Visceral BBC prejudice against Israel will constitute a full chapter to itself in the forthcoming book on BBC bias. As Israel continues to righteously take out Hamas terror infrastructure, the BBC is naturally giving Pallywood every opportunity to portray itself, and its rocketeers of course, as victims. Their only crime is to be, erm, Jihadists. So I thought I might open up this thread for you to detail some of the worst excesses you are bound to come across as the BBC rallies around Hamastan. Just as well Harold Pinter is dead, he would be so upset to discover Israel is still capable of defending itself.
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Axel: reading that piece, together with Pounce’s links about the facts censored by the BBC, the conclusion is clear: the BBC is doing Hamas’ rabble-rousing for them, whilst censoring any of the slightest international criticism of their beloved Hamas.
buzzdroid 4.08 p.m.:
“sky news reporter has just repeated the LIE that gaza is one of the “most densely populated places on earth”…
can’t they use Wikipedia for fucks sake?”
Your Wikipedia link shows that PALESTINE as a whole is the 13th most densely populated country/region (i.e. truly “one of the most densely populated places on earth”…). Moreover that includes the West Bank which is relatively lightly populated.
For the Gaza Strip alone, Encarta says:
“The Gaza Strip has one of the highest overall growth rates and population densities in the world. The 2008 population was 1,537,269, giving the region a population density of 4,270 persons per sq km (11,060 per sq mi).”
Pedant | 28.12.08 – 9:32 pm
even including that higher gaza only figure, i see no terrorism coming from Hong Kong because of “overcrowding”.
its bollocks, and you know it – the only reason for terror from gaza is Islam. they want to kill all Jews. that is the raison d’atre for Hamas.
so my attitude to that is – like the IDF – fuck them.
Buzzdroid, I wasn’t condoning the Hamas terrorism, just pointing out that the Gaza Strip really is one of the most densely populated areas on Earth.
Pedant | 28.12.08 – 9:42 pm | #
is it?
so how come when you zoom in on google maps theres rather a lot of open fields.,-95.677068&sspn=33.214763,45.527344&ie=UTF8&ll=31.432032,34.409437&spn=0.034933,0.04446&t=h&z=14
pedant – you do realise that the “car swarm” is pure pallywood.
the entire image is designed to give the impression of “overcrowding”…
hence you also got those Hamas hospital clips with dozens of Hamas terrorists directing an ambulance to park.
you gotta think – how MANY policemen does it take to park an ambulance normally? one would think that the ambulance drivers would actually KNOW where the entrance to the hospital is..
so why the dozens of shouting Hamas nutjobs in the clips?
again – to serve the same purpose. to give the impression that “gaza is overcrowded”…
and that is how they influence western media and get justification for rocket attacks against israeli civillians.
i love the way left wing moonbats criticise people of religon for their faith,,.and yet you end up with left wing faith websites like this..
zero mention that Hamas want to kill all Jews.. but then faith blinds you doesnt it?
Pedant | 28.12.08 – 9:42 pm | #
“is it?
so how come when you zoom in on google maps theres rather a lot of open fields.”
When you zoom in over Greater London you see a lot of green spaces.
And of course, the Islamic jihad supporters of Hamas in London have been active today, beseiging the Israeli Embassy; these include the usual suspects of the political left, such as Galloway, Benn, plus Islamic immigrants and first generation Londonistan people.
BBC report:
“London protest over raids on Gaza”
‘Times’ report:
“Violent protest at Israeli Embassy in London”
I haven’t seen much difference between Sky and the BBC news, other than the terminology involved. Sky says “muslim” more often, but other than that it’s still a millitary power aiming bombs at bad guys whilst knowing full well civillians will get in the way.
In other words, it’s war.
