Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:

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653 Responses to Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:

  1. Allan@Aberdeen says:

    Why doesn’t Reith try a search under: BBC, Sarkozy, divisive? I did, and there was much to see.


  2. Anonymous says:

    Yes, “divisive” – that’s the BBC’s choice word for Sarkozy. Expect them to use it a lot more in the coming years.


  3. Anonymous says:

    Check out korova’s crap Web site – Biased BBC is listed under the heading of The Establishment!

    Er, the BBC is about as Establishment as it gets. How can someone who opposes it also be The Establishment? The Establishment has been skewed leftwards for well over a generation.

    Even judicial wa*kers in The Establishment are undermining this society with their crazy judgements:,,2066937,00.html

    So, I would say that korova replaces Biased BBC with the actual BBC under the heading of The Establishment.

    Of course korova has the BBC listed along with likes of the Guardian and al Jazeera, but not the Telegraph! Tacit admission of the BBC’s stance.

    Anyway – that’s enough from me – I’m off to do some shopping at Asda.


  4. bias? no way says:

    “I hope that nobody is any longer in any doubt that global warming is a real phenomenon, and that – possibly for the first time in history – its likely calamitous consequences are of mankind’s own making.”

    Bias from Lisa Jardine? Nah, couldn’t be.


  5. La Sarca says:

    Sarkozy is intelligent

    Nicolas Paul Stéphane Sarközy de Nagy-Bocsa :

    Durning Paris riots, Sarkozy vowed to clean the area out “with a Kärcher” (nettoyer la cité au Kärcher, Kärcher being a well-known brand of pressure cleaning equipment), and two days before the 2005 Paris riots he referred to the rioters as voyous (thugs) and racaille, a slang term which can be translated into English as dregs or riff-raff.

    On Prostitutes:

    “I’d be inclined to think that one is born a pedophile, and it is actually a problem that we do not know how to cure this disease.”


  6. korova says:

    The Establishment has been skewed leftwards for well over a generation.



  7. Roger says:

    Panorma – A Biased Programme

    As some Asians see the process, when they seek to integrate and live with whites the whites avoid them.

    Then, to add insult to injury, they complain that Asians don’t integrate. An Asian talks about taking chocolates round to his white neighbours, who then avoid making eye contact with him.


  8. Allan@Aberdeen says:

    I was watching the Live Aid concert a couple of years ago – you know, the occasion where the richest musicians in the world asked the poorer people in the west (again!) to part with their own money and pour it down the huge plug-hole of Africa. Anyway, I had to laugh when Madonna shouted to the crowd to “shake the Establishment”. This is a woman who is a multi-millionairess and who attempted to block right-to-roam on her land. Madonna, the loony judges, the BBC et al: they are the Establishment!


  9. korova says:

    Sorry, your defintion of The Establishment differs from mine. Clearly, you believe that the dominant capitalist system that has wiped out all forms of alternative political thought is somehow ‘anti-establishment’. The establishment is clearly built on capitalism and, as you are clearly capitlaists, you are part of the establishment. It is the anti-capitalists who are anti-establishment. If you are so clearly ‘anti-establishment’, I welcome you throwing bricks at the next WTO meeting. Instead, you will be tutting at home with your capitalist buddies at the impertinance of some up-starts voicing their opposition to your established order.

    ps as far as I am concerned, Live 8 was full of stooges for the establishment. Bono’s cosying up to Bush and Blair is hardly anti-establishment. As for Madonna, she has demonstrated her love for capitalism to the nth degree.


  10. Biodegradable says:

    So is it mis-guided to be appalled by the stoning of a 17 year old girl for going out with a Muslim boy?? Yep, I’m ‘mis-guided’.

    And no, the BBC didn’t cover it, which is my point. I would think you guys would be first to criticise the BBC for failing to report the barbaric deeds carried out in the Middle East.
    korova | Homepage | 07.05.07 – 11:51 am

    It is misguided to campaign in favour of an Australian terrorist for example, don’t put words into my mouth that I never said.

    Your proud display of banners on your site, your pet protests are a parody of themselves – Wal-mart, ASDA, Cheney, Amnesty International… you’re only missing Greepeace, Body Shop, PETA and a few more. I bet you’re about 16 and wear a keffiyah “peace scarf”, you didn’t weep when Arafat went to Paris to die only because you still weren’t quite old enough yet to know exactly who that vile thug was.

    Take the time to read through some of the old open threads here and you’ll find we are appalled by the BBC’s lack of coverage of barbaric deeds carried out in the Middle East, and we do say so. However, this is a site about BBC bias (see the name of it?).

