Immediately following Gordon Brown’s announcement that Labour and the Lib Dems have decided to screw the Tories and fuck the country up the arse with red hot pokers wrapped in barbed wire, BBC News had a panel ready and waiting – two Labour guys (Lord Adonis, Alastair Campbell) and one Lib Dem (David Steel) all spinning the message that a LibLab coalition was the best way forward. Hilariously, at one point Huw Edwards – lacking an opposing viewpoint – even turned to Adonis and asked if he agreed with what Alastair Campbell had just said. Like he was going to say no!
Next up was another Labour rep (Douglas Alexander) – parroting the same message. Then, two more supporters of an anti-Tory coalition – Labour MP John Mann and someone from the SNP, rubbing his hands at the prospect of screwing the English for more and more taxes. And finally – 45 minutes after Brown had spoken – BBC News gave us the first opposing view in the person of Tory MP Nigel Evans.
And I see Nick Robinson is already speaking as if it’s all now a done deal – “historic realignment of politics”.
Update. I don’t think the voters in my constituency of Thirsk and Malton (we haven’t had our say yet – May 27) will take too kindly to the prospect of a progressive coalition of the losers and yet another unelected Labour leader. I predict a massive majority for Tory candidate Ann McIntosh. (Update 2 Unless of course the Cameroons turn up and start canvassing with a message about the Big Society and similar toss like that.)
Update 8.20pm. BBC News just had Prof Simon Lee on from a studio in Hull and he went at it from the word go, savaging Gordon Brown’s record as PM and Chancellor. Unsurprisingly the BBC decided to cut him short after a few brief seconds.
I suspect the champagne is already on ice at Broadcasting House.
‘Lord Mong’ of Mongshire more like
You don’t suppose this means Brown back as Chancellor do you?
I know it would leave a bitter taste in the short term, but in the long run I think a (doomed) lib/lab alliance would be to the benefit of the Conservatives.
Anybody see Boulton blowing up at Campbell on Sky? Missed it myself.
I did. I don’t have much time for Campbell but, ever since I saw him shut Paxman up on Newsnight, I’ve respected him as a formidable opponent. And he didn’t disappoint against the self-satisfied and arrogant Adam Boulton! Boulton is used to dishing it out but Campbell has mastered the knack of putting his opponents on their back foot. Boulton was clearly in foreign territory here and resorted to repeating “STOP TELLING ME WHAT I THINK!”, losing his composure as Campbell remained cool, measured and dominant. I think Boulton still has tears in his eyes now! Great stuff.
Boulton was so unprofessional. His colleague was very loyal to him though saying Campbell was being provocative, which he wasn’t in the least. Boulton just didn’t have any intelligent questions to ask, he just seemed to have a grudge against Campbell for previously saying he’s biased in favour of the Tories. Boulton’s behaviour certainly didn’t suggest he wasn’t, and certainly didn’t show he has what it takes to do his job.
The slightest amount of perceived broadcasting bias Labour complains. They know how damaging insiduous bias from a broadcaster the public believes is impartial can be, they’ve done enough damage to the Tories pulling the levers at the BBC, but the disgustingly wimpy Tories barely murmur a word. They’re not fit to govern. Let there be a LabLib pact instead of having Cameron shame the Tory Party further.
Llold, the YouTube of it is here.
Oh God, i’m actually embarressed for him there – not his finest hour.
Lloyd I agree entirely…’74 all over again…let the Liblabs finish the job of destroying the country – then if Dave can actually put some Conservative policies together he’ll get the kind of majority he needs.
Inevitable. Libs are leftists.
And Clegg is a devious, self-serving schmuck without an ounce of patriotism. With Brown gone I’m sure it is now at least 50-50 he’ll go with Labour’s Milliband-Cruddas ticket.
I have to admit this is what I really wanted. Labour, Lib dems and the rest of the socialists must be made to own what’s coming round the mountain. it shouldn’t be associated or attributed in any way with conservatism or even Conservative conservatism.
And I’ve just had the ultimate Pass The Sick Bag Alice experience of listening to the PM Programme. More blatant bias it would be difficult to imagine. Hagiography after hagiography of the Great Dysfunctional Scotch Marxist and his supposed wonderful character, expertise, etc etc (writer vomits uncontrollably here – Ed).
What a wonderful cast they had lined up – Ann Keen his PPS, Adonis, and the egregious Robinson who financed Broon’s private office for so long in its tribal war against Bambi B-liar.
And some idiots think that some form of PR would be a good thing….
There’s only one expression for what we’re witnessing – a coup d’etat by the left to subvert the democratic process and steal the election. To the barricades, and very soon
It would be completely constitutional if Labour formed a Government with the Lib-Dems They’d have to answer for it to the electorate come the time. Hopefully we’ll have a real Conservative Party then kicking ass and taking names and dealing with the BBC as the left-wing propaganda machine that it is in need of purging to restore impartiality.
