A BBC meme is that it is always good to talk to terrorists. It doesn’t matter where they are and it doesn’t matter what they have done – the narrative is that “talk-talk” is the progressive way forward for all enlightened people. On Today this morning, I was stunned to listen a BBC contributor in the form of Conservative MP Adam Holloway declare that “we need to bring as much of the hard core Taliban” into the government of Afghanistan. These would be the same “hard core” Taliban that have just hanged a SEVEN yr old boy. I can see that Mr Holloway will be a regular contributor to the BBC in the time ahead.
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Question for BBC to raise:
How is the battle against Islamic jihad inside Britain going?
The ‘Telegraph’ raises it:
“Anwar al-Awlaki: MI5 warns of the al-Qaeda preacher targeting Britain”
(Perhaps the BBC assumes that all such difficult questions can be left to answered only by the Islamic panellists on ‘QT’.)
More on Anwar al-Awlaki:
Will the odd Conservative please stand, we seem to be outnumbered by the feeble minded, spineless terrorist lovers.
Unfortunately Britain has always had to negotiate with terrorists responsible for atrocities in order to bring them into democratic governments. If they were nice law-abiding people they wouldn’t be running around murdering people in the first place. The Boers committed atrocities, so did the Fenians, the Kenyans, the Greek Cypriots, the Yemenis, ZANU/ZAPU and the Fenians again. Sometimes the only way to stop wars is to swallow deeply, hold one’s nose, forgive but never forget.
And those countries are doing so well these days because of it, right? Different factions getting along well now, are they?
Giving in to terror only breeds terror and heartache and misery and crime and death.
Instead of talking to terrorists why not try killing them all and then dealing with those who do not wish to be killed?
Its possible to hold ones nose and kill every terrorist, make it so unbelievibly hard to be a terrorist that when the hardcore are pushing up daisies making an offer to the more moderate elements of peace will bring results and if they get uppity then kill all of them and offer peace further down the food chain untill peace reigns.
Giving into terror has gotten us to this point in time where the terrorist knows that time and bodies and useful idiots will do their work, the human rights charade means that the security forces act with such restraint that there are even manuals on how to fight a weak human rights abiding nation using their weakness against them.
No I am afraid the modern methods have not worked and there are two choices left now, we either fight as though we mean it or we perish.For years the Sri Lankans played by the ‘rules’ and it got them only death and misery and only when they got tough, got trained by the Chinese and went after the terrorists with a will did they win. You see it is possible to win against terror IF and this is a big IF if the security forces are left to crush the terrorists without mercy and then negotiate from a position of ‘either talk or we kill you all’ type strength.
Weaknes breeds defeat, weakness comes in many forms as does cowardice, the enemy of a civilistaion does not come at your walls but from within your walls as one of your own kind whispering poison and doubt and dissent.
The simple fact is that terrorists can be beaten given the confidence and the character and strength of will, terrorism was not beaten nor ever will be by weakness and cowardice and doubt.
But the above solution is not a one for all strategy it must be used as a last resort and very rarely, the stick must be visible and covered in blood and most will not dare to provoke a beating. The phrase walk softly and carry a big stick is a good one but the essential ingredient is and always has been courage and character and determination.
Unfortunatley terror is big business now and is used as an extension of state warcraft.
Splendid !
I don’t think the Boers were known for atrocities (not by the standards of the day) and certainly not for terrorism.
We (meaning we British) were however known for the first concentration camps in the Boer War.
The path we took to reach deals with these people wasn’t self immolation. Israel has the choice of kill or be killed, as simple as that. We either want to support them defending themselves or we dont. The BBC clearly longs to see Israel driven into the sea. You think the BBC would want to stand in the way of Islamofascists then hunting down Jews in the rest of the world?
No, the cause of Israel is the cause of civilisation. We are Israel and Israel are us.
Wel, l what would you suggest doing instead that actually works? Sometimes it’s better to provide the apparatus, then get out and let the locals sort it out amongst themselves. After all, even the United States had a civil war to shake things down.
