A Biased BBC reader writes..

“The BBC’s ‘History of the world in 100 objects’ now escalates its assault on Western culture and values, leaping with enthusiasm from telling us that we must accommodate Islamic principles into our own life if we want lasting peace by adopting pragmatic tolerance and legal equality for Islam to now openly denouncing European history and the ‘Enlightenment’.

The Enlightenment is something that the Left cannot come to terms with because to endorse it and all that follows from it is to deny that every other culture and the practises therein are of equal value, morality, fairness and equal justness….just remember how many BBC staff and other ‘Liberals’ look wistfully to the Chinese way of doing business and tell us that Tibet is all the better for Chinese ‘influence’…that perhaps Democracy is over rated if you want to get ‘things’ done…what things though? 

The latest programme is called ‘Exploitation and Enlightenment’….placing them together as if one does not come without the other. A programme that tells us of European’s encounters with non-Europeans in the great Enlightenment Project….the often ‘tragic consequences of European interaction with other cultures….producing a troubling history where many of these dialogues ended in oppression and destruction, the fracturing of whole societies.’ 

Ironic perhaps that they tell us at the same time that we must conform to the invasive Islamic norms if we want a peaceful society. 

The basis of this programme is that we, the Europeans, have written the history and that the BBC is giving voice to the oppressed by using their objects to tell their tales that have remained hidden for all this time.


This came across my desk the other day, first chance to share. From the Daily Express,,,

“If the BBC has any sense of integrity it will reprimand news presenter Evan Davis. Mr Davis was once the BBC’s economics editor but is now a regular presenter on Today, Radio 4’s flagship current affairs programme.

He is undoubtedly a clever man but just what did he think he was doing yesterday when he was meant to be interviewing Lord Young about the Government’s proposed reform of daft Health & Safety legislation? Instead of sticking to the brief, Davis began to crossexamine a bemused Lord Young about his views on drugs, arguing that cannabis consumption was no more dangerous than horse riding.

Lord Young wanted to talk about plans to cut red tape that stops school outings and allows interfering councils to ban harmless local events, not “spliffs” as Mr Davis referred to marijuana cigarettes.

The BBC is wrong to allow its well-paid elite, in a position of responsibility, to casually air their views on drug-taking when the issue isn’t relevant to the debate.”


A Biased BBC reader notes..

“The BBC has a tendency to attack the spread of the English language as cultural imperialism much like the spread of coca cola and Hollywood films, or democracy and capitalism…..history programmes and reports from foreign lands all manage to imply that English is destroying the local culture and society. For example this recent comment from From Our Own Correspondent:

‘English has become the tawdry ganglord of these Johannesburg streets, the key to survival and to thriving, but underneath there are deep currents of pain, joy and rage forced into silence we can neither hear nor understand.’

There is open dismissal and distrust of a ‘white, European narrative’ that the BBC feels it needs to ‘correct’ by giving voice to the ‘hidden’ voices of societies crushed by our imperialism. English language is of course the tool of imperialism…in the Marxists world which is naturally the breeding ground for many in the BBC.

‘Here in the Marxist TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) group we believe English, in itself, is not imperialism and that learning another language can and should be an option for all. Not surprisingly, however, as the dominant ideas in every epoch are the dominant ideas of the ruling class, TEFL has become an instrument of subjugation and inequality. A justification for class society and imperial conquest”

Ring a bell?


Richard Black’s at it again, this time claiming to discuss objectively whether meat rearing is sustainable. His agenda of course, is that he is a greenie and greenies such as IPCC boss Patchy Pachauri and his acolytes make no secret of their contempt for human carnivores. They want the world to become vegan in the name of “sustainability”. Mr Black sticks closely to this script and uses as the main fulcrum of his bleatings a paper by two eco-nuts from Canada, who have done what such people always do, created a snappy model of “earth boundaries” and then said that by 2050, we will all be dying because of our nasty meat-lust.

As usual, Mr Black chooses to ignore alternative viewpoints, such as this admirable discussion by Willis Eschenbach, in which he shows that if meat production stopped tomorrow, more, not less, land would be needed to grow replacement vegetable protein, and we would also lose the ancilliary products from animal husbandry such as leather and feathers – all of which would take extra resources to produce. In other words, the Canadian model, along with the greenie obsession with vegetarianism, is a load of cobblers (of course you might not want to eat meat for other reasons, but that is a separate debate). Yet again, Mr Black ignores the key facts.


