General BBC-related comment thread:

Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would also be appreciated!

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253 Responses to General BBC-related comment thread:

  1. Ritter says:

    Looney-left liberal BBC speak gets worse.

    From terrorist to ‘activist’ to…..wait for it….


    Gaza rocketeers confound Israel


  2. moonbat nibbler says:

    Bishop Hill has a must read on the BBC’s green-mafia:


  3. Hillhunt says:

    pants on Prince Hal:

    Quick,quick we must inform our Islamic masters by the BBC

    The bastards!

    Oh, hang on, it was the conservative-leaning Drudge Report which broke the embargo on the royal tour of duty, aided and abetted, allegedly, by an Australian women’s magazine.

    Stand down the firing squad. It was the Yanks and Ozzies wot done it….

    Biased BBC: Pounce and a desperate desire to blame the BBC for everything in the whole wide world.


  4. Ritter says:

    Anyone’s else get the felling that Beeboids just LOVE Cuba?

    Cuba’s aid programme in Bolivia

    “Though the facts are not widely reported around the world, Cuba supplies aid to a number of countries and one of the biggest aid schemes is in Bolivia.”

    Immense benefits

    “We walk around her scrupulously clean premises with its well-stocked pharmacy, neat rows of free Chinese-made spectacles, and an occasional Che Guevara poster.

    What Cuba has done in Bolivia alone is staggering.

    We treat anyone who walks in, and we do it for nothing,” says Maria de los Angeles.

    Literacy programme

    “In the other Cuban hospitals in this country, services go from preventative medicine – which has pushed down infant mortality and pushed up life expectancy – to general healthcare and emergency operations.

    Then there is the joint Cuban-Venezuelan literacy programme. One hundred and eighteen Cuban and 18 Venezuelan trainers backed with texts and television sets have taught Bolivian teachers the best ways of getting people to read and write.”

    …..and so on.

    Yeah, we get the message BBC. All hail Cuba and the great leader Castro etc.

    Give it a rest, get on with some work.


  5. pounce says:

    The BBC its sanitised version of Honour killings in Germany and half the story.

    German rescue from honour killing
    A volunteer rescue operation in Germany has sheltered more than 100 Muslim women who fear they will be killed if they do not go through with marriages that their families have arranged for them…I was unlocking my bicycle outside a shopping mall one afternoon when a group of teenage boys asked me in German if I knew how to break-dance….All but one of the boys – of Turkish, Kurdish and Palestinian origin – were born in Germany.
    With their playful jostling, they seemed like teenagers in any Western backdrop, except for one thing: they swore they would kill their own sisters if any of them had sex before marriage…One of the boys softened a bit: “Killing isn’t really the answer,” he said, “but what else can you do?”… One Berlin bureaucrat interprets this brand of Muslim machismo as mere provocation.
    She sees the need for immigrant youth in Germany to let off steam and assert their identity, however confused it might be.

    But no-one has forgotten Hatun Surucu, a single mother who was training to become an electrician after quitting her forced marriage to a cousin in Turkey. Her lifestyle was deemed dishonourable by her family, and three years ago Hatun’s brothers lured her to a bus stop near her Berlin flat and shot her in the head.

    Hurray the BBC writes a story about Honour killings in Germany or does it?

    Yes it mentions Muslims and that young muslim lads would kill their sisters if they caught them having a bit of how’s your father. But then the story goes into revision mode. The BBC reports that this is just young lads trying to act big. REALLY?
    Then they report on the case of Young Hatun Surucu who was shot in the head for living a dishonourable lifestyle after ditching her husband. But hang on did she die? The BBC doesn’t say that she died, that she was shot 3 times in the face.,1518,374732,00.html

