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mikewhine liberal. Are you working for the BBC. I think we should know.
Here we go again – someone says something that goes against the consensus of opinion on this blog and out come the “works for the BBC” accusations.
Chinese contributor 10:30
mikewhineliberal has been named several times as Mike Lloyd of the BBC. So far as I know, he has not denied it. In the past BBC employees have posted here. What conclusion do you draw ?
Try following earlier threads before you put your big fat foot in your big fat mouth.
Somebody has already given him a name, and he’s avoided it. I’d just like to know if it’s true.
He has just denied it – on the thread below. I agree, in fact, that there is a tendency to assume the defenders of the Beeb work for it (Joel, for crying out loud), but I thought it of whitewine simple because as Grant says he was a little slow to deny the accusation.
He got round to denying it on the previous thread. A little slow granted.
Kill the Beeb. Big fat foot? Big fat mouth? Play nicely – attack my argument (or lack of) but not me.
Hugh et al.
Just seen the other post, so happy to give whitewine the benefit of the doubt.
And, of course, I am sure the BBC would never stoop so low as to pay an employee to post here under a pseudonym, pretending to be unconnected.
After all, the BBC has the highest standards of integrity, honesty and impartiality.
“hugh – no. no connection
to the bbc, as i’ve said on numerous occasions.”
I didn’t see this posting. I only saw the posting where someone claimed he was Mike Lloyd, and he never denied this. He still hasn’t denied he is Mike Lloyd.
And why did he temporarily revert to his old ‘whitewineliberal’ monicker.
I don’t care either way if he’s a BBC employee or not. It’s just the lies and hypocrisy I can’t stand.
Why don’t you try using a character set that’s easy to quote? When in Rome and all that…
Working for the BBC or not, I still consider him a troll – a fairly subtle one, compared with Hillhunt, perhaps, but a troll none the less.
David Preisser’s dissection of his style sums it up best, I feel.
Kill the beeb – fair enough – should have done that a while back.
(changed from 漢字仮ࡧ)
To be fair Radio 5 live (or 5 deadbeat) was flagged up on an earlier thread as having had a black republican on last week who said those voting for obama because of the colour of his skin were racist too.
Shock horror.
Ive listened to some of five deads coverage.
The only thing that should change as a result of this election is the licence fee.
I’ve just seen a breakdown of the vote with respect to race (white, black, hispanic) on the ARD site (US-Wahl Analysen)
McCain got 54% of the white vote(Obama 44)
Obama got 96% of the black vote (McCain 3)
Obama got 67% of the hispanic vote (McCain 30)
The BBC are talking a lot about the “Bradley effect”?, apropos of white voters but what do we call the same effect of voting for McCain by blacks and hispanics?
Or, is this just another example of BBC impartiality when it comes to analytical interpretation, because its not the sort of question one should ask? The BBC is only interested in those guilt-ridden white voters not voting for their man?
A further fact on the ARD site, perhaps of interest here, is
“Electoral participation of whites”
1984= 86%
2004= 77%
2008= 75%
No idea how they got these statistics but I’m watching BBC world, and fed up with hearing about the “Bradley effect.” It seems to me yet another example of blatant BBC bias, without any attempt to investigate the results objectively. Their take on race, it seems to me, is so ridden with political correctness, such that they can only think about white voters not voting for Obama. Surely it cuts both ways?
whitewine liberal is not a troll.I have seen numerous trolls at work on various sites and they are generally thick or deluded adolescents who don’t give two hoots about the subject they are trolling.Whitewine is different.He is passionate in his defence of the bbc.He will always make a concerted effort to discredit anyone with a legitimate grievance over bbc bias,no matter what time of day or night.He is on their payroll.
Praising the Messiah on Radio One’s Newsbeat right now. Maybe he can actually make wine from water and that’s why our deluded “liberal friend” loves him so much.
I’ve got a few predictions for my American friends:
Six to eight dollar a gallon gas prices. Iran attacking US troops in Iraq or Israel. Open borders. A Green agenda. And so on, and so forth.
According to Newsbeat the Southern States didn’t vote for Osama because of their (racist) history. I think they expected 100 percent of the votes to go to their Darling.
We need to fight the left-wing MSM more than ever because they’ve given us “President Obama”.
A few gems from the “Daily Politics”.
Andrew Neil on Obama “The son of a Kenyan goatherd”. No mention of Obama’s mother, thereby, managing to be racist and sexist at the same time.
Overall voting results ” Obama 52% , McCain JUST 46% “.
Then we had Jeremy Vine, like a cross between Peter Snow and Robert Peston, on speed. ” Colorado went Democrat for the first time since 1968, unless you include 1992 when Clinton took it “. Er, so, second time since 1968. I guess it is a bit of a swing state, then.
And so it went on, ad infinitum …….
dg 12:55
It will be interesting to see how Obama deals with Putin, who will almost certainly pull a stunt shortly after Obama becomes President. My bet is that Putin will eat Obama for breakfast.
