Last Friday on Radio Five Live:
Tina Fey: Will Ferrell played George Bush like he was a moron but no one seemed to think that he was going at him too hard.
Richard Bacon: Yeah. I’m not sure how many other ways there are to play him.
So says the university drop-out about the Yale graduate.
Update. I am reminded that Bush also has an MBA from Harvard (hat tips to Asuka in the comments and Jim Miller via email. Jim also points me to this item on his blog for further evidence that Bush isn’t as dumb as the haters would like to think.)
Bacon is also an ex Cocaine snorter.
Richard Bacon, living proof it is possible to polish a turd.
Turd is too good for him. Vomit perhpas. As much as Simon Mayo used to annoy me with his leftie views, he was at least someone with an IQ in three figures, unlike Bacon who has an iQ that struggles to make double figures.
Richard “whatever it is I’ve done I’m sorry” Bacon is a prime example of BBC employees who stop growing up the moment they leave Uni.
Bacon is a prime example of BBC employees who stop growing up the moment they leave Uni.
Which, as has been noted, was about ten minutes after he arrived.
Dubya is a Harvard MBA too. If he’s a moron, then Bacon is technically brain dead.
Typical of the bBC to employ a wanker who was sacked for bringing the bBC into disgrace. if he had any common about him he’d do like the other bbC presenter caught using drugs and go for a walk with a belt.
So will Mr. Bacon be all snide and outraged over the incompetent golf playing slacking president: Barack Obama plays eight times more golf than George W Bush
Just another Bush policy the current President has continued and kicked up a notch: government spending, Iraq, Afghanistan, wire-tapping without a warrant, rendition, golfing instead of working….
Ah but Barry deserves to play golf, dubya didn’t.
The BBC can do what it likes – don’t bother to complain, no matter how blatent the bias is the BBC guidelines can be twisted to fit.
Just read this
Arguing about “impartiality” is now pointless. The only cure is for the BBC to become a subscription service paid for by readers of the Guardian.
Wouldn’t it be funny if Barry turned out to be another Tiger Woods, and I am not talking about golf !