    But what is even more damning is how the BBC while writing about the attitudes that prevail amongst the Muslim community in Germany ref their women folk leave out how the Muslim community reacted at the news of this poor girls murder.
    “”The Whore Lived Like a German”
    “One of the unsettling truths about Hatin’s death and the plight of many Muslim women is that it took the comments of three Turkish boys and the outrage of a male school director to get people to notice. When the murder first happened, it sent no shock waves through the mainstream German press. It only became big news when a group of 14-year-old Turkish boys mocked Hatin during a class discussion at a school near the crime scene. One boy said, “She only had herself to blame,” while another insisted, “She deserved what she got. The whore lived like a German.” The enraged school director not only sent a letter home to parents, but also to teachers across Germany. The letter ignited a media fury. Less known, however, is that the letter also hit a nerve among educators. “Teachers from across the country wrote back saying they had had similar experiences,” Boehmecke said. They reported Turkish boys taunting Turkish girls who don’t wear headscarves as “German sluts.” “That’s the part no one has written about. Clearly there is huge potential for similar violence across Germany,” Boehmecke said. “Not just in the big cities, but all over. It’s a problem many politicians haven’t been willing to face.”,1518,344374-2,00.html

    and that group which helps Muslim women in Germany. For a news outlet which has no problem linking in the MCB every chance it gets, you’d think it would link in that help group for Muslim women.
    “The Turkish women’s organization Papatya has documented 40 instances of honor killings in Germany since 1996. Examples include a Darmstadt girl whose two brothers pummelled her to death with a hockey stick in April 2004 after they learned she had slept with her boyfriend. In Augsburg in April, a man stabbed his wife and 7-year-old daughter because the wife was having an affair. In December 2003, a Tuebingen father strangled his 16-year-old daughter and threw her body into a lake because she had a boyfriend. Bullets, knives, even axes and gasoline are the weapons of choice. The crime list compiled by Papatya is an exercise in horror. And the sad part, said Boehmecke, is that it is far from complete. “We’ll never really know how many victims there are. Too often these crimes go unreported.”

    Even more info here;
    Germany’s Lost Daughters,1518,329060,00.html

    The BBC its sanitised version of Honour killings in Germany and half the story.


  6. pounce says:

    Hillhunt didn’t your mother teach you its bad manners to speak with your mouthfull.
    Now back to Hamstead Heath with you, yer screaming queen.


  7. Hillhunt says:


    Hillhunt didn’t your mother teach you its bad manners to speak with your mouthfull.
    Now back to Hamstead Heath with you, yer screaming queen.


    I’d be proud to be gay if I was. But I’m not.

    But thanks for sharing your thought processes with us.

    And your good-natured response to discovering you’d got something wrong. We can all learn from that.

    Biased BBC: Pounce and a tale of interest to the Freudians among us


  8. Disinterested Bystander says:

    Gaza rocketeers confound Israel
    Ritter | 28.02.08 – 5:39 pm |

    Unlike sillybunt, the BBC’s very own ventriloquist’s dummy and the Baron Munchausen of this blog, I’m speechless.
    Rocketeers??? For goodness sake how much lower can the BBC grovel to Hamas?


  9. DB says:

    Given the BBC’s recent record (Don’t Panic I’m Islamic, Muslims forced into hiding by Newsnight) the MOD was taking quite a risk trusting Auntie to keep quiet about Prince Harry.


  10. Clive says:

    That rocketeer report just oozes arse-licky Hamas lovefest. Seems we have another gormless hack in love with the scum terrorists.


  11. Robin says:

    Dave Preiser

    It’s funny how pretty much all the complaints on this blog about the BBC’s coverage of the EU machinations take the view that the BBC loves the EU…

    I’ve looked at the BBC complaint ruling and it seems that Lord Pearson’s research makes the central observation that on numerous occasions, the BBC simply doesn’t cover key EU events -‘bias by omission’. The report cites particularly the ‘summit’ of 2006, which Today didn’t cover at all (even though it took decisions to revive the Constitution and on the accession of Turkey), but makes the more general point that aspects Today’s coverage of the EU had sunk to their lowest levels ever, with numerous topics completely ignored.

    You’re right, bias by default is worse than coverage that is spun…the BBC as a public service broadcaster should make sure that viewers and listeners are aware of key EU events. They don’t.


  12. Sarah Jane says:

    Quick,quick we must inform our Islamic masters by the BBC
    pounce | 28.02.08 – 5:25 pm | #

    General Dannatt quoted directly in the article pounce linked to:

    “I am very disappointed that foreign websites have decided to run this story without consulting us.

