I see the BBC are drooling in anticipation that new Jihad poster boy Binyan Mohamed is due to come back to Blighty next week! Love the pic of him here posing beside the Thames – wonder was it tourism or reconnaissance? The BBC are so enthusiastic about portraying Binyam as a cheerful Brit that it is almost amusing. Wonder have they more pics of him dressed up as Pearly King doing the Lambeth Walk … before he went on his travels to Al Queda’s holiday camps?
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Al-Qaeda founder launches fierce attack on Osama bin Laden
He is equally unsparing about Muslims who move to the West and then take up terrorism. “If they gave you permission to enter their homes and live with them, and if they gave you security for yourself and your money, and if they gave you the opportunity to work or study, or they granted you political asylum,” writes Dr Fadl, then it is “not honourable” to “betray them, through killing and destruction”.
David that was the first time I have laughed out loud here. Pearly king indeed. But would be his pearly Queen?
Ratass 8:44
The pearly Queen has to be the delectable Shami !
The Times online, about whom I have had some doubts of late, thankfully makes its opening line “Ethiopian born…Binyam Mohamed..” rather than BBC’s opening “Last release from Guantanamo, British resident…”
This was posted anonymously on another thread, but I think it deserves a wider audience. Surely even MikeyWineyLiberal will laugh at this ?
From the article, William Hague seems concerned about Mr Mohamed’s welfare. David Davis too; see here –
I bet you he can’t wait to laugh about his holiday mishaps over a few pints down his local…thats what we Brits do don’t we?
I suppose that BBC doesn’t notice this thing, they are too busy helping Hamas and Fatah thugs plus the Iranian Regime win the war within Islam.
Iranian Authorities Destroy Sufi Holy Site In Isfahan
“Abdol Saleh Loghmani, one of the Isfahan dervishes, told RFE/RL that the security forces cut off water and electricity to the area, and destroyed the walls around the poet’s tomb with a bulldozer.
“They also destroyed the library where [religious] books were kept. They demolished the big hall where we had our Monday and Friday ceremonies and also our Sunday dawn meetings. They took away all the carpets and other property,” he said.”
Hmm. I won’t be sitting next to him on the Underground.
mikewineliberal: Hey you’re lack leftie loser boy? Finally get you out of the toilet on Hampstead Heath did they?
Bet you’ll be round to see Bin Tosspot when he’s back won’t you?
Hey what’s another violent Koranic Literalist/Muhammadist who despises us, our country and everything we hold dear, whom we’re forced to bankroll until he decides to blow up some of us or go to Pakistan and try to kill some of our fighting men and women?
No wonder CIA considers Britain the biggest threat to America’s national security.
Radio 4 10pm news makes this a the lead story.
Lots of balance – NOT.
He is introduced as a British resident. No mention of illegal overstaying.
They then interview his military lawyer who does the usual bleating, tries to cover why he was in Afghanistan.
Then the utterly wet LibDem MP Ed Davey.
NO-ONE to put the counter view as regards his claims of torture, his activities in Afghanistan. No-one to put the view of the average Brit – ie keep this foreign creep out of our country, he has forfeited any claim to be here.
The prog then slides effortlessly into criticism of the US facility at Bagram. With another legalistic human-rights pleader.
luckylucky 10:03
Yes, the Shias hate the Sufis. One of the few good things to say about Saddam was that he didn’t persecute them. And they are free in Turkey.
But, don’t expect the BBC to report any Iranian persecution of Sufis.
From the article, William Hague seems concerned about Mr Mohamed’s welfare. David Davis too; see here –
why would you think i’d care what a pair of limp wristed tosser’s like that say,the modern conservative party are part of the problem not the
Libertarian | 20.02.09 – 8:43 pm |
thats the best thing ive ever read by a muslim,him i could get to like.
and the sufis have always been persecuted by dogma/amgod loving muslims,
read idris shah.
