Typical Beeb, all about Sarah Palin. The GOP’s candidate will most probably be Chris Christie now that Limbaugh’s endorsed him. The Beeb won’t know about that for at least a year.
“I have never seen so many people coming over from London”
What is the funding for BBC’s North American operation – for its US channel ? Does it carry advertising ? Does it charge cable viewers for the channel ?
And how much cross-subsidy from UK liecence payers ? – including all the subsidy over past years ?
Jusging by the crass and biased reporting we hear from the US staff the BBC employs, I would cut them off without a single red cent of financial support from the UK.
“I have never seen so many people coming over from London”
I wonder how many of them will be covering Delaware, by far the most important senate race America has ever seen or is ever likely to see (or so so it would seem from the BBC).
BBC America is funded by BBC Worldwide (the commercial arm of the Corporation which still must adhere to the Charter & Agreement) and is distributed by Discovery Communications, a US company. No license fee money goes to it directly.
The Discovery bundle of extra channels, including BBC America and things like the Science Channel, does cost an extra few dollars above the basic cable/satellite fee, if the subscriber wants to pay for it.
I don’t think any Foreign Office money goes to it directly, as that’s World Service only.
But they share resources and footage with the Mother Ship all the time, so your license fee does get shuffled around the accounting ledgers when required. Any time they do a segment from Mark Mardell on Today, for example. I don’t know who paid for Matt Frei’s special appearance in Chile, but I suspect the license fee paid his way (and for the extra crew required to film his emotional storytelling about the “Cauldron of Hope” while Tim Willcox did the real reporting), and Worldwide paid his salary.
As BBC America is distributed by Discovery Communications, it’s a regular US cable channel and is distributed as part of a package with other Discovery channels, including TLC, Animal Planet, the Military Channel, and some kiddie and Hispanic channels. It does have the usual amount of annoying commercials.
Since it’s part of Worldwide, any profit it makes trickles back up to the Mother Ship. Although I seriously doubt it makes a penny, it’s at least a platform to get people in the US to buy Top Gear and Dr. Who DVDs and downloads, and some profit from that goes back to the BBC proper.
About half of BBC World News America (known in these parts as BBC World Propaganda America) is recycled footage shown earlier in the day on BBC News 24 (license-fee funded and World Service footage, depending on the story), with some in-studio interviews and a couple of pieces from Beeboids stationed in the US, such as Mark Mardell and Kim Ghattas. It’s about as biased as it could possibly be, as it features some of the most biased Beeboids out there.
Matt Frei is usually the anchor, but he takes Fridays off and Katty Kay hosts in his place. I’ve mostly stopped watching because it’s bad for my blood pressure and my upstairs neighbors get frightened from all the shouting.
I just realized that all the Beeboids hired to cover the US for BBC News Online – especially JournoList groupie Katie Connolly – will be paid out of the license fee. That’s a massive waste right there.
So – essentially the BBC US channel is a BBC Worldwide operation.
I bet it makes no profit.
So – the chances are that profits made by BBC Worldwide from selling programmes made here in the UK, and paid for by us, are cross-subsidising the US channel. So we ARE paying for it all, indirectly.
Just another example of crazy BBC empire-building at our expense. Even without the bias, we don’t need it. We don’t see NBC or ABC or other US newsy channels trying to set up here in the UK !
All that is why it rings hollow when we hear Thompson bleating – as he did recently – about Murdoch cross-subsidising his operations.
I/ve given up listening to Frei Boy as well and to most BBC News programmes, for similar reasons of blood pressure and sanity. I dip into Newsnight and the Daily Politics occasionally (though I can/t stand Gavin Essssssler when he’s on and I can’t listen to Anita Anand for more than about a minute, so end up switching off.)
That was none other than German immigrant Franz Strasser, recently hired by the BBC as a digital media correspondent and to do a dishonest series of reports about immigration in the US.
He never once uttered the word “illegal”, even though that’s the entire reason for the debate about immigration. He censored that word even when he did a reports from two different Sanctuary Cities.
So according to Katty Kay, the MAIN story in the US in the 6 months after the mid-term elections is not going to be the US economy, examination of the Obama presidency, what its failures might be, or the causes of Obama’s unpopularity.
No, the main story is going to be about Sarah Palin apparently.
So BBC USA has already decided the agenda and will presumably bore us to death by devoting its energy to trying to uncover tensions within the Republican party.
Why hasn’t the investigative, impartial, balanced BBC been so focused the past 2 years on highlighting the tensions and reported (by sources outside the BBC) non-relationship between Obama and the Clintons within the ruling party ?
