Visceral BBC prejudice against Israel will constitute a full chapter to itself in the forthcoming book on BBC bias. As Israel continues to righteously take out Hamas terror infrastructure, the BBC is naturally giving Pallywood every opportunity to portray itself, and its rocketeers of course, as victims. Their only crime is to be, erm, Jihadists. So I thought I might open up this thread for you to detail some of the worst excesses you are bound to come across as the BBC rallies around Hamastan. Just as well Harold Pinter is dead, he would be so upset to discover Israel is still capable of defending itself.
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The BBC is clearly a front for militants and anti-Western elements. This is reflected in the backgrounds of their news readers, observers, bloggers and staff many of whom are muslims or part of the anti-western left.
That’s why Hamas facts and doctored photographs are taken up readily by the BBC. The website and news pictures they have used showed a computerised forgery of a wounded man and some of the children being rushed to hospital were clearly wearing make up.
Interesting that al Beeb hasn’t been reporting the two speeches by the Egyptian Foreign Minister who blamed Hamas for the latest tragedy or the fact that Abbas has been pleading for the Israelis to strike the hated Hamas Islamists just before his re-election as President. Or that the “University” was an Islamist hate factory, producing most of the rockets…..
Bowen isn’t very good at his job is he? But if you take your information from members of the Mafia and ignore the police evidence, what can you expect?
DP111 | 29.12.08 – 12:55 am |
I sincerely hope that you are wrong. But considering the millions of Muslims in the UK, and their known hatred of Jews, it wouldnt surprise me that BBC reporting could light the touchpaper, or better, provide them with a ready-made public justification.
Judging from photos and video I’ve seen of the latest protest gatherings, at least half of the protesters are non-Muslims. My concern is about angry non-Muslims turning violent. They have for other “causes”. It’s only a matter of time.
“It’s a while since I commented on Biased-BBC –
Some of us do remember your disparaging comments on this subject.
“It isn’t the BBC’s “bias” you are angry about, it is just that you want it to share your view of the justification of Israel’s actions. ”
That’s true. We do want to share our view. We do believe the Middle East situation is being misrepresented by the BBC. We do complain about the pernicious influence that the BBC has on the general public – of which you are a prime example.
“I don’t think Israel’s actions were justified. I think what they did was mass murder. ”
You are entitled believe what you want to believe, even when your opinion is influenced by unverified Palistinian propaganda relayed verbatim by the BBC.
“I may think Hamas are stupid and wrong in their generally ineffective attempts to use terror to as a weapon against Israel”
Ineffective in that they have not succeeded in killing many Israeli people, but effective as terror. Meaning that their random rocket attacks terrorise civillians and traumatise children.
“- much as I regard much that we did in WW2 in our bombing of Germany” –
Are you saying Nazi Germany should have been left to get on with it?
“but I can understand their frustration after 60 years of their land being taken and occupied by what is now the state of Israel.”
That statement shows such complete ignorance of the history of Israel that it’s a wonder that you’ve got the cheek to comment at all on that subject.
But if you actually are interested, you could easily catch up.
Myths and Facts.
To paraphrase the ‘marty chartyr,’ You love Myths, we love Facts. Or if you prefer a non Jewish author try “Why Blame Israel?” by Neill Lochery. Icon Books. He’s not a Jew.
better still,
It makes sense and it’s not slanted. Jew and non-Jew — it doesn’t matter.
1. Nationhood and Jerusalem. Israel became a nation in 1312 BCE, Two thousand years before the rise of Islam.
2. Arab refugees in Israel began identifying themselves as part of a Palestinian people in 1967, two decades after the establishment of the modern State of Israel.
3. Since the Jewish conquest in 1272 BCE, the Jews have had dominion over the land for one thousand years with a continuous presence in the land for the past 3,300 years.
4. The only Arab dominion since the conquest in 635 CE lasted no more than 22 years.]………….
……………………[20. The UN was silent while the Jordanians enforced an apartheid-like a policy of preventing Jews from visiting the Temple Mount and the Western Wall.
Send this to 18 other people you know and ask them to send it to eighteen others, Jew and non-Jew•it doesn’t really matter.’
“I know few people on either wing of politics – specially those who have travelled in Israel/Palestine in recent years – who do not regard Israel as a brutal, criminal oppressor.”
You know who you know. Send them the above.