“mikewineliberal: Hey you’re lack leftie loser boy? Finally get you out of the toilet on Hampstead Heath did they?”
That is totally uncalled for.Isn’t it enough he will have to give up the vino and wear a burqa?
“mikewineliberal: Hey you’re lack leftie loser boy? Finally get you out of the toilet on Hampstead Heath did they?”
Yup. Whiney heard the delicate sound of a muslim terrorist being offended. It brings him running every time.
The RoP,UK branch are sending bomb parts to the Taleban. Although the BBC may not mrntion it,Milliband has been told – so that’s alright then?
The BBC, like the rest of the left, is more concerned with the rights of Muslim terrorists and extremists than they are with the rights of ordinary, decent, innocent people to go about their daily lives without the threat of being blown to pieces by such animals.
They will claim that “rights are rights” and that all they are doing is making sure that everyone’s rights are protected, no matter who they are. But this is quite obviously bulls*it. The only rights that should be protected are the rights of those who respect the rights of others. There is no moral justification whatsoever for protecting the rights of people whose only goal in life is to deliberately slaughter innocent civilians in terrorist attacks.
We all have the right to be free – but if you take away the rights of others by initiating physical force or fraud against them, then you lose your claim on that right. Thus criminals are sent to jail and their freedom taken away. This principle is a cornerstone of civilized society.
Not so in the eyes of the left. Not only do they believe that criminals have the same rights as everyone else, they go so far as to act as if the rights of such people are more important than the rights of the people whose lives they threaten.
The leftist mindset is a curse on civilization. They are traitors to humanity and to every single principle and premise which sets us apart from the barbarians who wish to destroy us. I’m left wondering which is their stronger motive – a love of terrorists, or a hatred of the West. The answer is probably equal measures of each.
How many more of these scum are we going to have to accommodate now that the Messiah is closing down the Terrorist Butlins?
I bet most of them have some sort of link to these shores. so we’ll end up with the bulk of them. It’s a total disgrace!
National Public Radio went the Beeb one better last week by referring to Binyan as a “British citizen” on their evening news roundup.
I think if it were in their power some of these news organizations would have awarded him a knighthood by now.
Mugwump 11:37
You can be pretty sure he will be given British Citizenship in the future. It is his right !
My girlfriend was chucked out of the conntry. Her visa had run out.
She came from a 1st world country, was educated, tallented and had money.
Every terrorist, rapist, murderer can come to this ocuntry and have the Left protect them.
This country has commited suicide.
“This country has commited suicide.”
Yes a nasty case of suicide,somebody emptied the magazine into the back of it’s head.The witnesses,Tranzis,Gramscians and Fabians siad “It was a tragedy,but they weren’t close enough to stop it from pulling the trigger”.
vicky | 20.02.09 – 10:58 pm |
Quite right – the thing about the left is that they think that they have to agree with everything their party says. I do have conservative leanings but Hague and Cameron (and Davis) are only conservative sometimes.
Anonymous | 21.02.09 – 12:33 am |
Sorry was I.
He is equally unsparing about Muslims who move to the West and then take up terrorism. “If they gave you permission to enter their homes and live with them, and if they gave you security for yourself and your money, and if they gave you the opportunity to work or study, or they granted you political asylum,” writes Dr Fadl, then it is “not honourable” to “betray them, through killing and destruction”.
And it is also permitted to deceive the Infidel, particularly so if it threatens the ummah’s size in the Infidel country being reduced. What was it – Ah yes, Taqqiya.
Martin writes:
Hmm. I won’t be sitting next to him on the Underground.
I on the otherhand would have no problem, neither would i have a problem with the trip to the holiday camp i would get for snapping his neck like a twig.
But hey that’s just the muslim blood in me talking.
We only ever hear the left bleat about the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. Political prisoners in other Cuban jails never seem to worry them at all.
The lefties do love Cuba, even though that regime jails political opponents and bans free speech, trade unions and all political parties except the Communist Party.
