10 pm news last night Tom Watson (think that was his name) tells us that David Cameron’s sppech today will say that the economy is in a far worse state than we had been led to believe – but as Tom says that is what all new governments say.
WATO – Martha Carney – David Cameron in his speech tells us….that is what all new governments say. I have to admit I then didn’t listen to Alistair Darling interview – wouldn’t it have been more appropriate to have had George on?
I don’t remember in 1997 being told that when Gordon said the economy was in a far worse state it was because that it what all governments do. In fact Gordon did tell us everything was worse and it was a LIE – as he continued to do for the next 13 years.
PS Did the BBC report that Gordon had cut Dave’s salary by approx 25%? If they did I missed it.
Can you elaborate on the PM salary cut. When the BBC overpaid management salaries were being compared with the salary of the PM I feel fairly sure that the figure for the PM was £192,000.
Here’s a major US story directly related to the Israel/Gaza saga which the BBC is hiding from you. Helen Thomas, an aged veteran of the White House Press Corps, has gotten herself into all kinds of trouble for saying that Jews should get out of Israel and go back home to Poland and Germany.
The video can be seen here. Thomas basically gives a perfect combination of all the lies and ignorance spouted by all those anti-Israel types who come here from time to time. It also sums up the beliefs of many BBC employees, which is probably part of why they’re hiding this from you.
This is a big story, yet the BBC has remained totally silent. Thomas has a priveleged place at White House press conferences. She has her own reserved seat in front, gets to ask the first question, and has been lionized for decades as “The Dean of the Press Corps”. A long-time, devoted far Leftoid, Thomas has revealed her ignorance and anti-Jewish beliefs for all to see. So far, she’s been dropped by her agent, had speaking engagements cancelled, and her employer, Hearst, might fire her as well.
The Beeboids know about this because it’s all over the news, and most definitely the Beeboids who cover the White House know her personally. It’s on the Huffington Post as well, so we know at least Justin Webb and Mark Mardell know about it.
For those of you that don’t know what Helen Thomas looks like, do not, under any circumstances, put her name into Google images (or the like). You have been warned. What has been seen cannot be unseen.
I believe it’s the BBC’s North America Editor, Mark Mardell, who represents the BBC in the White House press corps. The BBC definitely knows who Thomas is, as they reported her resignation from UPI 10 years ago and her stature amongst Beltway reporters.
Perhaps Mardell can spare a word, as he would be well aware of this story and knows Thomas personally? Nope. He’s too busy posting yet another staunch defense of his beloved Obamessiah. This time, Mardell uses Shakespeare to defend the President.
And by showing off about Shakespeare, Mardell gets his facts wrong, saying:
Hamlet is of course a tragedy of many depths, but it is in part a reaction to what went before – Shakespeare’s reflection on the tradition of the revenge tragedy, those blood-soaked Jacobean dramas of such horrific violence that they would make even Tarantino blush.
‘Hamlet’ was written no later than 1601, two years before the Jacobean era began.
The BBC do have an instinct to ignore stories that contradict its narrative or hurt its friends or show its allies in a bad light. They get away with it because they have no controls, they report what they want and do what they want and there is nobody to stop them.
Update: The BBC has at last reported it, now that Thomas has retired. They don’t sanitize it, either. And it’s Paul Adams who covers the Washington beat. He’s the one who decided to sit on the story for a few days.
This should have been reported when the video of her comments was all over the web. There’s no valid journalistic reason to sit on this for days and wait for her to retire or be kicked out of the White House press corps.
“There is not a humanitarian crisis. People are not dying as a result of goods not coming in,” he told me.
In fact, says Donnison, the blockade is so poorly maintained that Israel should question its usefulness as a strategy.
“We have this frankly ludicrous situation where there is open trade between Egypt and Gaza that is carried on underground. There is a huge smuggling operation – it is totally out in the open,” Donnison told me. “We’ve seen items as big as whole cars being brought through. Everyone knows it’s happening – Egypt knows it’s happening, Israel knows it’s happening – and no one’s really doing anything to stop it.”
Yet today the BBC is still reporting that there is a humanitarian crisis in Gaza:
The US is looking for “new ways” to address Gaza’s humanitarian crisis amid tensions over last week’s deadly Israeli raid on a Gaza-bound aid ship.
This contradicts Donnison’s own words. There can be no doubt that the BBC’s editorial policy on Gaza trumps facts. The Narrative is more important than the truth at the BBC.
So Jon Donnison admits there’s no-one starving in Gaza. They’re saying Israel can’t argue that ‘the blockade is essential to keep weapons out’ because the borders are already porous. But Israel could say, ‘enforcing the borders more effectively is what would keep the weapons out.’ I’m not advocating one or the other, I’m just saying the logic is absent.
Try getting UNRWA to admit that there isn’t a humanitarian crisis involving starving people. Chris Gunness won’t address that point directly. He sticks to saying that Gazans are deprived of ‘essentials.’ He will only say that part of these essentials are cement and reconstruction materials. But he knows that Hamas does bring these in, through the tunnels. So why doesn’t Hamas issue them to civilians to repair their houses? The BBC reserves all its penetrating questions for Mark Regev.
In the Telegraph there’s an article headed “Just how hungry is Gaza? It begins by describing the opulence of Roots restaurant, and various other undeniable pockets of wealth to be found in Gaza. But the article tells us that this is meaningless and misleading. The true picture is one of ramshackle buildings separated by fetid alleyways etc. It’s Israel’s fault, because of the blockade, which is neither preventing weapons coming through the tunnels, nor weakening Hamas’s popularity. So they should give in, and allow unfettered access in and out of Israel.
Nobody suggests that democratically elected Hamas bears any responsiblility for some sort of ‘redistribution of wealth.’ If all this abundance exists, why hasn’t the blockade affected that, and why does Hamas allow this state of affairs to continue?
Investigative journalists – get investigating!
In that article, they’ve included this : “In 2003 an American activist, Rachel Corrie, was crushed to death by an Israeli military bulldozer attempting to raze houses in Gaza.”
We should all know by now, but most of us don’t, that Rachel Corrie was actually standing at the entrance to a weapons store which the bulldozer was flattening. She stood below the bolldozer driver’s line of vision. She had been deliberately placed in harms way by self-declared jihadi propagandists who had boasted that the death of a western useful idiot was the most valuable propaganda coup there could ever be.
The fantasy version of this tale, like the Al Dura hoax and the ephemeral massacre at Jenin, is still repeated, sensationalised and evoked to demonise Israel, over and over. But as so few people want to hear the other side of the story, they won’t.
Most people would like to see something put in place that would end the necessity for the blockade; if settlements were built only when it is clearly accepted by everybody that they are entitled to be built. Such things would make defending Israel a lot easier.
But so would an escalation of terrorist atrocities and suicide bombings, which would surely be the result of the unfettered access that lifting the blockade would offer. It would bring home what Israel is up against, and endorse what it has been saying all along. But nobody could genuinely think such a thing is a price worth paying.
Not because of the actions of a commie thugocracy cosying up to an Isdamo thugocracy. Thugs do that.
What worries me is the way we (in what we laughingly used to call western civilization) are going to leave Israel hanging and not do a damn thing to counter it.
We all know that’s true.
I’ve been convinced for a while that there are strong elements in the US state department and the Obama admin who WANT Iran to go nuke. Wouldn’t surprise me if it was the same in our own Haven’t the Foggiest Bottom
Anyone at the BBC awake? To busy whipping up Jew hate I suppose.
What is strange Jack is that the west and NATO are going to allow Iranian naval units into the mediterreanian sea, now that thought is scary.
An aggressive islamofascist regime allowed to provoke a war in the region? The religion of peace has been finding its legs since Obama conned his way into the whitehouse.
If Iranian and Turkish naval units from up a fleet to break the blockade where does that leave NATO?