What I would suggest is facing down the greatest evil since Adolf Hitler. The lesson that appeasement doesn’t work has clearly slipped the minds of a heck of a lot of people. Hopefully an ocean of blood will not have to be shed to jog people’s memories.
If only we could have talked to the NAZIS over a cup of tea, all that silly world war 2 biz could have been avoided. Oh hang on, WE did!!!
Let’s just remind ourselves about the Taliban.
They’re the talkative Muslims who throw acid in the faces of schoolkids… strike that… in the faces of SCHOOLGIRLS because they don’t think women should be educated.
They’re the folks who dynamited the 2000 years old Buddhist giant statues because they cannot TOLERATE any religion but Islam.
And so on.
What are we going to negotiate about? The time of our withdrawal perhaps.That seems to be the only question remaining. Will it be a fighting or a peaceful withdrawal?
Our whole approach seems to me to be ill conceived. Leaving the Islamic world to it’s own devices will become necessary in the end and as a cororally it means prohibiting any Islamic advances by any means into Europe culturally, demographically or military.
An iron curtain if you like on the borders of Greece , Spain and Italy and if necessary Russia.
it will mean the complete abandonment of all the liberal left ideas of peace and multicultural harmony but it is realistic and will in the end be our only option.
What, you’re going to leave the Muslims with the oil?
I think Dr Fox took us in the right direction (albeit with less than diplomatic rhetoric) that we’re not in Afghanistan so girls can go to school but to protect our security.
Unfortunately, with the complete schmuck we now have in the White House we can’t expect any meaningful attempt to defend our security there, but more of the mish mash that just leaves us treading water till the time comes where we really decide to prosecute war for the purpose we are there.
The one party media state in the US though does make one worry deeply about Obama winning a second term. A dont think western civilisation could survive a two term Obama.
Here’s some of Holloway’s jaw-jaw target group flogging a teenage girl for leaving a forced marriage (disturbing).
Is there nobody in mainstream political life who has the faintest clue what they are dealing with?
Who the hell is briefing them? *DONT_KNOW*
They know all right – its just that they are useless politicians who take their brief from the left wing loons in the foreign office.
Look the Taliban are really nice. They like to rape and behead little boys. That is something a lot of male beeboids get turned on about.
If the Taliban are allowed to govern – what was the point of the war in the first place? Is there a nice and nasty Taliban? Don’t they all have the same beliefs?
Its the Adam Holloways type in the “Conservative” Party who rubbished Churchill. I used to think that the conservative party was the party of Churchill and Thatcher – but these two were exceptions and not the norm. No wonder the conservatives had no problem forming a coalition with Clegg!!
Adam Holloway has got a first class military record. One would have expected better from him. I guess seeing his friends die so futiley in a war politicians aren’t willing to properly prosecute to appease Islamists at home leads him to wanting to see us cut our losses. I’m guessing?
Something to ponder while the our best strategists decide on what to with the Taleban – to talk or not to talk.
Snips and Snails in Sarwan Qala
By Jeannie DeAngelis
“What are little boys made of? Snips and snails and puppy dogs tails…”
That brings home the horror and evilness of the Taliban. It is inconceivable that anyone in the civilized west could have sympathy for killers like this. But people like Holloway and his deputy LibCon Clegg can.
These people should be dragged to the scene of every atrocity carried out by terrorists and then asked “Do you really want to talk to people like this?”.
I recall that BBC 2nd in charge, name escapes me, who a few years back said that he was “immensely proud,” or words to that effect, that the BBC had interviewed the Taliban.
What we have here is the unholy alliance between the left and radical Islam. The two groups could not be more different, of course, but apparently what holds them together like glue is the obsession to destroy western civilisation as currently constituted.
Talking of appeasement…
Ah to be “Inspired by Mohammed” via the British tax payer….
And the coalition is better because????