    “This is in stark contrast to the highly responsible attitude that the whole of the UK print and broadcast media, along with a small number overseas, who have entered into an understanding with us over the coverage of Prince Harry on operations.”

    pounce one day you will remember to look below the fold before posting.


  13. Disinterested Bystander says:

    “This is in stark contrast to the highly responsible attitude that the whole of the UK print and broadcast media, ………..” Sarah Jane | 28.02.08 – 6:29 pm |

    Oh Sarah Jane, Sarah Jane, Sarah Jane.

    To reach Dannatt’s position one has to be very much the politician.


  14. pounce says:

    Sarah Jane wrote;
    “pounce one day you will remember to look below the fold before posting. ,/b>

    Really, do you think so? I’m only surprised the BBC hasn’t a reply box on any of the many pre-prepared articles on Arry. Which states “Have you seen Prince Harry on Patrol , If so let us know.” Just because somebody jumps off a cliff doesn’t mean you have to do so as well. But hey why do you care. People like you at the BBC can’t wait till Islam rules this country. Which may explain the 101 versions the BBC has already written up about how Harry is serving and the constant drip,dripping by you liberal elites at the BEEB that Islam is a peaceful religion. (Tell you what love try praying at the front of the BBC mosque tomorrow?)
    But back to your quote. I seemed to remember the BBC refusing to follow the example of a few European newspapers after they published a few cartoons the other year. So how does that stance equate to the BBC following everybody else here. Yeah right when its somebody who can be killed for Allah you folks at the BBC have no problem. I mean we can’t be going about offending such a peaceful bunch of people can we.
    Please feel free to come back to the board when you’ve got something concrete in which to get upset about.


  15. pounce (correction) says:

    Sarah Jane wrote;
    “pounce one day you will remember to look below the fold before posting.”

    Really, do you think so? I’m only surprised the BBC hasn’t a reply box on any of the many pre-prepared articles on Arry. Which states “Have you seen Prince Harry on Patrol , If so let us know.” Just because somebody jumps off a cliff doesn’t mean you have to do so as well. But hey why do you care. People like you at the BBC can’t wait till Islam rules this country. Which may explain the 101 versions the BBC has already written up about how Harry is serving and the constant drip,dripping by you liberal elites at the BEEB that Islam is a peaceful religion. (Tell you what love try praying at the front of the BBC mosque tomorrow?)
    But back to your quote. I seemed to remember the BBC refusing to follow the example of a few European newspapers after they published a few cartoons the other year. So how does that stance equate to the BBC following everybody else here. Yeah right when its somebody who can be killed for Allah you folks at the BBC have no problem. I mean we can’t be going about offending such a peaceful bunch of people can we.
    Please feel free to come back to the board when you’ve got something concrete in which to get upset about.


  16. Sue says:

    rocketeers again

    “The strategy of the Palestinian militants is also becoming clearer.”

    To who?

    “…… Their goal appears to be to establish a balance of deterrence with each significant Israeli incursion or targeted killing meeting a significant response; one that they hope will encourage the Israeli government to restrain its own forces.”

    Who says? Oh, Jonathan Marcus. He has decided that the jolly Rocketeers are doing this as a deterrence.
    While Israel is killing poor Palestinian citizens at random, just because it can.


  17. George R says:

    No doubt the BBC will support Denmark is this, in the global fight for freedom of speech:

    ” Denmark to oppose debt relief for Sudan over Prophet Muhammad cartoon dispute ”


  18. pounce (correction) says:

    In light of how the BBC clones feel they have the right to take the moral high ground on their reporting on Prince Harry is serving Grandma and country. Here is how they write up their “Have your Say”
    Do you support Prince Harry on the frontline?
    Prince Harry has been fighting the Taleban on the front line in Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defence confirmed today. Do you think this is wise? The 23-year-old Household Cavalry officer has spent the past 10 weeks secretly serving in war-ravaged Helmand Province.It comes after the prince’s planned tour to Iraq last year had to be cancelled because of a security risk sparked by publicity. Should the prince be involved in front line combat? Could this endanger his comrades? Should royal soldiers get special treatment?

