BBC so upset that the Tamil Tiger terrorists have been wiped of the map. Humphyrs keen to point out that China has been supporting the Sri Lanka government and so any sense of moral satisfaction about defeating terrorism is ameliorated. Some liberal woman from Chatham House made a brief appearance to complain about the blood bath that hasn’t even happened. Pathetic stuff indeed. The BBC, like the rest of the internationalist left, has been pushing the narrative that the best way of dealing with terrorism anywhere is to use the Northern Ireland model i.e naked appeasement. Sad for them that Sri Lanka thinks differently. Even better news comes as it is reported that the leader of the Tamil Tigers has been shot dead. Wonder will Gerry Adams sent his sympathies?
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I didn’t hear the Humphrys piece.
Can you confirm you did David? I’ve shown on a thread elsewhere that it’s unlikely you post only about programmes on Today you’ve heard.
If you had been listening to Today at just after 7:30 you would have heard Naughtie do a piece, which included interviews with jubiliant Sri Lankans in columbo and then a long interview with Palitha Kohona, secretary at the Sri Lankan ministry of foreign affairs. This as you can imagine was not at all pro-Tiger. And the Minister was able pretty much unchallenged to expose the nature of the Tigers as he sees it.
Hear here
Anyone care to argue this shows the BBC is pro-Tiger?
Anon – what planet are you living on? Are you a BBC employed parasite or some close dependent?
BBC studiously played down the murderous and brutal Tamil terrorism for deceades and only got hot under the collar when the Government got the upper hand. For the last coulple of weeks the Beeboids have been pumping out the terrorists propaganda crap, trying to force a ceasefire (ie resupply and entrenchment time for terroroism). I even heard a Beeboid say that their lies were true because he Tamil chums said that they were correct!
Yes I heard the interview that stated that all the “reports” that the BBC as been pumping out have been propaganda and lies – I doubt there will be much follow up on that subject and BBC will be keen to bury their propanga crimes.
Congratualtions to te army, people and Government of Sri Lanka – a role model for the rest of the world when it comes to dealing with terrorist scum.
Have to agree with NRG here, the BBC has indeed shown an incredible bias against the lawful Sri Lankan government.
The British government has acted in an almost criminal way under Milliband as the former colonial power the UK should ahve supported the fight against one of the worlds most evil terrorist gangs, the Tamil citizens are now free and like the majority of Tamils they can and will help rebuild their shared nation together.
The UK is now hated like poison there and with good reason, the UK government should hang its head in shame.
Like Anonymous, I think there’s a disconnect between how the BBC have been reporting this story, and how David Vance has been saying that they’re reporting it.
This is, of course, nothing new.
The newlabour idiots have backed the Tamil tigers, they have done nothing but try and sabotage the democratic Sri lankan government for years.
They begged us for help and assistance, the UK denied them this help and they went to China for help instead, now China will benefit when it could have been the UK had we done the right thing!
Now China has an ally and probably a base in the region and good for them, they took advantage of British stupidity and we lose out yet again.
It was of course Britain that took the Tamils to Ceylon in the first place.
Maybe Miliband and NuLabour is simply arse-licking the substantial Tamil community that has come to Britain.
And maybe that is why the Met Police Commissioner and the Home Sec are not clearing Parliament Square of Tamil demonstrators.
Effigy of Millibrain was burnt and tossed into the British HC in Colombo.
Many people are fed up with loudmouths like Millibrain opening their mouth with manipulative and insulting statements. More infuriating is the blatant bias and obvious support extended to the LTTE encouraging them to kill and use their people as shrapnel sponges and human shields while blaming the Government for ALL causalities.
To top it off Tamils have been for the past few months violently attacking the Sri Lankan Embassy in London repeatedly (during their “peaceful protests”) nothing was done or said nor any arrests made.
The Buddhist Temple in Kingsbury has been attacked 12 times, firebombed 3 times, even though the Tamils have always been caught on CCTV not a finger has been raised to stop it.
(SL Embassies have been attacked elsewhere and Buddhist centres in Canada and France have also been attacked).
I hope you all understand that this is pent up frustration directed at Millibrain/Brown not the UK as a whole. I personally think it was ill-timed. From what I have heard it started off with someone reciting something Millibrain said, plus something Western media printed somewhere in the last 24 hours, then some Colonial history tossed in and kabam! An effigy was slapped together and set on fire.
