On his blog, Cash Peters is taking a stand against “the nutjobs and loons”.
He has responded to my post about him yesterday by comparing it to “Opposition arsonists who spread fear, irrational and baseless rumors, and a raft of lies about Obama in the hope of destabilizing his power to govern and discredit him and his administration.” Gosh! And armed only with his trusty raw vegetable and a healing crystal, Cash is mad as hell and he’s not going to take it any more.
Of course, he refutes the claim that he is in any way biased:
For a start, I can’t remember when I have ever spat venom on the BBC… Second of all, I genuinely don’t have any political axe to grind in my slot… And lastly, I honestly don’t remember – and trust me, my memory extends back years – the last time the host and I discussed politics in relation to TV at all.
I’m not a regular listener but I’ve caught the Cash Peters segment enough times over the years to know this is rubbish. Sarah Palin in particular has been a target for his abuse, and he’s never slow to air his hatred of Fox News. There isn’t an Up All Night archive to which I can refer, but I do have a transcript of Peters talking to regular Up All Night host Rhod Sharp the week after Obama’s election victory:
CP: It was absolutely huge, and I know it was worldwide huge, but when you live in America and basically everybody’s waiting for a certain nincompoop to get out the office and they’re just praying, everybody’s on bended knee waiting for this idiot to get out the office and suddenly he is and he’s gone, he’s gonna be gone, it’s just the best. In fact you know Oprah was terribly partisan in all this..
RS: Almost as partisan as you, in fact…
So even the host has noticed.
And a bit later:
CP: [Still talking about Oprah] And now she’s said to Sarah – she banned Sarah Palin from her show because she was not going to be political (unheard word) – and now she’s said to Sarah Palin ‘You’re welcome to come on’. But who wants to give that woman any more publicity than she’s already had? That would be crazy talk.
RS: I think quite a lot of people do.
CP: Well she was on the Today Show this morning again. Matt Lauer went up to her home in Wasilla in Alaska in her home eating food and it’s like STOP IT! If you give her any… if you feed this monster, if you give her any more er, oxygen, she’s gonna be in, like, the Senate before you know it. It’s ludicrous.
RS: There you go being impartial again.
CP: No, I love all human life but she’s A MONSTER!
No political axe to grind? No venom? I beg to differ.
In his blog response Peters doesn’t really help his case by describing Christine O’Donell as “Tea Party neo-loon”.
He goes on to say:
“People are tired of fighting. Tired of untruths. Tired of the crazies getting air-time. And downright annoyed that the media affords them even a grain of credibility by discussing their nonsense views.”
And there we get to the heart of the matter. The media should be there to represent only those views acceptable to the likes of Cash Peters. Fortunately for him, Radio Five Live seems to share his opinion of what is and isn’t acceptable.
One more thing – given some of the New Age wacko nonsense he’s into, Peters should perhaps think twice before throwing around words like “nutjob” and “loon”. Some might say that he himself is one of the “crazies getting air-time”.
This crazy is so like the BBC bigots who really believe that their lies, innuendo and biased, prejudiced world-view is neutral and that you have to be “a nutjob” to think they are actually biased. They are obviously made for each other.
I really hate prejudice and bigotry. The very worst sort of prejudice and bigotry is the current hypocritical and self-rightious arrogant left-wing prejudice and bigotry which fills the airwaves.
I am no Catholic, but it makes my blood boil when left wingers castigate the Catholics for their views on Homosexuality (Homosexuals should abstain from practicing homosexual sex and control themselves) and yet are utterly silent about the extremes of the Islamic faith’s views on homosexuality, (stone homosexuals to death), purely because it does not fit with their politically correct, left wing multicultural idealism and the very limited and biased “diversity” agenda.
To give credit where it is due, the left have done fine work in reducing certain prejudices. Racism against blacks and other ethinc and racially diverse peoples is nowhere near as prevalent in English society as it was 30 years ago. “homophobia” is very much reduced as to being almost non-existent.
However, it is now time to tackle left wing prejudice and bigotry against people who happen to be born into wealth. “toffs” Left wing prejudice against heterosexuals, left wing prejudice against whites and left wing prejudice that covers up racism by ethnic minorities against whites.
