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british gold medal winners on sky news now – press conference.
its amazing seeing that there are so many of them. dead proud of them…
Yeah, we did great in the Olympics. How many golds would we have if we boycotted those ‘elitist’ competitions like cycling, rowing (and presumably kayaking; those Native Americans were the biggest toffs ever), and sailing? One?
just watching the press conf on sky news..
now those folks are truely to be admired – much MUCH better than this X-Factor chav bollocks.
well done!
Biodegradable | 25.08.08 – 12:10 pm |
BBC calls a “20-year-old yeshiva student” an army reservist and fails to report that the murderer with blood on his hands also killed one of his own while in jail.
The BBC: only the news it sees fit to print!
Good catch, BioD. This is the kind of biased reporting which reveals the BBC editorial policy of making every effort to refrain from demonizing Palestinians who kill Israelis while making no effort to refrain from portraying Jews in the worst possible light.
A “soldier”, they say? And some editor obviously decided that either the fact that Abu Ali had also killed one of his own on suspicion of being a collaborator with Israel was either not pertinent to the story (wrong), or needed to be omitted because that would make a Palestinian look worse than the BBC is comfortable with.
Do you see the problem, lurking Beeboids? This isn’t about taking sides in a conflict, or body counts, or “who shot who first”, or the emotional content of the “T” word. This is evidence of your wrong-headed editorial policy, one which overrides journalistic integrity with base emotionalism. The result is that the public is not only uninformed, but willfully misinformed.
press conf – they’re renaming a pub in Mansfield the Adlington Arms , after that Rebecca Adlington, who got the two golds and a world record in the swimming.
“The result is that the public is not only uninformed, but willfully misinformed.
David Preiser (USA) | Homepage | 25.08.08 – 5:35 pm”
prime example being the kyoto treaty. ask any brit who turned it down – and they’ll say Bush, rather than Clinton.
“On Monday at 8.30pm on BBC1, Panorama will explore Britishness, speaking to a range of people including fashion designer Vivienne Westwood and BNP leader Nick Griffin”
Yes, the two obvious choices. Okeydokey.
Have you ever been to Mansfield Mr Ed ?
That pub was probably originally called The Smackheads Arms or the ASBO Inn 🙂
Wouldn’t it be more “inclusive” if they’d named a Mosque after her?
northnorthwester | Homepage | 25.08.08 – 9:52 am
How many Golds did Britain get again?…
Counting golds silvers and bronzes as equal worth, the USA came first in the world
Yes, but the US is a much bigger country than ours with a population (= potential athletes pool) five times bigger than ours.
Stop trying to pour cold water on British achievement.
Rapix, I’m not trying to reduce my own beloved country’s glory in this competition – coming fourth in the world is a fantastic achievement for Britain, which is why I used ‘God save the Queen!’ – that being something of a traditional British way of cheering our whole nation, which she symbolises. ‘Go us!’ or ‘Vive l’Angleterre’ seeming not quite right, somehow.
But the USA won the most medals, and as per, the anti-American biased BBC don’t seem to have noticed.
Hence my post in B-BBC.
Also, all that Tory-introduced National Lottery and especially the Millennium Commission for sport seems to have paid rich dividends in a few short years. ‘Tory-introduced?’ Hmm… I wonder what the BBC’s had to say about that lately…
c4 do it again with “how the banks never lose” on dispatches. on now.
its not some lefty rant – far from it – its more about exposing the crazy bonus culture in the banks, that encourages short-term gambling. and that IS a problem, like it or not.
why do we need the bbc when c4 is doing this kind of investigative journalism?
one to add to the “dumbass bbc” collection
A BBC football commentator is under fire after making an ‘inappropriate remark’ about the Spanish air disaster during a match.
Reporter Chris Price was speaking live on air when he said Rochdale ‘were making more holes in the Bradford defence than in a Spanish aircraft’.
He was speaking on Saturday just three days after a Spanair plane crashed at Barajas International airport in Madrid killing at least 153 people.
interesting – in the year of the northern crock fiasco, the chief exec of the FSA got a bonus himself – of 114,000.
(c4 dispatches)
Kill the Beeb.
I’ve copied and pasted the web address you gave for the racist Beeb training programmes. Nothing is coming up there.
I’ve gone to the website but it’s a maze of stuff.
