I see the BBC has been shilling for the UN following that organisations petulant display that the Unwra will not re-commence its allegedly humanitarian mission in Gaza until Israel guarantess the safety of its workers. Suits me if they never recommence but I wonder why the BBC never asks why the Unwra does not idenify Hamas as a threat to its workers. Maybe they are related? Also, anyone catch Newsnight defining the Red Cross as ” a very conservative organisation” as it launches a verbal onslaught on Israel. Meanwhile Alan Johnston was afforded space to let us know how invincible Hamas is. Loved the way he talked of the Hamas culture of “sacrifice and martyrdom” – that’s homicide bombing to you and me. Nice stuff, Al Beeb – Hamas could not wish for a better PR campaign.
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BBC radio 4,5, BBC TV news have all been pushing strongly anti-Israeli propaganda today, so as a counter, here’s something on HAMAS by a Christian convert son of a Hamas leader:
“Believe It” (Melanie Phillips)
The propaganda which the BBC seems to miss, but ‘Jihadwatch’ doesn’t:
‘War Is Deceit: Gaza family spots cameras, starts crying for food, with stacks of canned goods nearby’
Linking to your posts on the BBC blog, I note you have used a slightly different name. Can I assume that when you registered, you found someone had already used your name?
The reason I ask is that my moniker too had been taken, as had several close variants… I suspect someone at the BBC who monitors this site quickly registered all who post to this site regularly.
Roland Deschain | 09.01.09 – 7:57 am
I wouldn’t be surprised in the least!
I just posted this there:
When Jeremy Bowen’s driver/fixer was unfortunately killed by an IDF tank shell in Lebanon some years ago Mr Bowen is on record as saying, “I will never forgive the IDF”.
He most obviously hasn’t, and it shows in his one sided, pro-Palestinian reporting. Hardly the ideal choice for the job of Middle East Editor one would think, unless of course the BBC in general share his bitterness towards Israel.
On a personal level one can understand his feelings, but those feelings are consistently expressed in his reporting.
When Alan Johnston was *kidnapped* (the term consistently used by the BBC when referring to IDF soldiers held hostage by Hamas and Hezbollah is “captured”) in Gaza the Have Your Say on his imprisonment was absolutely overflowing with messages from Palestinians and Arabs all over the world demanding his release because, they said, he was “a friend of the Palestinian people”. Johnston’s father also appealed for his release on the grounds that his son was “a friend of the Palestinians”.
While both Bowen and Johnston are of course both entitled to their views, dislikes and sympathies, there can be no doubt that given the above their impartiality as reporters is, to say the least, questionable.
On the subject of hostages; why has the BBC never pointed out that Hamas is in violation of international humanitarian laws by denying access to Gilad Shalit by the International Red Cross?
Another BBC Gaza reporter, Fayed Abu Shamala, reportedly told a Hamas rally in 2001 that the BBC was “waging the campaign of resistance/terror against Israel shoulder-to-shoulder together with the Palestinian people”.
All of this paid for by the British Telly-tax paying public, whether they watch BBC TV or not, whether they agree with the opinions expressed by BBC employees or not.
When the Egyptian-born terrorist, Mohammed Abdul Rahman al-Husseini, also known as “Yasser Arafat” was helicoptered out of Ramalah to be treated for AIDS in Paris the BBC’s Barbara Plett famously declared that she wept, tears she never shed for Arafat’s Israeli victims, killed and maimed in pizzerias, on buses, or while celebrating Jewish festivals and weddings.
After many complaints the BBC issued something that resembled more an excuse than an apology, which can be found online at the BBC news website, in the “Entertainment” section.
I could go on, but why bother? Given past form on this blog either the moderators will decide that this comment on a post entitled “Reporting from Gaza” is off-topic too and will be removed.
Or one of these other contributors here, so fervently campaigning for freedom for the Palestinians, will decide that they don’t want to allow me the freedom to express my views and will complain about this comment.
Some years ago the then PM Margaret Thatcher wanted to cut funding to BBC World Service. I was very active in protesting and petitioning in favour of maintaining the World Service.
A phrase I used often, back then, was “The BBC doesn’t always tell you all the truth, but everything it does tell you is true”.
Now, at least as far as reporting on the Middle East is concerned, I’m not so sure.
TheTruth | 09.01.09 – 3:59 pm |
The BBC have an office on Oxford street in Manchester.
Word on the street is they will be blown up to oblivion soon… along with the Zionist Pigshit Police.
Good riddance.
