The Labour Broadcasting Corporation was busy this morning painting the Nasty Party as horrid as can be! Why those evil Conservatives even want “to hit the poor”. Classic set up job this morning on Today. First, the BBC runs a spoiler at 7.09am in which a dissident Lib-Dem MP attacks Osborne’s plan to reduce Welfarism. Then, at 8.10am they invite Theresa Perchard from the Citizen’s Advice Bureau on who instantly denies there is such thing as those who choose not to work as a “lifestyle choice.” That sets it up nicely and on comes John McDonnell to also deny there is scrounger culture (How could he not, it’s a significant part of the Labout base!) and Michael Fallon to argue in favour of the Osborne line. So, four people interviewed in just over one hour and THREE of them are against what the Coalition is trying to do. Fair and balanced? It’s what the BBC does.
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I also heard the interview with Fallon and Labour John Mcdonagh; the Labour LIE was propagated again and again about it being a very small number living in a benefits culture. Hardly a challenge from Humphries, what a surprise.
Contract that with Jeff Randall’s programme when he went to Merthyr, very high unemployment. Again the local Labour MP would not admit to there being a problem. One telling item was the local food factory, staffed by immigrants, yet the area has had a long term unemployment problem. Therefore the locals MUST have refused the jobs.
Every morning I walk through a council estate near my home on my way to work. Whats amazing is that at 7:30am I walk from a private estate which is hive of activity with cars pulling from drives and people queuing at bus stops on to the council estate where it is deathly quiet. Oddly it took me a while to realise this but when there you would imagine it was Sunday morning every day. All curtains are closed , few lights are on while cars sit in their drives and I’m lucky if I see 5 or 6 people walking to bus stops. I might be wrong but I would guess that less than 10% of the houses have anyone in with a job.
I’m sure this situation is repeated in a 101 estates across the country and its fairly mind boggling really.
This is how the BBC works. They announce a policy by the Conservatives and then they look for anyone and everyone to rubbish it.
I also noticed this morning that the “Labour Acadamies” have worked. Emphasis throughout was placed on the word “Labour”.
‘Then, at 8.10am they invite Theresa Perchard from the Citizen’s Advice Bureau on who instantly denies there is such thing as those who choose not to work as a “lifestyle choice.”‘
That’s total bullshit. I’ve met lots of people who live that particular dream (which happens to be my nightmare). I know a girl who lives in a house her parents own, and claims housing benefit to pay them rent.
Hell, the Job Centre even has some sort of mechanism so you can work out if the prospective job you’re thinking about getting of your shiftless arse and applying for is going to leave you better off in the wake of your ‘benefits’ being stopped, so you know whether or not to even bother.
This thing needs kicking in the ass, post haste, and here’s the BBC and its allies, once again, obfuscating and lying about it, so that not only does nothing get done fast enough, nothing gets done at all. It’s just like the Islam thing. Which will destroy us first? Who knows. All I know is we’re in seriously big trouble.
So Osbourne is going to target those who choose to be on the dole as a “lifestyle choice” and Theresa Perchard says no one is living like that in this country. Well if shes right then no one will be affected. I wonder why no one put that to her?
Yep, insofar as it went there was little or anything to fault in the way Humphrys handled the interviews – a refreshing change – but that masked the fact that you point out that the guest ratio was top heavy in opposing the Government initiative.