    I’d also take a bet that while you are appalled by that particular barbaric deed you somehow don’t feel the same way about “Palestinian” attacks on Israel.

    Am I right?


  11. Biodegradable says:

    If you are so clearly ‘anti-establishment’, I welcome you throwing bricks at the next WTO meeting.

    I was wrong about korova. She’s maybe 18 but with a mental age of 13.

    “Throw a brick for peace!”

    Way to go…


  12. Biodegradable says:

    Barbaric deeds in the Middle East:

    Israel air strike hits north Gaza
    An Israeli aircraft has carried out an air strike against suspected Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip, reportedly injuring one person.

    Israel’s military confirmed the strike after Palestinians reported a car explosion in the north

    Only “suspected Palestinian militants”?

    Excuse me BBC:
    Islamic Jihad said its members were in the car on a “holy mission.”

    Korova is reported to be “appalled” by the Zionist Entity’s latest attempts to defend itself from mass murder and has called on Anarchists throughout the world to write petitions and show their support of the Jihadis by boycotting ASDA and goods made in Bolivia. Korova also says that if people really, but really want to show support they should throw bricks at the nearest capitalist.


  13. korova says:

    You muppet.


  14. Anonymous says:

    Throw a brick for peace!

    Way to go…



  15. korova says:

    Anyway, thanks for signing the petition and showing your support for the abolition of this horrific practice. It’s good to hear that this kind of brutality in Iraq is condemned by the right. Thank you.


  16. Anonanon says:

    The BBC’s latest preferred euphemism for Islamic fundamentalists – “right-wingers”. Frances Harrison uses the term no fewer than 6 times in this brief report about the detention of an Iranian student editor:


  17. Biodegradable says:

    You muppet.
    korova | 07.05.07 – 3:32 pm

    Have we already exhausted your debating skills?


  18. Anonymous says:

    Missing for 56 days

    Two ways you can show support for BBC’s Alan Johnston

    Poor guy. But that is of no use for him


  19. Anonymous says:


    Are u Russian?

    BBC is anti-Russian too.


  20. Jacques says:

    Korova, I visited your home page :

    Your thread “One Bastard leaves and another Bastard arrives” says it all.
    Are there any other presidents/politicians who can be categorized as “Bastards”?


  21. archonix says:

    It’s good to hear that this kind of brutality in Iraq is condemned by the right.

    I guess you missed the memo. This has always been condemned by the ‘right’, indeed by any right-thinking people. Unfortunately a great many of your so-called leaders on the left – the ‘anti-establishment’ you seem to be so keen on – seem quite keen to gloss over this practice. Witness that, as you and others have said, the BBC have been less than forthcoming with what actually happened in this instance. Lets not forget that this happens on a regular basis in Iran, Saudi Arabia and other muslim countries without any comment from the bbc, or the left at large. So. Who’s the hypocrite?


  22. Biodegradable says:

    Are u Russian?

    korova is Russian for “cow”



  23. Fran says:

    “Clearly, you believe that the dominant capitalist system that has wiped out all forms of alternative political thought is somehow ‘anti-establishment’.”

    Not that dominant, Korova. You’re still around! Perhaps it’s just that “the dominant capitalist system” is tolerant enough to absorb criticism, unlike the sort of totalitarian left wing thought which you seem to hold so dear.

    By the way, thanks for bringing the story about that poor Kurdish girl to my notice. I’m off to sign the petition now.


  24. John Reith says:

    archonix | Homepage | 07.05.07 – 4:25 pm

    Lets not forget that this happens on a regular basis in Iran, Saudi Arabia and other muslim countries without any comment from the bbc

    Oh puh-leeze…..

    the BBC is always running stories about honour killings.


  25. korova says:

    Thanks Fran. Although, not quite sure how an anarchist can be totalitarian. To a layman, that would be a contradiction in terms.


  26. Shaun says:

    Good news:

    Kidnap compounds Gaza’s crisis

    He stops at the Palestinian side of the crossing point between Gaza and Israel, where a row of taxis stand idle under the hot Mediterranean sun.

    “There’s no business. Business has finished completely,” Raed says. “There’s nothing. No journalists. Business has dropped since the kidnap.”


    Gaza is deteriorating – and fast. Street battles between rival security forces or clans have killed many.

    The kidnap threat for westerners is constantly high. Internet cafes, restaurants and a Christian bookshop have been targeted.

    Even the United Nations is becoming a target.


