Anthony Watts, of the admirable Watts Up with That? blog is currently at the Fourth International Conference on Climate Change, where genuine climate scientists – as opposed to the buffoons who advocate global warming – are currently gathered in Chicago. It transpires that an amateurish, grubby, sharp-practice, wet-behind-the-ears BBC-funded crew is prowling the corridors of the conference hotel trying to misrepresent what is going on and to twist the words of participants. Anthony has filed an account of his meeting with this sordid BBC operation, and I reproduce it in full because every word deserves to be savoured:

I gave a couple of interviews today. The interview I had in the evening after the keynote dinner with an independent crew working for BBC on some documentary on “The Skeptics” was unscheduled. They caught me in the grand hall asking if it could do an interview. It started out pleasant enough, but soon deteriorated. They had no organization at all and had no idea where to shoot it. They suggested we shoot the interview in my room, because they wanted to have me set in front of my computer. I thought that was more than a bit forward and suggested the foyer, we got there, setup and then after starting decided they didn’t like the setting. They they suggested that we go to the media room (which they apparently just discovered) so they tore down and went there.

After a couple of false starts the questions started coming. I started to wonder where they were going with this, and when they started asking about what I thought about Dr. Phil Jones “wanting to commit suicide” I realized that it wasn’t going to be factual, but more emotionally spun. I told them flat out that question and what went on in Dr. Jones mind/intent wasn’t something I could or would comment on since I have no information beyond the press report.

These two independent filmakers were just kids, early 20′s and were struggling to come up with questions. They kept trying to get me to use the word “fraud” as applied to Dr. Jones. There were about five attempts to do so in questions, asking essentially the same question over and over again in different ways.

They also asked why climate skeptics are so “angry” and why there are so many nasty comments on forums. I pointed out that they should visit some of the entertainment forums where people talk about celebrities like Britney Spears etc if they wanted to see some real vitriols, and that nasty comments are a part of the blogosphere, particularly when anonymous commenting is involved. Alarmists make a lot of nasty comments. Look up dhoghaza and Joe Romm.

The capper came at the end when they asked me to sign a release form. I was shocked, because standard procedure is to have the interviewee look over and sign the release form before the interview.

Reading it was like reading no other release form I’ve ever seen. It had a clause that said “gives us the right to use your content however we see fit” which concerned me because usually an interview for a documentary is limited to that venue. For all I know they may put me on a political comedy show.

Then there was something I’ve never encountered in all my years of television. An oath of “honesty and factual accuracy” was in the release. While I certainly thought I answered honestly and factually, this clause concerned me. When somebody interviews me on a contentious subject like climate, I’m giving my opinion. Opinions are almost always disputed. I was sure mine would be. To have such a clause connected to one’s opinion is just insane because then someone can hold up anything and say “but scientific consensus says..etc…etc…so Mr. Watts lied and violated his contractual oath in the release form”. It’s not a court of law, it’s an interview. Jeez Louise!

The release was obviously written by amateurs, and I refused to sign it. They then admitted that “it’s being revised to ‘simplify it’ and ‘could we send you a revision?’. I said I’d look at it, gave them my card with email address, told them that I thought they had the process backwards and that I was unhappy with being confronted with flawed legal language after giving a good faith interview, and left.

How low can the BBC stoop? Let’s remind these cretins that Anthony has spent 25 years in the weather business and unlike the BBC, bends over backwards to ensure that the warmists he so fervently disagrees with are properly represented in both postings on his site and in cross-links. The BBC, for its part, distorts everything it reports to include a warmist spin. And clearly, it doesn’t give a damn how it gets there.


Is it just me or is the BBC leading a crusade to stop the cancellation of flights because of the drifting volcanic ash clouds? I note that they are running several items on Today asking the same recurring question – why are we not airlines just “get on with it.” I suppose the Beeboids must be getting frustrated at missing their flights as they seek to travel the world to bring us bias from the four corners!


A baised BBC reader reflects on the BBC’s love for tyranny…. 

Tiger Vs Dragon

10 May 2010 20:00–20:30

BBC Radio 4 (FM only)

The Power of the Poor

 In this provocative series of programmes, Mukul Devichandtravels across frontiers, from the controversial new ports China is building inthe Indian Ocean to the poor interior villages of these continent-sizedcountries. He examines whether China’s authoritarianism may in fact be doingmuch more for the poor than India’s sometimes bloody democracy.

 or this:

 “Sometimes you look at countries like China and youthink, ‘Wouldn’t it be nice to be an autocracy in times like these?'” MattFrei, Americana, September 20, 2009

 or even this:

 “..the final answer, frankly, is the vigorous use ofstate power to coerce and repress. It may be my Presbyterian background, but Ifirmly believe that repression can be a great, civilising instrument for good.Stamp hard on certain ‘natural’ beliefs for long enough and you can almost killthem off.”

Andrew Marr, The Guardian, Feb. 1999

Black is white (again)

Richard Black discusses the alleged “review” of the IPCC that is underway today as if it were genuinely independent. As usual, in his writing, the views of sceptics are only marginally mentioned; and there is no reference to the mountains of work on dozens of websites which show that many of the IPCC’s predictions are dangerous. fantastically expensive hogwash.

Meanwhile, separately from the BBC, sources tell me that the forces of the legal establishment remain intent on crushing those who dare to challenge the climate change orthodoxy; latest in the firing line are Richard North (of EU Referendum) and Christoper Booker (along with the Sunday Telegraph) who are being forced into the High Court to defend various claims about his worship Rajendra Pachauri, the always correct and above reproach IPCC chief. Pachauri’s lawyers are Carter Ruck, of course.

Just rememeber, the BBC was peddling the Himalayan glacier melt as if it were gospel truth until the blogsphere subjected the IPCC claims to proper scrutiny. And, surprise, surprise, Richard Black himself was foremost among those pushing this particular scare.

I repeat, of course, for his BBC lawyer’s benefit, that Richard is above reproach in his expenses claims for attending conferences.


I don’t think I have heard the use of the words “forces of  progressiveness” deployed on the BBC as much as in recent days. It seems to me the BBC is establishing a new post election meme, namely that Labour is opposition is the distillation of “progressiveness”. And of course there is the oh so subtle implication that IF Labour is “progressive” then what does that make the new Government?

Question Time 13th May 2010

The first post-election Question Time comes London.
On the panel tonight are Lord Heseltine and Simon Hughes for the Liberals, Lord Falconer for Labour, Melanie Phillips for all those who mistakenly thought they were voting for a right-of-centre government last week, and Mehdi Hasan, who may or may not be an 83 year old ghazal singer from  Karachi.

For those playing the Buzzword Bingo, we’ll be invoking the “BBC Spoiling Agenda rules update of 2010” which means that all attempts to sow discord amongst the new allies win double points. Mentions of Europe are wild, I agree with Nick places you in Nidd for a turn and players who score PR, Inheritance Tax and Trident in a straight line win a ticket to one of Richard Black’s nosebleed-inducingly utterly fair and impartial conferences. Overall game winners receive two tickets and a complimentary sick-bucket.

TheEye and David Mosque are determined to ignore the opinions of their supporters and continue in a Moderating Coalition for a fixed term, which will begin at 10:30pm and finish when This Week ends – or when 55% of Parliament votes to dissolve the liveblog.