216 Responses to Start the Week 6th May 2024

  1. moggiemoo says:

    Wot gives?


  2. moggiemoo says:

    Surely I’m not first? I have nothing to, er, say, er, er. I sound like Dame Kweer, nothing to say, no opinion, with a portion of fence up my arse.


    • Up2snuff says:

      mogs, bring back Scrobie!


      • Scroblene says:

        I’m here, I’m here, Uppers!

        Just made some almond biscuits in our new air fryer, and am baking a huge spud which we’ll share!

        Also have a bottle of Shepherd Neame ‘Bishops Finger’ at my elbow, as it’s a Bonkoleedee, and we all deserve a treat now and then!

        And it’s raining like hell here, so I’ve counted about ten motorbikes going down to Hastings, whereas if it was sunny, there’d be about a thousand!

        I did warn everybody in the W/E comments, so it seems that more people than we thought read these illustrious posts!

        Well done Fed – you’ve reached the eyes of bikers which the other sites cannot reach!


  3. moggiemoo says:

    Just in case… Dolphin rights!!!


  4. Eddy Booth says:

    A musical interlude, untill someone thinks of something to say🙂


    • Zephir says:

      @ Eddie, no problem with the performance (I find the older I get the more musically tolerant I become)

      I will always remember being on the receiving end of a twenty minute rant on the deficts of ELO ( The Electric Light Orchestra) from one who is no longer with us.

      My only defence was, that music tends to bring back memories, and my dad took me to collect conkers at Hexton, one of the few times he was ever with me, and it was “It’s a Living Thing” on the radio as we came home.

      But I do wish someone had informed the singer above you posted that they generally they provide fitting rooms when purchasing trousers.


      • Zephir says:


      • Eddy Booth says:

        His strides are cool! at the time, early 1980s , mainstream people were wearing close fitting Farah trousers …

        Lots of girls and lots of boys
        Lots of smells and lots of noise
        Playing football in the park
        Kicking pushbikes after dark
        Baggy trousers, dirty shirt
        Pulling hair and eating dirt
        Teacher comes to break it up
        Back of the ‘ead with a plastic cup


  5. moggiemoo says:

    Is dolphin rights no longer appealing? I’m devastated!


  6. moggiemoo says:

    Ok, I feel sorry for London, it used to be the capital of the UK. It has now been entrenched as the capital of Gaza. That Khant, being ‘voted in’ for the third time spells the death knell for a, now, foreign capital. I no longer care. The whole of the UK is being transformed into a middle east country. At our expense, with our ‘elite’ promoting it.


    • Scroblene says:

      Well, I’ve just re-watched one of the best films I’ve ever seen – ‘Philadelphia’, and as I was still wide awake, there was a second disk of deleted scenes and the usual production guff, so that went into the electric film machine as well…

      Blimey, there were several really powerful scenes deleted, and one wonders what happens when a story as huge as this, needed to be trimmed so drastically!

      I know there are always out-takes, especially in TV shows etc., but the scenes I watched made perfect sense to the main story, and as a junior partner in watchable flicks, I believe that they would have made the impact much more impressive!

      I guess that Beeboids do the same sort of selection to suit their agenda, but as I never watch their stuff nowadays, there must be others here who could enlighten me…


      • Up2snuff says:

        Scrobie, that is a good film. Think there may be two versions. Was it the JImmy Stewart and Katie Hepburn one?


        • Scroblene says:

          Noooo, it was the one with Tom Hanks, and Denzel Washington acting his best part ever…

          Just to compound the element of the film, there’s a scene where Tom Hanks and Washington listen to this…

          …and some online wag mentioned several years ago, that the only reason why people knew the aria, was because it was a signal part of the film, ‘Philadelphia’!

          I took exception to this ‘wag’ telling me aomething he thought I was below understanding, but then YouTubed it all, and the finale just blew me away, as it did just now – again!

          Blimey, this is such powerful stuff…

          Time for a lie down methinks…


          • Up2snuff says:

            Scrobie, oh that Philadelphia, the modern one. I was thinking of Philadelphia Story.


            • Scroblene says:

              No probs, Uppers, it could have referred to ‘High Society’, which is still a firm favourite here!


    • G says:


      Hopefully there will be some sort of payback and in my lifetime.


  7. Deborah says:

    I tried looking for alternative venues for concerts in London during the Proms season and failed as I don’t want to support the BBC. As I usually go with friends for our annual meet up I had wanted to suggest something different.I sucked a sweet to take away the bitter taste as I scrolled through the Prom programme. Obviously the Sam Smith is a non starter (what music he is performing wasn’t listed) and I won’t be seeing Florence and her machine. I don’t think the two Ceebeebies would do a lot for us, nor the two Dr Who concerts. What was noticeable was the photos with each listing. The vast majority showed women of all colours. It the photo was of a man, many were black and some Asian. White men were very much in last place.

    After much searching, I thought I found a prom I thought I might like to hear and it was on my birthday too. Then I noticed it started at 10pm. Do I really want to be travelling late on a tube in Kahn’s London?


    • Doublethinker says:

      I am pleased that you won’t be supporting the BBC by attending the Proms . I hope that your friends take a similar view to yourself.
      I don’t want to pry but just a reminder that if you havnt already done it to cancel your Direct Debit for the License Fee. Remember the full benefits of the Cure can only be obtained by complete abstinence from all forms of BBC output. And of course you are doing a public service, the first step towards freeing Britain from the woke yoke is the obliteration of the BBC.
      I’m sure that Fed Up would advise , nay plea , with all other users of the site to do likewise.


