? I think that the BBC coverage of this US election really does warrant a whole chapter to itself in the forthcoming Biased BBC book. It just goes from bad to worse. Did you catch Sarah Montague’s 7.12am interview with the Beeb Washington correspondent Kim Ghattas concerning the selection of Sarah Palin to run as V-P? It’s laced with subtle and not so subtle attacks on Palin and the buzz words are “inexperience” “anti abortion” “very conservative.” Sarah Montague and Kim Ghattas both agree that McCain has “undercut” his best line of attack against the Obamessiah by choosing such as inexperienced candidate and then tried to present this GOP choice as a victory for the Dems. I am no fan of John McCain but let me say that should he win in November, then there will be at least one bottle of champagne strewn across the corridor in my house! The BBC are bound to declare a day of national mourning with accompanying solemn music, before launching into the “racist” America diatribe that is never far from the surface in their toxic left wing minds. Their coverage of this election has been staggeringly biased and in my mind it is more evidence why the axe needs to be taken to such a powerful but unbalanced State broadcaster.

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100 Responses to SARAH WHO

  1. Martin says:

    Bill O’Reilly recently drew attention to his perceived biased and unprofessional reporting on behalf of the NBC network. O’Reilly showed a caption said: “McCain chooses Sarah Palin. How many houses will she add to the ticket?” The caption was listed underneath a banner that read “Breaking News.” O’Reilly questioned the journalistic integrity of NBC and criticized Tom Brokaw for lending his credibility to a network no longer interested in objective reporting.

    NBC is in the tank for Osama.


  2. archduke says:

    “Are foreigners allowed to make donations to U. S. of A. Presidential campaigns?

    If so links to both?
    Gerald Brown | 30.08.08 – 4:21 pm ”

    City Spy in the Evening Standard has written fair few pieces on City donations to the Repubs and Dems.

    whether thats solely down to American ex-pats, i’m not entirely sure.


  3. JohnA says:


    Yes of course – both Repubs. Plus people like Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin now mad keen on Palin. The radio shows will now be pulling for McCain-palin, whereas they have often been lukewarm so far ?

    How people like Webb can say this is a “desperate” choice by McCain is absurd – his team will have checked out the likely response from the base beforehand.

    But “deperate choice ” is a Dem taking point – several Dem commentators used the D word. Another example of Webb and the other “BBC” “Reporters” taking their lead from the Dem campaign and the Dem press.

    Is there ANY “BBC” “Reporter based in the US that simply reports the FACTS ?


  4. archduke says:

    ok.. i found this LA Times article

    it clearly states that ONLY U.S. citizens can donate.

    so i guess that clears that one up.


  5. archduke says:

    i’ve finally figured out what the hell PUMA stands for.. (you’ll see it on a lot of american blogs)..

    “Party Unity My Ass”

    Democrats for McCain…


  6. archduke says:

    oh wait.. that previous url seems not to be the real dems for mccain site.

    this looks like it


  7. archduke says:

    excellent analysis of the “Palin effect” over here:

    “The key is that she offers a combination of qualities that make her a hero to many, many different groups. For instance, two of our strongest bases of support have been social conservatives and libertarian republicans, who are normally at each other’s throats.

    However, she offered both groups something that they desperately wanted without compromising any appeal to the other. The SoCons loved her pro-life, pro-family, and pro-gun positions, while the libertarians and fiscal conservatives cheered her on as she vetoed hundreds of millions of dollars of wasteful government spending. Getting those two groups to sing kum-ba-ya was enough of an accomplishment, but now it appears that a third group has found what it wants in Gov. Palin: McCainocrats. “


  8. David Preiser (USA) says:

    Gerald Brown | 30.08.08 – 4:21 pm |

    Yes, foreigners can donate to independent organizations which support the candidate of their choice. These organizations do advertising and other things in favor of their candidate, but do so on their own.