What if the Tories stated they wanted to go it alone in a minority govt?
That would depend on Her Majesty the Queen. If he couldn’t pass a Confidence Motion in the House she couldn’t accept his request to be Prime Minister.
It is a coup d’etat and the ease that telly people have picked up the term ‘progressive’ from labour commentators obviously pre-briefed. I also saw the BBC – outrageous! No opposing voice on the panel – from those with most to be angry about!
I accept theyll get the economic shit to deal with – but if they firm this up in a permanent way – the Tories will never get a look in!
Meanwhile the masses continue to be brainwashed.
So — “Dave” (after a cursory meeting with Clegg) could have announced his intent for the Conservative party to form a minority government.
But he passed.
Just like he could have run an election campaign as a conservative with a populist agenda. But he passed on that too.
Great stuff Dave. But don’t worry, as a loser, you’ll still be popular on the Islington dinner circuit.
Labour, Islam, Blackburn, Mr Straw, and General Election.
The following description of the Labour Party’s pro-Islamic inducement activity is apparently political normalcy, and so not worth mentioning by the BBC:
“Straw in alleged Election irregularities”
A “Rainbow Alliance” of Labour, the LibDems and various nationalist parties will pit England against the rest. From a London perspective, WE will be paying for it all, WE are the ones suffering from LibLab excessive immigration (legal and illegal), Scotland, Wales and Norethern Ireland will avoid public expenditure cuts so will ill bear the brunt on that too, the outliers will continue to sponge excessive public spending a la Barnett formula, as well as grabbing OUR money recycled through Brussels, and meanwhile they will all be killing the goose that lays the golden egg, namely the City of London.
All based on electoral fraud in a lot of Labour seats and unreasonable differences in size between constituencies.
A perfect recipe for economic damage, and a break-up between England and Scotland.
here’s the map :
<i>I don’t think the voters in my constituency of Thirsk and Malton (we haven’t had our say yet – May 27) will take too kindly to the prospect of a progressive coalition of the losers and yet another unelected Labour leader. I predict a massive majority for Tory candidate Ann McIntosh. (Update 2 Unless of course the Cameroons turn up and start canvassing with a message about the Big Society and similar toss like that.)</i>
Holy shit. We live in the same constituency. I wonder if i know you.
There’s certainly the makings of the union breaking up here. In England Tories got 40% of the vote and a majority of 62 (perhaps 63). If a LibLabNatGreen pact goes forward then we are in a situation where the party with the majority of MPs is not allowed to forumlate policy in areas where nationalists from coutries who get a say through their devolved parliaments. Think NHS, Education and Policing.
This is going to end in tears.
Some stupid bint on News 24 now babbling on abouthow Brown had the respect of Nelson Mandela, it was just the English that had a problem with him it seems.
Shug Niggurath
There’s certainly the makings of the union breaking up here….If a LibLabNatGreen pact goes forward then we are in a situation where the party with the majority of MPs is not allowed to forumlate policy in areas where nationalists from countries who get a say through their devolved parliaments.
I agree, the biggest irony is that all this is being done in the name of an imagined political reform that brings with it a fairer and more democratic system that it will be much more representative of the the way people are voting than FPTP could ever be.
Maybe this is the kiss of death for the British electorate who will be sickened by it all?
When are Clegg’s talks scheduled with the Scot Nats? next week? Or has GB already spoken to them? So whats the result on future Defence votes and Trident or that small matter of British bases in Scotland? No problem here for a coalition.
I personally believe Clegg is doing this so as not to appear too keen. Imagine what his party would have said if he HAD NOT spoken with Brown and the Labour Party. The Tory response seems quite cool, maybe they know this is all shop window stuff and that the real deal is in the bag?
Some Liberal has just observed that it makes more sense arithmetically to do a deal with the Tories – but feels more comfortable politically to do a deal with Labour. And that absurd logic is what will dribe BBC commentary.
Pound immediately went down a cent on news of the LibDem talks.
Problem Clegg has is the triple lock his party have over this. Which is fair enough, good on them for setting up a constitution which protects the members. Except, what if the members hijack the party?
I know a few libdems and they are typically soft left, almost modern Church of England types.
It should be noted that Labour need it more than the junior parties, and all of them are against Trident, all for more green policy, all want PR, and the nationalists all want, rightly, to secure as much cash for their own bits.
Another elephant in the room, is even with this coalition Sinn Fein could decide to turn up and create havoc just for shit n giggles.
I am reserving real judgement until the news of a liblabnat pact but this election was the election the libleft had to win. The end will justify the means.
The alliance of the deluded with the crooked could never afford a change of government. The deluded because it would mean giving up their insane dreams of creating heaven on earth and the crooked because the crooked never want a day of reckoning.
