It’s a question of priority, of course, but is there anybody out there who REALLY thinks that a report by the leftist quango headed by Trevor Philips merits the prime time slot on “Today”? Philips was spouting the usual lefty clap trap about “unfairness” and the BBC earnestly carries the headlines from the reports that transgendered students “said” they were bullied and that Pakistani babies were twice as likely to die in the first year as white babies. Oh, and that pesky gender trap has still not closed. I thought Humphyrs was reasonably robust with Philips but towards the end of the interview this seemed to melt and the bon homie appeared. Philips is a greivance-monger whose utopian fantasies are indulged rather than critiqued.  The BBC is running a week long series of items on “fairness” – it seems to me that this has the pre-designed aim to ensure that whatever the Coalition does is viewed as “unfair”

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20 Responses to UTOPIANISM…

  1. ltwf1964 says:

    he’s the male alter ego of Diane Abbott

    only a lot less fat and ugly

    and a race hustler as well…..natch


  2. Paul says:

    ‘and that Pakistani babies were twice as likely to die in the first year as white babies’.  That’ll be due to first cousin marriages then, which the BBC of course would not mention. 


  3. Demon1001 says:

    ‘The BBC is running a week long series of items on “fairness” – it seems to me that this has the pre-designed aim to ensure that whatever the Coalition does is viewed as “unfair”‘

    I don’t think anyone here believes the timing  – right before the spending review – is mere co-incidence.


  4. Millie Tant says:

    Why hasn’t the new government given this useless Labourite crony his marching orders yet? I keep waiting for it.


  5. Cassandra King says:

    Great post DV!

    Trevor Phillips lecturing us on fairness?

    A millionaire lecturing us on fairness when he has spent a lifetime leeching his millions from the public purse and now lives the high life never ever having created any wealth by his efforts.
    Phillips alone has leeched millions of pounds from the taxpayer over his career with his spiteful racist race baiting, he is a race chisseler of the worst kind. He lectures us in a 750 page report financed by the taxpayer of course and he would have taken a very healthy cut of that talking utter crap about fairness?
    His perverted version of fairness actually means being unfair to some to promote the interests of others and to hold back most so some can advance with less effort.
    Imagine atheletes training hard for a race, most work hard and practice and commit real effort to be the best they can be BUT some want to be in the race but have no interest or desire to put the effort in and cannot be arsed to train and practice and strive to be the best they can. Now this prick Phillips wants to give the lazy ones a segway, he is saying dont bother trying and dont bother putting the effort in because he will sabotage and rig the race in order for his selected and favoured minorities to cruise ahead and win not on merit but based on Phillips’ prejudiced preferences.
    So what his perverted principles mean in effect is that he wants to destroy the futures of the many to advance the interests of the few who cant be arsed to make an effort and try hard.
    Positve discrimination is still discrimination and the aim of this “lefty” is obvious, he wnats what all leftists want, he wants to advance the interests of the few by dragging and holding back the many.
    This man represents everything that is wrong with the UK today, his warped vision of fairness delivers unfairness, his perverted vision of equality brings only innequality.


  6. sue says:

    Quite funny when Trevor Phillips was (w)racking his “brain” to show that not all unfairness is about redistribution of wealth. He came up with the example of a very wealthy person, in a wheelchair, the lack of a ramp preventing him accessing a restaurant…… leaving him outside, then adding, for extra impact “in the rain.”

    Rain. So unfair


  7. Derek Buxton says:

    Another nut case who should be  sacked with his fellow racists.  We have no need of these fatuous groups who are expensive and corrupt.  No one elected them, they will not be missed.


  8. Phil says:

    Is it fair that I should have to pay the government for BBC trash like Eastenders and Casualty in return for permission to use my own TV in my own home?

    I won’t bother asking the BBC that question.