    This is legal because these groups are volunteer organizations not connected in any way to the official campaigns. They can do whatever they like within the law, and anyone may donate to them since they don’t actually fund the campaigns themselves, or do anything on behalf of or officially sanctioned by the candidates themselves or their campaign organizations.

    I won’t provide links to any of these because I’m not real excited about foreign influence on elections or anything else. Even if you’re just going to send a tenner, it amounts to the same thing. I complain a lot about the BBC attempting to influence hearts and minds. I was also against the doomed Guardian letter-writing campaign of four years ago, and against George F’ing Soros spending his millions on and other political campaigns. By the same token I shouldn’t help any foreigners donate anything to a campaign I might support, either.

    I’m sorry if this seems rude, but it’s a matter of principal. You can easily find such organizations online, though.


  9. disillusioned_german says:

    If you want to contribute to John McCains campaign read this:

    By checking this box, I certify that: (1) This contribution is made from my own funds and will not be reimbursed by any other person or entity; (2) This contribution is not made from the treasury funds of a corporation, labor union, or national bank; (3) I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent U.S. resident; (4) I am not personally a federal-government contractor (employees of government contractors may contribute); and (5) I agree that my contribution will be designated according to the description at the bottom of this page.

    So, no… a non U.S. citizen or resident cannot legally make a contribution.


  10. disillusioned_german says:
  11. JohnA says:

    Hillary dissidents in PUMA have evidently made an ad FOR Palin – indeed for McCain-Palin.

    I bet this gets lots of YouTube plays :


  12. disillusioned_german says:

    David Preiser: I understand what you’re saying but I bet Soros uses a lot of foreign money.


  13. archduke says:

    you could probably donate to the “Republicans Abroad” organisation.


  14. disillusioned_german says:

    Yeah, you could become a member as well. I’m a member of the German Chapter of Republicans Abroad.


  15. archduke says:

    “JohnA | 30.08.08 – 5:46 pm ”

    awesome video. and Palin is gracious to the other side too… !!!

    well, its becoming increasingly clear to me why McCain picked her – he wants to show her the ropes so that she makes a run for president in 2012.

    and i would bet that she might indeed win it.

    on a side note – the way Hilary was treated and sidelined by her party was dispicable. if they had counted michigan and florida she would have beaten the obamessiah.

    what we are looking at here is a Democratic party being taken over by FAR left entryists… as militant tried to do with labour in the 80s.


  16. JohnA says:

    It is clearly wrong for non-US citizens to donate.

    But I think it is important for overseas folk to make it clear to Americans eg on blogsites or through personal contacts that we do not buy the “BBC” line of anti-Americanism.

    The theme at the Dem convention “Let’s get the world to like us again” is bollox. It plays straight into the UN-should-rule game, and thereby to appeasement.

    Heck – even “BBC” journalist Laura Trevelyan realises that the Obama’s precious UN is a waste of space :

    Not a bad article. A refreshing change. Naybe John Bolton has been having a chat ?


  17. archduke says:

    “disillusioned_german | 30.08.08 – 5:52 pm ”

    hey – i didnt realise that non-USians can join them. wow.

    thanks for the tip off. i’ll be joining the UK one so.


  18. archduke says:

    “JohnA | 30.08.08 – 5:56 pm”

    you can trace the obama decline from his Berlin speech.

    needless to say , the “we are world citizens” aspect didnt go down too well with patriotic americans.


  19. Susan says:

    Jack Bauer: They’ll probably find their only three anti-hunting, anti-gun vegans in the state, plus the gay hairdresser from Men In Trees (a recent US show set in Alaska!)

    How you could forget Muslims? It’s al-Beeb! They’ll make a beeline for the only igloo-shaped mosque in the world and fawn all over the attendants while munching halal mooseburgers! You heard it here first!


  20. archduke says:

    ah – i might be mistaken…

    repubs abroad is NOT open to foreign nationals

    dg – you are an american citizen arent you? maybe thats why you were able to join the german chapter.