Slightly off-topic, but I just thought everyone could use the laugh. It’s to be found at the official website of Roseanne Barr – the portly, loud-mouthed Hollywood has-been whose bizarre blog rants seem to become more deranged by the day….she’s well and truly flipped her lid in response to the Israel counterattacks, for example [all grammar and spelling mistakes Barr’s]:
“the higher female mind/energy is now synthesizing fact to arrive at a solution. self replicating rna is god. we are self replicating rna!!! we are god! we can stop war and feed all of the starving, treat the mentally ill and give medical care to every one on earth with just TWO MONTHS’ equivilent of the us military spending for war!!
the way of god is cheaper and it works!!
let’s come up with a new way to go—-barter in small communities will be the way we save ourselves. learn to grow food, store water, beans rice non perishables powdered milk and soy! anything green put into small pots and grow it indoors so we can eat it if we have to! dont forget to repent as soon as you can because the sky is falling!
israel has launched ww3..armageddon…israel has waged war on unarmed and undernourished civilians in ghettos who are also living through a blockade of health care providers, and Israeli state sanctioned terrorism that cuts electricity even to power hospitals where premature babies are slowly dying in useless incubators. this is what neo cons support!! this is what zionism supports!! this is what the united states of america can and must correct!! we can turn this whole thing around with the proper leadership!!!”
And if that weren’t enough:
“israelis of conscience!
you must leave Israel while you can still get out, and do not look back, or you will turn into a pillar of salt! You are being set up for total destruction by your corrupt and evil war monger leaders! You have allowed a theocratic state and that is never ever good!!
theology is actually the study of the goddess thea–( i am a thealogian)
the people used to write poems about HER and that was considered the marriage of art and science…king david was one of these who wrote poems about the majesty of nature and the meditation of awe.
David who was a shepherd wrote of the longing for meaning and enlightenment. With just a small stone mathematically calculated to find the achilles heel of the goliath, a beast was felled. the ghost in the machine that was the matrix’s program, was changed with just a small meditation: here is the meditation for awe that david wrote:
Evil will destroy itself!”
From the mouth of a street corner bum, this type of rant would be grounds for institutionalization. But hey this is Roseanne Barr, star of a long forgotten, mediocre sitcom who has her own daytime TV show. In the real world, the likes of Barr and Icke would starve to death. In conjunction with celebrity status however, talking out of your arse is actually a marketable skill.
I just got caught up in a seething anti-Israel protest on 42nd and 2nd in Manhattan. Everyone wrapped in the Palestinian “flag” and screaming blue murder – although how many of these people were actually Palestinian? Not many I’ll wager. Your fair share of generic Muslims, white liberal women (short cropped hair, large triangular earrings), Hispanic angries (take any opportunity to punch air and denounce “imperialism”) and those bizarre self-hating Hasids who don’t recognize Israel and who are prepared to chance their lives in crowds of furious Jew-haters whom they are counting on to realize that “they’re on the same side.”
The Jihad lovers are out in the UK as well, in London and Manchester. You can expect the BBC to big up their hate fueled protests.
Why after firing rockets at Israel do the Palestinians “cry wolf” when Israel retaliates? ? …
Does Yahoo now censor questions?
Jason: I assume by short haired liberal women you really mean dykes?
I just wonder how many of these dykes would love living under an Islamic regime?
These left wing loons can protest all they want because they know that people so diametrically opposed to their views will save them from the terrorists they are now shrilling for.
George R | 28.12.08 – 10:58 pm | #
I’ve just read that masterpiece and was about to puke so I had to go to another website asap.
I “liked” this part the best:
“…The demonstration outside the embassay was organised by the Stop the War Coalition and Respect MP George Galloway and former Labour MP Tony Benn were among those who addressed the crowd.
Afterwards Mr Galloway said: “The support at today’s demonstration has been overwhelming. There are even Jewish rabbis who have joined us here.
“We should treat Israel as we treated South Africa during apartheid. They should be shunned.”
One of the event’s organisers, Ghada Razuki, said she was pleased with the turnout.
“I hope that events like today’s show that there is hope for Palestinians – I really hope they see it,” she said.”
These protests in London and New York will lead to violence against Jews, Israeli or not. The anger which causes this is stoked by the media’s demonization of Israel. The BBC is the national broadcaster of the UK, and is more responsible than anyone else for doing this. Worse, with the constant, one-sided HYS and WorldHYS, and the prime time coverage of even the smallest protest (at least they didn’t put up maps on the website this time), they encourage people to speak and act out against Israel.
So it’s difficult not to hold the BBC partially responsible for these protests and the resulting violence.
Galloway should have been tried for treason – but the CPS and the Police bottled out. But if he had leaked a Home Office document 30 anti-terrorist police would have been knocking at his door.
DG – isn’t the Stop the War Coalition supposed to be about Iraq?
