I see the BBC has been shilling for the UN following that organisations petulant display that the Unwra will not re-commence its allegedly humanitarian mission in Gaza until Israel guarantess the safety of its workers. Suits me if they never recommence but I wonder why the BBC never asks why the Unwra does not idenify Hamas as a threat to its workers. Maybe they are related? Also, anyone catch Newsnight defining the Red Cross as ” a very conservative organisation” as it launches a verbal onslaught on Israel. Meanwhile Alan Johnston was afforded space to let us know how invincible Hamas is. Loved the way he talked of the Hamas culture of “sacrifice and martyrdom” – that’s homicide bombing to you and me. Nice stuff, Al Beeb – Hamas could not wish for a better PR campaign.
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Just remember, when you don’t get that job as the Queen’s butler, you are the victim of discrimination!
wots dat sposed to mean huh? I has ben victimised yeh, ppl be dissin me fur my apparence all da time innit. i fink dat we shoud send da UN army to da israel to sort dem out .
bill: Perfectly reasonable question. I’m amazed at the number of wet liberal women that stick up for Islam. I just wonder how many would enjoy life as a Muslim woman?
Qaz M:
Are you leaving then? Bye. Let us know what the blast radius is so we know how far to keep away.
Islam is not “just” another religion, Qaz, and if you think so you are the fooled one. I wonder were you born to it, or converted? To the religion of “peace”, I mean.
Islam worships Mohammad, yet calls that a sin – a religion that lies to itself. Instance that you cannot (not just you, but anyone else either) draw a picture of the old lecher.
Nor is there any such thing as “moderate” Islam; Islam’s purpose is to conquer the earth for the return of the Imam Medhi, is it not? This will happen when all infidels are destroyed or converted, period. You cannot possible be a muslim, and not believe and live this hope, jsut as a person who does not believe in the virgin birth can be not Christian – it is what it is.
I percieve you are a convert, having previously been a liberal. This is why you so expertly weilded the “victim” flag.
Excuse me while I go throw up.
I think you’ve nailed the problem.
Christianity (I would argue post-Reformation and puritans) has provided this country with a lot of benefits. It is a pity that the nation is now so dumbed down that people accept the infringement/abolition of liberties on a scale our forebears would have baulked at.
I think that Britain/British People are generally quite accommodating and welcoming. One of my oldest friends is half Burmese. His family are totally integrated and their/his ‘race’ isn’t remotely an issue – although, as he is a bit chubby and his mum is from a tropical country, we do occasionally call him ‘Jungle Bunny’ (purely affectionate, because he is so cute).
What pisses people off IMHO is:
1) The wankers that want society to bend to their will (Muslims – see cartoons, Iraq, ‘Palestine’, anything they think up that morning)
2) People that blame everybody else for their failures (not just Muslims, but they don’t half bloody moan, despite the free housing, health care, free money, translators, etc)
3) People that scream ‘racist’ when they hear an inconvenient truth (not just Muslims)
4) People that look the gift horse in the mouth and threaten to kill the people paying their benefit cheques (Muslims)
5) People that demand special treatment based upon their victim status (not just Muslims).
All the usual suspects (BBC, Guardian, Gallocunt, Livingslime, etc) blame Britain/British people for the failures of some minority group. However, they are always blind to the success of Oriental immigrants, Indian immigrants, European immigrants, South American immigrants, African immigrants (excluding muslim immigrants – e.g. Somalia), Aussie and Kiwi immigrants.
Why is this? Why is society only to blame for the failure of certain immigrants, but not responsible for the success of everybody else? Is it actually because people need to take responsibility for their own lives rather than waiting for success to be provided on a plate?
Indians send their kids to school to learn. They do well. They go to university. They get good jobs. They don’t hold grudges for partition and don’t blow themselves up on the Tube.