Is somebody laboring under the misapprehension that the BBC is pro-Israel, and that Manchester Police are Zionist?
Whoever wrote this needs to come back with some evidence that the BBC or the police support Israel.
Either way, this should be reported to the BBC and the police immediately. Any moderators lurking about should check the IP of that comment and send it to the proper authorities.
I do not feel that it is fair though for some people on these pages to refer to there being ‘no such thing as Palestinians’.
Qaz M | 09.01.09 – 11:13 am
How do you feel about hearing it from a “Palestinian”?
“The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct “Palestinian people” to oppose Zionism. For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa. While as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.”
(PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein, March 31, 1977, interview with the Dutch newspaper Trouw.)
ipreferred | 09.01.09 – 4:54 pm |
Sarah and Qaz make an interesting point. Of all the religions, Islam specifically doesn’t have a central figure that is supposed to speak for them, yet governments and media groups always ask central figures from particular groups to comment – giving the strong impression that they groupthink.
You forgot about Judaism. Islam has many similarities to Judaism. Lots of sects, divisions, interpretations, etc. No central authority or spokesman or anything close to it. Maybe you didn’t know this?
The reason that we constantly hear about troubles associated with Islam is really just general media bias towards the ‘in’ topic. I don’t mean in favour of it either, I mean that editors and reporters know that putting a particular slant on a story, by highlighting certain stories and by creating an imagined problem of misunderstanding a major world religion, they know they will get readers/listeners/viewers and such.
Not because, you know, they blow stuff up and slaughter innocents in the name of Islam? Hard to see how that’s an “imagined problem”. Or a misunderstanding, for that matter.
At some point in the past 20 years religion became big – perhaps led by the US attitude towards it and people in power. After the cold war it was no longer about communist vs. capitalist ideaologies; there had to be something new, and that seems to be east vs. west, liberalism vs. islam I suppose – which inherently neglects that there are perfectly ordinary liberal muslims out there, unrepresented by the media.
You just made this up. I don’t know which Cold War you’re talking about, but in the US the words “under God” were added to the Pledge of Allegiance to sanctify us against the godless Communists. Religion has played a huge, huge part in the history of the US, the UK, and the rest of the modern world. It’s only in the last 20 years or so that religious people (usually Christians, never Muslims) can be publicly ridiculed by national broadcasters for their religious beliefs.
Islam is more in the forefront now because they have even more money than they did 20 years ago, and are blowing shit up around the world in the name of Islam. They weren’t doing that during the Cold War. Where did you study history and sociology?
Qaz M:
If you and your kind feel so patronised by the BBC you seem to be doing very little about it.
Never once I have ever seen any news report, read any article or ever seen any posting on any forum in which a muslim claims to feel patronised and or insulted by the pet treatment they get from the media.
Quite the opposite in fact, they seem to exploit and manipulate these advantages at every turn.
I would say that the type of moderate muslim you claim to be – and those you are associate with – are such a tiny minority as to be borderline a freak occurence. Dare I say, unlikely.
TheTruth | 09.01.09 – 3:59 pm |
“The BBC have an office on Oxford street in Manchester.
Word on the street is they will be blown up to oblivion soon… along with the Zionist Pigshit Police.
Good riddance.
David Preiser (USA):
…this should be reported to the BBC and the police immediately. Any moderators lurking about should check the IP of that comment and send it to the proper authorities.”
Oh give it a rest David. We have enough of the overbearing, all-spying nanny state in this country without the police expecting to take some random, nut-job posting on the B-BBC forum seriously.
David Preiser (USA): Spot on.
Apologies if I’m going over ground alreay coverd, but I’ve been offline since the early hours until now:
At the very least its a region.
Indeed it is:
Palestine is a Geographical Area, Not a Nationality
see also, on the same page: http://www.mythsandfacts.com/Conflict/mandate_for_palestine/mandate_for_palestine.htm#013
Given that they fall outside the borders of any other country what else would you call them?
Prior to 1948 and the establishment of the state of Israel it was the Jews living in the British Mandate who were universally called “Palestinans” in recognition of the fact that they were the ones who were the original inhabitants of the area known as Palestine since the Romans used the term to disenfranchise the Jews – The Jerusalem Post at that time was called the “Palestine Post”.
As has been pointed out by NO the Arabs only adopted the name in order to oppose the Jewish state. Previously Arab leaders are on record expressing their Arab identity and complaining about being called “Palestinians”, because it inferred that they were no different to the Jews of “Palestine”.
