Blimey! Listening to Toady this morning – some meteorologist was being interviewed in respect of La Nina, El Nino and the jetstream. She was actually heard to state that La Nina and the variations in the jetstream were NOT (repeat NOT) caused by climate change! You could have knocked me down wiv a fevvah!! Mind you, when it came to the crunch and it seemed that climate change hadn’t been fingered after all, the interview was hastily ended – funny, that…
Yes a camp sounding bloke from the Met Office said a similar thing regarding the Aussie floods, even pointing out that they had worse floods in the past.
A piece in the Mail today about Harrabinboid who, it says, disclosed in the Radio Times that the Met Office warned the Cabinet Office we should expect a very severe winter but kept this from the rest of us.
But just look what it says about old Harraboid:
Mr Harrabin, who made his comments in the Radio Times, is one of the BBC’s most respected figures.
He has been reporting on the environment for more than 20 years and lectures at Oxford and Cambridge universities.
The Met Office, which privately knew it was going to be extreme and privately warned the government, according to Harrabin, chose not to make public its knowledge because the public doesn’t want to know, whines as below.
28 October 2010 Following public research, the Met Office no longer issues long-range forecasts for the general public; instead we provide a monthly outlook on our website.
Despite this, you may have seen some reports in the media on Thursday, suggesting the Met Office has produced a forecast for the coming winter.
These media reports have based their interpretation for the coming winter on probability maps on our website. However, they have been selective about the information they have used and you should not take these interpretations as a guide to the coming winter. Instead we would recommend using our monthly outlook and short range forecasts.
I suggest that they don’t have a clue. The information did not get to those responsible for planning…be it Airports, the Railways or the providers of road salt.
So, they told the government. Hmmm! and Harrabin is in the loop! Hmmmmm!
As indicated above, it seems… ‘interesting’… that Mr. Harrabin was within a loop the rest of us do not enjoy, for some reason, but for once seems to have acted like an actual reporter.
However, it does seem ironic that the reporting standards of the Mail, usually so decried by the Beebian Axis, suddenly are so complementary. Mind you….
Mr Harrabin, who made his comments in the Radio Times, is one of the BBC’s most respected figures.
Respected? By whom, one wonders?
He has been reporting on the environment for more than 20 years and lectures at Oxford and Cambridge universities.
Interesting weasel. I’m sure all sorts of odd characters have ‘lectured’ under the gleaming spires, but that hardly qualifies them much to pontificate on weath…er… climate.
Readers will be well aware of the moral and intellectual blindess that afflicts the Beeboid where the Near and Middle East is in the World’s headlines.
Here is a classic. Arab press angered by Coptic Church Blast, reads the headline.
The Arab press being, of course,the reflection of the liberal, free mindset of their societies which makes them worthy of inclusion on the state broadcaster’s website.
Here we go….
“The blast… was an extremely dangerous terrorist attack designed to undermine the unity of the Egyptian people. It could ignite a religious feud that could spread outside the Arab Republic of Egypt… All Egyptians agree that this conspiracy was woven by foreign hands and I think that Israel is the number one suspect.”
“I have no doubt whatsoever that the intelligence service of the Zionist enemy masterminded the criminal explosion that took place outside the al-Qiddissin Church in Alexandria. I also have no doubt that it was carefully prepared in a new way to pin the blame on the demented members of al-Qaeda in an attempt to start a feud between Muslims and Christians.”
That such rubbish should appear, uncommented, on the BBC site at such a critical time, is a travesty of independent journalism.
If highlighted as a constant of Arab state propaganda in ALL Muslim lands (including the ‘liberal’ Gulf) it would merit separate editorial treatment. But here, it is offensive.
While most houses are privately owned, the total housing stock is a common resource. Either we ensure that it is used wisely and fairly, or we allow its distribution to become the starkest expression of inequality. The UK appears to have chosen the second option. We have allowed the market and the market alone to decide who gets what, which means that families in desperate need of bigger homes are crammed together in squalid conditions, while those who have more space than they know what to do with face neither economic nor social pressure to downsize.
I am requisitioning your house for the homeless. Good God!
This Moonbat idiot really is beyond the pale. He makes such a complete twat of himself every time he a). opens his gob, and b). puts pen to paper, or finger to keyboard, (having removed it and it’s twin on the other hand from his unhearing lugholes).
Dickheads like him and the prize bozos Black and Harrabin should be removed from society and taught a salutary lesson about lies, misinformation, and how to avoid looking completely stupid.
Along with kookaburras, hyenas and jackasses, they deservedly belong to the genus “laughing stock”. They surely must realise that no-one listens to them any more, or if they do, dismisses them as contemptible.
Expect to hear moonbat back on R4 next week ! They were pretty much forced to stop using him on climate change discussions , after it was pointed out to them in no uncertain terms, that he was a completely unqualified , self appointed , twat.
He will no doubt be resurrected as ‘ a leading social comentator’ !
I may listen to his logic when he has filled his house with the folk he’s campaigning for, and as it will never happen that’s fine by me. His ilk believe their opinions apply to others and not themselves. It’s the old “dont do as I do, do as I tell you”…..bollocks to ’em!
Yes, Islam Not BBC (INBBC) still in denial on the Nile:
INBBC does not mention Islamic jihadists as murderers of Christian Copts.
INBBC ‘reporting’ in Egypt displays the following egregious features:
1.) it ignores the long history of Islamic persecution of Christian Copt minority;
2.) it invents the sloppy and false notion of ‘both sides are as bad as each other’;
3.) it relegates the actuality of Islamic supremacism, and instead talks up the notion of ‘sectarianism’;
4.) it gives the impression that the Islamic jihad mass murder of 21 Christians at a church is only as culpable as street protests by Christians against the Islamic jihad extreme violence against them, and against the lack of protection for Christians from the Egyptian government;
5.) it takes the word of the discredited Egyptian government;
6.) it doesn’t criticise Islamic interests for fear that:
(a) Islamic jihad violence and intimidation against its staff may result; and,
(b) INBBC would be closed down in Egypt.
(Of course, a dhimmified broadcaster is worse than no broadcaster, viewed from a British non-Muslim, non-INBBC political perspective.)
BBC North West Breakfast (and I assume the rest of the day), showed a list of the 12 parties and individuals going for the Rochdale & Oldham Bi-Election.
The list was left on the screen for only a few seconds and was split into two shots.
Labour sat prominently at the top of the list, with the BNP second followed by Conservatives in third.
Lib Dem’s propped up the bottom of the second page. Considering Lab/Con/Lib are the three main parties in this country I would have expected them to appear at the top of the list.
It wasn’t in alphabetical order of candidate either.
“It wasn’t in alphabetical order of candidate either.”
Alphabetical list of candidates (possibly with two missing, but the standard protocol for how they will appear on the ballot paper):
Debbie Abrahams (Labour)
Derek Adams (BNP)
Kashif Ali (Conservative)
Peter Allen (Green)
David Bishop (Church of the Militant Elvis)
The Flying Brick (Official Monster Raving Loony)
Loz Kaye (Pirate)
Stephen Morris (English Democrat)
Paul Nuttall (UKIP)
Elwyn Watkins (Liberal Democrat)
I stand corrected then, thank you. In my defence it was on the screen for less than 3 seconds (for 2 shots), so scanning names, positions etc wasn’t easy.
Have been enjoying the Beeb’s coverage of the VAT hike. Funny that whenever Labour put up yet another tax it was always portrayed as a good thing. Now that Coalition is in government they’ve certainly changed their tune.
Labour tax rise = positive
Coalition tax rise = negative
Don’t even think about expecting the Beeb to explore the reason as to why VAT is being increased.
Labour always taxed for a positive though, they dumped truck loads into NHS, Schools, Police, Immigration, Housing and other slush funds (their own pockets).
Yet the Coalition are now taxing to reduce debt, that is classed as negative taxing, hence the spite and vitriol that the bBC is throwing around like a baby-sans-dummy.
It will only get worse, the gov needs to clamp down on this public body, it needs cutting off at the knees.
R4 News reported it yesterday by saying “Ed Miliband attacked the VAT rise” and then had a comment from Brendan Barber. So I waited for the balance, a comment from the Government side, and waited, and waited …
Happy 2011 to everyone. It’ll be that bit happier for me as I’ve just cancelled my BBC subscription. Thanks to the internet I can watch all the TV I want on my computer.
I remember when I cancelled my Sky subscription a few years ago when I found I didn’t watch that many live premier league games. I received a series of letters thanking me for my custom and offering cut price offers in an attempt to make me re-subscribe. Unfortunately I know that the BBC is not so well-mannered and courteous. The threats of fines and criminal records will start soon.
Bloody cold in the States coast to coast, soon, and his comments about why it snows, or doesn’t snow, depending upon which version of Global Warming you believe in at any one time…
Snap! (The old card game from Christmases of yore)
Identical in style and tenor.
“Another new Catholic who took catechism lessons from Bishop Vira is Vachirawalai Nakvirot, 42.
She was baptized in 2006 but her elder sister got to know she changed religion only last year. “That day, my sister and I quarreled all day,” recalled Vachirawalai, an architect.
She said she became interested in the Catholic faith after a Catholic friend helped her during a difficult time. “When I read the Bible, I experience warmth and peace,” she said.
She added that her relationship with her sister has since improved. “Now when I say ´God bless you´ while talking with my sister on the phone, she says ´Thank you.´ Last year, she used to hang up whenever she heard the word ´God.´”
Dechatorn Puangkaew, 42, who is married to a Catholic, shared that he used to take his wife to church every Sunday. The civil servant said he was “impressed by the Catholic teaching on love and forgiveness, and its shunning of materialism.”
When he decided to get baptized in 2007, he recalled that relatives and colleagues alike questioned his decision to do so. Yet he said he remains unfazed. “Whenever anyone questions me, I offer to take them to church. I would like them to know about Catholic teachings and see Church activities,” he said.”
People who were brought up in a religious household at least have an excuse, that its not their fault. It’s converts that worry me most – people looking for cause who are usually not very bright.
Young people of this persuasion settle for worrying about the Planet or The Poor. Keeps their conscience clear while trying to get laid or wasted or both. But grown ups converting to Islam, oh dear. Rebel in search of a cause. Tony Blair’s sister-in-law Laren Booth tired of her Socialst Workers Party antics and went Islam.
Good for Tim Willcox on the News Channel for challenging the Labour mouthpiece about how Labour was going to raise VAT and it’s BS to claim that it’s some nasty Tory thing that Labour wouldn’t have done. Evan Davies completely failed to do this when talking to the Postman this morning. I think that’s the first time outside of Andrew Neil I’ve heard a Beeboid challenge a Labourite about how they were going to raise VAT.
The Labour guy tried to lie about it, and Willcox wouldn’t let him. A rare sight indeed, and credit where due.
Classic Peter Allan comment today on 5Live when speaking to a representative of The Tax payers’ Alliance: “You can’t have better services and lower taxes”. Why not Peter? How about removing public sector waste? Or outsourcing some services to the efficient private sector. Beeboids cannot help themselves, can they?
Social Welfare turned over to Charity, 85% of what is given to charity reaches the people it needs. 9% of what is stolen from our pocket and put into Social Welfare reaches the people who need it.
The sums don’t add up in my book. I’m all for charity over force taxation.
I had a look at the RNLI published accounts just before Christmas. Not happy reading ! I am very wary of the big charities, but still preferable to Government , of course. But what isn’t !
The difference being that you can withdraw your support of a charity if they start messing about.
As I did done with the Royal British Legion it may sound callous, but I’ll fill you in so I don’t look like a twat for doing it.
About 8 years ago I made a donation of £8 to the RBL through a web site as part of a big push by a computer game that I play (World War II Online), after making the donation I didn’t think anything of it.
Then started a campaign of bombarding me with unwanted junk mail, from raffle tickets to personalised address labels and magazines about how the money I had donated helps the ex service men and women.
This carried on for 7 years, eating up my donation and other peoples donations in the process.
I don’t need to be harried into donating, I donate when I like. I now support Cancer Research and Mac’Millian by putting loose change into their pots in shops.
Good point. I resigned from the RSPB years ago when Barbara Young became CEO and boasted she knew nothing about birds and the RSPB changed from a conservation body to a political lobby organisation.
Isn’t that the same RSPB who, asked about the number of birds killed by flying into wind turbines, said saving the planet was more important. The Royal Society for the Protection of all Birds (Except Those Who Fly into Wind Turbines) Pure Monty Python.
