Interesting poll results over on Politics Home. It seems that the BBC is trusted more than any other news provider. However, a breakdown of figures by political affiliation reveals that this high rating is due to the overwhelming approval of Labour and Liberal Democrat supporters. Well there’s a surprise! Conservative minded people do NOT put their trust in the BBC and this poll should give the BBC pause for thought. But it won’t. This is because the BBC is steeped in leftism and this comes across loud and clear to lefty viewers – it’s a home from home for them but a cold place for many of the rest of us. Why should we pay for such a biased organisation?
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But you have to ask WHY there is not more of a push from within the Tories to sort out the BBC. Either reform or crapping it.
I still think that the Tory political elite see the BBC as a potential meal ticket when they get the chop.
It’s also interesting why the Tory elite can’t see that the English are pissed off with the Scots runnig everything and they are obsessed with the Union?
Kill off the Scottish vote at Westminster and no Labour Government ever again. They’d have to merge with the Libs.
will the Conservatives get rid of Al beebs telly tax tho
It isn’t really fair to compare the bias of publicly funded organisations v corporate institutions.
If you’re taking money from huge companies then it would only be reaosnable to give them the benefit of the doubt on news stories. Additionally the firms are of course in the business of making money so they’re guaranteed to focuses on the issues which generate revenue.
The bbc’s funding is completely guaranteed and it comes in the form of a tax. This makes it a special case and thus it needs to be vastly more accountable, honest and balanced than any of its competitors.
In fact this is a unique privilege – it is lucky enough to be able to be honest and open about the issues of the day if it really wanted to.
Those who ask if the Torys will reform,privatise or abolish the BBC should bear a couple of thinks in mind.
One,the BBC has a vastly greater budget than the Tory party and more employees.
Secondly it is a huge media operation with a bigger reach than the Tory Party.
Killing it will be like trying to strangle a giant squid.Any party which forewarns such a creature without first getting hold of the leavers of power will find it very hard to win office.
If you think the BBC is dangerous now,watch it when it is threatened.
From the same Politics Home piece:
(The BBC) has now fallen not only below ‘Broadsheet newspapers’, but also ‘British Business and Businessmen’ and the Bank of England in their estimation.
Even among Tory voters, then, a little way to go before it meets tabloid newspapers, traffic wardens and estate agents by the sound of it…
Peter, the BBC has been pushing Blair/Brown for years now but it is unravelling in the cold light of what people see for themselves. The more the BBC lies, the more obvious the lies are. Taking the figures of that poll and giving them weighting to current support, the BBC is on a loser.
Allan@Aberdeen: Just like the BBC pushes Nu Labour lies about Crime, education and taxes.
Classic bollocks from Michael prick on BBC News 24.
“Labour ran a good campaign” spouted Prick.
“They managed to keep a lid on the David Marshal issue [the sleaze allegations] until right at the end”
The wanker actually kept a straight face when he said it.
Well Prick, the Marshall allegations were in the media weeks ago. What YOU mean is the BBC decided to ignore it until right at the end, when it had become a major issue with the SNP.
Oh and it looks like McLiebour are going to lose the seat!!!!
But fear not, the BBC are playing it down.
“It won’t be that bad for Brown” squarks one Beeboid.
Looks like that Champers will be staying on ice hey BBC scum?
Oh and it looks like McLiebour are going to lose the seat!!!!
Lets hope so – if they can’t hold onto a 13,000 majority – it is bad news for NuLabour
BBC thicko female Beeboid making excuses for Labour.
“They didn’t get their vote out” she bleats.
Well perhaps they don’t have any voters left?
Oh and wasn’t it Labour that decided to hold the election now when everyone in Glasgow is on holiday?
Everything Broon touches turns to shit.
John Pinhead on 5 live.
“It’s a protest vote”
Dotton Adibigo or whatever his name is
“What do protests votes achieve?”
and then
“So it’s Gordon Brown’s fault that life expetency in Glasgow is so low?”
Er yes Dotton. He’s always wanking on about “investment in the NHS” and “poverty”
The BBC are NOT taking this utter humilitation of the fat one eyed scotsman very well.
ROFL. BBC: A bad night for the tories, only increasing their vote by 4%, which is almost double their result eleswhere.
“Labour not getting their vote out” this again, is just *not* true, the turnout tonight is pretty much on that of a regular election. It isnt ‘labour not getting their vote out’, but labour voters voting for someone else.
And we have to pay for this pathetic crap?
Gaz: That stupid harriden on News 24 spouting that bollocks about not getting thier vote out is a disgrace.
The BBC have been talking UP Labour winning this seat to try to bluff the voters in Glasgow.
Yet again the BBC have been show to be as ineffective as a jelly dildo when it comes to bullshitting the public.
The time has come to flush the twin turds of the BBC and Nu Liebour round the U bend.
That idiot Dotton on Radio 5.
“well at least in the morning Labour can say they did better than the Tories”
And we pay this fuckwit money to spout this crap?
Yet more shite from John Pinhead on 5 live.
On the recount he says.
“it looks like the nationalists won by 400 votes, thats a lot less than they were hoping for”
So in fact it’s a great victory for Labour?????
