General BBC-related comment thread.

Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. This is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may also be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would be appreciated! It’s your space, use it wisely

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176 Responses to General BBC-related comment thread.

  1. DB says:

    Atlas shrugged | 29.04.09 – 9:23 pm

    So the fecking Jesuits are all communists? The sneaky bastards.


  2. Chuffer says:

    “IMO the above is SELF APPARENTLY so. So much so, that if you are not aware of same, nothing that is currently happening in this world of theirs, can possibly make any real sense whatsoever.”

    Er….right. Bit like that paragraph, then.

    Anyone remember Monty Python’s ‘Anne Elk’, and her ‘theory’?


  3. Chuffer says:

    Here’s Anne Elk/Atlas Shrugged:


  4. Albert the Cat says:

    Atlas shrugged?
    Aw ma Gawd – takes all sorts, dunnit!!


  5. George R says:

    Irony of ironies:

    ‘pink news’:
    “BBC and Channel 4 could be allowed to opt-out of new equality laws”


    “The BBC and Channel 4 may be permitted to opt out of equality laws in order to preserve editorial independence.

    “The Equality Bill, revealed this week by Minister for Equality Harriet Harman, will force public bodies to actively promote equality. Although some organisations are already exempt from the requirement, the two major broadcasters are not.

    “It is thought the new legislation could impose quotas on the broadcasters, meaning identifiers such as gender, sexual orientation and race would have to be taken into account when casting actors for shows.

    “However, officials at both broadcasting corporations are concerned the requirement could affect editorial independence and quality.”


  6. Martin says:

    George R: Yes, forcing the BBC to employ some straight males or even some Tories would be horrible wouldn’t it?


  7. Jon says:

    Martin | 29.04.09 – 11:20 pm |

    No – the equality bill is just the opposite. It is an evil bit of legislation that will do nothing for anyone. We will get third rate workers, not because of their skills, but because they are the right sex or colour. That is another reason why the public sector is useless – abilty counts for nothing, and “quotas” do not include white male hetrosexuals.

    The BBC has it in place already – they introduced it under Dyke.

    It is really sickening to be told that you are a second class citizen because you do not fit into the governments utopiam world.

    Fathers are irrelevant, Gurkhas are the wrong ethnic group, etc etc.

    How the Labour party get any support from any white male is beyond me.


  8. Cassandra says:

    The peter Mandelson and Jim Naughtie mutual masturbation this AM was actually quite amusing, non answers to non questions with mandelson pretending to play the elder statesman and failing badly, Naughtie pretending to be a journalist and failing badly.
    Fawning and creepy toadying so audible it became rather funny, the tone change from hard,cutting,hate filled and abrasive when interviewing a Tory class enemy to soft,hushed awe,fawning and creepy when its the turn of a BBC fellow traveller, an audio version of a blink comparator would be very interesting.


  9. JohnA says:


    It might be worth collecting some of the adjectives that apply to an interview with Labour or Liberal on the one hand, and Tory or any to the right on the other hand.

    eg Fawning, creepy, respectful, soft, mild….. versus aggressive, harsh, combative, interrupting, etc


  10. Ricky Martin says:

    Cassandra | 30.04.09 – 8:21 am | #

    JohnA | 30.04.09 – 10:29 am | #

    As I have said before, the BBC Newspeak teams interview Labour MPs and supporters but interrogate Conservatives.

    Similarly, they interview Muslim extremists and interrogate Israelis.

    Their mantra: Minority good, majority bad is coming under pressure right now.


  11. Grant says:

    Sine 6:37
    Great link. Brown is a total prat. He forgot he had to make a statement to the House. Of course, the BBC won’t show it, any more than they show all the Obama gaffes so widely available on youtube.


  12. TPO says:

    Will this see the light of day on the BBC.

    Anger as junior minister blames ‘Hairy Angel’ Susan Boyle for swine flu pandemic

    It’s that twat Sion Simon again.


  13. piggy kosher says:

    ME headline “Israel Warns E.U Critics”
    Nice, unambiguous message from the Israeli Govt to various half witted Italian and Greek meddlers to sod off. Bugger, difficult one for the beeboids to spin..
    But lets just find a deeply unflattering pic of Mr Netanyahu, that should do it.
    How low can you go, if you are a beebo?


  14. Ricky Martin says:

    piggy kosher | Homepage | 30.04.09 – 3:58 pm |

    Piggy, I hope you are planning to visit the BBC, sneeze a lot and spread a little piggy flu around since they are so fascinated by it.

    We could start a competition:

    Q How low can you go, if you are a beebo?

    A As low as a flatliner? A gutter? A sewer?


  15. piggy kosher says:

    piggy is breathing all over the bastards at the White City tube station.


  16. piggy kosher says:

    As my Nan used to say (G d bless her) “You are so low you can walk under a snakes belly with a top hat on”


  17. frankos says:

    Hugh Sykes on Radio4 spouting his anti British troop venom in Basra.
    Every other decent broadcaster (SKY, C4 and ITV) have given a balanced view of the Allies in Iraq but this silly lefty twat insists on demeaning the British troops and their efforts.
    Where does the BBC get these all nasty little turds?