Muslims (and I’m generalising) remove girls from education at puberty. Teach their sons to recite the Koran by heart (very useful in the modern workplace). Do (comparatively) badly at school. Those that do go to university appear to get ‘radicalised’ (Islamofied some more). Don’t get good jobs. Blame everybody else for their failures. Blow themselves up on the tube.
I’m obviously having a bit of a rant and I’m not a total Muslim hater. I know I’m generalising hugely. However, this is what people see happening in the UK today and it pisses people off.
There is nothing the average Brit hates more than some cock with an anti-British chip on his shoulder, slagging off the British and Britain, while rinsing out the system for all its worth.
‘Immigrants’ would do well to remember that.
is u dissin me becuz i is blak innit. u dissin all me homies and dey is gunna mess u up innit. i is only speekin like ali g cuz it makes all da bitches fink me as a big nob.
“..a person who does not believe in the virgin birth can be not Christian..”
Sorry, I meant – one who does not believe in the virgin birth cannot be Christian, as the belief is core to the faith.
Do you and your mates walk with limps ‘coz yuv bin shot innit, get oh’
Half the divs in the East End walk with affected limps. I’m not quite sure when/why they suddenly decided it was cool and likely to get them laid.
Unless you’re the Archbishop of Canterbury.
However, they are always blind to the success of Oriental immigrants, Indian immigrants, European immigrants, South American immigrants, African immigrants (excluding muslim immigrants – e.g. Somalia), Aussie and Kiwi immigrants.
Jewish immigrants? 😉
Fantastic posting.
However what is just as vomit inducing are the few posters on this blog who – first sign of a Muslim – begin the conditioned response of patronizing, placating or agreeing with him.
The fact that people believe there is such thing as a moderate Muslim proves how likely it is Islam will succeed in it’s eventual extermination of us all.
I don’t think many Jews are silly enough to move to Britain these days. Half the Jews I know are moving to Israel.
My ex-girlfriends parents moved out there. Three of her brothers have followed. My mate Erez’s parents have left. I imagine he will probably follow them eventually. Various other people I know socially have had their parents move and talk about following them.
That aside, obviously Jews are probably the most successful British ‘immigrants’ – I don’t even consider them to be ‘of immigrant stock’ because they’ve been here so long and so ‘integrated’ that they are totally indivisible from the rest of the British population.
Hello R.S.
You said, “The fact that people believe there is such thing as a moderate Muslim proves how likely it is Islam will succeed in it’s eventual extermination of us all.”
It’s a grave mistake, I agree, and we all make the mistake of viewing other’s paradigms through our own. To view Islam in this way is a HUGE mistake, one they count on us making being westerners, and spineless infidels, and created, really, for them to parade self righteous hatred over, as Mohammed instructed them to do. ONe reading of the koran quickly reveals to the western mind Mohammeds plagerism, opportunism, his blatant desire for vengence due to egoism.
But, you cannot tell a muslim this. Overactive hypothalmus, I suspect, gushing desire to reconnect with the womb, i.e. Allah, where someone else breaths and thinks for you.
Never understood Jew hating myself. The Jews have contributed more to the world than any muslim ever has and they tend not to self detonate when sat next to you on the tube. They don’t try and murder cartoonists every time they read an offensive ‘Fred Bassett’ cartoon, nor do they burn flags in the street every time a 4 year old names a teddy bear. Jews also have toilet paper. Muslims have their left hand. Oh and the Koran. Also Jews tend to carve out hugely succesful careers in finance whereas Muslims tend to carve out paintwork in other peoples cars with the wing mirrors of their clapped out cabs.
I can’t quote your last paragraph because I am on an iPhone but you have just summed up exactly what the ‘rationale’ is behind the religious in a way that makes perfect sense.
I will use that reasoning next time those bastard joves wake me up on a Sunday morning. Thank you.
Do not forget Islam’s hatred also for the human female, 99% of which are destined to hell, whose worth is equivlent to two dogs, or half a horse.
“Men without women are a cruel joke,” James Clavell in the opening paragraph of ‘Rat King’.