Left wing acceptance of ‘Racism, sexism, sexual preference and gender discrimination’ within some sections of the imported communites who are now here (due to the massive increase in immigration) is absolutely disgusting. The left seek to ignore this as it inconveniently shows the failure of their brand of multicultralism.
ALL prejudicial discrimination must be tackled, and NOT by left wing “positive discrimination quotas” You cannot end discrimination by using more discrimination.
Interesting we appear to live in interesting times. Previously the Beeb (which as they thought everyone knew was the worlds greatest broadcaster) believed itself to be infallible and therefore ignored any criticism. Since the election though things have changed and Auntie Beeb is feeling vulnerable so is actually responding to criticism – mainly by calling it nasty and right wing. But that folks is progress.
I predict by the end of the year the Beeb will be going so far as to pretend to take advice from those calling it names. Of course they won’t really do anything but there you go.
I had never heard of this guy. But I needed to get only into his second paragraph to realise he is a leftie loon. It is WRONG for the BBC to keep using these people at our expense – they are on a mission, they are not “reporting”. We want objective reporting of US politics, not incessant propaganda from just one side. We get GuardianLite for UK news, we get a mix betwen HuffPo, WaPO and NYT for US news, and it is so obviously biased leftwards.
In this specific instance we get digs at the Kelsey Grammar network – as if it really matters. It is of the right – so it gets slammed. Just like Fox. I don’t recall any BBC coverage of the disastrous leftie
Air America radio station, or the fraud that lay behind it. Nor do BBC types ever point out that virtually the whole broadcast scene in America swings left, was pro-Obama – CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, PBS.
Rather than getting stuff through the distorting leftie lens of BBC bias – here is the winner of the Delaware race for Republican Senatorial candidate. Castle, her opponent, had traduced her during the campaign, although his own voting record was soft as putty.
We shall see how things go in Delaware. But it seems to me that one effect of the Tea Party movement is to get rid of a lot of dead wood, of politicians in Washington who think they have life tenure and vote anywhichway they choose, usually in a PC cause and hang the expense to the taxpayer/
I wish we had real grassroots stuff here too, politicians who would twell the BBC to STFU with all their bleating on the economy and all society’s “victims – what about the middle ground that is being stuffed and ignored.
“People are tired of fighting. Tired of untruths. Tired of the crazies getting air-time. And downright annoyed that the media affords them even a grain of credibility by discussing their nonsense views.”
lefties clearly don’t do irony,do they? 😀
I notice leftie Cash – who tries in his piece to suggest that the Republican party is heading for a crash re. the Delaware result, – fails to link to the earlier piece on him. And I bet he does not link to this piece either.
Question is – how much is this leftie hack costing us ? For why ?
If you look at this leftie’s bio on his website – his BBC stuff seems a very prominent part of his work – and presumably income. Again – why exactly are we employing him ?
Because our elitist benefactors know best.
It seems his income is high enough that he can afford to take two months off work.
I hope he remembers all the low paid workers in Britain that are forced to pay the licence fee that helps to pay for his holiday.
And if he loves the BBC so much, why is he living in the free market USA, where nobody is forced to pay for any media they don’t want?
He lives in LA and so doesn’t have to deal with anyone but fellow travelers. It’s the perfect place for his extremist behavior. “Master cleanse” is a favorite of the Hollywood set these days, naturally.
It’s a good thing early hominids learned to cook food so we could grow brains big enough to appreciate the wisdom of raw food and psychic surgery.
“Tired of untruths. Tired of the crazies getting air-time. And downright annoyed that the media affords them even a grain of credibility by discussing their nonsense views.”
What an astonishing lack of self-awareness. Every word of that could apply to how others feel about him.
He calls those who disagree with him “nutjobs and loons” which kind of undermines his later statement that “I genuinely don’t have any political axe to grind in my slot”. And demonstrates in all its glory Jeff Randall’s quote in the sidebar that these people really do think they are on the middle ground.
Except of course he doesn’t have time for those ‘nut jobs’ in the Tea Party who simply are fed up with mainstream politicians and want Government to cut back on wasteful spending. The left just don’t get it. Like that idiot that was on the Daily Politics the other day, who simply wanted to tax the ‘rich’ (that’s those of us with a job) even more to pay down the deficit.