Has anybody got the page address for the training programmes?
Ah, nearly forgot. I’ve just watched the Panorama programme on ‘Britishness’. Well, we all can guess the conclusion Vivien White came up with, can’t we!
Of course, it doesn’t exist anymore, according to the Beeboids.
On being interviewed, Jack Straw said that ‘Britishness’ was defined by our opposition to enemies during centuries of warfare. Bloody typical of the political left – completely missing the point of our identity – that they did so much to destroy.
Then we get the Beeboids asking a rhetorical question and then coming up with the ‘correct’ answer by their lights.
so therefore, 90 per cent of the population dont have a nationality anymore?
was that the conclusion?
amazing. i guess its a one trip to america or aussieland so.
this is how panorama illustrates its “britishness” documentary
i have no more to add.
its this sort of bollocks that is ensuring that my kids are growing up with an IRISH identity.
for all i see on the british side is confusion and uncertainty.
sorry to say it – i’d love my kid to grow up british.. but with this sort of bollocks going on, i’ve opted for a more defined option
p.c. multi cult stuff creates this. just ask any muslim refugee who is LONGING to be british.. but finds out that they cant. because “britishnes” has been hollowed out by the socialists.
bloody disgrace if you ask me.
Archduke: Yes, the BBC were quick to slag off Boris Johnson when he says something ‘inappropriate’ but when their own arsehole journalists/presnters say something, the BBC whitewash it.
James Whale got sacked for one off the cuff remark.
I guess if you work for the BBC you can just about say what you like?
funny how panorama is elevating viviene westwood to a pedestal , when SHE was highly involved in far left politics and did everything she could to fuck up any sort of british identity.
the hypocrisy of the left is nauseating – note that she never apologies for what she has done to this great nation.
what a cunt.
The BBC,being British and Mozam f-ing Begg.
“Mozzam Begg, a British-born radical Muslim, is best known for having spent two years in Guantanamo Bay, only to be finally released without charge. When being held by at the US detention facility his American guards were in no doubt as to his Britishness – referring to him by the name Great Britain and even making sure that he was kept informed when the Queen Mother died. He however, is not so sure, telling the programme that he does not “think anybody knows actually what Britishness is including the people who want to tell us what they think Britishness is”.”
Ah the BBC exemplifies Britishness by using Mozzam (I hate the UK so I left) Begg.
If MB or somebody from the BBC is reading this. Pounce is more than happy to meet this Britishman and shake his hand and congratulate him on getting out of that illegal prison in Cuba.
The BBC,being British and Mozam f-ing Begg.
The BBC, digging up the past and dumming down the news.
Huge statue of Roman ruler found
Parts of a giant, exquisitely-carved marble sculpture depicting the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius have been found at an archaeological site in Turkey. Fragments of the statue were unearthed at the ancient city of Sagalassos. So far the statue’s head, right arm and lower legs have been discovered, high in the mountains of southern Turkey. Marcus Aurelius was portrayed by Richard Harris in the Oscar-winning 2000 film Gladiator and was one of the so-called “Five Good Emperors”.
OK help me here, what the heck is the BBC doing linking in a historical find with a fictional film. What next from the BBC.Emperor Palatine found across the road from Trajan’s Column? I’m sure Darth and his children Luke and Leia will want the BBC to inform everybody about what a new hope they have about their film about Roman Emperors.
The BBC, digging up the past and dumming down the news.
More BBC Fakery
The BBC was forced to apologise yesterday after admitting that its flagship news bulletin had inadvertently misled viewers over the withdrawal of the Chinese athlete Liu Xiang from the Olympics.
How can anyone believe anything from this washed up bunch of socialists?
Sue, thanks for the correct link for the strategic discrimination video mentioned by Kill the Beeb.
“Revealed: Britain’s secret propaganda war against al-Qaida”
( by A.Travis).
“A Whitehall counter-terrorism unit is targeting the BBC and other media organisations as part of a new global propaganda push designed to ‘taint the al-Qaida brand’, according to a secret Home Office paper seen by the Guardian.
“The document also shows that Whitehall counter-terrorism experts intend to exploit new media websites and outlets with a proposal to ‘channel messages through volunteers in internet forums’ as part of their campaign.”