      • Up2snuff says:

        TOADY Watch #1 – BBC in full on LeftySocialist mode

        I was awake and listening to the TOADY Prog’s ‘First Look at the Papers’ with a notable BBC dismissing of Suella Braverman’s urging the PM to be more Conservative as being ‘Right Wing’. Later on it was off to Lefty ‘luvvie land’ with a tribute to the late Bernard Hilton of Boys from the Black British Corporation Stuff fame. {see what I did there?}

        PS: Snuffy is 19 years free of the TVL noose and recommends it. Still don’t have enough time to do things. At least I don’t waste it watching the BBC!


  8. JohnC says:

    Al Jazeera office raided as Israel takes channel off air

    One would expect the front-page, world news headline like this would have a line of text summarising the story then any counter-arguments etc would be in the article.

    But no : for a super-agenda story like this, they write this under the headline:
    ‘The network denies being a threat to security and says ‘Israel wants to cover up it’s crimes’.

    The whole article then basically supports Al Jazeera. Of course it does : the reporting of this conflict has been astoundingly biased against Israel. Even the BBC’s ‘summary’ they insert into every article (including this one for no apparent reason) which they have expanded the wording of Hamas claims to this:

    ‘At least 34,683 Palestinians have been killed and 78,018 injured in Israel’s subsequent military campaign in Gaza, according to the Hamas-run health ministry.’.

    They’ve added the ‘injured’ part. And look how they quote it to be a specific number : that’s a trick to make you think it’s very accurate. Meanwhile the Israel casualties are specified as ‘about 1,200 people were killed and more than 250 were taken hostage.’. Much more casual.

    So they claim 1 death for every 2 injured. Thats doesn’t sound right : the ratio is usually at least 10:1. Which would be about 7,800 deaths which I suspect is much closer to the truth. Not that the BBC will ever go near that one. They are as biased as any of them : they are just better at embedding it in weasel words.

    And right at the end, Al Jazeera show how ‘unbiased’ they are with this statement – gleefully reported by the BBC:

    “Israel’s suppression of free press to cover up its crimes by killing and arresting journalists has not deterred us from performing our duty,”

    Sorry ‘free press’, it’s YOU who have been covering up crimes by Hamas. And on such a huge scale, I can hardly believe it.
    Quite how anyone thinks Muslim reporters in Gaza reporting on this war with Israel are even remotely impartial is beyond me. But we don’t mention that either.

    Keep going Israel : kick the BBC out next.

    From another of the BBC’s finest:


  9. harry142857 says:

    The UKs Eurovision entry.

    No public vote.

    As chosen by the BBBC.

    Some profanity.


    • markh says:

      And there in a nutshell is why Eurovision is no longer worth watching. The BBC and their four queens will love it.


  10. Guest Who says:

    Heineken to reopen more than 60 closed pubs

    Getty to the rescue


  11. AsISeeIt says:

    Stop Press – as they used to say (there’s one for the teenagers) – we’ve found someone actually looking forward to being tangibly better off under our soon to be incoming Labour government… despite no particular economic plan other than a wing and a prayer, higher taxes and a female chancellor…

    We had to go some distance to find someone genuinely optimistic about Keir Starmer’s policy choices, mind you…

    Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, the ruler of the Ashante people in Ghana… golden treasures loaned to him by the British Museum and the V&A… last week as part of a three year loan… The king wants to avoid handing back… hopeful a future government would change the laws… Labour the best chance for the legal change (Telegraph)

    Perhaps one day some legal change might repatriate our own historic British gold reserves given away at bargain basement prices by Gordon Brown?

    The gynaeceum (think harem, with its one or two eunuchs) that is BBC News Staff like the Financial Times for their top pick of the day’s frontpages to top their online press line-up.

    An old city adage once advised “Sell in May, and go away”

    Despite: The coffers of Warren Buffett’s conglomerate… $189bn record after it dumped stocks amid a struggle to find investments… (FT)

    …our FT, however, today happily picks winners and losers, its favourites and outsiders for us to back – politically that is…

    Benjamin Netanyahu’s far-right government has voted to shut down the Qatar-funded channel [Al Jazeera], accusing it of being a Hamas “mouthpiece” and a threat to national security (FT)

    Pejoratively speaking

    So, apparently that form of censorship is what some typically nasty far-right government votes for.

    Of course a modern liberal internationalist western administration would tend to prefer to abnegate direct responsibility for censorship and instead ban people hearing their enemy’s point of view on a technicality.

    Taking back control?

    RT: Russian-backed TV news channel disappears from UK screens… UK access to the TV network, formerly called Russia Today, has been affected by a ban imposed by the European Union… Although the UK is no longer in the EU, the bloc applied sanctions to satellite companies…UK Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries, who has described the channel as “Putin’s polluting propaganda machine”, said she hoped it would not return to UK screens. (BBC, March 2022)

    On hearing of Napoleon’s crushing victory over the Russian and Austrian emperors at Austerlitz in December 1805, British prime minister William Pitt was reported to have remarked “Roll up that map; it will not be wanted these ten years”

    Our BBC online news page rolled up their map of Ukraine a couple of weeks ago, having neglected to update the position of the frontlines since 21 February.

    William Pitt’s remarks in 1805 turned out to be remarkably prescient. It would indeed be 10 years until Napoleon was finally brought to heel at Waterloo. Pitt died in 1806 and it took an ill-advised invasion of Russian territory in 1812 to break the back of the French Grande Armée

    The Forever War (1974) is a military science fiction novel by American author Joe Haldeman, telling the contemplative story about human soldiers fighting an interstellar war against an alien civilization (thank you Wiki)

    The globalist FT and the US State Department similarly seem resigned to the long haul: Ukraine will look to mount a new counteroffensive next year after receiving $61bn of US military aid (FT)

    Whereas, Benjamin Netanyahu (far-right) well, we apparently want him to call a ceasefire? Despite the mega dollar US military funding: In total the legislation includes $60.8bn to replenish Ukraine’s war chest as it seeks to repel Russia from its territory; $26.3bn for Israel (Guardian, April 2024)

    Despite, free markets, free trade etc etc… the FT remains jolly gung ho for sanctions to solve the world’s problems: Russia’s war machine hit… The US crackdown on lenders financing Russian trade in goods needed for its Ukraine war effort has started to have an impact, according to western officials

    Really? Then how come we’ve put the map away?