Some slob is on the World Service right now saying that this current bit of unpleasantness in Gaza is due to Hamas not wishing to go further down a bad political path that wasn’t helping them.
Apparently the political differences between Fatah and Hamas are really caused by the European countries and “the Quartet” driving a wedge between the two factions. That’s why there has been no real political solution with Israel. Hamas didn’t want this confrontation, but couldn’t be expected to put up with their mistreatment by Fatah and the rest.
The connection to the iPlayer keeps cutting out, so I can’t listen further.
This was after a string of segments driving home the Narrative that Israel is entirely in the wrong, is only murdering innocents, and telling an Israeli citizen living in s border town that her country’s military action is useless.
As others have already pointed out, Palestinian spokesman Jeremy Bowen, after stating that the US is already “providing its usual diplomatic cover for Israel” (no bias there, then), closes his latest propaganda piece with this:
Israel has already killed civilians, as well as children. International pressure on it to stop the attacks will increase with the numbers of deaths.
As if Israel kills children deliberately, and the Palestinians do not place them around their mortars, etc.
It’s an editorial agenda, across the spectrum at the BBC.
More news the BBC doesn’t want you to know:
Palestinians fleeing Israeli air strikes breached the border fence with Egypt in several places and hundreds crossed, prompting clashes with Egyptian security that left a border guard dead, said an Egyptian security official.
Plus this:
At least 300 Egyptian border guards have been rushed to the area to reseal the border, the Egyptian official added on condition on anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the press.
About four hours later, an Egyptian security official in Cairo said most of the breaches were again under Egyptian control though sporadic clashes continued. The official said most of those who crossed into Egypt have returned to Gaza and security officers were combing the area for an estimated 200 infiltrators.
Where’s the condemnation of Egypt, BBC?
Cockney 9:35
The BBC did not side with Georgia when it was the “underdog”. It sided with mother Russia.
The same with Chechnya.
Same with Taiwan and China.
With the BBC, it depends who the underdog is. That is all part if its bias.
Grant if you check in your list the bad guys are who USA supports. BBC is a leftist outlet which obviously hates Western Civilization and its current principal behavior is hypocrisy.
“The BBC did not side with Georgia when it was the “underdog”. It sided with mother Russia.”
No it didn’t, that was a huge misconception spread on here by the hardcore anti-Russian brigade. The Beeb was broadly sympathetic to the Georgians (check out the archive “have your say” and you’ll find much rage from Russians about the Beeb’s failure to acknowledge their “right” to protect their citizens from aggression). The bias came when in its enthusiastic response to Sarkozy’s interventions from the perspective that it supposedly demostrated the hugely welcome waning of US influence.
Plus if you look in the archives of this site re: the Beslan atrocity and before you’ll find rage at the failure of the Been to defend Russia’s right to defend itself against Muslim terrorists in Chechnya.
Taiwan is hardly an underdog in the same sense – it has the full backing of the US.
I agree with luckylucky – US backing seems to be the deciding factor. I’m not suggesting the Beeb is anything other than anti-Israel. I just find the anti-semitic accusations pretty tedious and I completely disagree that greater prominence is given to Palestinian deaths than Israeli. That’s absolute bollocks and indeed the reverse is true which is the one stick that the nutcase left can legitimately wave when they claim the Beeb is pro-Israel.
Cockney | 30.12.08 – 9:27 am |
No it didn’t, that was a huge misconception spread on here by the hardcore anti-Russian brigade. The Beeb was broadly sympathetic to the Georgians (check out the archive “have your say” and you’ll find much rage from Russians about the Beeb’s failure to acknowledge their “right” to protect their citizens from aggression).
Comments on HYS are definitely not the same thing as BBC reports. That doesn’t count at all. Otherwise, you’re taking the position of BBC NI’s Stephen Nolan, who tells callers that the BBC isn’t biased because he lets them call in to complain on air.
The BBC framed its reports with the perspective that Russia was acting in self-defense. I don’t recall any crying about “proportional response”, either.
Anat (Israel) | 29.12.08 – 10:45 am,
I take your point. I usually call them Arabs when talking about that time span since they certainly were not calling themselves Palestinians.
And lefties on a BBC blog I’m on get quite bemused when I point out that hundreds of thousands of Arabs streamed into Palestine during the Mandate and ask them whether they also consider these Arabs usurpers of the land or whether that only applies to the Jews.