    Any sane man will know that even if you help terrorists, they prey on your life.


  27. Fran says:


    “Although, not quite sure how an anarchist can be totalitarian. To a layman, that would be a contradiction in terms.”

    To an historian however, the progression is routine. Power vacuums always lead to “winner takes all” – whether the winner’s capitalist or socialist.

    Somehow, I don’t think you’re capitalist …

    Thanks again for the link, though.


  28. korova says:

    archonix – you may well be right in your assertion. It is, however, unusual for those on the right to accept that all is not well in Iraq. It is refreshing to see that not everyone on the right is so blinkered as to believe that Iraq has become some sort of democratic paradise since the war. I applaud your acceptance that this is not the case.


  29. Nick Mallory says:

    I noticed the repetitive ‘right wingers’ description for the Islamic fundamentalists intimidating students in Iran as well. Presumably it’s Nicolas Sarkozy and John McCain causing all the trouble over there. The BBC’s fondness for using ‘right winger’ in this manner was at its most hilarious when the communist old guard in the collapsing Soviet Union were routinely referred to as ‘right wing’. How soon before suicide bombers in Iraq are described as ‘right wing’ too?


  30. korova says:

    As an historian Fran, I find that a rather bizarre statement but hey, at least you signed the petition.


  31. korova says:

    ..shame more of your friends haven’t added their names.


  32. Fran says:

    “Right wing” is a term so despised at the BBC that it’s become a catch all phrase to describe anyone whose values run contrary to that BBC world view which John Reith et al are in denial about.

    Thus Margaret Thatcher

    and Islamic fundamentalists

    are described as right wing, as are Paul Wolfowitz
    and Nick Griffin

    At the BBC, Right Wing means “people we don’t like.”


  33. Fran says:

    “As an historian Fran, I find that a rather bizarre statement but hey, at least you signed the petition.”

    Given the state of history teaching in universities today, I’m not at all surprised, Korova.

    I shouldn’t assume that other commenters here will ignore the petition. But I’m not sure they’ll let on to you ..


  34. Shaun says:

    At the BBC, Right Wing means “people we don’t like.”


    And some one, after thorough research found that BBC is anti-British, anti-Western, pro-Asian, pro-Islamic, pro-Labour, leftist organistaion


  35. korova says:

    🙁 aah, and I thought we were getting along so well.


  36. Fran says:

    And so early in our relationship ….


  37. Fran says:


    Sorry the post was so littered with links that it looks like an essay entitled “Statin’ the Bleedin’ Obvious”. But you know how particular John Reith is about his references!


  38. korova says:

    Biodegradable – at least sign the petition with your real name.


  39. Biodegradable says:

    I shouldn’t assume that other commenters here will ignore the petition. But I’m not sure they’ll let on to you ..
    Fran | 07.05.07 – 5:03 pm

    Mrs Biodegradable and I have signed the petition. Now will you tell me, korova, if you find “honour killings” and summary executions of “collaborators” in Gaza and the West Bank just as “barbaric”?

    I’m reminded that several years ago a petition circulated through the internet calling for people to support Afghan women. Curious that now the fashion is to denounce intervention in Afghanistan.

    It’s also worth reading this other entry at

    E-petitions are the latest manifestation of “slacktivism”, the search for the ultimate feel-good that derives from having come to society’s rescue without having had to actually gets one’s hands dirty or open one’s wallet. It’s slacktivism that prompts us to forward appeals for business cards on behalf of a dying child intent upon having his name recorded in the Guinness World Book of Records or exhortations to others to continue circulating a particular e-mail because some big company has supposedly promised that every forward will generate monies for the care of a particular dying child. Likewise, it’s slacktivism that prompts us to want a join a boycott of designated gas companies or eschew buying gasoline on a particular day rather than reduce our personal consumption of fossil fuels by driving less and taking the bus more often. Slacktivism comes in many forms (and there are many other illustrations of it on this web site; our goal was merely to offer a few examples rather than provide a definitive list), but its key defining characteristic is its central theme of doing good with little or no effort on the part of person inspired to participate in the forwarding, exhorting, collecting, or e-signing.


  40. GCooper says:

    They’re at it again – this time sneaking Leftist propaganda beneath the fence that is supposed to separate overtly political from non-political programmes.

    On this occasion, the offender was R4’s More or Less, which pretends to be about numbers. The subject was Bliar’s record and the role numbers have played in his … umm… ‘reign’.

    The focus of the piece was ‘the gap between rich and poor’ (a favourite of the chattering classes) and whether the government had met its targets.