John Pinhead. Another arse licking Nu Labour wanker.
Just a few hundred votes.
Called by the Labour gal
OI don’t think the Tories have won !
Michael Crick still talking BS
BBC minimising that this puts Brown’s entire credibility on the line
The SNP look like carryig this seat in spite of the strong Catholic population
“It won’t be that bad for Brown” squarks one Beeboid.”
Probably said the same after Stalingrad.
The time has come to flush the twin turds of the BBC and Nu Liebour round the U bend.
That’s going to take a lot of flushes and a big poking device; they’re very fat turds, especially the BBC.
Luckily my health, I can’t get BBC News 24 here in Argentina (only the just as crap BBC World)…
I understand that the Zanu recount has actually backfired and has widened the gap
bbc cant cope with whats happening. they are too shocked.
at least the tories arnt ahead this time
Just sat through half an hour of Radio 5. Aside from a mention in the 0630 headlines, not a dickybird about this utterly seismic result – 15 minutes were spent by James Coomaruwhatever slobbering over the Obamessiah.
Would this be the case Zanu if had won Kensington & Chelsea? The BBC is out of control, simply not even bothering to hide the bias anymore.
A good day to bury bad news.
It is on 5 Live anyway.
Driving to work the top stories were about Obama’s visit to Germany (with the manadatory piss take of McCain in there) and the possible withdrawal of Englands top cricketers from a tournament in Pakistan (who can blame them) and some crappy article about sending in stories of some sort or another. Now I thought that last night Labour got massacred in a Glasgow East by-election. Now isn’t that top story news.
The BBC: Defending Gordon, It’s what we do
I see theGreens failed badly AGAIN in a by-election. Shame the BBC keep giving them so much airtime.
Just tuned into BBC News 24. Was there a by-election last night? Who won?
Oh and the BBC radio 5 phone in with fatso Nolan is due on in a bit.
Now I wonder WHICH subject it won’t be about?
How about “Would you vote for Osama?” instead?
Or something about climate change?
But “Should Gordon Brown resign?”
I think not. But I might be wrong.
For about the first time ever, the online coverage on this seems more balanced than elsewhere – no nonsense about this being anything other than a big result and very bad for Labour, and no rubbish that the Tories are going to be disappointed about beating the Lib Dems.
Radio 5 phone in is about Broon. However, the BBC only have a female Labour journalist to give comment.
Balance there then.
I rushed down this am to see the BBC news – no word on who won. Complete silence, so obviously Labour got a kicking.
I had to rev up the PC and look for confirmation on the web.
I am sure that the Beeboids spat the words out through clenched teeth when that had to finally admit that Labour have been kicked out of their safest seat.
Just in case the link changes, here’s the Permalink to the abovementioned survey:
BBC News 24 have just had that lunatic Tony Benn on. Yes the mad stare and those bizzare hand gestures where he spins his hands was giving us his view.
He started to ramble on about hip operations and the like. Weird.
How desperate is the BBC when they have to wheel out a total loser like mad Benn?
BBC radio 5 are in utter shock. They can’t seem to get the level of hatred towards Labour and the fat one eyed jock in particular.
The bbc, spinning for labour, its what we do !
Every other morning the lead item on BBC News is which “new” initiative Gordon Brown will be (re)launching today.
Seemingly losing one of their safest seats in a by election just isn’t headline news..
Emil | 25.07.08 – 10:40 am
Seemingly losing one of their safest seats in a by election just isn’t headline news..
But it WAS the lead item on every bulletin I heard this morning (7.00, 7.30 and 8.00) and it was the main discussion item on the Today programme at both 7.10 and 8.10.
They’re hardly marginalizing it.
Not on TV news it wasn’t
Emil | 25.07.08 – 10:56 am
Not on TV news it wasn’t
I find that hard to believe. Right now the story is dominating even the website – which is usually more leftie that the radio or tv ever is.
If you can really stand up your claim that the TV News buried this story, then that would indeed be a major scandal.
How sure of your ground are you?
Were you watching the BBC News Channel or BBC 1?.. at what time?
Anonymous | 25.07.08 – 11:04 am
You probably won’t get an answer – except maybe the usual ‘oops, actually I was watching Richard & Judy…just thought it was the BBC…..”
Radio London decided that this news was no longer news by 09:30. The 10:00 bulletin had six stories all deemed more important that the government losing its 25th safest seat. These stories included a local council being accused of closing a sports centre (2 interviews), the Qantas plane forced landing) and the news that Barack Obama is flying from Berlin to Paris and then London. PRIORITIES?
Came across this interesting article by Peter Kellner, President of YOUGOV Polling, on the Fabian Society website.
“Calm down dear it’s only a by-election”
Kellner, of course, is regularly trotted out by the BBC as an “impartial” commentator on political matters.
Despite his new image as a multi-millionaire media tycoon, I’m old enough to remember when he described himself as a Marxist – “from a family of Marxists”.
It’s interesting that when he’s not being an “impartial” commentator on the beeb – he’s still rallying the troops on a left wing website.