Presumably you also object to people being called Londoners, Northerners, Europeans, Cornish, Basques etc etc on the basis they’re “not a nation”.
Cockney | 09.01.09 – 11:57 am
Don’t be daft!
Qaz M | 09.01.09 – 12:31 pm
@Nearly Oxfordian:
“Is this the blanket opinion you’ve formed from your moral high ground”?
Yes. And yes, I do believe I hold a moral high ground over those whose first resort is to insult. And no, I do not have a problem with that nor find it elitist – my ‘blanket opinion’ is not regarding everyone on this board, it’s against those whose first response was to swear or start to tell him what he though because “all muslims do”. Only some on this board fit this category.
Really, it demeans the debate and makes it more difficult to perform the purpose of this board – point out bias. Why? Because it makes it easy to do exactly as other have done – just tar with the same brush and call the lot of us nutters. Exactly as the people resorting to insults do with people they disagree with.
I’ve read your posting 3 times and I STILL can’t understand what the fuck you are talking about.
Of all the religions, Islam specifically doesn’t have a central figure that is supposed to speak for them
One can take this on two levels
1: It is true that there is no priesthood in Islam in contrast to say, christianity.
2: Islam is saddled with Mohammed who was an assassin and who might well have, when his political fortunes in Mecca were at a low ebb, grovelled before female idols.
That is why the evangelical mantra “What would Jesus do?” can have no equivalent in Islam
the UN resolution says at para 8.
“Calls for renewed and urgent efforts by the parties and the international community to achieve a comprehensive peace based on the vision of a region where two democratic States, Israel and Palestine, live side by side in peace with secure and recognised borders, as envisaged in Security Council resolution 1850 (2008), and recalls also the importance of the Arab Peace Initiative”
notable that Al Beeb and the rest of the MSM cannot bring themselves to explain to us unthinking plebs that the reason Hamas cannot accept this resolution is because they want a one state caliphate solution.
At some point in the past 20 years religion became big – perhaps led by the US attitude towards it and people in power
Yup, if it’s not the Joos it’s America.
Unwra’s Christopher Gunness said the agency was “99.9% certain” that there were no militants or militant activity in the (UNWRA) school compound
deegee | 09.01.09 – 6:31 am |
Gunness used to work for the BBC therefore all his statements need to be independently verified.
The reason that we constantly hear about troubles associated with Islam is really just general media bias towards the ‘in’ topic
What a nutter.
What’s the weather like on planet Zog, where you have spent the last 30 years insulated from world affairs and ingnorant of all the wars started by Muslims, all their mass-murders around the world, their self-declared intention to conquer the West, and a few minor things like that?
Qaz M real or bbc troll trying to portray himself as a moderate muslim ??
One question Qaz , can you name one tangible benefit that islam has brought to the UK ?
The reason that we constantly hear about troubles associated with Islam is really just general media bias towards the ‘in’ topic
Reminds me of when I was sitting in court one day at the trial of a recidivist serial offender. His barrister stood up and said “The only reason my client is always in trouble is that the police keep arresting him”
Here’s a good article by Alan Dershowitz.
Gaza: why a ceasefire won’t work
As the rocket attacks against Israel spread to the north, and as its government seeks an enduring cease-fire that would protect its civilians from the deadly rockets, the international community and media continue to condemn Israel for the military actions it has taken in defence of its citizens.
Now he won’t be invited onto the BBC anytime soon.
billy best:
“…One question Qaz , can you name one tangible benefit that islam has brought to the UK ?…”
Well I think now that Abu Hamza is in prison he was someone to wipe his bottom for him every day. I guess that’s something, at least for him.
“One question Qaz , can you name one tangible benefit that islam has brought to the UK ?”
It’s a fuck site easier to get a cab these days.
Also, I hear the placard business is booming.
Who ever said that Islam had benefitted the UK? Why should it? It is a personal faith, a belief. It is nothing to do with benefitting the country as a whole. I never claimed any religion has benefitted the country. Christianity doesn’t appear to have benefitted the UK very much, neither does Islam.
Earlier on today I was engaging in discussion with people who wanted to discuss the issues, even if I disagreed with them, I read their posts and we had a discussion. It seems that time is over, as the insults and anti-Islamic rhetoric has returned. I will not partake in any argument of the such.
Hi Qaz
I’m sorry you’ve been attacked like this.
I think you have important things to say. I’ll listen, and there will be others.
Take care, friend.
Suits me if they never recommence but I wonder why the BBC never asks why the UN does not identify Hamas as a threat to its workers. Maybe they are related?