Cass — something else I am convinced about is this: if Israel decides to “take out” Iran’s nuclear bomb making centres, it better not tell Obama the date and time.
5 minutes after it does, that will be “leaked” to the NY Times and probably Iran directly.
The Iranian navy does not look very formidable( see Wikipedia) and has to get to the Mediterranean. I would not take this seriously. Sounds like the usual Iranian blustering .
BBC attempts to put remarks by Labour MP and Labour Party leadership contender, Mr. McDonnell, on ‘assassinate Thatcher’, into what the BBC thinks is an acceptable context:
BBC report:
“Mr McDonnell, who is on the left of the party, went on to say that he had been asked recently what single act he believed would have most improved life in Britain in the 1980s.
“‘I said, look, I was on the GLC that Mrs Thatcher abolished. I worked for the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) and we had the NUM strike. I think I’d assassinate Thatcher.’
“The BBC’s Political Correspondent Ross Hawkins said the comment – which was met with enthusiastic applause by union activisits – should be seen in the context of the audience it was directed at and the fact Mr McDonnell and the other MPs were explicitly appealing for votes. ”
As BBC relegates this report, in attempt to help its Labour Party chums (no character assassination on ‘Newsnight’ tonight)-, the ‘Daily Telegraph’ has:
“John McDonnell says he would like to ‘assassinate’ Margaret Thatcher”
The BBC affects disdain for the BNP and holds its nose when, rarely, the BNP appears on its programmes, even though the BNP doesn’t advocate assassination, unlike this Labour Party leadership candidate.
Will we now see from the BBC a distaste and a reluctance to have this hate monger on its august programmes?
BBC News right now promoting the poster campaign to re-educate the public about Islam. Full-on support, including statements that it’s wrong to associate Islam with terrorism, too many people are ignorant about Islam and have the wrong idea, and the press has been unfair with too much negative coverage of Islam.
Once again the BBC approaches Social Cohesion from the wrong end of the stick.
While listening to a programme about tourism in Zanibar at 4:30 on Radio 4 the presenter spoke about the evil trade in slaves which is now gladly over for the people of Zanzibar. He did however forget to mention whose slave trade this was. I wonder why?
Remember that in the wake of Israel’s interception of the Turkish boat carrying useful idiots and Hamas operatives, purportedly to breach the blockade of Gaza, Egypt open its border?
Well, there have been reports of people bringing into Gaza such essentials as TVs, refigerators and microwave ovens. Now those ever-so-needy Palestinians have been caught out, again:
Here I am listening to “Start the Week” with Andrew Marr.
He has just agreed with his old mate Alistair Campbell that Estelle Morris left her job as Education Secretary way too early…seems that women resign too early when they are FAR better than men!
Firstly,why is Campbell on again?…and why so soon after his recent gush of appearances on “our”BBC?
Secondly, is it really Marrs job to cite Morris` resignation as the most notable incident in his previous incarnation as a Beeb Bubble blower,and is he entitled to say that we were denied the genius that was Estelle Morris. His crawling around Margaret Beckett was nausea inducing!
The BBC has clearly given up any pretence of objectivity and Marr is its gargoyle to this effect>
Wonder when Campbell gets another bite at selling his psychobabble or diearies…true renaissance man eh?…and no doubt David Kelly will turn him another shill or two!
Newsnight has Paul Mason doing a really childish segment on nasty Tory cuts. The whole thing is speculation and suggestion, with a good dose of scare-mongering. They even have on an economist talking head who says that Cameron is only telling stories when he says that Labour mishandled the economy for the last 13 years. Perhaps the way Gordon Brown kept saying that a Tory government was going to have to have an emergency budget with draconian cuts might have been a clue that he knew something they didn’t?
The whole thing is jazzed up in faux Shakespearean drama visual and sound effects: cartoony ruffs on Brown and Darling, cartoony cutouts of an old stage, somber lute music, etc. Mason set the whole thing up by saying that the current budget cuts discussion sounds like a “Jacobean revenge play”. Then he goes into comparing it to Macbeth. The Groupthink operating at an unconcious level today, I guess.
In any case, the segment comes off as lacking in depth or substance. All cutesy effects seemed like something media studies students think is rilly kewl and helps the mouth-breathers relate to a difficult subject. It just seemed lame to me, and not fit for adults.
Ye gods! He’s at the Jacobean drama nonsense as well, following the Mark Mardell strained effort to elevate the useless shallow President to the tragic tortured soul of Hamlet.
For further Helen Thomas fun, here she is with the late and sadly missed Tony Snow.
As a poisonous far-leftie turned beloved national treasure (since she ….ahhh….basically kept breathing) she’s the US equivalent of dear old Wedgie Benn himself.
Thanks for the link. I just spent some time looking at the videos of the late and great Tony Snow ( no relation to Jon ). I was laughing so much at his demolition of the idiot leftie journalists.
Can you imagine a British equivalent of Tony ?
Tony, RIP, you are much missed.
It does however seem to find the space for not less than 3 Israel stories on the News front page, including the one about MFA supposedly apologising for Latma’s excellent ‘We Con the World’ spoof.
Nice to be able to get your priorities right – especially when it comes to doing your bit in the de-legitimisation effort.
The Israeli government has apologised after its press office emailed to journalists a spoof video about the flotilla which tried to dock in Gaza.
Read the article. There’s absolutely nothing in it that proves that the Israeli government has apologised!
The closest thing to an apology, which it clearly isn’t, is this:
A spokesman said the video did not represent the Israeli government’s view.
Mark Regev, spokesman for the Israeli Prime Minister’s office, told the UK’s Guardian newspaper: “I called my kids in to watch it because I thought it was funny. It is what Israelis feel. But the government has nothing to do with it.”
I read that ‘report’ and could not see where the Israeli government had appologised.
The BBC seem to twist and manipulate everthing that comes their way in the most petty and vindictive way possible but then again leftists in general are some of the most petty and vindictive ‘people’ the world has yet produced.
The aim is to produce a negative twist to everything about their enemies and make no mistake Israel is a mortal enemy.
I am working though the overnight posts, and this seems to be the 4th (in reverse order) where the BBC has clearly mis-reported to get the facts to try and fit with a clearly not objective narrative.
This is not news; it is propaganda.
They surely can present no credible defence of journalistic professionalism when these clear examples are there for all to see, even if often hauled down by stealth if nailed.
A general election in a major european nation and the BBC is NOT reporting on it, why would the BBC enact a news blackout on the Dutch general election?
Why is the BBC so keen on on this news blackout?
The BBC is ignoring and supressing news on the election because something is happening in Holland that is giving the BBC nightmares, I wonder what those nightmares are?
Very soon I hope and pray, the BBC and assorted eurotrash and multiculti scumnad pro islamist fools are going to be very upset, if only one nation can find the heart and courage to stand upto the eurotrash bullying ruling classes then the whole charade may crumble, all it takes is one nation to stand up and say ‘we will not go quietly into the night’.
Wilders says his chances of becoming PM have dropped considerably since a year ago, because the economy has become the most important issue with the electorate. He expects, however, to double his party’s size and it may end up as part of a ruling coalition:from interview in Wed’s Jerusalem Post:
“Should urban Foxes be culled?” cries out the camp male beeboid on Radio 5 this morning
Surley not? So all of a sudden the rich white liberal BBC types see that their ‘children’ might be at risk of savaging from cute little Basil Brush and want him slaughtered.
Not like those nasty country folk though, who are really cruel to Mr Foxy Woxy.
BBC’s (and all three UK main political parties’) pro-Islamic propaganda of preferential treatment for Muslim prisoners.
The BBC’s pro-Sharia law ‘logic’:
1.) If you jail convicted Muslim terrorists (i.e. Islamic jihadists) you will make them ‘more extreme’ (this is code for: ‘more strict in their adherence to Islam’);
2.) So, (illogically) Muslims prisoners should get special privileges in prison;
3.)And so, apparently, the non-Muslim population of Britain needs to adapt to this necessity of discrimination in favour of Muslims, and to support the introduction of Sharia law.