The “planet-saving” meme is so pernicious precisely because it it pre-empts all charitable actions. Almost all charities whatever their origins have been turned into planet-savers, except possibly the Salvation Army. They haven’t yet found a connection between rough-sleeping in doorways and global warming. Give them time…
There is also evidence of the RSPB commissioning independent research into the effect of windfarms on Golden Eagles some years ago then suppressing/doctoring the results when they didn’t give them the answers they wanted. Sorry, don’t have the references to hand. I wouldn’t trust the RSPB an inch and I say that as an amateur bird-watcher !
any charity which either has a position on “climate change” or is engaged in “fighting climate change” can go hang for all I care. What a ghastly, scandalous waste of donations. On another note, I received an email from a bloke who works for London Underground. His job title is “Head of Climate Change”. Christ almighty. No wonder ticket prices are so high.
Last night’s The World Tonight(ignoring the Palestinians arrested on terrorism charges at the British consulate in Jerusalem) discussed the Obama administration’s decision to allow oil companies to begin deep water drilling again with…an environmentalist.
Aaron Viles of the Gulf Restoration Network (and previously the left-wing consumer group CoPIRG, Green Scissors Coalition, Rainforest Action Network and another left-wing consumer group PIRGIM) was the only interviewee on the subject. He was unhappy with the decision and wanted more action against the oil companies.
Later, the Australian floods were used as the starting point for a discussion of the losses suffered by insurance companies because of natural disasters, but this was merely a pretext. The only interviewee was Ernst Rauch, head of Corporate Climate Centre at Munich Re, the world’s largest reinsurer. He was on because he believes there’s been “an upward trend” in “catastrophes” over the last 50 years and the cause is…climate change. (“What makes you think this is climate change generally over this last half century as opposed to any other cause?” asked presenter Roger Hearing.)
Unusually for this reliably left-liberal Radio 4 staple, there was a ‘personal view’ report by Conservative-supporter Dominic Lawson on the need for more work and less play in Britain’s schools to boost the UK’s competitiveness. Here the BBC remembers balance because tonight Mr Lawson will be balanced by a ‘personal view report’ from Anna Coote of the left-wing, new-agey, environmentalist New Economics Foundation, who will be arguing that we work too hard. The BBC remembers balance when it suits them.
a) There are more people living around the world to whom catastrophes happen.
b) There is global, instantaneous coverage in the media.
c) More urban growth in environmentally marginal areas…floods, earthquakes, hurricanes produce more damage because there is more to be damaged.
d) Insurance salesmen always use fear to sell ‘protection’ which is a sure bet because the house always wins. Premiums always match risk plus the house cut. The more punters the better.
Of course Insurance is useful…to cover all eventualities….but the best insurance to sell (from the salesman’s point of view )is the one that never has to pay out…..fancy insurance for a meteorite landing on your house, your missus or your cat?
Sadly, I have been away from this website for a couple of months so will have missed quite a lot but, what on earth are “green scissors” ?
Are they gardening implements ?
“Australian floods were used as the starting point for a discussion of the losses suffered by insurance companies because of natural disasters“
Surely emphasis should be placed on the people who paid their insurance all their lives and in the event need a payout to help them, otherwise it makes a mockery of the insurance system and people should just bank the money themselves for the eventuality that something bad might happen down the line.
I just witnessed a lovely celebration of Islam on the News Channel. Yasmin Alibhai-Brown and some female former entertainment reporter who converted were enthusing about how wonderful Islam’s personal connection with God can be. To her credit, Alibhai-Brown expressed her concern – her “terror”, as she put it – that Wahabbism is the main force behind all these conversions, and that most women who convert are getting caught up in that “cult” rather than the happy, peaceful Islam in which she was raised.
The dopey entertainment reporter was a typical “born-again” type: all smiles and rainbows while explaining how the rigid structure of praying five times a day and fasting has liberated her and made her feel all warm and fuzzy. It’s so nice when the BBC appreciates conservative behavior.
Islam, we were encouraged to understand by the Beeboid presenters, has been misinterpreted, and here are some real examples of how great it really is and that people must be made aware of it.
No mention of Islam’s position on homosexuality, and the oppression of women was framed as an extreme position and not the norm. We were invited to understand that the entertainment reporter felt that she was no longer judged by her looks but instead by her deeds and merit. We were expected to believe that this magically applied to her employers and her field of entertainment.
It’s a new angle to promote the acceptance of Islam and dismissal of dissent, and the BBC is seizing the opportunity.
Yanmin Alibhai is married to some bloke called Brown who doesn’t sound all that Islamic. However, I don’t know anything about him and it is always possible that he converted. Who knows. She does speak out about the violence and mistreatment of women within Islamic families and the wider group and has written articles about forced marriages, forced wearing of the black garb etc.
Reasons for female conversion to Islam. A few thoughts to counter the hushed breathlessness of the beauty of Allah’s demands a la the News Channel:
1. Internal confusion in a complex world which cannot be overcome from inner resources
2. The need for hard rules to provide a sense of security in order to achieve an illusion of emotional orientation
3. The desire to be subsumed in a community which understands itself as morally exclusive and elected by a greater force
4. A certain degree of masochism…I only feel alive when under emotional stress
5. Failure to accept and take responsibilty for who and what I am and escape into a ready-made conscience with clear rules
6. To give certain painful experiences another dimension and explanation
7. To throw off the burdens of the past and experience the thrill of something new and affirming in the face of the social circumstances I have come from which have not massaged my narcissism to the extent I deserve.
A convert (female), under 30 rejecting her former life in a broken society (as she perceives it) illustrates my point above, I think.
I went to an old friend’s 21st birthday party in a bar,’ she said. ‘I walked in, wearing my hijab and modest clothing, and saw how everyone else had so much flesh on display. They were drunk, slurring their words and dancing provocatively.
‘For the first time, I could see my former life with an outsider’s eyes, and I knew I could never go back to that.
‘I am so grateful I found my escape route. This is the real me — I am happy to pray five times a day and take classes at the mosque. I am no longer a slave to a broken society and its expectations.’
But why choose between being a “slave to a broken society and its expectations” and a slave to an intolerant and often violent religion which will do her, as a woman, no favours, and even (if she gets married) a slave to her husband. Surely she could have chosen to take control of her own destiny and not be a slave to anyone or anything.
agreed. Look, I hate to sound yobbish, but we need to get real. Those women converting are either self loathing white empty headed bleeding heart liberals who read the Guardian and think converting to Islam is some kind of statement on the apparent “illegal” invasion of Iraq, or a pikies living in an Islam dominated “community” (god I hate that BBC misnoma) who want to “belong”. I have seen it in my own neighbourhood and it just baffles me.
Well the first President of Gambia, Sir Dawda Juwara, was brought up a muslim, converted to Christianity to marry a catholic, and converted back to Islam to marry a muslim, without divorcing his first wife. Doesn’t seem to have done him any harm 😀
Just watched the headlines on the BBC1 10pm news. VAT has gone up! I’m shocked, I didn’t know! It makes things like petrol and beer more expensive! I hadn’t heard! And some dozy vox pop gets in the headlines saying things are going to be much dearer.
They seem to think I have an IQ of 90. (Judging by the way I swore at the TV, maybe they have a point after all.)
John page: They seem to think I have an IQ of 90. (Judging by the way I swore at the TV, maybe they have a point after all.)
😀 😀
I am too busy listening to Mozart on Radio 3 this week to even think of watching Beeboid News. It is on continuously day and night, literally around the clock – all of it Mozart! Operas starting at 1 in the morning. How extraordinary. It is wonderfully enjoyable and I cannot think of a better antidote to the poison of Beeboid news than the sheer pleasure and mellow power of Mozart.
Quite right, Millie. I’ve been listening too. Brilliant.
It’s hard to believe that it’s the same broadcaster that puts out all this biased rubbish on other channels. Perhaps the BBC should be reduced to Radio 3 only, as it does that rather well, and stripped of everything else, with burning of the beeboids in the village square.
Food and drink for human consumption is, in general, zero-rated but many items are standard-rated, including alcoholic drinks, confectionery, crisps and savoury snacks, food for catering or hot takeaways, ice cream, soft drinks and mineral water.
Because certain food and drink is zero-rated, so too are certain animals and animal feeds, and plants and seeds – if the animal or plant in question is normally used for human consumption.
Federal prosecutors have opened a criminal probe of allegations that public employees conspired to paralyze the city in last week’s blizzard, sources said Tuesday.
The investigation by the Brooklyn U.S. Attorney’s public integrity unit was prompted by Queens Councilman Dan Halloran’s revelation that guilt-wracked sanitation and transportation workers had confessed an alleged work slowdown to him.
Some problems with the short article:
“The Palestinian National Orchestra will play a mix of Palestinian classical compositions” – claims the BBC, but reports about the concert(s) (see here) say they played a Palestinian Anthem besides concertos.
The group was formed in 1994 but will make a debute now – writes the BBC. Tell me please, what exatly had happened for the last 17 years? Rehearsal after rehearsal? ‘cuse me.
What is the lede meant to mean? ‘The first Palestinian orchestra of professional classical musicians since 1948 is due to perform its debut concert in Ramallah in the West Bank.’ What 1948 is doing in this sentence?
The BBC somehow does not mention two very important things. The leader of the orchestra wrote: “Today an orchestra, tomorrow a state”. Ooooops.
Plus, this whole orchestra thing is a project, and not at all an orchestra one would think about. No mention of this on the Beeb of course. Because had it mentioned this. the whole idea of a Palestinian cultural achivement, which connnects to the Western heritage would had collapsed.
This is nothing new, just old BBC rubbish. But I found this part truly embarrassing:
“The programme also consists of a piece by the modern Hungarian Jewish composer, Gyorgy Ligeti, both of whose parents were sent to Auschwitz.”
I have so many issues with this I do not know where to begin.
Ligeti was a Hungarian composer. And yes, he had Jewish origins, but as far as I concerned he never made his faith public. Nor he ever publicised the tragic fate of his family.
And by the way, his father ‘was sent’ to Bergen-Belsen and not Auschwitz, but he was never ‘sent back’ – to use the language of the BBC. Ligeti’s brother, Gábor was killed in Mauthausen. His mother was deported to Aushwitz and she survided.
Ligeti had his own issues with the Fascist Hungarian regime: he could not study at a university because of the numerus clausus, so he choose the music conservatory to learn composing. He was drafted as a labour serviceman.
Some very basic questions remain unanswered. Why is it important enough to mention, that the Palestinian project orchestra plays a piece from a Jew? And why is it important enough to mention that his parents were victims of the Holocaust? And why it is NOT important enough to fact check, where and what happened to Ligeti’s family?
Also big question here, why exactly the Palestinian orchestra decided to play Ligeti? Was it his music? Or was it his origin? If it is the first, than how the BBC dares to expose someone’s (Ligeti died one and a half years ago) intimate data? If it is the second, the BBC should have noted that this is politics and not art and not music at all.
Now I’ve found some comments of this here as well.
“The Palestine Symphony Orchestra now numbers 72. Germans make up about half the number, the rest are Poles and Russians. Six are natives of Palestine….”
(From the above link. EOZ)
The Palestine Symphony Orchestra was founded in 1936 under the leadership of Bronislaw Huberman.Conditions in Europe had become such that the orchestra could serve as a haven for persecuted Jewish musicians. Many immigration certificates became available, as the orchestra could provide employment for the refugees.
In 1948, the orchestra changed its name to the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra.
I don’t know if any Arabs played in the orchestra but the documents of all the musicians would have listed them as Palestinian. So the first Palestinian orchestra of professional classical musicians since 1948 is a fairly meaningless description. It implies that a professional orchestra consisting of Arabs existed before 1948. I have found no record of it.
The entire front page of the Times today is under a headline “Conspiracy of silence on UK sex gangs. Most convicted offenders of Pakistani heritage. Pattern of abuse across the North and Midlands”
I bet that gets lead mention on Today’s review of the papers. “This story needs the disinfectant of publicity” is a sidequote.
Listened to Toady – 7 am news reported that the Local Government minister Bob Neill had criticised councils for allowing uncollected refuse to build up.
The BBC then played a soundclip from Richard Kemp, the ‘Vice Chairman of the Local Government Group’, who described refuse collectors as “heroes”, and condemned Mr Neill as “an insignificant little minister”.
Mr Kemp is not merely a spokesman for the LGA, he is also a Lib Dem councillor in Liverpool. By giving him airtime to criticise the Minister with overall responsibility ofr local government, without revealing his own political affiliation at least, demonstrates bias and poor judgement by the BBC.
