Isn’t it curious just how disinterested BBC journalists can be on certain issues? Take this; “NI’s Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness, a former IRA member, said nobody should say or do anything which would see Northern Ireland return to its troubles. “I supported the IRA during the conflict, I myself was a member of the IRA but that war is over,” said the Sinn Fein MP.”
Well we all know that McGuinness was an IRA terrorist since has has boasted of this pedigreee but why is it that BBC journalists do not pursue the question as to what crimes he committed when in this criminal organisation? For instance, how many murders did he sanction? Did he carry any out himself or did he just instruct others? Was he involved in authorising the Claudy massacre in which 9 innocents were blown to pieces, for instance? What knowledge does he have of the crimes carried out by fellow IRA terrorists? What rank did he hold in this criminal conspiracy? Apparently NONE of this interests the fearless seekers of truth in BBC journalism so keen are they to follow the government line sanitising the past! The bias here lies in what is left unsaid, in what is not pursued. It is one of my contentions that the BBC is a rancid mouthpiece for government propaganda – so long as the government is of the left. The total BBC disinterest in the fact that the Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland is a notorious terrorist makes my point. Why it’s almost as if the BBC has sympathies with Mr McGuiness.
Can we really afford to be in Northern Ireland anymore : economically and politically.
It truly is pathetic that the BBC is virtually insulated from market forces that all media finds itself in.
Decent journalism doesn’t cost anything and yet we’re being utterly and mind numblingly hit with Binman Mohammed – smack pilgrim really in the wrong place – who’s maybe got a bit of evidence that WE’RE AT WAR – heaven forfend MI6 may beast someone occasionaly – personally, i’d rather be beaten up than killed but I guess it’s not a numbers game.
I like the angle – again, avoided by the BBC that McGuiness & the UDP dude we’re off on a 10 day junket – whoops, sorry, fact finding mission to Yanksville culminating in a Presidential press conference. Snub Brown & forgive sins of provos.
What happened yesterday was a thoroughly professional hit – they were murdered on order.
I don’t care about biased bbc on this subject.
We need to get out of Ireland.
I resent paying my hard-earned taxes to prop up that shithole.
Its not even part of Britain.
Not entirely off topic. The wording mirrors Antrim.
Baghdad police attack ‘kills 28’
Did the Baghdad police attack someone?
No, they were attacked.
Two comments already saying “we” need to get out of Northern Ireland. Who’s this “we”? The damn-near 1m people there who consider themselves British and wish to remain so?
Should “we” get out of Northumbria too, since it costs a lot as well?
Sorry for the OT comment, but honestly…
ohh aye sam, so just calling yourself “British” entitles you a hand-out does it?
I’m suprised more poeple aren’t calling themselves British in the 3rd World.
If it works for the Irish, why not for them.
Your argument doesn’t stand up mate!
Dear Mr Ordinary Brit
Sam’s right – there is no ordinary Brit if you can even slightly mention ‘getting out’ of Ireland. We were never in Ireland, Ireland was in us. Off all the provinces of the Isles there are but people descended from people.
To take the BBC line the troubles have ended. They may hibernate but this was a professional hit – let’s watch how the Beeb does in checking out this investigation. Got Jean Charles de Menezes through the teeth – hows about a couple of lads getting a pizza?
Who ordered it?
Why these lads?
Why now?
How much have they got to lose??
For starters.
You know full well that the slate was wiped clean with the Good Friday Agreement. If McGuinness has been involved in terrorist activity since that agreement, then he should be questioned on it.
Just because you wish to dwell in the past does not mean that the BBC is biased when it doesn’t.
And before I get abused, I am specifically referring to this posting, not BBC bias in general.
Ordinary Brit
i dont want a hand out.
i want the british government to defend british people!!
i have watched my friends die by ira kilers and we pay our taxes to be defended. my father and grandfather protected you in the british army. my brother protected you in iraq.
i despise cowardly english people like you who think thier freedoms are worth protecting, but not mine.
thank god that most english are brave and understand the need to fight terror.
let me know when something bad happens in your county so we can have a chat about whether the country should bother helping you out.
“We were never in Ireland, Ireland was in us.”
What are you smoking?
We were never in Ireland, Ireland was in us.
If that was the case how come Ireland gained home rule in 1922?
ngg, no offense mate but I regard you as Irish; you’re all mad paddies over there.
and you’re a drain on resources and give nothing back to us, except give the Union a bad name with your anti-catholic bigotry.
“orinary Brit”
Whenbritain needed help in WWI – it was the Ulstremen that volunteered first
in WWII ditto (unlike the Irish republic who sided with the Nazis , DeValera being the only National leader afaik to officially record his condolances at Hitler’s death
nog is right – you are totally wrong
Anon – not Chuffer. Yeah, soz, loads of scunk. But the British didn’t create presbyterianism or full protestation.