  21. archduke says:

    “The theme at the Dem convention “Let’s get the world to like us again” is bollox.”

    indeed – as Denis Prager likes to say on his radio show – “the world does not hate america – the LEFT hates america”


  22. archduke says:

    Time interview with Palin,8816,1837536,00.html

    (via LGF)


  23. Susan says:

    and she’s married to an eskimo!

    He’s not really an Eskimo, though, he’s a 6-foot-something white guy with blue eyes. Maybe one grandparent was an Eskimo, from the looks of him. Most likely there are thousands of people like Todd Palin in Alaska. At any rate, he does sound like a cool guy. Commercial fishing in Alaska has to be one of the most brutal jobs in the world. The major fishing port sees up to 140 mi-an-hour winds, amidst, of course, sub-zero temperatures.


  24. will says:

    “we are world citizens” The singer with REM saw himself a such when interviewed today (BBC or Sky News not sure which). The reporter asked what he would do if McCain managed to scrape a win (obviously a more convincing win would be beyond imagination), Stipe said he might come to live in the UK, but couldn’t understand anyone wanting to vote for McCain.


  25. Susan says:

    Here’s a bio of Todd Palin. As I called it, one Granny was an Yu’pik Eskimo:

    Truth be told, SHE looks more native than he does.


  26. archduke says:

    susan – i stand corrected… was just relaying some comments i read elsewhere on the eskimo tag.

    but still – he sounds like a rock solid guy. read elsewhere that he doesnt want to be called “first gentleman” – instead, for him, its
    “first dude”.



  27. archduke says:

    “will | 30.08.08 – 6:22 pm”

    i cant understand why any american citizen – a citizen of the greatest, most powerful country on the friggin planet – would want to be a “world citzen”…

    when the entire world would move there in a heartbeat…


  28. archduke says:,8816,1837536,00.html

    “it is individual Americans and American families who can make better decisions for ourselves than government can ever make for us. So individual freedom and independence is extremely important to me and that’s why I’m a Republican”

    well, thats the Ron Paul wing shored up.

    fantastic stuff… how come we dont have politicians like her over here?

    we NEED that sort of stuff. badly.

    as opposed to the three flavours of socialism on offer.


  29. Jack Bauer says:

    i cant understand why any american citizen – a citizen of the greatest, most powerful country on the friggin planet – would want to be a “world citzen”…

    The last “black” man mouthing “we are the world” platitudes was Michael Jackson.

    And see how well that all worked out!


  30. Martin says:

    Jacko. Isn’t he the bloke who dangled his kid off a balcony? Any white guy tries that and he’ll be locked up.


  31. Martin says:

    Will: Yer I’m sure Stipe will happily pay UK taxes. NOT!

    Like that jock twat Sean Connery. He wanks on about Scotland being independent but lives in the USA.

    Personally I’d take the fat bald shits British passport off him.


  32. David Preiser (USA) says:

    disillusioned_german | 30.08.08 – 5:49 pm |

    I bet Soros uses a lot of foreign money.

    He’s a US citizen, but he initiated and bank-rolled the McCain-Feingold Finance Reform, which led to the creation of so-called “527s”. These are independent, unregulated organizations, many of which happily take foreign money. He essentially created the opportunity for foreign money to influence US politics. He also supports organizations which engage in fraud when trying to influence US elections:

    Soros’ efforts go beyond spin. He has also bankrolled groups involved in the manipulation of elections, an activity that has increased since his money came into the picture. Two groups โ€” Americans Coming Together and the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now โ€” were sanctioned recently by the Federal Election Commission for fraud.

    Soros pledged $10 million to ACT, which has since been fined $775,000 for illegally funneling $70 million set aside for voter registrations to Democratic candidates.

    He also gave at least $150,000 to ACORN, the left-wing group best known for pushing minimum-wage hikes, marching for illegal-immigrant amnesty and harassing Wal-Mart. ACORN has been accused of voter fraud in 13 states since 2004 and was convicted of falsifying signatures in a voter registration drive last July, drawing a fine of $25,000 in Washington state.