“Prisons strategy ‘could drive Muslims to extremism'”
“With Muslims established as a privileged class and non-Muslims converting to Islam simply to avoid the misery of second-class status, British prisoners already sound like Sharia entities.”
Islamist criminals demanding better treatment, handwring cringing appeasers agree.
The islamists complain and get what they demand evertime and guess what? Oooh yeah its our fault that these foreign criminals are unhappy.
Any government worth the name should be booting out every foreigner/islamist criminal instead of lavishing favours and luxuries on them.
These scum would not be complaining so loudly of the alterantive was a one way flight to a Saudi/Egyptian/UAE/Turkish prison I think 😀
Radio 4’s History of the World this week takes us back to a time when the teachings of the prophet Mahommed (sp?) was transforming the Middle East forever.
Dear BBC,
There are other religions you know,
thank you,
Yours sincerely
Uncle Bup.
I inadvertently pressed the wrong button and got Wimmin’s Hour yesterday which was running a trail for their “new drama”. The story? Two mixed race gay guys adopting a teenage child….
Dave I reckon most of the “right on” BBC drama output is written by a computer. It would be a simple matter of having a few plot templates then an array of good guys (gay , black , muslim) and a few rules i.e never mix gays and muslims in the same play. I suppose you would also need an array of bad guys (Tory , Israeli , banker) and Bobs your Uncle an instant script !
The hive minds of the BBC just cannot handle Wilders, who is a true liberal in the old European tradition. He says simple things very clearly. If he wins a substantial number of seats I expect they will self destruct rather than be forced to cover the story.
Wilders is not a true liberal in any tradition. He says he wants to ban the Koran. I don’t give a damn what anyone thinks about Islam, but banning a religious book is not liberal behavior by any definition.
David, with regards to Wilders that is not true. He did not say he wanted to ban the Qur’an. He did say he wanted a debate as to whether the book could be compared to Mein Kampf as it encouraged violence and inspired hatred.
Here is a link to Wilder’s original speech in the Dutch Parliament in which he stated:
In this light, it is an absolute necessity that the Koran be banned for the defence and reinforcement of our civilisation and our constitutional state.
That’s not merely calling for a debate.
Wilders also wrote the following in a Dutch daily paper:
“Ban this wretched book like Mein Kampf is banned!,”
Here are two video interviews in which he does not deny statements that he wants to ban the Koran:
Perhaps we mean different things here. A true liberal abhors the illiberal. I think this is Wilder’s position. He might mean that the Koran has no place in the European tradition as it is intolerant of other world views. We could say the same about the Old Testament. I am sure Wilder is aware of possible contradictions in singling out the Koran.
In his defence I am sure he is really defending the Europe of the Enlightenment and knows how easily a liberal world view tips over into authoritarianism if toleration is extended to those who are implacably opposed to it.
I guess I am trying to reclaim the word liberal from the left .
I understand what you mean, but it seems to me that Wilders has gone beyond that. However, I accept that his points about Islam needing a Reformation and Enlightenment (I’m on record here as saying similar things myself) might suggest that he doesn’t really expect a ban, and is just hoping for such an Enlightenment. But I’d have to hear that from him before I believe it, as his words so far don’t bear that out.
One slight drawback to a sensible Dutch policy of clipping the wings of the hostile colonists in Holland will almost certainly mean a swift surge of upto a million islamists/criminal gangs to the UK demanding AND getting housing and assorted benefits.
If the Dutch get tough as they certainly should then just get ready for the massive influx of all those hostile and utterly nasty islamists that made life such a misery for the Dutch over the years.
What will be unsurprising will be the utter hatred and hostility these ‘refugees will show the UK authorities that will take them in NO QUESTIONS ASKED like the good cringing appeasing lickspittles they are.
The attitude will be as soon as they arrive will be ‘wheres my housing and benefits you infidel scum? gimme gimme gimme you unbeliever filth or we go on the rampage to show our rage’N’stuff. Wherever they go IF they are booted out of Holland they will NOT EVER be going back to the lands of their religion of peace.
The free movement of ‘europeans’ so generously allowed will result in the biggest migration to the UK so far and will turn out to be a disaster of epic proportions.
Am I correct in believing a fair part of our country having the second largest Somali population in the world despite no colonial connections is those originally granted asylum in the Netherlands moving here to be with their compatriots?
Now there is a idea no right of abode in another EU country after being granted asylum. Was a snow flake I spotted in hell?
Idiot Beeboid on the News Channel right now in South Africa trying to push class warfare on a young black African girl. They’re too poor to buy tickets to the matches, the Beeboid solemnly intones. In the minds of neo-Marxist Beeboids, they must therefore hate it. So in he goes.
The first obstacle is the girl’s positive statements about how the kids are all excited (soccer-playing African kids excited about the World Cup? Imagine that.) because there are some social education programs on offer (stay in school, don’t do drugs, etc.). The Beeboid tries to establish the Narrative and aks: What does having the World Cup here mean to you (the girl and her equally black and poor friends) here in this “poor part of Alexandria”?. The girl replies that she thinks it’s great because there will be jobs for her parents and her friends’ parents. Sensing that it’s going off-message, the Beeboid tries again. Lots of money being spent on the World Cup, he says, maybe this money could be better used to help poor people?
No, replies the girl, it’s good for us after all. Unable to get the girl to follow the script (poor black girl angry and disappointed at rich whites spending money in front of her), the Beeboid gives up and reprises the class war narrative before handing it over back to the studio.
” And now climate change and its effect on communities “. There followed a piece about the Vikings. To be fair, the BBC didn’t refer to “The Viking Community”.
Oh, dear. Have Your Say about The Obamessiah’s handling of the oil spill crisis full of comments not going to form.
Even though the wording of the set-up question is weighted in His favor, the proles just aren’t buying it. The BBC writes that He visited the area “since the disaster began”, but fails to point out that His first visit wasn’t until 13 days after it started, and then immediately went on vacation. Then all they can do is say that He has continued to defend himself. That’s handling it? I guess so, but only if one thinks that the crisis is about The Obamessiah’s popularity and the upward trajectory of His Administration, and not, you know, the oil spill.
World Affairs correspondent was just on the News Channel doing a segment full of His own statements in His own defense. They show His latest demonstration of classy leadership, in which He says that He’s not messing about and really meeting all those oil experts and fishermen “so I know whose ass to kick”.
Don’t worry, says the BBC, He’s angry, and He’s large and in charge. No clumsy Shakespeare references so far today, though. They’ve amped up the defense of their favorite world leader, so it’s time to roll out that Bible quote again:
Now, brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain.
(Corinthians 15:1-2)
Sums up the BBC’s reporting on the US President pretty well, I think.
Hooray! BBC catches up with Al Jazeera in finally reporting on tomorrow’s Dutch election (and on Geert Wilders).
No doubt this was after a lengthy BBC editorial meeting, with the BBC asking Al Jazeera if it was OK for the BBC to say reasonable things about Geert Wilders.
“Immigration still an issue for voters in Dutch election”
-we’re not really here for the World Cup, we’re here to propagandise for Zuma’s ANC, (and against the Whites) , esconced in our luxury hotels, £1m studio, and specially built lift.
Tonight, BBC ‘Newsnight’ explores racial problems, where only one colour is mentioned in this BBC ‘Newsnight’ blog preview:
“…ahead of the World Cup celebrations, Tim Whewell travels to the ‘rainbow nation’, South Africa where he finds deep race divisions.
