Anyone catch moonbat Amanda Foreman on with Brillo Pad on “This Week” last night? I was impressed by the utter delusionalism of her analysis of the US Mid-terms and one can understand WHY the BBC lined her up. With Jacqui Smith and Portillo lining up to mostly agree with Foreman, we had the BBC view manifest. Obama won, the Tea Party lost. All is well. You couldn’t make it up
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I love the way Portillo is employed to provide “balance” to these broadcasts. That a soaking wet Conservative In Name Only is somehow representative of those unconvinced by the social democrat consensus in UK politics and broadcasting illustrates the delusional BBC’s “genetic” mock-impartiality. God forbid that somebody like Dan Hannan should be a regular on This Week – or any BBC programme.
Portillo wasn’t always a soaking wet Conservative In Name Only. Spending time at the Beeb seems to do that to people. They must be so surrounded by left wing views that they begin to see that as the normal perspective.
True but his failure to become Conservative Party leader forced a reassessment of his future. He was shrewd enough to realise that a quasi-Thatcherite was not going to establish any career in the British media, particularly the broadcasting media which to all intents and purposes means the BBC. Accordingly he morphed into a wet CINO and, not by coincidence, became the BBC’s favourite “Conservative” fronting up mock intellectual dinner parties and rail journeys and the representative of acceptable cuddly “right-wing” opinion.
I don’t criticise him for making a sensible career decision. However, I would observe that in embracing the role of political poodle he has assisted the BBC in effectively silencing those who don’t sign up to the received opinions of the political class.
You’re both right. Portillo was a top man, in fact I wanted John Redwood and him to be a dream team to topple Major. Redwood wa sso right about eveything: “No change, no chance”
Now Portillo is a soaking wet Conservative Uttering Newsworthy Treachery! [As, of course, is El C.I.D. – standing, according to taste, for cave-in-dave or cast-iron-dave!]
No, but I caught Have I Got News For You last night where the section on the bad results for the Democrats barely mentioned them, preferring instead to slag off Republicans and Americans for being witches and right wing. BBC narrative? Perish the thought.
It’s a shame, as HIGNFY used to be a favourite of mine. I don’t know if it’s got worse, or if I’ve tuned into the lefty bias over the years.
My thoughts exactly. I did wonder what had happened, or whether I was imagining it, but there was a definite, nasty, leftie slant to it all. Shame that they have to sink so low.
I usually watch the repeat of HIGNFY so I can’t comment on the latest edition. However, the position of Ian Hislop (from where most of the trenchant criticism used to come) as a paid-up member of the political class has blunted his hitherto wide-ranging criticism of things political here and abroad.
Hislop is editor of Private Eye the supposedly “anti-establishment” fortnightly. PE takes a regular pop at corruption in the City (Jews, where available, to the forefront of course) or at the odd local authority or at egregious planning decisions. Moreover, PE’s evisceration of the CDC is a pleasure to behold. Unfortunately there are matters which seem to escape PE’s purview. For instance, where is sustained exposure of the pouring of taxpayers money down endless green initiative holes or the non-science of global warming? Also, and more to the point, PE is a big critic of Richard Desmond (another Jew) and his latest foray into Channel 5 but criticism of the BBC (a much bigger and, you would think, important target) is, to say the least, muted. Such complacency has, I assume, nothing to do with Hislop’s series of occasional documentaries for the BBC.
I think I have mentioned it before but I packed in with PE after all its MMR nonsense (they were big Andrew Wakefield supporters) in addition before Paul Foot assumed room temperature every issue had pages in it attacking Oona King. As Foot tried to get the knife in ready for his fellow SWP’ies to take the seat.
I don’t think PE even mentioned Climategate either. God knows how the publication has lasted this long.
Whilst I thought the attitudes displayed on HIGNFY yesterday was pretty much par for the course as far as the BBC is concerned, the one jibe that really stood out was the one about ‘where’s a Yemeni printer cartidge when you need one?’ said over a photo of Bush on a golf cart. I used to love HIGNFY but after last nights display, not any more.
HIGNFY has been on a terminal beeboid decline for years – even Hislop has gone native!
And imagine the BBC-(and guardian-)wide uproar if anyone had cracked the printer cartridge joke over a photo of one of Obama’s (much more frequent than Bush’s) golfing days-off!
I gave up on HIGNFY quite some time ago (and PE). Both now rubbish.
I still like HIGNFY, and I wish we had something like that here in the US. Far better than Mock the Week. They used to let Hislop attack Gordon Brown all the time, even though they will not allow any jokes about the current US President. The show is up and down based on the quality of the guest panelists and host, of course. I was literally in tears when Boris Johnson hosted it the first time.