    Nothing but negativity from the BBC. Bloody hell even long term murderers will get a better write up from the BBC.
    Silly me they already have;
    Steve Wright and Levi Bellfield have joined the ranks of Britain’s “whole life tariff” prisoners, but what effect does being told you will never be released have?

    Joke. (Actually heard it on Virgin radio)
    Anybody heard of the Pakistani people having a whip round for Britain after our Earthquake?


  19. The People's Front of Judea says:

    Sarah Jane:

    To follow on from pounce’s comments to you that you can’t wait until Islam rules this nation, I’d like to ask you a question Sarah Jane.

    Why do you patronize and promote a religion that regards you as a second class citizen and will have you out of work once it achieves it’s aims?

    I’ve always wondered why ‘wimmin’ like Sarah Jane seem to turn a blind eye to the atrocities committed against their own sex by this savage religion, whilst doing their utmost to promote it.

    Why Sarah Jane? Why?


  20. Mugwump says:

    Looney-left liberal BBC speak gets worse…


    Nice description — sounds like a bunch of hobbyists messing around in their spare time.

    I’m sure some Beeboid got a gold star for coming up with that one.


  21. David Preiser (USA) says:

    Hillhunt | 28.02.08 – 5:27 pm |

    The context of the Nissan piece is the dismal performance of the truck in recent European safety tests. It’s a legitimate question – why is such an un-British vehicle selling so well?

    No, clearly the context of the piece is that it’s popular amongst United Statesians. The bad marks by NCap line was just a negative jab thrown to set up the anti-American right cross. In fact, the editor responsible thought that combination of punches was so effective that they used it twice in sequence in the first three paragraphs. They had to slightly misrepresent Euro NCap’s findings as well, in order to make it appear worse. The problem was that the airbag was deploying too late. The BBC instead insinuates that Euro NCap criticized the overall design of the truck, and does not find time or space for Nissan’s statement that they have fixed it and are awaiting new test results. The BBC didn’t bother further discussing the safety issue because that’s not the main point of the article at all. The main point is that the pick-up truck is nasty. They did find time and space for all the other criticisms, though.

    The context is the “American-ness” of the vehicle itself. Hence the epithet “yank tank” and dancing Boooosh photo, complete with “The All-American vehicle” caption. I wonder how long it took the sub-editor trainee to find a photo of Bush looking awkward with a pick-up truck? What’s that you say? This was the first photo that came up and as there is precious little time for just a small staff to do so much? Maybe John Reith can go down to that department and teach them his Google skills:

    I guess the writer knew somehow that Obama had used one but there was sadly no visual evidence. I wouldn’t be surprised if they kept a file of foolish Booooosh photos on hand for situations like this. May as well have Photoshopped a swastika on the door.

    Big question for me is how did they get the cultural references so wrong? Springsteen has never glorified pickups so far as I know. His glory days seem to have been spent in Chevvy saloons dreaming of a Cadillac. And O Brother Where Art Thou is the acme of many things, but not a homage to the truck.

    The writer got the cultural references wrong for the same reason that Webb and Frei get their references wrong: the bigoted attitude towards United Statesians.


  22. Oscar says:

    You’re right, bias by default is worse than coverage that is spun…the BBC as a public service broadcaster should make sure that viewers and listeners are aware of key EU events. They don’t.
    Robin | 28.02.08 – 6:12 pm | #

    This is a very important point. It’s highly revealing how dismissive the BBC line is on bias by omission – but it is the essential and primary method that the BBC controls the news. It is insiduous social engineering across a whole range of issues. No wonder they treat us all like criminals and heretics, rather than consumers to be treated with respect. That’s because the BBCs news output is closer to religion than the ‘impartial’ service serving the licence fee payer that they pretend. Actually they’re involved in manipulating the beliefs of the nation – much more like a religion than anything else. We are the unbelievers – to be demonised. Not stakeholders to be listened to.


  23. pounce says:

    The BBC, shrilling for Hamas and half the story.