    The above from: Investor’s Business Daily


  33. Martin says:


    “..what we are looking at here is a Democratic party being taken over by FAR left entryists… as militant tried to do with labour in the 80s…”

    Well Biden has used Neil Kinnock’s speeches. God how sad is that? The Dems are old Liebour.


  34. disillusioned_german says:

    David Preiser: Thanks for clearing that up. I’ve heard a lot about the McCain / Feingold bill but didn’t know the details.

    Archduke: I simply joined the Republicans Abroad German chapter and paid the 40 Euros. I couldn’t find anything on the website that says “American citizens only” so I guess I’ll be alright.

    Even though I won’t be able to change anything directly I feel better by contributing to the party that represents my own views the most.


  35. RAB says:


    I just checked out the site and it had the same boxes to check about citizenship as McCain’s website.

    I’m not hassling you for donating dissillusioned_german…I’m just surprised it got through! ๐Ÿ™‚


  36. Martin says:

    Really good article by Kirsten Powers who is a Democtatic strategist and comments for Fox News.

    Probably one of the best pieces about Sarah Palin.


  37. Martin says:

    Classic. Bill Maher on journalists wanting to do anal with Obama. The BBC perhaps?


  38. disillusioned_german says:

    Well, I’ve not directly donated to McCain’s campaign. I’ve just become a member of Republicans Abroad Germany and I intend to get active there in the future (not sure in what way this is possible though). I intend to legally move to the US in the future so I like to get involved as much as possible.

    I’ve given up on the German political system – it’s about as bad as yours in the UK. Leftist idiots – almost all of them.


  39. disillusioned_german says:

    RAB: thanks for reminding me… I just checked again and there’s a “*US Citizen” Yes – No/Your Nationality: option field which means I’m alright ๐Ÿ˜‰


  40. archduke says:

    anyone see that bbc news 24 advert (advertising itself , of course) where the beeboid journo goes on about the “fundemental” differences between the Muslim middle east and western culture – and because of these differences you HAVE to have a beeboid permanently stationed in the middle east.

    so if they are so different, how come it perfectly ok for Muslims to be living in the UK? if the reporter wants to understand islam, shouldnt he be based in Dewsbury rather than Beirut?

    the bbc – tieing itself up in knots.


  41. archduke says:

    “Martin | 30.08.08 – 7:21 pm ”

    actually – when you think about it – there’s nothing wrong with connery’s stance.

    why live in your country when its being run by a “foreign” power? ( just getting into the head of an uber-nationalist scot). thats perfectly fine and consistent.

    with michael stipe – he’s gonna leave because americans voted for a party he doesnt like. nobody is going to occupy america. thats just sounds like a major cry-baby, whining that he didnt get his way.

    and also michael stipe doesnt seem to realise that the very freedoms that america has allowed him to be michael stipe of REM in the first place.

    tell you what Mr Stipe – you can have my british passport, and i can have your american one. straight swap.

    then give it about 2 years of living under Brussels dictat where you have ZERO control over the laws being enacted in the UK…


  42. Martin says:

    Archduke: But I’m sure Connery has made use of the facilities of England many times?

    Were not most of his shite films made in England?

    You’d think he’d insist they be made in Scotland?

    He could of course have come back to Scotland and actually run for Parliament as an SNP member?

    I just think he’s like the local coward who eggs on a fight, but keeps well out of the way himslef.

    As for Stipe, he’s just a whiner. Best he gets his bags packed as Osama will be back in the Senate after November 4th.


  43. Bryan says:

    The BBC is so full of shit.Martin | 30.08.08 – 2:30 pm

    Yes, isn’t that the unvarnished truth.

    He is his brother’s keeper? He hasn’t even sent his brother a “Hut, Sweet Hut” sign to put up inside the hut.
    DB | 30.08.08 – 2:40 pm

    Thanks fot the laugh. Reminds me of that very old song:

    In a shabby little hut
    Down by the docks
    Down by the sea
    It ain’t nothing fancy but yeah
    It’s paradise to me.

