General BBC-related comment thread.

Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. This is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may also be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would be appreciated! It’s your space, use it wisely!


It’s been a while BUT I notice a decline again in the language being used here SO can I politely ask you all to ensure that whilst points are made with passion and wit, vulgarity is left at the front door? It makes the site better.



It’s amazing how much attention the Hillsborough story is getting from the BBC. We have already covered the hype surrounding the two minute silence but today, the BBC is now pushing the self-serving Labour spun angle that “secret files” could be made available to cast new light on what happened that day over twenty years ago. Of course headlines this are quite helpful to Jacqui Smith and co, aren’t they?


Further to Ed’s post, I too am stunned at the lack of coverage the BBC affords to the tsunami of damaging stories to Labour all over the press today. The Balls story, the Collins story, the plummeting poll numbers ALL off-radar as the State Broadcaster continues to attack the Police. I also read that Jonathan Ross has been cracking jokes yesterday as the BBC read out an official statement lambasting his actions in the Andrew Sachs affair. Listeners to Ross’s Radio 2 show heard an announcer summarise a ruling from broadcasting regulator Ofcom which described the phone messages at the centre of the scandal as ‘offensive, humiliating and demeaning’. But instead of adding an apology at the end of it, Ross made a series of sarcastic remarks and played the song The Lunatics have taken over the Asylum. It’s the sheer arrogance of Ross that gets me – and in a way he sums up the problem with the BBC itself.

Campaigning Starts In Euro Elections

Keep an ear out for next Thursday’s Radio Four ‘The Report’ which promises to reveal the electoral tactics of the British National Party as they campaign for ‘a coveted Euro seat’. I somehow don’t think it’s going to be an admiring profile. Isn’t there some kind of law about doing this sort of thing at election time ?

(the revelations have also appeared here and here. Doesn’t Nick Griffin look more like Patrick Moore every day ?)

Cover story-

Looks like the BBC has decided that the big story tonight is the emergence of another video of police activities at the G20 event. It’s obvious to me that the only stand out story from that event was the death of Ian Tomlinson.

The BBC, it seems, has been looking for an excuse to demote ongoing revelations about systematic abuse of power within the Labour Government. The question of whether insiders like Nick Robinson, Robert Peston or others knew anything about the campaign is an interesting one…


Clearly Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Nehanyahu is in for a rough time and we can be certain the BBC will do everything possible to undermine his position. Take this headline today “Netanyahu – No Partner for Peace”. In essence the BBC is shilling for the PA but also helps propagandise on behalf of its dear pal, US Senator George Mitchell. Now I met with Georgie-Boy during the “negotiations” surrounding the Good Friday Agreement and had fairly argumentative sessions with him. He was Clinton’s bag-man back then and he has become a much revered figure within the BBC – so when he says jump the BBC asks how high. Criticism of Mitchell is unheard of here in Northern Ireland in BBC circles. I see Mitchell as a malevolent figure and he will exert maximum pressure on Israel whilst paying lip service to the prospect of any real change from the genocidal Palestinians. Watch the BBC shill for the Senator whilst doing everything possible to isolate Bibi. It’s what they do!


Latest piece of eco-wackery being disseminated by Al Beeb is that the functioning of the Earth’s forests “could” be lost because of climate change! Key word is “could” – read the article and count how often it is used. This sensationalist scare-mongering is all part of a relentless BBC driven process of brain-washing the population into swallowing all these AGW tripe.

More on policing …

Inspector Gadget points out the disparity between this morning’s BBC News coverage of the slapping/striking of Nicola Fisher and the killing of police officer Gary Toms.

… this story gets one page in the ‘England’ section with no photograph of the officer and no ‘trial by media’ of the alleged offenders. It was reported on BBC Radio national morning news at 8.03 am for 1.8 seconds.

Uninjured Nicola Fisher, 35, from Brighton, who was slapped across the face and hit on her leg with a baton by a Police Sergeant during the G20 protests has been talking to journalists. She refused to discuss the fee she has received via Max Clifford.

On the BBC News Website this story gets a full page in the UK and England sections, two videos and more discussion ‘out of Court’ of the officers actions from Ms Fishers perspective. On Saturday, BBC Radio national morning news ran the story twice every hour, from 6.30 am to 9.00 am. It was featured twice at length.

On my Ruralshire Constabulary team of young police officers, many of whom provide Public Order support at National events (without incident by the way) the difference in coverage will be noticed, and may add to the widening gap between police and public. Unfortunately, police officers see the media as representing public opinion.

I can understand that many people are upset by the G20 incidents. But when one of your own workmates is killed and receives less media coverage than someone who is slapped round the face and hit on the leg with a hollow metal stick causing no injury, we start to see the moral battle lines being drawn.

(Via JuliaM. Also noted at Landed Underclass)