    MOSCOW, May 5 – Russian forces have taken control of the village of Ocheretyne, in Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk region, the Russian Defence Ministry said on Sunday (Reuters) – just a village but if we hadn’t put that map away we’d note it was one of many villages that have changed hands recently.

    As central Moscow begins to take on the appearance of a used car lot for second hand western military vehicles

    Russia flaunts Western military hardware captured in war in Ukraine… There’s an American Abrams… British Army Husky tactical support vehicle… A German Leopard tank, too. In fact, there’s a long line of German armour… Moscow believes it now has the initiative on the battlefield. (BBC by Steve Rosenberg Russia Editor, Moscow) – our Steve does a lot of heavy-handed bitching about who started it – somewhat in the manner of Basil Fawlty when he offended his German guests.

    How did we miss this one? Justin Webb and Jeremy Bowen on their 40-year friendship… The Today presenter and the international editor met on their first day as BBC trainees in 1984. They tell Rosamund Urwin how they’ve survived real bullets and the barbs of the culture war (Times, 1 week ago) – ah, bless – as we say.

    Sometimes these segueways write themselves…

    As we think fondly of our Justin and our Jeremy, the ever excitable Daily Mail asks: Would you wear the new M&S pants that give you a BIGGER bum?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Somehow the Webb – Bowen nexus has echoes of all those queer Cambridge spies who became useless / useful idiots for the Soviets – who must have laughed their bits off as they executed traitors given up the those upper class twits .

      And they have something else in common – helping with the demise of the UK – every little helps ….right guys?


  12. atlas_shrugged says:

    Went to visit a mate yesterday. He is in a care home after a stroke. Whilst waiting for him to get up I had some tea and was treated to the delights of bBC in the breakfast room. Maybe this was some form of torture for the inmates?

    On the TV was Laura K. I thought about the opening scene of Macbeth. They definitely wanted to stick it to Rishi with Suella giving it wot for.

    No mention of Stop the Boats though.


  13. Sluff says:

    It doesn’t happen often but in the interests of fairness and impartiality, a commendable story from the BBC on Toady.
    Bear with me.

    In 2016 a man’s wife,who was a pedestrian, was killed by a cyclist. It turns out the police either could not or would not prosecute as, amazingly, there was no law broken !!!!

    The man has been campaigning ever since. On the radio this morning he was calm, intelligent, and erudite.

    It turns out much if not all of the Road Traffic Acts do not apply to cyclists ( not sure if this applies to being on the road or pavement or cycle lane, but let that pass).

    In 2022, Grant Schapps twice asserted the law would be updated. It never happened. The Department for Transport blames no. 10, and no. 10 blames the DFT.

    Another government minister asserted there WERE laws under which cyclists causing shall we say GBH because of their riding, could be prosecuted. Nope. It turns out these laws are ancient and written for horse riders. A car driver in similar circumstances causing the same injuries, or death, could be jailed for life.

    So what we have is a government deliberately doing nothing on this issue. The campaigning widower reckons the pro cycling lobby are so powerful and they have all but taken over the DfT and the inaction is at their behest. Anecdotally I suspect we all know this to be true. Cyclists have been untouchable for years.

    Between 2016 and 2025, some £6 bn has been spent on cycling infrastructure.

    Well worth a listen on BBC Sounds. Toady at just after 0750.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I thought there was something called ‘furious riding ‘ which probably as a penalty of upto 5 guineas ….

      I think the lack of legal control of cyclists is another factor which gives them their arrogant superiority – but at least there are potholes ….


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      But Charlie Alliston, 20, was found guilty of causing bodily harm by “wanton or furious driving”. Alliston was riding a fixed gear bike with no front brakes when he hit mum-of-two Kim Briggs as she was crossing the road in her lunch break. She suffered serious head injuries and died a week later in hospital.


      On the bBC so it must be true.


    • Doublethinker says:

      It takes a great effort of will , plus regular lectures from my wife, to stay calm when stuck behind a gaggle of cyclists , I think the official collective noun peloton .
      Here in Yorkshire Dales the roads are narrow and twisty and we attract large numbers of cycling gaggles from clubs in the West Yorkshire conurbation. At weekends it is now quite normal to see a line of cars a mile long moving at cycling pace behind a dozen cyclists who take up more than half the width of the road and refuse to go in single file.
      Local anger is growing.


      • Guest Who says:


      • Sluff says:

        Yep and the latest version of the Highway Code protects them even more, as they are entitled to ride in the middle of the lane to prevent cars overtaking,


      • Mrs Kitty says:

        The joy of seeing a slow moving tractor pull out in front of them (cyclists) would be astronomical, belching diesel fumes right at face level. Farmers in Yorkshire are missing out on a little earner there, if properly organised.


      • Up2snuff says:

        Double, lycra louts are the bane of my cycling life. They like to think they are on the Tour de Frenchie or Giro d’Italics and ride three or four abreast. And if they pass this OAP on his bike they frequently win Nobell Prizes because they lack a bell (in a breach of the HIghway Code?) but often have a handlebar mounted mobile phone or smartphone. Those latter are useless for ‘pinging’ a courteous warning that you are about to be passed by a younger, more athletic, cyclist.


