Well, another day and another set of Wikileaks. Is it me or do you sense that the BBC delights in trawling through these illegal leaks that are now quite obviously aimed at embarrassing and undermining the United States? I suppose there is a natural resonance between Assange’s visceral hatred of the United States and the BBC’s default position of liking anything that seeks to undermine the USA? Tough call for the State Broacaster – Obama or Assange. I think the latter wins?


If there is one thing that the BBC likes, it is social engineering. So it was interesting to listen to an interview with Conservative MP Dominic Raab (8.42am Today) who objects to the attempts by former Saint Vince Cable to further mangle employment legislation. I thought that Raab exposed the naiveness in the BBC view rather deftly but it was obvious that BBC sympathies lie with Cable and the rest of the “equality” industry as they seek to further undermine the meritocratic principle.


Listening to the BBC, one could be forgiven for thinking that Labour is still in Government. Yesterday, I was rather surprised to hear Yvette Cooper being given the lead response to the “Russian Spy” story on Radio 4 news. This morrning there was a discussion on R4 “Today” concerning the blockade of High Street shops by left wing street rabble and we had Tom Harris (Labour) and Neal Lawson of protest group Compass on to debate it. Again, no sign of the Government being afforded a presence. It’s remarkable to witness the BBC continuing to behave as if Labour was still in power whilst simultaneously pretending that our current economic woes have nothing to do with more than a decade of poor socialist governance.

The BBC’s Censoring of News on the Gulf Oil Spill – Part 2

Last month, I wrote a post about how the BBC censored news of the US Government editing an independent report so that it showed scientists backing the offshore drilling ban. It turned out that the President who was supposed to be superior to George Bush in that He would now put science before ideology has in fact put ideology – in this case, Watermelon-style anti-oil ideology – above science. Yet the BBC has remained silent about it.

Now that the US Government is extending the offshore drilling ban, the BBC put up a news brief about it. The ban was supposedly going to be for six months, as a response to the big oil spill in the Gulf. When the President put the ban into place, we were told that this was vital so we could learn from the disaster. We were further told that we must wait until the Government experts learned more about the dangers of offshore drilling before any more could begin. Now it seems that the ban will remain in place until 2017. Why?

When the ban was postponed, the BBC’s news brief helpfully linked directly to the US Government’s own explanation of how the “revised strategy” will still help the US meet its energy requirements while placing further regulation and restrictions on the oil industry. Naturally, the BBC tells us that the oil companies are upset, as are the President’s Republican enemies. This is dog bites man stuff, unremarkable and unenlightening. All we get from this is the White House talking point that offshore drilling is still being considered by the Government, but nothing is going to happen without further restrictions put into place for everyone’s safety, and for the safety of the environment.

On top of this, BBC man in Washington, Paul Adams, has done a “From Our Own Correspondent” piece about how the oil spill disaster may have permanently damaged the oyster beds of Louisiana, destroying the livelihoods of poor fishermen still reeling from the devastation of Katrina. It’s all very depressing, with no hope in sight. Adams does mention that the damage seems to have been done when the coastal area was flooded with fresh water as a bulwark against the incoming oil. There is no blame placed on the strategy, only on BP for causing the spill. Whether or not the fresh water strategy was necessary, or if it was done wrong or at the wrong time is left unexamined. Oddly, the BBC has missed a chance to blame Republican Governor Bobby Jindal for it, as the New York Times did back in July.

I suppose some may think I’d be glad that the BBC chose to censor news which makes an opponent of the President look bad, as this provides a small step towards balancing out the fact that they censored all news of the President’s mishandling of the cleanup effort and collusion with BP to block media access to key areas.

But I’m not glad, because I don’t like it when the BBC censors things which get in the way of the story they’re trying to tell.

The reason why who is responsible for the fresh water damage gets in the way here is that it would distract from focusing on the hardship suffered by fishermen due to the oil spill. If we got bogged down in placing blame on someone other than nasty old Big Oil, we’d lose the Narrative. Not only that, but the Narrative would be further damaged by leaving the door open to wondering if the oysters would have been better off if Jindal hadn’t ordered the flooding, maybe the disaster wasn’t as bad as we were made to believe and maybe the ban on offshore drilling is unnecessary. We can’t have that, so Adams carefully makes sure our focus remains where it belongs.