Lets have a quick chorus of ‘war solves nothing’….except killing the enemy! sounds good to me.
But i must say when i heard this was happening, and that there was an effigy of Millibrain involved I had to see it. Tried to drive over but the Police had blocked the roads in the most haphazard manner -So many people out on the streets its unbelievable, takes forever to get anywhere! I choose to wear navy blue shirt this morning, BAD idea because people kept on offering me kiri-bath (specially prepared rice when cooked can be made into square/cube form), sweets, food. They thought i was in the Army! But I declined, as I didn’t deserve any.
The mood is unbelievable here. Whole city has turned into a massive party, and its just an awesome feeling –the looks on the faces of the people, like a massive burden has been lifted, theres a sense of knowing that one day we can travel in a bus without the threat it will be blown up and checkpoints will not be needed, the sense of “normalacy” retuning. It’s a shame some outsiders want to find away to shatter it. Its not like we have forgotten the IDPs or anyone else, from the moment they started streaming out on April 20 collection points for supplies (food, cloths, toys, books etc) to be delivered to them have popped up everywhere even in the most impoverished villages in the country (of course BBC and other Western media will not report that-least they shatter the satanic image of us).
We are the ones who have had to put up with 30 years of violence (not Millibrain or Brown, BBC reporters), its finally (well all most) over, we do have a long way to go in other spheres but now at last we can tackle them. A massive hurdle has been crossed so we’re happy! One nation for all!
Here in London BBC Radio 4 had a brief report about the effigy of Miliband being burnt – but no context was given.
We wish your country well. My father described it as the loveliest he ever saw in 30 years in the merchant navy. And one of my daughters had a wonderful holiday there 4 years ago, touring most of the island. I have a list of 7 more countries still I want to visit – and Sri Lanka is in the list.
I pray for peace. We are afforded blessings here in the U.S. that many people in the world don’t realize. I hope that this situation begins to move toward some type of agreement.
Once again the tireless defender of the indefensible formerly known as whitewineliberal, but now hiding behind “Anonymous” tells a little fib.
At the top of this thread, he says this:
I didn’t hear the Humphrys piece.
Can you confirm you did David? I’ve shown on a thread elsewhere that it’s unlikely you post only about programmes on Today you’ve heard
The reason he admits right away that he didn’t hear the piece is because I busted him for criticizing this post by David Vance, when he himself hadn’t listened to the piece.
He now pretends to take the moral high ground, and tells a little lie that he’s shown that it’s “unlikely” for DV to post only about things he’s heard. He showed no such thing. It was only with great reluctance that he eventually admitted that he was criticizing DV but hadn’t even heard the piece in question. Anyone reading the comments thread on the “Islam and Civilization” post (see the first comment on the thread from “Anonymous”, then scroll to my comment at 3:29 PM on May 16, then follow our exchange down from there) can see it for themselves.
Good riddance to these terrorists! Nice to hear that they burned an effigy of Millepede, pity it wasn’t the real thing!
In the something missing department.
Sky News:
State television announced that rebel chief Velupillai Prabhakaran had been killed along with his two top deputies as they tried to escape from government troops in an ambulance.BBC:
Military officials said Prabhakaran had been killed along with his intelligence chief Pottu Amman and Soosai, the head of the rebels’ naval wing.
They were trying to flee advancing government troops when their vehicle was ambushed, the officials said.What was the BBC trying to obscure – that the Tigers used civilian, humanitarian vehicles as cover or that the Sri Lankan government knowing this, attacked ambulances?
Gullible journalists, including the BBC’s, have for years swallowed the “liberation tigers of tamil eelam” story. Can you imagine the IRA, even if it changed its name to the ineluctebal rebel angels, being quoted as such?
The mere use of the “tigers” name indicated a moronic misguided love of fweedom fighters.
Ok – Sri Lanka doesn’t get much coverage on the Beeb. It’s easier to point to Palestine and what the BBC called “the journalism of attachment” which spawned the fawning, biased reports of the Sacred Bleeding Heart of Saint Orla Guerin.
But back to Sri Lanka. Care to report that there is a place called Tamil Nadu.. where people speak Tamil? It’s a homeland. They don’t actually need a chunk of Sri Lanka which happens to be someone else’s country where Tamils have historically sought work.
Any BBC journalists, anonymous or not, wish to debate why a group as intrusive as the Albanians moving into Kosovo should be treated differently from Turks moving into Cyprus?
