Great to see that the Sri Lankan government has cornered the remnants of the “Tamil Tigers” and are moving in for the kill. In my view, this is how you deal with the menace of terrorism – wipe them off the face of the Earth if they do not surrender and face justice. But, oh my, the BBC aren’t happy about this and I just watched a news report on BBC1 which gave us the usual hand-wringing “isn’t it awful” mantra which conforms to the narrative that terrorism can never be defeated. Well it can where there is a political will to do so. The UN and the usual shills like the BBC are dismayed as the Tigers face extinction. Look on it as Darwinism in action…
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But to be fair to the beeboids, they know how to prioritise. The Sri Lanka story is under “other top stories” while the “gay protest in moscow broken up” gets, third (or fourth?) position on the main pages.
Decisions, decisions: “who do we sorry for the most comrades? The gays or the freedom fighters….mmm, ok the gays have it”.
Tamil Tyger, burning bright,
In the Ceylon of the night;
What immoral hack or BBC,
Could mourn thy death desultory?
At one point the mournful report briefly rallies; “there is speculation that the tigers will resort to suicide attacks” Yes. Keep your chin up beeboids!
When the 8 division plus IDF ground assault finally goes in against hezbollocks sometime soon, there will be mass suicides in the beeboid bogs.
Please correct me if I am wrong. Didn’t the government make demonstrations around the houses of parliament illegal? There has been no comment about this in the light of a numbmber of weeks of demonstartions and obstruction of roads around parliament square by Tamils. I have only seen a few reports on Sky nothing on the BBC but this maybe because I avoid the BBC wherever possible.
You must force yourself to watch sometimes. Pass the sick bag Alice!
John Humphrys on the Toady programme got out of pram with a Sri Lankan representative about journalists not being allowed into the area of the fighting.
How one longed for the response along the lines of having seen the approach of the BBC with regard to Gaza the Sri Lankans didn’t want a repeat sob story with the Tamil terrorists!
A good-news story at last.
If anyone in Sri Lanka reads this website, this is just to say, "Congratulations!"
You have a government with guts, and a brave army.
The BBC have been telling you for 30 years that you could never win this war with the LTTE (who give tigers a bad name). "Military action is never enough," they said. Well, military action can go a very long way and you are about to win the war after all!
Yes, the vicious terrorists may launch suicide attacks against you. You know that already, without having any BBC journalist (or me) tell you so – after all the Tamil Tigers invented the practise and they've killed enough Sri Lankans over the years (of every community and religion) to be capable of anything. But you’ve taken back your island & crushed one of the weirdest and nastiest terrorist organisations in the world.
Ignore Charles Haviland and the BBC and enjoy your coming victory.
It seems that multiculturism has not worked in Sri Lanka. The tamils are migrants from South East India, albeit some time ago.
Perhaps the handwringing is about the thousands of innocent tamils caught up in this. One can recognise the venality of the Tigers without rejoicing in the suffering this assault is causing for innocents.
I’m surprised you put any faith in Darwinism David. Don’t you, as a born again Christian, have issues with it?
Curious how the Beeboids never mention the vile murder and brutality committed by the terrorists, or the innocent civilians they massacred
….oh, silly me, look how the state funded parasites sucked up to Sinn Fein / IRA for year after miserable year and wet their pants with excitemnt at Al Queda, Hammas and the Taleban.
“Perhaps the handwringing is about the thousands of innocent tamils caught up in this.”
Yes – using innocent people as human shields is terrible – but the BBC don’t like to mention that.
Did you know that the use of human shields is against the Geneva Convention?
“One can recognise the venality of the Tigers without rejoicing in the suffering this assault is causing for innocents.”
Indeed one could – but how would you solve this problem? Give in?
after the last of the tigers are executed lets not forget to execute the ones in ENGLAND too.
BBC seems fucking disappointed.
Also in the TV report by Gramticuous (however you spell it) there is an interview with this Tamil women crying, fed up with the horror the LTTE put her/Tamils through -guess what they do THEY “MISS TRANSLATE” what she said.
She says: “children had their legs ripped by mines” (planted by the LTTE), BBC reports it has “limbs blown off in artillery attacks” (implicated the Government did it).
She says: “please tell the president to save us” (she uses the word Mahtheya -which means “mr”. In SL/Asian culture, simple village folks say that as a form of addressing leaders, not just Presidents etc, but anyone, like village heads, school teaches etc). BBC calls it “tell your leader to end this”.
The same idiot BBC reporter says: “there are unseen horrors” – if they are “unseen” how the hell do you know whats happening??
Also says: “this is video which the Military claims” shows the LTTE.
Then: “these are LTTE child soldiers which the Military claims“
Its not a “claims” its OBVIOUS.
