BBC news coverage of the Pakistani floods is saturating (!) the airwaves but I think even the BBC interviewer was surprised during this interview with a Bradford lady Anjum Tahirkheli who has set up a charity that involves sending cash to Pakistan to buy food from Pakistan that then goes to beleaguered Pakistanis, The question was posed if the food was already available in Pakistan why did it need money to go from the UK to have it distributed within Pakistan – a very poor answer was given and no follow up question was forthcoming. Best not to delve too deep….
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Something similar happened last week on bBC news 24. For some strange reason the bBC studio lot keep on bringing into TV studios around the UK, Old Pakistani men always dressed as if they are walking through downtown Karachi in which to ask them the same question;
“Just how bad is it in Pakistan at the moment”
This old boy white beard, white hat came on, mumbled about how bad things are in Pakistan, how lots of people have been displaced and then proceeds to pull out a piece of paper reads off a roll call of names and then says that if people want to send money they can send it to him and he will ensure that it gets sent on. He then is allowed to read out his bank account number. You could feel the atmosphere in the studio as he did so, and he was cut off not soon afterwards. Yet the impression i got was so scared were Tweedle dee and tweedle dum in the main studio of being castigated as ‘racists’ they let him get away with it.
So a quick search on the net finds that website of the org this woman runs is called ‘Basic human rights’ and the worthy causes listed on that site are…Gaza,Pakistan and Pakistan. The address given is also the address for Khans the solicitors in Bradford.
who specialize (As written on their website) in the
Free Advice and representation at the Police Station
All Aspects of Criminal Law
Court of Appeal
Crown Court Litigation
Magistrate Court Litigation
Conspiracy Offences
Restraining Orders
Asset Confiscation Proceedings
Bail Applications
Customs and Excise Investigations
Drugs Offences
DTI Enquiries
Human Rights
Inland Revenue Investigations
Money Laundering
Serious Criminal Offences – Murder, Drugs Trafficking, Kidnapping and Rape
Serious Fraud Office Investigations
Credit Card Fraud
Election Fraud
Insurance Fraud
Pharmaceutical Fraud
VAT Fraud
White Collar crime
Seeing as this is Bradford, its does make you want to ask questions. Questions the bBC doesn’t appear to have the guts to ask.
That’s an impressive list of areas to ‘specialise’ in…
Impressive that there’s a potential demand for so much speciallised representation in Bradford – I’d be worried being represented by a firm offering some of the above services – I wouldn’t wish to be smeared by association with some of their other clients!
Anjum Tahirkheli says the law firm she works for lets her use an office?
I don’t know if she got divorced recently, but in April this year she was
Anjum Khan, a DIRECTOR at Khan Solicitors
As well as the points which Pounce makes, there is a role call of children killed by Israel on her website.
Politics and charity?
Yes….best not to dig too deep into the ‘charitys’ profile, best not examine the way that money is sent to buy food that is available there anyway so why send any money at all? If the food is there then why send money? Hmmm best not ask too many awkward questions, just let the islamist blather on eh?
An islamist charity sending money to islamists to buy food that is freely available and at what prices and just who would be delivering the aid? Now forgive a sceptic like me but would the recipients of the cash and the suppliers of the food and the deliverers of that aid be linked to radical islamist charaties? The chance that islamist front groups using aid money to buy support is obviously beyond the BBC remit, I suppose that when an islamist wants airtime them the BBC give it up regardless of ethics and motives.
The BBC giving advertising space to islamists to shake down the British public and con them into supplying funds for islamists who hate us like poison? Sure sounds like the BBC does it not!
Mrs 1327 has professional dealings with assorted small solicitors offices in Bradford (but not this one) and they appear to be unlike solicitors you get anywhere else. The same one man company will deal with accident claims , immigration matters and also be a travel agency for trips to Mecca. Also lets just say that paperwork isn’t their strong point.
1327 writes:
“The same one man company will deal with accident claims , immigration matters and also be a travel agency for trips to Mecca. Also lets just say that paperwork isn’t their strong point.”
A little like this geezer I guess then.