Pete 7:17
In a way, it is a back-handed compliment from the left. They don’t expect their brutal left-wing dictator heroes like Castro to behave any better. But, they do expect higher standards from “right-wing” democracies.
The hypocrisy is breath-taking. I don’t know how they can live with such double standards in the same “mind”.
The left bien pensants always want to champion a cause defend the downtrodden right, wrongs blah blah. Well I have a real genuine campaign for them why don’t they protest and fight the good fight for Britain’s pensioners….or wouldn’t that be as much fun as defending “freedom fighters” layabouts and a combination of the two
With Iraq a success and Bush gone, the liberal fascists need something to keep the cause going – so up pops Binyam:
“Edward Davey, Liberal Democrat foreign affairs spokesman, said: “With Mr Mohamed back in the UK, the government will have to come clean over any British role in his alleged rendition and torture.
“The attorney general has a huge responsibility on her shoulders … Britain’s international reputation is on the line.”
Kate Allen, UK director of Amnesty International, said: “We also need a proper independent inquiry into Binyam’s case and allegations of a cover-up over torture, as well as into the wider practice of rendition and secret detention.
“The UK government should also now press for the release of Shaker Aamer and Ahmed Belbacha – two other men with longstanding links to the UK “.
So they want more of it because they can’t let go – its not Binyam that’s important, its the script for the Left. Bash Bush, its all our fault, everything the Islamist do to us we deserve it for being so bad. Dr Sanity deconstructed it so well.
I think we’re being set up for this bullet dodger racking up a huge legal aid bill – collections administered by
Upyours & Die
27 Carnage Street
Ethiopia House
Geert Wilders appears to be the only politician in Europe with the courage to face up to Islam. Here is the speech he made in Rome last Thursday: http://gatesofvienna.blogspot.com/2009/02/geert-wilders-speech-in-rome.html#readfurther
I see David Vance has roused the mob again. As I pointed out earlier, the Conservatives are concerned about the ramifications of this case too. The implication that the bbc is pursuing a left wing cause just doesn’t hold.
Or perhaps i’m naïve to treat this as anything other than a pretext for some muslim bashing; and rather bizarrely fidel Castro
“But what good is it if you destroy one of your enemy’s buildings, and he destroys one of your countries?”
Hahhaa…the guy is a genius! 🙂
MWL – it’s neither left or right wing to wonder how an alleged terrorist with no claim of nationality but simply residency is to be given leave to remain in Blighty, given legal aid and all the benefits that the state can offer when he was broke the rules of his visa. Fair enough, evidence obtained under torture is inadmissable but surely that’s for an Ethiopian court to judge.
Get a grip lad. When the BBC ‘flagship’ radio show has a Lib Dem Peer and a former Gitmo prisoner on to discuss his case – it may not be beyond your analytical prowess to recognize the bias.
The BBC’s permamently dhimmified pro-Islam bias:
We know what to expect next from each of these three openings to recent BBC web news stories:
1.)’British resident’, Binyan Mohamed,…
2.)’Cleric’ Abu Qatada…
3.)’Far right’ Dutch MP, Geert Wilders…
I see David Vance has roused the mob again. As I pointed out earlier, the Conservatives are concerned about the ramifications of this case too. The implication that the bbc is pursuing a left wing cause just doesn’t hold.
The big concern is that prisoners of war are to have the same burden of proof as civil crimes.
This clearly is impossible in the fog of war and will lead us into a situation where there is no downside to British Muslims travelling aboard and attacking our troops.
These men should have been held (with our without interrogation) until there is no longer a terrorist threat.
The alternative is that we risk the consequences of weak response to terrorism.
and can you imagine the fun the current crop of leftie lawyers + human rights activists would have had in 1943 disputing the Allies legitamisy and releasing Axis troops back to their homelands after for El Alamein?
Dick the Prick | 21.02.09 – 9:52 am
Carlyle has proven himself to be an independent and rational voice on these matters. It was reasonable for Today to interview him.
