A few weeks BC (Before Climategate) there was another “gate” controversy which, I have to concede, generated slightly less interest among the Biased BBC readership. Well, you’ll all be pleased to read that F-Bombgate has just about reached its denouement:
The BBC investigation into the sabotage of an early morning 5 Live sports news bulletin with obscene material has concluded that chief suspect Ben Jacobs will not be offered any more freelance shifts. But the Beeb will be extremely careful with any statement for fear of legal action by Jacobs, who has kept silent since denying any involvement. He claims someone logged on to the BBC computer system in his name.
Now, bear with me here. Via Richard North at EUReferendum I see that Little Green Footballs blogger Charles Johnson (who has apparently re-reinvented himself as the sword of truth against the evil forces of the Right) blames us all for Climategate:
“The CRU theft was a criminal attempt to sabotage the Copenhagen climate summit, and the entire right wing blogosphere is complicit in the crime.”
Apart from his role as the sanctimonious conscience of the blogosphere, Johnson is also a jazz musician who, according to Wikipedia, has featured on a couple of albums by bassist Stanley Clarke. And with that as my tenuous link, here’s the moment once again (possibly for the last time, but I can’t promise) when a blooper reel of BBC racing correspondent Cornelius Lysaght was sneaked into a sports report by person or persons known or unknown:
I hope you’re happy now. Nobody else cares, and if you hadn’t been listening to that particular radio station at 5.40 in the morning (and who the hell is awake then anyway?) that poor sod could still find work for the BBC. You bastard.
Leave me alone. I didn’t mean for it end like this.
You disgust me.
I disgust myself.
Nice one DB
I’m absolutely astounded by the change in Charles Johnson. His claim to fame is the debunking of the supposed CBS documents discrediting George W. Bush and he played a major role in exposing Fauxtography in Lebanon. I can remember him blogging on Penn and Teller satirical look at Warmism (video deleted, hmmm) and more recently attacking Creationism.
That said, he is not really relevant to the BBC and only tangentally to B-BBC. Do we really consider ourselves the entire right wing blogosphere?
BTW Here’s the Penn and Teller video I first saw courtesy of Charles Johnson.