Just listened to the coverage on Radio 4’s PM and 6pm news programmes about Brown’s £1.5b climate change splurge. Plenty of criticism was broadcast, but only from those who think that even more of our money should be given away to enrich third world kleptocrats and keep an endless supply of useless bureaucrats in employment. The pathetic Tory “opposition” obviously can’t be relied upon to voice the concerns of millions of taxpayers where this climate change moneygrab is concerned, but did the BBC even try to find an opposing opinion? And why was there was no analysis on where the money is coming from or how many times Brown has already promised this same slice of dosh?
Update 18.45. I wrote the “pathetic Tory ‘opposition'” line before reading the actual response from Greg Clark MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change. It’s even more pathetic than I feared (via Tim Montgomerie):
“It is important to have agreed that adaptation funding is necessary, but it is vital that participants at Copenhagen now agree on an international financial mechanism that can dependably result in the necessary flow of funds.”
Brown loves giving away our tax money. Anyone else noticed he’s sucking up to Sarkozy these days? I wonder why? Could it be because Barry is fed up with the one eyed idiot following him around everywhere and trying to shag his leg?
It’s to be expected from Brown
But just to get this straight: the conserfauxtive Greg wants to…
Spend a boatload of money we don’t have…
On a fake science manmade global warming that doesn’t exist…
To funnel cash to a bunch of countries which hate our guts…
Which will end up in Swiss bank accounts, and luxury goods…
Whilst Britons can’t even afford to run a one-bar electric fire because of the inflated cost of “power”… thanks to… ALL THE FRACKIN’ ABOVE and MORE
Oh, that’s all right then Greg. For a minute I thought Greg might be offering an actual conservative solution to “stuff.”.
Post of the week? I reckon so!
Simply past listening anymore to the political elite from morning Toady to evening resume of this mornings shite with some slurry and spin added throughout the day.
Did hear a quote or two-do tell me more about this money!
Whose is it then?…who voted for them to give it away as if it was theirs…are their accounts even signed off yet…what`s all this stuff about 180 billion in debt…and how does getting Burkino Faso a windmill or two help the rest of us?
Where is the analysis of this pollyanna fantasy-what on earth are we paying journalists for if they cannot ask straight questions to these deluded plumped up trough surfers?
Time surely to pull the plug on their life support machine and snuff them out with a Lewis list cushion!
There’s a particular subject, usually ranted on about by Beeboids and other types of lefty scum bags, and that subject is the erasure of 3rd world debt. What ever happned to it?
Now, becuase of global warming, the leftists have found a way to forget about 3rd world debt and have found a new way to throw even more money at dodgy leaders in dodgy 3rd world countries
climate change, its the lefts asnswer to every problem that ever existed
If man made global warming didnt exist then they would have to make it up wouldnt they? oooh wait a minute?
Its like we are locked into a nightmare reality where right is wrong and lies are the truth and black is white and where so called intelligent people act like cretins and get applauded for it, where gibberish is spoken and people cheer.
Led by a certified mental case into ruination, with a so called opposition just as keen to follow the madness, its like peering into the mind of a demented lunatic, all it needs are dancing rabbits and talking turtles!
I am struggling to comprehend the utter madness of it all, its like witnessing the dance of the insane through the eyes of the mad.
that’s pretty good too!
totally outrageous. It’s not as though the 3rd world kleptos don’t already have enough of our loot to send their daughters to Cheltenham Ladies College and buy apartments in Chelsea for their wives. The phrae ‘not in my name’ comes to mind.
this latest 1.5 billion is outrageous further proof that liebour is in leagues with the eussr just trying to give away OUR money to the global superstate in order to “fight” against a climate change that isnt happening. so its money that we dont have, being given from a prime minister we didnt elect, to a body we didnt elect, to be put to god knows what use, to combat a phenomenon that isnt happening. unbelievable.
