Sometimes BBC bias sickens me and then, sometimes, it enrages me. This item this morning falls into the latter camp. I’ll pass on Jeremy Bowen’s loaded commentary, we all know how anti-Israel he is. But I simply couldn’t believe way how Hamas apologist Professor Beverley Milton Edwards was allowed to come on to the Today programme this morning and apologise for Hamas (Islamic resistance) This wretched academic, who disgracefully infests my Alma mater, even had the NERVE to refer to the Hamas murder of four innocent Israelis as “armed attacks” She did everything possible to present this gang of murdering killers as the very personification of reason when they are in fact the incarnation of evil. She tried to use what she alleges as the Northern Ireland template to justify talking to these savages. Here is the little daughter of two of the victims of Hamas reasonableness – look at her anguish, listen to the way this fool Edwards is allowed to pontificate, and share my rage at the BBC.
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Jeremy Bowen says that a religious element has been ‘grafted on’ to the I/P conflict. Ah well, at least he’s noticed the religious element.
It’s like saying his brain has been grafted on to his head, because he’s just noticed it’s there. Oh, wait…..
Yes, that was a real WTF moment. As in “WTF does he think the conflict has been about so far?”
It is ironic that this apologist for evil, Beverly Milton Edwards, is pictured on her Queen’s University Belfast homepage standing in front of a piece of graphiti that says “make love not war”. Her most recent book is entitled “Hamas: The Islamic Resistance Movement”; which says it all really, doesn’t it?
Her naivety (and she is certainly not alone in this respect) with regard to the Holocaust-denying Jew-hating muderous bastards called Hamas reminds me of the late academic Professor Caldwell, who acted as an apologist for the Khmer Rouge in the late 70s. Tragically, and ironically, Caldwell ended up being murdered by them following a fact-finding visit to Cambodia in 1978.
All the books, research papers and recondite academic ramblings cannot disguise the fact that Hamas are not something akin to the French Resistance fighting a “people’s war”; they are in the eyes of all reasonable people a terrorist movement; and if she can’t bring herself to realise this, then she is indeed a wretched useless academic; or a useful idiot from Hamas’s point of view.
Shame on the BBC for giving her a platform to spout her odious views.
It is easy for some stupid academic to play with peoples’ lives when their own isn’t at risk, but all credit to Caldwell for going to Cambodia and getting killed ( I am sure he wouldn’t have called it “murder” ). If only more dim academics would follow his example.
LOL, sue.
Re the professor, she is yet more proof I’ve encountered over the years that higher education does not necessarily broaden the mind. In fact, it often narrows it.
Yes, the bit about the “armed attack” is outrageous, as if those four murdered Jews were in a position to fight back. So is the bit about “sovereign Palestinian land.” You’d think she would distance herself from the idea that a place that was never a state could somehow be regarded as “sovereign.” She’s a Hamas propagandist and apologist for the terrorist group and yet another depressing example of the depravity of the “academic” left.
Too true !
For some years I was a university lecturer, but would never call myself an academic. One lecturer once looked at me in quite a kind , almost pitying way, and said “Grant, you are the first person I have ever met who holds the opinions you have”. Sums it up really.
What depresses me most is that she is a Professor at my old University. Thank god she does not teach my kids.
Well even if she did, at least your kids would have you to give an opposing view. Just feel sorry for the ones who don’t have that chance.
Should anyone who is pro-terrorist hold positions at taxpayer funded universities?
I’m neither sickened or outraged by the piece. Just one more confirmation of the macabre nature of the BBC. Despite Humphrys’ genuflections to his usual snide tone of questioning, she was on to sanitise Hamas. That simple.
It would be instructive if we were told exactly by whom and why this wretched useless academic was invited on to the programme. I have a feeling the answer would throw light on the endemic bias of the BBC over Israel.
I would have loved the chance to oppose her pro-Hamas views. I look at the image of that little child grieving the loss of her parents and my heart breaks. And THEN I heard that wretched miserable Professor being given air-space…. >:o
Agreed, David. It is disgusting the way the BBC shares her view that Israeli civilians are legitimate targets, as if they were armed military troops in battle. The academic’s choice of language was intended to create that impression.
It’s not a journalistic device I have much time for, but the BBC does wield it, if selectively, to devasting effect, a lot, but I’d like to see just one of Aunty’s minions get this harridan live on air and say ‘So, Professor, what do you say to this child….?’
The tragedy is that the little girl is a Jew and a so called ‘settler’ as the BBC loves to call Jews who dare to live in their own country.
The BBC dont see a broken hearted little girl, they see a Jew, a Jew who will one day give life to other Jews, to the BBC she is a disease.
A Jewish family simply living and hoping and dreaming shot to pieces by sick psychopaths who must have known they were shooting a child to bits and the BBC simply claims some ‘settlers’ are killed(maybe a car accident or something).
So the tragedy of the murders is manipulated and perverted to portray the murdered as ‘settlers’ and that is beeboid shorthand for ‘well they deserved everything they got for stealing other peoples land’ and that is the aim isnt it? de humanize and de legitamize and stigmatize the hated Jew.