I suppose MattLondon would consider the US response to Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbour, as quite disproportionate. Way disproportionate.
In war, it is actually inhumane to be proportionate, for this merely prolongs the conflict, and hence the loss of innocent lives.
David Preiser (USA) wrote: These protests in London and New York will lead to violence against Jews, Israeli or not.
I sincerely hope that you are wrong. But considering the millions of Muslims in the UK, and their known hatred of Jews, it wouldnt surprise me that BBC reporting could light the touchpaper, or better, provide them with a ready-made public justification.
“The coalition has a steering committee of 33 members. Of these, 18 come from various hard left groups: Communists, Trotskyites, Maoists, and Castrists. Three others belong to the radical wing of the Labour party. There are also eight radical Islamists. The remaining four are leftist ecologists known as “Watermelons” (Green outside, red inside).
The chairman of the coalition is one Andrew Murray, a former employee of the Soviet Novosty Agency and leader in the British Communist party. Cochair is Muhammad Asalm Ijaz of the London Council of Mosques. Members include John Rees of the Socialist Workers’ party and Ghayassudin Siddiqui of the Muslim Parliament. Tanja Salem of the Al-awdah (The Return) group, an outfit close to Yasser Arafat, is also a member along with Shahedah Vawda of “Just Peace,” another militant Arab group, and Wolf Wayne of the “Green Socialist Network.”
A prominent member is George Galloway, a Labour-party parliamentarian under investigation for the illegal receipt of funds from Saddam Hussein. In his memoirs, Galloway says that the day the Soviet Union collapsed was “the saddest day” of his life. ”
Oh so thats why the BBC give them publicity – they represent the British people.
Jon: I don’t know what they’re about. All I know is that they’re dangerous loons.
DG – I see what you mean.
“She referred me to the first article of the coalition’s charter that states: “The aim of the coalition is simple: to stop the war currently declared by the United States and its allies against ‘terrorism.'”
“We really want to stop Bush and Blair from going around killing babies,” she said. “Our objective is to force the U.S. out of Iraq and Afghanistan.”
But what if a U.S. withdrawal means the return of the Taliban and Saddam Hussein?
“Anything would be better than American Imperialist rule,” she snapped back.”
Dangerous indeed.
Did Israel Use “Disproportionate Force” in Gaza?
Jon: Reminds me of the day when O’Reilly actually read one of my emails on the factor. There was a physical altercation between two peace protesters and an ex-army couple and the protesters attacked the ex-army couple… So I wrote in to ask “why are the so-called peace protesters always so violent?”
I still don’t have an answer to that. Unless they’re really as moronic as I believe them to be.
Buzzdroid, I wasn’t condoning the Hamas terrorism, just pointing out that the Gaza Strip really is one of the most densely populated areas on Earth.
Pedant | 28.12.08 – 9:42 pm
Not by any reasonable measurement. I have been there three times and have also visited Hong Kong (6,407 per km2) and Singapore (6,200 per km2). Believe me you feel the density in those places but not in Gaza. Gaza possesses 16% of the density of ‘hotspots’ Monaco (23,660 per km2) and 22% of Macau (17,699 per km2), the real leaders if we talk about countries.
Even by the misleading Wikipedia standards in Buzzcocks’s link (misleading because it only lists ‘countries’ and not urban areas) calling Gaza one of the most densely populated areas on Earth is as informative as calling Eddie the Eagle an Olympic athlete because he was on the list of competitors in Calgary.
When you zoom in over Greater London you see a lot of green spaces. Greater London has a population density of 4,699 per km², much higher than Gaza yet no one refers to it as on of the most densely populated places on Earth because there are so many of similar density.
Using the Wikipedia listing for population density in selected cities we find that at least 114 cities are more crowded than the Gaza Strip. That 114 figure does not include districts within those cities although the expression ‘places’ would allow them to be taken into account. For your interest Malé in the Maldives is twelve times denser than the Gaza Strip. The district of Freguesia de Santo Antonio (98,776 per km²) in Macau has about twenty-six times the population of the Gaza Strip.
In addition there is considerable evidence that the Gaza figures are exaggerated. Anat (Israel) thinks the discrepancy is based on poor forecasting of the last census taken 20 years ago. I think it is just fraud for financial and political gain.