Maybe not just related but actually working for Hamas and international terrorism in general? As is The BBC I most confidently believe.
If the actions of the BBC and The UN seem to you to have encouraged terrorism, then by definition THEY ALREADY HAVE, that is in addition to anything else the BBC and the UN seem to be directly responsible for.
David I can not say what the BBC makes you feel like, but The BBC causes me more terror then any other single thing I can think of.
The BBC not only conspires with terrorists, as we all now know, they are themselves the most powerful terrorist organization know to mankind. Without which the more AK47 carrying, towel wearing type of terrorism, could not work on any level, or for any other political or otherwise organization whatsoever at all well, if at all.
The UN was created not to stop wars but was created to perpetuate or simply manage them. While conveniently providing the illusion that the worlds controlled collective leadership actually gives a flying fig about ordinary Jewish or Muslim people, or indeed any ordinary people ever, under any circumstances.
Please be reminded yet again. There is only right and wrong, while STEALING and MURDER are ALWAYS WRONG, under ANY circumstances. Left or right have got nothing to do with ANYTHING, never have and never will, other then they enable the BBC to create The BBC’s truly evil MIDDLE.
Left, Right is simply a deliberately divisive establishment device to keep the idiot classes fighting among themselves, while the smart people make off with all the loot, and retain ALL of the power.
No prizes for guessing where the worlds nations most corrupted hang out for a good old fashioned and highly murderous carve up, among other places. So it you did not know, here is a clue.
What is in New York, two words long, the first beginning with a U, and the second beginning with a N?
Qaz M:
I’m willing to take you on face value and in food faith. Much of what you say makes good sense and I applaud you and extend a welcome to this blog, but you say:
Who ever said that Islam had benefitted the UK? Why should it? It is a personal faith, a belief. It is nothing to do with benefitting the country as a whole. I never claimed any religion has benefitted the country. Christianity doesn’t appear to have benefitted the UK very much, neither does Islam.
I’m sure you understand and to a great extent follow what are known as “Judeo-Christian” beliefs and values. I would venture to say that those values have contributed much not only to the UK but to the “civilised” world at large.
I won’t go into the numerous benefits that those values, practised by individuals of those faiths, have brought about, but I wonder if you are aware, for example, that Jews in the UK pray for HM The Queen and the UK, during their devotions in synagogues, and Jewish custom throughout the world is to pray for the good of whatever country that Jewish community lives in.
To the best of my knowledge there is no such practice among Muslims, and to the contrary we know that in certain mosques hatred towards the UK and its people is preached instead.
While Jews and Christians alike have always strived to integrate and contribute to the wider community it does seem that Islam instead sees its duty as an obligation to convert others and ideally create an Islamic state (read: conquer) wherever they live amongst others even where, as in the UK, they are free to practice Islam without fear of persecution.
What are your thoughts on that?
Great post on the Editor’s Blog. They’ll pull it for sure. The reference to AIDS will be considered ‘libellous’ (of course under British law you can’t libel the dead, but that is the excuse they’ll use).
It is still there at the moment, but almost every other comment you’ve made has been removed for ‘breaking house rules’.
ipreferred | 09.01.09 – 1:41 pm |
Hi, a while ago someone made an excellent suggestion of B-BBC putting the name of the Commenter before their comments so people would know if they thought them worth reading or not.
This was an excellent suggestion and enables me to bypass a lot of Commenters who like to insult and swear and patent members of the BBC’s Nazi Left.
The only problem with this excellent suggestion though was it was directed against me by some Commenter looking to ingratiate himself with a former Contributer here instead of considering the case I made against him for insulting Commenters after receiving a ‘scarey letter’ from the BBC. Gladly this Contributer no longer contributes.
hippiepooter | 09.01.09 – 1:51 pm | #
I’m sorry, but I’ve read this a couple of times and I really can’t understand what you’re trying to say. Even so, it does sound rather interesting. Care to spell things out for a thicky?
I read their posts and we had a discussion
When I challenged your myth about the ‘Palestinians’, you ran a mile.
It seems that time is over, as the insults and anti-Islamic rhetoric has returned. I will not partake in any argument of the such.
And off he goes in the usual huff. When you don’t kowtow to the Moslem agenda, they throw the toys out of the pram and storm off to blame everybody else. Never themselves.
I agree Sarah.
I’ve seen many a forum or blog disintergrate in a similar manner. Constant squabbling, damning anyone outside the clique, never seeing anothers viewpoint. Pedantic overload.
It’s worrying.
