Why is the BBC still running as it’s lead story the “It’s the end of the world” hysteria because another handful of people have in the UK being diagnosed with swine flu? Ban ki-Moon and the rest of the UN bureaucracy must love this faux war – it’s perfect for them, and the BBC are determined to keep this as the single biggest news story in the UK today.

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  1. Andrew says:

    Don’t worry. I caught swine flu trying to break into my car last night so I stoved its head in with a rock. You can all sleep soundly and dream of chubby, fat-titted sluts again.


  2. Anonymous says:

    Here we go again … the scientifically ignorant yobs at Biased BBC feel they HAVE to show how thick they are.

    A pandemic is entirely possible. Flu is a very nasty illness. Preparing for it is the rational thinrg to do. This is what governments are FOR: protecting the population.

    Had they failed to do so, and 1000s of people died needlessly, the usual yobs would have complained about government complacency and laziness.

    Just to forestall the usual nonsense: I hate the BBC, and I don’t vote Labour or LibDem.


  3. Jack Bauer says:

    “Preparing for it is the rational thinrg to do. This is what governments are FOR: protecting the population.”

    Apparently you have no idea about the difference between 1. preparing rationally and calmly for many contingencies and 2. Running near hysteria campaigns to scare the shit out of people using your in house PR company: the BBC.

    What’s THAT got to do with “science,” you thicko yob, no matter what your politics happen to be?

    You sound like you’re running a fever. Maybe it’s swine flu. That’ll put you in the twenty or less in the UK. Calm down, chill and take a pill.


  4. AndrewSouthLondon says:

    Anon: “(if) 1000s of people died needlessly….”

    This is a Public Health farce.
    Swine flu shows every sign of being harmless to normal healthy people, and only a problem to people who have multiple underlying medical problems, a compromised immune system, or new-born. The same people who are vulnerable to any infection.

    The headline 150 deaths in Mexico initially attributed to PigFlu has been scaled back by 80%. No underlying epidemiology can be offered because there was little or no recording of mild/ recovered cases – hence the mortality rate can not be calculated.

    The emergency planning industry (who I have worked with) – know nothing about medicine – just dust off their “worst case scenario” 90,000 deaths sound worst enough for you? The contingency plans are always the same – where to store the right number of body bags, the communication and command strucure – its NOT a REAL risk, its a paper plan, so everyone can feel comfortable “we have plans in place”

    Instead we have an industry of people who need to FRIGHTEN people. And those very expensive public health doctors (300+ on full NHS consultant’s salary) keep very quiet, as they are all working on “health inequalities” for their Labour masters.

    Instead they now come up with the next scare – Swine Flu Two – “the second wave could be even more deady….”