The suggestion that the Home Office can get the BBC to change its political spots and campaign against Al Qaeda seems farfetched. As is common knowledge, the BBC is quite sympathetic to Islamic jihadist organisations globally, e.g. Hamas and the Taliban.
If the BBC wanted to campaign against Islamic jihad, it knows what to do. Sites like the following, provide much information about campaigning against Islamic jihad:
And, as Hugh Fitzgerald urges, all we infidels need to go back to school to educate ourselves about Islam (not let Muslims do it for us):
“Fitzgerald: Fun, and indispensible learning”
Those videos by Kill the Beeb. Excellent work in themselves but sad as well – showing how we native British are suffering discrimination.
Everybody should see them, they’re three videos totalling approx. 30 minutes.
just watched about riots at NHC on sky news
business as usual on the BBC with the norm multi culti propaganda.
I actually worked for the Beeb at the NHC as a security camera crew backwatcher in about 2000
Every hour on the hour they reported on what a great time everyone was having – I was in disbelief as it was really bad crush with gangs of youths robbing people.
At dark we had to report from a few streets back. It was not safe!
The reporting agenda had been set – report what a great time everyone is having regardless of the truth!
“Paxman is right, TV is biased against middle-class white men… but people like him are to blame”
(by Rod Liddle).
“The BBC has changed, but it has changed in precisely the sort of way you might expect from an organisation run by white, middle-class male liberals like Jeremy Paxman.
“The positions of power are still largely held by men who went to Charterhouse or Eton, but they have imposed upon the corporation beneath them – and upon the viewing public – a cringing political correctness, buttressed by silly quotas and that evil oxymoron, positive discrimination.” (Rod Liddle).–people-like-blame-according-colleague.html
Whenever there’s a BBC ‘Breaking News’ report like this, of 30 mins ago:
“A 25-year-old man has been arrested in Blackburn under the Terrorism Act, Lancashire Police said.”
And the police goes out of its way to talk about ‘communities’, I think we’ve got enough code to know what’s happened again.
“Terror police arrest in Blackburn”
Where’s the Notting Hill riots coverage? Can’t find much on any news outlet other than Sky News…- colleague.html
George R | 26.08.08 – 7:54 am | #
some great quotes from rodd liddle
in that article.
Only a BBC white liberal could decide that the public ought to be watching a comedy programme full of black people – rather than a comedy programme that was very funny and happened to have black people in it – and then commission a white Scottish bloke to write it.
and this one.
Further, when blacks or Asians crop up in television dramas they are almost always the good guys, to counter ‘negative stereotyping’.
Saul F:
“Where’s the Notting Hill riots coverage? Can’t find much on any news outlet other than Sky News”
You’re not looking hard enough mate. It’s tucked away third story down on the ‘England’ page on BBC News:
rejoicing under the spendidly vapid, meaningless headline “Arrests after carnival stand-offs”. Could mean anything, that one. How’s about “Police assaulted by frenzied, savage black mob” or maybe “Notting Hill: Tooled-up black criminals run out of white liberals to mug, turn on cops”.
Tellingly, the quote in the highlight box states “I saw police getting carried away, I saw people who were throwing missiles getting carried away because they were getting batoned as well”. So the killer quote says ‘everyone got a bit carried away, both sides are to blame”. Very BBC.
Here’s the BBC implying that all drivers don’t really need to drive:
The big quote in this story is:
[I]”One obvious explanation for this is that rising fuel prices and general economic concerns are making people think carefully about how they drive.”[/I]
Really, BBC?
Could it also be that lorry drivers are being put out of business due to high fuel prices? Or hard working families can’t afford the petrol?
I guess we’ll all be happier when the Central Line gets extended from White City to the rest of the country.
Here’s a thought. If the economy is going down the pan won’t the number of HGV’s and other vehicles driving for commercial reasons go down?
And that is good?
Only in beeboid land would that be seen as a good idea.
Watched ‘new tricks’ last night turns out the murderer was a black man.
Though they soffened the blow by also making a christian who murdered his son because his son went against his religion.
Happens with christians all the time not like those nice religion of peace lot.
Anyone see the BBC 6pm news with the story about the Ryan Air jet?
So some half wit ‘explorer’ (I’ve never heard of him) claimed that the flight crew didn’t give them any information and that the cabin crew sat there with their oxygen masks on!!!