But if the first setback was an act of God, the second was an act of industry – an industry that is much bigger and more commercially important to Louisiana than Nick’s delicious oysters, an industry that sits off this fragile, mysterious landscape of channels and marshes, and produces the stuff that Americans really cannot get enough off.

I like the Freudian typo there: “the stuff that Americans cannot get enough off”. Agenda slipping into view momentarily.

So we’ve established that the ban is necessary, look at the all the damage it does, we need to regroup and rethink and re-regulate if we’re going to allow any new developments. Thank Gaia for The Obamessiah, He’s going to do it properly and carefully, and only nasty Big Oil and Republicans object.

Here’s what the BBC doesn’t want you to know about the ban:

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar is well known for his anti-Big Oil leanings. It’s becoming increasingly clear that he and the President never meant to lift the ban at all, and were merely maneuvering into position for a more permanent ban. He promised that offshore drilling would end and that more would start up now that risks have been “significantly reduced”, but now – what a shock! – the ban will continue for seven years. All thanks to the President putting ideology before science. Wasn’t that supposed to be a big problem of George Bush? The masses don’t need to know about it. It’s no surprise that Salazar was favored by anti-oil activists even back in 2009.

But it’s worse than that. While Paul Adams is wringing his hands over a few oystermen in Louisiana, the BBC is censoring news that the drilling ban itself is actually beginning to cause economic damage.

Less than a year ago, struggling states and coastal towns saw crude exploration off the Gulf Coast and Atlantic seaboard as economic salvation.

Yet the backlash from the BP oil spill — most recently the Obama administration’s decision this week not to open up some of that area to new drilling — has residents wondering if the industry will ever thrive again in U.S. waters.

Some fear an exodus of oil rigs in search of friendlier waters overseas. And with each passing day, folks that rely on deepwater drilling say the damage is multiplying, creating a ripple affect from blue-collar Main Street to beachside drives. They warn it will only get worse.

“Deepwater was the future,” said Lori Davis, owner of Rig-Chem, a Houma, La., business that sells chemicals to oil companies. If there’s less new exploratory drilling, everyone from industry suppliers to doctor’s offices who treat oil field workers will have less business.

Davis has already cut a consultant, reduced a profit-sharing plan for workers and left a recent job vacancy unfilled. “Today, we have to rethink that because we have an administration that’s clueless, with no interest in supporting oil and gas,” she said.

Sure, the Government previously stated that predicted job losses during the initial six month ban weren’t so bad (well, they would do), but that was when everyone thought it was only temporary. What about now that it’s more or less permanent? Well, oil prices are already up because of it, hitting a two-year high. That doesn’t help those struggling businessmen at all, nor does it help anyone else except nasty old Big Oil.

Unfortunately, the BBC doesn’t feel like examining any of this. All they care about is supporting the President’s ideology-based ban, and ignoring details which interfere with the Narrative.

Don’t Mention the War

“Six months ago nine Turkish activists were killed attempting to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza. The wave of international condemnation which followed led Israel to announce an easing of the blockade, but this week 22 Aid agencies issued a report saying it had made little difference on the ground. “