    Bryan… did Peter Marshall of the ill-informed BBC actually state on air that:

    “Two years ago she was the mayor of a suburb of Anchorage, population eight thousand.”

    Jack Bauer | Homepage | 30.08.08 – 2:42 pm

    Yes, he sure did. He even broke it down to the exact figure of eight thousand, four hundred and thirteen, so he could sneer about it a bit. I thought it was a bit strange that someone could be the mayor of a suburb.

    If you access the link I provided here

    it’s just after six minutes in.

    Link will probably good till tomorrow night.


  44. Ron Todd says:


    As a Scot I have no love for Connery. Remember he is only an actor.

    All he does is pretend to be something he is not faking emotion speaking words that he does not need to believe or even understand while following the directions of another.

    Brown should should put him in the cabinet.

    A country should be known for the people that do things not the people that just say things or the people that get lots of money for playing well paid games of ‘let’s pretend’ ost of us grow out of that by the time we start big school.


  45. Chopper says:

    Maggie Thatcher had no foreign policy experience when she became PM.


  46. Verity says:

    Obamessiah can sneer as bitterly as he chooses, but Governor Palin outranks all the other three candidates, including him.

    And I wish people would stop saying she’s without experience. She negotiated a 7,000 mile oil pipeline across Canada. These oil people are not pussycats. Alaska is 23 miles away from Russia and shares many of the marine resources in the Bering Sea. Hmmmmmm, do you think there may a contingent of military intelligence up there that we don’t know about?

    One of the first things she did when she took office was sell off a state-owned jet that she figured was not being used for official purposes. This individual is astute.

    Did you know that outside the cities (well, it wouldn’t really work inside the cities) she flies her own seaplane to get around?

    To everyone bleating on about foreign policy experience – foreign policy is not in the Vice President’s remit, so you can relax.


  47. Cockney says:

    “To everyone bleating on about foreign policy experience – foreign policy is not in the Vice President’s remit, so you can relax.”

    I think its a valid point that she could very well become the President unexpectedly at some point though – not a sick joke, just practical reality.


  48. JohnA says:

    In fact Palin has had some foreign policy experience – negotiaring a deal with Canada on an oil pipeline.

    And with a son in the military she is hardly likely to be out of touch with what is going on in Iraq and Afghanistan. Plus Alaska’s location next to Rusia and also sharing fishing waters with Japan and Korea must give an outward-looking aspect to the Governor’s job ? Including the fact that there are strategic US forces in Alaska.

    And cutting a deal very favourable to Alaska with the heavyweight multinational oil companies shows some negotiating skills ?

    If anything, therefore, she has more experience than Obama. Repub second-dog more qualified than the Dem’s lead-dog.


  49. Jack Bauer says:

    I think its a valid point that she could very well become the President unexpectedly at some point though – not a sick joke, just practical reality.
    Cockney | 01.09.08 – 9:19 am | #

    Considering that the top of the Democrat ticket not only has NO FP experience, but that since he decided to run, has been laughably WRONG and DUMB in his pronouncement on

    1. The Surge in Iraq (won’t work, and now that it has, it didn’t matter)
    2. Russia (No big deal)
    3. Iran (tiny threat, no big deal)

    And this is the guy who wants to be, not a “heartbeat” away from the Presidency but the actual President.



  50. Verity says:

    Cockney, no one is going to have the foreign policy experience to take over from a president. She will learn on the job – and hopefully will have a long learning period and will not be called upon to use her knowledge unexpectedly.

    Obama has absolutely zero foreign policy experience. Zilcheroo.

    The real experience is at the State Department. The grasp of geopolitical realities was done awesomely by both Presidents Truman and Reagan. Neither had any foreign policy experience before. Neither had John Kennedy, but somehow, he did the right thing over Cuba.

    How would you get foreign policy experience at that level? It’s ridiculous charge.