I think those terrorists who wish to die in the search for martyrdom should be encouraged at every opportunity. Their mission should be facilitated with vigour In isolation, of course, because the silly, deluded buggers keep wanting to take innocents with them. Perhaps “Martyr Camps” should be established where those so afflicted can go and get on with it in peace, and then we can draw up a list of those successful achievers of a trip to the afterlife and post it somewhere for all to see and everyone will be happy!
You never know, the BBC might be interested in establishing a permanent reporter there.
The BBC refers to a London School of Economics report indicating the extent to which the Pakistan ISI is assisting the Taliban.
“Pakistan’s ISI intelligence agency ‘supports’ Taliban”
The BBC could have added that it is unusual for the LSE to be critical of an Islamic government, given the Islamic finance which the LSE receives, including millions of pounds from:
1.) the Emirates Foundation; 2.) the Kuwait Foundation; 3.) the Turkish government and Turkish companies –
“A Degree of Influence” by Robin Simcox (pp 89-97)
For fuller account of LSE report on Pakistan’s ISI assistance to the Taliban:
“Pakistan puppet masters guide the Taliban killers”
‘Sunday Times’)
I was stunned to listen a BBC contributor in the form of failed hard-line unionist election candidate Dvid Vance declare that he hoped Israel would “deal with” the Irish boat MV Rachel Corrie with “no messing about” this time.
I can see that Mr Vance has been a regular contributor to the BBC for some time.
You mean the SS Rachel Corrie.
You also mean, that only commentators who SUPPORT the BBC’s pro-Palestinian entity line should be “invited” on the Poll Tax funded BBC; and that no voices “dissenting” from the deranged Jew haters should be invited back to be heard.
Is that what you mean?
Little boys and the Taleban
Snips and Snails in Sarwan Qala
By Jeannie DeAngelis
“What are little boys made of? Snips and snails and puppy dogs tails.” That 19th-century nursery rhyme fills the reader with visions of dirty faces, backwards baseball caps, toothless grins, and pockets loaded down with snips, snails, and tails. The poem encapsulates the immense source of pleasure a little boy can bring to the world just by being a boy.
Forward it to the morons in the BBC.
lThe Gaza Flotilla Ambush: What Did the White House Know?
By James Lewis
“What did the President know, and when did he know it?” asked Howard Baker about President Nixon during the Watergate hearings. The carefully planned May 31 ambush of Israeli naval commandos by armed Turkish martyrdom fanatics, in collusion with Jodie Evans of the radical leftist group Code Pink and along with Obama friends Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, raises precisely the same question.
Most conspiracy theories are hogwash, but not all of them. Stalinism really was a conspiracy to infiltrate, sabotage, and ultimately conquer the West. It had some spectacular successes, like stealing nuclear secrets from the Manhattan Project, a feat for which physicist Klaus Fuchner was celebrated in Communist East Germany.
The Boomer Left’s “march through the institutions” was really a secretive plan to take over U.S. universities and media in the 1970s and ’80s. The Great March shifted the whole U.S. media and political culture to the left.
Lets hope the remit of the flotilla inquiry extends to Istanbul and DC.
This all comes back to the liberal-left view that terrorism is justified according to the specific circumstances. That’s why these people favour ‘talk’ so much. Also, it’s a typical left wing thing – a naive belief that you can talk to, and reason with, anybody. Even men with suicide vests on, apparently, though I don’t see many BBC journos initiating the talks with these people….
What I mean is that David Vance’s complaint on this occasion is solely that he disagreed with the opinion of a contributor to a BBC programme. The irony is that he himself is a BBC contributor. He regularly expresses his opinions on the BBC.
Here’s some interesting info about Adam Holloway:
He was educated at Cranleigh School, Surrey, before going up to Magdalene College, Cambridge, where he took the degree of MA in Social and Political Sciences, and Imperial College London where he graduated with MBA. Before entering Parliament, he was commissioned into the British Army, serving with the Grenadier Guards. After leaving the Army, he worked as an investigative journalist with ITN, World in Action, Panorama and the Sunday Times. During his military career he saw active combat in the Gulf War, rising to the rank of Captain.
it’s funny we never heard much from Holloway on the BBC before the election, or did I miss him ?