Well, Hurricane Gustav has hit target …which in the eyes of the BBC is the Republican Party Convention due this week. I caught the BBC news this morning and it was a question of how many references to Hurricane Katrina could be squeezed in along with the outrageous accusation that President Bush failed the people of New Orleans. This was all aimed at providing collateral damage to McCain of course. Naturally every mention of McCain was balanced with a favourable reference to the Chosen One and all in all I think the BBC were delighted that they have gotten away for another day without affording McCain the rapture afforded to Obama last week. Now that it is obvious that the “mother of all hurricanes” – indeed “the worst of the past 100 years”..(If not all time? – Nagin does love to exaggerate and no-one at the BBC sees fit to challenge him) – has, erm, missed New Orleans, can we now please move to providing some balance to the euphoria of last week, please? That said, my concerns remain with the residents of Louisiana and Texas, hope the BBC will be providing them with the same concern lavished on the residents of New Orleans….
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unreal – cbs news are also leading with the sarah palin daughter pregnancy.
now let me tell you someting – hugh hewitt has been banging on about bill ayers for weeks now.
and hugh is a lawyer. he’s no idiot – he knows the law. its got legs.
maybe mccain is just saving it for october….
sorry – that was abc news, with charley gibson. gotta be accurate.
justin webb reports the following as “problems” with sarah palin.
whereas in fact they are assets to the blue collar, conservative vote..
“drink driving” by todd the “dude” : average blue collar guy – yeah, been there, done that. seems to be like one of us. when you drive 1,000 miles in the middle of nowhere, you are bound to crack open a beer. america is HUGE…
“teenager pregnant” : average U.S. dude says – yeah , been there done that with my own daugher. NEXT?
in both cases the stories shore up the average “dude” to vote for mccain.
archduke | 02.09.08 – 2:22 am |
Absolutely right. In his own bigoted way, ol’ Justin is right as well. Palin’s daughter is doing the right thing in the mind of those who would prefer abortion wasn’t portrayed as the removal of a cyst, and the family is doing the right thing by gathering round and supporting her. She’s going to marry the father. The Gov. herself pretty much had a shotgun teenage wedding from I understand, which is as common among the US working – and I mean actually working, not welfare lifers – class as it is in Vicky Pollardville (except maybe the wedding part, as it interferes with benefits). The Beeboids hate them both, and view them with equal contempt. But guess which group gets out to vote.
What we all really, really love about Sarah Palin, though, is that the Leftoids over here are absolutely TERRIFIED of her. Unfortunately, too many of the die-hard Hillary fans are so blinded in their worship that they think she has more executive experience than Gov. Palin, and actually resent her. Completely stupid, I know, but it does make one rethink the position that the Hillary supporters were more about the “I Am Woman” thing. I’m starting to think it’s more of a cult of personality, and Gov. Palin won’t benefit so much.
Fortunately, so many conservatives who can’t stand McCain will love her. Which is just fine, because that will guarantee an actual female President in 2012. With four years in the spotlight under her belt, she’ll wipe the floor with Hillary, or any slob male they put up instead.
I tried posting a comment on Justin Webb’s blog about the Palin baby. In particuar – suggesting that BBC coverage of the campaign is biased, that they are totally ignoring the Ayers relationship, and criticising the fact that the blog moderators had allowed several posts repeating the filthy and amply disproven smear that Bristol Palin is Trig’s mother.
Surprise, surprise – my comments have not been allowed through by the moderators of Justin Webb’s blog.
Every single one of the comments posted by others after mine have appeared fairly quickly. I suppose my comments have gone down some Orwellian hole.
I think I heard the Toady programme this morning congratulating Mayor Ray Nagin for the new flood defences. It seems that the destruction Katrina wrought was all the fault of President Bush and not the Mayor, but the success this time is all due to the Mayor and not President Bush or even Governor Bobby Jindal.
NotaSheep: I noted that as well. Nagin is a wanker and was given a size 10 boot up the arse.
The failure to evacuate in Katrina was his and the Democrat Governor at the time (some dopey woman)
So what does that tell you when the President, the VP and the Governor are all focussed on the hurricane?
Yep thats right, no confidence in the mayor.