Tim meets two young men with very differing views – controversial ANC Youth League leader Julius Malema and Ernst Roets, chairman of white pressure group AfriForum. ”
Who is this ANC leader, JULIUS MALENGA, BBC? -You should know:
‘Guardian’ report:
“ANC’s Julius Malema lashes out at ‘misbehaving’ BBC journalist”
“A firebrand South African youth leader today threw a BBC journalist out of a press conference, accusing him of “white tendency” and calling him a ‘bastard’, bloody agent’ and small boy’.
Julius Malema, president of the youth wing of the African National Congress, exploded in rage when Jonah Fisher, a white Briton, interrupted him at the ANC’s headquarters in Johannesburg.”
Perhaps even the BBC will have to change its political tune about race, in the light of the above experience at the hands of a leading ANC black political figure?:-
The goverment falls – or so the Beeboids tell us: Government suffers Lords defeat
The coalition government suffers its first House of Lords defeat – over plans to scrap new local councils.
(note use of the word “first” – are Beeboids informed that there are more government humilitations to follow or just engaging in wishful speculation propaganda)
It’s OK, don’t worry, the headline is a complete lie, which you will discover if you read the article to the end.
Could it be that some BBC research found that the average BBC reader never gets past the headline? Therefore they make the headline unrelated to the story, but just in case someone should question them, they can say that they covered it all further down the page.
If not actuallly often in direct contradiction to the facts, even if ‘clarified’ in the self-same story.
More and more prevalent.
And of of the more insidious editorial ‘techniques’ at play more and more.
Maybe worthy of a listing, though I suspect it will quickly need some archive caches as retroactive stealth edits without admission of error are engaged upon when caught with pants on fire.
I watched ,until I could take no more, the repeat tonight of the BBC hymn to the wonderful Moorish culture of Spain. If Christian Europe had not been so remiss in repelling Islam’s conquest we could all now be enjoying the most advanced civilisation the world has ever known. At least that is what I think the argument was by the dhimmified presenter.
We sure missed out on a real golden age. Maybe we will just roll over this time and learn what a real civilisation is like
Islam was built on slavery and a cruel regime the like of which was unusual even for the times.
Christians and Jews were treated like dogs because it was believed that they were dogs.
Their knowledge of mathamatics and science and astronomy came from destroying the Byzantine empire bit by bit until the final assault on Byzantium. The books dating back to the dawn of civilisation were translated into arabic and passed off as their own work, who would dare to disagree when a painful death awaited any who tried and the teachers were used to educate the new masters who brought nothing original to science and astronomy and maths.
The so called islamic empire was built on war and a hunger to kill and destroy, it was built by slavery and conquest and cruelty and no amount of BBC propaganda will ever change that.
The rashidun, the umayyads,abbasids and the ottoman, a series of empires built on conquest moving ever westward into the eastern roman empire and beyond.
Good for the Beeboid on News 24 telling Diane Abbot that her nomination is a joke. No phoney PC protection for the Queen of Hackney today, which is as it should be. Too bad nobody at the BBC is willing to point out that the logical conclusion of her candidacy is that only black people are qualified to represent both whites and blacks.
Beeb fawning over Diane Abbot as she joins the race for the LieBore leadership.
I’m fully-supporting her campaign. The election as leader of someone who is fighting on a diversity/anti-white male ticket; and who proclaims to be a socialist but who sends her kids to a private school would, for me, be the very apotheosis of what Labour is all about.
Another day, another stalwart defense of The Obamessiah by Mark Mardell. Today, he’s trying to convince everyone that the President really is “riding herd” on BP, just as He promised us He would.
Here’s what Mark Mardell and the entire BBC don’t want you to know:
Even though He’s scowled and cursed and threatened and expressed His anger and sincerity, He hasn’t even met with the BP boss yet. The politicians in Louisiana don’t even know who’s in charge of the clean-up operations now. Even super-sycophant Chris Matthews is stunned.
Rank incompetence at the White House, yet the BBC is tireless in their support, hiding the truth and cheerleading for the President.
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ZephirJan 19, 16:56 Weekend 18th January 2025 Now, off you go and don’t do it again: “The 44-year-old Washington, D.C., man accused of trying to smuggle a…
Fedup2Jan 19, 16:55 Weekend 18th January 2025 The final day of the Biden puppet presidency . Will there be a long affectionate programme by the BBC about…
ZephirJan 19, 16:53 Weekend 18th January 2025 3rd assassination attempt ? “As elected officials and curious spectators swarm to the nation’s capital ahead of President-elect Trump’s swearing-in…
JohnCJan 19, 16:42 Weekend 18th January 2025 Have you seen the video of the hostages being transferred surrounded by Hama ‘soldiers’ ?. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/ckg0znng8x2t I’m sorry but they…
diggJan 19, 16:36 Weekend 18th January 2025 Typical of these gruesome sub-humans that they need Balaclava masks, sunglasses and sub machine guns to transport 3 unarmed girls….…
Fedup2Jan 19, 16:33 Weekend 18th January 2025 I bet the IDF drone targetters had a finger close to the trigger for that …
diggJan 19, 16:33 Weekend 18th January 2025 Corbyn attending pro Palestine rally and now called in by cops… https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/clykrvp1g83o Walking in Lord Haw-Haws shoes in fact, he…
10 pm news last night Tom Watson (think that was his name) tells us that David Cameron’s sppech today will say that the economy is in a far worse state than we had been led to believe – but as Tom says that is what all new governments say.
WATO – Martha Carney – David Cameron in his speech tells us….that is what all new governments say. I have to admit I then didn’t listen to Alistair Darling interview – wouldn’t it have been more appropriate to have had George on?
I don’t remember in 1997 being told that when Gordon said the economy was in a far worse state it was because that it what all governments do. In fact Gordon did tell us everything was worse and it was a LIE – as he continued to do for the next 13 years.
PS Did the BBC report that Gordon had cut Dave’s salary by approx 25%? If they did I missed it.
Brown really is a vile spiteful little creep.
Any else notice how old ‘prudence’ Brown is in hiding.
Probably thinks of himself as a victim, that’s the level of his delusion.
Gordon Brown, the worst PM in history, the man who broke Britain for generations to come.
Brown should retire to Kirkcaldy, a fate worse than death !
Can you elaborate on the PM salary cut. When the BBC overpaid management salaries were being compared with the salary of the PM I feel fairly sure that the figure for the PM was £192,000.
Here’s a major US story directly related to the Israel/Gaza saga which the BBC is hiding from you. Helen Thomas, an aged veteran of the White House Press Corps, has gotten herself into all kinds of trouble for saying that Jews should get out of Israel and go back home to Poland and Germany.
The video can be seen here. Thomas basically gives a perfect combination of all the lies and ignorance spouted by all those anti-Israel types who come here from time to time. It also sums up the beliefs of many BBC employees, which is probably part of why they’re hiding this from you.
This is a big story, yet the BBC has remained totally silent. Thomas has a priveleged place at White House press conferences. She has her own reserved seat in front, gets to ask the first question, and has been lionized for decades as “The Dean of the Press Corps”. A long-time, devoted far Leftoid, Thomas has revealed her ignorance and anti-Jewish beliefs for all to see. So far, she’s been dropped by her agent, had speaking engagements cancelled, and her employer, Hearst, might fire her as well.
The Beeboids know about this because it’s all over the news, and most definitely the Beeboids who cover the White House know her personally. It’s on the Huffington Post as well, so we know at least Justin Webb and Mark Mardell know about it.
Why is the BBC hiding this important story?
For those of you that don’t know what Helen Thomas looks like, do not, under any circumstances, put her name into Google images (or the like). You have been warned. What has been seen cannot be unseen.
These are pictures from Dr Who, surely?
She looks like a less friendly version of Yubaba from “Spirited Away”.
HELEN DAVROS — Exterminate…exterminate…
Wonder who she’s talking about. The old arab.
Why doesn’t she go back to Arabland?
I’d backskuttle her in memory of Grimer!