‘Paul Mason says, ‘I am strictly limiting my follows to 100, and editing them regularly – and I would say this is the “network” I most value because it is mainly other journos, politicos… ‘
Is this a case of Caesar only hearing what he wants to hear?’
To which one might only add… ‘then filtering before broadcasting to an audience of 60M+ who, uniquely, are obliged to pay for the privilege of being served such limited viewpoints’
1) All this talk of VAT risees hitting the poorest in society and families is really annoying me. The basics of living (food, kids clothing) are either VAT exempt or at the reduced rate. In the same breath as complaining about ‘regressiveness’ they go on to talk about how much flat screen TVs will go up. Flat screen TVs are a luxury not a necessity.
2) BBC Breakfast TV this morning complaining that there’s been a rush on flu vaccine and kids can’t get it. Perhaps that’s due to the BBC’s scaremongering over the Christmas / New Year period?
3) Had to laugh at John Pinnaar last night on R5 reporting on the VAT rise. Lead in by the host and economics editor talked of how hard it will be for everyone and how it might reduce consumption. Cut to actual people in the shopping centres, every one of them stating they won’t notice the rise and are continuing to shop. Back to Pinnaar doing what he can to spin the Labour line.
The public don’t care, they’re making out that we’re in some economic turmoil when clearly we are picking and choosing when and where to spend our money.
People have priorities, currently people are paying down their mortgages & credit cards.
I’m still with Lord Young on this, he’s right, I have never had it better, I’ve been capable of paying down my mortgage at an increased rate for the last 2 years now, the final piece in my debt jigsaw.
A story that will no doubt be receiving the in-depth attention it deserves on tomorrow morning’s TODAY programme. Or perhaps not.TODAY is a key factor in contributing to the climate of fear that has allowed gangs of child rapists to get away with their crimes because of their ethnicity.I remember Harrumphrys interviewing a senior Met Officer after the beyond ridiculous MacPherson Report.The officer referred to coloured people as, well, coloured people. “We don’t use that expression anymore” intoned Harrumphrys in his most overbearing Thought Police manner.Unfortunately the officer spluttered out a retraction instead of telling him where to go.How about this expression Harrumphrys: ‘child grooming Pakistani paedophiles’ who get away with it because of correctnick nonce enabling disgraces like you?
INBBC appears to be somewhat politically frustrated in its reporting of the range of Islamic opposition at the funeral of Mr. Taseer, (a ‘liberal’ in Pakistan terms), but INBBC’s Islamophilia gets in the way of reasoned reporting.
For example, without demur, INBBC reports this:
“Five hundred scholars from the moderate Barelvi sect of Sunni Muslims have warned that anyone who expresses grief over the assassination could suffer the same fate.”
(The INBBC use of the word “Moderate” in the above context is a classic.)
And in his weak Islamophilic attempt at ‘Analysis’ in a piece on the right of the report, INBBC’s M. Ilyas Khan (presumably a Muslim himself, but we are never told) criticises “religious politicians” in Pakistan (code for orthodox Muslim politicians) like this:
[Extract from ‘Analysis’ section on righ-hand side of page]:
“For example, they [religious politicians] often condemn suicide attacks by militants on civilian targets, but in the same breath qualify the act as caused by ‘anger over excesses being committed against Muslims by Western powers’. ”
But the above paragraph could equally be applied to much of INBBC reporting on Pakistan, and Islam, thus:
“For example, they [INBBC] often condemn suicide attacks by militants [‘Islamic jihadists’ phrase censored] on civilian targets, but in the same breath qualify the act as caused by ‘anger over excesses being committed against Muslims by Western powers’.
I’d like to see Jezza Vine to ‘debate’ this quaint notion over the usual carefully vetted fare…
‘While many religious leaders have publicly justified the murder, the liberal sections of society have been more cautious in condemning it. This is due to the rising tendency in society to silence voices of religious dissent…’
Maybe a bit close to home team practices for comfort?
-responsible for Islamophilic reporting by largely Muslim reporters, paid for by British licencepayers (who are 94% non-Muslim), with reports targeted at Muslims in Pakistan and at Pakistani Islamic diaspora in Britain.
INBBC soon loses sight of the inherent Islamic jihad violence and intimidation in the Islamic Pakistan society, so that the case at the centre of the present crisis, the intimidation of Christians by Muslims is reduced to a page of this (largely) waffle from Pakistan’s media, under the misleading headline, [a word added]:
The hilariously titled ‘Your Reaction’ (Err, no, BBC – the reaction of some random Pakistanis, who, incidently, do not pay the licence fee) here has some wonderful insight into the mind-set over there.
Take this, for example: The governor’s assassination comes as a shock. Even moderate Muslims know that his statement on the blasphemy law wasn’t appropriate. Religion is a very sensitive issue in our part of the world. We all remember how angered the Muslim world got about the blasphemous caricatures in a Danish newspaper. Rehman, Karachi, Pakistan
(So, yes, the Danish cartoons were blasphemous)
Islamabad is in lockdown as people prepare for the backlash to the assassination of the governor. Already the streets are empty, shops and markets have closed and there lots of police vehicles racing around the city. Saj Malik, Islamabad Pakistan
(Moderate muslims, presumably, are about to riot it seems. I hope they do it in a moderate fashion)
The concern for most of the residents here is their own security – people worry about any possible backlash after his assassination. He was a notorious and hated person. Junaid, Lahore, Pakistan
(Though he was only hated by the moderates)
I am an orthodox Sunni Muslim and politically I support the PML-N [Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz] which means I didn’t like late governor. But I also condemn his assassination because it is religiously and morally a sin. He just expressed his views about blasphemy law – which is not a divine law. It is a man-made law and man-made things can’t be perfect. Muhammad Ramzan, Sargodha
(It was his own fault for not being a proper muslim)
Although the common perception is that Mr Taseer was assassinated for his outspoken views on the blasphemy law in Pakistan, it would be very short-sighted to assume that a lone gunman decided to execute him for this reason alone. It is much more likely that he was assassinated for more wide-scale political reasons. Nameer Rehman, Karachi, Pakistan
(No muslim would do this – they’re all moderates – look for another explanation)
The killing of the governor is an alarming incident. It will have serious implications in political circles. At the moment, it provides an escape for the ruling party from lurking danger of dismissal. However, it should be noted that any person who dares to go against general public sentiments may have to face this kind of fate. The issue of blasphemy is very serious and needs to be resolved within the ambit of legal means. Nadi Yousafzai, Peshawar, Pakistan
(Don’t blaspheme or the moderates will kill you)
I am shocked and speechless. Mr Taseer was a brave man who stood openly against terrorism and the blasphemy law which ultimately lead to his death by his own fundamentalist guard. Taseer’s brutal murder also shows how security agencies have been penetrated by extremists in Pakistan. There is little hope to reverse this pattern. Akhtar Rind, Hyderabad, Pakistan
(The moderates have already taken control. we’re screwed. This must be the ‘balance’ because its the only comment that makes sense)
I am truly sorry for this tragic incident. The governor not only proposed amendments but also stood up against the cruelty of the law calling it “black law” in Urdu meaning “dark law” in the language’s context. This event has revealed the inefficiency of security forces and brought to the attention of the world the social prejudice present inside Pakistan. The international community should hence look into the solutions to solving the society’s problems in such countries through introducing human development measures such as education. Shahmeer Naveed Arshad, Lahore, Pakistan
(This is all the fault of the west. We are too stupid to stop killing each other)
Why did the BBC pick this lot of comments to publish? Do they somehow reflect the view of the corporation I wonder? 😉
INBBC only gets a dishonourable mention in the last line of this article by ‘Cranmer’:
“Coptic Christians cannot celebrate Christmas for fear of Muslim terror attacks… in Germany”
Radio 5 had a piece on this morning about gobby Charlotte Church who has been shooting her welsh gob off about the Queen. So who does the BBC go to for a comment piece? Why Sam Delany of course, he is a regular bum boy on Radio 5 a man who’d happily share a bottle of baby oil with Richard Bacon, former editor of Heat Magazine (compulsory reading in the cubicals of the Hampstead Heath toilets I’m sure) AND he worked for the Liebour party.
So Delany backs up Church (BBC sniggers all round) that the Queen is a bit of a duffer and she really should know who Charlotte Church is and what a great role model she is for shouting her fat mouth off.
I’m not surprised they wheeled out this halfwitted mong as he’s on speed dial to the BBC but why can’t the BBC for once actually point out that the Queen deserves a bit of respect (unlike the rent boy molesters at the BBC) and Church should have been ignored or someone should have pointed out she’s a fat talentless Welsh windbag once married to a shit Rugby player?
Steady on ! For all the extraneous twatting about he does, Henson is a pretty good rugby player.
(Unless “a shit rugby player” actually refers to a player of the Welsh game of “shit rugby”, invented during the Depression when real rugger balls were too expensive and “alternatives” had to be found. Especially popular in the neighbourhood of Tredegar I think you’ll find).
Apparently Saudi officials believe that Mossad has a squadron of highly traines spy vultures as well as their ninja killer sharks. The best part is that the Saudi authorities are threatening to punish the bird. I seem to recall that Europe gave up punishing animals in the middle ages. Glad to see that reason and rationality haven’t contaminated the purist, 9th century, approach to reality in the Kingdom. Perhaps the BBC should speed dial the MCOB for comment on this latest dastardly plot – clearly a calculated insult as we all know vultures are neither ‘haram’ nor ‘kosher’
Cheers, David !
Just heard on monday, we got planning permission to build. From application to consent took 3 weeks. Must be a world record and Gambian planning laws are stricter than the UK ! Things move fast there when money is involved !!
I spent a bit of time asking Gambians about the BBC and will post the results when I have a bit more time
The quote by Antony Jay at the bottom of the page reminds me of the episode in the third series of “Yes, minister “, “The Challenge”.
I don’t have a very good memory but, since nobody, not even my mother, gave me a Christmas present this year, I treated myself to a boxed DVD set of all episodes of “Yes, Minister” and “Yes, Prime Minister” which I am steadily working my way through.
There is a passage in “The Challenge” where Sir Humphrey confronts a Beeboid with files showing evidence of BBC bias. It is quite uncanny. It could have been written yesterday.
Just mention it , in case any BBC-C “viewers” get the chance to see it.
Hmm, having just watched DP’s posting of the excerpt, I hope Santa brings me that box set next Christmas, or sooner! Today in Spain is ‘El día de Reyes’ ‘Three Kings Day’, Spain’s ‘second Christmas’. Maybe one of them might bring me it!
I got my set from Amazon, some great deals before Christmas. I can’t remember how much, but it was pretty good.
Trust the Spanish to have 2 “christmasses” 😀
How the bBC summarises the attacks on Egyptian Copts: “The BBC’s Jon Leyne in Cairo says suspicion and fear between Christians and Muslims has been growing in Egypt for some time, made worse by tough economic conditions and a discredited political system.”
I’m intrigued by how the bBC reporter based in Egypt while attributing all of this on mis-management by the present government , leaves out the hand of Islam via the bBCs preferred Egyptian party , the Muslim Brotherhood and how it and not the government is responsible for the lack of jobs in the country such as:
Demonising anybody who works at the Israeli sponsored border factories which employ hundreds of thousands.(700 companies)
Trying to get Egypt to cut back on gas exports to Israel (Thus denying Eygpt of revenue)
Promoting attacks on the Egyptian tourist industry
All of which points at the bBCs preferred Egyptian Political party (The Muslim Brotherhood) as the primary reason why so many people are unemployed. I mean it doesn’t help when the plebs are told that Allah will provide for all when they get into power.
Well a MB administration would provide plenty of jobs in the meat cleaver industries for head chopping and the rope trade for hanging the many enemies of islam and think of all the stone sorters and graders for stoning defenceless women to death and the whip industry would rocket.
An islamist MB administration would certainly make the great child molester and mass murderer very happy and he would reward the people with lots of…er…uhm…?
So a full flavour return to the dark ages would please the BBC and who at the BBC would give a sh*t if hundreds of thousands of women and Christians were butchered after an MB takeover? I mean its not like they are real people and what of the women of Egypt forced into slavery? Naah the BBC conscience is clear.
Tensions between Germans and Jews rose to a peak last night when there were widespread riots caused by the Jews refusing to leave Germany. Many people were killed and injured, and many religious buildings were destroyed. This is the worst case of rioting caused by Jewish intransigence since the Pogroms in Russia and Poland before the Great War.