Brought to my attention by another eagle-eared B-BBC Reader, Ryan.

“Have a listen to the 10-11PM hour on 5 Live from yesterday. A reply of a “live” debate “from the Conservative Conference”. Several observations —

1. The Conservative debate was the only one to not be broadcast live but shunted to the late evening schedule at short notice and with hardly any publicity because of the Ryder Cup. What is 5Live SPORTS Extra for?

2. Listen to the first 30 minutes and you will be hard pressed to find a more feral bunch. Much worse then any Question Time audience. Was there any audience moderation? I suspect not.

3. Despite repeatedly being misled that this was “from the Conservative Conference” — hmm, you do wonder why a Tory audience was so anti Tory policies — you have to listen for quite a while to hear it was being recorded “just around the corner” from the ICC. Ahh. I began to wonder if it was held at the TUC HQ?”


B-BBC reader and good egg Clameur de Hero notes…

“Unreconstructed old Lefty Naughtie was in full-onGuardianista mode this morning about bank bonuses, especially when interviewingDavid Cameron: he took particular delight in quoting the Centre For Economicsand Business Research report “revealing” that bank bonuses will amount to £7bnthis year (cue righteous shock/horror). 

Somehow though he forgot to say that the figure is lowerthan last year: but what he also didn’t reveal is that the CEBR press releasealso stresses that more than half of the total figure will be going into theTreasury’s coffers. Yep, that’s right –through a combination of the 50% taxrate on incomes above £150,000 and the main rate of employer’s NICs at 12.8% ondiscretionary earnings, it’s actually the taxman who will take around £4.1bn ofthe total.

As the CEBR’s press release put it “Our research showsthat the public coffers stand to gain considerably more from city bonuses thancity workers themselves”. Funny how that bit got left out of the clip.”


Michael Gove is a man the BBC does not like and this was evident this morning than on this item on his plans to enable parents and/or teachers to set up their own free schools. It’s a slanted report, aimed at telling just how awful it is and how those hateful middle-classes will simply take this over for their own wretched children. Oh dear – it’s the Nasty Party serenade that the BBC is singing.


I was stunned by “Thought for the Day” this morning. It was by Reverend Rosemary Lain-Priestley, Dean of Women’s Ministry in central London (natch) and she came on to explain how angered she had been at the Ground Zero Mosque. With me so far? However her ANGER was directed at those New Yorkers who objected to this proposed Mosque aka “Community Centre” She expressed her self righteous anger to a Muslim she was having tea with (as one does) and he, in his kindness, suggested that perhaps the Mosque could be built somewhere else. Give it a listen here – it’s just bizarre – brimming with equal measures of dhimmitude and liberalism. You can see why Rev Rosemary gets the gig.


Hi folks! A combination of work pressures and relaunching my other site, A Tangled Web, have kept me away from the fray but I’m back and with a number of posts to follow this. One topic that the BBC has been pushing all day is the outrage of those around Jim Gamble who has resigned as head of the Child Protection unit (Ceop) because it is planned to be further assimilated into the National Crime Agency. This morning, on Today, the BBC afforded Malcolm King, former Ceop, the opportunity to lambaste the Conservatives, at one point he accuses this government of being “pro-Paedo”. (Cue sniggers all round from the Beeboids). It’s a disgraceful moment, even by BBC standards. Later on during the Morning, on the Regional Nolan Show, ANOTHER Ceop employee came on to also attack the Conservatives. It was a pure left wing rant but Stephen was ever so sympathetic, confirming at one point that he knew Jim Gamble. Naturally there was no-one to counter this ten minute attack on Theresa May. Then on the PM programme, there was yet ANOTHER attack on the Conservatives for daring to break up a quango. It’s been an all-day exercise, at National and Regional level, and all aimed at causing as much negative headlines as possible for the Conservatives whilst singing the praises of those in Ceop who appear to spend their time doing media appearances. This was a hatchet-job, plain and simple, and the BBC should be ASHAMED of itself for allowing the pro-Paedo comment.