Now I know why the BBC is not reporting this story. They follow their friends at the Washington Post, which has decided not to report it.
The BBC doesn’t really do original, insightful reporting on US issues, and cannot be trusted.
Yes I saw this on Caroline Glick. Com “shocking”
Update: Helen Thomas has retired, effective immediately. Once White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs called her remarks “offensive and reprehensible”, she was toast.
I believe it’s the BBC’s North America Editor, Mark Mardell, who represents the BBC in the White House press corps. The BBC definitely knows who Thomas is, as they reported her resignation from UPI 10 years ago and her stature amongst Beltway reporters.
Perhaps Mardell can spare a word, as he would be well aware of this story and knows Thomas personally? Nope. He’s too busy posting yet another staunch defense of his beloved Obamessiah. This time, Mardell uses Shakespeare to defend the President.
And by showing off about Shakespeare, Mardell gets his facts wrong, saying:
Hamlet is of course a tragedy of many depths, but it is in part a reaction to what went before – Shakespeare’s reflection on the tradition of the revenge tragedy, those blood-soaked Jacobean dramas of such horrific violence that they would make even Tarantino blush.
‘Hamlet’ was written no later than 1601, two years before the Jacobean era began.
Mardell can’t even get that right.
Yes I heard Mardell on “From our own correspondent” comparing Obama with Hamlet etc. It was sick-making.
The BBC do have an instinct to ignore stories that contradict its narrative or hurt its friends or show its allies in a bad light. They get away with it because they have no controls, they report what they want and do what they want and there is nobody to stop them.
Update: The BBC has at last reported it, now that Thomas has retired. They don’t sanitize it, either. And it’s Paul Adams who covers the Washington beat. He’s the one who decided to sit on the story for a few days.
This should have been reported when the video of her comments was all over the web. There’s no valid journalistic reason to sit on this for days and wait for her to retire or be kicked out of the White House press corps.
God damn the bbc and all who work for her.
Yesterday, the Daily News quoted BBC reporter Jon Donnison as saying that there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza.
“There is not a humanitarian crisis. People are not dying as a result of goods not coming in,” he told me.
In fact, says Donnison, the blockade is so poorly maintained that Israel should question its usefulness as a strategy.
“We have this frankly ludicrous situation where there is open trade between Egypt and Gaza that is carried on underground. There is a huge smuggling operation – it is totally out in the open,” Donnison told me. “We’ve seen items as big as whole cars being brought through. Everyone knows it’s happening – Egypt knows it’s happening, Israel knows it’s happening – and no one’s really doing anything to stop it.”
Yet today the BBC is still reporting that there is a humanitarian crisis in Gaza:
The US is looking for “new ways” to address Gaza’s humanitarian crisis amid tensions over last week’s deadly Israeli raid on a Gaza-bound aid ship.
This contradicts Donnison’s own words. There can be no doubt that the BBC’s editorial policy on Gaza trumps facts. The Narrative is more important than the truth at the BBC.
So Jon Donnison admits there’s no-one starving in Gaza. They’re saying Israel can’t argue that ‘the blockade is essential to keep weapons out’ because the borders are already porous. But Israel could say, ‘enforcing the borders more effectively is what would keep the weapons out.’ I’m not advocating one or the other, I’m just saying the logic is absent.
Try getting UNRWA to admit that there isn’t a humanitarian crisis involving starving people. Chris Gunness won’t address that point directly. He sticks to saying that Gazans are deprived of ‘essentials.’ He will only say that part of these essentials are cement and reconstruction materials. But he knows that Hamas does bring these in, through the tunnels. So why doesn’t Hamas issue them to civilians to repair their houses? The BBC reserves all its penetrating questions for Mark Regev.
In the Telegraph there’s an article headed “Just how hungry is Gaza? It begins by describing the opulence of Roots restaurant, and various other undeniable pockets of wealth to be found in Gaza. But the article tells us that this is meaningless and misleading. The true picture is one of ramshackle buildings separated by fetid alleyways etc. It’s Israel’s fault, because of the blockade, which is neither preventing weapons coming through the tunnels, nor weakening Hamas’s popularity. So they should give in, and allow unfettered access in and out of Israel.
Nobody suggests that democratically elected Hamas bears any responsiblility for some sort of ‘redistribution of wealth.’ If all this abundance exists, why hasn’t the blockade affected that, and why does Hamas allow this state of affairs to continue?
Investigative journalists – get investigating!
In that article, they’ve included this : “In 2003 an American activist, Rachel Corrie, was crushed to death by an Israeli military bulldozer attempting to raze houses in Gaza.”
We should all know by now, but most of us don’t, that Rachel Corrie was actually standing at the entrance to a weapons store which the bulldozer was flattening. She stood below the bolldozer driver’s line of vision. She had been deliberately placed in harms way by self-declared jihadi propagandists who had boasted that the death of a western useful idiot was the most valuable propaganda coup there could ever be.
The fantasy version of this tale, like the Al Dura hoax and the ephemeral massacre at Jenin, is still repeated, sensationalised and evoked to demonise Israel, over and over. But as so few people want to hear the other side of the story, they won’t.
Most people would like to see something put in place that would end the necessity for the blockade; if settlements were built only when it is clearly accepted by everybody that they are entitled to be built. Such things would make defending Israel a lot easier.
But so would an escalation of terrorist atrocities and suicide bombings, which would surely be the result of the unfettered access that lifting the blockade would offer. It would bring home what Israel is up against, and endorse what it has been saying all along. But nobody could genuinely think such a thing is a price worth paying.
Gaza needs lots of posh restaurants for all the “aid workers” and Hamas officials. I wonder if they all sit at the same table ?
Do these DRUDGE headlines worry you? They sure as hell worry me.
Ahmadinejad to visit China…
Not because of the actions of a commie thugocracy cosying up to an Isdamo thugocracy. Thugs do that.
What worries me is the way we (in what we laughingly used to call western civilization) are going to leave Israel hanging and not do a damn thing to counter it.
We all know that’s true.
I’ve been convinced for a while that there are strong elements in the US state department and the Obama admin who WANT Iran to go nuke. Wouldn’t surprise me if it was the same in our own Haven’t the Foggiest Bottom
Anyone at the BBC awake? To busy whipping up Jew hate I suppose.
What is strange Jack is that the west and NATO are going to allow Iranian naval units into the mediterreanian sea, now that thought is scary.
An aggressive islamofascist regime allowed to provoke a war in the region? The religion of peace has been finding its legs since Obama conned his way into the whitehouse.
If Iranian and Turkish naval units from up a fleet to break the blockade where does that leave NATO?
Cass — something else I am convinced about is this: if Israel decides to “take out” Iran’s nuclear bomb making centres, it better not tell Obama the date and time.
5 minutes after it does, that will be “leaked” to the NY Times and probably Iran directly.
The Iranian navy does not look very formidable( see Wikipedia) and has to get to the Mediterranean. I would not take this seriously. Sounds like the usual Iranian blustering .
Well it took on the might of the joke Royal Navy and won. Nelson would have probably turned in his grave at that shambles.
I wasn’t thinking of the RN. I would think the Israeli navy is more in the old British tradition.
If Israel attacked a Turkish ship, NATO would have to attack
Israel !
I’d offer them a Ford Fiesta.
BBC attempts to put remarks by Labour MP and Labour Party leadership contender, Mr. McDonnell, on ‘assassinate Thatcher’, into what the BBC thinks is an acceptable context:
BBC report:
“Mr McDonnell, who is on the left of the party, went on to say that he had been asked recently what single act he believed would have most improved life in Britain in the 1980s.
“‘I said, look, I was on the GLC that Mrs Thatcher abolished. I worked for the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) and we had the NUM strike. I think I’d assassinate Thatcher.’