That’s from the programme information from the Sunday Programme’s website. It immediately reveals where the writer’s sympathy lies. Why? Because despite all the evidence that has emerged since the Mavi Marmara incident, they still present the nine who died as righteous and wronged, and gratuitously mention ‘international condemnation of Israel’ to endorse their own condemnation, and to remind us of Israel’s universal unpopularity.
Hanan Elmasu from Christian Aid said matters haven’t improved for Palestinians in the five months since the blockade was eased. She said the blockade is not necessary as you can ‘lift the blockade and meet Israel’s security needs’. Somehow or other. She was concerned that Palestinian children see their parents standing in line for food vouchers, adding erroneously, by accident or design, that ‘Gaza remains under occupation’.
Mark Regev was given the opportunity to respond, on a bad line because of the fires raging in Northern Israel. He began by thanking us for sending two helicopters. Understandably he sounded tired and distracted. He explained that Hamas is Israel’s enemy, not the Palestinian people. They are the victims of that extreme regime.
It must be tiresome to have to repeat time after time, to people who aren’t listening, that Israel is under constant threat. The BBC’s starting point is the problem. It hinges on their sentimental attachment to Palestinians, whom they naively picture as gentle folk with donkeys and olive-groves; somehow they are completely unwilling to recognise the Palestinian leaders’ visceral hatred for Jews and their unshakeable determination to eliminate Israel.
That, combined with the deliberate suppression of abundant substantive evidence of Hamas’s and Hezbollah’s genocidal intentions.

The BBC is content to approach the situation in Gaza as though a state of war did not exist. They continually push the idea that the blockade is wrong. Although we encourage the use of sanctions against our own enemies before resorting to the use of force, they have decided that Israel must use neither force nor sanctions.

The Sunday programme ended with two items on its favourite religion. A celebration of the East London Mosque. ‘A cultural centre and an integral part of community life’. We are told that the Mosque educates the community and brings it together. Hosting radical Anwar al-Awlaki who supported the Fort Hood shooting was an ‘administrative oversight,’ a spokesperson assures us. There has been some criticism of the strain of conservative Islam perpetuated by this mosque, but Islam is an ideological matter. They decide whether you should have photos in your home, and whether Muslim children should be protected from ‘UnIslamic’ matters such as music, art and school trips. How sweet.

Immediately after this generous portrayal of the East London Mosque, we hear that a hard-line muslim cleric in Pakistan, during Friday prayers, has offered a reward to anyone who will kill a Christian woman who is already facing death for blasphemy.

These three items are, apparently, unconnected.

I caught Yvette Cooper telling Andrew Marr that she had been to the Middle East, as shadow foreign secretaries are wont to do.
Did you learn anything new?” asked Marr.
What is important,” she replied sweetly, “are the personal stories. The Palestinian families separated from their olive trees by The Wall. and the children deprived of their football pitch.
“I don’t know why they must build these beastly walls, “ she seemed to imply, “it’s so spiteful”
“Oh, yes, and I talked to the parents of a Jewish soldier who was kidnapped by Hamas.” she added, remembering balance. A Jewish soldier, kidnapped? Was she implying that as a combatant, he was asking for it? And was she assuming that the audience had not heard of Gilad Shalit’s four year incarceration by evil terrorists Hamas? Perhaps she herself had not.

Fires are raging in Northern Israel, and Israel’s enemies rejoice.

“Muslim.net, owned and operated by Aljazeera Publishing, published a series of posts about the fire raging through Northern Israel which can only be described as a celebration of the death, carnage, and misery caused by the blaze. “
Should the BBC report this?


Interesting to read that BBC’s “Horrible Histories” is to be remade and put out in prime-time slots. As regular readers of Biased BBC know we have exposed the OUTRAGEOUS bias of this series here, and here, and here, and so on. It shows how ruthless the BBC is to ensure that history is re-written and propagandised to ensure it fist in with their liberal western hating Islam loving mindset. Another colossal waste of license-tax money.


I am sure the BBC must have been gutted with headlines such as “Economy recovering better than expected” as the UK defied many of the “experts” and posted decent growth. However it is vital that people don’t get the impression that after a decade of socialism we are now on the right path to recovery and so the BBC runs the story today that “UK Economy to slow in 2011.”  The BBC is looking forward to waging war on the Coalition next year and it will use every opportunity to convey the impression that things can only improve if we allow Labour back in!

One Small Step

William Hague’s utterances about enhancing our special relationship with the Arab World which will inevitably mean ditching Israel, together with those images of Her Majesty the Queen decked out in Islam friendly headgear clearly indicate that this government has decided who to befriend and who to dump.

