British Boycott Campaign

The BBC has influenced generations of well meaning citizens to despise Israel.
Feeling impotent, they organise their outrage and demand action. Something must be done. Boycotts must be voted for. Trade Unions, student unions, self-hating Jews, Methodists and socialist workers all agree. Israel must be punished.
A rabble of pro Palestinian activists gather every fortnight outside Ahava, an Israeli based company trading in London. They believe disrupting this shop and the surrounding businesses will somehow help the Poor Palestinians.

Musicians who plan gigs in Israel are pressured to cancel. (Some do, some don’t)

The Methodist church recently passed a resolution to boycott goods that emanate from “illegal settlements.”
A Methodist preacher and former M.P. David Hallam is to sue the Methodist church for breaching EU laws against racism because he believes their boycott shows that they are prejudiced against the Jewish state.

The BBC hasn’t reported this yet, but if the Methodists make a big enough fuss about it they might. Methodists have already started blogging about it, and predictably most of them are outraged equally by the plight of the Palestinians and the expense of the the litigation, calling Mr. Hallam a megalomanic and such. One of the recommended links on a pro-boycotter’s website is to an article on settlements in the rabidly anti-Zionist Guardian. I hold the Guardian/BBC responsible for this misguided groundswell that is gripping the UK.

These ill-thought out postures are more about hate for Israel than love for Palestinians. If any of these BBC influenced organisations were to rigourously carry out their ill-conceived boycotts, there would be serious impediments to computing, phone technology, medicine, longevity, science, national security, technology and much more. There’s nothing like cutting off one’s nose.

Boycotts are only relevant if the target needs your patronage more than you need whatever you’re boycotting. That’s how it works. We’ll all be plunged into pre-technology days. Oh well.

‘We’ may not care if we cut all cultural, academic and scientific ties with Israel, but I’m pretty sure China would be delighted to fill any vacuum.


…is this sort of journalistic inquiry by the quietly brilliant blog Harmless Sky. Here, it rips apart the idea that green energy – and in particular wind power – is gaining traction as an industry. The stark reality is that people aren’t investing their cash in wind power because it’s not a viable proposition. Share prices have slumped despite the ridiculously massive government subsidies. This reality check ought to be high on the agenda of the latest round of UN climate talks, which opened today, and the BBC should be analysing such issues with robust fierceness. Instead, Roger Harrabin, the BBC’s resident greenie parrot, spouts the usual eco-nut nonsense about his peoples’ worries that “agreement” (ie more measures to hobble the developed world)will not be reached. Oh, and our investigative-journalist-of-the-year Roger has apparently deliberately also ignored (for now at least) the hottest news about the UN talks: that IPCC boss Patchy Pachauri is under investigation again.


I wanted to take a moment of your time and make readers aware that my other site, A Tangled Web, itself fiercely critical of the mainstream media in general, has moved to a new home this morning and can now be found here! Hope you will visit if you like to debate issues other than BBC bias, as ever, my aim is true. Normal service now resumes…!


I was away at the weekend so have only just picked up on the full horrors of the Splattergate film saga, in which kids who do not believe in global warming lunacy are blown up by their teacher and their body parts spattered on their warmist chums. Richard North has covered what warming fanatics really want to do with their opponents admirably (scroll down for several items on the topic); I particularly liked his links to Hitler’s treatment of dissenters or those considered impure.

What I haven’t seen mentioned is that Richard Curtis, the creative genius behind this whole disgusting wheeze, is a particular darling of the BBC and remains a trustee of its favourite charity, the warmist zealots Comic Relief. And the BBC website gives acres of space here to the makers of the film for them to explain that the whole escapade was OK really, it’s just been seen in some senstive quarters as bad taste. As usual, there’s not a peep in the story from anyone who would spell out that the makers are arguably certifiable, warped lunatics who have a central hold on BBC ideology.


Anyone catch John Sopel attacking Baroness Warsi on the Politics Show? The prelude to this AMBUSH was an interview with a series of Conservative figures unhappy with the Lib-Dems, designed to sustain the BBC meme that the Coalition is profoundly split. I am sure we can expect a lot more of this and can compare it to the dewy-eyed excitement accompanying Red Ed’s coronation last week.


Interesting report here from the BBC on the “One Nation” rally that has just taken place in Washington DC. They don’t tell us how many turned up but they do emphasise on several occasions that the rally was organised by “left-wingers” and that it featured “left wing activists”. Not only that but that this was all about rekindling support for Obama! And there was me thinking from so many previous BBC reports that Obama was a centrist, a moderate, not a hard left wing ideologue that needs rancid race hustlers like Al Sharpton and Communist lovers like Harry Belafonte to turn out and support him. The tone of the report is downbeat and the BBC seems to accept that Obama is going to get a bloody nose in just a few short weeks time. It will be interesting to see how they handle the GOP resurgence and in particular the Tea Party factor which is driving this.


