It’s that time of the week again. Fresh from victory in the US, Dimbleby and co. return to see if the power of positive thinking can sway the count following that even more important election, up in Fife. This week, someone accidentally invited UKIP’s Nigel Farage, so they’ve had to draft in two lefty commentators in the shape of Brian Eno and Bonnie Greer to ensure the requisite liberal majority. As ever, your views are important to us, so please leave your message in thread provided.
Question Time Watch
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News 24 are going down the “Labour win” road.
One of the chaps given air time from the audience to praise Barry OhBlimey to the hilt was an actor. Do they allow such people into the audience? Aren’t there enough fakes and placemen in the audience already?
David 11:48
Well done. Guess you are a token anti-beeboid. All in the cause of BBC objectivity !
David Vance:
I was on the BBC yesterday, believe it or not, being asked to comment on the US result. I was the ONLY person who damned The One, who stood up for Sarah Palin, and who nailed the origin for the banking crisis of the Democrat Party back in Bubba Clinton’s time. The BBC seem stunned.
Your supposed to say what THEY think. not what you think.
Your supposed to say what THEY think. not what you think.
Beness | 06.11.08 – 11:57 pm | #
That bit was mine. Sorry for any confusion
Beness 11:52
” Mud shark” is a US slang expression for white girls who sleep with black Men. But ,it also has a wider meaning.
I hope , maybe, our US posters will comment on this.
Beness 11:52
” Mud shark” is a US slang expression for white girls who sleep with black Men. But ,it also has a wider meaning.
I hope , maybe, our US posters will comment on this.
Grant | 07.11.08 – 12:00 am | #
I was well wide of the mark then. Cheers.
I really hate to say it, and it almost sticks in my mouth, but I think Jack Straw was pretty good tonight. Quite right about cubs and brownies, but then , he is about the same age as me and mellowing !
Grant: But did you notice the sneering about the Cubs?
What we need are kids learing about rent boys how to identify a good public loo for some man fun and where you can get some cheap dope. That’s what the BBC want kids to learn about.
Well they’ve had enough of that off Blue Peter over the years!!!
Great fun when Dimblebore confused Bonnie with Germaine and Bonnie retorted that David was Johnathon . Guess they spend too much time reading the Bible.
Sir Menzies on BBC News putting the boot into the toad Salmond over Glenrothes. Sir M has adopted the Paddy Ashdown slit eyed look. They must think it lends them gravitas.
If Labour do win they will think It’s a vote of confidence from the whole of the UK.
Martin 12:06
Yes, great point. Why are they sneering about that ? My 83-year old mother was a “Brown Owl” in Germany after WW2, and one of her “cubs” still visits her and respects what she taught him.
I was on the BBC yesterday, believe it or not, being asked to comment on the US result. I was the ONLY person who damned The One, who stood up for Sarah Palin, and who nailed the origin for the banking crisis of the Democrat Party back in Bubba Clinton’s time. The BBC seem stunned.
David Vance | Homepage | 06.11.08 – 11:48 pm | #
Oh David, my hero. You were the ONLY person speaking truth to power. Are you the messiah? Are you the ONE? Or perhaps the other ONE?
Guess you paid transport and subsistence yourself. You wouldn’t want to rob the taxpayer, would you?
gunnar 12:21
Nice troll !
Meanwhile , here in Edinburgh, BBC Scotland are talking about a result at 1 am , then hedging their bets. ” There may be a recount “.
Don’t know if any of you , south of the border have ever attended a scottish “recount”. It is a really dirty business. The politicians and their agents are allowed to “view” the counting of votes.
They are actually allowed to mix with the people counting the votes .
So much for democracy !
Great to hear from you, but need to point out this modern invention called t-e-l-e-p-h-o-n-e.
Also, BBC rates need increased, we need to share the wealth around, as Obama advises.
Get with the beat on this one, pal.
Morning David,
Did you call in or did the BBC pay for the line so that the wider world can hear your opinion?
How much have you been paid by the BBC in the past. Afterall you feel that your opionion is not valued enough.
Any chance of providing a link so that we can listen to the word?
I had read before the Glenrothes by-election that there had been an unusual increase in the amount of postal votes requested.
Anyone detect a pattern here?
Why would I call the BBC?! It works the other way. As for the link, you need to check out the BBC Nolan Show for Weds, around 9.35am. Just send me the royalties. How much am I paid by the BBC? Not enough! But I’m hoping in this new era of spreading the wealth around that this will be increased – now that Wossy and the crudity crew are going to be getting a bit less. Even better, why don’t we all become wealthier and axe the license fee. I’m sure you will support that given your profound commitment for value for money?
To David Vance
Cajones = Drawers
Cojones = Balls
Last night’s QT was as stilted and phoney-seeming as the man it came to praise. More like a message-heavy BBC political drama than semi-live outside broadcast with public participation. I lost count of the number of platitudes uttered, esp re knife-crime.
Both then!!! 🙂
Vance thinks the BBC is ‘blatantly’ and ‘constantly’ biased, yet in all his appearances on the BBC (who strangely seem to keep inviting him on!), he’s never felt there was any bias whatsover in the way he was treated.
But then again, the BBC website sometimes features stories about the Republic of Ireland on the Northern Ireland section, subliminally brainwashing readers. Yeah right Dave, see a shrink.
Great to hear from you, but need to point out this modern invention called t-e-l-e-p-h-o-n-e.
David Vance | Homepage | 07.11.08 – 8:45 am |
Gunnar kebabbed.
UKIP is simply a vent for anti-EU voices which ensures that we remain within the EU by letting of pressure and persuades many of those who really do want out of the EU that something is being done.
If this were not the case, then Nigel Farage wouldn’t be on Question Time but the altogether more ‘dangerous’ Nick Griffin would be. Farage is a licensed extremist who is licensed by the BBC and the LibLabCon.
Your anatomical choice of name rather suits what you exude by the way of comment. Go away, you’re a bore.
We lost people, we lost big. Time to regroup and get the GOP ready for round two with the left-wing illuminati.
TPO – see top comment – If a foreigner comes to this country we would be called racist if we questioned whether they should have equal property rights immediately. In fact in terms of council housing they seem to have superior rights.
Yet no-one says ‘racist’ when white people are thrown off their lands which they bought and farmed for generations without compensation. Imagine the other way round!