PS. to try and relate my last post to biased BBC, it will be interesting to see how the BBC deal with any confrontation between Putin and Obama. Maybe that will be the first time they are genuinely neutral. I predict lots of fun and games in 2009.
yes a black voter who was voting OBAMA this time had previously voted republican and pointed out that voting for colour alone was racist.
The interviewer -peter – countered with a soft retort “yeah but he’s charismatic isnt he?”
Absolute crap debate -simply -im gunning for O and because you are black you should also….what kind of impartiality is that?
Grant | 05.11.08 – 1:22 pm |
Russia, Iran, North Korea, European Union… he’ll have his hands full and maybe his pants at some stage. The world has become a little more dangerous.
Re. Black Republicans / Conservatives: What about Justice Clarence Thomas of the Supreme Court of the United States???
disallusioned german
america should ignore the EU and all those other places – america owes them nothing.
america should stick to standing alone from now on – the europeans like your self [im british] have consistentley blamed, bush, for everything -even 911!
if i were a yank right now id be thinking smugly “fuck the world” which i have a sneaking suspicion,obama is. Obama is going to be looking out for the interests of some people. i think i have an idea who – it certainly wont be germans,iranians,koreans though – it will be african americans primarily. Oh and possibly the odd kenyan.
The BBC did interview Ward Connerly once, years ago.
great joy –Steve Wright is going to Alistair “mad as a baloon” Campbell on his programme–no doubt that worthless piece of trash will try + associate Labour with Obama’s victory. Good to see the BBC in such a good mood after their latest debacle with Ross/Brand. Even sweeter when we eventually privatise the bastards and they have to start earning their brass–the lazy useless bastards
first -spell my name correctly
secondly– schitzophrenia is nothing to be laughed at
thirdly–I demand to appear on BBC TV to correct the hugely biased right wing presentation –how dare those toads vary from my script
This afternoon I’ve heard Peter Allen say that, when one gets down to it, Obama’s speeches are just vacuous platitudes, and Simon Mayo highlight the significance of Barack Hussein Obama’s middle name. It’s as if they’ve unclenched their buttocks now that their preferred candidate has been elected and now feel free to talk about things they were too anguished to discuss just 24 hours ago. Tossers.
Who won? Putin
Can you imagine if the Tories got 52% and Labour 46% at the next election. It would all be about the tight result and the country being split.
Going on what I’ve heard today anybody would think 90% of people voted for him.
Bit like the irish lisbon vote.
whitewine liberal comes off a bit like the infamous John Reith poster. Only having been laid.
Obama has never DONE anything. We know he was born as he stands before us, and yet access to prove that is denied. This list of things the world expects him to accomplish is ludicrus in that light.
Several sound scriptures come to mind: you will know a tree by it’s fruit, he that is unfaithful in a little thing is also unfaithful in much.
The next year is going to be very interesting as we watch the bias evolve. How are they going to make it look like the Messiah is actually DOING something?
Hey, DB
So you’ve noticed a change in the wind from Peter Allen and Simon Mayo? Don’t you know that the BBC is now going to revert to type. Now Paxman can relax his face into the trademark smirk. The insufferable Webb can become even more omnipotent. And the Julians and Annabelles who clutch clip board and scurry about the corridors of Television Centre can be assured they work for the best broadcaster in the world.
For the record: these are core Beeb beliefs:
1. Americans are stupid.
2. Americans are greedy.
3. Americans are selfish.
4. And if Obama even tries to lift a finger with reactive military action anyway, anywhere, and for any reason, then they (foreign press, foreign countries, liberal left everywhere) will turn against him big time. I saw a bumper sticker on a Volvo: “I’m already against the next war”. Remember the world loves dead Americans. The world loves Americans as victims. If Americans fight back, they are evil. AND THE BBC IS ANTI-USA WHOEVER IS IN CHARGE.
Why? Its a cultural thing.
Bill Bennett is fond of telling a story on his radio show about a visit to a school with Mrs Thatcher’s education minister Kenneth Baker. After a spirited statement from Bennett about freedom, equality of opportunity, the ability of anyone to succeed in anything they wanted to do, Baker said,”You Americans! You really do believe all that stuff, don’t you?”
BBC employees share his views. BBC newrooms smell of smirks and cynicism. And a Beeboid knows that his/her promotion and job advancement are directly linked to their level of cynicism.
Meanwhile – on the other side of the pond and the coin – let’s all enjoy Oprah’s first pick for her “American Presidents Club”. Celebrity. Don’t you love it?
I am overwhelmed by the love. Thank you guys.
Sorry i wasn’t quick to deny my MikeyBBCness (again). I went to bed early so i could get up and watch the election coverage.
I am happy to confirm for the record that I:
Am not nor have ever been employed by the BBC;
Do not work in journalism or broadcasting;
Do not belong to a political party;
Have indeed had intimate knowledge of another human being on numerous occasions.
Could armwrestle, physically dominate and outswear JeffD or anyone else on this Board in any type of manly combat he or she cares to chose.