Can you believe these assholes? Hang on a minute the pilots have about 12 minutes to get the plane down from 38000 feet to under 8000.
That means declaring an emergency and getting clearence to start decending rapidly. Then the pilots would be going through an extensive checklist and looking for other problems. Oh hang on we had better tell that wanker in the back what we’re going to do first.
Oh and the cabin crew. Since they would pass out without THEIR oxygen mask on, what exactly did the passengers expect them to do? Mime?
And one dopey cow said her Oxygen wasn’t working. Well it clearly was you stupid bitch otherwise you’d have passed out!!!!
If I had done that report, I’d have just ripped the piss out of thick stupid passengers who should have listened to their safety brief.
But as we know “elf and safety” is not to be taken seriously is it?
Nelson and Martin,
Even if the economy picks up there will be fewer British lorries on the road and more foreign ones. This is due to
1; Foreign lorries do not have to pay anything to use British roads (although British trucks have to pay in every other country)
2; They are not as stringently controlled as British trucks, perhaps an exception may may made for German ones.
Not that the BBC ever points this out when talking about haulage matters.
Original Robin:
There’s a 3 as well. Cheaper wages.
koop | 26.08.08 – 9:38 am |
There’s a knock on Nelson Mandella’s door. Saint Nelson gets up from his armchair and opens the front door.
There stands a Chinese man with a clipboard. Behind him is an artic full of automotive parts.
“You sign, you sign” says the Chinese man. Perplexed Saint Nelson tells him to go away.
To cut the story short, over the next three days the same scenario is played out.
On the fourth day Saint Nelson’s patience snaps. “Why don’t you piss off” He says.
The Chinese man, now perplexed, says “You no Neesan Maindealer?”
Do you think the BBC would offer me a job?
The Friends of Gordon Club at the BBC really goes out of its way to carry Mr. Brown’s water sometimes. This article hoping he gets a boost in the polls after the Olympics is almost something out of a bad TV show. Oh, wait….
Why one earth would anyone look at Gordon Brown more favorably just because he was shoved in front of a couple cameras at the Olympics?
Can Team GB win Westminster games?
Do tell, BBC, do tell.
But maybe the mood in Gordon Brown’s team is a little brighter than it was at the beginning of the month.
Why, BBC?
For a start Labour MPs seem to have taken a proper holiday in recent weeks. A holiday from the briefing, the soul-searching and the newspaper column-writing that helped trigger all the talk of a leadership crisis earlier in the summer.
Yes, the public generally looks more favorably on New Labour when they’re not fouling the halls of Parliament. Note the following casual dismissal of any notion that Mr. Brown might need to step down. It was merely a momentary distraction, caused by those naughty Fleet Street wankers who just need to find something to fill column space, right?
Then there’s the triumph of the other Team GB. Their medal haul turned a grey summer gold.
Even the most curmudgeonly British grumps probably felt a pang of pride at their achievement.
And Beijing was good for Gordon Brown. He looked relaxed, was obviously delighted by the team’s unexpected success and must have enjoyed hearing Boris Johnson describe his own party’s view that Britain is broken as “piffle”.
So say friends of the Brown family who work on the Fourth Floor.
But will Britain’s nice result at the Olympics actually help him?
Well, the England win in 1966 didn’t help Labour net the general election that year because the poll happened before a ball had been kicked.
But England’s semi-final defeat by West Germany in the 1970 tournament did produce a national gloom that may have nailed Harold Wilson’s fate in the general election four days later.
It’s nice to see the News Online kids taking politics seriously. Not. But they do find time to salute Mr. Brown’s work ethic:
Gordon Brown has decided not to do a lap of honour with the medal winners. Instead he’s spending the week working in Scotland.
Then there’s the plug for Mr. Brown’s redistributionist ideas, complete with photo of a gas stove flame, ending with:
Labour MPs talking up a windfall tax say it’s a perfectly fair way of taking money from profit-rich energy companies to compensate hard-pressed consumers.
(NB the BBC sub-editor responsible for this: You may want to pass that last line along to your colleagues who are covering the US election so they can use it to promote the Obamessiah’s own redistributionist policy against those nasty oil companies.)
I was shocked, shocked to find that no alternative viewpoint was presented on the only actual issue raised in the article.