        • Fedup2 says:

          If you use the road you should be insured and pay to use it – like other road users ….. cycle lanes should be taxed .


        • Doublethinker says:

          I must start by pointing out that I am referring to gaggles of cyclists who obstruct the road hereabouts and not to considerate cyclists young or old.
          But tell me after cycling all day do cyclists get a pain in the posterior ? Because they certainly give me one.


          • Scroblene says:

            I decided to get an electric bike several years ago, as I wanted to do the shopping without the expense of the petrol and frustration of our traffic around here.

            The hills are too steep to ride up on a normal bike, and the power assistance takes care of all that thank goodness, and on occasions, I’ve managed to bring home a week’s worth of shopping without breaking into a sweat…

            I will say, that whenever I go to the shops, it’s invariably via the local lanes, and I can assure anyone driving behind me, that I pull in whenever I can to let them get away – they’re on a local rat-run anyway and buggering up our countryside, but I know how frustrating it can be if cyclists hog the road!

            Kent County Council are experts at making cycling as difficult as possible, with the normal, numerous potholes, and drain covers an inch below the road surface, so one takes one’s life in one’s handlebars as invariably a speeding lorry will be overtaking me on the main road section of my trip, just as the well-known drains are being approached.

            Senora O’Blene and I went on a cycling/drinking holiday in Assenede, Belgium some years ago. We were yards from the Dutch border, and as everywhere was flat, the trips around were idyllic! The restaurants in the town were just perfect!

            I also recommend Philippine, as their seafood is to die for – and you don’t get run over by buses, trams, but after some blatant hospitality, I was severely reprimanded by Senora O’Blene for standing in one of their fishing boats and giving a very seriously war-like gesture…

            Sorry folks, but at my age, I really do need the exercise!


    • Guest Who says:

      At some point an artic driven by Doc Shola will be making a tricky left turn on a badly designed junction with a speed racer cycle lane as Vile decides to make another precious point.


    • G says:


      A cyclist: ‘Causing a death by using an offensive weapon’?

      If the bike is not classed as an, ‘Offensive Weapon’ the Home Office should take note and prepare for a consultation compliments of the Islamic contingent within the HO tasked with banning any objects likely to hinder their takeover. Could we promote a petition to help them decide?……………..


    • Scronker says:



  14. Fedup2 says:

    The green card PM is forever claiming that he has a plan but the other lot haven’t …. I don’t see that . And it depends what is called a ‘plan’ – for instance – the only thing stopping boats is the weather – and legal entry is uncontrolled and not stopped.

    Whereas the red lot can’t really have a plan until they see how bad the economy really is . They will be pushed to borrow more – which in turn will require a better return by lenders – as in higher interest rates – but if their plan is to crash the economy – that’s a good start…


    • Scroblene says:

      Surely it’s not a ‘green’ scratchcard, Fed?

      Don’t we think someone else may be seeing a few of them soon?



    • Sluff says:

      There is a lot to be said for boring when it comes to economic policy.
      Dear old John Major lost in a landslide but Labour inherited a pretty good economy.
      Germany did this for years.

      I think Starmer will do the same.

      Trouble is the blue Labour government have extended the boredom into every other sphere when drastic action is required ( rolling back the climate change extremism, immigration, NHS reform to name but three)


  15. Fedup2 says:

    Hello Scroblene – it might as well be a scratch card ….

    Here is a piece by Frosty about the demise of blue labour – no mention of the BBC – btw – the election results were not That bad because they only lost 474 seats and not the hope for 500 …enjoy

    STARTS When the flood comes in, a few places always escape: those on higher ground, those that get the sandbags out in time, those in places where there is shelter behind high and strong walls. But only a fool, having made it to such a refuge, would look around and say “there is no flood”.

    So it is for my party after the local elections. Teesside was too high ground for Labour to overcome. We got the sandbags around Harlow. The strong walls of sound and successful Tory Police and Crime Commissioners generally held out. But elsewhere the floodwaters swept in and devastated our councillors and our campaigners, engulfing even supposed safe ground like North Yorkshire.

    Now we can see the full results, it’s obvious they are broadly consistent with the wider opinion polling – a bit better than some polls, a bit worse than others. So they point to fewer, perhaps many fewer, than 200 Tory MPs after the next election.
    It takes a real effort of self-delusion not to see this. Still, ministers seem ready to make that effort, at least in public, and claim that these results mean a hung parliament. But they know in their hearts that there is a huge difference between a general election and the extrapolated results from these local elections, where there are lots of independents, much tactical voting, and few Reform candidates.

    Back in January, the Conservative leadership threatened to kick me out of the parliamentary Party when, on the back of a big new opinion poll, I pointed out that disaster was coming.

    Yet now that view is the conventional wisdom – and in fact every constituency-level poll since January has been even worse. The problem is the same one it always is, the one I’ve been pointing out for the past couple of years: our voters don’t want to come out and vote for us. That is what we saw across England and Wales last week. Unless we can change that, a landslide defeat still awaits.

    Can we change that? Some argue these results show we need a more “inclusive and mainstream” Tory party.

    Who could be against such things? But we all know the words are really code for “even less conservative”. It’s this approach that led to last week’s disaster. It can’t be a solution to it. Those voters who really want a permanent, high-tax-high-spend social democratic nanny state can, and will, get that elsewhere.

    So, claim some, we need to change the leadership so as to deliver more credible conservative policies instead. I have never advocated ousting the current Prime Minister. I don’t do so now. It is for MPs to decide on that, and it seems clear that, whatever their reasons, they don’t want a change.

    So to the third alternative: can we tilt to more attractive mainstream conservative policies – tougher on migration and the ECHR, more tax cuts, more spending cuts, deregulation, proper planning reform, fracking and a serious assault on the burden of net zero, rolling back diversity and inclusion – under the current leadership?

