Great to see that Israel has defied even Annie Lennox and Bianca Jagger, and is now moving in to try and cleanse Gaza from Hamas terrorism. Did anyone catch Jeremy Al Bowen on the 10’Clock news instantly claiming that this military action was unlikely to work and soon Israelis would be asking was it worth it. Also, did you see Ken Livingstone and the London fedayeen getting lots of airtime as they wailed at the idea of Israel actually having the temerity to defend itself. Hamas must be eternally indebted to the rancid biased BBC – the shilling for Islamic savagery that passes for object reporting on the State broadcaster is truly shocking. My thoughts and prayers are with the brave men and women in the IDF who as I write this risk life and limb de-infesting the cess-pit of Gaza. God bless them.

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72 Responses to IN GO THE TROOPS.

  1. Jack Bauer says:

    cromarty. Leave Sarah Connor alone! And take your eyes off that sexy Terminator Cameron.

    Seriously, excellent pick up.


  2. xjboy says:

    god save us from fallen stars they have bugger all to do now bonos got the whole “save the world ” francise sown up !!! and as for marr anyone who looks like him has big problem distracting attention from his freakish features so he talks shit !!seems to work !!
    i wish the i.d.f good hunting !!


  3. dr cromarty says:

    BTW – any guesses as to Rushdi Abu Alouf’s background (he’s the BBC’s man in Gaza).

    Hint: I don’t think he’s a nice Jewish boy from Stamford Hill.


  4. Martin says:

    I strongly resent any reference to Annie Lennox and the term ‘star’

    Oh and have you seen her face? She looks more like Lennox Lewis not Annie Lennox


  5. Jack Bauer says:

    dr cromarty:
    BTW – any guesses as to Rushdi Abu Alouf’s background (he’s the BBC’s man in Gaza).

    Maybe he’s related to Abdul Abulbul Amir?

    The sons of the Prophet were brave men and bold
    And quite unaccustomed to fear.
    But the bravest by far in the ranks of the Shah
    Was Abdul Abulbul Amir.



  6. DB says:

    Some Flickr photos of the London demo:

    Benn, Galloway, Nasrallah
    Gaza Protest, Jan 2009 - 101_8932

    “We Are Hamas”

    How long would this anarchist moron last under the Islamist rule of Hamas?



  7. Jack Bauer says:

    Oh and have you seen her face? She looks more like Lennox Lewis not Annie Lennox
    Martin | 04.01.09 – 11:51 am | #

    Ha Ha.

    But a tad whiter shade of pale, yes?


  8. archduke says:

    sky news: israeli tanks have made it to the sea,cutting gaza in two.


  9. George R says:

    Melanie Phillips on the ‘moral inversion’ in misunderstanding the war:

    “The Moral Battleground”


    “The worst thing is the moral inversion, in which the murderous victimisation of innocent Israelis is ignored while their murderers are described as ‘civilians’ when they are finally killed by the Israelis — who are demonstrably taking care to avoid civilian casualties wherever possible. Tragically, civilians always die in wars; and unfortunately there will undoubtedly be more civilian casualties in Gaza • along with deaths among Israeli troops — as the war goes on. But the frenzied misrepresentations, double standards and moral inversion fuelling a hysteria in the west which in turn can only incite more genocidal violence are simply depraved.

    “Particularly striking in its malice is the way in which the treatment of wounded Palestinians in Israeli hospitals is ignored • while news of the barbaric behaviour of Hamas in Gaza’s hospitals is airbrushed out of the picture.”


  10. archduke says:

    the israeli genocide against the palestinians

    no of pallywooders in 1948: 1.3 million

    no of pallywooders in 2008: 10.5 million


  11. Martin says:

    DB: Muslim doing what Muslims do best (apart from endless breeding), generating violence.


  12. Nearly Oxfordian says:

    That disgusting fascist Benn never met an antisemitic thug he didn’t like.
    In his defence, he has always been several sandwiches short of a picnic. It’s not his fault he was born a moron.


  13. PacificRising says:

    What is Bianca Jagger’s claim to fame?


  14. Nearly Oxfordian says:

    She manages to get up in the morning? Difficult to do when you have 2 brain cells.


  15. dr cromarty says:

    What is Bianca Jagger’s claim to fame?

    Shagged a pop star. Obviously a prime qualification to hold forth on international politics and conflict…


  16. Hugh Oxford says:

    Annie Lennox needs to make her mind up. Only recently she has come out in favour of fudgepackers, now she is coming out in favour of the people who want to execute them.

    Bianca Jagger needs to get her act together too. One minute she’s opposed to genocide, next minute she’s backing the people who want to wipe Jews off the face of the earth.


  17. Aeneas says:

    Saw Jeremy Bowen on the evening news tonight, he might as well have started his ‘report’ with the words ‘Palestine calling’.

    I think the BBC is modelling itself on Al Aqsa TV • how long before they are buying programmes from them such as the following?:


  18. Nearly Oxfordian says:

    Hugh, do you mind not using that offensive term? It’s every bid as sick as kikes, niggers, wops etc.


  19. Lurker says:

    I believe that when Bianca was still with Mick, the Stones’ British roadies referred to her as Bianca the wanker.


  20. Lurker says:

    So there is a demonstration in London by those strange bedfellows the Left

    As anti-semitism is such a hot button issue at B-BBC can I point out that the left has strange bedfellows in the form of one particular demographic. A majority of Jewish voters in the UK & US always vote Labour and Democrat.


  21. David Preiser (USA) says:

    I notice no defenders of the indefensible have even attempted to explain why it’s part of the BBC’s remit to provide a public platform for celebrities to advocate on behalf of a people who willingly elected a war-mongering group to run their territory. None of these BBC defenders – who all come here to learn about real BBC bias but never find any, of course – will dare try to explain why the BBC will not devote air time exclusively to defenders of Israel’s right to defend itself without having a pro-Israel voice on without an opposing voice on at the same time, or immediately before or after).

    Instead, it’s just swipes at low-hanging fruit.

    Of course, there’s no bias in advocating for people who elected Hamas, knowing full well what they’d get up to, right?


  22. Jason says:

    Hugh, do you mind not using that offensive term? It’s every bid as sick as kikes, niggers, wops etc.
    Nearly Oxfordian | 06.01.09 – 8:37 pm | #

    I agree. Could you not use something more palatable, like shirt-lifter or pillow-biter?