Your BBC – recycling old commies – it’s what we do
Today might not have ignored the story, but they did give Labour an easy ride. Nick Robinson at 8.10am, for example, allowed Des Browne to get away with murder. Browne’s approach was to blame ‘global’ factors, rather than Labour incompetence and Robinson didn’t challenge him.
And equally, while the website did carry a ‘defeat stuns Labour’ lead, the tone of that story and the ‘analysis’ (fawn-fest) piece by Carole Walker was much much milder than other commentators – such as Michael White in the Guardian.
The website has also been ultra quick to demote the election defeat to second lead behind Gordon’s homily about he will listen. So all is now rosy in the BBC web garden again: new Labour’s message comes shining through.
Which is precisely why only 7% of Conservative voters rate the BBC highly.
Oh and ‘TRAKTOR’ production figures are up again. The BBC say so.
You probably won’t get an answer – except maybe the usual ‘oops, actually I was watching Richard & Judy…just thought it was the BBC…..”
Richard & Judy hasn’t been on morning TV for at least 5 years. (I’m reliably informed).
Meanwhile Sky News were giving this humiliating defeat for Labour the full prominence it deserved. If anyone denies that BBC Breakfast Time tried to gloss it over and move on then you’re deluding yourselves and believing your own lies.
Does that survey not indicate a net approval rating of 7 by Conseravtive supporters for the BBC ? ie more approve of it than disapprove of it ?
I suspect this is more a commentary on Conservative voters than on the BBC. Most Conservative voters are not political – ie not interested in politics. The sort of things that wind people up on here – rampant lefty political bias in news, comment and drama – wash over most Conservative voters without troubling them greatly, because news, comment and politically charged drama is of no importance.
David Attenborough, not Jim Naughtie or Kirsty Wark, is the image of the BBC. Most people like David Attenborough and his programmes.
Lee Moore | 25.07.08 – 2:15 pm
Does that survey not indicate a net approval rating of 7 by Conseravtive supporters for the BBC ? ie more approve of it than disapprove of it ?
Yes, it’s yet another careless own-goal by David Vance.
Vance writes in his post:
Conservative minded people do NOT put their trust in the BBC
when as you correctly point out, most of them do.
Another commenter makes the same mistake:
Which is precisely why only 7% of Conservative voters rate the BBC highly.
Robin | 25.07.08 – 11:47 am
Time for a bit more rigour at B-BBC.
This serial incompetence just makes the place a laughing stock.
“This serial incompetence just makes the place a laughing stock.
Anonymous | 25.07.08 – 3:23 pm | #
How about a bit more “rigor from you, else we might assume you are a laughing lock, stock and barrel
THIS IS THE EXACT ARTICLE from the website. And by “exact, I mean this is NOT DV’s analysis, it’s their analysis.
Politics Home…
BBC still unpopular with Conservatives
The latest results from the PHI5000 daily opinion tracker illustrate huge differences in the way the BBC is perceived by the public, depending on which political party they identify themselves with.
The panel have been asked since April to give their opinion on a range of British institutions. The BBC has consistently received the highest net approval rating of all the institutions included in the PHI5000 tracker, and currently has a score of 30.
However, a breakdown of figures by political affiliation reveals that this high rating is due to the overwhelming approval of Labour and Liberal Democrat supporters, who each currently give the BBC a net approval rating of 50.
In contrast, the score from Conservative supporters stands at just 7, meaning it has now fallen not only below ‘Broadsheet newspapers’, but also ‘British Business and Businessmen’ and the Bank of England in their estimation.
I sugest you go argue with Politics Home if you disagree with their conclusions that disturb your tiny mind.
I see we’ve been visited by some vermin from the BBC
How can a fascist government policy wonk known as ra BBC be called lefty???
The problem is our system, WE LACK REAL DEMOCRACY.
Any major policy MUST be subject to a referendum, like in Switzerland.
Voting for a totalitarian Labour or Tory administration every five years is dumb, whether at a local or national level.
dum. dum. dum.
Would you girls please stop bitch scratching each other over the symptoms, and deal with the problems.
This BBC issue is nothing more than a symptom of a far larger problem in our modern society.
A lack of democracy and choice.
I realise that this place is heavily polluted with American influences but I’m hoping that a few Brit braincells may prevail.
Once people can decide for themselves, IN A REFERENDUM, society can progress at its chosen pace.
Ireland was a recent example where the constitution would not allow those EU muppets to railroad through that “lisbon treaty”.
Now maybe our American cousins are keen on living in a society that is heavily prejudiced against fat people who drink and smoke, drive a car and walk the dog but as far as I am concerned I don’t want to live in a country where institutional prejudice is a government policy promoted by the likes of the BBC.
Whenever ANYTHING is going to be banned, it goes to a referendum.
No exceptions.
Lets keep the lifestyle-nazis at bay and encourage freedom of choice.
Can you guys not see that this place is exactly like the BBC, it gets bogged down in semantics, and people just squabble over the symptoms, not the cause.
America has already fallen victim to this disease.
Our society needs democracy, and all major policy decisions need a democratic referendum, at a local or a national level, depending on the issue.
And you will not find anyone promoting this open democracy approach either in here, nor on the BBC site, because it’s a system they don’t want to promote.