It’s not just about standards. It’s about the quality of intellect of the people the BBC hires as journalists.
@Mark you are correct, Tamil Nadu in India is home to 70 million Tamils. Tamils from SL and India are culturally and linguistically identical. You take one from SL and put him/her in Tamil Nadu you will not know the difference unless someone says so.
tamil tiger solution seems to me to be a test run for the Gaza solution.
lessons learned:
1. absolutely ZERO media allowed in to the war zone.
2. see point 1.
3. end result – utter victory.
congrats to the Sri Lankans for solving their terrorist problem.
no obama bollocks in that country. i wish we had leaders with the balls of the Sri Lankans.
Well seems Times of London has gone mad. They are churning out more nutty articles than TamilNet.
Reminds me of when Jeremy Page got deported from SL (he tried to sneak in without a proper visa). He was so infuriated he churned out an article against SL everyday. Was kind of comical in a sad way.
The inner workings of the Human Rights Council:
Just an example of media sensationalism:
Times headline:
Claims of massacre as Tamil Tiger leaders dieArticle content 6th paragraph:
The pro-Tiger Tamilnet website said that the military had carried out a “determined massacre”. Reporters were not allowed near the conflict zone.
So the source of this headline is the LTTE operative called “KP” since he’s the only senior LTTE leadership guy left alive (seems many have been busy making phone calls with this Interpol wanted criminal KP- the LTTEs arms procurer whos in Malaysia or something).
And they still wonder why they are not allowed into the war zone????
That one sentence comming from a highly dubious source makes the headline, while the rest of the article has nothing to do with any “massacre” of any sorts. Now imagine if this was a front page story (was it by any chance??) and someone who does not buy the paper but walks past the stall selling it just sees the header?
And the “massacre” they are referring to is the death of their leaders.
Same source called it a “war crime” to have killed the LTTE leadership.
COLOMBO, Sri Lanka, May 18 (UPI) — Sri Lankan Tamil rebels, denying their leader has been killed, said Tuesday the military committed a crime against humanity by killing its other leaders.
“While rejecting Colombo’s claim of the killing of LTTE leader (Vellupillai Prabhakaran) and assuring his safety and well-being, ” rebel spokesman S. Pathmanathan Tuesday “accused Colombo of treachery in the killing of the political wing leaders,” the rebels Web site TamilNet said.
Pathmanathan said the killing of the other leaders “is a crime against humanity that needs to be investigated.”.S. Pathmanathan = KP
PJ O’Rourke said it best: “Give war a chance” Peaceniks appeaseniks Jaw-jaw, the weak encourage evil.
The problem as someone rightly said is we have a load of Tamils here who are most vociferous. Every corner shop here has bloodied “massacre” pictures in their windows propogating the lie that they are victims, and not the 70,000 dead or however many at the hands of “Tamil fighters”
The Tamils ran a carbon copy Palli-wood PR campaign, with “doctors” reporting innocents killed and injured from “hospitals”, with the media lapping up pictures of injured children.
The BBC journos forever infatuated with terrorists rebels militants protestors and losers. Ony when the game is up do they find themselves with nowhere to go do they start to report news.
The BBCs number one unbiased source claimed their hero Prabakaran who they love to romanticise with is not dead (including The Times).
What the hell is up with loving their rebels so much? Whatever BS is said is accepted as “independent” fact.
Anyway around this afternoon SL time, the media displayed his filthy carcass.
Congratulations to the Sri Lankan government and armed services for a great victory.
The scum at the BBC only started covering it when it looked liked the Tamils were going to lose and, as usual, the BBC sided with the terrorits.
The British governments’ stance has been a disgrace and , of course, China has gained.
UK “foreign policy” is a joke and wee Miliband a laughing stock.
The British are becoming increasingly irrelevant on the World scene.
Thank you for your posts. I am learning more from them than the garbage the BBC spews out.
Good luck to your lovely country and people and may you live in peace.
The next England cricket tour of Sri Lanka should be interesting !
I think Janaka will agree with me when I say that the Sri Lankan population is sophisticated enough to not equate the increasingly ridiculous Milliband and the Beeb as representing the British people, who (in my conversations with them as I live here) overwhelmingly support SL's victory over the LTTE.
Also note how the Beeb almost always conflate Tamils & the LTTE.
It is almost never mentioned how not all Tamils are LTTE supporters.