To move from tribal chiefs to kings to politics is healthy.
I should probably declare my interest in that i’m a Yorkshire who lives up a hill. This was a professional hit on the advent of a joint party delegation to get fellated by democrats on an election fuelled high.
Was this CIA funded? Put the breaks on before the newbie does something he’ll regret?
Could it be that Brown was so quick because they had nowt to talk about? We’re bailing out 4X as much as Yanks per capita. Who’s fucking whom?
Plus, there’s absolutely no way the Irsih territory has not created magnificence in every resolved quest.
geoffrey, so did lots of soldiers from our colonies help us in WW1 and WW2, but we gave them back their independence, e.g India.
Its high time we helped the Irish unite their country. We’re just a small power nowadays.
Would Ordinary Brit hand over Bradford, too?
Where do you draw the line?
Yes, Bradford can declare UDI if it chooses. Luton too.
England for the English
Scotland for the Scots
Wales for the Welsh
Ireland for the Irish
Its not rocket science.
see e.g in Rugby, we all play each other as separate friendly nations, with separate anthems.
Orinary Brit
India wanted its independance from Britain ditto Australia, Canada New Zealand etc
The ULstermen consider themselves British and have been so since the act of Union (1801) – you might take another closer look at the Union flag and notice the cross of st patrick alonside ss george and andrew
unles you are advocating the break up of the UK?
Ordinary Brit – And Cornwall? Yorkshire?
As I say, where do you end?
Lumping the Northern Irish together with the Southern is pretty crude. A bit like saying ‘well, they’re all Northerners’ to inhabitants of Liverpool and Sheffield.
Mr Ordinary Brit – it bloody is rocket science. My Ol’ Dear goes back far enough i’m gonna be in jurrasic park.
The fight has ended in Ireland but gangsters, gunrunners, coke dealers, intelligence hangovers and quartermasters want their due. Ace.
ordinary brit
your last comment says it all.
be glad your hiding behind your keyboard.
im not irish im not a paddy. im british.
if you live near london im over most months we can meet up and have a chat about what prick you are.
I’m advocating the break-up of the UK.
Let England have its quaint little queen.
Scots want independence and so do the Irish.
geoffrey only 1/2 of Ulster regards itself as British.
Why should they have the determining say when the 4.5 million of Ireland want the unity of their country.
Last colony to be returned?
“ordinary brit”. i`m from northern ireland,and i`m as british as you mate.
no you’re not, you’re irish mate.
UK is Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
You’re in the UK , but not Britain.
You’d have to be in Wales or Scotland to be British.
ordinary brit is a troll.
ignore him
he is just here to fuck with people becsause hes too weak to do so in real life.
replying to him is what he wants.
Maybe we shouldn’t have defended the British in the Falkland Islands? Or Gibraltar – never mind what the people think just hand them over to someone else. I’m sure you would object if we all have to be EU citizens and not British.
Maybe i’m being selfish, but I just want to play me cricket, drink my beer, England for the English etc, protect our borders
and sod ya.
Meanwhile, back ON TOPIC, isn’t the BBC journalists lack of interest in the activities of the Deputy First Minister …curious?
Some say that the “slate was wiped clean” – does that mean journalists must obey, follow orders?
Northern Ireland was sold down the river years ago.
Note how Adams and co are shitting themselves though about the SAS going back in. Those guys scared the crap out of the IRA. And they will do so again.
As for DV’s point about the BBC. The BBC have sucked up to the IRA for decades.
“ordinary brit”. are there any other ethnic groups in the uk that also not british? i`m confused mate,my passport says i`m british but you say i`m not.
With apologies for going off topic again there is something about “ordinary Brit” that doesnt add up. He makes out that he is uniterested and ignorant abotu NI but then he knows the date of independence of the Free State and talks of anti-catholic bigotry – we know where that sort of language comes from. Also what he say about taxes doesnt add up – he talks of letting Engld keep its quant queen and then talks of england for the english. And if he isnt engligh then the other countries are getting almost as much subsdiy as NI (not something anyone is keen on but irrelevant to the political status of NI. Then his insistance on Ni not being British and that Ireland shouldbe reuinted it all looks a bit suspicious. He knows the poulation of Ireland (I dont) and talks of it as a colony.
Sure he refers to “paddies” but i think he is a disingenous republican and that ngg is correct. I intend to ignore him.
I dont think to be honest whereever people live that genuine British people have much difficulty coping with Britain the island and Britain the people of whom not all live on that island.