“The BBC’s Political Correspondent Ross Hawkins said the comment – which was met with enthusiastic applause by union activisits – should be seen in the context of the audience it was directed at and the fact Mr McDonnell and the other MPs were explicitly appealing for votes. ”
Always ready to make excuses for its friemds, the BBC would love it if Thatcher was killed.
“Union delegates cheer as Labour leadership hopeful tells of desire to ‘assassinate’ Margaret Thatcher”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1284713/Union-delegates-cheer-Labour-leadership-hopeful-tells-desire-assassinate-Margaret-Thatcher.html#ixzz0qBpQW2Gd
As BBC relegates this report, in attempt to help its Labour Party chums (no character assassination on ‘Newsnight’ tonight)-, the ‘Daily Telegraph’ has:
“John McDonnell says he would like to ‘assassinate’ Margaret Thatcher”
Is this a hate crime ?
Are the posters already going up at the BBC?:
‘McDonnell for Labour leader’.
‘should be seen in the context of ‘
Oo, goody, another triumph of multiple standard hypocrisy to add to the growing collection from Aunty and her purveyors of what makes them ‘unique’
The BBC affects disdain for the BNP and holds its nose when, rarely, the BNP appears on its programmes, even though the BNP doesn’t advocate assassination, unlike this Labour Party leadership candidate.
Will we now see from the BBC a distaste and a reluctance to have this hate monger on its august programmes?
Are the police investigating ? Seems like he may have committed a criminal offence ?
BBC News right now promoting the poster campaign to re-educate the public about Islam. Full-on support, including statements that it’s wrong to associate Islam with terrorism, too many people are ignorant about Islam and have the wrong idea, and the press has been unfair with too much negative coverage of Islam.
Once again the BBC approaches Social Cohesion from the wrong end of the stick.
Islam is the Left’s Rottweiler. The BBC will do all it can to cover for it’s attack dog.
While listening to a programme about tourism in Zanibar at 4:30 on Radio 4 the presenter spoke about the evil trade in slaves which is now gladly over for the people of Zanzibar. He did however forget to mention whose slave trade this was. I wonder why?
It was obviousley left to the guilt ridden Englishman to blame himself.
John McDonnell says he would ‘assassinate’ Thatcher if he returned to 1980s
(Note: this short piece has a ‘Comments’ section quite unlike the BBC’s misnamed ‘Have Your Say’.)
Remember that in the wake of Israel’s interception of the Turkish boat carrying useful idiots and Hamas operatives, purportedly to breach the blockade of Gaza, Egypt open its border?
Well, there have been reports of people bringing into Gaza such essentials as TVs, refigerators and microwave ovens. Now those ever-so-needy Palestinians have been caught out, again:
Egypt seizes landmines, mortars headed to Gaza
More on those Yooman Rites “activists”:
IDF: Five Gaza flotilla activists linked to Hamas, Al-Qaida
Here I am listening to “Start the Week” with Andrew Marr.
He has just agreed with his old mate Alistair Campbell that Estelle Morris left her job as Education Secretary way too early…seems that women resign too early when they are FAR better than men!
Firstly,why is Campbell on again?…and why so soon after his recent gush of appearances on “our”BBC?
Secondly, is it really Marrs job to cite Morris` resignation as the most notable incident in his previous incarnation as a Beeb Bubble blower,and is he entitled to say that we were denied the genius that was Estelle Morris. His crawling around Margaret Beckett was nausea inducing!
The BBC has clearly given up any pretence of objectivity and Marr is its gargoyle to this effect>
Wonder when Campbell gets another bite at selling his psychobabble or diearies…true renaissance man eh?…and no doubt David Kelly will turn him another shill or two!
White schoolgirls STILL being groomed by ‘asian’ youths, West Yorkshire Police STILL turning a blind eye, paralysed by political correctness.
Newsnight has Paul Mason doing a really childish segment on nasty Tory cuts. The whole thing is speculation and suggestion, with a good dose of scare-mongering. They even have on an economist talking head who says that Cameron is only telling stories when he says that Labour mishandled the economy for the last 13 years. Perhaps the way Gordon Brown kept saying that a Tory government was going to have to have an emergency budget with draconian cuts might have been a clue that he knew something they didn’t?
The whole thing is jazzed up in faux Shakespearean drama visual and sound effects: cartoony ruffs on Brown and Darling, cartoony cutouts of an old stage, somber lute music, etc. Mason set the whole thing up by saying that the current budget cuts discussion sounds like a “Jacobean revenge play”. Then he goes into comparing it to Macbeth. The Groupthink operating at an unconcious level today, I guess.
In any case, the segment comes off as lacking in depth or substance. All cutesy effects seemed like something media studies students think is rilly kewl and helps the mouth-breathers relate to a difficult subject. It just seemed lame to me, and not fit for adults.
Ye gods! He’s at the Jacobean drama nonsense as well, following the Mark Mardell strained effort to elevate the useless shallow President to the tragic tortured soul of Hamlet.
Groupthink, plain and simple.
For those of you that don’t know what Helen Thomas looks like, do not, under any circumstances, put her name into Google images (or the like).
God love the woman, but can someone contact Reuters and get her photos cropped from the neck up.
She is 90 years old, you know!
For further Helen Thomas fun, here she is with the late and sadly missed Tony Snow.
As a poisonous far-leftie turned beloved national treasure (since she ….ahhh….basically kept breathing) she’s the US equivalent of dear old Wedgie Benn himself.
Thanks for the link. I just spent some time looking at the videos of the late and great Tony Snow ( no relation to Jon ). I was laughing so much at his demolition of the idiot leftie journalists.
Can you imagine a British equivalent of Tony ?
Tony, RIP, you are much missed.
The Reuters ‘Cropgate – Fauxtography II’ story is going viral worldwide, yet al-BBCeera remains shtum.
It does however seem to find the space for not less than 3 Israel stories on the News front page, including the one about MFA supposedly apologising for Latma’s excellent ‘We Con the World’ spoof.
Nice to be able to get your priorities right – especially when it comes to doing your bit in the de-legitimisation effort.
Talking of Fauxwhatever and viral, here’s the BBC and a misleading headline. Wishful thinking?
Israel apologises for spoof video mocking Gaza flotilla
The Israeli government has apologised after its press office emailed to journalists a spoof video about the flotilla which tried to dock in Gaza.
Read the article. There’s absolutely nothing in it that proves that the Israeli government has apologised!
The closest thing to an apology, which it clearly isn’t, is this:
A spokesman said the video did not represent the Israeli government’s view.
Mark Regev, spokesman for the Israeli Prime Minister’s office, told the UK’s Guardian newspaper: “I called my kids in to watch it because I thought it was funny. It is what Israelis feel. But the government has nothing to do with it.”
I read that ‘report’ and could not see where the Israeli government had appologised.
The BBC seem to twist and manipulate everthing that comes their way in the most petty and vindictive way possible but then again leftists in general are some of the most petty and vindictive ‘people’ the world has yet produced.
The aim is to produce a negative twist to everything about their enemies and make no mistake Israel is a mortal enemy.
I am working though the overnight posts, and this seems to be the 4th (in reverse order) where the BBC has clearly mis-reported to get the facts to try and fit with a clearly not objective narrative.
This is not news; it is propaganda.
They surely can present no credible defence of journalistic professionalism when these clear examples are there for all to see, even if often hauled down by stealth if nailed.
A general election in a major european nation and the BBC is NOT reporting on it, why would the BBC enact a news blackout on the Dutch general election?
Why is the BBC so keen on on this news blackout?
The BBC is ignoring and supressing news on the election because something is happening in Holland that is giving the BBC nightmares, I wonder what those nightmares are?
Very soon I hope and pray, the BBC and assorted eurotrash and multiculti scumnad pro islamist fools are going to be very upset, if only one nation can find the heart and courage to stand upto the eurotrash bullying ruling classes then the whole charade may crumble, all it takes is one nation to stand up and say ‘we will not go quietly into the night’.
