confront another, smaller group of Romanians who lived nearby, the court heard.”
Stuff the environment or Israel; if I lived in Bounds Green I would want to know why there are dozens of people in Bounds Green who are prepared to beat someone to death in plain view, without apparent fear of arrest.
“They had recruited some locals” implies to me that this gang went around with sandwich boards saying “Come to the FIGHT! Tonite! At (location)! BE THERE! (bring a hammer)”. If I lived elsewhere in London I would want to know if Bounds Green is a unique abberation or not.
It reminds me of this story:
“Four men have been arrested after a man died in an armed street fight involving up to 40 men in north London.”
That must be a pretty major thing if you live in Green Lanes. According to The Guardian, “Alisan Dogan, 43, a cleaner, was caught in the crossfire and shot dead when dozens of criminals staged a running battle in a busy shopping area of Green Lanes, in Haringey, north London. The incident, … left four men with gunshot wounds”.
According to a later follow-up, “The court heard the brawl was part of a feud between the Kurdish separatist PKK and a gang known as the Bombocalir (Bombers), who were backed by a prominent Kurdish crime family based in London. The PKK, which was engaged for 30 years in a war against Turkey, helped set up many businesses in London and demanded protection money in return, the court heard.”
That’s quite a major, important thing, surely? A paramilitary Kurdish separatist organisation carrying out extortion, revenge and murder attacks involving gangs of up to forty armed men in North London would be important to me if I lived in North London. But ten stories in two years isn’t very important. If I lived in London I would want to know how the BBC squares it love of multiculturism with the fact that it seems to have resulted in London being carved up between criminal gangs.
Immigrant criminal gangs.
Hamza ‘recruited for terrorism’
Erm, how did they come up with this headline? I thought the word didn’t exist.
Expect it to change to Hamza ‘recruited for plumbing’…
Ashley Pomeroy……..you’re getting very Australian …….London will be a fine adventure park like Lebanon, Anatolia, Chechnya, Congo, Soweto, Kingston, and all that Victoriana will be crumbling as the Metropolitan Police Humvees race past to escape the checkpoints……………….
Maybe Brazil is the future for London – a sort of Sao-Paulo with 15 million people or more………..
One thing we can guarantee – what it once was is gone forever
hang on a minute – those gangs described are fairly large. and armed. and on the streets of London.
but PC Plod seems to be a more worried about what some idiot like Nick Griffin or Doctor Scrawnie says, rather than actually protecting the public from armed and dangerous gangs.
If Moses had turned right instead of left in the Sinai the Isreali Nation would be controlling the oil, Islam would not have happened and there would have been no Crusades, possibly no Christianity and so on.
Who THE HELL was navigating?!!!
“Who THE HELL was navigating?!!!”