I haven’t seen the latest installment, but I’ll try to catch it after the weekend as soon as someone posts the extended version on YouTube.
Portaloo is no longer a paid up Tory, he admitted that ages ago, why they have him on the showI don’t know, I doubt if he has any real contacts in the Tory party and certainly none in Government.
Did Brillo ask five bellies if she’d paid back her expenses yet or if her hubby was wanking himself stupid at our expense whilst she was in the studio
i hardly bother with either HIGNFY or PE any more. Both have lost the cutting edge they once had. I think Peter Cooke would be tearing his hair out at it and especially at Bronski Beat.
I could happily bonk Amanda Foreman sensless.
‘You couldn’t make it up’
Ah but, sadly, ‘we’ have to pay some to make it up daily (except today).
For some reason.
Amanda Foreman like all libbies cannot face reality. Defeat must be respun as victory. They had invested so much hope in Obama that it must be unbearable for them.
For them it was never about his competence and fitness to be POTUS but always his fulfilling of a libbie dream of how they were remaking the world to fit their desires.
The Tea Party movement, if it is truly a revolutionary return to that spirit that built the US must avoid all deals and keep increasing the pressure for true reform of a bloated state.
I hope they ignore all European wailings. It is nothing to be concerned about.
Eventually I hope we can deal with our libbies in the same way.
A classic piece of BBC sneering re. Palin and the Tea Party.
Its very good says Beeboid, quick off the mark.
Then the Beeboid reflex kicks in.
Read for yourself. It’s loaded with the Beeboid left liberal snobbery.
‘The imagery, flags, fighter pilots, Mount Rushmore, the Statue of Liberty, may be pure political bromide.’
‘apparent rainbow coalition’
‘There’s even time, along the way, for a populist jab at Washington politics.’
‘there’s a shameless reference to the most famous three words ever uttered by the man who once made everyone feel good, Ronald Reagan.’
All rising to the snooty crescendo:…..
‘If she ever launches a formal bid for the presidency, she will probably, at some point, have to engage more seriously with what she loves to call the “lamestream media”.
Need I say more. A classic piece of BBC malice.
HIGNFY hasn’t changed a bit. It’s always been Left-leaning, and made plenty of anti-Bush remarks when he was in charge. Hislop never misses an opportunity to mention “illegal wars”, either. He may be Oxford elite, but he holds all the approved thoughts and is just fine with the BBC.
The only joke about The Obamessiah so far has been the bit at the end of the opening animated sequence where He now misses the basket he used to make. Shocking, I know. One would think that the equal opportunity offenders on that show would have found a way to joke about the President’s failure to distinguish between Muslims and Sikhs. But I knew that would never happen.
I used at one time to be a regular for both HIGNFY and PE, but haven’t bothered with either for several years now, for all the reasons mentioned above. PE persistenly ignoring the AGW scam finished me off with it, and as for HIGNFY, they seem to be locked in to a time-warp where, as James Delingpole put it, the miners are still on strike and the dreaded Thatch is still in power. Pathetic demise of a once good idea (like the B-BBC really).
Did you catch The News Quiz tonight? Andy Hamilton was really angry with the Tea Party.
The more anger and venom I hear from the Leftoid punditry, on-air talent, and the artisterati, the more I think the Tea Party movement is a good idea.
If you think the Tea Partiers were angry, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet: from the Left.
The BBC ridicule the Tea party Movement as policy, mainly with their inane attempts at comedy.
Why do people tolerate this? They just seem to go along with it.
Its amazing to me, how the British people don’t mind living in this crazy quasi socialism, along with its constant stream of propaganda.
The tea party are simply trying to stop USA sliding into a similar socialist morass. And we only show our true colours by ridiculing and dismissing their popularity.
To listen to the BBC, you’d think Republican politicians other than Palin hardly exist. And that the Tea Party are nearly all demented rascists.
Are they really suggesting that the clear rejection of the Obama/Pelosi agenda is all based on racism ? That there is no rationality among American voters ?
I am ashamed at most of the biased and ignorant stuff the BBC appears to beam to Americans. The BBC would not dare to be so bold in criticising, say, the Palestinian politicians and electorate, or the Chinese.
Unfortunately, most of the British public simply don’t know what’s going on in the US. What they do know is generally slanted far to the Left, and filled with White House talking points rather than actual news. So all the jokes seem right on, especially as the usual crowd of edgy (or very short) comedians have emotion-based political views and don’t actually know much about it besides Christine O’Donnell and the slander put out by the BBC News division.