Spot on. The BBC’s censorship of Dutch politics is scandalous.
The reason is obvious:
“Geert Wilders may be in government next week”
(Ed West)
Go Geert 😀
Wilders says his chances of becoming PM have dropped considerably since a year ago, because the economy has become the most important issue with the electorate. He expects, however, to double his party’s size and it may end up as part of a ruling coalition:from interview in Wed’s Jerusalem Post:
“Should urban Foxes be culled?” cries out the camp male beeboid on Radio 5 this morning
Surley not? So all of a sudden the rich white liberal BBC types see that their ‘children’ might be at risk of savaging from cute little Basil Brush and want him slaughtered.
Not like those nasty country folk though, who are really cruel to Mr Foxy Woxy.
BBC’s (and all three UK main political parties’) pro-Islamic propaganda of preferential treatment for Muslim prisoners.
The BBC’s pro-Sharia law ‘logic’:
1.) If you jail convicted Muslim terrorists (i.e. Islamic jihadists) you will make them ‘more extreme’ (this is code for: ‘more strict in their adherence to Islam’);
2.) So, (illogically) Muslims prisoners should get special privileges in prison;
3.)And so, apparently, the non-Muslim population of Britain needs to adapt to this necessity of discrimination in favour of Muslims, and to support the introduction of Sharia law.
“Prisons strategy ‘could drive Muslims to extremism'”
UK: Prisoners convert to Islam for jail perks
“With Muslims established as a privileged class and non-Muslims converting to Islam simply to avoid the misery of second-class status, British prisoners already sound like Sharia entities.”
For BBC:
The single best resource for understanding Islamic teaching about jihad
Islamist criminals demanding better treatment, handwring cringing appeasers agree.
The islamists complain and get what they demand evertime and guess what? Oooh yeah its our fault that these foreign criminals are unhappy.
Any government worth the name should be booting out every foreigner/islamist criminal instead of lavishing favours and luxuries on them.
These scum would not be complaining so loudly of the alterantive was a one way flight to a Saudi/Egyptian/UAE/Turkish prison I think 😀
Radio 4’s History of the World this week takes us back to a time when the teachings of the prophet Mahommed (sp?) was transforming the Middle East forever.
Dear BBC,
There are other religions you know,
thank you,
Yours sincerely
Uncle Bup.
I inadvertently pressed the wrong button and got Wimmin’s Hour yesterday which was running a trail for their “new drama”. The story? Two mixed race gay guys adopting a teenage child….
You really couldn’t make it up.
I hate the BBC so much it hurts.
Dave I reckon most of the “right on” BBC drama output is written by a computer. It would be a simple matter of having a few plot templates then an array of good guys (gay , black , muslim) and a few rules i.e never mix gays and muslims in the same play. I suppose you would also need an array of bad guys (Tory , Israeli , banker) and Bobs your Uncle an instant script !
How much do you reckon they pay per play ?
I reckon most of the “right on” BBC drama output is written by a computer.
Something like this?
or this:
BBC’s hostility/censorship towards GEERT WILDERS continues in the run up to the Dutch election.
Even a certain Islamic TV station can come up with this report:
“Gambling with Geert Wilders”
The hive minds of the BBC just cannot handle Wilders, who is a true liberal in the old European tradition. He says simple things very clearly. If he wins a substantial number of seats I expect they will self destruct rather than be forced to cover the story.
Wilders is not a true liberal in any tradition. He says he wants to ban the Koran. I don’t give a damn what anyone thinks about Islam, but banning a religious book is not liberal behavior by any definition.
David, with regards to Wilders that is not true. He did not say he wanted to ban the Qur’an. He did say he wanted a debate as to whether the book could be compared to Mein Kampf as it encouraged violence and inspired hatred.
Here is a link to Wilder’s original speech in the Dutch Parliament in which he stated:
In this light, it is an absolute necessity that the Koran be banned for the defence and reinforcement of our civilisation and our constitutional state.
That’s not merely calling for a debate.
Wilders also wrote the following in a Dutch daily paper:
“Ban this wretched book like Mein Kampf is banned!,”
Here are two video interviews in which he does not deny statements that he wants to ban the Koran:
And finally, here’s his own website. Note the words right at the top:
Enough is enough: ban the Koran
Perhaps we mean different things here. A true liberal abhors the illiberal. I think this is Wilder’s position. He might mean that the Koran has no place in the European tradition as it is intolerant of other world views. We could say the same about the Old Testament. I am sure Wilder is aware of possible contradictions in singling out the Koran.
In his defence I am sure he is really defending the Europe of the Enlightenment and knows how easily a liberal world view tips over into authoritarianism if toleration is extended to those who are implacably opposed to it.
I guess I am trying to reclaim the word liberal from the left .
I understand what you mean, but it seems to me that Wilders has gone beyond that. However, I accept that his points about Islam needing a Reformation and Enlightenment (I’m on record here as saying similar things myself) might suggest that he doesn’t really expect a ban, and is just hoping for such an Enlightenment. But I’d have to hear that from him before I believe it, as his words so far don’t bear that out.
One slight drawback to a sensible Dutch policy of clipping the wings of the hostile colonists in Holland will almost certainly mean a swift surge of upto a million islamists/criminal gangs to the UK demanding AND getting housing and assorted benefits.
If the Dutch get tough as they certainly should then just get ready for the massive influx of all those hostile and utterly nasty islamists that made life such a misery for the Dutch over the years.
What will be unsurprising will be the utter hatred and hostility these ‘refugees will show the UK authorities that will take them in NO QUESTIONS ASKED like the good cringing appeasing lickspittles they are.
The attitude will be as soon as they arrive will be ‘wheres my housing and benefits you infidel scum? gimme gimme gimme you unbeliever filth or we go on the rampage to show our rage’N’stuff. Wherever they go IF they are booted out of Holland they will NOT EVER be going back to the lands of their religion of peace.
The free movement of ‘europeans’ so generously allowed will result in the biggest migration to the UK so far and will turn out to be a disaster of epic proportions.
Am I correct in believing a fair part of our country having the second largest Somali population in the world despite no colonial connections is those originally granted asylum in the Netherlands moving here to be with their compatriots?
Now there is a idea no right of abode in another EU country after being granted asylum. Was a snow flake I spotted in hell?
Idiot Beeboid on the News Channel right now in South Africa trying to push class warfare on a young black African girl. They’re too poor to buy tickets to the matches, the Beeboid solemnly intones. In the minds of neo-Marxist Beeboids, they must therefore hate it. So in he goes.
The first obstacle is the girl’s positive statements about how the kids are all excited (soccer-playing African kids excited about the World Cup? Imagine that.) because there are some social education programs on offer (stay in school, don’t do drugs, etc.). The Beeboid tries to establish the Narrative and aks: What does having the World Cup here mean to you (the girl and her equally black and poor friends) here in this “poor part of Alexandria”?. The girl replies that she thinks it’s great because there will be jobs for her parents and her friends’ parents. Sensing that it’s going off-message, the Beeboid tries again. Lots of money being spent on the World Cup, he says, maybe this money could be better used to help poor people?
No, replies the girl, it’s good for us after all. Unable to get the girl to follow the script (poor black girl angry and disappointed at rich whites spending money in front of her), the Beeboid gives up and reprises the class war narrative before handing it over back to the studio.
Your license fee hard at work.
Just caught a snippet of R4 “Making History “.
” And now climate change and its effect on communities “. There followed a piece about the Vikings. To be fair, the BBC didn’t refer to “The Viking Community”.
At least that’s something. I am always grateful for small mercies.
Oh, dear. Have Your Say about The Obamessiah’s handling of the oil spill crisis full of comments not going to form.