    Four children die in Gaza strike
    Four Palestinian children have been killed in an Israeli air strike in the northern Gaza Strip, local medics say. The boys were playing near the Jabaliya refugee camp. The Israeli army said it had targeted a rocket-launching cell.

    So from that BBC headline do you get the impression that only 4 boys died? That the Jews are only targeting children?
    Here is what the BBC isn’t telling you;
    Al jazeera;
    Dozens killed in Israeli raids
    Israeli aircraft have struck a series of targets throughout the Gaza Strip, killing at least 27 Palestinians, including four youths and the son of a Hamas leader, in the past 24 hours.

    Turkish press
    Children among 15 killed as Israel pounds Gaza
    Israel pounded Hamas-run Gaza on Thursday, killing 10 militants, four children and another civilian, as Prime Minister Ehud Olmert vowed to make the Islamists pay a heavy price for rocket attacks.

    I won’t excuse the killing of any child. But by trying to promote the image that the IDF only kills children the BBC is playing the part of the Hamas propaganda wing to a tee.

    Oh and here is something the BBC isn’t reporting;
    JERUSALEM: Palestinian militants in Gaza fired at least eight foreign-made, long-range rockets at the Israeli coastal city of Ashkelon on Thursday, scoring a direct hit on a house there for the first time and marking what Israeli officials described as a serious escalation of the conflict.

    So much for homemade rockets

    The BBC, shrilling for Hamas and half the story.


  24. pounce says:

    Something else the BBC doesn’t bother telling you about Hamas when children get killed;


  25. Disinterested Bystander says:

    Not much on the BBC web page about the Farc business but plenty on BBC World.
    A bacchanalian orgy of Chavez adulation is under way. Slobbering love fest isn’t the half of it.
    If the BBC thought they could get away with oral sex on TV it would surely be here.

    The reports are also slanting to give the impression that the legitimate government of Colombia are at fault because the remaining hostages face ‘more years chained to trees in the jungle’.
    The presumption being that the heartless Colombian government won’t talk to those nice Farc people down the road.
    Let there no equivocation here, because the BBC is indulging in it. The Farc are a Marxist-Leninist bunch of terrorist bandits deriving revenue from drug running and indulging in kidnapping to further their criminal activities. Let’s not forget the IRA thugs that pitched up there to teach them how to make mortars.
    The Colombian criminal justice system has detained a large number of these terrorist bandits. The kidnap victims are hostages to that action.
    The majority of the hostages that are being held have no combatant status and any that do are surely entitled to the same level of sympathetic attention that the BBC lavishes on those held in Guantanamo Bay. Something that, on today’s evidence, they have scant chance of receiving from the BBC.

    The other issue that is apparent is the naivety of the BBC reporters involved. Not one that I have seen on air has highlighted the stage-managed, show biz razzamatazz that is fluffing up Chavez’ role in this.

    In any other arena one would have heard the word ‘convenient’ or possibly even ‘complicit’, but hey, this the BBC.


  26. DB says:

    I’ll give the BBC some credit – at least they don’t employ Jon Snow. The stupid cunt is angry as fuck that he hasn’t been allowed to report to the Taleban the exact location of Prince Harry these past few months.


  27. The People's Front of Judea says:

    “I’ll give the BBC some credit – at least they don’t employ Jon Snow. The stupid cunt is angry as fuck that he hasn’t been allowed to report to the Taleban the exact location of Prince Harry these past few months.”

    What makes you think the treacherous pig won’t do it anyway?

    That’s if Alan Nazi Johnston doesn’t beat him too it.


  28. WoAD says:

    “Why Sarah Jane? Why?”

    Sarah Jane doesn’t like life. She doesn’t like the idea of a conflict with Islam that comes from a deep and primitive disgust with what that religion stands for.

    You see, egalitarians secretly hate life. By making everybody equal, perhaps by distorting news coverage and defending the indefensible, one no longer needs to engage with life. One can instead glumly and reflexively disengage.

    Egalitarianism comes from the same place Victorian sexal repression came from: Disgust with the natural.


  29. Hillhunt says:


    I won’t excuse the killing of any child. But by trying to promote the image that the IDF only kills children the BBC is playing the part of the Hamas propaganda wing to a tee.