  9. Millie Tant says:

    He also has a conflict of interest between his quango role (part-time) and his private consultancy interests. How “fair” is that? Or how corrupt is that?  I would have thought the government would have made him first for the axe for that alone.
     Not to mention the top officials and commissioners of the new amalgamated “fairness” body who walked out practically en masse because of him. I don’t think they found it fair to their constituent parts of the “fairness” empire.


  10. Umbongo says:

    While Phillips was on you would have thought that Humphrys – in the best “switch selling” interviewing tradition usually meted out to a Conservative – would have mentioned the conspicuous waste of taxpayers money by the Phillips gang noted by the NAO


    But no, Today is a Labour-loving “family” show.  We wouldn’t want to scare anyone would we?  Or rather, we wouldn’t want to scare them in the wrong way.


  11. Paul Pot says:

    Trevor Phillips is a hypocrite, he insists that institutions like the armed forces and civil service accurately reflect the population makeup of the UK, yet do you think his Comission For Racial Equality has 80% plus white-British staff? Pound to a penny it hasn’t.


  12. Martin says:

    Interesting that the BBC were bigging up the gender pay gap (which doesn’t exist as the difference is down to the difference in types of work men and women do) yet totally ignored the real crime that boys are being failed by the feminists that now run our education system.


  13. dave s says:

    WE must be realistic. Phillips and Humphreys both enjoy lavish lifestyles at the taxpayers expense. Any criticism of the worthy but useless quango Phillips heads will be in the old Pravda USSR tradition of criticism and perfectly harmless.
    Does anybody take Today seriously?


  14. prpw says:

    ‘The BBC is running a week long series of items on “fairness” ‘

    What qualifies it to do that?


  15. JohnW says:

    In the BBC’s dictionary, “fairness” means “equality of outcome.


  16. beness says:

    Just remember the “white season” when looking at the BBC’s version of fairness.


  17. Kendall Massey says:

    BBC is trying to reduce the gender gap…:

    369. At 5:20pm on 11 Oct 2010, Nathaniel Webb wrote:
    Dear Helen
    I’m the communications manager for Panmure Gordon & Co. Today, I took an extraordinary call from a woman purporting to be from the BBC Business Unit, seeking analyst commentary on a forthcoming documentary about BP.
    I have taken many calls from journalists this year, all of whom have been seeking access to our Oil & Gas analyst, Peter Hitchens, who has been a very highly respected independent commentator on the company and its travails this year. Naturally, I assumed that the caller was seeking to interview him for the Beeb’s documentary.
    Imagine my surprise when she said “we’re specifically looking for a woman – the oil industry is a very manly world and we’re looking for a woman to balance the story.”
    I explained that Panmure’s research was Top 3-ranked in the UK and that Peter was one of the most quoted analysts in the world during the BP crisis (as measured by Alacra Pulse). Your caller immediately said “oh yes, I’ve seen his comments in the press, but am wondering if there was a woman on his team?”.
    I’ve been practicing public relations for 20 years in Australia and now the UK. Not once have I ever encountered such a blatant and frankly idiotic case of gender bias in my life. Peter’s research is regarded very highly and he was clearly regarded by other media outlets from all over the world as a “voice of authority” on the BP crisis. I was then asked whether I knew of any woman in the field – in an effort to be helpful, I referred her to the Oil Council – which might be able to name someone.
    Meanwhile, it is incongrous to me that:
    – the BBC would pass up the opportunity to obtain Peter’s insights into the crisis because he was a man, and not a woman
    – that the BBC might go on seeking an independent commentator – perhaps of inferior quality – simply because that commentator was a woman.
    Impartiality and balance at the BBC might extend to many things, but I suggest to you that ignoring the expert opinion of an individual because that individual was not a woman, is simply extraordinary and taking the concept of balance a step too far.


    • Paul Pot says:

      You couldn’t make it up, the leftoids at the BBC have been brain-washed beyond all hope, their diversity training budget must be huge!


  18. Kendall Massey says:

    Sorry, last post was a forum post of 11/10/2010 to Helen Boaden, Director of BBC News