I don’t know why we should expect any opposition from the Conservatives. If I’m not mistaken, I seem to remember Dave previously giving an undertaking to ringfence the overseas aid budget. So it seems he is ready to sign up to throwing more money at other countries, come what may and budget deficit or no. Why did he do this in the first place:? Had we asked him to? I find it rather baffling. This climate wheeze is another excuse for stupid politicians to throw more (of our) money about. Maybe it’s to salve their consciences. Are they somewhere in their miserable souls feeling guilty about their own troughing and have this compulsion to fling some more money at poor / corrupt countries and regimes in some sort of compensating gesture? ( I say gesture, because it is not their money and does not hurt them personally to fling it about.) Isn’t it time for a bit of basic housekeeping at home now as a priority? Time to quit the profligacy and put our ownhouse in order before we do anything else.
You know that the world is going mad when you’re desperately looking round for a UK politician, anyone at all, who is talking sense about climate stuff and find that he’s the only game in town.
Quite a pickle we are in. Dire is the word. Encapsulate
1. We have our parliament emasculated by the very people we gave extraordinary powers to defend us from oligarchy. These same people then handed us over to foreign oligarchs, who will now plunder us with impunity. The plunder has already started.
2. We have a government that seems to be under a spell of simply spending money, even when there is no money to spend. They do so by borrowing, knowing full well that when it comes time to re-pay, they will be long gone. It is almost as if they hate us, and are getting their revenge in first.
3. We have a supra-government, the EU, that rules Britain, which has been installed by stealth, lies and deception. It has no legitimacy, and because of this, there are no legitimate avenues available for its removal.
4. To make matters worse, we also have a large and growing population in Britain that regards our culture as illegitimate, and plots for its downfall.
So what we have is not just one threat, but a combination of threats directed simultaneously– financial, political, cultural and military. To make matters worse, the captain, or the potential replacement captain, do not show any signs of competence.
The really crazy part is that Brown is telling us that we should be “proud” to the major contributor to the ‘goodies4despots’ fund, eh? If there is a perfect word for how I feel, the word proud isnt it!
That money would fund ALL the NHS drug treatments now banned by the quango NICE on cost grounds.
The tragic part is, the really tragic thing about all this is, its all for nothing, the money will be wasted by despots to no good purpose while our own people suffer.
Its not just Brown infected with this mental illness, the so called oppostion parties are just as mad as Brown, where will it end?
Just a quick note,
Why has no MSM hack asked the mental fool why he chooses to fund this madness rather than spend the cash on his own people?
Because that ‘would not be the right thing to do’?
Frankly I’d just be happy if any in the MSM moved on from vague absolutes and started to nail down where this money is targeted, with what intention and with what checks and balances to ensure it is used wisely and well.
As opposed to a quick ‘job done’, washing hands and moving on to Tiger Woods latest troubles.
There should be a voluntary climate change tax so that the loonies who want to pay can pay it and the rest of us don’t have. Just as the TV licence fee should be voluntary.
Some great posts above. Unfair to single anyone out , but DP111 spot on !
Of course, the BBC doesn’t even think there’s an issue in Labour giving away our money in pursuit of such wasteful global gestures:
“Be proud we’re giving another £1.5bn to beat global warming, says Mr Brown (just don’t mention our £800bn national debt)”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1235036/Copenhagen-climate-change-summit-Brown-Sarkozy-global-tax-bankers-used-tackle-climate-change.html#ixzz0ZT0XwqP2
“The climate obsession virus”
The BBC, THE CARRIERS, of that virus: wants to infect us all.
I listened to the 8am Radio 4 news this morning with a mounting sense of disbelief. A good 40 minutes of it must have been devoted to Copenhagen including a section on converting the 3rd sector to low carbon (??).In addition we were told how the climategate emails hadn’t changed the confidence in the IPCC scientists (why let reality get in the way).
It seems as though the political classes of the entire developed world have gone collectively mad. Normally I can think of some historical comparison for events but I can’t for this. Cambodia in 1975 would be close but that only affected a single country.
If I lived in the USA I would probably be driving out to my compound in Montana and oiling my M16’s right now.
No doubt Mercedes are already pushing up production of their S-Class.