And that is exactly descriptive of Islam, due to religious insistance on controlling the sexuality and humanity of the female of the species. More, actually denying females are actually human.
Such a religion cannot conquer this people. I do not know how the conquering of Islam will come about, I just know that it will, and must.
You are most welcome, but I would not call it rationale! Rather, an instinctive cowardice, and the mad among them, i.e., the fundamentalists, take it to extremes. However, the religion itself (Islam – meaning submission and muslim meaning slave)is in fact an expression of being a fetus.
If I have offended anyone for being anti-Islam, you may now kiss my arse.
Jewish immigrants?
Nearly Oxfordian | 09.01.09 – 11:22 pm
My grandparents immigrated from Latvia in the early 1900s so I consider myself to be a refugee, just like the Palestinians.
I demand that the UN set up an organization dedicated to housing, feeding and clothing me and my brothers and sisters at enormous cost until such time as I can throw out the Russians who stole my land and claim my right of return to the house my grandparents left in Riga (I have the key somewhere).
Until then I plan to live in exile abroad and encourage any other Latvian Jews who will listen to me to fire crude, home-made rockets at Riga and blow themselves up among innocent Russian colonialists in their borscht bars!
“Rather, an instinctive cowardice..” I don’t think I would agree with that – its the west’s elites who are the cowards. It is what Reagan called the liberal “accommodation” – where if you are nice to your enemies they will come to like you. Its a lesson from history that “liberals” just cannot comprehend.
“I will use that reasoning next time those bastard joves wake me up on a Sunday morning.”
Oh dear – hardly similar.
Is there any way that the Beeb or other news media organisation can be brought before a court and made to account for broadcasting false or unconfirmed rumours as fact when efforts to verify should have been undertaken before dissemination?
it’s still cowardice. Remember, Islam invented the concept of hiding behind your children rather than vice versa.
Telling your children to sacrifice themselves and be killed for the sake of your insane racist hatred – the Moslem contribution to human civilisation.
Publishing false information designed to encourage racial hatred, which the BBC have been doing for yonks, is a specific criminal offence.
Grimer tried to get the police interested, and they gave him the brush-off. I encouraged him to take it up with his MP, police authority and local papers (for refusing to investigate a criminal offence), and got nasty comments from Bio for my trouble.
I’d already took it up with my MP. This is the response from Mr Cohen:
From: COHEN, Harry [mailto:COHENH@parliament.uk]
Sent: 07 January 2009 11:42
To: xxxxx xxxxxx
Subject: RE: BBC Bias
Mr xxxxxxx, I do not share your opinion. In fact whenever I seem to hear
Radio 4 they are interviewing an Israeli spokesperson. I don’t think
you’re on the right track blaming the messenger. “Pure hatred” is what
the military action is all about. I have called for an immediate
ceasefire, an end to the economic blockade of Gaza, to the firing of
rockets and to the targetted assassinations (which happened during the
recent ceasefire). I oppose and abhor all such statements which proclaim
one group of people as superior or inferior to another. I regard every
life as precious, including a child in Gaza. I wish the Israeli
authorities would take this view and we should have done the equivalent
with Iraqis too. You are of course free to complain to the BBC or
police as you wish. Harry Cohen MP
Sorry, should say “I’d already taken the issue up with my MP”
The Police did suggest I contact the Broadcasting Complaints Authority. Anybody had any success with them?
Who is Harry Cohen? A self hating tory Jew?
Sorry, Grimer. I feel for anyone who has such a stupid, ignorant lunatic for an MP.
Ratass, he is the maniacally grinning idiot representing Leytonstone for so-called ‘Labour’.
I used to live in Bethnal Green, so anybody is an improvement upon Gallocunt the traitor. However, Mr Cohen does have a very sizeable Muslim population to impress.
“Sarah: Are you a Muslim as well? Perhaps you should try living as a Muslim woman in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia.