Why the hell is it that whatever the Government says is a “claim”, while whatever the LTTE says is a bloody fact? (Like the supposed shelling of hospitals, civilians killed, number one source is the LTTE website Tamilnet, they act like they saw it for themselves and its the gospel truth, but what the Government says is always a “claim”).
When the LTTE “claims” are exposed as the bullshit they are, well you guessed it know correction or apology. Then the next time the LTTE pumps out some bullshit its re-broadcast by the BBC as the holy truth once again and the cycle repeats.
Secondly why is it that the Government is being blamed for what the LTTE did?
We declared a safe zone for civilians; the LTTE goes in there, use the people as human shields, and fires out of the zone to get a Government response. When it doesn’t come they kill civilians themselves and blame the Government.
When the Government tries to rescue the people the LTTE trapped and used as shrapnel sponges and human shields, WE ARE HELD responsible for the actions of the LTTE.
LTTE engineers a humanitarian catastrophe, buts its our fault. When we try to save lives we are held responsible/blamed for the civilians killed by the LTTE? It is the most fucked up situation imaginable.
Also the reason the Government will not let most Western media (BBC being number one) into the conflict zone is because of this blatant bias in favour of the LTTE (which existed LONG before this phase of war started back in 2006) and this disgusting way they lie. Which has also made them very frustrated (being barred from some hot action, potential big headlines and sensationalised news pieces which may win them a few awards, rake in the cash –ALL at the expense of innocent people here, but hey, its their self-indulgence and importance which counts).
Of additional note many of the NGOs which operated in the LTTE held areas built up the LTTEs military infrastructure, bunkers, weapons, vehicles, defence structures, equipment, heavy construction vehicles and materials they shipped in (including the LTTE air planes) all done under the guise of humanitarianism and “helping poor civilians”. This is why the Government does not trust NGOs –they have no credibility and their actions are dubious.
If you want to see how the BBC and the LTTE lie together, please visit this and see the images:
(Its from SL’s MoD, so you can accuse it of bias, but if the BBCs precious “rebels” speak the gospel truth, no harm in seeing the other side).
^^ The above link i posted shows two pictures:
First picture shows Tamil civilians running away because of the implied Government attacked (as always).
Second pictures shows standing next to them a girl smiling which a state of the art digital camera taking pictures (how did she get that camera when people supposedly have no food as per the BBC), some men next to her who do not seem bothered, and a VAN (looks in good shape, maybe the people fleeing could use it??).
The first pictures was cropped to show the “horrors” of the SL Government, but the second ones exposed the truth.
Ironically both images came from BBC reliable source Tamilnet! Makes me think the BBC cropped the second image into the first one by itself.
But please check out the article, it gives a little dose of reality behind these third world hunter types of the BBC who thrive of misery elsewhere.
And the same happens in Gaza too – but the media and especially the BBC just seem to be oblivious to the truth. I really cannot see what their aim is. I really think they are that indoctrinated into thinking that all terrorists are “freedom fighters” that they cannot see the wood for the trees.
I suggest you listen to the BBCs reporting on Israel and the Palestinians – it will sound familiar.
" THE most effective weapon terrorists have found to wield against us isn't the headline-grabbing suicide bomber or even the deadly roadside bomb, the IED.
Such weapons can harm us, but they can't stop us. Terror's super-weapon is the lie.
Lying about civilian casualties is the one sure way to impede or even halt US (or Israeli) operations, to force such tight restrictions on our troops that they can't win.
The casualty con's so effective as both propaganda and tactic that terrorists everywhere have adopted the technique. It's been so successful that our enemies long ago transitioned to the next phase: creating civilian casualties and blaming us.
It works. The media love the charge. Our troops and pilots are always guilty — even if proven innocent. Because so many on the left want us to be guilty.
Few journalists bother to investigate."
Janaka @ 11:40 PM
Also in the TV report by Gramticuous (however you spell it) there is an interview with this Tamil women crying, fed up with the horror the LTTE put her/Tamils through -guess what they do THEY “MISS TRANSLATE” what she said.
She says: “children had their legs ripped by mines” (planted by the LTTE), BBC reports it has “limbs blown off in artillery attacks” (implicated the Government did it).
This is interesting stuff. It seems as if you caught the BBC deliberately mistranslating the woman’s words in order to promote their narrative that it’s only the government harming civilians. No surprise there, really.
You should send a real complaint in to them. And we should all remember this as yet another example of the BBC’s deliberate manipulation of the facts to suit their emotional needs.
Excellent contributions, thanks;
Interesting comment from Radio 5’s Simon Mayo on his Twitter re Eurovision
“Is this the most white competition ever”
I just wonder if beeboids actually sit watching TV to work out if there are enough black people, gays, Muzzie’s, one legged lesbians and so on in every TV show?
Hinting that most of Europe is racist?
I wonder if it was the BBC mis-translating the words – could it have been the translator. Do you know who the reporter was?
@John Horne Tooke,
It was Dammian Grammaticus?? Its the guy with a Roman type name.