I suspect that were Herr Bowen the BBC Correspondent at the time, each report would have ended with. “Record numbers of Germans continue to be in debt to Jewish money-lenders. Many believe the Germans are forced to pay extortionate rates of interest. Chancellor Hitler has promised to deal with the causes of the disturbances.”
TOADY programme, between 7-30 and 8, ran a story about a firm in London which has supplied drugs to the American penal system for executions.
Was I the only one who found this objectionable rubbish? Why should US penal reform be the business of the BBC, and when did it decide that harrassing a businesman (by deliberately broadcasting his address to attract its fellow travelling loonies) was a news item?
The man has clearly done nothing illegal, but will now have the rain of the left down on him for an action he can no longer repeat even if he wanted to (unless Cable grants him a licence to export).
Also on Today the BBC analysed overpaid senior directors of private companies. For an impartial discussion – prefaced by Robert Peston who set out the BBC agenda “highly paid people – or actually anyone – in the private sector are scum” – on came Brendan Barber (so thick he could insulate Britain) and unknown investment guru Garry Wilson (new to the speed dial but he’ll be on again) to agree that senior directors of private companies are overpaid. What a surprise!
As it happens I consider they are overpaid but I also consider that footballers, pop stars and BBC “journalists” are overpaid. OTOH, generally speaking, I’m not taxed to support private businessmen, footballers and pop stars.
I heard this mentioned on the Radio 3 news headlines in terms of bosses being overpaid relative to their workers. Well, I thought…em…trade union leaders relative to their workers…I mean, members. No mention of that. Strangely.
Did you catch the advice about banking guarantees – there is a limit of £85K per banking licence – so you have to split savings greater than that across multiple licences – and it is very hard to work out which ‘banks’ are in the same group. Fine so far, good advice for the wealthy with more than £85K of investments. The surprise came when the BBC journo said that he had distributed his savings across multiple banks…… Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn’t that meam that he has savings greater than £85K?
Seems to me that BBC journos are on extremely thin ice when it comes to criticising bloated plutocratic salaries. Didn’t some jounior female TV reported tell the world that she ‘earned’ £95K a couple of years back. Paxo is on £1m, Fiona Bruce reputed to be on £850K and so on. Is this acceptable in a publically funded organisation, does their ‘talent’ justify this, how the hell does Kate (aww look at the ikkle bikkle lambies) Humble keep appearing on TV and how much is she paid? Answers on a postcard please
For the BBC, Gordon the Moron is still PM. For the rest of us he is a non-person. It is as if he never existed, if it were not for the awful mess he has left behind him.
A real shock – the BBC’s Jeremy (the Red) Vine taking apart Milliband as if he’d been a Conservative leader. It just shows that there are occasional attempts at balance. The first caller also tears Milliband a new hole, then there are a small number of critical texts read out, but this is followed by wall-to-wall Labour supporters.
Either they heard the drubbing The Leader was getting so they rushed to offer their support, or the researchers decided to aid Red Ed by only allowing left-wing callers.
Even ex-BBC 2 TV controller, Attenborough, criticisies BBC-NUJ empire-building:
“Cut back the BBC, says Sir David Attenborough after defecting to Sky”
While Attenborough approves the leftist propaganda of ‘his’ BBC-NUJ as unchallengeable, he is realistic enough to see that the Corporation would collapse without the compulsory British viewers’ tax which pays for it all.
Fox News has a live feed of the reading of the US Constitution in the House of Representatives on their website. It’s fascinating. Doesn’t sound so scary or oppressive or confusing at all now that it’s being read out clearly.
When the bit about the requirement that the President be born in the US was read out, some birther in the gallery started shouting and had to be removed. Very amusing. I’m sure the BBC won’t hesitate to mention it, and remind you all of how crazy so many people are (so many evil enemies of the President!), and connect it to the Tea Party movement.
Otherwise, the proceedings have been very dignified.
Yes, good stuff; I wonder if Mardell is watching it on Fox News.
To recap, Fox News is on Sky satellite, channel 509 in UK.
Perhaps Fox News’ Glenn Beck* will cover US Constitution this evening on his show, as he frequently does, because, as he keeps saying: it’s vital political material. (* 10 pm, UK time.)
I think eveyone remembers the BBC reports regarding the ‘rubbish islands in the oceans, reporting on behalf of the eco confidence tricksters the BBC went overboard and produced without evidence claims that the size of these garbage islands amounted to twice the size of Texas. The claims that plastic waste is non biodegradable is seen to be wrong because the amounts found do not correspond to the increasing amounts produced, this means that the plastic is going somewhere and it is being consumed, the plasic waste is being degraded and consumed by specialist microbes and as the amount of plastic has increased so natures ost incredible cleaners have found another food source.
Wild claims from the BBC proved wrong yet again and will the BBC revisit the dozens of reports in churned out?
These claims of perpetual and growing islands of plastic rubbish were of course dead wrong and exaggerated greatly and will the BBC correct or revisit their previous scaremongering reports on the subject? Great islands of rubbish do exist and have since the dawn of the oceans and the majority of the islands that do exist are organic matter mixed with inorganic detritus and this provides a huge food chain from microbes and bacteria to fish and the waste product from these islands seeds the oceanic deserts that exist in the open ocean with life.
The amount of plastic in the oceans as remained stable despite a huge increase in its use, now why would that be if plastic is non degradable as claimed? In fact plastic is biodegradable via specalist microbes that break down the plastic for use as food, the rise of plastic has caused a rise in these specialist microbes. Wonderful things microbes they feed next to deep ocean volcanic vents known as black smokers at boiling point, not supposed to exist and denied for decades they are called extremophiles and thay have been found munching on the by product of nuclear reactors to deep in the earth feeding on rocks.
So the fraud is being exposed bit by bit, claim by cynical dishonest scaremongering claim, the green eco fraudsters have been caught lying yet again and the BBC have been caught giving prime uncritical airtime to cynical deceptions. Now why would the facts about plastic be so assiduously hidden behind a smokescreen? The eco fraudsters love their photo op button pushers you see, plastic represents human activity, it has instant emotional appeal for the simple minded and trusting masses. The eco fraudsters present pictures of rubbish and the public equate rubbish with disease and its this televisual appeal that the eco fraudster propagandists look for and gaurd jealously.
The eco fraudsters have been lying, they have been caught lying and the BBC is complicit in the fraud because they aired the lies with complete confidence and their frontmen passed on the lies without critical examination. Positive aspects about rubbish islands in the oceans great dead zones providing a full spectrum habitat that seeds these dead zones is missing and the culprits have good reason to do this, the rubbish islands have been a televisual propaganda tool for the eco fraudsters but now the facts emerge where are the BBC? Bot sure about plastic being biodegrable? Ask a farmer, place plastic in good rich dark moist productive earth and wait six months then dig it up and examine it.
I see the BBC are leaving out crucial information as usual and as usual they claim little is known and then go on to air claims that plastic is damaging to wildlife. So the experts do not know about the effects of plastic waste but they know its harmful?
In fact a perfectly sound way to analyze the consumption of plastic in sea birds and it can provide a wealth of information, its simple and direct using simple portable labs, know what it is yet?
Bird shit! Thats right, shit piles on islands in the area, you take the shit and place it under a microscope look for telltale signs of intestinal stresses and then seperate the waste and look for the plastics, take the separated liquid and check for other signs of digestive tract stress and the results are easy to find and publish. The areas would yield dead young and sick birds and shells from the eggs would perfect for studying the effects of ingested plastics, the shit would also yield evidence of fish problems, I mean its not as if there have not been hundreds of thousands of man hours spent studying sea bird colonies, so where is the evidence?
If plastics are a problem then the first place to find it would be the bird colonies and in the great big piles of shit found therin, easy isnt it? Well wadya know, funny that the scientist who study such things have not yet found such an easy way to find plastic poisoning or maybe the findings just do not suit the eco narrative and so do not see the light of day and the BBC aint about to go looking are they?
The BBC report is a perfect classic BBC report, it takes no evidence yet leaves the viewer with the distinct impression that the thing the scientists do not have any evidence for acually does and causes the very things the scientists have no evidence for. A televisual Penn & Teller trick, not that P & T will be seen on the BBC now, they are banned antisocial elements and enemies of the party, wonder why that would be? The BBC have long memories, they also keep close track of all show biz talent and only those wih the correct attitude get on the airwaves.
So if the eco fraudsters need you to believe that something is bad and they have no evidence for that stance then the BBC is ready to help along with the SEJ/NUJ of course.
Allison Pearson has a good go at Vanessa Whitburn and the BBC.
“Private education is anathema to right-on BBC producers, even though in a village like Ambridge many farming families and other well-to-do locals naturally send their offspring to fee-paying schools. I’m afraid that what’s natural in the country doesn’t concern Vanessa Whitburn. Her barely-disguised agenda is to use the show to air issues which sit comfortably in a metropolitan club, not a village hall. In fact, Ms Whitburn once said: ‘To be politically correct is really to be moral. It is having a correct moral stance. PC is, in fact, my moral plank.’ “
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
ZelazekMar 3, 23:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeff – exactly. They hate Trump no matter what. Their reasons will appear illogical and contradictory over time. This hatred…
tomoMar 3, 23:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Still no mention on the BBC… Even given the Daily Mail’s hyperbolising it’s pretty crazy…
JohnCMar 3, 23:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Two dead after car drives into crowd in Germany Damn those cars : when will they stop driving into…
JohnCMar 3, 23:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the recent statements from the EU of how they want to be the worlds leading military superpower opened…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 23:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Zelenskyy has repeatedly expressed his gratitude to the US for their assistance and opened his remarks in the Oval office…
JeffMar 3, 22:48 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I find it ironic… For as long as Donald Trump has been involved in politics we’ve been warned by the…
Blimey! Listening to Toady this morning – some meteorologist was being interviewed in respect of La Nina, El Nino and the jetstream. She was actually heard to state that La Nina and the variations in the jetstream were NOT (repeat NOT) caused by climate change! You could have knocked me down wiv a fevvah!! Mind you, when it came to the crunch and it seemed that climate change hadn’t been fingered after all, the interview was hastily ended – funny, that…
Yes a camp sounding bloke from the Met Office said a similar thing regarding the Aussie floods, even pointing out that they had worse floods in the past.
That won’t have gone down well at the BBC.
A piece in the Mail today about Harrabinboid who, it says, disclosed in the Radio Times that the Met Office warned the Cabinet Office we should expect a very severe winter but kept this from the rest of us.
But just look what it says about old Harraboid:
Mr Harrabin, who made his comments in the Radio Times, is one of the BBC’s most respected figures.
He has been reporting on the environment for more than 20 years and lectures at Oxford and Cambridge universities.
Oxbridge. Ooh, er, Missus!
Read more:
The Met Office, which privately knew it was going to be extreme and privately warned the government, according to Harrabin, chose not to make public its knowledge because the public doesn’t want to know, whines as below.
28 October 2010
Following public research, the Met Office no longer issues long-range forecasts for the general public; instead we provide a monthly outlook on our website.
Despite this, you may have seen some reports in the media on Thursday, suggesting the Met Office has produced a forecast for the coming winter.
These media reports have based their interpretation for the coming winter on probability maps on our website. However, they have been selective about the information they have used and you should not take these interpretations as a guide to the coming winter. Instead we would recommend using our monthly outlook and short range forecasts.
I suggest that they don’t have a clue. The information did not get to those responsible for planning…be it Airports, the Railways or the providers of road salt.
So, they told the government. Hmmm! and Harrabin is in the loop! Hmmmmm!
As indicated above, it seems… ‘interesting’… that Mr. Harrabin was within a loop the rest of us do not enjoy, for some reason, but for once seems to have acted like an actual reporter.
However, it does seem ironic that the reporting standards of the Mail, usually so decried by the Beebian Axis, suddenly are so complementary. Mind you….
Mr Harrabin, who made his comments in the Radio Times, is one of the BBC’s most respected figures.
Respected? By whom, one wonders?
He has been reporting on the environment for more than 20 years and lectures at Oxford and Cambridge universities.
Interesting weasel. I’m sure all sorts of odd characters have ‘lectured’ under the gleaming spires, but that hardly qualifies them much to pontificate on weath…er… climate.
Readers will be well aware of the moral and intellectual blindess that afflicts the Beeboid where the Near and Middle East is in the World’s headlines.
Here is a classic. Arab press angered by Coptic Church Blast, reads the headline.
The Arab press being, of course,the reflection of the liberal, free mindset of their societies which makes them worthy of inclusion on the state broadcaster’s website.