    Agreed. The uninformed reader is much more likely to judge the Israelis for killing 4 kids than for killing, um, 27 people including 4 kids…or, er, 10 militants, 4 children and another civilian.

    By the way, how come you had no sexual fantasies to deal with Sarah-Jane’s posting on your misbegotten Prince Harry whinge? Is it only man-on-man action that springs to mind when you’re fired up?

    Biased BBC: pounce – you do the math…


  30. Hillhunt says:

    David P:

    The (BBC) had to slightly misrepresent Euro NCap’s findings (on the Nissan Navara) as well, in order to make it appear worse. The problem was that the airbag was deploying too late. The BBC instead insinuates that Euro NCap criticized the overall design of the truck, and does not find time or space for Nissan’s statement that they have fixed it and are awaiting new test results.

    Not quite…

    This is what the original BBC report said:

    Euro NCap said the Nissan Navara’s poor design presented a “high-risk of life-threatening injury”.

    The tests showed its airbags opened too slowly and seatbelts did not provide enough protection during a collision.

    But Nissan said the airbag problem was limited to 2008 models and invited owners to have settings changed.

    Did NCap only criticise the airbags? Er, no. The Navara’s passenger compartment became unstable in the impact and would have been unable to withstand greater loading. according to The Times.

    Cultural references? Hardly anti-Amercian bigotry – more likely a mistaken assumption about Springsteen’s oeuvre. Bruce is much favoured by the BBC. No idea how the Coen Bros came into the frame, though.


  31. Martin says:

    Yes, it’s interesting that the liberals in the media are all upset on the blackout in the reporting on Prince Harry.

    Nancy boy Jon Snow was all in a fluster.

    However, Snow and the rest of the liberal media forget something.

    The blackout is NOT to protect Harry so much as to protect the other British soldiers in his regiment that will become bullet magnets.

    The scum in the media don’t care though. The British army is full of white working class scum that is ditested by the BBC and other liberals.

    They’d much prefer to protect those wonderul bearded men that like tostone, shoot and behead women and children (oh and the odd homosexual)


  32. Martin says:

    BBC Questiontime

    I predict that George Galloway will be served a slow ball about how great Fidel Castro was.

    Galloway will then go into an unopposed 5 minute rant about the great Fidel, the evils of “Boosh and Blair” and how capitalism is evil.

    At the end of his rant he will get a standing ovation from the “Balanced” BBC audience.


  33. pounce says:

    Martin wrote;
    “I predict that George Galloway will be served a slow ball about how great Fidel Castro was.Galloway will then go into an unopposed 5 minute rant about the great Fidel, the evils of “Boosh and Blair” and how capitalism is evil.”

    Spot on. The tosser is doing just that now. Any chance you can give me the lottery numbers for Sat.


  34. Joel says:

    Funny that Pounce, because I’m watching the show and I was about to tell Martin that his prediction was completely…WRONG!

    The question was put ‘Do the panel salute the courage, the strength and the indefatigability of Fidel Castro?’ which is kinda takin the piss out of George.

    He was allowed to answer, which is the tradition on the programme. His comments were met with muted applause. He was then challenged by the Chair about democracy in Cuba.

    So none of the 3 predictions Martin makes came true.
    Its hardly any wonder you see bias anywhere when you give such a misleading account about what just happened on the programme.

    Caught out!


  35. pounce says:

    Joel wrote;
    “He was allowed to answer, which is the tradition on the programme. His comments were met with muted applause. ”

    Correct me if I am wrong here but did the MP for Baghdad rattle on about how great Castro was and is? Did he promote the BBC held view that Cuba is a great place to live? and that America (which invaded Cuba)is a real nasty country for picking on Cuba for so many years.
    Did not every member of the audience asked to comment support Galloway’s POV. The man who said that Cuba has trained more doctors than anybody else, The girl who has visited and thinks Cuba is great and the last lady who wanted America to leave Cuba. The only person who objected was that lady on the panel in red. Who GG tried to shoot down by saying he has been elected more times than her. Now I’ll give you the last quote may have been somebody taking the piss.
    But everything martin quoted was substantiated. He mentioned nothing about George getting the clap.
    Anyway it’s late and I have Hot fuss (the Killers) to lull me to sleep. Till Sat


  36. Martin says:

    Pounce: Yes he did get a rather big cheer from the audience didn’t he? Not to mention some compliements from some rather well placed audience members.