    I’d love to see it. And indeed, to judge from some recent measures, the Government seems to have an inkling that this is what’s needed.

    But of course it gets no credit, because it has spent most of the past two years advocating the opposite – and because everyone can see that far too many Tory MPs, including most current ministers, simply will not support this approach.

    So every way out seems blocked. When that’s so, only one course of action remains, and that’s the one we see: stay put, do nothing, and hope something turns up. Repeat “we have a plan and the plan is working”. And wait.

    It’s obvious in the light of the way it has reacted to these results that the Conservative Party needs total renewal – in ideology, in policy, in political strategy. I wish this could be done in the remaining months before the election. We did it, after all, in 2019, so it can be done. But I fear it isn’t now going to happen.

    So genuine Conservatives must now face the fact that we must prepare for disaster: shore up the refuges, put out the sandbags, clear the drains, wait for the flood. And then, as it recedes, see what we can grow on the new fertile land left behind. ENDS

    So the answer –
    Change laws for instant deportation – criteria – turn up in a boat
    Cut welfare
    Cut public spending
    Cut green crap
    Get food and energy independence now
    Start cutting the debt
    And one day cut taxes
    Get brexit
    De louse the civil service – police – education

    ( none of this will happen )

    Frost is the only hope


  16. Siempre Recht says:

    Unfortunately, so happy today after an early meeting with my clients / customers; decided to have my instant porridge (I know, too many carbs & too much sugar) whilst listening to the “news” on BBC4 at 9.00am

    From happy to a raving madman in less than a minute.

    Not one word about the Hamas rocket attacks that killed 3 IDFers, critically injured 3 more; and resulted in the closure of the one aid corridor entrance.

    But, they did interview a Palestinian “mother” of a two-year old who now has anxiety or whatever.

    That bowl of porridge was nearly thrown at my Bose radio.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Hamas broadcasting company

      Keep going IDF – Rafah next ….. soon those hostages are as good as dead now …


      • Mrs Kitty says:

        I think that many were dead ages ago and any females who were alive were wishing for that release.


      • Thoughtful says:

        yeah keep going IDF with 160 countries now aligned against Israel you’re doing a great job, soon you won’t have to worry as there won’t be a state of Israel nor an IDF and then all your supporters will be happy they have nothing to worry about and the UK government can hush its petulant Islamists and carry on Islamising the country.

        You might want to have a think about the future Fed, instead of putting on the blinkers and thinking in isolationist terms. There will be an enormous cost for going into Rafah, I don’t think you have considered that cost let alone whether it’s worth paying.


        • Lucy Pevensey says:

          Thoughtful, God and his purposes will not be overthrown no matter how much the nations and their leaders rage at him.

          Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Greeks, Persians, Romans and Ottomans could not eliminate Israel.

          The Third Reich tried to eliminate the seed of Israel from Europe and unintentionally brought about her rebirth in the Middle East

          Neither The Chinese, Russians, The British empire nor The Islamic Caliphate will wipe Israel from The Earth. Her wounds will heal.

          Believe in The God that you sing hymns to in church. The Holy One of Israel.


          • Thoughtful says:

            If that’s true Lucy then how did the Romans manage it? 2000 years it took and they were nearly wiped as God has punished Israel for its transgressions many times if you read your Bible.

            You clearly have very little knowledge about the third Reich as their initial plan was the creation of a state of Israel where they could expel the Jews to !


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      Good point. The Israelis have one route into Gaza open to deliver aid, so Hamas decide to rocket it. It’s almost as if Hamas want to inflict maximum suffering on their people, and blame it on Israel.

      Israel closed down al Jazeera, what’s taking them so long with the BBC?


      • atlas_shrugged says:

        As Rafah warms up all the hysterical matrons in the MSM are wailing: where will all the pur wee bairns go?

        And as if by a miracle the nearby ‘Departure Lounge’ (aka The Pier) will have been completed. Just by total coincidence a mysterious Royal Naval ship will be nearby.


        • Thoughtful says:

          They can all sleep at Feds house if he wants it cleared so much !


  17. Sluff says:

    Earlier on the thread I wrote about the untouchability of cyclists. I referenced a Toady report.

    Knock me down with a feather. There is another example in the Daily Mail.

    An 81 year old was killed by a cyclist doing 29 mph.
    In the park where this happened, the speed limit for cars is 20 mph.

    Guess what? The speed limit does not apply to cyclists.

    Heads they win. Tails we lose. Appalling. Immoral.
    And where is the useless government on this? Nowhere.
    Probably therefore about the same place as Jeremy Vine.


    • Fedup2 says:

      The blue labour government spent hundreds of millions on closing roads in favour of arrogant cyclists – screwing up communities across the country – my borough – Waltham Forest – if one of the worst in the country – funnelling tax paying traffic into main roads screwing up everything …..

      But it will never change now ….


  18. Fedup2 says:

    Excellent – pro Palestinian camps set up on lawns at Oxford and Cambridge ——- it’s gonna run and run – well done BBC –


  19. Zephir says:

    I often used to visit Cambridge

    I think another visit is due with a placarcd and megaphone:

    muslim gang rapists and baby killers: Off our streets”


    • Mrs Kitty says:

      The plod will arrest you for your own safety and for causing a breach of the peace.


  20. Fedup2 says:

    Seems that to celebrate the re election of the Muslim mayor – more ULEZ cameras have been cut down in the sane parts of londonistan ….

    I bet the religious police have a special squad ….


  21. tomo says:

    We need more windmills…, we must have more windmills

    repeat ad nauseam


    • MarkyMark says:

      If we pray to the Gods will it improve the output? Maybe a few sacrifices of innocent children and old people?