Here we go….
“The blast… was an extremely dangerous terrorist attack designed to undermine the unity of the Egyptian people. It could ignite a religious feud that could spread outside the Arab Republic of Egypt… All Egyptians agree that this conspiracy was woven by foreign hands and I think that Israel is the number one suspect.”
“I have no doubt whatsoever that the intelligence service of the Zionist enemy masterminded the criminal explosion that took place outside the al-Qiddissin Church in Alexandria. I also have no doubt that it was carefully prepared in a new way to pin the blame on the demented members of al-Qaeda in an attempt to start a feud between Muslims and Christians.”
That such rubbish should appear, uncommented, on the BBC site at such a critical time, is a travesty of independent journalism.
If highlighted as a constant of Arab state propaganda in ALL Muslim lands (including the ‘liberal’ Gulf) it would merit separate editorial treatment. But here, it is offensive.
It’s like the BBC Spooks episodes which concern the ME; it doesn’t matter what the terrorists do, it’s always Israel that masterminds all the evil.
Monbiot is a complete idiot.
While most houses are privately owned, the total housing stock is a common resource. Either we ensure that it is used wisely and fairly, or we allow its distribution to become the starkest expression of inequality. The UK appears to have chosen the second option. We have allowed the market and the market alone to decide who gets what, which means that families in desperate need of bigger homes are crammed together in squalid conditions, while those who have more space than they know what to do with face neither economic nor social pressure to downsize.
I am requisitioning your house for the homeless. Good God!
I have a 3 bed house, it was my choice to buy that house. I have no children, that was my choice as well.
If you’re incapable of keeping your cock in your pants or incapable of keeping your legs shut and live in a one bed flat, that is not my problem.
You made your bed, you lie in it (even if it is with the three kids from three different dads)…
Here is where George is coming from. Pure Watermelon with added hypocrisy, of course, which is standard fare for his ilk.
This Moonbat idiot really is beyond the pale. He makes such a complete twat of himself every time he a). opens his gob, and b). puts pen to paper, or finger to keyboard, (having removed it and it’s twin on the other hand from his unhearing lugholes).
Dickheads like him and the prize bozos Black and Harrabin should be removed from society and taught a salutary lesson about lies, misinformation, and how to avoid looking completely stupid.
Along with kookaburras, hyenas and jackasses, they deservedly belong to the genus “laughing stock”. They surely must realise that no-one listens to them any more, or if they do, dismisses them as contemptible.
Expect to hear moonbat back on R4 next week ! They were pretty much forced to stop using him on climate change discussions , after it was pointed out to them in no uncertain terms, that he was a completely unqualified , self appointed , twat.
He will no doubt be resurrected as ‘ a leading social comentator’ !
Also mongbat moved to Wales and after years of slagging off car drivers he bought a car.
Personally, one of my favourite articles about him:
I may listen to his logic when he has filled his house with the folk he’s campaigning for, and as it will never happen that’s fine by me. His ilk believe their opinions apply to others and not themselves. It’s the old “dont do as I do, do as I tell you”…..bollocks to ’em!
Yes, Islam Not BBC (INBBC) still in denial on the Nile:
INBBC does not mention Islamic jihadists as murderers of Christian Copts.
INBBC ‘reporting’ in Egypt displays the following egregious features:
1.) it ignores the long history of Islamic persecution of Christian Copt minority;
2.) it invents the sloppy and false notion of ‘both sides are as bad as each other’;
3.) it relegates the actuality of Islamic supremacism, and instead talks up the notion of ‘sectarianism’;
4.) it gives the impression that the Islamic jihad mass murder of 21 Christians at a church is only as culpable as street protests by Christians against the Islamic jihad extreme violence against them, and against the lack of protection for Christians from the Egyptian government;
5.) it takes the word of the discredited Egyptian government;
6.) it doesn’t criticise Islamic interests for fear that:
(a) Islamic jihad violence and intimidation against its staff may result; and,
(b) INBBC would be closed down in Egypt.
(Of course, a dhimmified broadcaster is worse than no broadcaster, viewed from a British non-Muslim, non-INBBC political perspective.)
BBC North West Breakfast (and I assume the rest of the day), showed a list of the 12 parties and individuals going for the Rochdale & Oldham Bi-Election.
The list was left on the screen for only a few seconds and was split into two shots.
Labour sat prominently at the top of the list, with the BNP second followed by Conservatives in third.
Lib Dem’s propped up the bottom of the second page. Considering Lab/Con/Lib are the three main parties in this country I would have expected them to appear at the top of the list.
It wasn’t in alphabetical order of candidate either.
“It wasn’t in alphabetical order of candidate either.”
Alphabetical list of candidates (possibly with two missing, but the standard protocol for how they will appear on the ballot paper):
Debbie Abrahams (Labour)
Derek Adams (BNP)
Kashif Ali (Conservative)
Peter Allen (Green)
David Bishop (Church of the Militant Elvis)
The Flying Brick (Official Monster Raving Loony)
Loz Kaye (Pirate)
Stephen Morris (English Democrat)
Paul Nuttall (UKIP)
Elwyn Watkins (Liberal Democrat)
I stand corrected then, thank you. In my defence it was on the screen for less than 3 seconds (for 2 shots), so scanning names, positions etc wasn’t easy.
Have been enjoying the Beeb’s coverage of the VAT hike. Funny that whenever Labour put up yet another tax it was always portrayed as a good thing. Now that Coalition is in government they’ve certainly changed their tune.
Labour tax rise = positive
Coalition tax rise = negative
Don’t even think about expecting the Beeb to explore the reason as to why VAT is being increased.
A new year but the same old rancid bias.
Labour always taxed for a positive though, they dumped truck loads into NHS, Schools, Police, Immigration, Housing and other slush funds (their own pockets).
Yet the Coalition are now taxing to reduce debt, that is classed as negative taxing, hence the spite and vitriol that the bBC is throwing around like a baby-sans-dummy.
It will only get worse, the gov needs to clamp down on this public body, it needs cutting off at the knees.
Labour tax rise = investment
Tory tax rise = screwing the working classes.
The world of economics according to the drugged up beeboids.
R4 News reported it yesterday by saying “Ed Miliband attacked the VAT rise” and then had a comment from Brendan Barber. So I waited for the balance, a comment from the Government side, and waited, and waited …
Happy 2011 to everyone. It’ll be that bit happier for me as I’ve just cancelled my BBC subscription. Thanks to the internet I can watch all the TV I want on my computer.
I remember when I cancelled my Sky subscription a few years ago when I found I didn’t watch that many live premier league games. I received a series of letters thanking me for my custom and offering cut price offers in an attempt to make me re-subscribe. Unfortunately I know that the BBC is not so well-mannered and courteous. The threats of fines and criminal records will start soon.
Good luck with that, keep us informed with what happens, I’d be quite interested to know myself.
Please will somebody point Moonbat, Black and Harrabin to Joe Bastardi’s latest video here:
Bloody cold in the States coast to coast, soon, and his comments about why it snows, or doesn’t snow, depending upon which version of Global Warming you believe in at any one time…
Joe is THE MAN!!
(Posted elsewhere, too).
Isn’t the license fee a bargain, look at this front pager on the website
I’m lost for words…
Any evidence of BBC articles about Born-Again Christians having similar happy times?
Snap! (The old card game from Christmases of yore)
Identical in style and tenor.
“Another new Catholic who took catechism lessons from Bishop Vira is Vachirawalai Nakvirot, 42.
She was baptized in 2006 but her elder sister got to know she changed religion only last year. “That day, my sister and I quarreled all day,” recalled Vachirawalai, an architect.
She said she became interested in the Catholic faith after a Catholic friend helped her during a difficult time. “When I read the Bible, I experience warmth and peace,” she said.
She added that her relationship with her sister has since improved. “Now when I say ´God bless you´ while talking with my sister on the phone, she says ´Thank you.´ Last year, she used to hang up whenever she heard the word ´God.´”
Dechatorn Puangkaew, 42, who is married to a Catholic, shared that he used to take his wife to church every Sunday. The civil servant said he was “impressed by the Catholic teaching on love and forgiveness, and its shunning of materialism.”
When he decided to get baptized in 2007, he recalled that relatives and colleagues alike questioned his decision to do so. Yet he said he remains unfazed. “Whenever anyone questions me, I offer to take them to church. I would like them to know about Catholic teachings and see Church activities,” he said.”
People who were brought up in a religious household at least have an excuse, that its not their fault. It’s converts that worry me most – people looking for cause who are usually not very bright.
Young people of this persuasion settle for worrying about the Planet or The Poor. Keeps their conscience clear while trying to get laid or wasted or both. But grown ups converting to Islam, oh dear. Rebel in search of a cause. Tony Blair’s sister-in-law Laren Booth tired of her Socialst Workers Party antics and went Islam.
It might as well be the Hare Krishna in an orange Primark outfit.
She’s one verrrry silly moo.
I note 75% of the converts are female. Well, I guess that’s one way to avoid being groomed by Muslim sex gangs.
Good for Tim Willcox on the News Channel for challenging the Labour mouthpiece about how Labour was going to raise VAT and it’s BS to claim that it’s some nasty Tory thing that Labour wouldn’t have done. Evan Davies completely failed to do this when talking to the Postman this morning. I think that’s the first time outside of Andrew Neil I’ve heard a Beeboid challenge a Labourite about how they were going to raise VAT.
The Labour guy tried to lie about it, and Willcox wouldn’t let him. A rare sight indeed, and credit where due.
Classic Peter Allan comment today on 5Live when speaking to a representative of The Tax payers’ Alliance: “You can’t have better services and lower taxes”. Why not Peter? How about removing public sector waste? Or outsourcing some services to the efficient private sector. Beeboids cannot help themselves, can they?
Social Welfare turned over to Charity, 85% of what is given to charity reaches the people it needs. 9% of what is stolen from our pocket and put into Social Welfare reaches the people who need it.
The sums don’t add up in my book. I’m all for charity over force taxation.
The RNLI is a charity, would it be any better if it were directly funded by the state?
I doubt it, the BBC seem to think that the state does everything better.
I had a look at the RNLI published accounts just before Christmas. Not happy reading ! I am very wary of the big charities, but still preferable to Government , of course. But what isn’t !
The difference being that you can withdraw your support of a charity if they start messing about.
As I did done with the Royal British Legion it may sound callous, but I’ll fill you in so I don’t look like a twat for doing it.
About 8 years ago I made a donation of £8 to the RBL through a web site as part of a big push by a computer game that I play (World War II Online), after making the donation I didn’t think anything of it.
Then started a campaign of bombarding me with unwanted junk mail, from raffle tickets to personalised address labels and magazines about how the money I had donated helps the ex service men and women.
This carried on for 7 years, eating up my donation and other peoples donations in the process.
I don’t need to be harried into donating, I donate when I like. I now support Cancer Research and Mac’Millian by putting loose change into their pots in shops.
Good point. I resigned from the RSPB years ago when Barbara Young became CEO and boasted she knew nothing about birds and the RSPB changed from a conservation body to a political lobby organisation.
Isn’t that the same RSPB who, asked about the number of birds killed by flying into wind turbines, said saving the planet was more important. The Royal Society for the Protection of all Birds (Except Those Who Fly into Wind Turbines) Pure Monty Python.
The “planet-saving” meme is so pernicious precisely because it it pre-empts all charitable actions. Almost all charities whatever their origins have been turned into planet-savers, except possibly the Salvation Army. They haven’t yet found a connection between rough-sleeping in doorways and global warming. Give them time…
There is also evidence of the RSPB commissioning independent research into the effect of windfarms on Golden Eagles some years ago then suppressing/doctoring the results when they didn’t give them the answers they wanted. Sorry, don’t have the references to hand. I wouldn’t trust the RSPB an inch and I say that as an amateur bird-watcher !
any charity which either has a position on “climate change” or is engaged in “fighting climate change” can go hang for all I care. What a ghastly, scandalous waste of donations. On another note, I received an email from a bloke who works for London Underground. His job title is “Head of Climate Change”. Christ almighty. No wonder ticket prices are so high.
The BBC and balance…
Last night’s The World Tonight (ignoring the Palestinians arrested on terrorism charges at the British consulate in Jerusalem) discussed the Obama administration’s decision to allow oil companies to begin deep water drilling again with…an environmentalist.
Aaron Viles of the Gulf Restoration Network (and previously the left-wing consumer group CoPIRG, Green Scissors Coalition, Rainforest Action Network and another left-wing consumer group PIRGIM) was the only interviewee on the subject. He was unhappy with the decision and wanted more action against the oil companies.