Either way you are dead wrong. Gaza’s population density is no more than an urban myth.
The bBC, those starving millions in GAza and half the story.
Inside Gaza: Malnutrition and shortages
People were hungry, literally. There was a shortage of everything here, including food, and we actually ran out for a couple of days
The above report was posted on the 5th of Decemeber 2008 in which the bBC tries to promote this vision that the people of Gaza have no food.
Here are some pictures taken of MS Lauren Booth in Gaza a few months ago.
Notice her top.
Here is she is wearing the very same top in a bBC article written about how she was stuck in Gaza.
Here’s a little U-tube snippet on her trip to GAza.
The bBC, those starving millions in GAza and half the story.
disillusioned_german | 29.12.08 – 1:05 am | #
Leftist peace campaigners base their entire movement on the idea that violence is never necessary, that disagreements and disputes can always be solved by sitting down and talking diplomatically.
Yet since they always bring physical force into their own disputes – whether it be shouting, screaming, banging drums, causing obstructions or rioting – it seems that they have faith in the power of everybody’s diplomacy except their own.
Jason | 29.12.08 – 2:35 am |
Well put. Couldn’t agree more.
Galloway should have been tried for treason – but the CPS and the Police bottled out. But if he had leaked a Home Office document 30 anti-terrorist police would have been knocking at his door.
Yes of course he should have been. However he was not arrested because the police bottled out, as you say.
Galloway has done far worse things then simply leaked Home Office documents. Among very many other highly immoral things, he has publicly incited racial hatred, not once, but many times.
As have countless numbers of the so called hard left.
So what, you may very well ask, is the REAL reason why he has not been sent to the proverbial tower for a decade or so?
Because the powers that be want to destroy your society as well as your economy and much else besides. George Galloway and of course Gordon Brown and Ken Livingstone are just mind enslaved means to a potentially very nasty end.
Why would ‘they’ wish to do this? Would be a highly logical question, that I will yet again try my best to give a very logical, highly informed answer. Which has the added advantage of not being party politically bias or factually inaccurate in any way whatsoever, as the BBC ALWAYS IS.
In order to bring in their long awaited New World Order, the existing one has to be sufficiently got rid of, marginalized, subverted and or effectively destroyed.
Also the infrastructure of state repression has to be fully in place before time. Otherwise things could, but properly will not, get out of hand.
IMO we are now ripe for the taking. Especially if the comments on this site are anything to go by. As collectively you lot simply refuse to see the evidence of your own eyes.
What will it take for many of you to spot the entire heard of fully grown African Bull Elephants currently taking a casual swim in your tea cup?
You have been set up, grafted and bullshitted all at the same time, but still you hope Father Christmas is going to rescue you all from utter disaster.
My advice is to buy a book. If you can not manage long words or subtle propaganda, buy a nice one with colourfully drawn pictures. Namely The New World Order Made Simple for mind controlled idiots.
If however you still have the brains you were BORN with, for Gods sake, buy ATLAS SHRUGGED by AYN RAND,and read the nasty thing ASAP. Preferably like your life depended on reading and fully understanding the whole thing by lunchtime tomorrow.
You will find that the book is a BLUEPRINT for the New World Order, commissioned by same. If not, give up because your life and or liberty really is not worth saving.
EVERYTHING that is happening now or has happened over the last 40 or far more years is in the book.
Please do not bother to try to ask questions, which you cant be bothered to find the answers to. Or indeed properly RESPECT someone like myself, who is desperately trying his best to make a very complicated subject as easy to understand as possible.
There is no such book named The New World Order Made Simple for mind controlled idiots, in picture form. But it seems that unless I personally DRAW it myself and slap the thing in your hands. You will all continue to ask questions without a hope of ever being able to answer them for YOURSELVES.
Until that is, you are all indeed spending all day waiting on street corners hoping someone somewhere has a little spare food to throw at you and your family.
If you think this country is broke now. Quite frankly you ant seen nothing yet.
We will be allowed to feed ourselves for a year or two. It may even appear that things have got past the worst. Then IMO in about 2 years time, every wheel, will simply fall off the whole worlds wagon. Even wheels you did not even know existed.
The sort of GOOD NEWS is that after a few years or more, some kind of John Galt figure will ‘magically’ turn up and seem to make every thing sort of OK again.