    • Zephir says:

      New job opportunities everywhere soon:

      The ones off the coast might present some problems, but we seem to have plently of people expert with dingies when they are not off designing sattelites and performing brain surgery.


  22. Althepalerp says:

    Went to see Bruce Springsteen last night in Cardiff.
    Audience was 100% white.
    Like being back in the 80s.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Did Bruce say everyone was Xenophobic?

      “Japan calls Biden ‘xenophobic’ comments ‘unfortunate'”


      Opinion polls indicate widespread dissatisfaction among US voters over Mr Biden’s handling of the US-Mexico border.

      Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s plans to Stop the Boats


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      No sign of Humza Useless then?


    • Scroblene says:

      He probably didn’t sing this song, Althepalerp, but it’s one of the reasons I watched ‘Philadelphia’ again last evening…

      Years ago, it was being played on the car radio just as I was getting onto the A2 off the M2, down to Canterbury where I worked. My dear mum was in the final realms of Alzheimers, and I’m afraid I shed a few tears on hearing those haunting early drums and organ bars, as I finally realised that I’d never be able to chat with her again…


  23. wwfc says:


    • MarkyMark says:

      “London, the capital of England and the United Kingdom, has become one of the most ethnically diverse and multicultural cities in the world. Greater London had a population of 8,899,375 at the 2021 census. Around 37% of its population were born outside the UK, and over 300 languages are spoken in the region.”

      “The UK’s most popular baby names of 2023 have been revealed.
      Muhammad held onto the boy’s top spot, while Olivia makes a triumphant return to number one in the girl’s list.12 Dec 2023”


      • Lucy Pevensey says:

        It took Muslims 800 years to bring an end to Constantinople and the Byzantine empire, but it has only taken the globalist 70 years to bring an end to Britain.


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      Can we have a Dutch PM please? The Indian guy isn’t working out.


  24. Zephir says:

    More tulip farms ?

    I recall something about a bloke who died from a viagra overdose. The undertakers had difficulty getting the coffin lid down, so made a hole in the lid in the correct place.

    Overheard at the euology from two elderly ladies saying something about “I thought they all loved him, but look: they only managed to get him one bloody tulip.”


  25. Zephir says:

    I use to have an elderly aunt and at every marriage service she used to jab me in the arm and cackle:

    “You’re next”

    She soon stopped after I did the same to her at every funeral.


  26. Lucy Pevensey says:


  27. wwfc says:


  28. tomo says:



    • moggiemoo says:

      The problem is that those 82% didn’t vote for anybody else either.


      • tomo says:



        The political class need to pay attention to that. (Do not expect the BBC to do anything of the sort!)

        The patience of that 82% is being tried – ignore that self evident silent majority at your peril swampers….


        • tomo says:


          • Guest Who says:

            These folk are nuts, and not in a good way.

            As with Growler (also a Brillo carvery) the only rational response to a professional career based on idiotic schoolyard claims being so publicly exposed as the gibbering of a brain donor, would be to retire behind a closed door with a glass of Whisky and a loaded Welby.

            But no.


  29. tomo says:

    Halal vs. GM soya beans….?

    sheesh…. really looking forward to BBC cubicle chimps writing that up.


  30. Thoughtful says:

    For the sake of information on what is happening in the world and what I consider an unbiased news report:


  31. Zephir says:

    What’s a war crime ?

    Gazan hostage takers and rapists have no blooody idea what most would do to those who fire rocket at at them every day and have openly stated they wish to genocide every jew in Israel.



    • Thoughtful says:

      War crimes are well defined in law, if you don’t know what they are then look them up.

      Most would do nothing as almost all Western European capitals have been attacked viciously and the leaders have actually protected the attackers against the people.


  32. Zephir says:

    “Hamas in Its Own Words

    Published: 01.10.2024

    On October 7, Hamas attacked Israel, slaughtering around 1,200 men, women, children, and infants in the largest and most brutal massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. Hamas terrorists intentionally recorded their murder, rape, and torture of civilians, including around 200 foreign nationals, and took at least 240 hostages back with them to Gaza.

    The physical attack was followed by a propaganda and disinformation campaign. Knowing that Israel would have no choice but to respond to the October 7 massacre, Hamas retreated into its network of tunnels beneath the homes, schools, and hospitals of Gaza, using Palestinian civilians as human shields in order to weaponize the resulting civilian casualties.

    This left Israel with two options – either do nothing in response to the murder and kidnapping of its citizens by invading Hamas terrorists, thereby inviting more attacks, or act against Hamas as it hid behind and under its own citizens. As Hamas leaders themselves admit, Hamas sees either path as a strategic win for its campaign of terror and incitement against Israel, with the ultimate goal of Israel’s eradication. While there can be legitimate criticism of specific Israeli policies and actions during its war with Hamas, it is paramount to remember this worldview of Hamas.

    Since its founding in the late 1980s, Hamas has been promoting rhetoric and policies aimed at destroying the Jewish state of Israel and killing Jews and Israelis around the world. This is evident in their founding charter, which cites the infamous Protocols of the Elders of Zion forgery as “proof” of a Zionist plot to control the world. It remains true after Hamas released a new charter in 2017, which essentially simply swapped the word “Jew” out and replaced it with “Zionist” while repeating antisemitic tropes.

    The following are examples of hateful rhetoric by Hamas leaders and officials, as well as language from their charter:

    Hamas Leaders and Officials:

    Statements by Hamas officials make clear the terrorist organization’s commitment to destroying Israel and killing Jews and Israelis around the world.