On topic it would be good to be able to come up with examples where the BBC w more interested in peoples past but the best I can do is repeated showings of Redwood not knowing the Welsh amthem and other trivialities and distortions the tories arent allowed to forget
Can anyone else do any better?
There is ashcroft’s tax status but maybe that is more driven by Lbaour rather than the BBC
Ordinary Brit isn’t a troll – he’s from Dorset.
I think Francis is perceptive, and that “ordinary Brit” is a masquerade.
It’s bizarre to think that posting your views on NI here has any effect.
The only investigative journalism I can ever remember in NI about terrorism was Robin Cook. I don’t think the BBC ever did anything useful, though they may have done something on Omagh and the phone evidence. Anyone know any differently? I do remember the BBC making a romanticised drama about the IRA uprising of 1916 though.
Dorset is right, and I’m on the cider right noo.
james,its a UK passport if you want to get technical.
I just think Ireland should never have been partitioned. Not fair to do that, esp if the majority want unity.
Well said, DV. This line of argument comes up a lot. The government announced the ‘slate was wiped clean’ so the BBC can’t report on it? Huh?
I don’t remember things working quite the same way in the Thatcher years. Ditto, with racially-motivated violence as what it is without the police officially calling it that.
As soon as the wrong facts turn up, an organisation that employs more journalists than every other in Britain combined suddenly decides it can’t do anything but simply reword official statements.
Of course, that last post should read ‘calling racially motivated violence what it is’
Ordinary Brit,
Dorset is great -you dont sound very Westcountry though.
I think possibly independence fro Ireland was wrong so in a way I might agree with you against partitioning. The problem is on what scale do you decide these thing? The majority of the Uk would have been agaisnt independence i am assuming – if a region of it can ahve self determination why not a smaller area? In any case it was the only terms on which independence was going to happen and was agreed in the treaty. Not perfect but there is no better alternative.
Francis – did you just say pay ’em to shut up?’
There are very few avenues to know these people – bastardos.
Dick the Prick | 09.03.09 – 12:34 am | #
I’m confused
I mean I have no idea what you are talking about. (realised that what i was saying was incomprehensible too)
“Why it’s almost as if the BBC has sympathies with Mr McGuiness.”
I don’t think the BBC ever bothered trying to hide their pro-IRA sympathies even at the height of the troubles. The BBC were the IRA’s propaganda front then, why would things change now?
The BBC are an amoral cesspit representing everything that is wrong with Britain.
Ordinary Brit sounds more like an Ordinary O’Roman.
It was Southern Ireland that seceded from the United Kingdom in 1922, and from the British Commonwealth in 1948. Northern Ireland has stayed British and stayed free.
The province of Northern Ireland is not now, nor has it ever been, a part of the Irish Republic, which is an alien Roman Catholic state, and a sanctuary for terrorists.
Not many Irish Catholics want to live in the Irish Republic either.
Now now sawtooth, can’t go around exposing the republicans for the frauds that they are now, it’s not politically correct!
Don’t you know, if you’re an Ulster Loyalist, an Israeli or an American, you deserve to die in the most violent and callous terrorist atrocities imaginable!
“Some say that the “slate was wiped clean” – does that mean journalists must obey, follow orders?”
Not at all. However, this is not the time to question him about it. It is important that the media do not inflame the situation.
Dick the Prick | 08.03.09 – 10:35 pm |
Was this CIA funded? Put the breaks on before the newbie does something he’ll regret?
Nobody in the US gives a damn about this, other than a few older gentlemen in certain bars in Hells Kitchen, several places in Queens, and one bar in my neighborhood. This isn’t even remotely the kind of “international crisis” that would give a wet-behind-the-ears President pause. This isn’t even a blip on the radar. Why would the CIA bother with this trifle? Why would something like this have any affect on anything President Obamessiah is doing? That makes no sense.
(No offense meant to anyone who is actually affected by the murders, or with a real interest in the region, but most people in the US have no clue, never mind an interest in any of it. It’s impossible to see this affecting a President’s actions on anything in any way.)
As for the thoughtless errors over the meeting with Gordon Brown, The Obamessiah and his people were inept and amateurish because he is in way over his head (as are the rest of his personal staff), and really is arrogant and narrow-minded. Not because of anything to do with NI or the IRA.
They knew they screwed up. Total amateur hour, still.
Old news David. It’s been covered ad infinitum.
You’re really boring me now.
We are all aware of your personal opinions about the NI peace process but are’nt those meant for your other Blog?
Since Britain including Northern Ireland are ruled from Brussels what was this bizarre atrocity about? Forget the Irish Republic, that too is a fiefdom of the EU.
One for a serious investigative by the BBC?
No, he likes to spread his bitterness towards the peace process wherever he can. Peace it seems it not enough, it must be on his terms.