Later, the Australian floods were used as the starting point for a discussion of the losses suffered by insurance companies because of natural disasters, but this was merely a pretext. The only interviewee was Ernst Rauch, head of Corporate Climate Centre at Munich Re, the world’s largest reinsurer. He was on because he believes there’s been “an upward trend” in “catastrophes” over the last 50 years and the cause is…climate change. (“What makes you think this is climate change generally over this last half century as opposed to any other cause?” asked presenter Roger Hearing.)
Unusually for this reliably left-liberal Radio 4 staple, there was a ‘personal view’ report by Conservative-supporter Dominic Lawson on the need for more work and less play in Britain’s schools to boost the UK’s competitiveness. Here the BBC remembers balance because tonight Mr Lawson will be balanced by a ‘personal view report’ from Anna Coote of the left-wing, new-agey, environmentalist New Economics Foundation, who will be arguing that we work too hard. The BBC remembers balance when it suits them.
There are more ‘catastrophes’ because:
a) There are more people living around the world to whom catastrophes happen.
b) There is global, instantaneous coverage in the media.
c) More urban growth in environmentally marginal areas…floods, earthquakes, hurricanes produce more damage because there is more to be damaged.
d) Insurance salesmen always use fear to sell ‘protection’ which is a sure bet because the house always wins. Premiums always match risk plus the house cut. The more punters the better.
Of course Insurance is useful…to cover all eventualities….but the best insurance to sell (from the salesman’s point of view )is the one that never has to pay out…..fancy insurance for a meteorite landing on your house, your missus or your cat?
Sadly, I have been away from this website for a couple of months so will have missed quite a lot but, what on earth are “green scissors” ?
Are they gardening implements ?
We missed you Grant!
Thanks, Craig. I missed B-BBC . I notice quite a few new posters here, a very healthy sign !
Welcome back!
“Australian floods were used as the starting point for a discussion of the losses suffered by insurance companies because of natural disasters“
Surely emphasis should be placed on the people who paid their insurance all their lives and in the event need a payout to help them, otherwise it makes a mockery of the insurance system and people should just bank the money themselves for the eventuality that something bad might happen down the line.
I just witnessed a lovely celebration of Islam on the News Channel. Yasmin Alibhai-Brown and some female former entertainment reporter who converted were enthusing about how wonderful Islam’s personal connection with God can be. To her credit, Alibhai-Brown expressed her concern – her “terror”, as she put it – that Wahabbism is the main force behind all these conversions, and that most women who convert are getting caught up in that “cult” rather than the happy, peaceful Islam in which she was raised.
The dopey entertainment reporter was a typical “born-again” type: all smiles and rainbows while explaining how the rigid structure of praying five times a day and fasting has liberated her and made her feel all warm and fuzzy. It’s so nice when the BBC appreciates conservative behavior.
Islam, we were encouraged to understand by the Beeboid presenters, has been misinterpreted, and here are some real examples of how great it really is and that people must be made aware of it.
No mention of Islam’s position on homosexuality, and the oppression of women was framed as an extreme position and not the norm. We were invited to understand that the entertainment reporter felt that she was no longer judged by her looks but instead by her deeds and merit. We were expected to believe that this magically applied to her employers and her field of entertainment.
It’s a new angle to promote the acceptance of Islam and dismissal of dissent, and the BBC is seizing the opportunity.
Yanmin Alibhai is married to some bloke called Brown who doesn’t sound all that Islamic. However, I don’t know anything about him and it is always possible that he converted. Who knows. She does speak out about the violence and mistreatment of women within Islamic families and the wider group and has written articles about forced marriages, forced wearing of the black garb etc.
Reasons for female conversion to Islam. A few thoughts to counter the hushed breathlessness of the beauty of Allah’s demands a la the News Channel:
1. Internal confusion in a complex world which cannot be overcome from inner resources
2. The need for hard rules to provide a sense of security in order to achieve an illusion of emotional orientation
3. The desire to be subsumed in a community which understands itself as morally exclusive and elected by a greater force
4. A certain degree of masochism…I only feel alive when under emotional stress
5. Failure to accept and take responsibilty for who and what I am and escape into a ready-made conscience with clear rules
6. To give certain painful experiences another dimension and explanation
7. To throw off the burdens of the past and experience the thrill of something new and affirming in the face of the social circumstances I have come from which have not massaged my narcissism to the extent I deserve.
A convert (female), under 30 rejecting her former life in a broken society (as she perceives it) illustrates my point above, I think.
I went to an old friend’s 21st birthday party in a bar,’ she said. ‘I walked in, wearing my hijab and modest clothing, and saw how everyone else had so much flesh on display. They were drunk, slurring their words and dancing provocatively.
‘For the first time, I could see my former life with an outsider’s eyes, and I knew I could never go back to that.
‘I am so grateful I found my escape route. This is the real me — I am happy to pray five times a day and take classes at the mosque. I am no longer a slave to a broken society and its expectations.’
But why choose between being a “slave to a broken society and its expectations” and a slave to an intolerant and often violent religion which will do her, as a woman, no favours, and even (if she gets married) a slave to her husband. Surely she could have chosen to take control of her own destiny and not be a slave to anyone or anything.
Excellent post, spot on.
RGH brilliantly spot on post !
agreed. Look, I hate to sound yobbish, but we need to get real. Those women converting are either self loathing white empty headed bleeding heart liberals who read the Guardian and think converting to Islam is some kind of statement on the apparent “illegal” invasion of Iraq, or a pikies living in an Islam dominated “community” (god I hate that BBC misnoma) who want to “belong”. I have seen it in my own neighbourhood and it just baffles me.
Did the programme investigate the problmes faced by people trying to convert FROM Islam?
Well the first President of Gambia, Sir Dawda Juwara, was brought up a muslim, converted to Christianity to marry a catholic, and converted back to Islam to marry a muslim, without divorcing his first wife. Doesn’t seem to have done him any harm 😀
Just watched the headlines on the BBC1 10pm news. VAT has gone up! I’m shocked, I didn’t know! It makes things like petrol and beer more expensive! I hadn’t heard! And some dozy vox pop gets in the headlines saying things are going to be much dearer.
They seem to think I have an IQ of 90. (Judging by the way I swore at the TV, maybe they have a point after all.)
John page: They seem to think I have an IQ of 90. (Judging by the way I swore at the TV, maybe they have a point after all.)
😀 😀
I am too busy listening to Mozart on Radio 3 this week to even think of watching Beeboid News. It is on continuously day and night, literally around the clock – all of it Mozart! Operas starting at 1 in the morning. How extraordinary. It is wonderfully enjoyable and I cannot think of a better antidote to the poison of Beeboid news than the sheer pleasure and mellow power of Mozart.
Well I’m getting more than a little bored with constant Mozart!
Quite right, Millie. I’ve been listening too. Brilliant.
It’s hard to believe that it’s the same broadcaster that puts out all this biased rubbish on other channels. Perhaps the BBC should be reduced to Radio 3 only, as it does that rather well, and stripped of everything else, with burning of the beeboids in the village square.
I would suggest a slower death than burning.
See this article on the VAT increase – especially the James Sesay case study:
Tx for that.
One has always wondered what ‘guides’ the BBC’s choices of who the BBC features. As you say… a small hint…
‘We are very grateful that the working tax credit and the child tax credit, established by Labour, are helping us to stay afloat.’
What normal, average, working schmo issues a statement like that? It’s a pure cut ‘n paste from a press release.
Aunty, you minx, you really are not even pretending any more, are you?
Food and drink for human consumption is, in general, zero-rated but many items are standard-rated, including alcoholic drinks, confectionery, crisps and savoury snacks, food for catering or hot takeaways, ice cream, soft drinks and mineral water.
Because certain food and drink is zero-rated, so too are certain animals and animal feeds, and plants and seeds – if the animal or plant in question is normally used for human consumption.
NYC blizzard: Feds open criminal probe into alleged city worker conspiracy during storm response
Federal prosecutors have opened a criminal probe of allegations that public employees conspired to paralyze the city in last week’s blizzard, sources said Tuesday.
The investigation by the Brooklyn U.S. Attorney’s public integrity unit was prompted by Queens Councilman Dan Halloran’s revelation that guilt-wracked sanitation and transportation workers had confessed an alleged work slowdown to him.
BBC: ZZzzzzzzz
Sorry if this was covered before, I could not find. So
Palestinian orchestra to hold debut concert in Ramallah
Some problems with the short article:
“The Palestinian National Orchestra will play a mix of Palestinian classical compositions” – claims the BBC, but reports about the concert(s) (see here) say they played a Palestinian Anthem besides concertos.
The group was formed in 1994 but will make a debute now – writes the BBC. Tell me please, what exatly had happened for the last 17 years? Rehearsal after rehearsal? ‘cuse me.
What is the lede meant to mean? ‘The first Palestinian orchestra of professional classical musicians since 1948 is due to perform its debut concert in Ramallah in the West Bank.’ What 1948 is doing in this sentence?
The BBC somehow does not mention two very important things. The leader of the orchestra wrote: “Today an orchestra, tomorrow a state”. Ooooops.
Plus, this whole orchestra thing is a project, and not at all an orchestra one would think about. No mention of this on the Beeb of course. Because had it mentioned this. the whole idea of a Palestinian cultural achivement, which connnects to the Western heritage would had collapsed.
This is nothing new, just old BBC rubbish. But I found this part truly embarrassing:
“The programme also consists of a piece by the modern Hungarian Jewish composer, Gyorgy Ligeti, both of whose parents were sent to Auschwitz.”
I have so many issues with this I do not know where to begin.
Ligeti was a Hungarian composer. And yes, he had Jewish origins, but as far as I concerned he never made his faith public. Nor he ever publicised the tragic fate of his family.
And by the way, his father ‘was sent’ to Bergen-Belsen and not Auschwitz, but he was never ‘sent back’ – to use the language of the BBC. Ligeti’s brother, Gábor was killed in Mauthausen. His mother was deported to Aushwitz and she survided.
Ligeti had his own issues with the Fascist Hungarian regime: he could not study at a university because of the numerus clausus, so he choose the music conservatory to learn composing. He was drafted as a labour serviceman.
Some very basic questions remain unanswered. Why is it important enough to mention, that the Palestinian project orchestra plays a piece from a Jew? And why is it important enough to mention that his parents were victims of the Holocaust? And why it is NOT important enough to fact check, where and what happened to Ligeti’s family?
Also big question here, why exactly the Palestinian orchestra decided to play Ligeti? Was it his music? Or was it his origin? If it is the first, than how the BBC dares to expose someone’s (Ligeti died one and a half years ago) intimate data? If it is the second, the BBC should have noted that this is politics and not art and not music at all.
Now I’ve found some comments of this here as well.
That’s a good article by Ray Cook, thanks for the link. Heres one by EOZ.
Excellent post. Also I wonder if all the players in the orchestra are Palestinian ?
“The Palestine Symphony Orchestra now numbers 72. Germans make up about half the number, the rest are Poles and Russians. Six are natives of Palestine….”
(From the above link. EOZ)
Surprise, surprise !!!!
I’m sure they’re very good at old SS Marching tunes.
I read that as the Palestine Sympathy Orchestra. Its a simple enough mistake to make.
I think you’ll find that the BBC is the Palestine Sympathy Orchestra 😉
In case anyone is confused this refers to Jews in 1936.
The Palestine Symphony Orchestra was founded in 1936 under the leadership of Bronislaw Huberman.Conditions in Europe had become such that the orchestra could serve as a haven for persecuted Jewish musicians. Many immigration certificates became available, as the orchestra could provide employment for the refugees.
In 1948, the orchestra changed its name to the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra.
I don’t know if any Arabs played in the orchestra but the documents of all the musicians would have listed them as Palestinian. So the first Palestinian orchestra of professional classical musicians since 1948 is a fairly meaningless description. It implies that a professional orchestra consisting of Arabs existed before 1948. I have found no record of it.
The entire front page of the Times today is under a headline “Conspiracy of silence on UK sex gangs. Most convicted offenders of Pakistani heritage. Pattern of abuse across the North and Midlands”
I bet that gets lead mention on Today’s review of the papers. “This story needs the disinfectant of publicity” is a sidequote.
Actually, it was mentioned at the end of the paper review. Much to my surprise.
The BBC’s online paper review ignored it completely though.
Listened to Toady – 7 am news reported that the Local Government minister Bob Neill had criticised councils for allowing uncollected refuse to build up.