    And who was wheeled-out to opine? Some silly woman called Alisa something or other, who seems to have appointed herself Bliar’s representative on Earth, and no less than the ultra-Bliarite stooge, Matthew Taylor, formerly of the IPPR. And no, just to confirm points made here last week, this college of morons was not described as a Left-wing thinktank.

    Needless the say, all the usual bien pensant assumptions about ‘social justice’ and the ‘redistribution of wealth’ (aka theft) were firmly in evidence. These were all, of course, axiomatically, Good Things.

    By and large, the programme concluded, with just the faintest of nods to the idea that there is a limit to what governemnts can do, Bliar failed because the forces of capitalism and globalisation have dragged the rich further ahead of the poor, but they’d had a jolly good try!

    No bias then, eh, Reith?


  41. John Reith says:

    Fran | 07.05.07 – 5:16 pm

    you know how particular John Reith is about his references!

    Well Fran, I am particularly amused by one of these.

    You actually cite a BBC page entitled People of the Century, which places Margaret Thatcher alongside Sir Winston Churchill, Pope John Paul II, Mother Teresa, JFK, Nelson Mandela and the Mahatma Gandhi…………as evidence

    …………(wait for it)……

    ….in support of Shaun’s loopy contention that…

    At the BBC, Right Wing means “people we don’t like.”

    Surely some mistake?


  42. korova says:

    So, it begs the question, why sign it??? Is it because you are ‘doing good with little or no effort’? And petitions are always ceapened when people use monikers instead of their real names. It suggests a certain degree of separation between your identity and the sentiments you express.

    Do I find honour killings barbaric??? What a ridiculous question. I find all forms of murder/capital punishment, barbaric. Seeing as you are so critical of executions and honour killings, I guess you oppose capital punishment in all its forms?


  43. korova says:

    sorry, that should read ‘cheapened’.


  44. Biodegradable says:

    Here’s the one I was thinking of:


  45. korova says:

    I’m surprised that you also added the following comment about the Yazidi faith:

    Ban the misogynous cult that practices such barbarity!

    Given that you probably know very little about it. What makes it all the more surprising is that they share your hatred of Muslims. I guess ‘the enemy of my enemy’ is no longer fashionable, which is to be commended. Truly, the right have learned the lessons of the past.


  46. Biodegradable says:

    So, it begs the question, why sign it?

    Because you asked me to. Still not happy?

    You haven’t answered my questions.


  47. Alan says:

    ‘Panorama’ has documentary tonight:
    “Britain’s growing race divide” which is, in effect, about the growing Islamisation of the UK, with Blackburn as a case study.

    It will be interesting to see if Al Beeb adequately discusses such issues as: the imposition of Sharia law, the lack of demonstrations against Al Qaeda, the intolerance of free speech e.g. Danish cartoons, the aim of Muslim supremacy, the attitudes against jews and infidels, etc.

    The terrible Blair legacy of virtually open-door immigration policy has brought this about.

    ‘Panorama’ 8-30p.m BST, TONIGHT, BBC 1 tv.


  48. John Reith says:

    GCooper | 07.05.07 – 5:33 pm

    And no, just to confirm points made here last week, this college of morons was not described as a Left-wing thinktank.

    I haven’t heard the programme • but perhaps no mention was made of this because it is some time since Mattew Taylor ran the place.

    He is now running the Royal Society for the Encouragement of the Arts, Manufactures and Commerce.

    I could be wrong, but that doesn’t sound frightfully Left-Wing.

    You tell me.

    Mind you, since you clearly think that all redistributive taxation is theft, then you probably will conclude that the Royal Society for the Encouragement of blah blah is, like the Conservative Party, all European Christian Democrats and even the US Republicans (yes they do it too!) no better than a bunch of Commies.


  49. GCooper says:

    John Reith writes:

    “…in support of Shaun’s loopy contention that…
    At the BBC, Right Wing means “people we don’t like.” ”

    I’ve an absolutely wonderful idea, Reith, in that case. Why don’t you tell us – from the horse’s mouth, as it were – just how the BBC actually does define the term ‘Right Wing’?

    Because, not to put too fine a point on it, I’m damned if I can see anything other than some vaguely sophomoric nonsense about ‘progressives’ and ‘reactionaries’ at work in any system which can conjoin, let’s say, Ayatollah Khomeini, Leonid Brezhnev, Melanie Phillips, George W. Bush, and Walt Disney.

    Though I feel sure Mickey Mouse will figure somewhere in a convincing explanation…