Pounce some of the stories I have been told about solicitors make Lionel Hutz (sp ?) seem fairly honest š
Just a little personal input. My father was a “country” member of the Bradford Dyers Association in the late 40s and 50s and took part in many of the “unofficial” discussions among the members concerning the importation of Asian workers into Bradford (and elsewhere). My father (and many besides him) was well aware that the days of textile manufacture in England were at an end. He thought that the industry should be allowed to decline naturally or, better, to expand (in the “old” empire) where the labour was as skilled but much cheaper. [This pattern was followed 50 years later by the Dyson vacuum cleaner business which set up its manufacturing capability in Malaysia].
Unfortunately, the BDA members – and the politicians – were more or less agreed that it would be better to import the “old empire” into the North of England. They considered that a “new” low-paid and compliant work-force would solve their problems. Accordingly, the great Asian exodus to the UK started which in the short term cost the livelihoods of relatively expensive indigenous workers [actually these livelihoods were going to be lost anyway, one way ior another] but, worse, imported massive social problems. Purely and simply this was a way of staving off, as the BDA members saw it, disaster for the English textile industry. It didn’t (except in the very short run) and what Bradford is left with today is the detritus of that failure.
What happened in Bradford mirrors the passive acceptance of the huge post-war West Indian immigration. This was sold to the indigenous population as a cure for, what turned out to be on closer examination, a non-existent or, at least, completely avoidable “shortage of labour”. Thus this country, ushered by blind (wilfully or otherwise) politicians of all parties, sleepwalked into the social, racial and religious problems of the last 50 years. The Bradford that my father sometimes took me to when I was a child is no more. It is now no longer a recognisable part of England but, strangely, has mutated into something akin to what I imagine those Asian workers of long ago left behind.
I have to travel into Bradford about once or twice a year for work. Its a strange strange place in that there are some lovely traditional Yorkshire villages surrounding it but then 5 minutes later you are in down town Karachi. It doesn’t help that in the 1960’s Bradford council appear to have demolished their own town centre (I don’t think the Luftwaffe touched the city) and replaced it with horrific high rises council blocks and ring roads to no where. I have watched the Billy Liar film which was shot in the early 60’s in Bradford and I don’t think much of the city from then still exists.
You’re right about town centre redevelopment but Bradford wasn’t alone. The centre of Abingdon, for instance, which among other things held a weekly market and was untouched by war bulldozed to be replaced by a (still-)horrific “centre” of the usual hideousness beloved of Richard Rogers. Contrast our post-war architectural disasters with what happened in Warsaw: having been totally destroyed in 1944, the Poles rebuilt Warsaw – or the centre at least – as it was. Then look at London (and Coventry and a thousand other UK cities) – basically trashed by the “planners”.
To the civic planners/highway engineers, the rest of the population are ‘little people’. And the ’60s/70s were the zenith of their influence. Elected councillors who objected to the vile schemes (even on the basis of rosy asrchitectural sketches) were denounced as ‘out of touch’, as ‘bright curtains would make the (tower blocks) prettier’.
Those planners really have left an indelible legacy. But celebrate what they did NOT get away with…
I live in Bradford, I’m moving out soon, back to Canada where I worked for a while.
The City is doomed, and it’s not just immigrants, there is a serious problem with white chav trash and un challenged low level crime visible EVERY day.
Now, clearly it’s not possible to know whether this particular charity is on the level. But the idea of sending cash instead of commodities to disaster areas is now fairly well accepted. Firstly, the money goes to locals, who will spend it more wisely than UK civil servants (I know that’s hard to believe, of course). Secondly, it gets spent with local merchants and farmers and keeps them in business at a time of great difficulty. The reason it works is because even the most stricken of regions normally either has food reserves (or its neighbours do) which will be released for cash, but not, sadly, for charity.
As I’ve posted before
The BBC is doing a huge propaganda effort to get people to donate to the Pakistani flood victims. Desperate as their plight is, it is nothing compared to that of Christians in Pakistan. Moreover, any aid that reaches Pakistan will be disseminated to Muslims only. Any Christians who have the temerity to approach, will be beaten and driven off. Muslims regard the Jizya they have extracted from the Christian dhimmi West, as their rightful property, and not be given to Kuffars.