‘Second pictures shows standing next to them a girl smiling which a state of the art digital camera taking pictures (how did she get that camera when people supposedly have no food as per the BBC), some men next to her who do not seem bothered, and a VAN (looks in good shape, maybe the people fleeing could use it??).’
Moses wept….so the presence of a nikon camera and a van means according to your logic that the citizens are not suffering. So all those pictures smuggled out from the warsaw ghetto during WW2 must therefore mean them Jews didn’t have so bad either !
Where do you people come up with this logic? Talk about clutching at straws !!!!
‘state of the art digital camera’
Please tell me how from that small picture you can call it state of the art? All you can see is the lens !!!
You are guilty of exactly that which you accuse the bbc of, only you do it with words instead of pictures. You have to be a comedian !!!!!
P.S – from the Sri Lankan defence ministry no less. Smart, real smart !
Martin said…
“Is this the most white competition ever”
12:21 AM, May 17, 2009It might also be worth asking (as I did, if with tongue in cheek) why Newsnight's complementary 'Immigrant' (though as some pointed out, 'asylum seeker' was perhaps more apt) Song Contest seemed to be a rather exclusively male affair.
I merely wondered if it was a cultural thing these noble souls were introducing to these fair shores, in hope that the Aunty sisterhood might start wondering if every aspect of their new friends' values was necessarily positive to cultural harmony.
At the very least it might throw 'em in a spin as they vye with each other to be more PC on more obscure issues than the last.
I'm also tempted to send in a few complaints as the terms and rules of the 'competition' started vague and ended up totally changed from what was billed, despite the blog having BBC's t&c's on every thread.
I get the feeling it started badly and went downhill very fast on all counts (from concept to execution), and all concerned are trying to to a classic BBC 'move along, no more to discuss here' as fast as possible.
If you start such nonsense on such a divisive premise (as with Mr. Mayo's comment), if it turns round and bites you on the tush I think you deserve all that you have sown.
But for now, with the current structure, they'll just move blithely on to the next ill-conceived meddle or comment free of effective censure.
Martin, Peter (re-that wanker mayo):
what an obnoxious statement to make. Europe is a predominatly white continent. Presumably, if there was such a thing as an Afrovision song contest he’d be complaining that most of the contestants were black? Or that there were surprisingly few Jews (or women) on the Saudivision song contest? How many blacks are there on the Eskimo-vision version?
Moses wept even more ! said…
Please tell me how from that small picture you can call it state of the art? All you can see is the lens !!
6:28 AM, May 17, 2009It’s always worth dealing in facts, as opinion can lead to contentious paths. But this is a curious one to hook upon, in the greater scheme of things.
As an interested bystander to this thread, I used the link provided and even availed myself of the zoom facility provided.
It appears to be an SLR, which indeed seems an oddly sophisticated bit of kit to be in such hands in such circumstances. In fact many images seem curiously high res from this sorry patch of soil. I wonder how many misguided souls appreciate that their ‘support’ goes not to food or meds but to (equally unwittingly, I stress) Jessops?
Ignoring the political pressures and journalistic impositions that are imposed (which are legion and, I am sorry to say, involve getting some 60’s-era PC notions of ‘conventions’ out of one’s head – they can hardly be a factor in conflicts with some sides not being coherent enough and/or signing up to/feeling bound by them) it does in theory objective media ‘events interpreters’ such as the BBC little credit to push propaganda material as news with the poor excuse that they have to shunt out something because they were not invited to the party.
It will be interesting to see to what extent this crushing of the territorial holding will lead to a reduction in violence bearing in mind the examples of Iraq, etc. I suspect death will now be in the form of suicide bomber in school bus, as opposed to misguided shell into school. Progress of sorts, if perhaps not to the kids who simply end up dead from the actions of their bitter elders if not betters, egged on by some with odd agendas and career missions in other countries.
However, the notion being floated by some, at best idealistic blinded by the short-term civilian tragedy or at worst complicit with the interest of one side alone, that a cease-fire to enable the hostile combatants to regroup was in any way sensible, was risible.
And I, on behalf of those innocents who have, are and doubtless will still suffer, am not laughing at what is anything but comedy.
Again – many thanks for your detailed comments. And for the links that support your case. Over the past weeks you have been giving case after case of BBC bias.
If you find the BBC clearly misquoting someone – can you please give the summary – but then print out the full sentence the BBC used and the ACTUAL sentence the that was used.
Has anyone noticed how the BBC are gleefully predicting (wishing for, almost) that the Tamil Tigers will keep up a campaign of suicide bombing even after the Sri Lankan army liberates the last of the territory they now hold?
In their twisted book, this isn’t a victory it is simply preparing the way for another and possibly worse conflict.
There’s something distinctly reminiscent of Lord Haw-Haw in the BBC’s reporting of this.