. If you want a laugh, I suggest you read these comments on the BBC “Have your Say” page concerning the imminent arrival of US President Bush to the UK tomorrow. I particularly enjoyed Muhammad (sic) Adam’s comment that “Bush is the world’s biggest terrorist and murderer. He should not be allowed into the UK. His presence in this pure land violates its sanctity. Bush has not done anything good for his nation, or for any nation for that matter ever since he took office. He should be arrested for crimes against humanity, for genocide, for international terrorism.” I think Muhammad may be articulating BBC policy on this topic as they prepare for a hurricane of protest at the Bush visit. I’ve been invited on the BBC Northern Ireland Nolan Show tomorrow morning as someone who supports the President’s record on te war on terror. Guantanamo is one area that I suspect will be tackled, with the likes of Shamnesty International’s street burlesque in orange jumpsuits through Belfast city centre being give considerable media time by the BBC. My only problem with Gitmo was that enemy combatants made it that far. A gulag of our times that allows inmates to put on weight is a gulag too far. I know the hard-left will be out in full-on moonbat mode tomorrow, whinging about all the imperfections of the US President without anything substantial to say about the Islamic pathology that brought us 9/11, 7/7, Madrid and Bali to name but a few. Bush derangement syndrome will be evident in BBC new coverage over the next 48hrs and I will report back on my experience tomorrow.

Ireland Referendum Update

Further to David’s post, this from Guido Fawkes :

When the result came in yesterday Mark Mardell looked shocked and sounded exasperated. The BBC has continually been running this line in its reporting of Ireland’s historic vote on the Lisbon Treaty:

Just over three million Irish voters are registered – in a European Union of 490 million people.”

The implication is clear. Those beastly Paddies are depriving everyone else in Europe of the benefits of the Lisbon Treaty. They want to convey the image of a minority running rough shod over every one else. The BBC fails to mention that Ireland is not depriving Europeans of their say. It is the only member state which gave its people a say on the matter. It is the other member states who are depriving their people of a say lest they give the wrong answer.

There’s more – read the whole thing.

UPDATE – from a Guido commenter :

BBC reporting yesterday was a disgrace. They continued to say that turnout was 45% even after the official result was declared (the actual turnout was 53.13%, “a significant improvement on past referendums” – LT). Either wilful distortion or BBC hack too thick to look up the official referendum website.

UPDATE2 – On Any Answers Eddie Mair read out a letter arguing that the low turnour of only 40% compromised the authority of the vote. Mair, out of bias or (more likely IMHO) ignorance, failed to point out the correct turnout. These people just aren’t up to the job.

General BBC-related comment thread

! Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. This is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may also be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would be appreciated! It’s your space, use it wisely.


Well now – what a turn up. The Irish have refused to be led by the nose and follow the advice of all the main political parties, big business and trade unions, and said NO to the Lisbon Treaty. The BBC coverage on this should be most interesting – just listen to the tonality of it (as the late unlamented Hillhunt would have suggested). I was reading Mark Mardell’s take on it here which is lamentable in terms of asking the hard questions about the serial failure of the Eurocrats to seLl their lousy Constitution to the people of Europe. Instead Mark seems more interested in considering how a way can be found to get around this awkward business of democracy. I predict the BBC will be in mourning with grim faced news-readers breaking the news but they will try to gain encouragement from Mr Broon’s claim that he plans to go ahead and force it through Parliament.


There is a particular line which Gordon Brown’s PR people via the BBC have been relentlessly spinning since yesterday’s Commons vote that I wanted to comment on. The BBC have been playing Gordon Brown’s comment that to suggest a shoddy deal was done with the DUP MP’s – the notorious nine – impugns the integrity of a party that has more experience than most of dealing with terrorism. The use of this Northern Ireland terror-related dimension is intended to copper-fasten Browns’ position and support the DUP’s integrity and the BBC has not seen fit to challenge it in any way.

Indeed the DUP does have more experience than most of dealing with terrorism – it sits in power with terrorist godfathers, it accepts convicted terrorists onto the Policing Board for Northern Ireland, and of course it turns a blind eye to terrorist murders such as that of 21yr old Paul Quinn. The DUP are quite happy to prostitute their principles for power, just like Brown. That may be viewed by some as fine but please let us not accept that there is any integrity with a party of political whores such as the DUP to be impugned in the first place. Where once the DUP was mercilessly mocked by the BBC, it is now presented as a party of great honour. This is what happens when you sell out your principles.