George R | 08.01.09 – 11:41 pm
“Since Johnston’s release, the BBC seems to have turned itself into a vehicle for Hamas propaganda….”
Melanie is not totally correct here. Perhaps it has become more noticeable since Johnson’s release, but the BBC was solidly behind Hamas long before that. In backing Hamas against Fatah, the BBC has its Nelson Mandela, its “authentic voice” of the Palestinian people.
I have no doubt the subversives at the BBC see Khaled Mashaal as a heroic figure in exile who will one day return to hold aloft the banner of a unified Palestine in which any surviving Jews will become transient dhimmis at best.
I recall an interview Stephen Sackur did with Fatah’s Saeb Erekat, at least I think it was Erekat. Sackur got quite heated at the prospect of Fatah entering into peace negotiations sponsored by the Americans, and basically accused Erekat of selling out as long as Hamas was sidelined.
The BBC is a very dangerous organisation indeed.
Not BBC, so off topic, but Channel 4 is showing ‘The Hunt For Britain’s Tightest Person’. For some reason the background/theme music for this programme is traditional Jewish music. Coincidence?
Qaz M: Actually the BBC keeps spouting on about how wonderful Islam is for the UK. We’ve had programmes about the great thing forced marriages are and we’ve had the idea that Sharia law is a good thing for the UK as well.
Nothing about Islam is good for the planet. Nothing, I repeat nothing.
Thanks Grimer | 09.01.09 – 8:29 pm
This one’s still here too, for the time being: 😉
322. At 6:02pm on 09 Jan 2009, FirstBiodegradable wrote:
BBC World News TV this afternoon. Peter Dobbie:
“Israel has rejected the UN ceasefire.”
Sky News:
“Both Israel and Hamas have rejected the UN ceasefire.”
You decide.
However, my reply to this one below, in which I assure the guy I wasn’t referring to him and point out that after passing the mods comments are only removed because somebody complains, has been “referred to the moderators” by somebody. Maybe because I said ‘d be happy for it to be deleted as “off-topic”, but I just hoped he’d read it first 🙂
325. At 6:38pm on 09 Jan 2009, Jackturk wrote:
To 321
Or one of these other contributors here, so fervently campaigning for freedom for the Palestinians, will decide that they don’t want to allow me the freedom to express my views and will complain about this comment
You may be referring to me, but just for the record I have only ever complained about one blog which was when a blogger advocated violence to others.
In fact, I welcome the chance to debate with you and others, it is better than dropping bombs on each other!
I’ll let you know what reason is given if it isn’t reinstated.
“Christianity doesn’t appear to have benefitted the UK very much,”
Not read much history have you? Sadly we started going down the tubes in the 60s,courtesy of the Marxists and Liberals,but most of our laws,tolerance and work ethic is rooted in Christianity.
” neither does Islam. ”
About time it did then.
Sarah: Are you a Muslim as well? Perhaps you should try living as a Muslim woman in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia.
Martin | 09.01.09 – 9:12 pm
now now, tut tut!
Most surly not a coincidence.
But I would very much like you to consider that very little that is said or done on the BBC ever is a coincidence, accident, cock-up, or the product of confused 6th former left wing mentality, even on the most seemingly superficial level.
Please try to a least entertain the idea that the BBC is as many times the opposite of what it appears to be, as it exactly what it appears to be. Which is even then, and at all other times, NEVER what the BBC actually is.
Now if you can make sense of that, I will note that there is still hope for you at least.
For some reason the background/theme music for this programme is traditional Jewish music. Coincidence?
Grimer | 09.01.09 – 9:02 pm
A sign of the times I’m afraid. A dear departed aunt whose first husband was an RAF pilot killed in WW2 told me some years ago that she felt things were like the 1930s, and that was several years ago.
It’s a mercy that she is departed, today’s atmosphere of Jew hatred would no doubt kill her.
Qaz M: Christianity hasn’t benefitted the uk? That’s just appalling, sheer ignorance. Christianity (not the loathsome Rowan Williamson variety) has imbued this country with its greatest language, literature, poetry, architecture, painting, music, manners and (at its best) morality. I’ve got nothing against the rest of the stuff you’ve been pedaling here, but that remark shows the most insulting ignorance I’ve heard on this blog.
Robert | 09.01.09 – 9:41 pm |
Newton and Darwin…
to name but two. both highly committed christians.
but theres another , far far bigger thing that England gave to the world , because of its christianity..
and that is
the United States of America.
even though i’m an atheist myself, i find QazM’s comment to be incredibly ignorant of history.