Other than that, I am a 40 something middle class middle of the road nobody who thinks BBC news coverage is the best in the UK and that its bias is grossly overstated on this site. I am also more right-wing on most issues than the average educated man.
Michelle Malkin is Asian.
As for black conservatives, the liberal MSM views them as Uncle Toms, although it won’t say as much.
Thomas Sowell is perhaps one of the wisest commentators in the USA and yet he’s ignored by most of the MSM. I guess they just don’t like black people who don’t conform to their sterotype.
Too true Jason, does anyone remember when Condi Rice was appointed, and the political cartoons from the left depicted her as a Jemima? It was disgraceful, and yet no media objected. They didn’t like Colin Powell either until he turned traitor.
Whitewine 4:33
BBC bias is “grossly overstated on this site”. Well we could argue about that, but at least you agree that the BBC is biased.
By the way, although I sometimes feel like throwing something at Jon Snow, I think Channel 4 News is better than any BBC news on TV.
GB made two historic appoinments in a row, first of a black man as sec of state then of a woman also black – and all they did was yowl about George W and the republicans, not a word of praise for the precident set, which I believe had a hand in the present election result, breaking norms.
Who are the true racists, I axe ya?
One of Justin Webb’s pet topics is the demise of social conservatism in America. Well, reports of its death would appear to be greatly exaggerated.
Have a guess what radio 4 is broadcasting later tonight?……Barack Obama -‘The Musical’I KID YOU NOT!
Now I wonder what songs it will feature?
I haven’t heard anything on BBC news about today’s fall in the stock market:
DB | 05.11.08 – 5:15 pm | #
Any mention of Glenrothes? I popped over to Newsnight to see if the UK might figure in the Burbank Bowery Corporation Inc’s news output but it looks like shaping up to be totally (I’ll grant a large chunk is deserved) ‘Live from the USA’.
I’m wondering what will become of those media darlings who have made their fame in the last few years exclusively at the expense of Boooosh, and insulting conservative, white Christians. I’m thinking of people like Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, and Justin Webb.
Rush Limbaugh and his kind got their audience through substantive discussion (like it or not, agree with them or not) of issues, as well as hurling insults at their political opponents. All the political satire talking heads do is make jokes about how stupid and awful their opponents are.
With a President Obamessiah – the one they all worked so hard and so long to elect – and a Democrat majority in (a pox on) both houses of Congress, where do they go for material? There’s no one left to be angry at.
And now that United Statesians have shown up Justin Webb’s prejudices for what they are, what use is he? Now that he’s stepping into Alistair Cooke’s shoes, what could he say that would be remotely interesting, now that the people he doesn’t like will no longer be in charge?
I guess once he settles down from pretending that he sees an entirely new country stretched out before him, you can all expect more pieces about how depressed those “Death to Al Q’aeda” acquaintances are, and rehashing of whatever “Progressive” websites stay in business after six months of President Obamessiah.
Stewart and Maher and their kind didn’t make their name with the substance of their arguments. How will they continue to hold an audience?
Webb’s blog became popular only because of similar digs and jabs, and all that attention just might have contributed to his being given the Cooke role. Now he’s got nothing.
BBC World Propaganda America will have to find a new voice as well. I suppose all that’s left for Matt Frei to do is spend the next year or so (before he gets promoted back to the Mother Ship) telling me that everything going wrong is still George Bush’s fault, and telling me I’m a racist if I don’t approve of everything the new President has done.
Radio 5s Peter Allen is just too over the top to listen to – “first Black president etc etc .. could it happen in Britain?” – Well what happened when Britain had their first women Prime Minister – I don’t remember the BBC celebrating that. If Obama had been a republican – they wouldn’t have celebrated that either – its left liberal bias through and through.
DB 5:15
A fall of 2-3 % in the FT 100 is usually described by the BBC as a “plunge”, whereas a similar rise is not reported.
I am surprised that they are not attributing the gains over the last 2 weeks, roughly 3800-4400 as a triumph for Brown. I am sure they will get round to it on their return from the US.
DB 5:15
Oops, I think I missed your point. Yes, the BBC headline should ” Stock Market plunges on news of Obama election “.
Heres a new vid that takes a close look at the unaccountable CHAMPAGNE SOCIALISTS OF THE BBC
Perhaps we should try and get the message across about the biased BBC, in various ways
Do take a look at Mark Easton’s
“Obama – Tiger, Lewis and me”
One of the comments has it:
“Articles like this one reinforce such racism and breach the BBC charter.”
David P – Exactly! Rush has just made the point this morning: for the last eight years the left has been fueled by hatred and anger, where will it go now? Hating GW has been a lucrative industry worldwide, now what?
IMHO, they’ve gotten their way after eights years of a tantrum. Anyone who has raised miniature humans knows that a kid given his way after a long tantrum quickly bores of the novelty. I predict the whole pack of dogs soon begins to turn one against the other, and the whole thing desolves into a back biting orgy. I am sure that by next week we will begin to see signs of the “lost” feeling. They never had substance at all, except common hatred, envy and anger – there is no way The O will long survive untarnished with pirhanas for pals.