Amazed to listen to a five minute item on Today on “Honour Killings”in the UK – including a supine interview with the oleaginous Keith Vaz – and not hear the words Muslim or Islam mentioned once. Instead we were merely invited to consider that some cultures and groups had an issue with this matter, though it is “sensitive” matter. What rot. Let’s say what the BBC won’t say; the repulsive practise of killing your own children because they do something with which the family disapproves is overwhelmingly a MUSLIM problem in British society and it is the religion of peace that should be put under the spotlight here. Instead the issue is ameliorated by lumping such barbarity into one of general domestic violence. The BBC seem amazingly reluctant to venture ANY criticism of Islam or to say ANYTHING critical of the abominable behaviour of some Muslim families who take the life of their own children in acts of gross dishonour. I suppose in multiculti-land, there is no sense of right and wrong since ALL cultures are equal and must not be judged.


It’s not JUST the BBC, but rather the overwhelmingly majority of the UK msm that has little connect to the hopes and fears of real people. A quick glance at the newspaper headlines this morning, a listen to the BBC, and it’s the same story – namely that David Davis has been selfish and misguided to take a political stand on the issue of the erosion of our liberty under this rotten Nulabour government, exemplified in the 42 Day detention bill. BBC Today even suggested Davis had crossed the line into madness. I wonder why it is that our intrepid media, including the BBC, are not even casually interested in finding out if the massive alleged public support for 42 days actually exists out there – or is it a political fiction? Surely Davis will be defeated by going against these widespread consensus, so proving Labour right? Or might it instead prove that the UK electorate ARE fed up with the sustained onslaught on our ancient liberties that Labour has directed over a decade? Why are Labour not challenged as to why they refuse to fight a seat that they could win if these assumptions about popular support for 42 days are true rather than fantasy? I feel sorry for Davis – his reputation has been shredded in 24 hours because he took a principled stand and THAT is not allowed in British politics these days. The BBC- and Nick Robinson in particular – have delighted in explaining why Gordon Brown is now a winner. The problem is we all lose.


. I see that the BBC have been revelling in showing what they allege to be the actions of four Jewish settlers (That’s if you think people on their own land can be settlers!) beating up Palestinians in Judea and Samaria aka “West Bank.” A group of extreme left-wing Israelis – B’Tselem – provided 100 video cameras to Palestinians to help them capture the innate wickedness of the Israelis. Funnily enough the world’s most oppressed people were able to get evidence of Israeli violence very quickly, to the BBC’s evident approval. In fact the BBC were singled out to be given this “exclusive” footage. I wonder why? I also wonder why the BBC cameras NEVER manage to capture the barbarity of the savages that live in Judea and Samaria? Odd, isn’t it?

A new BBC first

A seventeen-minute prime time euthanasia promotion, courtesy of Tuesday’s Today programme.

One pro-euthanasia campaigner given the easiest of breathless interviews by reporter Jon Manel, no anti-euthanasia campaigners, an interview with euthanasia sceptic and hospice doctor Sheila Cassidy featuring John Humphrys trying (not very hard) and failing completely to keep on the right side of the line that divides reporter from advocate. The interview was actually Humphrys arguing with Dr Cassidy in favour of euthanasia.

“My father … ghastly few years … enormously distressing …why couldn’t he have been given a bit of help ?”

“I suppose it’s because it’s against the law”

“Couldn’t the law be changed ?”

John Humphrys, as an outspoken advocate of euthanasia, should never have been chosen to present this piece. The editor, whoever he or she was, has made a dreadful – and disgraceful – decision.

(Declaration of personal interest – I find it objectionable that my taxes are used to give a platform to an already wealthy journalist’s campaign to allow the killing of the sick (but not murderers)).


Well then, three cheers for now former Shadow Home Sec David Davis who has had the bottle to resign his seat and force a by-election on the issue of the 42 Day detention Bill. I caught the BBC’s PM coverage on this and reckon Eddie Mair must have been sneering all the way throughout the coverage. The BBC is stunned that a politician might, just might, do something on principle. Davis’s evocation of Magna Carta seemed to send the BBC into a particular spin this afternoon. Davis will need to be prepared to withstand attacks on his personality in the coming days and you can all be sure which broadcaster will lead the attack. Question Time should be interesting this evening as the “Get Davis” campaign gathers momentum. Brown’s pyrrhic victory, care of the DUP political whores, has been put in the BBC bag of our great leaders’ accomplishments but I trust that this new front opened up by Mr Davis causes Brown and his media courtiers a lot of anguish!