The BBC then played a soundclip from Richard Kemp, the ‘Vice Chairman of the Local Government Group’, who described refuse collectors as “heroes”, and condemned Mr Neill as “an insignificant little minister”.
Mr Kemp is not merely a spokesman for the LGA, he is also a Lib Dem councillor in Liverpool. By giving him airtime to criticise the Minister with overall responsibility ofr local government, without revealing his own political affiliation at least, demonstrates bias and poor judgement by the BBC.
‘Paul Mason says, ‘I am strictly limiting my follows to 100, and editing them regularly – and I would say this is the “network” I most value because it is mainly other journos, politicos… ‘
Is this a case of Caesar only hearing what he wants to hear?’
To which one might only add… ‘then filtering before broadcasting to an audience of 60M+ who, uniquely, are obliged to pay for the privilege of being served such limited viewpoints’
Three things to get off my chest I’m afraid.
1) All this talk of VAT risees hitting the poorest in society and families is really annoying me. The basics of living (food, kids clothing) are either VAT exempt or at the reduced rate. In the same breath as complaining about ‘regressiveness’ they go on to talk about how much flat screen TVs will go up. Flat screen TVs are a luxury not a necessity.
2) BBC Breakfast TV this morning complaining that there’s been a rush on flu vaccine and kids can’t get it. Perhaps that’s due to the BBC’s scaremongering over the Christmas / New Year period?
3) Had to laugh at John Pinnaar last night on R5 reporting on the VAT rise. Lead in by the host and economics editor talked of how hard it will be for everyone and how it might reduce consumption. Cut to actual people in the shopping centres, every one of them stating they won’t notice the rise and are continuing to shop. Back to Pinnaar doing what he can to spin the Labour line.
The public don’t care, they’re making out that we’re in some economic turmoil when clearly we are picking and choosing when and where to spend our money.
People have priorities, currently people are paying down their mortgages & credit cards.
I’m still with Lord Young on this, he’s right, I have never had it better, I’ve been capable of paying down my mortgage at an increased rate for the last 2 years now, the final piece in my debt jigsaw.
A story that will no doubt be receiving the in-depth attention it deserves on tomorrow morning’s TODAY programme. Or perhaps not. TODAY is a key factor in contributing to the climate of fear that has allowed gangs of child rapists to get away with their crimes because of their ethnicity. I remember Harrumphrys interviewing a senior Met Officer after the beyond ridiculous MacPherson Report. The officer referred to coloured people as, well, coloured people. “We don’t use that expression anymore” intoned Harrumphrys in his most overbearing Thought Police manner. Unfortunately the officer spluttered out a retraction instead of telling him where to go. How about this expression Harrumphrys: ‘child grooming Pakistani paedophiles’ who get away with it because of correctnick nonce enabling disgraces like you?
INBBC appears to be somewhat politically frustrated in its reporting of the range of Islamic opposition at the funeral of Mr. Taseer, (a ‘liberal’ in Pakistan terms), but INBBC’s Islamophilia gets in the way of reasoned reporting.
For example, without demur, INBBC reports this:
“Five hundred scholars from the moderate Barelvi sect of Sunni Muslims have warned that anyone who expresses grief over the assassination could suffer the same fate.”
(The INBBC use of the word “Moderate” in the above context is a classic.)
And in his weak Islamophilic attempt at ‘Analysis’ in a piece on the right of the report, INBBC’s M. Ilyas Khan (presumably a Muslim himself, but we are never told) criticises “religious politicians” in Pakistan (code for orthodox Muslim politicians) like this:
[Extract from ‘Analysis’ section on righ-hand side of page]:
“For example, they [religious politicians] often condemn suicide attacks by militants on civilian targets, but in the same breath qualify the act as caused by ‘anger over excesses being committed against Muslims by Western powers’. ”
But the above paragraph could equally be applied to much of INBBC reporting on Pakistan, and Islam, thus:
“For example, they [INBBC] often condemn suicide attacks by militants [‘Islamic jihadists’ phrase censored] on civilian targets, but in the same breath qualify the act as caused by ‘anger over excesses being committed against Muslims by Western powers’.
I’d like to see Jezza Vine to ‘debate’ this quaint notion over the usual carefully vetted fare…
‘While many religious leaders have publicly justified the murder, the liberal sections of society have been more cautious in condemning it. This is due to the rising tendency in society to silence voices of religious dissent…’
Maybe a bit close to home team practices for comfort?
INBBC and Pakistan:
-responsible for Islamophilic reporting by largely Muslim reporters, paid for by British licencepayers (who are 94% non-Muslim), with reports targeted at Muslims in Pakistan and at Pakistani Islamic diaspora in Britain.
INBBC soon loses sight of the inherent Islamic jihad violence and intimidation in the Islamic Pakistan society, so that the case at the centre of the present crisis, the intimidation of Christians by Muslims is reduced to a page of this (largely) waffle from Pakistan’s media, under the misleading headline, [a word added]:
“Pakistan media” [hardly] “condemns Salman Taseer’s assassination”
Non-INBBC alternative articles on Islamic Pakistan:
The hilariously titled ‘Your Reaction’ (Err, no, BBC – the reaction of some random Pakistanis, who, incidently, do not pay the licence fee) here has some wonderful insight into the mind-set over there.
Take this, for example:
The governor’s assassination comes as a shock. Even moderate Muslims know that his statement on the blasphemy law wasn’t appropriate. Religion is a very sensitive issue in our part of the world. We all remember how angered the Muslim world got about the blasphemous caricatures in a Danish newspaper. Rehman, Karachi, Pakistan
(So, yes, the Danish cartoons were blasphemous)
Islamabad is in lockdown as people prepare for the backlash to the assassination of the governor. Already the streets are empty, shops and markets have closed and there lots of police vehicles racing around the city. Saj Malik, Islamabad Pakistan
(Moderate muslims, presumably, are about to riot it seems. I hope they do it in a moderate fashion)
The concern for most of the residents here is their own security – people worry about any possible backlash after his assassination. He was a notorious and hated person. Junaid, Lahore, Pakistan
(Though he was only hated by the moderates)
I am an orthodox Sunni Muslim and politically I support the PML-N [Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz] which means I didn’t like late governor. But I also condemn his assassination because it is religiously and morally a sin. He just expressed his views about blasphemy law – which is not a divine law. It is a man-made law and man-made things can’t be perfect. Muhammad Ramzan, Sargodha
(It was his own fault for not being a proper muslim)
Although the common perception is that Mr Taseer was assassinated for his outspoken views on the blasphemy law in Pakistan, it would be very short-sighted to assume that a lone gunman decided to execute him for this reason alone. It is much more likely that he was assassinated for more wide-scale political reasons. Nameer Rehman, Karachi, Pakistan
(No muslim would do this – they’re all moderates – look for another explanation)
The killing of the governor is an alarming incident. It will have serious implications in political circles. At the moment, it provides an escape for the ruling party from lurking danger of dismissal. However, it should be noted that any person who dares to go against general public sentiments may have to face this kind of fate. The issue of blasphemy is very serious and needs to be resolved within the ambit of legal means. Nadi Yousafzai, Peshawar, Pakistan
(Don’t blaspheme or the moderates will kill you)
I am shocked and speechless. Mr Taseer was a brave man who stood openly against terrorism and the blasphemy law which ultimately lead to his death by his own fundamentalist guard. Taseer’s brutal murder also shows how security agencies have been penetrated by extremists in Pakistan. There is little hope to reverse this pattern. Akhtar Rind, Hyderabad, Pakistan
(The moderates have already taken control. we’re screwed. This must be the ‘balance’ because its the only comment that makes sense)
I am truly sorry for this tragic incident. The governor not only proposed amendments but also stood up against the cruelty of the law calling it “black law” in Urdu meaning “dark law” in the language’s context. This event has revealed the inefficiency of security forces and brought to the attention of the world the social prejudice present inside Pakistan. The international community should hence look into the solutions to solving the society’s problems in such countries through introducing human development measures such as education. Shahmeer Naveed Arshad, Lahore, Pakistan
(This is all the fault of the west. We are too stupid to stop killing each other)
Why did the BBC pick this lot of comments to publish? Do they somehow reflect the view of the corporation I wonder? 😉
Brilliant post, Ray !
INBBC only gets a dishonourable mention in the last line of this article by ‘Cranmer’:
“Coptic Christians cannot celebrate Christmas for fear of Muslim terror attacks… in Germany”
Radio 5 had a piece on this morning about gobby Charlotte Church who has been shooting her welsh gob off about the Queen. So who does the BBC go to for a comment piece? Why Sam Delany of course, he is a regular bum boy on Radio 5 a man who’d happily share a bottle of baby oil with Richard Bacon, former editor of Heat Magazine (compulsory reading in the cubicals of the Hampstead Heath toilets I’m sure) AND he worked for the Liebour party.
So Delany backs up Church (BBC sniggers all round) that the Queen is a bit of a duffer and she really should know who Charlotte Church is and what a great role model she is for shouting her fat mouth off.
I’m not surprised they wheeled out this halfwitted mong as he’s on speed dial to the BBC but why can’t the BBC for once actually point out that the Queen deserves a bit of respect (unlike the rent boy molesters at the BBC) and Church should have been ignored or someone should have pointed out she’s a fat talentless Welsh windbag once married to a shit Rugby player?
Steady on ! For all the extraneous twatting about he does, Henson is a pretty good rugby player.
(Unless “a shit rugby player” actually refers to a player of the Welsh game of “shit rugby”, invented during the Depression when real rugger balls were too expensive and “alternatives” had to be found. Especially popular in the neighbourhood of Tredegar I think you’ll find).
Buggy Henson has to be the most over rated player ever!
Call me naive, but what kind of people drink baby oil ?
You don’t ‘share’ the baby oil that way Grant 🙂
I am sure I wouldn’t know what you are talking about 😉
If it’s not extra virgin (are there any extra virgins at the bBC?) baby oil, then they might be on the Shangrila Diet –
Israeli spying
What do commenters make of this
Apparently Saudi officials believe that Mossad has a squadron of highly traines spy vultures as well as their ninja killer sharks. The best part is that the Saudi authorities are threatening to punish the bird. I seem to recall that Europe gave up punishing animals in the middle ages. Glad to see that reason and rationality haven’t contaminated the purist, 9th century, approach to reality in the Kingdom. Perhaps the BBC should speed dial the MCOB for comment on this latest dastardly plot – clearly a calculated insult as we all know vultures are neither ‘haram’ nor ‘kosher’
You couldn’t make it up
Welcome back, Grant. Hope the house-building went well.
Cheers, David !
Just heard on monday, we got planning permission to build. From application to consent took 3 weeks. Must be a world record and Gambian planning laws are stricter than the UK ! Things move fast there when money is involved !!
I spent a bit of time asking Gambians about the BBC and will post the results when I have a bit more time
The quote by Antony Jay at the bottom of the page reminds me of the episode in the third series of “Yes, minister “, “The Challenge”.
I don’t have a very good memory but, since nobody, not even my mother, gave me a Christmas present this year, I treated myself to a boxed DVD set of all episodes of “Yes, Minister” and “Yes, Prime Minister” which I am steadily working my way through.
There is a passage in “The Challenge” where Sir Humphrey confronts a Beeboid with files showing evidence of BBC bias. It is quite uncanny. It could have been written yesterday.
Just mention it , in case any BBC-C “viewers” get the chance to see it.
Should read “BBC-B” !
Starting at 2:34 in:
David P,
Many thanks for that. Amazing to think that that episode is about 20 years old !
‘It’s not in my interest, and I represent the public; so it’s not in the public interest’
At least they don’t deal in factual errors, security issues, or out of date stuff. Oh, nos. Can’t be too careful.
Unique, Minister.
Hmm, having just watched DP’s posting of the excerpt, I hope Santa brings me that box set next Christmas, or sooner! Today in Spain is ‘El día de Reyes’ ‘Three Kings Day’, Spain’s ‘second Christmas’. Maybe one of them might bring me it!
I got my set from Amazon, some great deals before Christmas. I can’t remember how much, but it was pretty good.
Trust the Spanish to have 2 “christmasses” 😀
Interesting. In Ireland Little Christmas.
How the bBC summarises the attacks on Egyptian Copts:
“The BBC’s Jon Leyne in Cairo says suspicion and fear between Christians and Muslims has been growing in Egypt for some time, made worse by tough economic conditions and a discredited political system.”