America is heading for destruction, it cannot continue to spend as it does now. What if no one wants to buy its debt. What will the left do then? Print more money? Get the wheelbarrows out folks.
Tea Partiers simply want politicians to stop the relentless taxation of people and to start acting in a responsible manner. The fact that idiots like Cash don’t get it says it all.
America is heading for destruction, it cannot continue to spend as it does now. What if no one wants to buy its debt. What will the left do then? Print more money? Get the wheelbarrows out folks.
Don’t worry. He’s a got a plan.
This providing of endless ropes from their own Twhine archives is getting to be a habit.
Pity few in a position to react, who might find it compelling, either notice, or care.
Why can’t Cash come and defend the allegations levelled at him here on this blog. God knows he’s obsessively aware of it. I also note that there’s no discourse for debate regarding his own monologue of woe. It’s simply “the fruitcakes are out to get me, how dare they? Are they aware of who I am?”
Another beeboid, another one sided post of narcissistic drivel. No comeback, no objective criticism catered for.
The Socialist BBC in a nutshell really.
I think I’ll leave it to US voters to “destabilise” Obama.
“Cash Peters” . Is that what it says on his birth certificate ?
After your first post I visited his Twitter feed, and he was enthusing about something called the “Master Cleanse”. The bloke who invented it was at one point charged with murder when one his patients died.
And he has the cheek to call other people “nutjobs” and “loons”.
He also thinks the best way to fight cancer is to “Listen to What It’s Telling You“. I think UAN’s stand-in presenter Giles Dilnot should have serious think about who is really “fruit loop”.
Cash Peters (what a name) is that our Cash?
I don’t know how he found out about the critism, as these types usually don’t leave their safe socialist circles Maybe someone sent him a tweet. Editors at the BBC certainly would not question any output that ridiculed the majority of the population. They think that their little band of champaigne leftists represent the western world.
It’s most likely a lurking defender of the indefensible who runs to tell these people. Or one takes the RSS feed, which I guess is a softer version of lurking. ScottM is a candidate as he works in the media and shares other interests with Cash.
I think his full name should be “Cash Peters Out” after all that’s what happens to any country with a socialist government.
Is it just me or does he sound like a little schoolgirl.
“Matt Lauer went up to her home in Wasilla in Alaska in her home eating food and it’s like STOP IT! If you give her any… if you feed this monster, if you give her any more er, oxygen, she’s gonna be in, like, the Senate before you know it. It’s ludicrous.”
Bloody Hell – How old is this person 12?
“Time to take a stand, people. Say NO to the nutjobs and loons”.. like who live off our like taxes and like do not pay like taxes in this like country. Its like STOP IT before he has us all talking in that childish like way.
Cash Peters wrote the following:
“So you get the idea – all right wing politics all the time, produced by people who doubtless think that the conservative cause – bigger profits at the expense of the little guy; tax breaks for millionaires; expanded military; corporations getting a carte blanche to game the system however they want – is somewhat under-represented by the almost entirely biased Fox News and Rupert Murdoch in his various media outings, and needs explaining to those of us dim enough not to understand why Right is right and the rest of us are wrong.”
Where to start Mr Peters?
If you were intelligent, if you knew something about very recent history and if you were able to think in an un-programmed manner then you would understand that the Right is right, and that the left (hard-left Communism, soft-left Socialism) is not only morally wrong, but hurts the working man far more than the rich man.
This is not an opinion, it is hard economic/historical fact.
This is why you are dim and need some guidance. For example, Ronald Reagan gave tax breaks to the rich, and the tax revenue went up, not down. How can you not know about this?
Communism murdered millions in a purported attempt to better the lives of the working man. But the working man became imprisoned in an authoritarian state, queuing for the bare essentials whilst his socialist masters attended their party member-only shops.
Socialism as practiced by Blair/Brown was not as bad as Communism, but the results were the same. Rich socialist masters, bankrupt country, rich/poor divide ever greater.
What can we do with people who exhibit such stupidity? Two plus two equals four Mr Peters, but with your lot it will always equal three or five, no matter the utter, overwhelming evidence that it does indeed equal four.
You should remember that you are now the “establishment” and the right-wing, rather ironically, are the new revolutionaries. It is clearly impossible to reason with semi-educated children such as yourself, so we will, I suppose, just have to rise up against you instead.
Viva The Revolution!