    I didn’t hear that many negative comments from the audience for such a vile Dictator.

    Oh and for Saturday

    7, 9, 24, 33, 36, 45

    Good luck!


  37. David Preiser (USA) says:

    BBC America moves from strength to strength, as Friday night brings the premier of none other than Newsnight – featuring the lad himself, Jeremy Paxman. I don’t know if it’s going to be just a rebroadcast of the latest UK show, or if they’re going to do some sort of “greatest hits” compilation of past segments on topics which might interest us fool United Statesians. We’ll see how it goes. Still it’s better than just repeating the 7:00 broadcast of Matt Frei’s little show.

    Speaking of topics which interest us fool USers, Matt Frei just introduced a promotional spot…er….news report on a new documentary by some idiot Leftoid on a certain series of anti-war riots in Chicago during the Vietnam War (also known to Leftoids as The War To End All War Arguments). According to the idiot Leftoid director, who was surprised at the “complacency” of Americans when we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, he wanted to make this film to remind everyone of a more active time. I guess the purpose of the documentary is to incite violent anti-this war today. No wonder the BBC granted him an open mic.

    I couldn’t tell for sure, but Matty sure seemed to be a bit cheerier afterwards.


  38. David Preiser (USA) says:

    I should have checked the BBC America website before the last comment, but I’m not far wrong.

    Turns out there will be a weekly US edition of Newsnight, featuring a collection of recent segments with US relevance. Although they could easily show whatever stale hit pieces they like as nobody here would know the difference. If the ad I just saw is any indication, it won’t be pretty.

    The clips featured in the commercial spot are exclusively anti-American content. The highlights include Paxman laughingly asking Blair if he prayed with Bush, Emily Maitlis asking George Clooney if something he said was “a strike against America”, and Chirac being asked if he felt he “got enough respect from the US President.” Why am I not surprised?

    First up tomorrow: Ralph effing Nader.


  39. Disinterested Bystander says:

    “Quickly nurse, quickly, get the screens, silly bunty has stopped posting.”
    “Oh dear Doctor how long since his last post?”
    “Nearly 6 hours.”
    “Thank god for that”
    “We were nearly out of bedpans and couldn’t keep up with his flow of shit”
    “Would you like me to consider euthanasia nurse?”
    It would be in his best interests Doctor”
    “Would you inform the next of kin Nurse.”
    “I don’t think he has any Doctor”


  40. George R says:

    “The Racist BBC”


  41. Roland Deschain says:

    Pounce / Martin : re George Galloway and Question Time.

    I only saw the last ten minutes of QT and the audience reaction to George Galloway really made me depressed about this country. Not so long ago Stirling used to elect a Conservative MP yet everyone in the audience who spoke supported GG’s eulogy of Fidel Castro. Everyone appeared to swallow the line about Cuba having the best health service in the world.

    It would also have been helpful if GG was told to shut up while other members of the panel were speaking – they didn’t interrupt him. But he acted as if he knew he was amongst friends. So is this really how the public feels or are the frequent accusations here of bias in audience selection correct? I don’t know which is the more depressing thought.

    Could anyone who saw the whole programme confirm if the rest of it was as bad as the bit I saw? I used to watch QT regularly but can no longer face it.


  42. Roland Deschain says:

    Last night’s PM programme on Radio 4 had an article about M&S charging for plastic bags. Reasonably newsworthy I’d agree. Two people were being interviewed.

    Now my old-fashioned view of a balanced item would have been one interviewee saying “good idea, it will cut back usage of these environmentally unfriendly items” and the other saying “it’ll make no difference, people will just have to buy bags to carry their shopping and wrap their rubbish”. Or something along these lines.

    However the PM version of an unbiased article is to have one interviewee saying “good idea, it will cut back usage of these environmentally unfriendly items” and the other saying “No, it doesn’t go far enough, we should also stop flying, the sky is falling down, we’re all going to die”. Or something along these lines.