Even though the wording of the set-up question is weighted in His favor, the proles just aren’t buying it. The BBC writes that He visited the area “since the disaster began”, but fails to point out that His first visit wasn’t until 13 days after it started, and then immediately went on vacation. Then all they can do is say that He has continued to defend himself. That’s handling it? I guess so, but only if one thinks that the crisis is about The Obamessiah’s popularity and the upward trajectory of His Administration, and not, you know, the oil spill.
World Affairs correspondent was just on the News Channel doing a segment full of His own statements in His own defense. They show His latest demonstration of classy leadership, in which He says that He’s not messing about and really meeting all those oil experts and fishermen “so I know whose ass to kick”.
Don’t worry, says the BBC, He’s angry, and He’s large and in charge. No clumsy Shakespeare references so far today, though. They’ve amped up the defense of their favorite world leader, so it’s time to roll out that Bible quote again:
Now, brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain.
(Corinthians 15:1-2)
Sums up the BBC’s reporting on the US President pretty well, I think.
Heh,heh. Very good. 😀
At last! On the eve of the Dutch elections, the BBC has something online about the Netherlands.
Sorry, BBC gives its priority to only this:
Hooray! BBC catches up with Al Jazeera in finally reporting on tomorrow’s Dutch election (and on Geert Wilders).
No doubt this was after a lengthy BBC editorial meeting, with the BBC asking Al Jazeera if it was OK for the BBC to say reasonable things about Geert Wilders.
“Immigration still an issue for voters in Dutch election”
BBC and South Africa:
-we’re not really here for the World Cup, we’re here to propagandise for Zuma’s ANC, (and against the Whites) , esconced in our luxury hotels, £1m studio, and specially built lift.
Tonight, BBC ‘Newsnight’ explores racial problems, where only one colour is mentioned in this BBC ‘Newsnight’ blog preview:
“…ahead of the World Cup celebrations, Tim Whewell travels to the ‘rainbow nation’, South Africa where he finds deep race divisions.
Tim meets two young men with very differing views – controversial ANC Youth League leader Julius Malema and Ernst Roets, chairman of white pressure group AfriForum. ”
Who is this ANC leader, JULIUS MALENGA, BBC? -You should know:
‘Guardian’ report:
“ANC’s Julius Malema lashes out at ‘misbehaving’ BBC journalist”
“A firebrand South African youth leader today threw a BBC journalist out of a press conference, accusing him of “white tendency” and calling him a ‘bastard’, bloody agent’ and small boy’.
Julius Malema, president of the youth wing of the African National Congress, exploded in rage when Jonah Fisher, a white Briton, interrupted him at the ANC’s headquarters in Johannesburg.”
Perhaps even the BBC will have to change its political tune about race, in the light of the above experience at the hands of a leading ANC black political figure?:-
BBC ‘Newsnight’ –
“Deep race divisions within the Rainbow Nation”*
(* ‘Rainbow Nation’: Utopian ‘political left’ misleading code for…
South Africa.)
I shouldn’t forget the name of such an illustrious South African ANC leader: JULIUS MALEMA.
The goverment falls – or so the Beeboids tell us:
Government suffers Lords defeat
The coalition government suffers its first House of Lords defeat – over plans to scrap new local councils.
(note use of the word “first” – are Beeboids informed that there are more government humilitations to follow or just engaging in wishful speculation propaganda)
It’s OK, don’t worry, the headline is a complete lie, which you will discover if you read the article to the end.
Could it be that some BBC research found that the average BBC reader never gets past the headline? Therefore they make the headline unrelated to the story, but just in case someone should question them, they can say that they covered it all further down the page.
‘the headline unrelated to the story’
If not actuallly often in direct contradiction to the facts, even if ‘clarified’ in the self-same story.
More and more prevalent.
And of of the more insidious editorial ‘techniques’ at play more and more.
Maybe worthy of a listing, though I suspect it will quickly need some archive caches as retroactive stealth edits without admission of error are engaged upon when caught with pants on fire.
How’s that trust-building going, Aunty?
Con-Dem/Labour/BBC/Guardian campaign for Turkey to join European Union:
Gaddafi can’t put it any more clearly:
Gaddafi: “We await the day when Turkey joins the European Union to serve as a Trojan horse”
I watched ,until I could take no more, the repeat tonight of the BBC hymn to the wonderful Moorish culture of Spain. If Christian Europe had not been so remiss in repelling Islam’s conquest we could all now be enjoying the most advanced civilisation the world has ever known. At least that is what I think the argument was by the dhimmified presenter.
We sure missed out on a real golden age. Maybe we will just roll over this time and learn what a real civilisation is like
Islam was built on slavery and a cruel regime the like of which was unusual even for the times.
Christians and Jews were treated like dogs because it was believed that they were dogs.
Their knowledge of mathamatics and science and astronomy came from destroying the Byzantine empire bit by bit until the final assault on Byzantium. The books dating back to the dawn of civilisation were translated into arabic and passed off as their own work, who would dare to disagree when a painful death awaited any who tried and the teachers were used to educate the new masters who brought nothing original to science and astronomy and maths.
The so called islamic empire was built on war and a hunger to kill and destroy, it was built by slavery and conquest and cruelty and no amount of BBC propaganda will ever change that.
Which “Islamic Empire ” are you referring to ?
The rashidun, the umayyads,abbasids and the ottoman, a series of empires built on conquest moving ever westward into the eastern roman empire and beyond.
Yes; the following is the sort of analysis of the history of Spain which the BBC omits. On Cordoba, for example:-
” The New York Times, and That Business At the Cathedral In Cordoba”
(by Hugh Fitzgerald)
The problem with today’s BBC summarised just now on Breakfast News, shared with relish by the bouffant: ‘We have TWO VERY OPPOSING VIEWS ON THIS..’
Mehdi Hassan (the new Kevin Maguire with added shoulder chips) and Ruth Lea to ‘discuss’ the cuts.
Deliberate setting up of heat vs. light. No more; no less.
There may be more terms, and interpretations on how they are meant and/or might be taken. Who knows?
mediaguardian Ofcom investigates Iran’s Press TVhttp://bit.ly/cEoU7n
Isn’t this an oft Aunty-quoted source of ‘opinion’ if not news?
(Press TV… the Guardian is taken as read)
Good for the Beeboid on News 24 telling Diane Abbot that her nomination is a joke. No phoney PC protection for the Queen of Hackney today, which is as it should be. Too bad nobody at the BBC is willing to point out that the logical conclusion of her candidacy is that only black people are qualified to represent both whites and blacks.
Beeb fawning over Diane Abbot as she joins the race for the LieBore leadership.
I’m fully-supporting her campaign. The election as leader of someone who is fighting on a diversity/anti-white male ticket; and who proclaims to be a socialist but who sends her kids to a private school would, for me, be the very apotheosis of what Labour is all about.
On the “Daily Politics” today Nick Herbert fully supported lovely Diane’s canditure. What a laugh !
Another day, another stalwart defense of The Obamessiah by Mark Mardell. Today, he’s trying to convince everyone that the President really is “riding herd” on BP, just as He promised us He would.
Here’s what Mark Mardell and the entire BBC don’t want you to know:
Even though He’s scowled and cursed and threatened and expressed His anger and sincerity, He hasn’t even met with the BP boss yet. The politicians in Louisiana don’t even know who’s in charge of the clean-up operations now. Even super-sycophant Chris Matthews is stunned.
Rank incompetence at the White House, yet the BBC is tireless in their support, hiding the truth and cheerleading for the President.
BBC on riots in SWEDEN: avoids words ‘Muslims’ and ‘Islam’.
Muslims riot in Stockholm: “It is a war zone out here, it is raining stones”
‘New English Review’:
“Sweden Prime Minister on Muslims rioting in Rinkeby” (Stockholm).
BBC’s less specific headline (following by politically edited report):
“Immigrant youths riot in Sweden, burning down school”