MWL – i’m not dissing the dude at all but he has particular remit to review all cases of potential terrorism not whether this should be in our court at all. He’s not a member of the executive nor able to comment on the wider political ramifications.
It’s been presented as a fait accompli and the BBC has avoided all debate on that context.
I can understand that it’s useful to have him here to monitor him but considering i’m just a Yorkshire guy and don’t have access to the files but no one has deined to show that it is profitable for him to be here.
And what the hell does British resident mean in law when that status is forfeit?
It was NOT reasonable for Today to fail to interview anyone who opposes his return to the UK (the vast majority of Brits ?), or anyone to state clearly the case the Americans had against him, to puncture this BBC lie that he was just floating around in a dream in Afghanistan and Pakistan – and to refute his allegations of torture, allegations which Al Q have in their training manual.
Also, it is utter bias to carry on through the morning with the main headline “”The decision to release …..has been welcomed” – as if EVERYONE agrees with this. Why no counter-statement “The decision….has been condemned”
The BBC is showing utter grovelling bias in this case. As we expected it to.
The number of prisoners at Guantanamo – has reduced very considerably. So this creep looks to me to be among the hardcore, as far as the US authorities are concerned ?
What was worse this morning, a new BBC dimension, was the bleating for proper welfare arrangements for this poor diddums, for a gentle rehabilitation. God almighty, the guy is likely to live on benefits for yonks, is likely to try to sue the Government (at our expense), and does not appear to have done anything worthwhile in the time he was here before. He should never have been allowed back – and any sensible Home Seecretary would refuse any extension of residency beyond, say, a year, and then return him to Ethiopia.
George R 9:56
Spot on, the BBC bias is blatant and shameless !
“We only ever hear the left bleat about the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. Political prisoners in other Cuban jails never seem to worry them at all.”
This is to misunderstand the leftist psychopathy,the just adore a tyrant.Lefties were the school nerds forever looking for a protector,that is why they loved Stalin ,Pol Pot and that psychopathic upper middle class creep Che.
These gangsters are doing what the lefties would love to do if they had the balls and the power.
Just look at the draconian and intrusive legislation introduced by this government of wimps.
Interesting to watch the Brahmins of the liberal left crank up the machinery of victimhood,turning Binyan Mohamed into a cause celebre. Nobody does it better than the BBC,create the news rather than reporting it.Lets face it,nobody outside the great and the good gives a toss about the bloke.
He is an Ethiopian arrested leaving Pakistan on a false passport and sent to Cuba by the Americans,WGAF?
Calling this man a ‘British resident’ in the opening words creates a false impression of nationality or citizenship, when in fact he is an Ethiopian citizen. The man is not British, he has (for the time being) a right of residency in Britain – as indeed do all citizens of the EU, except Geert Wilders.
From this case, you can all see what the leftist establishment (now including the Conservative Party) wishes to be the fate of Britain and the people within it. Is the only opposition party really as extreme as this?
The BBC’s pro-Islamic political priorities on Afghanistan are to appease the enemy abroad:
“‘No US rights’ for Bagram inmates”
-and to ignore that enemy’s lethal Muslim friends in Britain, by avoiding reports like this:
“British Muslims ‘providing Taliban with electronic devices for roadside bombs'” (Con Coughlin)
(‘Garden Trash’ referred to this here 11:28 pm.)
‘Jihadwatch’ comments, while the BBC, in effect, censors, through its silence on its own (our) news website-
“British Muslims providing Taliban with electronic devices for roadside bombs to kill British troops”
“Electronic devices such as ‘mobile phones filled with explosives, which could kill or seriously injure British soldiers patrolling on foot, and more sophisticated devices that can be used against military vehicles.’ Quite ingenious these British Muslims; combining their Western heritage (e.g.., technology) with their jihadi blood-lust, they can sure be quite creative.”
The BBC’s self-censoring message is clear: report/comment as little as possible anything which may offend Muslims, however true such reports may be.