    The BBC has really climbed on board this particular green bandwagon.


  43. Hugh says:

    You’re forgetting about balance over time. When there’s a Conservative government, the charter is up for renewal, Lyons has been replaced and they’re all in fear for their jobs, then they’ll run the balancing report.


  44. Phil H says:

    Anybody read this classic on the BBC website yesterday?

    We’re now supposed to feel sorry for murderers who die in prison. Well, liberal Beeboids, what about their victims’ families? What about their “life sentence”? What about the taxpayers’ money funding the soft life inside of these murderers? And finally, who cares about them and why are you spending our licence fee on such a worthless piece of journalism?


  45. Martin says:

    Phil H: Are, you need to understand the mentality of a liberal/beeboid.

    These people go through their sad little lives looking at everyone who isn’t a liberal/beeboid type and working out how best to make them see the “light”

    Beeboid liberals also LOVE to feel good about themselves. And how better then when at one of their “cottaging” Islington dinner parties to be able to sit there and tell everyone how they’ve started a campaign to release some lifer scum or how they’ve just written a screenplay for the BBC on the imorality of life prison sentances.

    All the other liberal beeboids sit there munching their delecious lettuce and drinking their tap water nodding in agreement at how wonderful the world would be if everyone was a beeboid, fefore all heading off to Hampstead Heath for some “bottom” action and do a bit of crack.


  46. Oscar says:

    Joel – how exactly do you explain Iain Martin’s post in today ‘Three Line Whip’ at the Telegraph?

    For those living in England, Wales or Northern Ireland, I want to take this opportunity as a Scot to apologise for last night’s edition of BBC Question Time. It came from Stirling and was not an edifying spectacle.

    Were you actually watching the same QT as everyone else? Or perhaps you were watching wearing a special BBC lobotomy headset that seems mandatory for their employees.


  47. Sarah Jane says:

    The People’s Front of Judea:
    Sarah Jane:

    To follow on from pounce’s comments to you that you can’t wait until Islam rules this nation, I’d like to ask you a question Sarah Jane.

    Why do you patronize and promote a religion that regards you as a second class citizen and will have you out of work once it achieves it’s aims?

    I’ve always wondered why ‘wimmin’ like Sarah Jane seem to turn a blind eye to the atrocities committed against their own sex by this savage religion, whilst doing their utmost to promote it.

    Why Sarah Jane? Why?
    The People’s Front of Judea | 28.02.08 – 7:37 pm | #

    Huh? You have no idea what I think about Islam sunshine. Or much else about me.

    Grow up.


  48. George R says:

    While the somnolent Robin Lustig, BBC ‘The World Tonight’ (26 Feb.) gave friendly chat-time to the Ramadan Foundation, which goes on certain sorts of demonstrations with Hiz ut-Tahrir, this is what the BBC needs to know still, about what sort of organisation Hiz ut-Tahrir is:

    ” Why I left Hiz ut-Tahrir ”


  49. Ritter says:

    The nasty jews are up to their old tricks, trying to instigate another holocaust – again!

    Israel warns of Gaza ‘holocaust’

    fantastic use of language and omission of important facts:

    Hamas has been shunned by the West for refusing to recognise Israel’s legitimacy, it beat the Fatah faction in a parliamentary election two years ago.”

    Hmmm. If by ‘shunned’, the BBC mean ‘declared a terrorist group’, then yes, er ‘shunned’ Hamas are.

    “Hamas says it will cease fire if Israel stops military operations in Palestinian areas. It is also demanding an end to the Israeli-led blockade of Gaza that has cut supplies to its 1.5m inhabitants.

    Aww, peace loving Hamas terrorists “just stop your military ops, and we’ll stop ours.”

    Yeah, right. I think it’s a bit more complicated than that BBC. Lets not confuse the audience with analysis or context though eh?

    BBC News. Biased liars.


  50. George R says:

    A moral maze question for the BBC (and all of us), following the Danish cartoons: dare we support Geert Wilders?:-

    “World braces for Wilders’ Qur’an film”