However I KNOW this person will be very much the same person that caused all of these problems in the first place.
MARK MY WORDS, it will not be Gordon Brown or David Cameron. But HE ( and you can be absolutely certain it will be a HE) will be very well related to a certain family that currently gos under the name of The Queens Bankers.
Ayn Rand worked for and slept with THE leading member at the time, of the worlds industrial and financial establishment. So therefore when reading Atlas Shrugged bare in mind that John Galt may be the books hero, but he also represents what is effectively your NEW BIG BROTHER and therefore your absolute material MASTER on earth.
These chaps as good as own THE ENTIRE WORLD not just the banking system that controls and finances it all. Which is why they can close down or deliberately bankrupt 90% or so of their own multi-national and national corporations.
They will make sure they personally own whats left, or buy back ONLY what they need from national governments for very much less then NOTHING at all.
While you and your family are eating whats left of the back garden lawn and scraping the last peace of meat off of your favorite pets bones.
Anybody know why the bBC is using a map of Gaza which makes it out to be almost 3 times as big as it really is?
The bBC, Its love for Elton John songs and half the story.
Rocket attacks plague Israeli towns,/b>
Much of the Palestinian militants’ arsenal is made up of crudely-made, undirected rockets – little more than explosives-packed pipes with metal fins welded onto the end…Israeli officials had warned residents of the area that militants in Gaza had expanded the range of their weapons in recent months, while Hamas had ramped up its threats.
Shame on how the bBC fills the breakfast tables of the British public on how Hamas is using home made rockets in which to strike Ashkelon.
Err No.
Hamas is using Iranian supplied Katyushas. Rockets which Hamas has been filling its stores with during that so called cease fire. (The bBC should really explain just what a Hudna is)
Anyway here is how those nasty jews are informed of just where those rockets are getting made;
“Yesterday, Palestinians launched upgraded Katyushas with a maximum range of 40 kilometers. The rockets landed in moshavim adjacent to Ashdod.
The two long-range Katyushas fired yesterday were made either in China or Iran. Their maximum range is just shy of 40 kilometers; those fired reached a maximum distance of 34.4 kilometers.”
The bBC Abu Bowen and his love for Allah
Israelis look for knockout blow
By Abu Bowen
BBC Middle East editor
Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba,Allah Ackba.
The bBC Abu Bowen and his love for Allah
Oh and if the bBC wishes to sue me. Please feel free. I have Islamic blood and thus cannot be held responsible for my actions.
Well so the bBC keeps on telling me.
Abu Bowen indeed.
The BBC is a rank joke in the US … those asshats are still around?
Go Philip!
Rocket attacks plague Israeli towns,
Much of the Palestinian militants’ arsenal is made up of crudely-made, undirected rockets – little more than explosives-packed pipes with metal fins welded onto the end…
pounce | 29.12.08 – 6:08 am
What would or should be the reaction of the British Government if someone, let alone a declared enemy, anchored outside territorial waters and fired ten of the crude undirected rockets daily into a sparsely populated area of say Wales or Scotland?
I would hope it would not be, Tut, tut. Boys will be boys
BBC picks a Western (she must be unbiased) to describe what is happening in Gaza. Israel strikes key Hamas offices
Ewa Jasiewicz, an international volunteer with the Free Gaza Movement in Bayt Lahiya in the north of Gaza, told the BBC she had heard explosions late into the night and had seen local TV reports of a helicopter bombing a mosque and killing five girls.
Free Gaza Movement – Yes, the one that sends symbolic boats with hearing aids and balloons, whose mission statement is We want to break the siege of Gaza.. Jasiewicz then reports without challenge something she says local TV has reported. Talk about not checking your sources.
I can not say for certain but feel it likely that the journalist who filed this report simply cut and paste from here unless he/she was Ewa Jasiewicz herself. Given how often Ms. J. appears in the Guardian this is not unlikely. If so, she would be quoting herself in third person!
Atlas, why don’t YOU buy a book ? – one called ” Why I should remember to take my anti-psychotic medication for Dummies ”
Now fuck off back to the X-Files, or Area 51, or anywhere away from here.
Jeremy Bowen on the nasty, devious Joos
The ground for it was prepared by clever psychological warfare.
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert issued warnings to the Arabic press that there would be bloodshed if Hamas did not stop rocket fire.