Come on, Beeboids, are you really this pathetic?
Re the article by Ron Liddle:-
“Only a BBC white liberal could decide that the public ought to be watching a comedy programme full of black people – rather than a comedy programme that was very funny and happened to have black people in it – and then commission a white Scottish bloke to write it.
That’s what happened with The Crouches, the BBC1 ‘African-British’ comedy written by Rab C. Nesbitt creator Ian Pattison, which was put out of its misery after two series.”
How very, very true.
I was unfortunate enough to have a meeting with the producer of “The Crouches” – Stephen McCrumb – a few years ago at the BBC. Your atypical white middle class male on a mission to patronize as many minorities as he could.
He was mortified that The Crouches didn’t work, because it seemed as though his desperate attempt to patronize black people had backfired. He spent much of his time bemoaning the fact that most of the black people in the audience would laugh riotously at absolutely anything, no matter how unfunny it was.
It was like listening to Clive of India talk about the ghastly natives during the halcyon days of Imperialism.
He then went on to outline how his and the BBC agenda was to get more black people writing comedy, more working class people etc etc. Never said a thing about getting anyone funny or talented to write for them.
Had a black person walked in at that moment clutching a shopping list, the likes of Stephen McCrumb would have fallen over himself to produce it.
Still, the talentless bastard produced “Two Pints of Lager” so what else could you expect?
I think Matt Frei just wet himself describing Hillary’s entrance at the Democrats convention. He has admitted several times on air that he was in favor of a Hillary Presidency, and his breathlessness and school-girl giddiness right now is the epitome of unprofessional behavior. The man has no professional integrity.
Go ahead and roll your eyes, lurking BBC employees. You can’t defend this behavior.
The psychopathic Lyse Doucet; the cretinous Frei-cook; the weird and frankly scary obsessiveness about Islam and Muslims. Weren’t we all talking about the exact same subjects here five years ago?
Five years, and the Beeb is still as nuts as ever. I see they’ve apparently also stopped trying to talk to the people who post here as well. No doubt they finally realized they couldn’t censor or delete or bully their critics into shutting up, like they do on their own turf.
The BBC is utterly, totally obsessive about giving greenies the opportunity to spout their nonsense without challenge or being subject to a the remotest mediocum of common sense.
Pride of place this morning goes to Greg Offer, who believes confidently that his chosen sport of ‘zero-carbon’ go-kart racing (powered by hydrogen cells) will supersede grand prix racing within ten years.
It’s hard to keep up with all these arrests, now extended from Blackburn area to Derby:
“Fifth arrest over ‘PM death plot'”
Although I haven’t seen the usual statement from the police in connection with this fifth arrest about how the police is concerned about the sensitiviities of local ‘communities’, I think we can all de-code what’s going on here, and how the ‘threat’ from we-know-who, continues.
Of course, this SKY NEWS report on the same arrest, is not as euphemistically disguised as that of the BBC, and SKY does, relevantly, mention Islam, unlike the BBC which has different priorities:
Robots help people paralysed from the waist down to walk up atairs.
Where are they being developed? Well-try to guess.
You have to scroll half way down the article to discover that it’s being developed in Tel Aviv.
That wouldn’t really matter, and wouldn’t necessarily be ‘bias’, except that every other similar article tells you immediately where such things are being worked on e.g. UK scientists have developed….. Boffins in Hollywood are working on….
Would it have been so difficult to say ‘Israeli scientists are developing…’?
It seems the answer is ‘Yes’.
The psychopathic Lyse Doucet
Susan | 27.08.08 – 6:28 am |
According to Lyse Doucet the Taliban have a pink and fluffy side.
BBC presenter Lyse Doucet: Media fail to convey ‘humanity of the Taliban’
Presumably they only torture and murder on Fridays and only beat their wives twice a week.
I’m sure the BBC will eventually get round to reporting this devastating news.
Three million families living in jobless households
But first they need to confir with their Labour cronies on how to lessen the impact and how to blame some, if not all, of it on the Thatcher government.
Can anyone find this story on the BBC web site:
Palestinian children ‘kept naked in stable for 20 years by their father’
Rod Liddle in the Mail:
by and large, the staff on Today were polite, impeccably liberal, public-school-educated white men – and six of them had been educated at Eton.–people-like-blame-according-colleague.html