Managed to miss most of the first of the 2009 “Any Questions” programme and given that it had the loathsome Tony McNulty and the abomination that is Sarah Teather no bad thing. Alas I did catch Teather doing her party piece and getting viciously stuck into Israel. All that was missing was the violins as she spewed out her pro-Hamas talking points. I also heard McNulty having a go at Christians, so no real change there. However the bit that struck me most was the actual introduction to the programme. It came from Kingsmead School in Enfield. Dimblebore thrilled about how the school is proud of the “multicultural and inclusive ethos in a community of 87 ethnic groups” that make up this area. Sorry, is this a British school or not? Maybe “Any Questions” could one day find a school with “modern facilities” which is proud of it’s British ethos? It’s not just the panelists and the audience which the BBC stacks, it is even the choice of venue.


Just catching up with the news and I see that Rent-a-Mob have been out polluting the streets of our major cities, cheering on Hamas. Curious how the BBC has chosen to contradict police estimates of the numbers of protesters present in London (BBC say 50,000 but the Police say 12,000, go figure!) and then uses such weasel expressionsas “given the numbers of people the protest was peaceful.” Hope the injured policemen realise that! I also notice the BBC ends it report with the statement that “Health officials in Gaza say more than 800 Palestinians have died. Israel says 13 Israelis have been killed.” No Hamas terrorists killed so far , then? Not even one, apparently.


Interesting piece here on “mending the feud” between the savages in Hamas and the crazies in Al Fatah. I was intrigued by the BBC reporters view that Hamas are “softening” their line. Oh really? Anyway, you’ll be disheartened to know that there is little chance of rapprochement between these two gangs because of, yes, that’s right, Israel. Love the line “as the bombs fall on Gaza” – just like Dresden, right. Trying to point out the bombs fall on Hamas rocket sites and weapon storage depots seems to have escaped the sophisticated BBC mind. You see whatever the Palestinian problem, it is always the fault of the pesky Jews.


Hi folks, been away and just back so apologies for lack of posts, so far. I see the BBC have managed to take the puerile action of a young Conservative and use media saints, Gerry and Kate McCann, to ensure that the world is reminded just how nasty those Tories are. Ever been young and done something stupid? Ever expect to see it blasted across the world care of the BBC?


I see the BBC has been shilling for the UN following that organisations petulant display that the Unwra will not re-commence its allegedly humanitarian mission in Gaza until Israel guarantess the safety of its workers. Suits me if they never recommence but I wonder why the BBC never asks why the Unwra does not idenify Hamas as a threat to its workers. Maybe they are related? Also, anyone catch Newsnight defining the Red Cross as ” a very conservative organisation” as it launches a verbal onslaught on Israel. Meanwhile Alan Johnston was afforded space to let us know how invincible Hamas is. Loved the way he talked of the Hamas culture of “sacrifice and martyrdom” – that’s homicide bombing to you and me. Nice stuff, Al Beeb – Hamas could not wish for a better PR campaign.

The trouble with those people is they think they can do whatever they want.

“Can Israel do whatever it wants?”

That’s the headline on today’s World Have Your Say, presented by the BBC. I haven’t got time to go into all the buried assumptions and question-begging this choice of headline embodies. It’s designed to draw forth either the answer “Yes – because the world will not stop these maniacs” or “No – the world must stop these maniacs”.


I am sure you will have read the BBC report of “just a few” rockets being launched from southern Lebanon into Israel overnight. (aka Iran opens the northern front). I invite you to compare the paucity of the BBC coverage of the impact these rockets have had on the Israeli population at the receiving enfdwith that here from Fox. I suppose there wasn’t the room given the BBC need to further character assassinate Israel. Your views?

General BBC-related comment thread!

Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. This is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may also be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would be appreciated! It’s your space, use it wisely.


I see the BBC reports that Gordon Brown and his “top team” are on tour in Liverpool today. It’s as if it were a soccer tour! Given the daily collapses that now characterise the UK economy, and the consequential hemorrhaging in jobs, I think the cheery tone of this report is a bit peculiar. Were this a Conservative government, I wonder would the BBC be quite so quick to breathlessly carry press releases so faithfully and without caveat or further comment?


BBC reporter Paul Reynolds, he who is oft mentioned on this pages, has a new article here on what he calls “the language of Hamas.” I think he makes some fair enough points re Hamas though I suggest to Paul that Hamas do not want a final settlement with Israel, they seek a final solution. Like Hitler. Your thoughts?