God i wish the beebles had the brains god gave the ameba but sadly no ! otherwise they would see that constantly attacking Palin at every opportunity has exactly the reverse effect to the one they want ,i don’t really aggree with some of her thought but i won’t hate her because the islington Columbian dust users at the BBC tell me too .
I just now actually watched the video. Katty is really out of her mind here.
“Sarah Palin inserted herself” into the discussion because a JournoLista at Politico writing a piece saying how they must stop Sarah Palin? Katty actually believes what she just said there. Other people talk about Sarah Palin, so it’s Sarah Palin’s fault for existing, is that it? Words fail.
Radio 5- Democrat Party: it reports America as thought it is something of a one party state, run by the Democrat Party, of which the UK BBC is a Democrat Party extension.
Even when Beeboids ‘experts’ there (how many has this gone up to, in the time of ‘cuts’ and BBC-NUJ strikes?) prepare us for politically disappointing results for its Democrat Party, the Republican Party seems to be an organisation which Beeboids are uncomfortable to talk to. So the Beeboids’ view of the Reublicans is filtered through that of the Democrats. You do make it obvious, Beeboids: for Labour, read Democrat Party. We get it, and we expose your propaganda.
By the way, about half an hour ago on Radio 5, presenter, Mr Allen let slip, without use of the words ‘racist’, ‘President Obama is trying to get the black vote out’. (Now if someone had said: ‘Sarah Palin is trying to get the white vote out’..all politically correct Beeboid hell would have broken out.
Some tosspot on with Huw Edwards from some crappy University blaming the Republicans for Obama’s problems.
Excuse me but doesn’t Barry have control of the Senate and the House at the moment? I seem to remember him having problems with his own party not the Republicans.
Needless to say the Welsh mong Edwards grunted along in approval.
When you have a super majority plus a couple of tax ‘n’ spend Republicans who are into it for the gravy train and not the issues, you don’t need the other party to do anything. Viz, ObamaCare.
You wouldn’t know this from the BBC, but the Republican establishment are getting their collective heads handed to them today just like the Dems.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Stop it! That made me laugh out loud.
Ah, Katty Kay: A feminist who hates strong, successful women who don’t hold all the approved thoughts.
Typical intellectual fascism.
She does like to focus her attention on traitors of the Sisterhood, doesn’t she?
Meanwhile, there’s been next to no BBC analysis of Hillary’s absence from the midterm scene. Funny that.
Typical Beeb, all about Sarah Palin. The GOP’s candidate will most probably be Chris Christie now that Limbaugh’s endorsed him. The Beeb won’t know about that for at least a year.
I like Christie. A Republican president with more than hint of shit-kicking Tony Soprano about him will do me fine.
He looks great on YouTube. Doesn’t go in for empathy or big abstracts. Dishes it out.
“I have never seen so many people coming over from London”
What is the funding for BBC’s North American operation – for its US channel ? Does it carry advertising ? Does it charge cable viewers for the channel ?
And how much cross-subsidy from UK liecence payers ? – including all the subsidy over past years ?
Jusging by the crass and biased reporting we hear from the US staff the BBC employs, I would cut them off without a single red cent of financial support from the UK.
“I have never seen so many people coming over from London”
I wonder how many of them will be covering Delaware, by far the most important senate race America has ever seen or is ever likely to see (or so so it would seem from the BBC).
BBC America is funded by BBC Worldwide (the commercial arm of the Corporation which still must adhere to the Charter & Agreement) and is distributed by Discovery Communications, a US company. No license fee money goes to it directly.
The Discovery bundle of extra channels, including BBC America and things like the Science Channel, does cost an extra few dollars above the basic cable/satellite fee, if the subscriber wants to pay for it.
I don’t think any Foreign Office money goes to it directly, as that’s World Service only.
But they share resources and footage with the Mother Ship all the time, so your license fee does get shuffled around the accounting ledgers when required. Any time they do a segment from Mark Mardell on Today, for example. I don’t know who paid for Matt Frei’s special appearance in Chile, but I suspect the license fee paid his way (and for the extra crew required to film his emotional storytelling about the “Cauldron of Hope” while Tim Willcox did the real reporting), and Worldwide paid his salary.
As BBC America is distributed by Discovery Communications, it’s a regular US cable channel and is distributed as part of a package with other Discovery channels, including TLC, Animal Planet, the Military Channel, and some kiddie and Hispanic channels. It does have the usual amount of annoying commercials.
Since it’s part of Worldwide, any profit it makes trickles back up to the Mother Ship. Although I seriously doubt it makes a penny, it’s at least a platform to get people in the US to buy Top Gear and Dr. Who DVDs and downloads, and some profit from that goes back to the BBC proper.