I’m intrigued by how the bBC reporter based in Egypt while attributing all of this on mis-management by the present government , leaves out the hand of Islam via the bBCs preferred Egyptian party , the Muslim Brotherhood and how it and not the government is responsible for the lack of jobs in the country such as:
Demonising anybody who works at the Israeli sponsored border factories which employ hundreds of thousands.(700 companies)
Trying to get Egypt to cut back on gas exports to Israel (Thus denying Eygpt of revenue)
Promoting attacks on the Egyptian tourist industry
All of which points at the bBCs preferred Egyptian Political party (The Muslim Brotherhood) as the primary reason why so many people are unemployed. I mean it doesn’t help when the plebs are told that Allah will provide for all when they get into power.
Well a MB administration would provide plenty of jobs in the meat cleaver industries for head chopping and the rope trade for hanging the many enemies of islam and think of all the stone sorters and graders for stoning defenceless women to death and the whip industry would rocket.
An islamist MB administration would certainly make the great child molester and mass murderer very happy and he would reward the people with lots of…er…uhm…?
So a full flavour return to the dark ages would please the BBC and who at the BBC would give a sh*t if hundreds of thousands of women and Christians were butchered after an MB takeover? I mean its not like they are real people and what of the women of Egypt forced into slavery? Naah the BBC conscience is clear.
And “suspicion and fear between Christians and Muslims”. Note the equivalence. The BBC, as always, being even-handed !
Just imagine how today’s BBC would have covered Kristalnacht!
Tensions between Germans and Jews rose to a peak last night when there were widespread riots caused by the Jews refusing to leave Germany. Many people were killed and injured, and many religious buildings were destroyed. This is the worst case of rioting caused by Jewish intransigence since the Pogroms in Russia and Poland before the Great War.
Brilliant !!!
It was the Jews’ fault for putting glass in the wrong place at the wrong time !
I suspect that were Herr Bowen the BBC Correspondent at the time, each report would have ended with. “Record numbers of Germans continue to be in debt to Jewish money-lenders. Many believe the Germans are forced to pay extortionate rates of interest. Chancellor Hitler has promised to deal with the causes of the disturbances.”
TOADY programme, between 7-30 and 8, ran a story about a firm in London which has supplied drugs to the American penal system for executions.
Was I the only one who found this objectionable rubbish? Why should US penal reform be the business of the BBC, and when did it decide that harrassing a businesman (by deliberately broadcasting his address to attract its fellow travelling loonies) was a news item?
The man has clearly done nothing illegal, but will now have the rain of the left down on him for an action he can no longer repeat even if he wanted to (unless Cable grants him a licence to export).
For Heaven’s sake, can’t the US supply their own drugs ?
The BBC broadcast the man’s address? If anything happens to him, the BBC would be guilty of aiding and abeting a crime.
Also on Today the BBC analysed overpaid senior directors of private companies. For an impartial discussion – prefaced by Robert Peston who set out the BBC agenda “highly paid people – or actually anyone – in the private sector are scum” – on came Brendan Barber (so thick he could insulate Britain) and unknown investment guru Garry Wilson (new to the speed dial but he’ll be on again) to agree that senior directors of private companies are overpaid. What a surprise!
As it happens I consider they are overpaid but I also consider that footballers, pop stars and BBC “journalists” are overpaid. OTOH, generally speaking, I’m not taxed to support private businessmen, footballers and pop stars.
I heard this mentioned on the Radio 3 news headlines in terms of bosses being overpaid relative to their workers. Well, I thought…em…trade union leaders relative to their workers…I mean, members. No mention of that. Strangely.
Did you catch the advice about banking guarantees – there is a limit of £85K per banking licence – so you have to split savings greater than that across multiple licences – and it is very hard to work out which ‘banks’ are in the same group. Fine so far, good advice for the wealthy with more than £85K of investments. The surprise came when the BBC journo said that he had distributed his savings across multiple banks…… Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn’t that meam that he has savings greater than £85K?
Seems to me that BBC journos are on extremely thin ice when it comes to criticising bloated plutocratic salaries. Didn’t some jounior female TV reported tell the world that she ‘earned’ £95K a couple of years back. Paxo is on £1m, Fiona Bruce reputed to be on £850K and so on. Is this acceptable in a publically funded organisation, does their ‘talent’ justify this, how the hell does Kate (aww look at the ikkle bikkle lambies) Humble keep appearing on TV and how much is she paid? Answers on a postcard please
I think there is an ‘either’ missing in that first sentence between ‘word’ and ‘it’…
BBCNewsnight BBC Newsnight Don’t just take Michael Crick’s word for it see what #newsnight‘s political panel think will shape the year in politics
..but at least they can still do great comedy!
Is there no end to their drivel?
Gordon lost, just deal with it will you.
For the BBC, Gordon the Moron is still PM. For the rest of us he is a non-person. It is as if he never existed, if it were not for the awful mess he has left behind him.
A real shock – the BBC’s Jeremy (the Red) Vine taking apart Milliband as if he’d been a Conservative leader. It just shows that there are occasional attempts at balance. The first caller also tears Milliband a new hole, then there are a small number of critical texts read out, but this is followed by wall-to-wall Labour supporters.
Either they heard the drubbing The Leader was getting so they rushed to offer their support, or the researchers decided to aid Red Ed by only allowing left-wing callers.
It was nice to hear a BBC interviewer take on a Labour politician in the way that they regulary do with Conservative MPs.
Even ex-BBC 2 TV controller, Attenborough, criticisies BBC-NUJ empire-building:
“Cut back the BBC, says Sir David Attenborough after defecting to Sky”
While Attenborough approves the leftist propaganda of ‘his’ BBC-NUJ as unchallengeable, he is realistic enough to see that the Corporation would collapse without the compulsory British viewers’ tax which pays for it all.
Read more:
Fox News has a live feed of the reading of the US Constitution in the House of Representatives on their website. It’s fascinating. Doesn’t sound so scary or oppressive or confusing at all now that it’s being read out clearly.
When the bit about the requirement that the President be born in the US was read out, some birther in the gallery started shouting and had to be removed. Very amusing. I’m sure the BBC won’t hesitate to mention it, and remind you all of how crazy so many people are (so many evil enemies of the President!), and connect it to the Tea Party movement.
Otherwise, the proceedings have been very dignified.
Yes, good stuff; I wonder if Mardell is watching it on Fox News.
To recap, Fox News is on Sky satellite, channel 509 in UK.
Perhaps Fox News’ Glenn Beck* will cover US Constitution this evening on his show, as he frequently does, because, as he keeps saying: it’s vital political material. (* 10 pm, UK time.)
I think eveyone remembers the BBC reports regarding the ‘rubbish islands in the oceans, reporting on behalf of the eco confidence tricksters the BBC went overboard and produced without evidence claims that the size of these garbage islands amounted to twice the size of Texas. The claims that plastic waste is non biodegradable is seen to be wrong because the amounts found do not correspond to the increasing amounts produced, this means that the plastic is going somewhere and it is being consumed, the plasic waste is being degraded and consumed by specialist microbes and as the amount of plastic has increased so natures ost incredible cleaners have found another food source.
Wild claims from the BBC proved wrong yet again and will the BBC revisit the dozens of reports in churned out?
These claims of perpetual and growing islands of plastic rubbish were of course dead wrong and exaggerated greatly and will the BBC correct or revisit their previous scaremongering reports on the subject? Great islands of rubbish do exist and have since the dawn of the oceans and the majority of the islands that do exist are organic matter mixed with inorganic detritus and this provides a huge food chain from microbes and bacteria to fish and the waste product from these islands seeds the oceanic deserts that exist in the open ocean with life.
The amount of plastic in the oceans as remained stable despite a huge increase in its use, now why would that be if plastic is non degradable as claimed? In fact plastic is biodegradable via specalist microbes that break down the plastic for use as food, the rise of plastic has caused a rise in these specialist microbes. Wonderful things microbes they feed next to deep ocean volcanic vents known as black smokers at boiling point, not supposed to exist and denied for decades they are called extremophiles and thay have been found munching on the by product of nuclear reactors to deep in the earth feeding on rocks.
So the fraud is being exposed bit by bit, claim by cynical dishonest scaremongering claim, the green eco fraudsters have been caught lying yet again and the BBC have been caught giving prime uncritical airtime to cynical deceptions. Now why would the facts about plastic be so assiduously hidden behind a smokescreen? The eco fraudsters love their photo op button pushers you see, plastic represents human activity, it has instant emotional appeal for the simple minded and trusting masses. The eco fraudsters present pictures of rubbish and the public equate rubbish with disease and its this televisual appeal that the eco fraudster propagandists look for and gaurd jealously.
The eco fraudsters have been lying, they have been caught lying and the BBC is complicit in the fraud because they aired the lies with complete confidence and their frontmen passed on the lies without critical examination. Positive aspects about rubbish islands in the oceans great dead zones providing a full spectrum habitat that seeds these dead zones is missing and the culprits have good reason to do this, the rubbish islands have been a televisual propaganda tool for the eco fraudsters but now the facts emerge where are the BBC? Bot sure about plastic being biodegrable? Ask a farmer, place plastic in good rich dark moist productive earth and wait six months then dig it up and examine it.
I await the BBC’s withdrawal of this piece of informed journalism
I see the BBC are leaving out crucial information as usual and as usual they claim little is known and then go on to air claims that plastic is damaging to wildlife. So the experts do not know about the effects of plastic waste but they know its harmful?
In fact a perfectly sound way to analyze the consumption of plastic in sea birds and it can provide a wealth of information, its simple and direct using simple portable labs, know what it is yet?
Bird shit! Thats right, shit piles on islands in the area, you take the shit and place it under a microscope look for telltale signs of intestinal stresses and then seperate the waste and look for the plastics, take the separated liquid and check for other signs of digestive tract stress and the results are easy to find and publish. The areas would yield dead young and sick birds and shells from the eggs would perfect for studying the effects of ingested plastics, the shit would also yield evidence of fish problems, I mean its not as if there have not been hundreds of thousands of man hours spent studying sea bird colonies, so where is the evidence?
If plastics are a problem then the first place to find it would be the bird colonies and in the great big piles of shit found therin, easy isnt it? Well wadya know, funny that the scientist who study such things have not yet found such an easy way to find plastic poisoning or maybe the findings just do not suit the eco narrative and so do not see the light of day and the BBC aint about to go looking are they?
The BBC report is a perfect classic BBC report, it takes no evidence yet leaves the viewer with the distinct impression that the thing the scientists do not have any evidence for acually does and causes the very things the scientists have no evidence for. A televisual Penn & Teller trick, not that P & T will be seen on the BBC now, they are banned antisocial elements and enemies of the party, wonder why that would be? The BBC have long memories, they also keep close track of all show biz talent and only those wih the correct attitude get on the airwaves.
So if the eco fraudsters need you to believe that something is bad and they have no evidence for that stance then the BBC is ready to help along with the SEJ/NUJ of course.
I don’t have any way of checking it but I seem to be receiving more spam than usual.
Global spam e-mail levels suddenly fall
Allison Pearson has a good go at Vanessa Whitburn and the BBC.
“Private education is anathema to right-on BBC producers, even though in a village like Ambridge many farming families and other well-to-do locals naturally send their offspring to fee-paying schools. I’m afraid that what’s natural in the country doesn’t concern Vanessa Whitburn. Her barely-disguised agenda is to use the show to air issues which sit comfortably in a metropolitan club, not a village hall. In fact, Ms Whitburn once said: ‘To be politically correct is really to be moral. It is having a correct moral stance. PC is, in fact, my moral plank.’ “
Her moral plank? How thick is that?
Not just one plank, but as thick as a lot of planks.
As George R would say, not for the BBC:
Union Boss: Unions Aren’t About Worker Wages But “Massive Social Change”
Another addition to the “Unflattering Photos of The Obamessiah the BBC Will Never Show You, In Stark Contrast to How They Treated Bush” file:
Just found this image on EUREF. Says it all does it not? 😀 😀
To assist in the decoding of INBBC’s deliberately vague report here, suggest scroll down:
INBBC report:
“UK terrorism security threat level raised at airports”
‘Jihadwatch’ fills in some gaps:
Heavy police presence in London amid fears of new jihad attack
On ‘Eastenders’:
“Turning human tragedy into hysterical fantasy insults the grief of those, like me, who’ve known the loss of a baby”
By Bel Mooney
Read more:
‘Daily Express’:
Read more:
INBBC & its non-moderate ‘moderate’ Muslims of PAKISTAN:
“Moderate Muslims Take a Stand ”
(‘Gates of Vienna’.)