One question Qaz , can you name one tangible benefit that islam has brought to the UK ?
billy best | 09.01.09 – 7:22 pm
cant think of any myself either.
“As a Muslim I often find the BBC, and most of the mainstream media,
As a Muslim I often find the BBC, and most of the mainstream media, patronising. The insistance on always hyping multiculturalism and immigration only serves to alienate White/indigenous Brits, and this further widens divides in our society. Qaz M | 09.01.09 – 1:25 pm |
well as Malcolm X said – “You must choose brothers, you must choose – you have 5 seconds to decide whether YOU are part of the problem or part of the solution..”
equally applies to me as to you. we can both start by leaving our previous beliefs behind in order to fit into English society.
in my case – Irish Republicanism.
i look forward to the day when you give up the mosque, and i can have a pint of English ale in an English pub with you.
when you do that – then you’ve arrived. you are in England. you are no different to anyone else.
always remember that. to refuse to do that, will always mean that you are “other” and not part of England.
heck, i’m irish , and it took me about a 10 long years to figure it out. The English dont exactly give you a book to follow on how to do it.
my suggestion – stop being so religious, enjoy ale.
and what does “i am a muslim” mean anyway? i was born a Catholic.. i dont go round said “i am a catholic” to everyone.
thats another thing – english folks DONT like religion shoved in their face.
just STOP doing it , and you’ll be fine.
From the BBC news website…
The Liberal Democrat Hugh O’Donnell summed up the predicament in the Middle East: “The Palestinian people are paying a dear price for the guilt of Europe over the holocaust of the Jews.”
So we’ll take it that that’s the BBC’s position can we?
“Christianity doesn’t appear to have benefited the UK very much, neither does Islam. ”
I think you’ll find that Christianity has been the bedrock of Britain – what is not benefiting Britain is the “modern” Church of England who have turned their back on Christian values and embraced the new religion of Political Correctness. This is not only dangerous for tthe “indigenous” British it is also dangerous for minorities. It finds “offence” on behalf of other people – even and I think you may agree, when there is none. This is what causes friction, it is not the minority population to blame but the self hating English intelligentsia so well represented at the BBC, the CofE and the Labour Party.
If people are left alone they,9 out of 10 times will get on together, but when people are threatened by law to conform to some PC Utopian dream it only gets peoples backs up.
When a people anywhere in the world are told by their politicians that they are no longer valued over “incomers” , that they are not to critisise the PC doctrine made up almost daily by the bureaucrats and other unelected “do-gooders” , then resentment is sure to follow. And I must emphasize that I do not lay the blame at the foot of people like Qaz M, but at the self hating English who George Orwell rightly identified years ago.
So we’ll take it that that’s the BBC’s position can we?
Hugh Oxford | 09.01.09 – 10:07 pm
so i take it that the Lib Dums have forgotten about the 1948 invasion of Israel? when iraq, saudi arabia, jordan, syria, lebanon AND egypt invaded israel. count them – thats SIX states invading simultaneously..
and still they beat them back.
jesus wept – maybe i need to write a short 20 page book on the history of israel in *really easy snippets* that dumbasses like that guy can understand
Jon | 09.01.09 – 10:09 pm
good points. totally agree.
on the other hand, koranic law instructs muslims to LIE to the kuffar for the greater Jihad. thus you get the “moderate” muslims who turn out to have ties to hezbollah and hamas.
the only muslim i trust is an EX-muslim.
sorry, but thats the way it is right now.
For fucks sake Martin! What kind of shitty question is that of Sarah?
Makes you out to be complete fucking dimwitt cunt. Grow up tosspot! Your the wanker that fucked this blog with your pathetic platitudes in the first place. Pigswill, flotsam, christ your mind is a diseased bog of cankerous mulch. You couldn’t really argue your way out of a wet paper fucking bag.
See how it is to be you? See how you come accross to people, fuckwit.
At this point in time more people will be seeking out the BBC bias, finding this very site & all they will find is idiots such as yourself spouting off on one. Egotistical bastard!
i fink dat israel shud stop bombin da innocent palestines cos they is been oppressed fur too long naw innit? it seemz crazy to me bruv, sum1 needs to stop dem b4 dey kill us all.
“..the “moderate” muslims who turn out to have ties to hezbollah and hamas.”
I think these are only classed as “moderate” by the BBC and Labour. We really don’t know what a real moderate Muslim is – as the BBC have even debased the term “moderate” like so many other words in the English language. Maybe QazM is the “moderate” who is never asked their opinions by the media.