..or English! The dreadful Sunday Morning Live programme with pouting Suzanne Reid posits “Should Immigrants be made to speak English?” You can guess where the BBC is coming from on this one! It picks up on the story of an English girl who has fallen in love with a Palestinian (natch) but the poor bloke might not get into the UK because he can’t be bothered to try and speak English . The path of true love is thus stunted by those evil Conservatives who hate Immigrants. This programme is a Sunday morning outing for the liberal conscience of the BBC.


Following last week’s full-frontal assault on Coalition minister Vince Cable, this week’s Question Time saw another Coalition minister, Grant Shapps, fall victim to a rampaging bullock, being questioned and interrupted by David Dimbleby far more than any of the other guests (even David Starkey). The figures for this will appear in the comments field below.

Well, you might say, both Mr Shapps and Dr Cable are government spokesmen, so David Dimbleby is right to challenge them more than guests from the opposition parties – except that DD didn’t challenge government ministers more than opposition party guests when Labour were in power. Quite the reverse.

Here’s a list of the guests who were interrupted most frequently by DD in relation to the length they were allowed to speak (yes, interruption coefficients!) in the months leading up to the general election. (There are a few joint first prizes):

29/4 Liam Fox (C) /Vince Cable (LD)
22/4 William Hague (C)
15/4 Nigel Farage (UKIP)
8/4 Theresa May (C)
1/4 Ken Clarke (C)
25/3 Liam Byrne (L)/Baroness Warsi (C)
18/3 Caroline Lucas (Green)/Andrew Lansley (C)
11/3 Jo Swinson (LD)
4/3 Boris Johnson (C)
25/2 Nigel Farage (UKIP)
18/2 Lynne Featherstone (LD)
11/2 Jim Allister (TUV)
4/2 Theresa May (C)
28/1 Jenny Tonge (LD)/Nigel Lawson (C)
21/1 Caroline Spelman (C)

Full details of the statistics behind this list can be found here.

By political party, that results in these totals for the award for Most Interrupted Panelist:

Conservatives – 10
Liberal Democrats – 4
UKIP – 2
TUV – 1
Greens – 1

…and for the government of the day…

Labour – 1

I wish David Dimbleby a long and happy retirement!

Obstacle to Understanding

“The problem is, of course, Jewish settlements on Palestinian land.”
No. The problem is not, of course, Jewish settlements on Palestinian land.

Define “Palestinian land”, Wyre, please. What’s the history, BBC? Do tell.

I have a sneaking suspicion you want us to think that there is a racial group called “Palestinians” who have had “their” land stolen and violated by Jews!

It does seem that this “International Community” that you’re so fond of, you know, the ones who deem everything Israel does, or thinks of doing, “Illegal”
– it does seem as though it has some funny ideas.
For example:

“In most parts of the world it is not considered a disaster if someone new comes to town and buys a farm or a dwelling. Only in Arab parts of the Middle East is it an unacceptable affront for a Jew to arrive with plans to stay. And “world opinion” only accepts this sort of behaviour when it is the Jew who is being rejected. If a black person is denied the right to buy a house in the community of his choice, it is considered racial discrimination. If a Catholic can’t move into a Protestant neighborhood it is religious discrimination. And Americans, including Jews, are very careful to avoid any appearance of discrimination against Muslims. But if a Jew wants to buy a place to live in the West Bank, it is considered a brutal Israeli invasion.”

“By violently rejecting Jewish settlement, the Palestinian Arabs are exhibiting behaviour which is unacceptable, even despised in the civilized world. In this they echo most other Muslim countries that have a prohibition on Jews living there, where land transfers to a Jew can carry the death penalty. These practices should be universally condemned and rejected. Arabs insist it is unacceptable for a few hundred thousand Jews to live among millions of Arabs while Israel’s Arab citizens are almost 20% of Israel’s population.”

Isn’t it odd that the most vociferous complaints made against Jews by Arabs are those of which they themselves are particularly guilty? As the saying goes, “it takes one to know one” Or to suspect one.
However, this is not my point. Why, when there is much information to the contrary, does the BBC and therefore much of the public, insist on ignoring anything that sets out the other side of the story?
In any case, even if one were to just accept that the “International Community” was right all along, and there is a Zionist plot to take over the whole world, and everyone must stop this at all costs, has anyone on the BBC considered that not all of their precious Palestinians are sorry the freeze has friz.