    Ismail Haniyeh in 2020: He explained that Hamas rejects ceasefire agreements by which, “Gaza would become Singapore,” preferring to remain at war with Israel until a Palestinian state is established from the River to the Sea: “We cannot, in exchange for money or projects, give up Palestine and our weapons. We will not give up the resistance… We will not recognize Israel, Palestine must stretch from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea.”
    Hamas official, Hamad Al-Regeb in an April 2023 sermon: He prayed for “annihilation” and “paralysis” of the Jews whom he described as filthy animals: “[Allah] transformed them into filthy, ugly animals like apes and pigs because of the injustice and evil they had brought about.” Al-Regeb also prayed for the ability to “get to the necks of the Jews.”
    Hamas Political Bureau Chairman Saleh Al-Arouri in an August 2023 interview: He expressed Hamas’ desire for “total war” with Israel: “Therefore, we are convinced that if a total conflict begins, the airspace and seaports of this entity will be shut down, and they will not be able to live without electricity, water, and communications.”
    Ahmad Abd Al-Hadi (Hamas representative in Lebanon) in an October 12, 2023 TV show laid out Hamas’ expectation that it would be Israel that would sue for peace and indicated that a ceasefire is part of Hamas’ overall strategy, but said that he was not at liberty to say what exactly Hamas has planned for the next step after a ceasefire. He also stated that October 7 had achieved its intended purpose of landing “a blow to the normalization (of relations between Israel and Arab countries).”
    Hamas member, Ghazi Hamad on October 24, 2023: “Israel is a country that has no place on our land […] because it constitutes a security, military, and political catastrophe to the Arab and Islamic nation.” (October 24, 2023, LBC TV (Lebanon)). He also vowed to repeat the October 7 attacks “time and again until Israel is annihilated,” and expressing a desire to “sacrifice martyrs” (referring to Gazan civilians) for Hamas’ ideological aim of destroying Israel.
    In a speech before the International Union of Muslim Scholars in Doha on January 9, 2024, Ismaeel Haniyeh, chairman of Hamas’s political bureau, called the October 7 massacre the “advanced [battle] front of the Ummah.” Calling for “financial jihad” (donations to Hamas) and “jihad of the teeth” (physical jihad), he asked the international audience, “Who wishes to invest in building the jihadist generation to liberate Jerusalem and to unite the blood of the Ummah with the blood of the people of Gaza, Jerusalem, and Palestine on the land of Palestine for its liberation and the liberation of Jerusalem?”

    Statements by Hamas officials also make clear the terrorist organization’s disregard for the loss of civilian life not only in Israel but also in Gaza.

    Hamas senior leader Khaled Mashal stated on October 19, 2023 that he views the current loss of civilian life in Gaza – brought about by Hamas’ strategy of using human shields – as essential: “No nation is liberated without sacrifices… In all wars, there are some civilian victims. We are not responsible for them.”
    Hamas senior leader Ismail Haniyeh, commenting on the loss of civilian life in Gaza on October 26, 2023: “The blood of the women, children and elderly […] we are the ones who need this blood, so it awakens within us the revolutionary spirit.”

    The Hamas Charter:

    Hamas’ extremism is rooted in ideologies that predate the establishment of Israel in 1948. The preamble to Hamas’ founding charter contains the following quote from the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hassan al-Banna:

    “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it” (Preamble to Hamas Charter).

    The Hamas Charter specifically dates Hamas’ ideological roots to well before the establishment of Israel and sees itself as part of a “chain of the struggle” against not only the state of Israel but also Jews (who they term “Zionists”) who lived there before it became Israel in 1948.

    The Islamic Resistance Movement is one of the links in the chain of the struggle against the Zionist invaders. It goes back to 1939, to the emergence of the martyr Izz ad-Din al-Qassam and his brethren the fighters [and] members of Muslim Brotherhood. It goes on to reach out and become one with another chain that includes the struggle of the Palestinians and Muslim Brotherhood in the 1948 war and the Jihad operations of the Muslim Brotherhood in 1968 and after. (Hamas Charter, Article 7).

    Izz ad-Din al-Qassam was a Syrian cleric who formed the Black Hand, an early Islamist group that terrorized and murdered Jews in Mandate Palestine in the 1930s. The Hamas brigades that committed the atrocities of October 7, as well as the rockets Hamas fires at civilian population centers in Israel, are both named after him.

    Hamas sees the territory of Israel as exclusive to all the world’s Muslims (not just Palestinians), forbids a Jewish state on “any part” of the land and promotes the idea that it is the “duty for every Muslim” to reverse Israel’s existence:

    The land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf [holy possession] consecrated for future Muslim generations until Judgment Day. No one can renounce it or any part or abandon it or any part of it. (Hamas Charter, Article 11).

    Palestine is an Islamic land… Since this is the case, the liberation of Palestine is an individual duty for every Muslim wherever he may be. (Hamas Charter, Article 13).

    In its founding charter, Hamas cites a particularly violent hadith as proof that Muslims need to fight and kill Jews:

    The hour of judgment shall not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them, so that the Jews hide behind trees and stones, and each tree and stone will say: ‘Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him,’ except for the Gharqad tree, for it is the tree of the Jews. (Hamas Charter, Article 7).

    Peace is not an option for Hamas, only violence:

    There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. (Hamas Charter, Article 13).”



    • Thoughtful says:

      “This left Israel with two options ” This is the part where it all goes wrong, because of course action had to be taken, but it it the nature of the action which is the problem.

      Hamas has won this conflict now as a result, because the entire world barring the USA and its conquered territories in Europe has turned against Israel. How long do you think it’s going to take for Israel to restore that good will? Not in my lifetime I’ll aver.

      Worse is the destruction of infrastructure in Gaza by indiscriminate bombing. firstly its a massively bad strategy, any military tactician will tell you it’s far easier to take an intact city than a destroyed one.