Innocents murdered for what? Murderous psychopaths excused on the grounds that the victims were Jews and settlers, this is the tragedy, a real and ever present tragedy of the innocent victims of terror, from the bogside to the West bank to Gaza to lebanon.
So what do these murders signify? What will spring from their deaths? What possible justification can there be to do this evil deed?
This is why I hate and despise the BBC and all it stands for, their tacit approval and support for mindless cruelty and violence to further political aims. We normal people still wonder at how those who work for the BBC can show such utter inhuman callous disregard for life.
Oooops sorry a mistake in the above, it should read innocent people shot to bits not child shot to bits.
Humphrys suggests Hamas must join in the talks or any peace agreement won’t “survive the implementation”
Bev M-E: “Hamas aren’t anti-peace and they aren’t anti-negotiation.
Humphreys:”They’re anti Israel!”
Bev M-E: “ They are anti Israeli occupation, against an unfair occupation of land, sovereign land, Palestinian lands, lands they also consider to be holy.”
Viz. anti Israel. See this Melanie P article from 2007
“……….BBC Radio Four Sunday Programme yesterday morning. This featured an interview with Beverley Milton Edwards, described merely as a professor of Islamic studies at Queen’s University, Belfast. Prof Milton Edwards described Hamas in glowing terms as a ‘Muslim national movement’ which was trying to bring law and order in Gaza by cracking down on antisocial and unIslamic menaces like drug or alcohol abuse, and which promoted the rights of Muslim women, including talking about the dangers posed to them by the ‘Israeli occupation” [……]What the programme also failed to tell us was that Prof Milton Edwards was a co-founder and (former) director of Conflicts Forum — the organisation set up by none other than the ubiquitous Alastair Crooke, and which boasts on its board of advisers none other than the equally ubiquitous Azzam Tamimi (whose most memorable public apercu was that he would consider becoming a ‘suicide bomber’). Its website reveals that it stands for rather more than merely ‘engaging’ with Islamists such as Hamas. It actually promotes them as fine and upstanding people: ….”]
Ignore unintended winky smiley.
I notice that it is extremely difficult to find anything detailed for this multiple murder story on the BBC Website as of now. In contrast, I recall the Flotilla deaths were smattered all over the BBC.
If one is going to interview a Hamas sympathiser one should introduce them as a Hamas sympathiser. There is nothing ‘detached’ or ‘academic’ about this individual’s take on Hamas. Its the stuff of music hall. She’s an anti-semitic shill.
Oh, great. Sopel was talking to Journolista Daniel Levy just now on the News Channel. Levy is a British Jew and founder of the anti-Zionist J-Street lobbying group. Unsurprisingly, he spent the whole time bashing Israel. He claimed that the leaders’ speeches revealed that Abbas is an honest broker for peace and Netanyahu is the problem and will ruin the whole process. Of course, the BBC doesn’t tell you that he came in with that opinion beforehand, and founded a lobbying organization based on that viewpoint.
This is where the BBC goes to give you informed opinion on important issues. Biased, with a preconceived agenda.
Initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement. Abusing any part of Palestine is abuse directed against part of religion. Nationalism of the Islamic Resistance Movement is part of its religion. Its members have been fed on that. For the sake of hoisting the banner of Allah over their homeland they fight. (Article 13 Hamas Charter)
Four people murdered but who were these people and do we know anything about them from the BBC?
What did they look like and what of their grieving families, what do they think of the murders?
Did the BBC examine the grief and heartbreak of those left behind or did the BBC do what they always do with victims they hate and despise?
The BBC narrative is that the peace talks must continue and the victims and their friends and family are ignored as if they were so much trash on the sidewalk.
If you are a BBC approved victim then you get beeboids crying into the camera with ugly harpies like Guerin wailing into the camera and interviewing every relative in sight, oooh yes if you are a BBC approved victim you can be assured of the BBC tears and soft focus reporting of your pain.
The foreign terrorists who scammed their way into the UK making up complaints of torture, even the families of the 7/7 suicide killers get more airtime than any Jew victim of terror, this is the essence of the BBC love of the terrorist and the hatred of its victims.
The BBC is doing nothing more than telling us that the victims deserved their fate and the perpetrators have a valid cause.
The real Israel. The reality your pandering to Zionism brings. A nuclear exchange between Israel and Iran by decade’s end. Israel right or wrong gets us nowhere.
How to Kill Goyim and Influence People: Israeli Rabbis Defend Book’s Shocking Religious Defense of Killing Non-Jews (with Video)<!– end: headline –><!– start: teaser –>A rabbinical guidebook for killing non-Jews has sparked an uproar in Israel and exposed the power a bunch of genocidal theocrats wield over the government.
So your rather twisted straw man -laden perception and one link to a book that is an Israeli national joke is your evidence for “the real Israel” yes?
The difference is this book is treated with the amused sophisticated contempt it doubtless deserves in “Zionist” Israel, while the far more vicious and blood curdling islamofascist outpourings of the islamic “religious elites” are taken with a dreadful earnest seriousness in the so called “islamic world”.
Does THAT tell you anything? Or are you too far gone?