But at the same time, Israeli spokespeople told journalists that the war plan had not been authorised by the cabinet.
But it had been. So when the first wave of Israeli warplanes came in over Gaza they were able to attack bases and compounds that had not been evacuated.
Clearly Israel had an obligation to Abu Bowen to inform him that when the Israeli PM warned the Arabs he was in fact warning the Arabs. Not to do so was clearly cheating.
Abu Bowen also makes the claim without providing evidence that The United States is already providing its usual diplomatic cover for Israel at the UN. How so? Security Council calls on Israel, Palestinians to end violence immediately The UN doesn’t need US diplomatic cover to be ineffectual.
In conjunction with celebrity status however, talking out of your arse is actually a marketable skill.
Jason | 28.12.08 – 11:02 pm
Thanks for the chuckle. I tuned in to a show of hers once but couldn’t watch the woman.
Describes the war with hezbollah in south Lebanon;
“Hezbollah fought a 34-day war with Israel in 2006, in which more than 1,125 Lebanese, most of them civilians, died in Israeli attacks.
Around 160 Israelis, mostly soldiers, died in the conflict.”
These kinds of gems can be find in any article of the BBC.
MattLondon | 28.12.08 – 12:57 pm
There’s no way you can be qualified to comment on BBC bias against Israel when you spout the standard BBC lefty line on the Conflict:
….but I can understand their frustration after 60 years of their land being taken and occupied by what is now the state of Israel.
I guess you never heard about Jewish settlers purchasing much of the land and clearing unwanted and unoccupied land. Or Palestinians leaving Israel in their thousands in 1948 because they were led to believe that they would be able to return once the invading Arab armies had “driven the Jews into the sea.”
And I guess you never heard of the UN Partition plan, which the Jews accepted and the Arabs rejected. Or Camp David, from which Arafat walked away. Or Taba. The so-called Palestinians could have had their state many times over by now. But they chose terrorism over peace every time.
“Visceral BBC prejudice against Israel will constitute a full chapter to itself in the forthcoming book on BBC bias.”
Thus pretty much guaranteeing that it looks like the work of paint by numbers right wingers and nobody outside that definition buys it… This is an opportunity to educate (and make a commercial killing). Anti Israeli prejudice is part of the Beeb’s bias but it would be better subsumed within a wider analysis of their obsession about siding with the “underdog”, no matter how vile that underdog is…
“In Egypt protests were organised by the Muslim Brotherhood, allies of Hamas.”
Maybe the BBC should have given some background information on the muslim brotherhood. For instance their credo;
“Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.[2][3]”
degree 7:11 “What would or should be the reaction of the British Government if someone, let alone a declared enemy, anchored outside territorial waters and fired ten of the crude undirected rockets daily into a sparsely populated area of say Wales or Scotland?
I would hope it would not be, Tut, tut. Boys will be boys”
Under a Gordon Brown led government are you really sure the Country woiuld be defended? Under Margaret Thatcher – yes. Under John Major – yes. Under Tony Blair – yes, with great relish. But under Gordon “Courage” Brown?
Not really, Cockney. It stretches well beyond the confines of the Middle East – to the extent that during the recent Bombay terrorist attacks, the torturing to death of Jews in the hostel singled out by the muslims was entirely ignored by the BBC, who even had the gall to suggest that the place had come under attack by chance!
I guess you never heard about Jewish settlers purchasing much of the land and clearing unwanted and unoccupied land. Or Palestinians leaving Israel in their thousands in 1948 because they were led to believe that they would be able to return once the invading Arab armies had “driven the Jews into the sea.”
Bryan | 29.12.08 – 9:29 am | #
Bryan, with due respect you fall into the trap set by anti-Israel propagandists. These people don’t care if the land was purchased or conquered, what they propagate is the lie that the Arabs were “Palestinian”, i.e. indigenous, whereas the Jews were outside invaders by whatever means.
The truth is, of course, that almost all inhabitants of this land, Arabs as well as Jews, are immigrants of the last two centuries or so, and therefore none is any more “Palestinian” in the sense of “indigenous”. Both have in principle equal right to the land, unless one group attempts to cleanse out the other. Now take it from there, which group can be seen to have repeatedly attempted to cleanse the other (hint: not the Jews), and what happened when it failed.