They are embarking on a course that will lead to disaster for them and much trouble for the rest of us. But at the end we might find that such is the offence to our English notion of our democracy that new men and women appear who will take control of events as yet unforeseen and bring about such changes that are the stuff of the elite’s nightmares. This is an ancient country and the people are still sound at heart.They are not the sheep portrayed by the elites, the BBC and the rest.
I believe that we will do the right thing in our own way however long it takes.
An awful lot of people who voted for Cameron as against Brown or Clegg would be very angry if we end up with, say, Milliband.
I cannot stand Zac Goldsmith in my constituency. But if the LibLab idiocy proceeds, when the collapse comes I will be volunteering service locally to help keep the two-timing Libs out. And if the Tories are then elected, they will be a damn sight harder-right than they look right now.
I see John Reid has said bluntly that the wholeLibDem idea is a con, undemocratic and will end in tears. Exactly.
John Reid as in ex-Labour Minister John Reid?
Agreed John Reid was quite lucid on BBC world News. David Dimbelby said to Michael Gove that what he said “must be music to your ears”. It was one of the most realistic accounts by a Labour Party member I have heard so far.
This whole sort of debate who to do a coalition with or not, who to talk to or not, is of course a normal state of affairs in Germany. Following the recent election results in North Rhine Westphalia we have had all sorts of speculations and exotic “colourings” SPD, Greens, and Liberals; the Greens with CDU; SPD with CDU, as well as the most obvious one SPD, Greens and the Linke.
Can you imagine a situation where Gordon Brown and his party needed just one (sic) more seat to form a government but refused to enter into a coalition because the party is ex-Communist Party. This is what is happening now in NRW. Socialists holding their noses, not what Gordon (or should we say Mandy) is doing!
I don’t give a shit anymore, the mongs in the north of England are so thick they keep voting Liebour and guess what? The massive public spending cuts are going to fall on ENGLAND not Scotland, Wales or NI, but the mongs in the north will still ring in to Radio 5 and blame ‘Thatcher’.
Ha! Just tuned into Radio 5 and what do I hear? A thick northern mong going on about “the good job Gordon as dun, wot a great man, but noz wez need a Nu leader and av another election”
The fact that the markets will crash, the pound will go down faster than a beeboid goes down on an 8 year old rent boy is missed by Mr Thicko.
Let’s keep having elections until Liebour win, great idea.
Fartin: I’m betting there are plenty of cockney mongs of a similar disposition.
Our Country is a joke, our democracy is a joke. Northern mongs keep voting Labour.
Nick Clegg’s first campaign to support as Home Secretary?:
“Illegal immigrant fraudster who received kidney transplant on NHS uses public money to fight deportation”
Read more:
DB, well done for spotting the Prof Simon Lee thing, I saw it and I almost logged on here to post about it at the time. It took a few seconds for it to register with me that they were actually giving some airtime to a Professor of Politics from Hull University who was impressively articulate and scathing on Brown’s record, but unfortunately it also took them only a few seconds to realise their mistake in having picked him and I’ve never seen an interview be brought to an end so quickly. What a great guy, for the handful of seconds he was on it was wonderful TV. I’d like to know where we can see more of him, but I don’t think it will be on the BBC.
Looks like Clegg has lost control of his own party.
If the Conservatives have anything about them they should immediately withdraw the offer of an AV referendum. Cut Clegg loose and force him into an agreement with Liebour. Clegg’s been stuffed by his own.
I agree Lloyd. Whatever happens Cleggy isn’t going to come out of this well. If he forms a coalition with the Tories his own party will destroy him and if he forms one with Labour the electorate will destroy him at the next election.
The best thing the Tories can do is walk away.
I don’t think the Tories should walk away so much as say they’ve given a lot of ground and are not prepared to concede any further. At that point it’ll be the Lib Dems who walk away. So far the Tories have come across as the only party playing a straight bat and if they continue to do so they can escape the blame for failure to reach stable government. Not that the BBC won’t try to portray it otherwise.
Then Labour and the Lib Dems can also take the blame for the cuts that everyone here knows are coming, and I give it 12 months maximum before a new election. The one fly in that ointment is if a new electoral system is rammed through first. I would expect significant numbers of Labour MPs to vote against it normally, as it isn’t in their interest, but they may let hatred of the Tories blind them to the political realities.
This is it, there’s the facts and what the BBC will drum into people’s minds as the ‘facts’. Because of the BBC, the generation who didn’t have the privilege of living under Margarat Thatch seem to think she ate new born babies for tea.
I’ve never seen so many Scots on the TV – from both Labour and Liberals, not to mention the SNP. It’s simply astonishing.
If I just went by the TV, I would begin to wonder if I had been abducted in my sleep and put down in Scotland.