Martin | 09.01.09 – 9:12 pm | # ”
Hi Martin
No, I not a Muslim. I’m a pretty poor Methodist.
I would really dislike living in Saudi Arabia, or anywhere with a fundamentalist government.
I should point out that one of my chief gripes with the BBC is that it shies away from asking important questions of Islam, including its oppression of women and persecution of gays.
BBC’s bland, misleading headline:
“UK protestors call for Gaza peace”
-that hardly describes the aims of the supporters of Islamic jihad Hamas.
That BBC item mentions that there is also a demonstration tomorrow; but it doesn’t mention that the demonstration is in opposition to Hamas:
‘Harry’s Place’
“Spread the Word”
An article for the BBC to ignore:
“Shiraz Maher: Britain’s Muslims should condemn Hamas, not Israel”
Obviously, this event in Italy is not reported by BBC:
‘Jihadwatch’ comment on ‘Telegraph’ report:-
‘5,000 Muslims stage “intimidating” demonstration in front of world’s 3rd largest Catholic church’
‘-Including an impromptu mass prayer facing Mecca. The Catholic church observed that “Saturday’s demonstration contained elements that were alien to faith and religion.” Actually, depending on which “religion” one is talking about, these “elements” — euphemism for rage, hate, intolerance, supremacism, intimidation, violence — may well be part of it.’
Silly Cow on BBC News describes potential violence at the Stop The War march:
‘There may be some groups that wish to pursue a slightly stronger form of protest.’
They also had some silly cow called Lindsey German saying we don’t need to worry if things turn violent, because of the ‘level of violence in Gaza’.
I predict a riot!
I notice that Juliet Stevenson is the current ‘star’ wheeled out by these antisemites.
I have emailed her agents to ask whether she is an innocent stooge, or is knowingly taking part in this antisemitism fest.
The threats, the intimidation and the rioting from the Muslims across Europe only serves to awaken the native Europeans. No amount of ‘Islamic Science’ bullshit propaganda documentaries from the BBC is going to change what the plebs are encountering in real life on the streets, in the schools and in the workplaces.
No, I not a Muslim. I’m a pretty poor Methodist.
Well I am a very rich Catholic
Nearly Oxfordian:
Got that e-mail address for Juliet dogface Stevenson’s agent? Would like to drop them an e-mail myself.
Just do a google search for Juliet Stevenson and it’ll come up 😉
Here you go:
Markham & Froggatt.
Wow, Nearly Oxfordian , it seems you have quite the online reputation online. I looked you up. impressive. spreading your ‘I’m a Jew and if you disagree with me , youre an anti-semitic bastard’ bollocks all over the web. I’m so grateful for the right to free speech.
And how grateful are you? Would you fight for his right to free speech?
No, I wouldnt fight for his right to free speech. In fact, I’d send him to Guantanamo. Yeah, as an ‘enemy combatant’ or whatever. People like him should have their freedom of speech revoked, via an idiot clause or something of the such.
Then it’s a good thing you are just an average, powerless, broke dick jerk.
Anything but average bruv. Powerless? Not as powerless as the innocent Palestinians being killed by the Zionists. Broke dick jerk? That bit didnt make sense. Sounds like the sort of thing I’d hear in a shit American teen movie. You a yank by any chance? Or maybe you make up phrases like that all by yourself. If so, well done.
And you would be here to accomplish…what? Except to spout projections of exactly what you accuse others of, typical liberal self rightousness, aprticularly concerning the Palestinians, i.e, the world’s Trailer Trash.
Broke Dick Jerk = Castrated.
And your purpose here is….? Except to defend the world’s Trailer Trash, i.e. Palestinians, and project exactly what you accuse others of, btw, a typical liberal illogic arguement.
Broke Dick Jerk: a male parading as a man whose nads are kept in a femi-nazi lock box.
Interesting report from the Israeli DEBKA intelligence site:-
Mass Hamas defections after 550 fighters killed – and splits between HAMAS leaders in Gaza and Damascus