Excellent post by Mailman here and I wanted to share the detail more broadly – see below!
Sorry but the BBC’s issues with impartiality are one of culture, which cannot simply be addressed by adding a few words to a document your staff will never really read.  
If the BBC was serious about impartiality you wouldnt need a document like this telling us how awesome you are simply because the BBC would already be impartial.  
I mean lets face the truth here. The BBC stopped reporting the news decades ago and instead started reporting its opinion as the news. You want to be serious about reporting the news, get rid of all the BBC blogs which are nothing more than a collection of leftist ideology.  
Please do tell us underserving underlings how exactly the BBC will change how it reports Mann Made Global Warming ™, Immigration, Islam, Republicans, British way of life, multiculturalism over night? Actually, lets be slightly more realistic, how does the BBC plan to report on any of these items over the next 10 years?  
Sadly, each of the above items I have listed the BBC has shown a marked bias towards. Mann Made Global Warming, the BBC is an advocate. Immigration, the BBC is an advocate for unlimited immigration. Islam, the BBC is an advocate for Islam and censors any and all stories that shines light in the true nature of the beast (anyone seen an in depth analisys of Wilders trial or Theo Van Goughs murder? No, didnt think so). Republicans, how many times did the BBC regurgitate the lie of Palins beautiful son being her grand son? Dont even get me started on how the BBC has treated and still does treat GW. British way of life…the BBC is an advocate for the destruction of the British way of life, after all its unfair to expect all those immigrants to adapt to Britain and fit in.   
So yes, please do explain how you intend to change the BBC when so many of the biases I have listed above are so deeply ingrained in to the corporations leftist culture.”


Neil Midgley reports optimistically in the Daily Telegraph today that the BBC’s new editorial guidelines will force our greenie friends at the corporation to start including more so-called sceptics in their climate alarmist reporting, because for the first time, science is included in rules about impartiality.

My advice is not to hold your breath. I have a letter from Ceri Thomas, editor of Today, saying that because there is a ‘consensus’ about global warming, reporting of the subject only needs to give “due impartiality” to sceptics. In other words, sceptics are wrong, the consensus is right, and programmes should only pay minimal lip-service to them.

Nothing that I can see in the new guidlines changes this. Mr Thomas is pretty much representative of the entire BBC management class, and he sits on the board of a warmist organisation that camapaigns to give the warmist cause more prominence, and excludes sceptics.

Meanwhile, tens of thousands of pounds of our money are being wasted in distributing 12,500 of these useless new guideline documents to BBC staff in Britain “and round the world”. What wonderful self-love!


Interesting and subtle article here by the BBC. It screams about alleged financial “abuse” of “bonus culture” by NHS Consultants. The impression is given that there is widespread troughery and self reward and this is unacceptable at a time when the NHS faces cuts. But it’s not quite that straightforward. You see for starters, it is the BBC itself which claims to have identified the “loop-hole” that these greedy medics are exploiting.They then go to speak to three experts, two of whom take the view that these bonus payments should stop forthwith. It strikes me as a hatchet job on NHS consultants and whilst I carry no candle for them I can also see when they are being stitched up, if you’ll pardon the pun. What say you?


The BBC’s droning, lecturing narrative about biodiversity continues unabated. Wonderfully (to me at any rate!), a new fish-eating species of mongoose has been found in a remote area of Madagascar. For the greenie chums at the BBC, however, this is not an occasion to rejoice or to marvel at Mother Nature’s endless variety, but rather to intone yet another solemn warning that despite the island’s vast 227,000 square miles and modest population of 20m, this is a species “under threat” – and at the same time to give a platform to Conservation International, a rabidly political organisation that hinges almost everything it does on its paranoia about “climate change”.

These perceived threats to wildlife are now becoming the major battering ram in the BBC’s alarmist agenda. To put them into context – to show what a load of ignorant hot air they are – I urge you to spend a few minutes reading the latest paper by the marvellous Canadian Donna Laframboise (website here). She debunks with masterful succinctness the nonsense about biodiversity being perpetrated via the UN/IPCC, and then amplified slavishly on a daily basis by the BBC.


I note the BBC are running this story about a farmer who has been “murdered”. It is suggested to me that the man concerned may have been run down and killed by thieves who COULD be of the “traveller” persuasion. Given the anxiety that this sort of incident has on our farmers, one would think the BBC would pursue the story rather more vigorously but then again who knows where that might lead? Instead this is conveniently tucked away in the Sussex section, next to an item concerning Winnie the Pooh stamps.

Hope for Change

Melanie Phillips has written an unusually optimistic article “Decency Fights Back.”
Her first topic is Robin’s department, and I’m ill-equipped to comment, but I do happen to have read, through links on the socially inadequate, pimpled , unmarried, slightly seedy, bald, cauliflower-nosed-run blogosphere, two of the other articles she highlights.

The first was by Peter Hitchens (Daily Mail) about being imprisoned in David Cameron’s “prison camp”, and the second by Nick Cohen (Observer) on the mind(boggling)set of the authorities at UCL who can’t understand how Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab got those silly ideas.

The other hopeful sign Melanie mentions is a pro Israel demonstration that took place in Rome last week.

Peter Hitchens is no apologist for Israel, so if the BBC turns a blind eye to his personal account of Gaza and the West Bank, defending the impartiality of their Middle East staff will look even more of a travesty. As for the University College London, I despair.


Andrew Marr’s show on the BBC symbolises all that is wrong with the corporation. It has consistently been simpering and supine to Labour, and he makes David Frost, whom he replaced, look like a model of journalistic propriety. And now he has confirmed what an elitist, condescending piece of work he is. This is what he thinks of the blogsphere:

British journalist Andrew Marr has angered bloggers by suggesting they are “inadequate, pimpled and single.” Marr, was formerly the BBC’s political editor, also said that citizen journalism is “spewings and rantings of very drunk people late at night”. He made the comments at the Cheltenham Literary Festival, saying: “A lot of bloggers seem to be socially inadequate, pimpled, single, slightly seedy, bald, cauliflower-nosed young men sitting in their mother’s basements and ranting. They are very angry people.”

Sadly, Mr Marr’s outlook is patently shared by the entire £1bn leftist, moral relativist, elitist, eco-nut, anti-Jewish, anti-Christian, pro-Islam, pro-EU journalistic cadre at the BBC. It shows in the way they brook no dissent to their views and in how they so haughtily dismiss all those who dare to question them.

This is the organisation that has today also astonishingly and disgracefully handed a leaving package worth £4.7m to Mark Byford, the soon-to-be-redundant deputy director general. Everyone who has met Mark will – I am sure – share with me the sense of sheer amazement that such a without-talent individual should be worth so much of our money. But then, nothing is surprising in the Mickey Mouse world of BBCland.


Robert Peston is a strange bloke. I was watching his interview on the Ten News with Sir Philip Green who made the point that the commercial incompetence of Government would put any private business to the wall. Green pointed out that vast sums of money can be saved for the taxpayer if government could learn to be efficient. But then, after the interview, Peston turns the whole issue around and says that Government should stop being “such a soft touch” and that Private business might just have to put up with lesser profits. Wrong. Green spells out the vast incompetence of  Government and how it wastes OUR cash. It’s not about being “a soft touch”