It’s so touching, isn’t it? I refer to this article on the BBC portal concerning the news that GOP star Sarah Palin’s family is human after all and that her 17 year old daughter is ..gasp horror…pregnant. B-BBC favourite Justin Webb weighs in pointing out that this news “may” not hurt her politically although this is immediately followed by the suggestion that there may be other skeletons in the Palin closet. But here’s the thing; why does the BBC not compare the Palins reaction to the news that their daughter is pregnant (They call the pregnancy a blessing) with what Obama thinks such a pregnancy would mean to him (He calls such a pregnancy a punishment). Here is the link. Surely THAT is a story? Also, when we are at it, where is the BBC when it comes to the news reported elsewhere that Dem V-P nominee Joe Biden reckons Israel better get used to a nuclear Iran? It seems to me that the BBC is so preoccupied with its own toxic narrative (The US must elect a black democrat to the White House) that many more interesting stories get dropped. On purpose.


Well, Hurricane Gustav has hit target …which in the eyes of the BBC is the Republican Party Convention due this week. I caught the BBC news this morning and it was a question of how many references to Hurricane Katrina could be squeezed in along with the outrageous accusation that President Bush failed the people of New Orleans. This was all aimed at providing collateral damage to McCain of course. Naturally every mention of McCain was balanced with a favourable reference to the Chosen One and all in all I think the BBC were delighted that they have gotten away for another day without affording McCain the rapture afforded to Obama last week. Now that it is obvious that the “mother of all hurricanes” – indeed “the worst of the past 100 years”..(If not all time? – Nagin does love to exaggerate and no-one at the BBC sees fit to challenge him) – has, erm, missed New Orleans, can we now please move to providing some balance to the euphoria of last week, please? That said, my concerns remain with the residents of Louisiana and Texas, hope the BBC will be providing them with the same concern lavished on the residents of New Orleans….