Pakistan: As flood crisis worsens, church leaders warn of danger of Christians missing out on aid
Christians comprise around 2.5-3 per cent (4-5 million people) of the population in Pakistan. They face widespread discrimination, are despised by their Muslim neighbours, and the majority of Christians live in extreme poverty. Islamisation is gathering strength in Pakistan and sharia law has been partially implemented. Last year saw an unprecedented number of violent incidents against Christian communities. In such a context, Christians are likely to be neglected when general aid is distributed.
Reading the list, it seems to the offences Muslims are most likely to commit.
im not sending any money, they’ll probably spend it on weapons
Why doesn’t Islam Not BBC (INBBC) close down its non-Islamic operations in Britain and move, not to Manchester, but to ISLAMABAD, – ending licence fee before it goes?:
“Millions tune in to Pakistan lifeline through BBC Urdu service”
(paid for by British taxpayers).
Question. What’s missing from the Pakistan flood film footage aired by the BBC?
Answer. Women.
Strange sort of flood that only leaves men homeless.
Here are a few facts that the BBC always seem to leave out, just like the BP oil spill with their recycled pictures of the tiny amount of oiled mammals.
Pakistan has always lived by the monsoon cycle and has learned to adapt and make the most of the aluvial deposits which cover the lowland areas making food production viable. Notice the affected areas are farmland which always flood and notice too the unaffected areas that the BBC prefer not to show us, plenty of food around and a population fully adapted to monsoonal floods, you live by a river that you know will flood then you take measures to adapt over the centuries.
Pakistan has bought arms by the bucket load, national infrastructure is still what the Raj built and left behind, many rich landowners who are the political class prefer to bleed the nation dry and live the life of Riley and leave the peasants to their own devices. Corruption and bad governance is a way of life, they are the typical third world cesspit and they love it that way, religion of the 12th century keeps the peasants in line and in their place.
So we have a backward corrupt third world nation with peasants relying on Raj infrastructure that is crumbling away, a government pre occupied with syphoning off vast amounts of cash and buying weapons they do not need instead of dredging channels and waterways and drainage ditches and preparing for monsoonal cycles which vary over multi decadal time frames and investing in modern education.
A third world people unable to better themselves and drag themselves into the modern era and now the west has to pick up the bill again for the sins of the Pakistanis.
All of this passes the BBC by of course, the Pakistani islamists are making capital out of this situation, stoking up unrest and provoking trouble and guess what? Oooh yes folks the BBC is right in there helping the islamists create mischief and increase their power base! Yet again the BBC is the mouthpiece of the islamist jihad, giving airtime and bigging up the grubby islamist cause, just like 1979 Persia when the BBC actively helped the mullah takeover by spreading what was an isolated and containable uprising and making it appear far larger than it was.
Yet again the BBC are intent on supporting the worst elements and denying airtime to normal reasonable people, the BBC in fact has done more to inflate the importance of the islamist cause than Al jazeera. The islamists must view the BBC as an essential asset against the infidel west.
Cassandra wrote: religion of the 12th century keeps the peasants in line and in their place.
This is what our ruling class like so much about Islam. It is an ideal ideology that uses the divine to keep the peasants in line. Hitler liked Islam for the same reason, and for the same reason detested Christianity.
Islam has now been planted in the UK, a plant that is going to cause havoc in the future.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) oblivious to:
“Christian victims in Pakistan floods facing discrimination in aid distribution”
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The BBC are reporting a rise in food prices in Pakistan(no sh*t Sherlock!)
The BBC forgets to mention why of course, price gouging and profiteering a third world speciality in action plus the aid paradox at work, no wonder the bbc seem reluctant to examine the issue eh? The aid agencies go in and buy food, they do not negotiate they just hand over whatever the wholesaler demands and the wholesaler adds as much as they can get away with of course, its a windfall supplied by the charity monies. The aid agencies cause a priice spike thereby damaging the whole system but who cares whn money has to spent and the aid agencies want the adoration and prestige. So a price spike occurs as agencies with open cheque books let loose.
For every action there is an opposite reaction, the law of unitended consequences and the good intentions of fools.
No wonder the BBC dont want to examine the flaws in their beloved aid system.