On Twitter:
Oh well, that’s it then. Discussion over. Eurosceptics are wrong, clearly. Well done Justin and your Tory stockbroker acquaintance for sorting that one out for us all. Met anybody else on your travels whose views we might find valuable?
On Twitter:
Oh well, that’s it then. Discussion over. Eurosceptics are wrong, clearly. Well done Justin and your Tory stockbroker acquaintance for sorting that one out for us all. Met anybody else on your travels whose views we might find valuable?
So Justin found the one guy, and lets the small sample represent what the overall sample actually shows.
Yeah thats great Justin, a ‘tory stockbroker’ splits’N’stuff innit Justin?
I am sure this one bloke represents the entire party eh? Loss of influence in eurotrash land is it? Yeah thats right just what we need right now is more influence in the EU toy parliament.
Earth to stupid twat, the parliament is for show only and the real power is behind closed doors and operates in secret so what would the tories gain by being in a collection of eurorash federalists and what “influence’ would they gain in a fake parliament I wonder?
The EPP is no more right wing than Justin is and the sad fact is that the UK has no more real influence over policy direction than I do, they take their orders and continue the continual federal integration on the QT.
Justin Webb, anti tory asshole spewing up the talking points of his inbred little gang of fellow beeboid group thinking tosspots, perhaps the stockbroker was in fact his own stockbroker making the most of all his lavish wages I suspect.
Nothing like a socialist with a bit of money, all the desire for money of the richest tory covering it with a thin veneer of the kind of socialism this prick will never live by.
Moreover, its not for the UK tory party to dictate terms to the EU tories anyway.
Honest Dave couldnt force a change if he wanted to, the EU tory group decided to move away from the federalist fake right wing and Dave went along rather than split the party.
Unlike Webb, the reality of the EU
(by Mary Ellen Synon)
Sorry this is off topic buy maybe one for a post for itself or an open thread?
“UK aid worker Linda Norgrove killed in Afghanistan”
“ UK aid worker held hostage after being kidnapped in Afghanistan has been killed during a rescue attempt, the Foreign Office has said.
Linda Norgrove, 36, from Lewis in the Western Isles of Scotland, was employed by US aid group DAI. She was seized with three local staff on 26 September. Their two-car convoy was ambushed in the eastern province of Kunar. Ms Norgrove was killed by her captors on Friday during a rescue mission by US forces. Her colleagues were released unharmed last week. The Briton is believed to have been taken by her captors from village to village as British, Afghan and other intelligence agencies worked in the remote and mountainous area of Kunar province to locate her.
Both the prime minister and Foreign Secretary William Hague were kept fully informed and British approval was given for a rescue mission to be mounted on Friday night, involving US forces with British officials offering advice…
It goes on but the “captors” are only ever “captors”, nothing else, not Taliban, Muslim, Terroirst, enemy, fuckwits or anything else. This at 11:09 pm in the UK. Maybe they’ll update…in about 30 paragraphs only captors and militants are mentioned.
I note the BBC try to infer that the rescuers are to blame for her death and not the terrorists who quite possibly murdered her with a suicide killer(s) before she could be rescued.
What about the brave US troops who tried to rescue her at risk of their own lives?
The BBC are trying to portray our forces as killers.
Actually the BBC are all but blaming David Cameron – ‘
Cameron defends failed rescue bid‘
If Webb had removed a hyphen, he could have put a space between “loss” and “of”.
Interesting article at Daily Mail tonight:
The BBC last night declined to comment, but senior executives are known to be worried that the revelations about the relationships will fuel concerns over Left-wing bias within the Corporation
Strewth! I wonder what piece of human pondlife she dated to complete the weirdo dating trifecta? Wee Davy The Party Animal?
Or maybe she fancied the red meat that’s a carnal kneetrembler with Big (sic) Johnny Prescott.
Her father was the brilliant Michael, his colleague Donald Swann was a committed pacifist. I know we all love peace, but in those days a “pacifist” also meant someone of the left persuasion. Swann also visited the USSR more than once as well. A pacifist visiting the USSR. CND anyone?
One of the Duo’s songs, which I’m not familiar with, is “20 tons of TNT” and is “a chilling song” about Thermo-Nuclear weapons apparently. It may be irrelevant but it sounds as if her father’s politics might have been left-field, which probably would have influenced her views.
I’ve just read further that her maternal grandfather was one Claud Cockburn, a public-school educated communist journalist who was even attacked by Orwell for being under the control of the communists in Spain. This will explain why she once decided to express her anti-views very strongly in an interview with David Cameron. She fits right in at the Beeb one might say.
What a shock. No wonder Flanders has the economic ideals she espouses on air and in her blog.
Maybe Andrew Marr could do a story, possibly from one of those oddly selective dinner parties he and his wife are known to hold?
Editorial, blogs and tweets.
The gifts that keep on giving.
Especially with senior Beeboids citing ‘a bloke’ they have met to push views they like to think exist and/or need pushing.
‘Journalism’ at is finest, if in a Boadanesque, impartiality non-existent sense.
As BBC-NUJ approves, and weak UK Coalition government finds out, EU law trumps British national sovereignty:
“India trade deal with EU will allow thousands of immigrants into Britain”
This will create unemployment among skilled UK IT workers.