About half of BBC World News America (known in these parts as BBC World Propaganda America) is recycled footage shown earlier in the day on BBC News 24 (license-fee funded and World Service footage, depending on the story), with some in-studio interviews and a couple of pieces from Beeboids stationed in the US, such as Mark Mardell and Kim Ghattas. It’s about as biased as it could possibly be, as it features some of the most biased Beeboids out there.
Matt Frei is usually the anchor, but he takes Fridays off and Katty Kay hosts in his place. I’ve mostly stopped watching because it’s bad for my blood pressure and my upstairs neighbors get frightened from all the shouting.
I just realized that all the Beeboids hired to cover the US for BBC News Online – especially JournoList groupie Katie Connolly – will be paid out of the license fee. That’s a massive waste right there.
David – thanks for the info.
So – essentially the BBC US channel is a BBC Worldwide operation.
I bet it makes no profit.
So – the chances are that profits made by BBC Worldwide from selling programmes made here in the UK, and paid for by us, are cross-subsidising the US channel. So we ARE paying for it all, indirectly.
Just another example of crazy BBC empire-building at our expense. Even without the bias, we don’t need it. We don’t see NBC or ABC or other US newsy channels trying to set up here in the UK !
All that is why it rings hollow when we hear Thompson bleating – as he did recently – about Murdoch cross-subsidising his operations.
I/ve given up listening to Frei Boy as well and to most BBC News programmes, for similar reasons of blood pressure and sanity. I dip into Newsnight and the Daily Politics occasionally (though I can/t stand Gavin Essssssler when he’s on and I can’t listen to Anita Anand for more than about a minute, so end up switching off.)
Good point, Millie.
Tea cooking? …who is that guy!
That was none other than German immigrant Franz Strasser, recently hired by the BBC as a digital media correspondent and to do a dishonest series of reports about immigration in the US.
He never once uttered the word “illegal”, even though that’s the entire reason for the debate about immigration. He censored that word even when he did a reports from two different Sanctuary Cities.
So according to Katty Kay, the MAIN story in the US in the 6 months after the mid-term elections is not going to be the US economy, examination of the Obama presidency, what its failures might be, or the causes of Obama’s unpopularity.
No, the main story is going to be about Sarah Palin apparently.
So BBC USA has already decided the agenda and will presumably bore us to death by devoting its energy to trying to uncover tensions within the Republican party.
Why hasn’t the investigative, impartial, balanced BBC been so focused the past 2 years on highlighting the tensions and reported (by sources outside the BBC) non-relationship between Obama and the Clintons within the ruling party ?
God i wish the beebles had the brains god gave the ameba but sadly no ! otherwise they would see that constantly attacking Palin at every opportunity has exactly the reverse effect to the one they want ,i don’t really aggree with some of her thought but i won’t hate her because the islington Columbian dust users at the BBC tell me too .
I just now actually watched the video. Katty is really out of her mind here.
“Sarah Palin inserted herself” into the discussion because a JournoLista at Politico writing a piece saying how they must stop Sarah Palin? Katty actually believes what she just said there. Other people talk about Sarah Palin, so it’s Sarah Palin’s fault for existing, is that it? Words fail.
How can anyone take this woman seriously anymore?
Radio 5- Democrat Party: it reports America as thought it is something of a one party state, run by the Democrat Party, of which the UK BBC is a Democrat Party extension.
Even when Beeboids ‘experts’ there (how many has this gone up to, in the time of ‘cuts’ and BBC-NUJ strikes?) prepare us for politically disappointing results for its Democrat Party, the Republican Party seems to be an organisation which Beeboids are uncomfortable to talk to. So the Beeboids’ view of the Reublicans is filtered through that of the Democrats. You do make it obvious, Beeboids: for Labour, read Democrat Party. We get it, and we expose your propaganda.
By the way, about half an hour ago on Radio 5, presenter, Mr Allen let slip, without use of the words ‘racist’, ‘President Obama is trying to get the black vote out’. (Now if someone had said: ‘Sarah Palin is trying to get the white vote out’..all politically correct Beeboid hell would have broken out.
Peter Allen is a complete and utter tosser, he’s a fat version of Richard Bacon.
Some tosspot on with Huw Edwards from some crappy University blaming the Republicans for Obama’s problems.
Excuse me but doesn’t Barry have control of the Senate and the House at the moment? I seem to remember him having problems with his own party not the Republicans.
Needless to say the Welsh mong Edwards grunted along in approval.
When you have a super majority plus a couple of tax ‘n’ spend Republicans who are into it for the gravy train and not the issues, you don’t need the other party to do anything. Viz, ObamaCare.
You wouldn’t know this from the BBC, but the Republican establishment are getting their collective heads handed to them today just like the Dems.
What a mongette.