      But secondly and far worse for the Israelis, where do you think Hamas gets the building materials for its tunnels from? Israel has just provided Hamas with enough building materials to reconstruct all their lost tunnels and more besides!

      Lets also not forget it was Israel who founded Hamas in the first place and if that verse is in there then guess who put it there?

      The problem is that there are a lot of innocent civilians in Gaza, even if you don’t want to believe it, and you can see the anger in Muslims in Britain. Imagine what that anger is like in the countries surrounding Israel?

      Because of the way this war is being conducted there is the very real risk those countries people might rise up overthrow their leaders and go to war against Israel in a war Israel could not possibly win.

      That is what you have to balance. Is this war against Hamas worth the destruction of the state of Israel ?
      The very fact of this war now means the economy will be propped up by the USA for a very long time to come. How much longer can the US keep borrowing ?


  33. MarkyMark says:

    Two men say thanks for paying for my holiday and turn it into a mental health episode (which no one else can afford)…..

    “Having both faced the break-up of their marriages in recent years, presenters Rylan Clark and Rob Rinder found a life-changing tour the inspiration they needed to move on with their lives.

    “This trip is part of my restart in life,” says Rylan Clark positively.

    With close friend and travelling companion, Rob Rinder, he has embarked on a tour of Italy for a new BBC Two series, retracing the steps of the Grand Tourists of the past.”


    • tomo says:


      obviously special treatment there – many boxes ticked at BBC commissioning department …. I wonder if the commissioners are chums of the pair?


    • markh says:

      There was an opportunity for an interesting programmme there. But no, the BBC have made it a gay mental health grief fest. How very BBC.


    • Docmarooned says:

      “Close friend and travelling companion” eh! nudge nudge wink wink say no more. Pair of overpaid never off the box wankers getting a freebie holiday.


  34. Eddy Booth says:

    “Sadiq Khan and four more years of pushing the Great Reset.
    Niall McCrae”


    ‘WHEN Tory MP Lee Anderson got into trouble for accusing London mayor Sadiq Khan of running the capital for his ‘Islamist chums’, he was missing the point. Khan is pursuing the agenda of the Great Reset, and there is nothing Koranic about that. For sure, Muslims are a minority group useful to Khan against the norms of British society, but as a Pride and transgenderism enthusiast he is hardly an advocate of Sharia law. ‘

    Maybe Niall is the one missing the point?
    Could it be that super rich Muslims are actually behind the globalists.
    Get them and the useful fools – the woke crowd- to trash society, family, traditional norms, law and order, education, everything, until people are so sick of it they just look for structure, any structure, and in steps the Muslims offering their solution.
    They could never mass convert people from a free, peak libratarian type society, say UK in the 1980s.
    So they’re trying this woke far left nightmare.
    Just to make sure it works, replace the western populations, as much as possible .


  35. Zephir says:

    @ Althepalerp

    Hope you enjoyed the concert, quite possilby surrounded with civilsed human beings, in the meantime:


  36. tomo says:



  37. Zephir says:

    Talking of civilisation, poor old George Floyd…..and his sympathisers burning and looting, all victims it seems, meanwhile, facts are facts.


  38. MarkyMark says:



  39. Zephir says:

    @ Scroblene

    Regarding London:

    Working in North London a couple of years ago, I rarely, if ever, heard the English language spoken.

    Luckily the tube announcement were slightly legible if one was either good at guessing or had an intimate knowledge of sub Saharan African, which many seemed to have.

    As for Southall

    have a look at the below:Southall-station-sign.jpg


    • Scroblene says:

      I had to go to see a potential redevelopment site there once, Zeps.

      When me and my colleague alighted from the tube, the pong of curry was everywhere. The site was a seventies derelict shambles.

      We made an excuse and left…


  40. Zephir says:



  41. Zephir says:

    And it is on the increase



  42. Zephir says:



    • markh says:

      Why waste so much money on ethnic signage? If they can’t read English they shouldn’t bloody well be here. I’m sick of this pandering.


  43. Zephir says:

    Luckily enough I was fortunate at the time to return home and either communicate in pidgin English or listen to Chinese gibberish.

    One reason I love this site, we can all talk together.


  44. wwfc says:

    New PG tips advert


  45. Zephir says:

    Language difficulties have their charms sometimes.

    Chinese wife wanted to see a rock concert, so I took her to Hammersmith Odeon to see Whitesnake just before Christmas

    Dave Coverdale, the singer. kept repeating “Happy f@cking Chrstmas” after every couple of songs.

    She took this as a standard English phrase and could not understand why the postman and her English teacher refused to speak to her for a couple of weeks.

    She aso had problems in many tech shops telling them “my mobile phone keeps running out of petrol”

    Cultural problems caused issues sometimes though, she thought the foodbanks in Tescos for pet food and others were free giveaways, and ended up filling carrier bags with them. which caused considerable embarrassment.


  46. wwfc says:


  47. Guest Who says:

    Bunter pitches for DG under Hamas.


  48. tomo says:


  49. Sluff says:

    Four days after the local election results and the BBC are STILL banging on about the results. How dire for the Tories, how encouraging for Labour. The cheerful BBC tone is palpable.

    But the endless reporting? We have gone beyond propaganda,
    We now have the British Brainwashing Corporation.


    • tomo says:

      The BBC ex enviro correspondent Black Dick thinks 17% is a mandate … arse


  50. Fedup2 says:

    The Hamas Broadcasting Company is reporting that its ‘ terrorist wing is ‘considering accepting a cease fire ‘….

    …. Hopefully the IDF will recognise the weakness of Islamic Hamas and keep going …..

    Whatever the IDF does will be a ‘war crime ‘ according to the Hamas propaganda branch ….