Pro-Israel blogs disagree as to whether George Osborne’s recent speech to a Jewish audience was genuinely friendly to Israel. He was certainly pretending it was, but various cliched references in his speech about settlement freezes and ending the blockade on Gaza suggested otherwise. Either he’s well intentioned but ill-informed, or he’s pulling the wool over our eyes with a superficially friendly gesture to British Jews before his colleagues segue seamlessly into full-on appeasement of Islam.
Relevant news appears on the non-BBC news, but not in the BBC news. If George Osborne must make statements about ‘peace in the Middle East’, he must look beyond the selective morsels BBC sees fit to pass on.

Muslim schools are doing their thing, the Guardian is obsessed with Israel to the point of insanity, the BBC is constrained by its charter, which forces it to express its feelings about Israel mainly in the form of bias by omission. Battling with such a slippery and enormous operation is daunting and challenging.

Robin Shepherd knows that the Palestinians repeatedly and openly declare that they view the two state solution as a stepping-stone. It’s merely stage one in their long-term goal, which is, of course, the elimination of Israel. What they mean by ‘Peace’, is a Middle East, and ultimately a world, without Jews. It is not settlements that are the obstacle, but Israel itself. Appeasing Islam’s inherent hatred of Jews will simply lead to further demands, and the BBC’s egregious omissions are masking this with dangerous, misguided and truly farcical politically motivated meddling.
Robin Shepherd:

”The British public, and the BBC’s tens of millions of viewers, readers and listeners around the world, are just not getting the information they need on this conflict to form a rounded judgement. It is deliberate censorship.
I know I have said all this before. But it consistently bears repeating since the role of the media, and particularly the ubiquitous BBC, in public perceptions about Israel and Palestinians is clearly vital. When it comes to this conflict the prejudices against one party, namely Israel, are so deeply entrenched that what emerges is much less like traditional journalism than the agitprop of political activism.
The BBC needs to be made aware that this is against their own charter and also makes a mockery of a once great institution’s claim to be taken seriously.”

To some of us the BBC looks like a giant self-serving clique of champagne socialists and populist hacks bound tightly together by an incestuous, impenetrable groupthink. They’ve constructed their own blockade on revealing the truth about Islam’s ultimate intentions. But there are chinks. A few items have already been allowed through. This two-part BBC World service programme by Wendy Robbins about antisemitism, for example.
One or two small steps for the BBC, one giant step for mankind. Robin Shepherd concludes:

“In the meantime just pass stories like this around to as many people as you can. If an appeal to basic journalistic standards won’t make them mend their ways, perhaps an appeal to their sense of shame will. It’s always worth a try.”

There is a wonderful article on Daphne Anson’s blog all about Charles Moore. He ‘gets it’. He has a lot to say about the BBC, and I urge you to read it all.


I have been a victim of this latest manifestation of global warming for the past few days – travelling to London and at the mercy of years of the deliberate running down of emergency cold weather planning caused because our fat, stupid, complacent, ruling class believes only in the AGW myth. On Wednesday night, I was stranded at Crawley when Southern rail dumped me there at 10pm at night; never in more than 20 years of using the London to Brighton line has anything comparable happened. But no worries, it’s the warmest year ever, don’t you know? And don’t worry, the BBC is pushing away to reassure us that windpower will save the day. Honest. What will it take for our idiot politicians and planners to wake up? The BBC generally is treating this major national emergency as though it was a minor hiccup because it does not fit into their narrative, what’s going on is a bit of ice. That’s OK then. And meanwhile, their so-called science and environment page is filled with the usual AGW drivel, giving voice to the idiot Maldives prime minister who, as usual at events like Cancun, has his begging bowl out. I could not find anything on the BBC about this story, though, the Met Office’s High Prietess of the AGW religion, Vicky Pope, stranded at Gatwick on her way to Cancun. And what about this? – we are giving away £37m more in farming subsidies to deal with “climate change” when old folk back home are severely suffering because they can’t afford the government’s artificially-inflated fuel prices.

There’s a wilful burrowing of collective BBC heads in the sand and a cold-hearted determination to keep the AGW lies mill in full production. Me, I’m off to London again, back at the mercy of all that little bit of ice.