  18. piggy kosher says:

    They advertise in the gruniad or the indewankfest, the thinking turds top organs.


  19. David Preiser (USA) says:

    Even though the BBC is going out of its way to avoid calling the end of British combat operations in Iraq a qualified success, I’ll say it.

    This means that UK troops have handed pretty much the whole region over to the people of Iraq. Not to Sadaam’s minions, his sons (who would be in charge very soon if we hadn’t invaded), not to a Sunni militant faction, not to Iran’s puppet, and it’s not anything like half of Africa, with entire populations at each other’s throats. The BBC’s beloved “Stop the War Coalition” thinks otherwise, of course.

    That’s a successful mission, even if it was nothing like a perfect one. My sincere thanks to all British troops who helped the US and the Iraqi people when asked. My thanks also to the British Government for being the ally we needed, and my thanks to British citizens who supported the troops and their mission.

    The BBC will instead try to focus on the negatives and give prominent placement to various objections. They won’t say this means Iraq will now be better off than it would have been under Sadaam, and then his sons, but I will.


  20. WoAD says:

    The mission in Iraq to restore order, not a very good order but an order far from civil war, has been a success, despite everything that went wrong. This will count as victory to some, and that it can be used as a stick to beat the camp left-wing twats with makes it almost worth believing in. But it isn’t even close to victory. Iraq votes in tandem with the evil OIC and supports Palestinianism. And that’s seriously bad, it means nothing has really changed for us. Iraq can now join in with secular Muslim “democracies” like Turkey and Indonesia. Eurabia, and Jihadism around the world will go on as though nothing has happened.



  21. TPO says:


    Tardy Tory delays Question Time
    Filming of BBC One’s Question Time has had to be delayed after Conservative shadow cabinet member Andrew Lansley failed to arrive on time.
    The Cambridgeshire South MP turned up for filming in Great Yarmouth just before 2100 BST, almost an hour after the rest of the panel were in place.
    The shadow health secretary had his make-up applied hurriedly in front of the laughing audience.

    No. The real news is that the vermin and filth at the BBC will trawl the gutters to smear the Tories.

    If you look over at Peston’s nonsense you will see the following line being adopted by the BBC:
    “Cleaning up bankers’ mess” and “Bankers made ‘astonishing mess’ ”
    No, the mess is Labour’s and Brown’s in particular.

    And then we have: “Gordon Brown wins a series of Commons votes on MPs’ expenses,”
    No he didn’t BBC, he won sod all. He got well and truly shafted and what resulted was a cobbled together compromise.

    BBC resorting to misinformation yet again. My God they are desperate now with little over ayear to go before the vermin are bundled out of office.


  22. Peter says:

    TPO | 01.05.09 – 1:45 am | #

    Indeed. Crass even by already compromised standards.

    I seem to recall that President O’s punctuality traits (that nasty man GWB was ‘obsessively punctual’ or, possibly, depending on one’s view, professional and polite) were deemed a cool indication of his freewheeling nature. Bless.

    As to Gordon, Victor of the Spoils, this morning’s Breakfast News has been pretty off narrative.

    Even Kevin Maguire (noted objective commentator) was hard pressed to spin the up side. For balance they had some non-blokey bloke in a suit so the views of the country (in BBC-world, at least: dandyish toffs and champions of worker’s struggle) are represented, so all is OK. For ratings at least.

    Can’t they find any with no particular political affiliation who just have common sense and can call a hand-held dirt-moving implement a hand-held dirt-moving implement?


  23. Peter says:

    And then we get the tunnel-visioned ‘some over-funded charity or interest group have whacked out some research that stuff happens, so let’s ban what a small group doesn’t like, ignoring all other factors and/or plain logic’.

    I do note Top Gear is again the favoured default in-house face of breast-beating.

    Or can we presume the BBC F1 coverage might be called to account on promoting speed too?


  24. Bryan says:

    BBC resorting to misinformation yet again. My God they are desperate now with little over ayear to go before the vermin are bundled out of office.
    TPO | 01.05.09 – 1:45 am

    Man, that will be a sight to gladden the heart. And judging by the major Tory gains during the local elections and the switch from the vile Livingstone to Johnson, the Tories will walk it.

    Dunno much about the pros and cons here. I just hope that the Labour subversives have not managed to flood Britain with enough third worlders dependent on handouts and therefore loyal to Labour and enough Muslim voters to swing the vote in Labour’s favour.

    If the Tories do get in , they will have their work cut out to reverse the damage done by Labour.


  25. Sue says:

    If the Tories do get in , they will have their work cut out to reverse the damage done by Labour.
    Bryan | 01.05.09 – 9:29 am

    According to Mel, they’re not even going to try.

    Further promotion of women and ethnic minority Conservatives. Outreach to gay rights groups (yesterday we learnt this). More emphasis on environmental policies. At Spring Forum in Cheltenham Greg Clark MP promised to make Britain the ‘Saudi Arabia of renewable energy.’…………..”


  26. Bryan says:

    Sue | 01.05.09 – 12:11 pm,
